Janna support was hovering Darius support until the last minute, there. Good thing I did not go into the game tilted...
I'll play Darius support for you if you'd like.
It's really hard to get an S rating in 20 minutes, though.
nooooooo do not want
So the pregame discussion was:
supp: is Darius support meta
me: nooooooo
jg: it is if you believe
supp: hah I like that
me: I am just going to push the lane in, so if you really need to just spend lane standing behind me as Darius, you can...
supp: *switches to Janna at the last moment, enables ridiculous game in which, for example, Janna and I 2v3 enemy Lee Sin, Nasus, and Blitzcrank at top inner turret*
At 20 minutes we were at their nexus turrets. It was a very fast game.
Steam, LoL: credeiki
SpectrumArcher of InfernoChaldea Rec RoomRegistered Userregular
Apparently LPL's going to start franchising next split. That should be interesting.
Apparently LPL's going to start franchising next split. That should be interesting.
Increasing the number also next year to 18 team may reach 20 in the future according to the report I read.
Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
As an American, I think franchising might have some upsides and I'd like to see somewhat bigger leagues in the West, though the European approach seems to be working out for them. (I liked the group divisions this split? I suppose it made some of the later games a bit less important, but that can be true of the divisionless system, too.
I'm not sure if this qualifies as ironic or not, but I'm not sure there's enough talent in NA to support expanding the number of teams, while Europe seems to have several decent CS teams that would be somewhat competitive in the EULCS.
Me elsewhere:
Steam, various fora: Ivellius
League of Legends: Doctor Ivellius
Twitch, probably another place or two I forget: LPIvellius
Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
Holy moly I guess Rift Herald will actually be worth taking now. Seems a little insane based on the damage it did to the tower in that video, but we'll see I guess.
So I messed around with Elise in normals. How the hell do players do Human EWQ - RQ so damn fast? It almost seems like my latency won't allow that. It's ridiculous.
Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
Holy moly I guess Rift Herald will actually be worth taking now. Seems a little insane based on the damage it did to the tower in that video, but we'll see I guess.
It's not immune to crowd control (or at least displacements) and damage dealt is based on current health. Nunu/Cho may have a hard time safely walking up to it but both can put out a shitload of damage on it with one spell cast. Braum is probably going to be very good if his team can manage to take Herald since he can escort it in to turrets safely and then protect it every so often.
So I messed around with Elise in normals. How the hell do players do Human EWQ - RQ so damn fast? It almost seems like my latency won't allow that. It's ridiculous.
Smart cast, slightly faster without range indicators on. Other than that just practice typing I guess.
Holy moly I guess Rift Herald will actually be worth taking now. Seems a little insane based on the damage it did to the tower in that video, but we'll see I guess.
It's not immune to crowd control (or at least displacements) and damage dealt is based on current health. Nunu/Cho may have a hard time safely walking up to it but both can put out a shitload of damage on it with one spell cast. Braum is probably going to be very good if his team can manage to take Herald since he can escort it in to turrets safely and then protect it every so often.
So I messed around with Elise in normals. How the hell do players do Human EWQ - RQ so damn fast? It almost seems like my latency won't allow that. It's ridiculous.
Smart cast, slightly faster without range indicators on. Other than that just practice typing I guess.
I use smart cast, I do have range indicators. But yeah I'm ass mechanically esp with that rapid-fire inputs. Also Peanut is probably not a realistic role model lol. Dude's human combo was INSTANT.
Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
So I messed around with Elise in normals. How the hell do players do Human EWQ - RQ so damn fast? It almost seems like my latency won't allow that. It's ridiculous.
Elise is fun. That's a good choice. Pretty good build flexibility, too, even if people don't like bruisery options.
Me elsewhere:
Steam, various fora: Ivellius
League of Legends: Doctor Ivellius
Twitch, probably another place or two I forget: LPIvellius
So I messed around with Elise in normals. How the hell do players do Human EWQ - RQ so damn fast? It almost seems like my latency won't allow that. It's ridiculous.
...Elise is the only champion I have ever bought and then refunded after realizing I was too terrible to play her ;_;
I am not sure whether, a few years later, I would now be able to do her combo, but certainly at the time it seemed completely impossible to do it well so...yeah, I feel your pain there. Although I do think I'm getting a lot better at just rapidly casting stuff, like recently I've stepped back and considered my Lux play and there will be these q-e-w some teammate-r-oh shit zhonyas-flash away-q again where I'm like, damn, solid mechanics, good job self!
Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
Rift Herald enrages now. Triple damage occasionally depending on her HP.
Hiryu02 on
Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
I want to love League of Legends, but at this point I seriously wonder if it's not just a toxic relationship. Playing makes me angry more often than not.
I just cannot wrap my head around squishy champions at all.
Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
I'm still wondering how Sejuani R will interact with her normal E per-target CD. I need another AP jungler, Elise will have to wait til I'm not trash. Well, Elise, Evelyn, Master Yi, Diana, Kha, Rengar and Shaco.
Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
I'm still wondering how Sejuani R will interact with her normal E per-target CD. I need another AP jungler, Elise will have to wait til I'm not trash. Well, Elise, Evelyn, Master Yi, Diana, Kha, Rengar and Shaco.
You stun someone with your ultimate and you can't stun them again with E until the 10-8 second cooldown is up.
Really interested in trying NuSej top. Just have to decide between rolling Bear Cav or picking Sabertusk and just spamming "HEY EVERYONE CHECK OUT HOW SHREDDED MY ABS ARE" in /all.
What other junglers are worth learning? I've been kicking ass with Hecarim and Graves. What about Vi? I guess I should eventually learn Lee Sin too.
Vi is fine. Lee Sin is always fine, so he'd be good to learn, yeah.
I'd suggest picking up an AP champion, though? I'm partial to Elise, but Diana, Rumble (I know, it sounds like it shouldn't work), and Amumu are all reasonably simple, I think. Maybe Gragas?
I'm still wondering how Sejuani R will interact with her normal E per-target CD. I need another AP jungler, Elise will have to wait til I'm not trash. Well, Elise, Evelyn, Master Yi, Diana, Kha, Rengar and Shaco.
I probably could've combined the responses, but try Gragas or Amumu.
Ivellius on
Me elsewhere:
Steam, various fora: Ivellius
League of Legends: Doctor Ivellius
Twitch, probably another place or two I forget: LPIvellius
I'm still wondering how Sejuani R will interact with her normal E per-target CD. I need another AP jungler, Elise will have to wait til I'm not trash. Well, Elise, Evelyn, Master Yi, Diana, Kha, Rengar and Shaco.
You stun someone with your ultimate and you can't stun them again with E until the 10-8 second cooldown is up.
Really interested in trying NuSej top. Just have to decide between rolling Bear Cav or picking Sabertusk and just spamming "HEY EVERYONE CHECK OUT HOW SHREDDED MY ABS ARE" in /all.
I was watching some PBE footage of her, and the player, who I think was Robertxlee, a Rioter, said it was possible to double freeze, but only if ult freeze was first or something like that. Of course this was PBE and I'm not sure if they decided to scrap it or not.
Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
Sir Landsharkresting shark faceRegistered Userregular
I played a game last night with a support Veigar who was clearly really good. I laned and got really fed off a Xayah top, so mid-game I wanted to split with TP. Veigar however got increasingly insistent that we group up and siege, however, the enemy team had an AP Morgana (mid lane, not support) and I pointed out that it's really hard to siege into AP Morg with her waveclear and anti-dive CC.
Eventually the Veigar got pissed off and just afk'd mid. We lost mid and bot inhib before Veigar started trying again. Killed the enemy team at top inhib, killed them again as they trickled into Elder Dragon, then won the game thanks to late game death timers.
Post-game chat Veigar and I got into a really long argument where he kept insisting that he could keep Morg from walking up with his cage and I kept saying she could just black shield, walk up, W the wave, walk back, wait for the next wave 30s later. He then claimed to be a master-tier Veigar OTP and linked his "main account", which I didn't bother to click as the conversation seemed pretty over at that point. Based on how well he played he was definitely at least Diamond level, but that doesn't necessarily make him right.
Our comp was Irelia/Zed/Xin/Lucian/Veigar vs Xayah/Morgana/Graves/Ezreal/Braum
So was I wrong? We were decently ahead in gold early, as both top and bottom lane won pretty hard (mid did not). I mostly wanted to 1-3-1 split. Team fights just seemed to favor their comp so much more unless we managed to pick Morg early (which was pretty hard since she has Zhonya's and Black Shield).
Please consider the environment before printing this post.
I just hit my first promo series (In Silver 5). I'm nervous. My past several games have been really good with teammates who aren't straight up trolls.
By law of averages, my next games will be full of them.
Even if you lose, you will get a free win towards your next series! (meaning that once you get back into promos, you just have to win 1 of the next 2 games). So just think of the next couple games as a way of farming that free win. This season I've lost most promos once and then won them on the second try.
