This [chat] is arbitrarily significant



  • ShivahnShivahn Unaware of her barrel shifter privilege Western coastal temptressRegistered User, Moderator mod
    Ilpala wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    Elki wrote: »
    Stop teaching Romeo & Juliet. Start teaching Romeo + Juliet.

    Romeo vs Juliet


    (cons Romeo Juliet)

  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Work Left Unfinished Registered User regular
    Stacey fucks confirmed

    I wasn't the one in high school a few years ago!

    I mean like my little brother who is in college right now.

    But he was fucking everyone. Everyone was fucking at every party imaginable.

    He had sex with way more people during high school alone then I did in my whole life.

    And all my younger friends confirm the same things at their schools. I know it's just examples but that's basically all I ever hear.

    Why y'all spend so much time talking about highschoolers fuckin'

  • kedinikkedinik Captain of Industry Registered User regular
    I feel like it's safe to assume that people having lots of sex are going to overestimate how much sex is going on in the broader population around them

    I made a game! Hotline Maui. Requires mouse and keyboard.
  • kedinikkedinik Captain of Industry Registered User regular
    edited July 2018
    As a nerdy high school virgin who had nerdy high-school-virgin friends,

    kedinik on
    I made a game! Hotline Maui. Requires mouse and keyboard.
  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    come to think of it, even if a teenager can't understand exactly what it feels like to be married to someone for decades and suspect they are cheating on you

    it's probably useful to teach people to empathize with situations they can't completely relate to

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • ShivahnShivahn Unaware of her barrel shifter privilege Western coastal temptressRegistered User, Moderator mod
    VishNub wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    Ilpala wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Shakespeare should be taught because we have a staggeringly rich cultural history and it ought not be discarded because of the ever-present desire to do something "modern" and "relevant". People have been saying that since the 1700s.

    For me it’s not about relevance. It’s that I find it pedagogically wasteful that I was reading texts that I could not understand—in the most literal sense, I could not parse then—at ages where even if I were to understand them, I would have no comprehension of the themes of sex, death, and politics. Hard to see that as not being a pedagogical waste.

    High school is arguable. Junior high: what. I’m not a person with generally low language skills and was an avid reader. Eh, w/e.

    I don't believe it's impossible, or even very hard, for a 15yr old to connect with themes of sex, death, and politics. It's not taught that way! R&J should be upsettingly relatable for a HS sophomore. It's YA lit! Two idiot kids kill themselves over their ridiculous first love while their parents and family try to keep them apart. This is a relatable story!

    Othello is relatable as fk! Jealousy destroys everything, just like in your own life!

    The problem is with substandard teaching, not with Shakespeare.

    Yes, sexual jealousy and race politics, my primary areas of lived experience at 12

    Not to mention clever puns on the 1521 convention of the Holy Roman Empire addressing Martin Luther, aka the “Diet of Worms” (like... worms eating stuff... lol Shakespeare this wit!). DEFINITELY translates to the middle school experience.

    Ok, he said 15 though, and boy howdy sexual jealousy and race politics at 15? yea. yea, we had some of those.

    Most Americans are virgins for most of high school and most high schools are extremely racially segregated

    Is this still true? How do we actually know that?

    People who I've known that were in High School just a few years ago were fucking everyone and said everyone was fucking. Because like high school parties are p gross and every fucks at random parties.

    Systematic surveys. The first two sources I found on google both listed the median age for Americans as 17.

    There's a strong incentive to lie or misrepresent about sexual activity (for males anyways) at that age.

    You can always ask later, though.

    In any case yes, but I think study authors are usually aware of that.

  • y2jake215y2jake215 certified Flat Birther theorist the Last Good Boy onlineRegistered User regular
    Video game forums is where I collect my most accurate data on teenage sex

    maybe i'm streaming terrible dj right now if i am its here
  • VishNubVishNub Registered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    VishNub wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    Ilpala wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Shakespeare should be taught because we have a staggeringly rich cultural history and it ought not be discarded because of the ever-present desire to do something "modern" and "relevant". People have been saying that since the 1700s.

