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PokéCrawl Episode VII: Year of Pokémon!

RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnarRochester, NYRegistered User regular
edited April 2016 in PAX East

Welcome to the official thread for PokéCrawl Episode VII: Year of Pokémon!
This event is strictly 21+.

Something strange is happening! Legendary Pokémon have started popping up all over the region and some of them look very familiar... perhaps you have a few hazy memories of facing them earlier in your drinking career? Or maybe that was someone on the internet? Who cares!? It's time to get out there, grab a drink and catch those bad boys to prove your team is the best around.

What is this?
The PokéCrawl is the PAX East version of Pre-PAX bar crawl. You may remember us from...the other six PokéCrawls? Maybe? Or how about the other PAX bar crawls: The Tri-Wizard Tournament or A Shot of Ice & Fire? The point is, we've done this a few of these.

In any case, the PokéCrawl is a non-profit Pokémon themed bar crawl dedicated to raising money for Child's Play Charity. This means we will ask you for donations AND there will probably be cool things auctioned & sold over the course of the night. So don’t be stingy - bring some extra cash and think of the children. It's also a great way to get drunk, meet fellow PAXers and make a few friends before the convention itself.

The crawl will be held in Boston's Faneuil Hall area. Check in will start at 7:15 at your team's first bar. Every hour after that, you will go forth to a new bar to meet another team to humiliate with your elite drinking skills. All the bars will be walking distance to each other. We come as a group, and leave as a group, so don’t get left behind!

What's New for Episode VII?
• New(old?) team groups: R(ed) and B(lue)! Let the color confusion begin!
• New challenge format! This year we'll be switching the challenge process up to follow the format of PAX South's crawl. More details to come!
• Twitter: #Pokecrawl2016

How to Participate
Registration will open on April 5, 2016 at 7:15PM Eastern. You can register through Eventbrite at:

You'll be able to register yourself and a +1. Any duplicate or suspicious registrations will be deleted, so don’t try pulling a fast one. When registration opens, there will not be a waitlist (blame Eventbrite). Any cancellations or spots that open up will immediately go back into the pool so if you didn't get a ticket, keep checking back. You will need to bring a printout of your registration or have it available on your smart device to check in at your first bar. We also ask that everyone donate at least $2 for Child's Play to receive the scorecard and team buttons.

How Do I Win?
There's really no winning, per se. This is pretty much a fun, drunken night out with fellow nerds. But as we are raising money for Child's Play, the team that raises the most cash will be declared the PokéChampions giving them full bragging rights until next year.

For those of you who do manage to finish all the challenges, there will be a button confirming the fact that you have indeed "drank 'em all". If that's not enough for you then there will be an additional Legendary challenge that has no effect on anything.

Leadership and Volunteers
In case you're looking to join a team based on who is volunteering for it, here's a semi-comprehensive list. It's liable to have some changes, and we're still looking for extra volunteers for a couple teams. Please message me if you're interested.

RED, Charizard, Spits fire that is hot enough to melt boulders. Known to cause forest fires unintentionally.
Professor - Rappak
Assist -
Assist -

Bar 1 (07:15): Hong Kong
Bar 2 (08:30): Coogan's
Bar 3 (09:30): Sissy K's
Bar 4 (10:30): Black Rose
Bar 5 (11:30): Wild Rover

Professor - TorpedoStitches
Assist - ohnoitsjanna
Assist -

Bar 1 (07:15): Hong Kong
Bar 2 (08:30): Sissy K's
Bar 3 (09:30): Clarke's
Bar 4 (10:30): Sissy K's
Bar 5 (11:30): Wild Rover

Facebook Group:

GREEN, Venasaur, The plant blooms when it is absorbing solar energy. It stays on the move to seek sunlight.
Professor - juju
Assist - zeromyst
Assist - zerzhul
Nurse Joy - peetsnack

Bar 1 (07:15): Black Rose
Bar 2 (08:30): Coogan's
Bar 3 (09:30): Wild Rover
Bar 4 (10:30): Hong Kong
Bar 5 (11:30): Clarke's

Professor - ohhmyfionna
Assist - Willmannyeatthat
Assist - ChiChi

Bar 1 (07:15): Black Rose
Bar 2 (08:30): Sissy K's
Bar 3 (09:30): Hong Kong
Bar 4 (10:30): Coogan's
Bar 5 (11:30): Clarke's
Route Map: SOON

Facebook Group:

YELLOW, Pikachu, When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.
Professor -
Assist - BrewKnell
Assist - Uninvisible

