
[Destiny] Time to eat, Guardians! Free Gjallarhorn in every Kids Meal!



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    Hiryu02Hiryu02 Registered User regular
    On an VOG note, we tried the Weapons of Light strat in addition to our regular "collapse on the bubble" strat for normal mode Atheon and it did a really good job. Basically have a defender titan specced into WoL and Illuminated, then when Time's Vengeance activates, run up to the timegate platform and drop a bubble. This way both home and away teams can touch the bubble and pick up the WoL buff before getting into the burn phase.

    Weapons of Light adds 35% damage on top of the Time's Vengeance buff. We downed Atheon in 3 burns using this method. My VoC was critting for 2500+ with the buff and 1800+ without it.

    The beauty of it is, the same titan can drop the buff bubble, then join the burn group on the island and still be able to drop a 2nd bubble to protect the away team as they jumped away due to insta-refill supers.

    Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
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    morgan_cokemorgan_coke Registered User regular
    Pretty excited to be picking up Suros tonight. I've got this whole "white knight" thing going on with my Titan - Chatterwhite, Pilgrim Guard, Helm of Inmost Light, and now Suros completes it. Also, while I like using exotic secondaries on my hunter and warlock (icebreaker/pocket infinity/invective - screw you ammo drops), for the titan I like to switch between Universal Remote and an AR, which makes Suros perfect.

    XBL: Morgan Coke Yes, there is a space, not an underscore. I'm old school like that.
    Battle.net: morgancoke#1589

    Titan's Creed: Jump first, don't ask questions, punch everything
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    CelianCelian Registered User regular
    Celian wrote: »
    Celian wrote: »
    Unless you run headlong into a blade dancer or are in tight quarters with one, it's easy enough to take one down. Acquire the target in mid-range and unload your primary weapon into him while you are backpedaling, then switch to your shotgun or fusion rifle once he's danced in close for the finish.

    Golden gun is even easier to counter. Just move and hide.

    Hunter supers make a loud sound when used, which gives their position away in close quarters. Plus, neither hunter super is usable in an "oh, shit" moment like the other supers are. My supers are being rejected more frequently now. I'm having to activate them further away from enemies, which limits the time I can launch attacks. The only times I've been able to use my fourth golden bullet lately is when I've missed a target that is frantically dodging my glowing character.

    Add in the lack of super shields, the lackluster grenades, and no one hit melee attacks and I tend to rely solely on guns for crucible kills outside of very niche situations.

    Good thing hunters look the coolest.

    All good solutions, except for the length of time the super stays active. Here's a good video discussing it. Basically, you can pop your super and then look for targets. Whereas other classes, once the super is used up, it's used up. Didn't kill anything? Tough luck.

    Whelp, as long as they reduce the length of time for the sunsinger's ability to casually throw all of the grenades with zero urgency while buffing all their nearby teammates and spamming their 10 foot range melee that gives them barriers and whatnot I suppose that's okay. That ability lasts ~12 seconds, mind you.

    His argument that "Hunters dominate PVP because of their supers" is a weak one, especially when you take into account that hunters fill in the same archetype as rogues, and therefore naturally appeal to players who are good at PVP and PVP a lot. A player that kills lots of people gets more supers is able to use more supers and vicious cycle of murder.

    About as weak an argument as supposing why people picked Hunter over the other classes. He also checked the medals with Way of the Gun and such and brought other points to the table. Regardless, everybody gets defensive about their class so arguing about balance is usually as productive as arguing which console is best! So in the end, I don't really care. There's no rank or ladder to climb on the Crucible so a slight imbalance is of no real concern. It just makes me hate Hunters and their damn cloaks!

    I didn't mention his "stats" because of the unknown sample size ("a lot of my clan mates" does not a credible statement make imo) and conjectural nature of them. If you want to extend that level of credulity to a youtube person's commentary, by all means. <3

    edit: and I'm not being defensive about my class or w/e, it's a pet peeve of mine to see people parrot videos like these.

    That youtuber put up a lot of very informative videos about a lot of core Destiny mechanics, including a lot of numbers and test footage and what not. It's why I find his opinion credible. But to each their own. You're entitled to your pet peeves.

    PSN: BenTheFrenchy || Xbox: TheCanuck || Battle.Net: Celian#1956 || the100.io Pax Group
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    GoodKingJayIIIGoodKingJayIII They wanna get my gold on the ceilingRegistered User regular
    GMaster7 wrote: »
    Xur has Suros Regime again. I really like that gun, but I'm wondering if I need it if I have both Hard Light and Atheon's Epilogue.