    For me it’s not about relevance. It’s that I find it pedagogically wasteful that I was reading texts that I could not understand—in the most literal sense, I could not parse then—at ages where even if I were to understand them, I would have no comprehension of the themes of sex, death, and politics. Hard to see that as not being a pedagogical waste.

    High school is arguable. Junior high: what. I’m not a person with generally low language skills and was an avid reader. Eh, w/e.

    I don't believe it's impossible, or even very hard, for a 15yr old to connect with themes of sex, death, and politics. It's not taught that way! R&J should be upsettingly relatable for a HS sophomore. It's YA lit! Two idiot kids kill themselves over their ridiculous first love while their parents and family try to keep them apart. This is a relatable story!

    Othello is relatable as fk! Jealousy destroys everything, just like in your own life!

    The problem is with substandard teaching, not with Shakespeare.

    Yes, sexual jealousy and race politics, my primary areas of lived experience at 12

    Not to mention clever puns on the 1521 convention of the Holy Roman Empire addressing Martin Luther, aka the “Diet of Worms” (like... worms eating stuff... lol Shakespeare this wit!). DEFINITELY translates to the middle school experience.

    Ok, he said 15 though, and boy howdy sexual jealousy and race politics at 15? yea. yea, we had some of those.

    Most Americans are virgins for most of high school and most high schools are extremely racially segregated

    Is this still true? How do we actually know that?

    People who I've known that were in High School just a few years ago were fucking everyone and said everyone was fucking. Because like high school parties are p gross and every fucks at random parties.

    Systematic surveys. The first two sources I found on google both listed the median age for Americans as 17.

    There's a strong incentive to lie or misrepresent about sexual activity (for males anyways) at that age.

    You can always ask later, though.

    In any case yes, but I think study authors are usually aware of that.

    Right. My point was more in relation the first and second hand anecdotal evidence you guys were responding to.

  • jungleroomxjungleroomx It's never too many graves, it's always not enough shovels Registered User regular
    Doodmann wrote: »
    High School American History (and otherwise) is such garbage, they'd be better off just putting on The Dollop.

    It's getting worse.

  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Work Left Unfinished Registered User regular
    Chanus wrote: »
    come to think of it, even if a teenager can't understand exactly what it feels like to be married to someone for decades and suspect they are cheating on you

    it's probably useful to teach people to empathize with situations they can't completely relate to

    Also in general I think having teenagers read fiction they can't necessarily relate to with shared experience is fine, because a) as someone pointed out, teenagers are dumb and can't relate to anything, and also b) a lot of teenagers love to get lost in a world where they can forget that they are a teenager for a little while

  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    Doodmann wrote: »
    High School American History (and otherwise) is such garbage, they'd be better off just putting on The Dollop.

    I did AP so mine was a bit different.

    Mine also included Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States.

  • DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    Stacey fucks confirmed

    I wasn't the one in high school a few years ago!

    I mean like my little brother who is in college right now.

    But he was fucking everyone. Everyone was fucking at every party imaginable.

    He had sex with way more people during high school alone then I did in my whole life.

    And all my younger friends confirm the same things at their schools. I know it's just examples but that's basically all I ever hear.

    Why y'all spend so much time talking about highschoolers fuckin'

    Because he's my brother who was still my brother when he was in high school. So he would discuss his life with me, his older brother. Why would that be weird? It's much better for a young person to be able to talk about that stuff with someone than not.

  • wanderingwandering Russia state-affiliated media Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    would ophelia and hamlet fuck like in the terrible kenneth branagh hamlet
    I've thought about this and I don't think so

    She's achingly desperate for cock from both Hamlet and her brother, but... her brother doesn't want to take the incest thing too far, and, while Hamlet does have a genuine obsession with Ophelia, it is mostly an asexual one. Hamlet only wants to bang Horatio, and of course his mother

  • VishNubVishNub Registered User regular
    kedinik wrote: »
    I feel like it's safe to assume that people having lots of sex are going to overestimate how much sex is going on in the broader population around them

    People jealous of the sex havers are also going to overestimate.