Bar 1 (07:15): Hennessys
Bar 2 (08:30): Hong Kong
Bar 3 (09:30): Clarke's
Bar 4 (10:30): Coogan's
Bar 5 (11:30): Black Rose

Professor - Randomfool
Assist - Trixi_Hobbitses
Assist - SnephanieCA
Assist - helloloveandkisses

Bar 1 (07:15): Hennessys
Bar 2 (08:30): Wild Rover
Bar 3 (09:30): Sissy K's
Bar 4 (10:30): Hong Kong
Bar 5 (11:30): Black Rose

Facebook Group:

BLUE, Blastoise, A brutal Pokémon with pressurized water jets on its shell. They are used for high speed tackles.
Professor - RidleyDragon
Assist - Fugitoid
Assist - OmegaPlatinum

Bar 1 (07:15): Clarke's
Bar 2 (08:30): Wild Rover
Bar 3 (09:30): Hong Kong
Bar 4 (10:30): Sissy K's
Bar 5 (11:30): Coogan's

Professor - Maiu
Assist - Buddytonto
Assist - Ricky
Nurse Joy - Macklin

Bar 1 (07:15): Clarke's
Bar 2 (08:30): Hong Kong
Bar 3 (09:30): Wild Rover
Bar 4 (10:30): Black Rose
Bar 5 (11:30): Coogan's

Facebook Group:

Tips & Tricks
Don't Be a Dick: First and foremost, don't do anything that's going to embarrass yourself or anyone else. Especially since alcohol is going to be involved you're going to want to leave your asshole pants at home. Don't get punched in the face. This is Boston, after all.

Know Your Limit: The only person who knows your alcohol tolerance is you. There's nothing worse than an overindulged drunk so don't be that guy. If someone notices that you're getting sloppy, you're already past the point of no return. You should probably stop drinking when someone points out to you that you're peeing on a bar stool.

Leave No Pokémon Behind: We arrive as a group and leave as a group. If someone has to be That Guy/Gal who gets so wasted that they think they're actually Brock, it's the responsibility of the crawl as a whole to ensure this person makes it safely back to their hotel. Use the buddy system, handcuff yourselves to each other, whatever. No one is to vomit in a bus terminal by themselves. Not on this night, at least.

Respect the Professor and their Assistants: Anyone designated as a Prof or Assist for the crawl isn't there just to hand out signatures; they're there to make sure everyone's having a good time and that everything runs smoothly. They're there to keep everyone moving and to stop people from jumping up on the bar and dropping trou. If one asks you to stop picking bar fights with Tom Cruise, it might be a good idea to do so.

HAVE FUN: This is the most important guideline of all: Have fun! We're all on vacation and we're drinking with fellow nerds so let's enjoy it. Keeping ourselves fairly reasonable for the evening will make it a good time for everyone.

We're almost always accepting volunteer spots as PokéAssists or Nurse Joys - it requires herding trainers from one bar to the next, signing off on challenges and making sure we don't lose any trainers along the way. It's a fun job, but we prefer our volunteers to be mostly sober. Sober-ish. More sober than the trainers. This is a great option for those that don’t feel like waking up hungover on Friday, but still like the energy and social spirit of the crawl. Please PM the Team professor or Randomfool if you're interested.

• You MUST have a print out of your confirmation email or have it available on your smart phone.
• You MUST provide your full name during the registration process, forum handle is optional.
• You MUST be over the age of 21. No minors allowed. This is a bar crawl, please don't bring your children.
• Attendees are limited to registering for 2 tickets (Yourself + 1)
• If you harass people on the forums or the team Facebook pages, you will be removed from the crawl, and your ticket will go back into the pool.
• Duplicate/multiple orders or orders containing more than one ticket type, and otherwise suspicious orders will be cancelled. If you have an issue with registration, please contact me immediately.
• Don't come to the bars if you are not registered. We'd love to have you tag along, but we pretty much max out the bars as-is.

Other Stuff
Routes are coming soon. Keep an eye on this thread for more information!

I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

Randomfool on


  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    edited April 2016
    We're bringing back some of our favorite challenges from previous years and switching up the format. Say good by to the scorecard and wander around a bar trying to get it signed by a professor and say hello to more pins!