    Thoughts? Could definitely use some advice on this one.

    I think Suros is a much better PvP weapon than HL or AE. I've been trying to level some of my raid weapons over the past few days and haven't been using it in the Crucible, and my K/D has definitely suffered a bit. It truly is the best dps for PvP, I think, since it's slower-and-accurate but still fast enough to lay into people's faces. It was great in the Iron Banner. My biggest problem with it is that it doesn't feel like a fancy exotic and I always feel like I should be trying to use my Thunderlord or something, which absolutely shreds people like paper. The auto nerf doesn't feel like it has really reduced the effectiveness of the Suros in PvP.

    In PvE, there are plenty other options that are more situationally appropriate. I run with AEpilogue in the Vault for Minotaurs and Praetorians (which does feel quite a bit weaker after the auto nerf but is still useful), and once we get to the Confluxes, I switch to a Vision of Confluence/purple sniper combo, which I feel is much better for the precision required to take out Hobgoblins and the many swarming mobs pouring out of the... cloudy tunnels. Darkness Doors™. Whatever. The Suros was pretty good for that, too, but I feel the VoC (with its full auto) does just as good of a job poking glowing robo-bellies, and then you can have an exotic equipped, too (whether Ice Breaker, which is super popular for that room, or something else, like my Thundahlord).

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you plan on playing a lot of PvP, I'd probably pick up a Suros. But get some other opinions. I'd ask the godfather of Suros, BillyIdle, to chime in. He had one before it was cool and renounced it once Santa Xur started selling it, so if he's back to using it, that'd be a strong endorsement.

    It seems like a really good auto rifle even for pve purposes, and my Titan could use a better primary weapon for pvp. Since I don't really need anything else he's got, I think I'll grab it.

    Also, the design reminds me of all the Mass Effect rifles, which I love.

    Battletag: Threeve#1501; PSN: Threeve703; Steam: 3eeve
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    EvilMonkeyEvilMonkey Registered User regular
    Rolled the engambling dice for my titan / warlock. Came away with 2 pairs of the same hunter gloves. Whelp. Guess that just happened. :P

    [PSN: SciencePiggy] [Steam]
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    CrayonCrayon Sleeps in the wrong bed. TejasRegistered User regular
    edited October 2014
    Celian wrote: »
    Celian wrote: »
    Unless you run headlong into a blade dancer or are in tight quarters with one, it's easy enough to take one down. Acquire the target in mid-range and unload your primary weapon into him while you are backpedaling, then switch to your shotgun or fusion rifle once he's danced in close for the finish.

    Golden gun is even easier to counter. Just move and hide.

    Hunter supers make a loud sound when used, which gives their position away in close quarters. Plus, neither hunter super is usable in an "oh, shit" moment like the other supers are. My supers are being rejected more frequently now. I'm having to activate them further away from enemies, which limits the time I can launch attacks. The only times I've been able to use my fourth golden bullet lately is when I've missed a target that is frantically dodging my glowing character.

    Add in the lack of super shields, the lackluster grenades, and no one hit melee attacks and I tend to rely solely on guns for crucible kills outside of very niche situations.

    Good thing hunters look the coolest.

    All good solutions, except for the length of time the super stays active. Here's a good video discussing it. Basically, you can pop your super and then look for targets. Whereas other classes, once the super is used up, it's used up. Didn't kill anything? Tough luck.

    Whelp, as long as they reduce the length of time for the sunsinger's ability to casually throw all of the grenades with zero urgency while buffing all their nearby teammates and spamming their 10 foot range melee that gives them barriers and whatnot I suppose that's okay. That ability lasts ~12 seconds, mind you.

    His argument that "Hunters dominate PVP because of their supers" is a weak one, especially when you take into account that hunters fill in the same archetype as rogues, and therefore naturally appeal to players who are good at PVP and PVP a lot. A player that kills lots of people gets more supers is able to use more supers and vicious cycle of murder.

    About as weak an argument as supposing why people picked Hunter over the other classes. He also checked the medals with Way of the Gun and such and brought other points to the table. Regardless, everybody gets defensive about their class so arguing about balance is usually as productive as arguing which console is best! So in the end, I don't really care. There's no rank or ladder to climb on the Crucible so a slight imbalance is of no real concern. It just makes me hate Hunters and their damn cloaks!