  • NecoNeco Worthless Garbage Registered User regular
    edited July 2018
    I was a virgin until just after high school

    High school was just like Obi wan because it was always holding me back

    Neco on
  • DoodmannDoodmann Registered User regular
    Doodmann wrote: »
    Teach Macbeth

    Then teach Wyrd Sisters

    Have them read Wyrd Sisters "just for fun"

    Then teach Macbeth.

    I literally read Wyrd Sisters during GCSE English and we were studying Macbeth.

    Helped me get the references.

    Are all of the Witches books Shakespeare meta?

    Whippy wrote: »
    nope nope nope nope abort abort talk about anime
    I like to ART
  • CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    People: Mathematics is so useful.
    Mathematician: I am still chasing the high I got from learning Euclid’s proof of the existence of an infinity of prime numbers. That is why I became a mathematician.

  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Work Left Unfinished Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    Stacey fucks confirmed

    I wasn't the one in high school a few years ago!

    I mean like my little brother who is in college right now.

    But he was fucking everyone. Everyone was fucking at every party imaginable.

    He had sex with way more people during high school alone then I did in my whole life.

    And all my younger friends confirm the same things at their schools. I know it's just examples but that's basically all I ever hear.

    Why y'all spend so much time talking about highschoolers fuckin'

    Because he's my brother who was still my brother when he was in high school. So he would discuss his life with me, his older brother. Why would that be weird? It's much better for a young person to be able to talk about that stuff with someone than not.

    No, no

    It's the second part of the post that had me concerned, Stacey :P

    "It's basically all I ever hear" makes it sound like you are constantly inundated with tales of teenagers banging! :D

  • MrMisterMrMister Jesus dying on the cross in pain? Morally better than us. One has to go "all in".Registered User regular
    Chanus wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    Ilpala wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    Ilpala wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    Ilpala wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Shakespeare should be taught because we have a staggeringly rich cultural history and it ought not be discarded because of the ever-present desire to do something "modern" and "relevant". People have been saying that since the 1700s.

    For me it’s not about relevance. It’s that I find it pedagogically wasteful that I was reading texts that I could not understand—in the most literal sense, I could not parse then—at ages where even if I were to understand them, I would have no comprehension of the themes of sex, death, and politics. Hard to see that as not being a pedagogical waste.

    High school is arguable. Junior high: what. I’m not a person with generally low language skills and was an avid reader. Eh, w/e.

    I don't believe it's impossible, or even very hard, for a 15yr old to connect with themes of sex, death, and politics. It's not taught that way! R&J should be upsettingly relatable for a HS sophomore. It's YA lit! Two idiot kids kill themselves over their ridiculous first love while their parents and family try to keep them apart. This is a relatable story!

    Othello is relatable as fk! Jealousy destroys everything, just like in your own life!

    The problem is with substandard teaching, not with Shakespeare.

    Yes, sexual jealousy and race politics, my primary areas of lived experience at 12

    Not to mention clever puns on the 1521 convention of the Holy Roman Empire addressing Martin Luther, aka the “Diet of Worms” (like... worms eating stuff... lol Shakespeare this wit!). DEFINITELY translates to the middle school experience.

    Ok, he said 15 though, and boy howdy sexual jealousy and race politics at 15? yea. yea, we had some of those.

    Most Americans are virgins for most of high school and most high schools are extremely racially segregated

    Being a virgin most definitely does not exclude someone from sexual jealousy.

    Yeah, sure, I really wanted to fuck because I was horny all the time and pop culture assured me that sex was great

    In what sense does that experience at bear on the rotten feeling of a married man who lets rumors of infidelity progressively poison his mind

    These are good stories! They don’t ~have~ to be relatable to kids. Kids don’t understand a lot of shit.

    ?? This was like, 80% of high school drama by a quick estimation. It doesn't have to be to the same degree to be relevant. "Hey I heard Joe saw Becky kissing Luke! I thought she was still with Derek?"