    The year, you really can catch them all! Everyone who donates will get a set of 4 pins of their chosen team color. At each bar you'll pair up with an opponent from the other team, complete the challenge for that bar (listed below) and then trade buttons. If everything goes right, at the end of the night you should have a complete set of all four colors, at which time all you need to do is grab a drink, find your professor, complete the last challenge and show off your shiny new set of badges and you'll be rewarded with the completion badge. Easy as pie.

    As always all the challenges are optional! Participate or not it's up to you, there's no pressure but if you do complete all the challenges you'll be rewarded with an extra button.

    New Friends and Foes!
    Pair off with an opponent. If you think they are a friend to you then buy them a beer or shot of their choice. If you think that they are a foe then buy them a beer or shot of your choice. The method you use to determine whether or not they are a friend or foe is up to you.

    A Rival Appears!
    Did you really think traveling to another region would get you away from Gary Motherfucking Oak? He's here and he has more badges than you. But you have a secret weapon. Choose a rival from your opposing team and order them the same drink you had for challenge 1.

    Escape the Cloning Facility!
    Mewtwo had kidnapped your Pokemon and you find yourself trapped in his cloning facility separated from your friends! In order to rescue your Pokemon you must partner with a rival from the other team and drink 3 shots split amongst the two of you in order to navigate Mewtwo's traps.

    Pokemon World
    Order your opponent a drink that matches your team's color. Your opponent does the same for you.

    Legendary Bonus Challenge - There's no bonus button this year but I firmly believe drinking is it's own reward.
    Make this a legendary night you (might) remember grab a glass of water and drink of the other team's color to show you're true a team player.

    The Power of One (More Shot)
    One shot really can change the course of your night. Order a drink for yourself then your opponent orders a shot for you. Add the shot to your drink. Show off your completed set of badges and drink it in front of your professor to recieve the final badge proving you really are the very best like no one ever was.

    Randomfool on
    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • QuantumShaddowQuantumShaddow Registered User regular
    YAY!!!! So excited for this year's!

    3DS FC: 4441-8382-3645
    Switch: SW-7634-0399-6788

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    Team Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • SteffiechanSteffiechan Apocalypse Princess St. Louis, MORegistered User regular
    This sounds really fun. But.... I am over 21 but cannot drink, unfortunately.

  • RappakRappak Registered User regular
    edited March 2016
    Saved for later

    Rappak on
  • monkoshmonkosh NYCRegistered User regular
    This sounds really fun. But.... I am over 21 but cannot drink, unfortunately.

    They still need volunteers and assistants. So if you want participate but not drink and willing to help, PM Randomfool or any of the professor.

  • peetsnackpeetsnack Team Green Poké Assist, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Head Girl House Hufflepuff The Cleave LandsRegistered User regular
    monkosh wrote: »
    This sounds really fun. But.... I am over 21 but cannot drink, unfortunately.

    They still need volunteers and assistants. So if you want participate but not drink and willing to help, PM Randomfool or any of the professor.

    Each bar cards at the door, so I would discourage from volunteering if you are not 21. I don't think that standing around outside of a bar for 3/4 of the night would be very fun, and inside the bars is usually where assistance is most needed.

  • peetsnackpeetsnack Team Green Poké Assist, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Head Girl House Hufflepuff The Cleave LandsRegistered User regular
    Also, now that I think about it, Boston bouncers are notorious for not being 'cool guys' and letting people in without properly vetted credentials, so be 100% sure to bring your ID, preferably two if you are from out of state.

  • RappakRappak Registered User regular
    Right. People in my team had issues as they were from out of state with only one forum of Id or forgot their passport. Please don't forget your ids and/or passport. Especially for people out of country.

  • whtknightwhtknight Registered User regular
    peetsnack wrote: »
    Also, now that I think about it, Boston bouncers are notorious for not being 'cool guys' and letting people in without properly vetted credentials, so be 100% sure to bring your ID, preferably two if you are from out of state.

    They didn't like my NY id at one bar and luckily I had my passport card on me as well. I would advise everyone take this advice!

  • SteffiechanSteffiechan Apocalypse Princess St. Louis, MORegistered User regular
    Not bringing an ID when you leave the house is just a bad idea period. Haha. I'll need it to board my flight to even come to Boston.

    Discussing this with my friend now. We might come to watch and socialize. Maybe even volunteer. We shall see.

  • InfiniteNuLLInfiniteNuLL Registered User regular
    I've added this to the event thread =)

    FF14 - Failia Zebonaiza, Behemoth Server, FC: 404 Guild Not Found
    PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
  • MxWoodMxWood Registered User regular
    Missed last years, don't intend to do that again. Now to pick my color. Done Blue, done Green, thinking red or yellow.