I played a game last night with a support Veigar who was clearly really good. I laned and got really fed off a Xayah top, so mid-game I wanted to split with TP. Veigar however got increasingly insistent that we group up and siege, however, the enemy team had an AP Morgana (mid lane, not support) and I pointed out that it's really hard to siege into AP Morg with her waveclear and anti-dive CC.
Eventually the Veigar got pissed off and just afk'd mid. We lost mid and bot inhib before Veigar started trying again. Killed the enemy team at top inhib, killed them again as they trickled into Elder Dragon, then won the game thanks to late game death timers.
Post-game chat Veigar and I got into a really long argument where he kept insisting that he could keep Morg from walking up with his cage and I kept saying she could just black shield, walk up, W the wave, walk back, wait for the next wave 30s later. He then claimed to be a master-tier Veigar OTP and linked his "main account", which I didn't bother to click as the conversation seemed pretty over at that point. Based on how well he played he was definitely at least Diamond level, but that doesn't necessarily make him right.
Our comp was Irelia/Zed/Xin/Lucian/Veigar vs Xayah/Morgana/Graves/Ezreal/Braum
So was I wrong? We were decently ahead in gold early, as both top and bottom lane won pretty hard (mid did not). I mostly wanted to 1-3-1 split. Team fights just seemed to favor their comp so much more unless we managed to pick Morg early (which was pretty hard since she has Zhonya's and Black Shield).
How are you supposed to siege with no waveclear except support Veigar and with 500-range lucian as the only way to hit a tower? Absolutely 1-3-1 split, I assume with 1 and 1 being Irelia and Zed, but XZ could as well, probably.
Steam, LoL: credeiki
Sir Landsharkresting shark faceRegistered Userregular
Yeah I was telling the Zed to go top while I went bottom. It was working well, we got towers. But then the 3 mid would roam down bot when the enemy team was coming to defend me and forcing a 4v4 fight that we lost. And after a couple times of that they got Baron and started forcing down inhibs.
Please consider the environment before printing this post.
I'm still wondering how Sejuani R will interact with her normal E per-target CD. I need another AP jungler, Elise will have to wait til I'm not trash. Well, Elise, Evelyn, Master Yi, Diana, Kha, Rengar and Shaco.
You stun someone with your ultimate and you can't stun them again with E until the 10-8 second cooldown is up.
Really interested in trying NuSej top. Just have to decide between rolling Bear Cav or picking Sabertusk and just spamming "HEY EVERYONE CHECK OUT HOW SHREDDED MY ABS ARE" in /all.
I wonder if Kassadin is upset that he no longer has the best abs anymore.
SpectrumArcher of InfernoChaldea Rec RoomRegistered Userregular
Sven inting as standard, WT doesn't know how to position or CS, Bjerg forced to build tear because he never gets a blue and so does no damage, amazing
Sven inting as standard, WT doesn't know how to position or CS, Bjerg forced to build tear because he never gets a blue and so does no damage, amazing
Did someone forget to tell TSM they're supposed to be playing? It looks like a Bronze clownfiesta so often.
sven missing every smite
WT missing every non point blank arrow
overstaying in every fight and not watching flanks
truly NA's best
we're fucked boys
The beginning of Game 2 looked a lot better for TSM. Then they just fed the Zed. Also, who picks Zed in Pro play? When did this start?
Zed wasn't strictly the issue. They could never get to Ziggs who just shits out damage in teamfights. Once TSM's burst was down they never did anything.
SpectrumArcher of InfernoChaldea Rec RoomRegistered Userregular
I'll play Darius support for you if you'd like.
It's really hard to get an S rating in 20 minutes, though.
Steam, various fora: Ivellius
League of Legends: Doctor Ivellius
Twitch, probably another place or two I forget: LPIvellius
nooooooo do not want
So the pregame discussion was:
supp: is Darius support meta
me: nooooooo
jg: it is if you believe
supp: hah I like that
me: I am just going to push the lane in, so if you really need to just spend lane standing behind me as Darius, you can...
supp: *switches to Janna at the last moment, enables ridiculous game in which, for example, Janna and I 2v3 enemy Lee Sin, Nasus, and Blitzcrank at top inner turret*
At 20 minutes we were at their nexus turrets. It was a very fast game.
Increasing the number also next year to 18 team may reach 20 in the future according to the report I read.
