
PWG puts on best show of the year, surprising no one [WRESTLING]



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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    Evolve put up Dean's last indy match vs Austin Aries


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    BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Combing through all of the Finn and Joe stuff I can find for my dumb video

    Boy Oh boy it is hard to find a clip of Finn talking that doesn't make him sound like a total dweeb when put up next to one of Joe talking

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    PwnanObrienPwnanObrien He's right, life sucks. Registered User regular
    We're back! Tonight's match pits four of the teams that are out of the Super Jr. Tag Tournament against each other in a 4 on 4 contest. Can reDragon and Time Splitters try to make amends by tearing The Young Bucks arms off? Will Kenny Omega break out the chainsaw? What the fuck is Chase Owens doing here?


    reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly) and Time Splitters (Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA) vs. Bullet Club (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson & Chase Owens)

    The very second Nick Jackson appears on screen he makes a suck-it motion. Of course they kind of ruin it by saying hello to their wives and kids at home when they get to the ring. Cue Kenny Omega's anime villain theme. Apparently Chase Owens has been promoted to cleaning supplies caddy. Really this entrance has to be seen as the English language has no translation for the glare Sho Tanaka gives as Kenny sings into his broom. The Timesplitters theme plays and it's so good to see Alex Shelly back in New Japan. Maybe he can hang out for a whole before getting injured this time. KUSHIDA points to the waist of Kenny Omega, obviously challenging for his Jr. Heavyweight title. Oh right, reDragon is here too. There's an uneasy tension between the two teams but they shake hands. KUSHIDA VS Omega to start! Fuck yes! PIIIING!

    Strong “KU-SHI-DA” chants. Lockup and KUSHIDA stomps his way into a side headlock. Omega pulls KUSHIDA by the mohawk but KUSIDA pulls free and wrings the headlock on. Off the ropes. Dropdown. Leapfrog. KUSHIDA cartwheels over a a prone Kenny Omega. KUSHIDA shoves him through to the ropes. Leapfro-Omega hooks the ropes and spits in KUSHIDA's face! Like a pair of 90s kids show bullies The Young Bucks too sweet about this in the background. If you trip in a lunchroom the Bullet Club will show up to laugh at you. Kick gets caught and Kenny throws a right the floors KUSHIDA. Club to the back and a stomp from Kenny Omega. “GET UP!GET UP!GETUP!” Omega chops KUSHIDA across the chest.

    Irish whip gets reversed and KUSHIDA runs the ropes perpendicular. Like some kind of Loony Toons character Alex Shelly was apparently hiding behind him all along. Drop toe hold into a dropkick! Alex Shelly gets a wristlock on Omega and rolls through to wrench it. KUSHIDA punts Kenny's shoulder for a field goal. Alex Shelly works it further with an arm wringer and Kenny Omega gets out of it by swatting his grip away. Poke to the eyes! Tag to Chase Owens.

    Chase starts slapping Alex Shelly in the face and Shelly to his credit sells it by looking at Chase Owens and trying to figure out who the fuck this man is. He actually has the same reaction I have to not remembering the names of co-workers, elbow them in the face until either you can remember or they can't. I've been fired from several jobs and I don't think I can even get another one as a teacher. Chase Owens locks on a side headlock that only gets him shoved into the ropes. Kenny Omega realizes his mistake in tagging in Create A Wrestler Slot 7 and blind tags in.

    Alex Shelly drops down and so does Kenny Omega. Chase Owens jumps over both. Twice. Shelly shoves him into a shoulder block knocking Kenny Omega out of the ring! He runs at Shelly and gets dumped to the outside. Has anybody ever been future endeavored from the Bullet Club? Omega trips Alex as he runs the ropes and pulls him to the outside. Brawls break out in and out of the ring and somehow this ends up with Matt Jackson putting the garbage bin on Alex Shelly's head so Nick Jackson can run the apron and punt it off. Matt slides into the ring to superkick Kyle O'Reilly! Headscissors/single leg dropkick combo knocks KUSHIDA off the apron.