    I didn't mention his "stats" because of the unknown sample size ("a lot of my clan mates" does not a credible statement make imo) and conjectural nature of them. If you want to extend that level of credulity to a youtube person's commentary, by all means. <3

    edit: and I'm not being defensive about my class or w/e, it's a pet peeve of mine to see people parrot videos like these.

    As someone who has all three characters and have pvpd with them I can unanimously say Hunters are the better pvp class simply because of their "set it and forget it" type of Super. If you whiff once it doesn't just end. Their supers are strictly better for pvp and I have no problem saying that. Now, having said that, I don't ultimately care.

    Crayon on
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    ErevarErevar The Nounverber Registered User regular
    You guys are reminding me why I abhor PvP and generally avoid people. <_<

    Let me sum up for everyone:

    If I am playing a Hunter, then Titans and Warlocks are over-powered.
    If I am playing a Warlock, then Hunters and Titans are over-powered.
    If I am playing a Titan, then Warlocks and Hunters are over-powered.
    If I ever die, it's because of some bullshit reason and certainly not because I was out-played.
    If I ever kill someone else, it's because I am more skilled than my opponent, not because of my class or weapon or team-mates.

    Did I forget anything?

    (Destiny) Doot Doot, Shoot Brutes for New Boots, Woot Woot for Rad Suits and Phat Loots
    Bogaerts wrote:
    I can't get off until Shad gives me permission.
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    CelianCelian Registered User regular
    Erevar wrote: »
    You guys are reminding me why I abhor PvP and generally avoid people. <_<

    Let me sum up for everyone:

    If I am playing a Hunter, then Titans and Warlocks are over-powered.
    If I am playing a Warlock, then Hunters and Titans are over-powered.
    If I am playing a Titan, then Warlocks and Hunters are over-powered.
    If I ever die, it's because of some bullshit reason and certainly not because I was out-played.
    If I ever kill someone else, it's because I am more skilled than my opponent, not because of my class or weapon or team-mates.

    Did I forget anything?

    If you exist, someone has done unspeakable things to your mother.

    PSN: BenTheFrenchy || Xbox: TheCanuck || Battle.Net: Celian#1956 || the100.io Pax Group
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    Hiryu02Hiryu02 Registered User regular
    Anyone else stick with a certain weapon set for each class? So far my Titan uses AR's and Shotguns, Hunter is Handcannons, and Warlock uses Pulse Rifles. I find it gives some additional diversity when playing each class when everyone "specializes" in a different subset of weapons.

    Lore note, if Kabr was a Titan, and Pahanin the Hunter was with him, was Toland the Warlock part of the same group? Seeing that the Vanguard likes to send out mixed groups of three and we all know that Kabr and Pahanin were part of the same expedition, I don't remember any notes as to who the Warlock was supposed to be?

    Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
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    CelianCelian Registered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    Anyone else stick with a certain weapon set for each class? So far my Titan uses AR's and Shotguns, Hunter is Handcannons, and Warlock uses Pulse Rifles. I find it gives some additional diversity when playing each class when everyone "specializes" in a different subset of weapons.

    Lore note, if Kabr was a Titan, and Pahanin the Hunter was with him, was Toland the Warlock part of the same group? Seeing that the Vanguard likes to send out mixed groups of three and we all know that Kabr and Pahanin were part of the same expedition, I don't remember any notes as to who the Warlock was supposed to be?

    I didn't really give enough time to my alts to do that, but I do switch up weapons often just to mix up the feel of combat. I definitely need to give more love to my alts and shotguns / sniper rifles.

    PSN: BenTheFrenchy || Xbox: TheCanuck || Battle.Net: Celian#1956 || the100.io Pax Group
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    Hiryu02Hiryu02 Registered User regular
    So I got Patience and Time from a VOG chest last night. I'm not a good sniper, to put it charitably. I do want to ask, does the cloak effect drop you from the radar? If it does, how long is it active for?

    Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
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    jefe414jefe414 "My Other Drill Hole is a Teleporter" Mechagodzilla is Best GodzillaRegistered User regular
    edited October 2014
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    jefe414 wrote: »
    I have Suros and I almost never use it due to the fact that I'm loaded with secondary exotics. Vision of Confluence and Shadow Price cover the primary slot nicely.