I'm not sure if this qualifies as ironic or not, but I'm not sure there's enough talent in NA to support expanding the number of teams, while Europe seems to have several decent CS teams that would be somewhat competitive in the EULCS.
Steam, various fora: Ivellius
League of Legends: Doctor Ivellius
Twitch, probably another place or two I forget: LPIvellius
Ah well, I'll always have memories of crushing people.
Steam, various fora: Ivellius
League of Legends: Doctor Ivellius
Twitch, probably another place or two I forget: LPIvellius
I use smart cast, I do have range indicators. But yeah I'm ass mechanically esp with that rapid-fire inputs. Also Peanut is probably not a realistic role model lol. Dude's human combo was INSTANT.
Elise is fun. That's a good choice. Pretty good build flexibility, too, even if people don't like bruisery options.
Steam, various fora: Ivellius
League of Legends: Doctor Ivellius
Twitch, probably another place or two I forget: LPIvellius
...Elise is the only champion I have ever bought and then refunded after realizing I was too terrible to play her ;_;
I am not sure whether, a few years later, I would now be able to do her combo, but certainly at the time it seemed completely impossible to do it well so...yeah, I feel your pain there. Although I do think I'm getting a lot better at just rapidly casting stuff, like recently I've stepped back and considered my Lux play and there will be these q-e-w some teammate-r-oh shit zhonyas-flash away-q again where I'm like, damn, solid mechanics, good job self!
I mean, PF Caitlyn is here.
Rift Herald enrages now. Triple damage occasionally depending on her HP.
What other junglers are worth learning? I've been kicking ass with Hecarim and Graves. What about Vi? I guess I should eventually learn Lee Sin too.
In last 7 ranked games I lost 6. It sucks.
His kit looks so boring to play. Like if I was a support main, but wanted to jungle.
I just cannot wrap my head around squishy champions at all.
You stun someone with your ultimate and you can't stun them again with E until the 10-8 second cooldown is up.
Really interested in trying NuSej top. Just have to decide between rolling Bear Cav or picking Sabertusk and just spamming "HEY EVERYONE CHECK OUT HOW SHREDDED MY ABS ARE" in /all.
Vi is fine. Lee Sin is always fine, so he'd be good to learn, yeah.
I'd suggest picking up an AP champion, though? I'm partial to Elise, but Diana, Rumble (I know, it sounds like it shouldn't work), and Amumu are all reasonably simple, I think. Maybe Gragas?
I probably could've combined the responses, but try Gragas or Amumu.
Steam, various fora: Ivellius
League of Legends: Doctor Ivellius
Twitch, probably another place or two I forget: LPIvellius
I was watching some PBE footage of her, and the player, who I think was Robertxlee, a Rioter, said it was possible to double freeze, but only if ult freeze was first or something like that. Of course this was PBE and I'm not sure if they decided to scrap it or not.
Eventually the Veigar got pissed off and just afk'd mid. We lost mid and bot inhib before Veigar started trying again. Killed the enemy team at top inhib, killed them again as they trickled into Elder Dragon, then won the game thanks to late game death timers.
Post-game chat Veigar and I got into a really long argument where he kept insisting that he could keep Morg from walking up with his cage and I kept saying she could just black shield, walk up, W the wave, walk back, wait for the next wave 30s later. He then claimed to be a master-tier Veigar OTP and linked his "main account", which I didn't bother to click as the conversation seemed pretty over at that point. Based on how well he played he was definitely at least Diamond level, but that doesn't necessarily make him right.
Our comp was Irelia/Zed/Xin/Lucian/Veigar vs Xayah/Morgana/Graves/Ezreal/Braum
So was I wrong? We were decently ahead in gold early, as both top and bottom lane won pretty hard (mid did not). I mostly wanted to 1-3-1 split. Team fights just seemed to favor their comp so much more unless we managed to pick Morg early (which was pretty hard since she has Zhonya's and Black Shield).
By law of averages, my next games will be full of them.
Even if you lose, you will get a free win towards your next series! (meaning that once you get back into promos, you just have to win 1 of the next 2 games). So just think of the next couple games as a way of farming that free win. This season I've lost most promos once and then won them on the second try.
How are you supposed to siege with no waveclear except support Veigar and with 500-range lucian as the only way to hit a tower? Absolutely 1-3-1 split, I assume with 1 and 1 being Irelia and Zed, but XZ could as well, probably.
WT missing every non point blank arrow
overstaying in every fight and not watching flanks
truly NA's best
we're fucked boys
(oh god that game was too close)