I swear I've heard this story about the kids before. Was it in a news post or something?
There was a incident on the Mincraft server that Gabe and Little Gabe have involving Jerry's son Eliot. Both Gabe and Tycho both wrote news posts about it so I'm not spreading rumors here. The short version is Eliot got banhammered from the server.
"Did you or did you not try to feed your sister's halfling to an ogre." "He said he was hungry! And she's just the right size!" "Okay. Dice. Both of you. Now."
Perfect timing. Just last night I was playing co-op Spelunky with my kids (10 and 7). The 7 year old was slow to get ready for bed and missed his 'turn' several times so he was super whiny and upset when it finally was his turn to play. He started being 'unhelpful' and threatening to kill the dog and whipping me, so I fought back of course. Things slightly settled down but then I picked him up and threw him up to disarm an arrow trap with his face.
He started crying and my wife got pissed but it was worth it. No one threatens my dog.
Perfect timing. Just last night I was playing co-op Spelunky with my kids (10 and 7). The 7 year old was slow to get ready for bed and missed his 'turn' several times so he was super whiny and upset when it finally was his turn to play. He started being 'unhelpful' and threatening to kill the dog and whipping me, so I fought back of course. Things slightly settled down but then I picked him up and threw him up to disarm an arrow trap with his face.
He started crying and my wife got pissed but it was worth it. No one threatens my dog.
Kittens get socialized when they claw at other kittens and get clawed back. Kittens taken out of the litter too early don't go through this processes and grow up to be assholes.
Tell your wife the kid needs to learn consequences.
SanguineAngelLordCentre of the UniverseRegistered Userregular
Life certainly has new lessons to teach compared to when I was young
Man, my little sister and I had an Applesoft Basic fight (thanks, programming for kids book!) back in the '80s. It started when I wrote a program that asked you what your name was, and when she put in her name, the program would insult her. This stuff ain't all that new.
Want to find me on a gaming service? I'm SwashbucklerXX everywhere.
this is absolutely a Real Dad Talk comic
The world has passed me by...
This is an amazing mental image.
PSN: FettS1
FFXIV: Kashell Valeth
All the faces in this one are very well done. The brothers' sideways glare at each other in the end is a cute touch as well.
Now you have to stop feuds over server admin rights.
"Did you or did you not try to feed your sister's halfling to an ogre." "He said he was hungry! And she's just the right size!" "Okay. Dice. Both of you. Now."
He started crying and my wife got pissed but it was worth it. No one threatens my dog.
Hell dimension indeed.
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
-Tycho Brahe
Kittens get socialized when they claw at other kittens and get clawed back. Kittens taken out of the litter too early don't go through this processes and grow up to be assholes.
Tell your wife the kid needs to learn consequences.
Death is one thing. Dying 40km from the origin, unknowingly sans your bed, is quite another.