
[Dungeon World] Glamjin’s Tower of Glory



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    NipsNips He/Him Luxuriating in existential crisis.Registered User regular
    Bran turns, a puzzled look on his face. Again, the kinds of things that get told as drunken tall tales back home are coming to life in this magical, fairy-built realm. It makes his skin crawl just a bit, but after the sensation passes and he continues to turn the situation over in his mind, something clicks.

    Gisard's voice. It lacked something....that sibilant hissss that up until now Bran just passed off as an affectation of lizard-speak. But its absence in Gisard's last comment rang like alarm bells in Bran's mind.

    Bran turns to Gisard, his arms crossed with a stupid grin on his face. "Hey, Gisard, you're the magical student here. What would Ravas and Eliza think if they found out their dead husband kept a pet specter in the attic? I'm not up on my phantom-lore. Would he have just been keeping her for the laughs, or do you think he planned to siphon the phantasm's soul-energy for his own dark needs?"
    Bran is spouting the most bullshit here he can think of, to bait out a reaction.

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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    Oh good. Disappearing transparent shouty dead things. That was a bit much too much. Stupid Tower. Stupid fancy man. But where the hell did it go? It showed up when Bran spooked it and then... did nothing? That didn't seem right. Everything here was dangerous and Pomme did not trust it.

    Geth, roll 2d6+3 for Discern Realities
    In order!
    1. What should I be on the lookout for
    2. What here is not what it appears to be
    3. What is about to happen

    Discern Realities:
    2d6+3 13 [2d6=5, 5]

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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited February 2019
    OOC: it might take Gisard's ghost a bit to do all the stuff I put in that post so let's say Bran and Pomme's actions are happening while he's trying to get Holly's attention. It was more of a "this is what I'm gonna try to do" list than a "I do all of this this instant bam it's done" post.

    BahamutZERO on
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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    “Their what? Other wives. Yes. The other wives. I think... I think...”, Gisard looks at you Bran, and it isn’t the wizard lizardman, the face is all Komodo dragon, “I think he kept the ghost to bring her back, and those two were just minions to be used in his conquest. Mere pawns.”

    Gisard slowly lifts the needle from the gramophone.

    “If there was a ghost, I mean.”

    Now Pomme, your nerves are on a knife edge.

    What should I be on the lookout for?
    There is a great big iron chest in the corner buried beneath cobwebs, dust and various art in effigy to the woman.

    What here is not what it appears to be?
    Perhaps you should ask Gisard.

    What is about to happen?
    The bells of war are still tolling up above. Soon the zombies will break down your barricades. Outside, you can’t rightly know where, another structure collapses into the drink.

    You can only hope the dog is safe, and perhaps, if you care, that the vampires are winning against the onslaught of many creatures of the night.

    Endless_Serpents on
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    GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    Holly winks to the invisible messenger in acknowledgement of the warning, neatly sweeping the message away with her foot as she turns to the lizard's body.

    "Strange, if the ghost had wanted a body surely they would want one as good as mine..."

    Geth, roll 2d6+1 for Parley

    2d6+1 4 [2d6=1, 2]

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    Gisard chortles, and taps you on the skull Holly.

    “Such am amusing reanimation, very well crafted. But I don’t think we should have to look at you any more, don’t you all agree?”

    Holly! Gisard has successfully cast Invisibility on you.
    Touch an ally: nobody can see them. They’re invisible! The spell persists until the target attacks or you dismiss the effect. While the spell is ongoing you can’t cast a spell.

    Gisard leisurely begins to examine a statue.

    “This is beauty...”

    This ghost needs banishing! Perhaps something keeps it tethered to this place, and it could very well be here!

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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    Spirit-Gisard throws the paintbrush in exasperation at the very suspicious chest in the corner, then pokes his head through the ceiling to see what he can see of the next floor.

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    The next floor is thankfully unguarded. There are a few shelves with trinkets, old furniture and the like arranged without order. The bells are deafening here.

    A rusty ladder leads upwards.


    You look up to see the bells above the rafters. Huge shadows are pulling the ropes. There must be at least three by the shadows of arms.


    Endless_Serpents on
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    NipsNips He/Him Luxuriating in existential crisis.Registered User regular
    At kind of a loss, Bran shrugs. Never not weird.

    Taking Gisard's momentary distraction to his advantage, and seeing the paintbrush slap against it, Bran crosses the room carefully toward the chest. He inspects the room, and the chest, for anything that might snap closed on them and ruin this weird day.

    Geth, roll 2d6+2 for TRAP EXPERT

    2d6+2 6 [2d6=2, 2]

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    NipsNips He/Him Luxuriating in existential crisis.Registered User regular
    OOC: I believe I should have +1 forward from our preparations downstairs, correct? That would bring the total to 7, and I'll ask What else is hidden here?

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    As you cross the room towards the chest Gisard roars, “No!”.

    You tumble together, knocking over an array of art in the process. Neither of you have the upper hand, but certainly you’ve had more close quarter bouts in your time Bran.