    I assume VoC is PVE and Shadow Price for PVP?

    I use Shadow Price most in PVE (switching to VoC for oracle sections or if I'm doing patrols). I find Shadow Price to be really accurate using that third scope and my armor is really tuned well for auto rifles (extra ammo/reload speeds). Suros is probably a better gun (that lower 1/2 magazine doing more damage is really awesome plus those extra 8 rounds in the mag AND the slower RoF when ADS is a nice boon) but it all comes down to swapping out those secondaries more easily. Maybe I'll start carrying 3 primaries...

    jefe414 on
    Xbox Live: Jefe414
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    GuibsGuibs Weekend Warrior Somewhere up North.Registered User regular
    Suro is amazing but I already have it. I do agree with others that as you are getting more and more special and heavy exotic weapons, you tend to want to switch out the primary a bit to let you use them.

    Xur has nothing I really want unless I want to gamble on me ever wanting to level up a second character, something I started very lighty but don't see myself doing in rush to level them up.

    Might take a pass and wait for ice breaker to come back. I hate myself for not taking it the first time.

    PSN: Guibs25 | XboxLive: Guibs | Steam: Guibsx | Twitch: Guibsx
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    hoodie13hoodie13 punch bro Registered User regular
    The Nightfall last night was good to me, and rewarded my diligence with An Insurmountable Skullfort! It goes well with Kabr's armor and is dyeable. Yay sparkly armorrrrrr

    PSN: HoodieThirteen
    XBL: Torn Hoodie
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    darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    Had enough coins for Xur both last week and this, not really sure I want anything that he's selling. Suros would be lovely, but I'm using Shadow Price as my primary, got Super Good Advice in Heavy, and really my big weakness is in Specials. I'd really just be buying it for the sake of it.

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    Hiryu02Hiryu02 Registered User regular
    hoodie13 wrote: »
    The Nightfall last night was good to me, and rewarded my diligence with An Insurmountable Skullfort! It goes well with Kabr's armor and is dyeable. Yay sparkly armorrrrrr


    Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
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    tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited October 2014
    Celian wrote: »
    Celian wrote: »
    Celian wrote: »
    Unless you run headlong into a blade dancer or are in tight quarters with one, it's easy enough to take one down. Acquire the target in mid-range and unload your primary weapon into him while you are backpedaling, then switch to your shotgun or fusion rifle once he's danced in close for the finish.

    Golden gun is even easier to counter. Just move and hide.

    Hunter supers make a loud sound when used, which gives their position away in close quarters. Plus, neither hunter super is usable in an "oh, shit" moment like the other supers are. My supers are being rejected more frequently now. I'm having to activate them further away from enemies, which limits the time I can launch attacks. The only times I've been able to use my fourth golden bullet lately is when I've missed a target that is frantically dodging my glowing character.

    Add in the lack of super shields, the lackluster grenades, and no one hit melee attacks and I tend to rely solely on guns for crucible kills outside of very niche situations.

    Good thing hunters look the coolest.

    All good solutions, except for the length of time the super stays active. Here's a good video discussing it. Basically, you can pop your super and then look for targets. Whereas other classes, once the super is used up, it's used up. Didn't kill anything? Tough luck.

    Whelp, as long as they reduce the length of time for the sunsinger's ability to casually throw all of the grenades with zero urgency while buffing all their nearby teammates and spamming their 10 foot range melee that gives them barriers and whatnot I suppose that's okay. That ability lasts ~12 seconds, mind you.

    His argument that "Hunters dominate PVP because of their supers" is a weak one, especially when you take into account that hunters fill in the same archetype as rogues, and therefore naturally appeal to players who are good at PVP and PVP a lot. A player that kills lots of people gets more supers is able to use more supers and vicious cycle of murder.

    About as weak an argument as supposing why people picked Hunter over the other classes. He also checked the medals with Way of the Gun and such and brought other points to the table. Regardless, everybody gets defensive about their class so arguing about balance is usually as productive as arguing which console is best! So in the end, I don't really care. There's no rank or ladder to climb on the Crucible so a slight imbalance is of no real concern. It just makes me hate Hunters and their damn cloaks!

    I didn't mention his "stats" because of the unknown sample size ("a lot of my clan mates" does not a credible statement make imo) and conjectural nature of them. If you want to extend that level of credulity to a youtube person's commentary, by all means. <3

    edit: and I'm not being defensive about my class or w/e, it's a pet peeve of mine to see people parrot videos like these.

