
Stuff & Nonsense... mostly Nonsense [NSFW]



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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    "We'll Ascend together" kinda terrifies me, But in general I think that these are coming out really nicely! The leg fix does help a lot, to bad it was past due.

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    McMastaMcMasta ProvoRegistered User regular
    edited November 2015
    Yeah, don't drink any Kool-aid that guy gives you.

    And, what are they doing in that forest anyways?

    McMasta on
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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    Haha! I honestly hadn't even realized it, but now that you point it out... wow, yes. I can't unsee it either.

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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Alice in Wonderland themed illustration of my cousin's daughter, but right now it's looking far too dull to be Wonderland. I'd like to make the composition/landscape a bit more interesting, but without getting terribly busy.


    beckerskulls on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    @beckerskulls Sorry I got busy and forgot to respond here, but I find the forms on those trees to be pretty weak. Your other trees have a bit of character to them, but these feel a little overly simple. You may want to consider some internal forms:

    I think you can retain the simple style but not have it feel quite so flat. You can also push the silhouettes:

    or push the graphic nature of them:

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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    You're so right! The trees could be way more awesome. Love those examples! I'll work on that.

    Meanwhile, I had three deadlines somehow converge on one week and life has been chaos. Here's the first one. They wanted to be extra fancy and wear plaid, and for those reasons, I think this is my favorite thing I've done recently.


    beckerskulls on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus

    You probably done have time to fix this with your deadline apocalypse, but the dudes arms should probably be showing up somewhere, unless he has them behind him. The right one could be down by his wifes side, but I cant seem to mentally excuse the left one for being totally unseen.

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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    You're right, thanks for pointing that out! Is this better, or does it look weird? I can't tell anymore.


    Also, deadlines 2 and 3.


    Hopefully no one notices my lazy fix was to use the same hand in all 3 pictures :? Next time I promise to take actual reference

    beckerskulls on
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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Whew, it's been a while. Finally finished up that Alice piece. Crits welcome.

    beckerskulls on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    those trees came out waaay better! I like it.

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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Thanks! Your feedback was really helpful on that.

    A couple spot illustrations for that one magazine


    And a new project in the works: a blank wall in my kitchen inspired me to paint a series of vegetables. Not exactly earth-shattering, but I'm really excited about it. I'd like to go for botanical illustration meets American folk art. And I'm actually going to finish this one! 6 weeks and counting...





    And I'll have one more, probably a leafy green for variety, possibly chard. Kale might be trendier and all, but I've always thought chard looks really enticing.

    beckerskulls on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    I looove those veggies! I would love to see pics of them painted on the wall.

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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Quick color studies. Hopefully these compositions will make sense together, design-wise. Getting excited and nervous to finally paint something and actually finish a personal project for the first time in... a really long time.


    beckerskulls on
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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Final drawing and color study.


    beckerskulls on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    !! These are adorable! They'd fit right into to like, Southern Living or something.

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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017

    Here's the painting mostly done. I'll probably go in and lighten up those sanded edges a bit. (And get a better scan of it). Acrylic, prismacolor, and oil on hardboard panel.


    And, up next: radish. Here's a drawing and color study.



    beckerskulls on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Nice! Really wonderful polish on the carrot. The foliage is amazingly sharp.

    I feel like the nib at the bottom is slightly blurry and reminiscent of pencil lines, but thats a small nitpick and it may not be worth touching up. I'd love to see a time lapse of you painting these! really cool stuff.

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    Red_ArremerRed_Arremer Registered User regular
    edited May 2016
    Just went through the whole thread and your improvement is really visible! That vegetable set looks sweet (the finished carrot and radish look like they'd be perfect in a cook/gardening book) but the cabbage looks a lot like a butt to me.

    Red_Arremer on
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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Thanks for the feedback, guys! The cabbage is rather butt-like, lol. Will def fix that at some point. So I finally finished the first three of the series. 3 more to go!




    beckerskulls on
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    ProspicienceProspicience The Raven King DenvemoloradoRegistered User regular
    The most beautiful vegetables of all time.

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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Well, thank you! The goal (besides hanging them in my kitchen) is to do a small kickstarter to fund some prints and fridge magnets to sell. Here are the product images I've come up with so far for the campaign page. Video is in the works. Photography is not something I'm great at, so I had to photoshop quite a bit.




    beckerskulls on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Are you going to do more than 5?

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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    6 total. The last one I haven't picked yet, but will probably let backers vote on it.

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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Slowly but surely. Here's a drawing and color study for painting 4/6.

    beckerskulls on
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    SublimusSublimus Artist. nowhereRegistered User regular
    edited September 2016
    As someone who only recently just figured out the joy of planing and finishing projects, seeing your progress on this is really cool!!

    Glad that you're seeing this through!

    Edit: Just saw your kickstarter video. Really cute, and well done! Glad to see you're almost funded too!

    Sublimus on
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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    Thanks, @Sublimus! I've had a lot of unfinished personal projects, so it feels really good to be seeing this one through (even if it's taking forever).

    Glad you liked the video! Almost 75%, so it's getting there :)

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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017


    Final drawing and color study for #5


    beckerskulls on
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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Finished these last November, spent December shipping rewards and about a month later popped out a baby who (surprise!) has largely required my attention since then (hence the hiatus). Hoping to ease back into Art soon, though. At the very least, I should be doing some figure studies.



    Together at last:


    The video:


    Anyway, it was an interesting experience doing the Kickstarter... and a whole buttload of work, for sure. Now I have some inventory I can hopefully unload online and at farmer's markets/craft fairs. Most of all, I'm just glad I finished something. Hurray!

    And, because I just can't help myself:

    Totally worth it.


    beckerskulls on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Glad the kickstarter worked out for you! Even if it was a load of work, these illustrations are an excellent result!

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    beckerskullsbeckerskulls Registered User regular
    Thanks, Iruka! Haven't done much since, but I'm determined to eke out some more work. Been revisiting that nursery art series I started three years ago, and figure I'll do one at a time for however long it takes. Trying to keep it fairly simple. Here's a messy color study for the first one.


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