  • RidleyDragonRidleyDragon Registered User regular
    If you have a passport or passport card that's all you'll need, that is by law required to be accepted by the bars. That is the recommended path for out of state, it is not likely that they will turn away people with nearby states IDs, but be careful if you are coming from the west coast or something.

  • schussschuss Registered User regular
    Yes, it's a very good idea to bring your passport or another form of ID to confirm if you're under 25. Boston has a huge student population, so they're a bit paranoid about the underage drinking thing, especially given how restrictive they can be about giving out liquor licenses.

  • sniper_kingsniper_king Registered User regular
    I'm excited hopefully be able to get in a group this year

  • plebpleb Chief Executive Butterfly Wrangler NYCRegistered User regular
    PAX East Pokecrawl was recently rated "Best Party Ever" by people who have previously been on PAX East Pokecrawl!

  • Jer1ch0Jer1ch0 Registered User regular
    Woot excited for the Pokecrawl this year! Work got in the way and I arrived very late thursday night last year and missed the crawl, but the Poketron will be back this year. Just have to figure out how to ship the costume to my hotel, a sweater filled with wires and batteries does not easily pass through airport security :p


  • thatguyuknow985thatguyuknow985 Registered User new member
    So this will be my first year at PAX, and want to try this out to meet some new people before I wander into the Convention Center. Any mind a newbie on their team?

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    @thatguyuknow985 Sign-ups haven't happened yet. No need to ask for permission. All teams are welcoming.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • RappakRappak Registered User regular
    Don't forget, several teams still need assistants! Never to late to help out

  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    Tickets are happening soon! Like.. real soon. Hope everyone is ready!

    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • QuantumShaddowQuantumShaddow Registered User regular
    Randomfool wrote: »
    Tickets are happening soon! Like.. real soon. Hope everyone is ready!

    Don't they go up tomorrow night?

    3DS FC: 4441-8382-3645
    Switch: SW-7634-0399-6788

  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    Randomfool wrote: »
    Tickets are happening soon! Like.. real soon. Hope everyone is ready!

    Don't they go up tomorrow night?

    Yes sir, statistically that's much sooner than 90% of the times I say "Soon".

    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    I heard you like challenges so I added some to the second post. Good luck!

    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • KumaKuma Registered User regular
    Where all the Green drunks at?

  • KumaKuma Registered User regular
    Wow Red R went quick. Green B, represent

  • Silcris88Silcris88 Registered User new member
    Blue B Can we please squirtle squad? <3

  • Drowning RabbitDrowning Rabbit New HampshireRegistered User regular
    Excited for my first Poke Crawl. Buddy of mine and I have been wanting to go to one of these every PAX East, but this year is the first time we were 'organized' enough to actually sign up and go!

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Ugh...totally would join in but my liver would hate me. Have a blast you guys!!

  • Streetlight345Streetlight345 Seekonk, MARegistered User regular
    Team Blue R!

    PAX East 2019!
    Badges [X] Hotel [X] Time off request [X]
  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    Team Greeeeeeeeeeeeeen. R

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • z silver1984z silver1984 Geek Dad Newport MaineRegistered User regular
    Blue Team!!!!! Can't wait you guys!

  • whtknightwhtknight Registered User regular
    When I registered I out the wrong pax forum name, what should I do? :0

  • rek1aimerrek1aimer Allentown, PARegistered User regular
    Team Red B. Can't wait for my first crawl with you all!

  • ChastizeChastize Mass Effect Junkie Toronto, ONRegistered User new member
    edited April 2016
    rek1aimer wrote: »
    Team Red B. Can't wait for my first crawl with you all!

    Me tooo(also first Pax :biggrin: ), Hype! Lets have a great time!
    whtknight wrote: »
    When I registered I out the wrong pax forum name, what should I do? :0

    You can edit the info within eventbrite

    Chastize on
    Can It Wait For A Bit? I'm In The Middle of Some Calibrations
  • LuckMonsterLuckMonster Registered User new member
    Team Yellow B... First Crawl can't wait!!!

  • whtknightwhtknight Registered User regular
    Actually it seems my registration never went through the first time.. 2nd one did though! Green team!

  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    Just a reminder, anyone with more than two tickets to their name risks will be cancelled when I sort through the registration list!

    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • mahshahmahshah Registered User regular
    Aw yeah, team Blue B. Squirtle squad hype.

This discussion has been closed.