    The Bullet Club starts pounding on the mat as Kenny Omega assumes the Terminator coming back from the future pose. Tope con hilo! Kenny rolls back into the ring so the Bullet Club can do a mock Time Splitters pose. Alex Shelly gets rolled back inside and reaches for a tag before he realizes all of his teammates have been knocked off the apron...and that he's about ten feet away from the red corner anyway. Backbreaker! Hooks the leg! 1..2! Kickout! Chase Owens comes back in now. Knee to the abdomen. A second one. In the most NWA moment I've seen in YEARS Chase Owens locks on an abdominal stretch and then grabs Kenny Omega's wrist for added leverage! KUSHIDA gets in the ring to tell everybody it's 2015 in here and Tiger Hattori gets distracted because wrestling. Kenny Omega's smart enough to break his hold and mock the Time Splitters until the ref is back in position. This time Hattori notices Matt and Nick Jackson chaining hands to also use the outside guardrail for leverage. Ok, that's pretty great. Speaking of awesome things Tiger Hattori breaks the hold by doing a jumping double axe handle to Kenny Omega's wrist and I really hope that's how he forces every break.

    Alex Shelly armdrags Chase Owens and crawls toward his corner. Owens grabs his boot until Matt Jackson can come in and hit double axe handles to the back of Alex Shelly like the Incredible Hulk. “I'm on fire baby!” Matt says spitting on Kyle O'reilly. Hard overhand right sends Alex Shelly into a neutral corner. Whip across the ring. Alex Shelly dives out of the way of Matt's charge so Nick just ends up kicking his brother in the face. Nick enters the ring and shoves KUSHIDA and O'reilly off the apron. He spends too long telling them to suck it though and gets caught with an enziguri! Kenny Omega enters the ring and gets flatlined by Alex Shelly face first into the red corner.

    Tag to Kyle O'reilly. Split leg dropkick sends Omega and Nick Jackson out of the ring. Low kick to the thigh, slaps, knees, leg sweep. 5X combo! Nick Jackson rushes in misses a lariat and gets spun around into a trio of rolling double underhook suplexes! This transitions right into the assisted DDT and wheelbarrow throw/mule kick combo with Bobby Fish that accidentally ended their match last month. Chase Owens jumps Fish from behind. Irish whip gets reversed and Bobby Fish shoves Chase Owens into the red corner. Forearm smash into the corner by Kyle! Running knee from Fish! Leg lariat from O'reilly! Short whip into a tilt a whirl backbreaker into a kneedrop! ReDragon is tearing Chase Owens apart and he's not even the legal man!

    Matt Jackson gets pulled into a front facelock by Kyle. Chasing the dra-no! Matt drops out of the back of the hold and shoves Kyle into his tag partner! Back suplex but Kyle drops out of the back, lands on his feet and falls into the red corner to tag KUSHIDA! Springboard overhand chop! Double axe handle on Matt! Kenny Omega cuts him off with a kick to the stomach. Club to the back. Kenny wills Matt to his feet so they can whip KUSHIDA into the ropes. Double springboard back elbow from KUSHIDA! So, that backfired on Kenny. Matt ducks a hard kick as Omega ducks out of the ring. Poke to the eyes. KUSHIDA reverses an Irish whip. Sunset flip from Matt but Kyel O'reilly jumps into the ring to stop KUSHIDA from going back. Sunset flip from Nick on Kyle! Both faces do Kyle's stop and apply an armbar counter! It's like Joss Whedon's writing this match.

    The rest of the Bullet Club breaks up the holds. Bobby Fish and Alex Riley quickly clear them out of the ring. Arm wringer from KUSHIDA. He gets caught trying to hit a rana and Matt turns it into a tombstone. Alex Shelly tries to stop it but Kenny Omega stops him and scoops Alex into a tombstone of his own. Nick teases the double Meltzer driver but somebody, probably Bobby Fish, pulls him off the apron. The Time Splitters slip out of the hold and shove Kenny and Matt into each other. Double sliced bread! Holy shit Alex Shelly! KUSHIDA takes Omega out of the ring. Matt gets two knees up to stop KUSHIDA's moonsault. Chase Owens comes back in to see if any of his opponents have been softened up enough yet. Fireman's carry gutbuster! Owens holds his knees in place so Kenny Omega can come in and powerbomb KUSHIDA onto his knees! Cover by Matt Jackson! 1..2...kickout!