    This is only very superficially related to the deep, disturbing feelings depicted in a play like Othello or say A Winters Tale? I don’t think playground gossip really has that much to do with what it feels like to be a middle aged man with a wife he’s known half his life who suspects that she may have strayed and wishes desperately that he didn’t know—that he hadn’t seen “the spider in his cup.”

    i think this is a situation where there are layers of nuance to the theme, but not being able to exactly understand every aspect of it because you've literally never known anyone for 20 years doesn't equal not being able to grasp the material at all

    most of shakespeare has a superficial level of understanding and then deeper layers

    Yeah, but isn’t this going to be true for everything? There aren’t going to be many pieces of work where there is literally zero level no matter how superficial on which a kid, or any human, can relate. It doesn’t strike me as an especially compelling case for pedagogical value.

    They question is never “is this worse than doing nothing”; it’s “is this better than doing everything else.” Anything you do teach is something else you can’t.

  • VishNubVishNub Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    Stacey fucks confirmed

    I wasn't the one in high school a few years ago!

    I mean like my little brother who is in college right now.

    But he was fucking everyone. Everyone was fucking at every party imaginable.

    He had sex with way more people during high school alone then I did in my whole life.

    And all my younger friends confirm the same things at their schools. I know it's just examples but that's basically all I ever hear.

    Why y'all spend so much time talking about highschoolers fuckin'

    Because he's my brother who was still my brother when he was in high school. So he would discuss his life with me, his older brother. Why would that be weird? It's much better for a young person to be able to talk about that stuff with someone than not.

    No, no

    It's the second part of the post that had me concerned, Stacey :P

    "It's basically all I ever hear" makes it sound like you are constantly inundated with tales of teenagers banging! :D

    Maybe he lives in pornhub.

  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Doodmann wrote: »
    Doodmann wrote: »
    Teach Macbeth

    Then teach Wyrd Sisters

    Have them read Wyrd Sisters "just for fun"

    Then teach Macbeth.

    I literally read Wyrd Sisters during GCSE English and we were studying Macbeth.

    Helped me get the references.

    Are all of the Witches books Shakespeare meta?

    Maybe that one and Lords and Ladies. Witches Abroad is about Fairy Tales and Maskerade is a riff on Phantom of the Opera.

  • ShivahnShivahn Unaware of her barrel shifter privilege Western coastal temptressRegistered User, Moderator mod
    kedinik wrote: »
    I feel like it's safe to assume that people having lots of sex are going to overestimate how much sex is going on in the broader population around them

    College drinking surveys are hilarious

    Wait I mean tragic

    but basically everyone thinks everyone else is drinking more than them so they drink more to fit in.

  • wanderingwandering Russia state-affiliated media Registered User regular
    I was a virgin until uh


  • cptruggedcptrugged I think it has something to do with free will. Registered User regular
    kedinik wrote: »
    I have heard of basically two racial dynamics in American high schools:

    1) You go to a bougie, predominantly white school where race is something most of the students don't really think about or deal with

    2) You go to a school where race violence is too real and meaningful discussions of racial issues tend to be particularly fraught

    I don't recall my high school in the Baltimore suburbs being either one but I was only there for a year so maybe it was #2 and I just hadn't realized it yet

    my Wisconsin high school was deffo #1 tho

    My high school quite literally only had 2 black kids. The one girl in my class and the guy 3 or so grades below me. I remember when the Malcolm X movie came out, some wanted to ask the black girl in my classes opinion of it. Most of us though just had commentary like, "Why does this even matter? Is there still racism like that anymore? I mean Felicia is cool so all Black people are ok right?"

  • DoodmannDoodmann Registered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Doodmann wrote: »
    High School American History (and otherwise) is such garbage, they'd be better off just putting on The Dollop.

    I did AP so mine was a bit different.

    Mine also included Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States.

    That should be the standard not the AP. It all feels very "we can't teach the poor dumb people about the poor dumb history of the US, they'd revolt!"

    Whippy wrote: »
    nope nope nope nope abort abort talk about anime
    I like to ART
  • ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    wandering wrote: »
    I was a virgin until uh


    any day now

  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Work Left Unfinished Registered User regular
    I lost my virginity in high school but I didn't have sex where I delivered a performance I'm proud of until like 3 weeks ago

  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    MrMister wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    Ilpala wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    Ilpala wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    Ilpala wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Shakespeare should be taught because we have a staggeringly rich cultural history and it ought not be discarded because of the ever-present desire to do something "modern" and "relevant". People have been saying that since the 1700s.