    That youtuber put up a lot of very informative videos about a lot of core Destiny mechanics, including a lot of numbers and test footage and what not. It's why I find his opinion credible. But to each their own. You're entitled to your pet peeves.

    While his other videos may be credible (haven't watched them), that video is not. The very idea of using "a lot of my clanmates" as a sample size against the hundreds of thousands of players in the game to present a thing that would essentially impact those hundreds of thousands of people is just absurd to me. Those other videos must be the gospel or something if you found those his opinion supported by those numbers to be credible.

    But putting that aside, highlight (or lowlight) reel footage never reflect the whole, and their use in these "balance this" style of video is highly disingenuous. But unfortunately, since "this must be overpowered/underpowered because look at all these times this happened" is a thing that people eat up, it will always be done.

    If I wanted to show that Golden Gun (or any other ability for that matter) was underpowered, I could simply patch together a reel of missing golden gun shots, getting killed, having the time run out/not finding any targets and so on. While some would refute the video as me "not trying" or "just being bad," others would nod and agree because that is the thing that they are seeing and that is the experience that they would channel in their minds; the times they missed, etc. The same can be done for showing how "overpowered" Havoc Strike is; with a video showing people huddled together or separate or simply missing the attack being done to illustrate my "point." It's misleading.

    The video's pvp content is made out of clips from Control on Blind Watch; a map and gametype highly conducive to getting triples out of a single golden gun use, and being able move to an ideal position without being intercepted while the power is active. Hell, the effectiveness of most supers is increased when playing control, given players are concentrated in certain areas anyway.

    In reality, the average hunter that pops golden gun (or arc blade) is no more guaranteed to get even one kill out of the super than any other classes, even if their ability grants them time to look for targets. Ever kill a blade dancer with a melee from behind? It's deliciously satisfying.

    edit: sorry, erevar. I just really dislike those videos and bad arguments... they punch me in the logic.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
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    wonderpugwonderpug Registered User regular
    Crayon wrote: »
    Celian wrote: »
    Celian wrote: »
    Unless you run headlong into a blade dancer or are in tight quarters with one, it's easy enough to take one down. Acquire the target in mid-range and unload your primary weapon into him while you are backpedaling, then switch to your shotgun or fusion rifle once he's danced in close for the finish.

    Golden gun is even easier to counter. Just move and hide.

    Hunter supers make a loud sound when used, which gives their position away in close quarters. Plus, neither hunter super is usable in an "oh, shit" moment like the other supers are. My supers are being rejected more frequently now. I'm having to activate them further away from enemies, which limits the time I can launch attacks. The only times I've been able to use my fourth golden bullet lately is when I've missed a target that is frantically dodging my glowing character.

    Add in the lack of super shields, the lackluster grenades, and no one hit melee attacks and I tend to rely solely on guns for crucible kills outside of very niche situations.

    Good thing hunters look the coolest.

    All good solutions, except for the length of time the super stays active. Here's a good video discussing it. Basically, you can pop your super and then look for targets. Whereas other classes, once the super is used up, it's used up. Didn't kill anything? Tough luck.

    Whelp, as long as they reduce the length of time for the sunsinger's ability to casually throw all of the grenades with zero urgency while buffing all their nearby teammates and spamming their 10 foot range melee that gives them barriers and whatnot I suppose that's okay. That ability lasts ~12 seconds, mind you.

    His argument that "Hunters dominate PVP because of their supers" is a weak one, especially when you take into account that hunters fill in the same archetype as rogues, and therefore naturally appeal to players who are good at PVP and PVP a lot. A player that kills lots of people gets more supers is able to use more supers and vicious cycle of murder.

    About as weak an argument as supposing why people picked Hunter over the other classes. He also checked the medals with Way of the Gun and such and brought other points to the table. Regardless, everybody gets defensive about their class so arguing about balance is usually as productive as arguing which console is best! So in the end, I don't really care. There's no rank or ladder to climb on the Crucible so a slight imbalance is of no real concern. It just makes me hate Hunters and their damn cloaks!

    I didn't mention his "stats" because of the unknown sample size ("a lot of my clan mates" does not a credible statement make imo) and conjectural nature of them. If you want to extend that level of credulity to a youtube person's commentary, by all means. <3

    edit: and I'm not being defensive about my class or w/e, it's a pet peeve of mine to see people parrot videos like these.