    “KU-SHI-DA” chants! Tag to Chase Owens. Package piledriver! No! KUSHIDA shifts his weight and lands back on the mat before throwing Chase with a back body drop. Tag to Alex Shelly. KUSHIDA gets a boot up on Chase Owens. Owens stumbles back in and KUSHIDA puts up two boots. Owens looks pissed and stomps back into a crossbody from Alex Shelly! Kenny Omega hits a running knee on Shelly! Bobby Fish runs in and ducks a lariat. Samoan drop! Kenny Omega spasms out of the ring. Double superkick floors Bobby Fish! Superkick to Kyle sends him into the rebound lariat which gets cut off with a double superkick that sends him under the middle rope to the outside!

    Matt gets back dropped onto the apron when he charges Alex in the corner. Nick gets dropped onto the other side. KUSHIDA charges across the ring and hits the handspring heel kick on both of them! Boot to Alex Shelly from Chase Owens. Owens hits a forearm to KUSHIDA and thinks that after everything that's just happened in the past minute this rates a “suck it”...it doesn't. He runs the ropes right into a reverse atomic drop. Basement dropkick from KUSHIDA. Flipping front facelock. KUSHIDA hits a handspring dropkick! Bobby Fish runs in just to hit a corner flip tope on Matt Jackson! Slingshot splash from Alex Shelly onto Nick Jackson! Amazing rana into a tornado DDT into a kimura from KUSHIDA! Chase Owens almost makes the ropes but KUSHIDA rolls him back into the center of the ring where the camera pans over to show that Kyle O'reilly has caught Kenny Omega with an armbar over the top rope! Owens taps!

    Awards and ratings!
    Match quality: PWG flavored spotfest
    Ratchetness: ReDragon's face turn is an anti-ratchet removal spray
    Least Effective Bullet Club Member: either Chase Owens or Takahashi but at least Takahashi knows Mao
    Final Rating: 3 ½ neutron stars

    Post match Kyle and KUSHIDA fistbump. KUSHIDA motions at Kenny Omega that he's coming for his belt. The faces actually pose on the ropes with the belts Bullet Club left behind. Kenny Omega takes his IWGP Jr. title back and makes a gun motion at KUSHIDA.

    And now for a secret message from Kenny Omega.

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    LBD_NytetraynLBD_Nytetrayn TorontoRegistered User regular
    Kilroy wrote: »
    Turambar wrote: »
    Bayley vs Eva was perfectly executed

    They played the crowd like a fiddle

    proving once again that "smart" marks are still marks

    That whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. It was well-executed, and I guess I can go for it as a one-off deal, but it felt way to close to your usual main roster shenanigans for my liking, as I don't want that kind of stuff seeping down into NXT.

    Like Mega Man Legends? Then check out my story, Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends on TMMN and AO3!
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    BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    How so?

    That was the best storytelling I've seen in a match, especially a one-off, in a long time

    Corporate interference ain't an inherently bad angle

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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    Kilroy wrote: »
    Turambar wrote: »
    Bayley vs Eva was perfectly executed

    They played the crowd like a fiddle

    proving once again that "smart" marks are still marks

    That whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. It was well-executed, and I guess I can go for it as a one-off deal, but it felt way to close to your usual main roster shenanigans for my liking, as I don't want that kind of stuff seeping down into NXT.

    Spoilers for the next two weeks of shows
    That type of scenario doesn't happen again unless there's a backstage vignette they add.

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    BloodsheedBloodsheed Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    How so?

    That was the best storytelling I've seen in a match, especially a one-off, in a long time

    Corporate interference ain't an inherently bad angle

    Hell, it was done it such an obvious, lampshadey way I'm not convinced they weren't taking shots at some of the main roster shenanigans.

    Xbox Live, Steam, PSN: Eclibull
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    411Randle411Randle Librarian Oook.Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Combing through all of the Finn and Joe stuff I can find for my dumb video

    Boy Oh boy it is hard to find a clip of Finn talking that doesn't make him sound like a total dweeb when put up next to one of Joe talking

    Too be fair, Joe could out-intense most people.

    1) Silence 2) Books must be returned by the last date shown 3) Do not interfere with the nature of causality
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    RadiusRadius Registered User regular
    With Seth out of action I'm pretty sure Honma is my favorite active wrestler.