    For me it’s not about relevance. It’s that I find it pedagogically wasteful that I was reading texts that I could not understand—in the most literal sense, I could not parse then—at ages where even if I were to understand them, I would have no comprehension of the themes of sex, death, and politics. Hard to see that as not being a pedagogical waste.

    High school is arguable. Junior high: what. I’m not a person with generally low language skills and was an avid reader. Eh, w/e.

    I don't believe it's impossible, or even very hard, for a 15yr old to connect with themes of sex, death, and politics. It's not taught that way! R&J should be upsettingly relatable for a HS sophomore. It's YA lit! Two idiot kids kill themselves over their ridiculous first love while their parents and family try to keep them apart. This is a relatable story!

    Othello is relatable as fk! Jealousy destroys everything, just like in your own life!

    The problem is with substandard teaching, not with Shakespeare.

    Yes, sexual jealousy and race politics, my primary areas of lived experience at 12

    Not to mention clever puns on the 1521 convention of the Holy Roman Empire addressing Martin Luther, aka the “Diet of Worms” (like... worms eating stuff... lol Shakespeare this wit!). DEFINITELY translates to the middle school experience.

    Ok, he said 15 though, and boy howdy sexual jealousy and race politics at 15? yea. yea, we had some of those.

    Most Americans are virgins for most of high school and most high schools are extremely racially segregated

    Being a virgin most definitely does not exclude someone from sexual jealousy.

    Yeah, sure, I really wanted to fuck because I was horny all the time and pop culture assured me that sex was great

    In what sense does that experience at bear on the rotten feeling of a married man who lets rumors of infidelity progressively poison his mind

    These are good stories! They don’t ~have~ to be relatable to kids. Kids don’t understand a lot of shit.

    ?? This was like, 80% of high school drama by a quick estimation. It doesn't have to be to the same degree to be relevant. "Hey I heard Joe saw Becky kissing Luke! I thought she was still with Derek?"

    This is only very superficially related to the deep, disturbing feelings depicted in a play like Othello or say A Winters Tale? I don’t think playground gossip really has that much to do with what it feels like to be a middle aged man with a wife he’s known half his life who suspects that she may have strayed and wishes desperately that he didn’t know—that he hadn’t seen “the spider in his cup.”

    i think this is a situation where there are layers of nuance to the theme, but not being able to exactly understand every aspect of it because you've literally never known anyone for 20 years doesn't equal not being able to grasp the material at all

    most of shakespeare has a superficial level of understanding and then deeper layers

    Yeah, but isn’t this going to be true for everything? There aren’t going to be many pieces of work where there is literally zero level no matter how superficial on which a kid, or any human, can relate. It doesn’t strike me as an especially compelling case for pedagogical value.

    They question is never “is this worse than doing nothing”; it’s “is this better than doing everything else.” Anything you do teach is something else you can’t.

    there are certainly things i had to read in high school i would scrap and replace before shakespeare

    i guess i don't understand your argument though, because i thought it was specifically that teaching shakespeare is bad because teenagers can't understand it

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • IlpalaIlpala Just this guy, y'know TexasRegistered User regular
    Just imagining other Shakespeare titles in code format now


    FF XIV - Qih'to Furishu (on Siren), Battle.Net - Ilpala#1975
    Switch - SW-7373-3669-3011
    Fuck Joe Manchin
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark resting shark face Registered User regular
    I learned the concept of negging from reading Shakespeare in high school. much ado about nothing I think it was.

    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    I lost my virginity in high school but I didn't have sex where I delivered a performance I'm proud of until like 3 weeks ago

    "sex is never finished, only abandoned" - benar

  • wanderingwandering Russia state-affiliated media Registered User regular
    edited July 2018
    of course if my Hamlet porn visual novel is going to be successful I'll probably have to say "fuck it" and include, like, every conceivable pairing


    wandering on
  • cptruggedcptrugged I think it has something to do with free will. Registered User regular
    Virgin till well into college.