    As someone who has all three characters and have pvpd with them I can unanimously say Hunters are the better pvp class simply because of their "set it and forget it" type of Super. If you whiff once it doesn't just end. Their supers are strictly better for pvp and I have no problem saying that. Now, having said that, I don't ultimately care.

    Setting the Hunter supers in advance is also a liability. If you turn a corner and see 3-4 enemies, a bladedance or golden gun is going to do nothing for you -- you'll die during your flashy startup animation. With a nova bomb or fist of havoc, you are going to kill those 3-4 enemies.

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    ErevarErevar The Nounverber Registered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    Anyone else stick with a certain weapon set for each class? So far my Titan uses AR's and Shotguns, Hunter is Handcannons, and Warlock uses Pulse Rifles. I find it gives some additional diversity when playing each class when everyone "specializes" in a different subset of weapons.

    Lore note, if Kabr was a Titan, and Pahanin the Hunter was with him, was Toland the Warlock part of the same group? Seeing that the Vanguard likes to send out mixed groups of three and we all know that Kabr and Pahanin were part of the same expedition, I don't remember any notes as to who the Warlock was supposed to be?

    I tried to do this when I was leveling my alts, but now I just trade guns around (since I don't want to sink Energy into more guns).

    So far I've maxed out:
    Suros Regime
    Atheon's Epilogue
    Vision of Confluence
    Corrective Measure
    Shadow Price
    Grim Citizen III
    Praedyth's Revenge
    Ice Breaker

    Working on Gjallarhorn next.

    I want to level Universal Remote to see how it feels with upgrades, but 1 exotic per load-out is restrictive. =\

    (Destiny) Doot Doot, Shoot Brutes for New Boots, Woot Woot for Rad Suits and Phat Loots
    Bogaerts wrote:
    I can't get off until Shad gives me permission.
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    tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    Erevar wrote: »
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    Anyone else stick with a certain weapon set for each class? So far my Titan uses AR's and Shotguns, Hunter is Handcannons, and Warlock uses Pulse Rifles. I find it gives some additional diversity when playing each class when everyone "specializes" in a different subset of weapons.

    Lore note, if Kabr was a Titan, and Pahanin the Hunter was with him, was Toland the Warlock part of the same group? Seeing that the Vanguard likes to send out mixed groups of three and we all know that Kabr and Pahanin were part of the same expedition, I don't remember any notes as to who the Warlock was supposed to be?

    I tried to do this when I was leveling my alts, but now I just trade guns around (since I don't want to sink Energy into more guns).

    So far I've maxed out:
    Suros Regime
    Atheon's Epilogue
    Vision of Confluence
    Corrective Measure
    Shadow Price
    Grim Citizen III
    Praedyth's Revenge
    Ice Breaker

    Working on Gjallarhorn next.

    I want to level Universal Remote to see how it feels with upgrades, but 1 exotic per load-out is restrictive. =\

    I mix my weapon use up from some time, but I do have a preferred weapon for my chars.

    My hunter's main weapon is a Scout Rifle, and my Titan uses Pulse Rifles. They mix and match specials as the situation warrants.

    I haven't spent much energy on maxing out a single weapon yet.

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
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    ErevarErevar The Nounverber Registered User regular
    edited October 2014
    I don't judge you guys for having a discussion about PvP, I was just stating my opinion about why I avoid them. =P

    It's like the pages and pages of Iron Banner discussion that I completely skipped over. xD

    Edit: When the hell did we hit pg 94? O_o

    Erevar on
    (Destiny) Doot Doot, Shoot Brutes for New Boots, Woot Woot for Rad Suits and Phat Loots
    Bogaerts wrote:
    I can't get off until Shad gives me permission.
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    tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    Erevar wrote: »
    I don't judge you guys for having a discussion about PvP, I was just stating my opinion about why I avoid them. =P

    It's like the pages and pages of Iron Banner discussion that I completely skipped over. xD

    I would have stayed quiet about it if not for that video. :P

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
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    ErevarErevar The Nounverber Registered User regular
    Erevar wrote: »
    I don't judge you guys for having a discussion about PvP, I was just stating my opinion about why I avoid them. =P

    It's like the pages and pages of Iron Banner discussion that I completely skipped over. xD

    I would have stayed quiet about it if not for that video. :P

    I can't view videos at work; is it Datto? Or DattoDoesDestiny, or somesuch?

