Sacred truly is a great euphemism to censorshit and control. Keeping the sedated sheeple nicely quiet in their lines and conveyor belts... all the way to the grinder.
If entire ass continuum must be avoided and thus nothing that comes from poop is not allowed, one can't talk about anything. Pretty normal since in a world of failing debt ponzi economics, truth is painted as greatest enemy. It is hidden away, under a "monetary stimuli" and other empty confetti but even fire does not burn of kill it.
" One can ignore reality but one cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. "
Sacred truly is a great euphemism to censorshit and control. Keeping the sedated sheeple nicely quiet in their lines and conveyor belts... all the way to the grinder.
If entire ass continuum must be avoided and thus nothing that comes from poop is not allowed, one can't talk about anything. Pretty normal since in a world of failing debt ponzi economics, truth is painted as greatest enemy. It is hidden away, under a "monetary stimuli" and other empty confetti but even fire does not burn of kill it.
" One can ignore reality but one cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. "
I pity Business Managers and Marketers in the entertainment industry who have to water down and neuter the content of creators to ensure the drooling masses won't become offended and will continue to provide them with an influx of shekels. Or deal with the inevitable fallout and complaints for people whose feelings were hurt.
I like how instead of fleshing out the fact they're in Benaroya Hall with - say - a background that properly conveys the setting, they decided just to make it a plain pea green with a few flecks of texture. It's a bold move, leaving it up to the reader's imagination to fill the scene, as we all know what the famous Benaroya Hall looks like. I know it like the back of my hand, I could draw a map for you right now if I wanted. In fact, I have:
I like how instead of fleshing out the fact they're in Benaroya Hall with - say - a background that properly conveys the setting, they decided just to make it a plain pea green with a few flecks of texture. It's a bold move, leaving it up to the reader's imagination to fill the scene, as we all know what the famous Benaroya Hall looks like. I know it like the back of my hand, I could draw a map for you right now if I wanted. In fact, I have:
Are you returning your comic for a refund because it proved unsatisfactory then?
There was no mention of not talking about unidentifiable brown stains that smell of fecal particles.
I love how blunt Gabe is with his simple 3-word interjection. XD
I haven't seen this much unwarranted outrage and misunderstanding since Marie-Antoinette told her husband Louis XVI that she wanted to lift the restrictions on the consumption of baked goods.
If the background is a little bland (green background) or the art style a little strange (Khoo's balloon head), that's because this is the strip that is drawn on the fly, live in front of an audience every year at PAX. At least, I think it is... I wasn't at PAX Prime this year, so I really can't confirm. Here's an example (I think... I haven't actually vetted the video) from PAX Prime 2010:
I like how instead of fleshing out the fact they're in Benaroya Hall with - say - a background that properly conveys the setting, they decided just to make it a plain pea green with a few flecks of texture. It's a bold move, leaving it up to the reader's imagination to fill the scene, as we all know what the famous Benaroya Hall looks like. I know it like the back of my hand, I could draw a map for you right now if I wanted. In fact, I have:
Another sad saint from happy sacred ground ? Have a flying hotdog.
Isn't drawing Robert with a spherical head just a teensy bit racist? Mike never used to draw him like that.
Oh jeez, another professional resenter, maybe sprouting from the sacred grounds too. Do tell how the spherical shape is related to racism, we are all so very interested.
Calm your balls.
Noting that something you enjoy may have some unintentional racism in it is not 'professional resentment'.
I enjoy PA very much, but it doesn't mean I can't note what looks like a stereotypical portrayal of an asian man in it. That doesn't mean I want to burn Mike alive or that I think he's a bad person, nor has anyone said that, so chill.
Those of us who are white should be attentive to possible racism, even unintentional racism, and talk about it when we see each other do something that seems racist.
Donovan PuppyfuckerA dagger in the dark isworth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered Userregular
Isn't drawing Robert with a spherical head just a teensy bit racist? Mike never used to draw him like that.
Oh jeez, another professional resenter, maybe sprouting from the sacred grounds too. Do tell how the spherical shape is related to racism, we are all so very interested.
Just search the archives for "Robert" and have a look at how he's been drawn previously, and compare it to now. Then Google some racist Asian caricatures, and note the head shape...
I'm 100% sure Mike didn't mean for the portrayal to be racist in any way, they're old friends.