    But I was an unattractive nerd. So no real surprise there.

  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    wandering wrote: »
    of course if my Hamlet porn visual novel is going to be successful I'll probably have to say "fuck it" and include, like, every conceivable pairing


    yeah that's paid DLC

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • y2jake215y2jake215 certified Flat Birther theorist the Last Good Boy onlineRegistered User regular
    I locked down a way too attractive for me girl in high school so I wasn’t a virgin but I had had only one partner until well into my 20s

    maybe i'm streaming terrible dj right now if i am its here
  • HerrCronHerrCron It that wickedly supports taxation Registered User regular
    wandering wrote: »
    of course if my Hamlet porn visual novel is going to be successful I'll probably have to say "fuck it" and include, like, every conceivable pairing


    Hamlet+Yorrik is the OTP and one of them being dead can't stop that.

    Now Playing:
    Celeste [Switch] - She'll be wrestling with inner demons when she comes...
    Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age [Switch] - Sit down and watch our game play itself
  • KruiteKruite Registered User regular
    Mercutio was the first master troller

  • P10P10 An Idiot With Low IQ Registered User regular
    imagine not being a volcel being of pure innocence

    Shameful pursuits and utterly stupid opinions
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Work Left Unfinished Registered User regular
    Hey [chat] off-topic but what's something that is, like, 2/3rds of the way between Buffalo NY and Bristol, Tennessee

    It would appear the answer is mostly "Empty land and the Appalachians", but we're looking for somewhere to sleep that is perhaps a little interesting

  • ShivahnShivahn Unaware of her barrel shifter privilege Western coastal temptressRegistered User, Moderator mod
    VishNub wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    VishNub wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    Ilpala wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Shakespeare should be taught because we have a staggeringly rich cultural history and it ought not be discarded because of the ever-present desire to do something "modern" and "relevant". People have been saying that since the 1700s.

    For me it’s not about relevance. It’s that I find it pedagogically wasteful that I was reading texts that I could not understand—in the most literal sense, I could not parse then—at ages where even if I were to understand them, I would have no comprehension of the themes of sex, death, and politics. Hard to see that as not being a pedagogical waste.

    High school is arguable. Junior high: what. I’m not a person with generally low language skills and was an avid reader. Eh, w/e.

    I don't believe it's impossible, or even very hard, for a 15yr old to connect with themes of sex, death, and politics. It's not taught that way! R&J should be upsettingly relatable for a HS sophomore. It's YA lit! Two idiot kids kill themselves over their ridiculous first love while their parents and family try to keep them apart. This is a relatable story!

    Othello is relatable as fk! Jealousy destroys everything, just like in your own life!

    The problem is with substandard teaching, not with Shakespeare.

    Yes, sexual jealousy and race politics, my primary areas of lived experience at 12

    Not to mention clever puns on the 1521 convention of the Holy Roman Empire addressing Martin Luther, aka the “Diet of Worms” (like... worms eating stuff... lol Shakespeare this wit!). DEFINITELY translates to the middle school experience.

    Ok, he said 15 though, and boy howdy sexual jealousy and race politics at 15? yea. yea, we had some of those.

    Most Americans are virgins for most of high school and most high schools are extremely racially segregated

    Is this still true? How do we actually know that?

    People who I've known that were in High School just a few years ago were fucking everyone and said everyone was fucking. Because like high school parties are p gross and every fucks at random parties.

    Systematic surveys. The first two sources I found on google both listed the median age for Americans as 17.

    There's a strong incentive to lie or misrepresent about sexual activity (for males anyways) at that age.

    You can always ask later, though.

    In any case yes, but I think study authors are usually aware of that.

    Right. My point was more in relation the first and second hand anecdotal evidence you guys were responding to.

    Ah yes.

    (though my favorite set of studies is still those that ask for lifetime number of sexual partners. They find, robustly, that men report 2-4 times as many as women for a variety of reasons, none of which include that being the case, as it requires mathematics to break down).

This discussion has been closed.