    Everyday we stray further from God's light
    Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
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    KilroyKilroy timaeusTestified Registered User regular
    honma is real and my friend

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    Dyvim TvarDyvim Tvar Registered User regular
    Honma for Los Ingobernables!

    Everyone is different. Everyone is special.
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    411Randle411Randle Librarian Oook.Registered User regular
    I just watched the UpUpDownDown where Xavier and Stardust play Battlefront, while Cody rattles off Star Wars facts and still stays in character the whole time.

    Why haven't I been watching this show?

    1) Silence 2) Books must be returned by the last date shown 3) Do not interfere with the nature of causality
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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    I think I'm going to buy some New Day Socks for the group to sign in January.

    What the shit, they aren't selling them?!?!

    wirehead26 on
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    LBD_NytetraynLBD_Nytetrayn TorontoRegistered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    How so?

    That was the best storytelling I've seen in a match, especially a one-off, in a long time

    Corporate interference ain't an inherently bad angle

    Sure; like I said, as a one-off, it was great, but my initial reaction was one of familiar dread.

    It's not an inherently bad angle, no, but WWE has leaned on it as a crutch for storytelling so heavily for so long that you can see the splinters starting to stick out.
    Bloodsheed wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    How so?

    That was the best storytelling I've seen in a match, especially a one-off, in a long time

    Corporate interference ain't an inherently bad angle

    Hell, it was done it such an obvious, lampshadey way I'm not convinced they weren't taking shots at some of the main roster shenanigans.

    Maybe I need to watch it again, but how was it any more obvious or lampshadey than anything they normally do with "corporate" or "The Authority"?

    I dunno, I think I'm just tired of that sort of thing that it's become a knee-jerk reaction for me. As long as it doesn't become "Bayley vs. WWE Corporate," I'm fine with it in the long run.

    Like Mega Man Legends? Then check out my story, Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends on TMMN and AO3!
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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    Evolve is doing a massive BF sale for the next few days, all their DVDs are $7.50 and Blurays are 10. Bought Evolve 35 and 37.

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    Sweeney TomSweeney Tom Registered User regular
    Rudo Reels BF sale on everything. Obviously great opportunity for New Japan, puro stuff, etc. BUT EVEN BETTER. Newly released 90s Joshi For Dummies: https://rudoreels.com/shop/product/90s-joshi-for-dummies-blu-ray-wcase-art-2-discs/

    31.5 hours of 90s joshi matches

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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    This will probably end with many nasty responses but I want Nia to beat Bayley in London.

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    AlphaRomeroAlphaRomero Registered User regular
    She debuted like 4 weeks ago and has done little wrestling wise beyond being bigger than everyone else. Why should she hold the title? Better still, what would she bring to it in her current form?

    Unless Bayley is going up to the main roster, she should never drop the belt.

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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    She debuted like 4 weeks ago and has done little wrestling wise beyond being bigger than everyone else. Why should she hold the title? Better still, what would she bring to it in her current form?

    Unless Bayley is going up to the main roster, she should never drop the belt.

    I think there are more interesting storyline possibilities with Nia as champ. Bayley is as over as she'll ever be, she doesn't need the title anymore.

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    411Randle411Randle Librarian Oook.Registered User regular
    She debuted like 4 weeks ago and has done little wrestling wise beyond being bigger than everyone else. Why should she hold the title? Better still, what would she bring to it in her current form?

    Unless Bayley is going up to the main roster, she should never drop the belt.

    Your second sentence is why Nia should win at TakeOver. Bayley deserves to be on the main roster sooner rather than later, and Jax is a good way to get it off her. Maybe Bayley loses a rematch and debuts after WrestleMania, but she needs to graduate from NXT. Plus, then you build to Jax vs Asuka.

    1) Silence 2) Books must be returned by the last date shown 3) Do not interfere with the nature of causality
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    The BetgirlThe Betgirl I'm Molly! Registered User regular
    wirehead26 wrote: »
    This will probably end with many nasty responses but I want Nia to beat Bayley in London.

    my nasty response:

    no that's dumb

    Steam PSN: YerFriendMolly
    ineedmayo.com Eidolon Journal Updated
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    Vann DirasVann Diras Registered User regular
    you're gonna have a lot of trouble convincing me anyone should ever move up to the main roster

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    David_TDavid_T A fashion yes-man is no good to me. Copenhagen, DenmarkRegistered User regular
    Even if Bayley isn't going to the main roster yet, losing to Nia gives her another mountain to climb, a new obstacle to overcome. After Sasha Banks was Bayley's Apollo Creed, Nia could be her Clubber Lang.