Shit, we had posts bitching about censorship BEFORE we had posts bitching about racism? It's like you guys are psychic or something.
Seriously though, it's all drawn on the fly so nothing is intentional and no time is left to stress over this kind of stuff. I mean, look at Khoo's suit in the last panel, it looks wonky as hell.
The funny thing about the censorship comments is that the comic is very intentionally subverting any attempt at censorship by basically consisting entirely of butt and poop jokes.
I enjoy PA very much, but it doesn't mean I can't note what looks like a stereotypical portrayal of an asian man in it.
Yes, you see something to look like something that might have something in it or not. Your opinions of your visions are most amusing but it seems it is you who needs to chill with your visions.
Those of us who are white should be attentive to possible racism, even unintentional racism, and talk about it when we see each other do something that seems racist.
Sure why not, talking is always fine but if you get balled out so easily with nothing but your own visions of something that might in something with something, it is nothing more than your opinion. Most amusing though that you claim to see racism where even the drawer does not see it. Unintentional racism... that's a good one. How about an unintentional vision of your own opinion ? Humans see what they want to see.
You know, sometimes it just might be a contention of a person itself or something he has done or said. Sometimes it might be just a joke. Turning everything blindly into racism labels is nothing but a disgusting plague of our times, unfortunately quite a contagious plague. I'm not certainly claiming that there is no racism, sure is and against all colors but it really is the same old fear of something different, much of this is currently called racism. Sometimes rightfully so, many times certainly not.
If individual fucks up, the race or color gets the blame far too often instead of the individual. If group of same kind of people fuck up, it is even harder to distinguish deed from color. Deep down, all humans are so very much the same... they just have different ways of doing the same things.
I like how instead of fleshing out the fact they're in Benaroya Hall with - say - a background that properly conveys the setting, they decided just to make it a plain pea green with a few flecks of texture. It's a bold move, leaving it up to the reader's imagination to fill the scene, as we all know what the famous Benaroya Hall looks like. I know it like the back of my hand, I could draw a map for you right now if I wanted. In fact, I have:
You realize this was a live strip, right? Mike drew this in less than an hour and a half. Also, in the comic they might not even be in Benaroya yet, just talking about it.
This is like a Strip Search comic. The cards Symphony and Ass Continuum must have been selected. That said, I'd probably vote these guys out of the house. Weak background, meh punchline. I think Katie wins this round. AGAIN.
With the "topic" at hand in this... topic, like EVERYTHING in life I think it's worth putting yourselves in somebody else's shoes. If something you've created offends someone or is unintentionally racist or whatever, it's worth reflecting on what exactly the problem was and how to avoid it in the future.
But, considering that this is an off-the-cuff comic, there wasn't much time to sit down at a table discussion and have people go "You might not even be aware of this, but, maybe it's not a good idea to give Khoo this new styled head because of such and such racial stereotypes that exist in cartoonist drawings of people of Asian decent." To which I'm sure Gabe would go "Oh shit, you're right. I didn't even consider this."
tl;dr, in future comics I think it's best to stick with the "old head" instead of the "new head".
All I hear from my wife and other lady friends at PAX is how attractive Khoo is, so a swollen head in the comic is not surprising at all. Dude has a legion of fans.
holy cow dude. Feel free to make your own forum, wherein you can express your opinion. Because then everyone who actually cares about your silly goose opinion can then go there and read it.
On topic of the comic, I'm also assuming they're in the back room, before the Q & A happens.
Calm your balls.
Noting that something you enjoy may have some unintentional racism in it is not 'professional resentment'.
I enjoy PA very much, but it doesn't mean I can't note what looks like a stereotypical portrayal of an asian man in it. That doesn't mean I want to burn Mike alive or that I think he's a bad person, nor has anyone said that, so chill.
Those of us who are white should be attentive to possible racism, even unintentional racism, and talk about it when we see each other do something that seems racist.
Since when do Asians have "spherical head" as a stereotype? Literally first time I ever heard of this.
If entire ass continuum must be avoided and thus nothing that comes from poop is not allowed, one can't talk about anything. Pretty normal since in a world of failing debt ponzi economics, truth is painted as greatest enemy. It is hidden away, under a "monetary stimuli" and other empty confetti but even fire does not burn of kill it.
