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PAX Aus schedule up - Pinny Premonitions?

misskassmisskass Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
So the PAX Australia schedule was just posted and I thought that might be a good opportunity for a guessing game as to what's going to be there.

My main suggestions are some kind of Twitch pin (be it the Kappa dude or the Glitch) since the Twitch Town Hall is happening here, for I believe the first year.
And there's a "Naughty Dog Presents Uncharted 4" panel, so maybe they'll bring some of their ND pins down? I don't know how they were distributed at other PAXes, or if ND will even have a booth. I'm just excited they'll be here, heh.

Also, the Pinny Arcade trading session seems to be between 2pm and 4pm on Saturday so I might actually get to go this year. Yay.


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