    And then... Asuka kills Sasha and Bayley beats her at NXT:Tokyo sometime next year? I dunno, I didn't think this analogy this far through.

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    Ms DapperMs Dapper Yuri Librarian Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    The NXT DVD apparently has three more unreleased matches:
    Paige vs. Becky Lynch
    [Dark Match] NXT Takeover: Fatal Four Way • September 11, 2014

    — Adrian Neville vs. Cesaro
    Columbus, OH • March 5, 2015

    — Hideo Itami vs. Tyler Breeze
    [Arena Cam] San Jose, CA • March 27, 2015

    Ms Dapper on
    Tumblr | Twitter PSN: misterdapper Av by Satellite_09
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    KilroyKilroy timaeusTestified Registered User regular
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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    Vann Diras wrote: »
    you're gonna have a lot of trouble convincing me anyone should ever move up to the main roster

    Unless they start paying people in NXT like the main roster I don't agree. Yes creative on the main roster is in shambles for the most part but to not bring someone up because of that isn't right.

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    KyouguKyougu Registered User regular
    I do not want Bayley in the main roster.

    They will surely fuck up everything that makes her special.

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    Sweeney TomSweeney Tom Registered User regular
    Bayley getting messed up on the main roster is the most predictable thing left to happen in the company. All I ask is they keep the inflatable tube men

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    Sweeney TomSweeney Tom Registered User regular
    New Japan make boxer shorts now


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    The BetgirlThe Betgirl I'm Molly! Registered User regular
    Ms Dapper wrote: »
    The NXT DVD apparently has three more unreleased matches:
    Paige vs. Becky Lynch
    [Dark Match] NXT Takeover: Fatal Four Way • September 11, 2014

    — Adrian Neville vs. Cesaro
    Columbus, OH • March 5, 2015

    — Hideo Itami vs. Tyler Breeze
    [Arena Cam] San Jose, CA • March 27, 2015

    That hideo/breeze match was really good.

    Steam PSN: YerFriendMolly
    ineedmayo.com Eidolon Journal Updated
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    XehalusXehalus Registered User regular
    I hope we eventually get Sasha and Bayley chants during boring Authority segments

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    Ms DapperMs Dapper Yuri Librarian Registered User regular
    Ms Dapper wrote: »
    The NXT DVD apparently has three more unreleased matches:
    Paige vs. Becky Lynch
    [Dark Match] NXT Takeover: Fatal Four Way • September 11, 2014

    — Adrian Neville vs. Cesaro
    Columbus, OH • March 5, 2015

    — Hideo Itami vs. Tyler Breeze
    [Arena Cam] San Jose, CA • March 27, 2015

    That hideo/breeze match was really good.

    It's the one with GTS right?

    Also god damn does Cesaro vs Neville sound like a barn burner

    Tumblr | Twitter PSN: misterdapper Av by Satellite_09
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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    Kyougu wrote: »
    I do not want Bayley in the main roster.

    They will surely fuck up everything that makes her special.

    On the other hand they let New Day be great. And Stardust I guess.

    I don't know, maybe they over-emphasize the hugging aspect?

    wirehead26 on
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    Sweeney TomSweeney Tom Registered User regular


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    KyouguKyougu Registered User regular
    wirehead26 wrote: »
    Kyougu wrote: »
    I do not want Bayley in the main roster.

    They will surely fuck up everything that makes her special.

    On the other hand they let New Day be great. And Stardust I guess.

    I don't know, maybe they over-emphasize the hugging aspect?

    Those are male wrestlers.

    Like forget everything you know about them from NXT, can anyone list some defining traits for Charlotte, Sasha or most of the divas?

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    Ms DapperMs Dapper Yuri Librarian Registered User regular
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    KilroyKilroy timaeusTestified Registered User regular
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    XehalusXehalus Registered User regular
    way to ruin the surprise

This discussion has been closed.