" One can ignore reality but one cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. "
EDIT: AUGH! I be ninja'ed! Guess that makes me the pirate. :P
-Tycho Brahe
It's the Eternal September when comic readers discover the forums.
Are you returning your comic for a refund because it proved unsatisfactory then?
I love how blunt Gabe is with his simple 3-word interjection. XD
Yelling at butts will never NOT be funny. Thanks, Psy!
Also, Abby is awesome. Keep up with TLH because it's the tits!
I love League of Legends, but seriously...screw you, Teemo.
Here's the Hot Dog Fairy from the Live Strip of 2010:
If the background is a little bland (green background) or the art style a little strange (Khoo's balloon head), that's because this is the strip that is drawn on the fly, live in front of an audience every year at PAX. At least, I think it is... I wasn't at PAX Prime this year, so I really can't confirm. Here's an example (I think... I haven't actually vetted the video) from PAX Prime 2010:
EDIT: Yup, it is the Live Strip. View the making of the Strip at Twitch here:
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
Another sad saint from happy sacred ground ? Have a flying hotdog.
Oh jeez, another professional resenter, maybe sprouting from the sacred grounds too. Do tell how the spherical shape is related to racism, we are all so very interested.
I think it is, especially considering how different his face looks in photos of him.
Calm your balls.
Noting that something you enjoy may have some unintentional racism in it is not 'professional resentment'.
I enjoy PA very much, but it doesn't mean I can't note what looks like a stereotypical portrayal of an asian man in it. That doesn't mean I want to burn Mike alive or that I think he's a bad person, nor has anyone said that, so chill.
Those of us who are white should be attentive to possible racism, even unintentional racism, and talk about it when we see each other do something that seems racist.
Just search the archives for "Robert" and have a look at how he's been drawn previously, and compare it to now. Then Google some racist Asian caricatures, and note the head shape...
I'm 100% sure Mike didn't mean for the portrayal to be racist in any way, they're old friends.
Seriously though, it's all drawn on the fly so nothing is intentional and no time is left to stress over this kind of stuff. I mean, look at Khoo's suit in the last panel, it looks wonky as hell.
I am very calm and amused by your visions of something that may have something.
Yes, you see something to look like something that might have something in it or not. Your opinions of your visions are most amusing but it seems it is you who needs to chill with your visions.
Sure why not, talking is always fine but if you get balled out so easily with nothing but your own visions of something that might in something with something, it is nothing more than your opinion. Most amusing though that you claim to see racism where even the drawer does not see it. Unintentional racism... that's a good one. How about an unintentional vision of your own opinion ? Humans see what they want to see.
You know, sometimes it just might be a contention of a person itself or something he has done or said. Sometimes it might be just a joke. Turning everything blindly into racism labels is nothing but a disgusting plague of our times, unfortunately quite a contagious plague. I'm not certainly claiming that there is no racism, sure is and against all colors but it really is the same old fear of something different, much of this is currently called racism. Sometimes rightfully so, many times certainly not.
If individual fucks up, the race or color gets the blame far too often instead of the individual. If group of same kind of people fuck up, it is even harder to distinguish deed from color. Deep down, all humans are so very much the same... they just have different ways of doing the same things.
Cool your balls, your opinion is noted already.
I shortened that for you.
EDIT: That was a bad idea.
You realize this was a live strip, right? Mike drew this in less than an hour and a half. Also, in the comic they might not even be in Benaroya yet, just talking about it.
But, considering that this is an off-the-cuff comic, there wasn't much time to sit down at a table discussion and have people go "You might not even be aware of this, but, maybe it's not a good idea to give Khoo this new styled head because of such and such racial stereotypes that exist in cartoonist drawings of people of Asian decent." To which I'm sure Gabe would go "Oh shit, you're right. I didn't even consider this."
tl;dr, in future comics I think it's best to stick with the "old head" instead of the "new head".
"Where do we stand on butts?"
Is there a booth with people standing on butts? Is noted on the expo map? Because I can't find it.
I would like to see it. I mean, are they using both feet, or just one? And: Why?
Wow, another forum where stating honest personal opinions is forbidden. Sick plague of these dark times of censorship in the world of crybabies.
Sad but not surprising.
On topic of the comic, I'm also assuming they're in the back room, before the Q & A happens.
Since when do Asians have "spherical head" as a stereotype? Literally first time I ever heard of this.
You are not alone.