    (Destiny) Doot Doot, Shoot Brutes for New Boots, Woot Woot for Rad Suits and Phat Loots
    Bogaerts wrote:
    I can't get off until Shad gives me permission.
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    tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    Erevar wrote: »
    Erevar wrote: »
    I don't judge you guys for having a discussion about PvP, I was just stating my opinion about why I avoid them. =P

    It's like the pages and pages of Iron Banner discussion that I completely skipped over. xD

    I would have stayed quiet about it if not for that video. :P

    I can't view videos at work; is it Datto? Or DattoDoesDestiny, or somesuch?

    Yeah, it was DattoDoesDestiny. I'm not saying the guy is wrong about other stuff, as I haven't seen his other videos, or at least I don't remember doing so.

    I just don't agree with that video in particular.

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
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    FawstFawst The road to awe.Registered User regular
    Thorn has taken a backseat to Timur's Lash. That thing is god damn beastly in PvE. Hit max damage this morning and love it to death. I got Suros from Xur as I don't have an exotic special or heavy, and it is vastly superior to Hard Light. HL feels like I'm deliberately gimping myself. Suros feels right. I'll finish up my Strikes for Bad Juju today just to get it out of the way, but I feel like I'm all set for primary weapons now. If I ever get Atheon's Epilogue, Hawkmoon or The Last Word, then awesome, but I am "complete" otherwise.

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    Hiryu02Hiryu02 Registered User regular
    edited October 2014
    Also in Shit Everyone Else Knows Except for Hiryu(tm)

    So apparently if a Sunsinger Warlock is is Radiance, and then uses a solar weapon, that weapon ignites its targets if you have Touch of Flame? I think I may be moving a couple guns over to the lock if this is true. Ice Breaker is a 1-hit bodyshot kill in Radiance with this, like Golden Gun.

    Any more obscure Voidwalking or Sunsinging tricks I need to know about?

    Hiryu02 on
    Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
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    elijahdprophetelijahdprophet Registered User regular
    Purely anecdotal, but I notice my Golden Gun has been missing more the last couple of weeks. I don't know if the aim assist on it changed, or if it used to have some minor tracking, or people are just getting better at dodging it.

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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    So team 4th meal was sloppy as hell last night but we still got Atheon down. I got god damn nothing aside from that sniper again! AFUCKING GAIN GOD DAMN YOU GAME!!!

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    CelianCelian Registered User regular
    Preacher wrote: »
    So team 4th meal was sloppy as hell last night but we still got Atheon down. I got god damn nothing aside from that sniper again! AFUCKING GAIN GOD DAMN YOU GAME!!!

    So the 4th meal was Sloppy Joes? I'm... I'm sorry. It's just not my best posting day. Making ev'rbody angry!

    PSN: BenTheFrenchy || Xbox: TheCanuck || Battle.Net: Celian#1956 || the100.io Pax Group
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    elijahdprophetelijahdprophet Registered User regular
    Preacher wrote: »
    So team 4th meal was sloppy as hell last night but we still got Atheon down. I got god damn nothing aside from that sniper again! AFUCKING GAIN GOD DAMN YOU GAME!!!

    Did you do something horrible in a past game to deserve this kind of RNG karma? Were you a tea bagger in Halo? Did you do the dolphin jump in Battlefield 2? There must be an explanation.

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    ErevarErevar The Nounverber Registered User regular
    Preacher wrote: »
    So team 4th meal was sloppy as hell last night but we still got Atheon down. I got god damn nothing aside from that sniper again! AFUCKING GAIN GOD DAMN YOU GAME!!!

    Did you do something horrible in a past game to deserve this kind of RNG karma? Were you a tea bagger in Halo? Did you do the dolphin jump in Battlefield 2? There must be an explanation.

    I always found the corpse-slap to be far more gratifying/infuriating in Halo...

    (Destiny) Doot Doot, Shoot Brutes for New Boots, Woot Woot for Rad Suits and Phat Loots
    Bogaerts wrote:
    I can't get off until Shad gives me permission.
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    tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    Celian wrote: »
    Preacher wrote: »
    So team 4th meal was sloppy as hell last night but we still got Atheon down. I got god damn nothing aside from that sniper again! AFUCKING GAIN GOD DAMN YOU GAME!!!

    So the 4th meal was Sloppy Joes? I'm... I'm sorry. It's just not my best posting day. Making ev'rbody angry!

    I think their banner is like... Taco Bell. But Sloppy Joes would have the same effect if eaten as a 4th meal so you're on point! :P

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    I have no idea! I think its punishment for my WoW mount luck. Like I have the headless horseman's mount despite my wife trying a lot more times and never getting it.

    But this is just unfair!

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    CormacCormac Registered User regular
    I'm really tempted to grab a Suros but I already have a Vision of Confluence, Shadow Price, and The Devil You Know. All of which are really good primaries and I already have too many weapons I'm trying to level up.

    Steam: Gridlynk | PSN: Gridlynk | FFXIV: Jarvellis Mika
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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    Dissapointed that Xur is offering a gun he already offered once. I know the Last Word will probably show up once I don't have enough coins/out of town, but I was hoping at least for a gun I didn't already have. I was able to upgrade my new speeder though since there was nothing I wanted to grab and I know I'll never get the raid one.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    GMaster7GMaster7 Goggles Paesano Registered User regular
    Preacher wrote: »
    Dissapointed that Xur is offering a gun he already offered once. I know the Last Word will probably show up once I don't have enough coins/out of town, but I was hoping at least for a gun I didn't already have. I was able to upgrade my new speeder though since there was nothing I wanted to grab and I know I'll never get the raid one.

    Yeah, I finally got my Plasma Upgrade for my sparrow. Legendary white sparrow, Chatterwhite, an emblem that matches my forum pic; I'm aesthetically good to go.

    Thinking about picking up Armamemarmetritorium, because I love grenades and want to try the double super-disrupter, but I have Alpha Lupi (which I think is best for raiding and Skirmish due to fast revives and its bonuses) and would probably keep wearing Inmost Light as a helm in PvP, since I'm all Striker, all the time (shoulder charge <3). But at the same time, gotta catch 'em all. And I need those exotic Grimoires.

    PSN: SKI2000G | Steam: GMaster7 | Battle.net: GMaster7#1842
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    ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    edited October 2014
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    Anyone else stick with a certain weapon set for each class? So far my Titan uses AR's and Shotguns, Hunter is Handcannons, and Warlock uses Pulse Rifles. I find it gives some additional diversity when playing each class when everyone "specializes" in a different subset of weapons.

    Lore note, if Kabr was a Titan, and Pahanin the Hunter was with him, was Toland the Warlock part of the same group? Seeing that the Vanguard likes to send out mixed groups of three and we all know that Kabr and Pahanin were part of the same expedition, I don't remember any notes as to who the Warlock was supposed to be?

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. For me its:

    Warlock - AR / Fusion / RL
    Titan - Handcannon / Shotgun / MG
    Hunter - Scout / Sniper / MG

    :whistle: And now its time for another Obi gets screwed by VoG drop update! :whistle:

    I did three runs this week (one with each character) and got one armor drop and two weapon drops. That puts my current armor haul after THIRTEEN RUNS at ... 2.

    My Total Vog Haul Summary (new additions in bold)
    Class | # of VoG Runs | Raid Armor Drops
    Warlock | 6 | 1
    Titan | 4 | 0
    Hunter | 3 | 1

    Weapon Drops
    Atheon's Epilogue x2, Visions of Confluence x3, Praedyth's Revenge x2, Hezen Vengeance, Found Verdict, Thunderlord, Hard Light

    Other Drops
    Sparrow x1, Ship x1, Warlock Bond x1, Chatterwhite

    Seriously, at this rate I am never going to hit 30 and should eventually have every weapon in the game.

    ObiFett on
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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    If anyone is up for a VoG run tonight on the xbone starting later (say post 8pm pst 11pm est) My titan needs a run, if not I might try destiny lfg or look on saturday. I really need that Praedyth's revenge number 6 7 whatever fuck number I'm on.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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    HexDexHexDex Registered User regular
    What a crap loadout for Xur this week. Wru Last Word?

    Decided to engramble x 2. Would have been happy with any Titan gloves, or Sunsingers.

    Got two of the same hunter gloves.

    Master Rahool is the best troll I have ever seen.

    If you are reading this add me.
    D3: HexDex#1281, PSN: DireOtter, Live: DireOtter

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    PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    I'm going to engramble this week since I don't have any legendary hands for any character. If I get warlock gloves I might even start a bullshit class of bullshit with fuckmuppetry.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.

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