    All that is hidden here is in the chest.

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    You land mere feet from the chest Bran, Gisard beside you, flailing wildly.

    Holly, Pomme, you are near the stairs, but can reach them in a heartbeat. Fleur has already sprung into action, chittering above the wrestling pair.

    Meanwhile, Spooksard, on the floor above, you’ve had time to spy a worthwhile item among the trinkets.

    Bottled Curse — The potion shines like liquid moonlight. Drink to transform into a huge wolfen beast. 1 use, 0 weight

    Endless_Serpents on
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    GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    Trusting Bran to look after himself (and hopefully not puncture Gisard's corporeal form too much), Holly leaps invisibly past them and hauls open the chest.

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    You trigger a trap! A ray of chilling energy emits from a circle of runes on the inside of the top of the chest!
    Er... huh... you are at full health, and gain 7 temporary HP. Your temporary HP lasts until you make camp (or you lose them to damage).

    Inside the chest is a burial urn. A length of black silk thread (you’re guessing the material here) is wrapped around the urn many times, ending with an elaborate knot across the lid. The urn is inscribed with runes similar to the trap.

    Beneath the urn is a ruined, bloody wedding dress, and beside it are a handful of mementos and jewellery.

    Geth roll 2d6 for negative ray

    negative ray:
    2d6 7 [2d6=6, 1]

    Endless_Serpents on
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    NipsNips He/Him Luxuriating in existential crisis.Registered User regular
    "Can I get a little help over here?!" Bran shouts out, while trying to restrain the flailing form of the lizardman.

    Fortunately, he took some lessons in ground fighting as a youth (E.G. got beat up a lot), and knows a bit about throwing down in a wrastlin' match.

    Geth, roll 2d6+1 for DEFY DANGER (+STR)

    2d6+1 8 [2d6=6, 1]

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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    Gisard's spooky spirit floats back down, sees the melee and the chest open, and thinks now's a good time to try and make things difficult for the squatter in his body. He flies down and tries grappling with the ghost from the incorporeal side.

    Geth, roll 2d6 for Hack and Slash (+str)

    Hack and Slash (+str):
    2d6 3 [2d6=1, 2]

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    You manage to lock down Gisard, though you’re getting whacked by his tail every other second.

    In anger he lets off whatever spells he can muster. Bran, your hair has been turned light blue by Prestidigitation, right down to your eyebrows.

    A very confused Unseen Servant drifts away from Gisard, disobeying a screamed order to protect the urn. Instead it slowly, slowly moves a portrait over Gisard’s head and gently pats it up and down in attempt to harm the ghost.

    “You! You weak animal! This body is useless! I can’t even kill a human! How have you managed to grow so weak! You’re a hulking reptile!”

    You’re inside you’re head Gisard, real Gisard, and the ghost is having a tantrum.

    She kicks over the memory of your 2nd place Wizarding Fair award from when you were a child.

    Endless_Serpents on
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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    My trophy!!! You hideous corpse! Disgusting hairless monkey! You were probably abandoned for those other two wives because you were ugly even by mammal carrion standards!

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    Furious, the ghost grows in size dramatically, her (arguable) beauty melting away into a gaunt Nosferatu lookalike visage.

    She picks you up and throws you into that day Agama stood you up at Homecoming, and Brad cast Control Water on your drink and made it jump into your face in front of everyone.

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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    Pomme starts towards Bran to help against the weirdly proper sounding Gisard but... then Gisard starts rolls off of him, flailing and wailing about hulking reptiles and... trophies? All the while Holly is gone and in the corner the suspicious chest has opened and has exploded with black energy that hurt to glimpse even out of the corner of Pomme's eyes.

    What the Thorn is going on?!

    Pomme meets Bran's eyes with confusion, shrugs, turns and runs over to the chest they noticed earlier, running straight into something solid, cold and smarmy. What.

    'Holly... is that you?'

    'Do you know what the hell is going on??'

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    GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    Holly freezes when the trap triggers, recognising magical effects for what they are. Complex arcane calculations fly through her mind- why would a trap have a healing effect? Could it be some side effect? But the only healing side effect is when a necrotic spell is used on...

    Her compatriots' comments, the reflection in the mirror, the reality hits home like a ton of gravestones. All she can see is red.

    "I'M. A. SKELETON." She shrieks in rage. "AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!" She roars, wrenching the urn over hear head and hurling it against the wall with all her might.

    Geth, roll 2d6-1 Chuck stuff (str)
    Holly attained 2nd Stage of Self-Grief

    Chuck stuff (str):
    2d6-1 10 [2d6=6, 5]

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    The urn shatters and ash bursts out along the wall!

    The ash quickly turns from cinders to white-blue flame, then implodes into nothing, leaving behind hot, charred markings in sequence of a woman being dragged away by a tall hooded figure carrying a scythe. That was a awfully long run-on sentence.

    Instantly, the paintings rot and the statues crumble. The staircase, and the bells above await you.

    Gisard is free from that wretched ghost! But your ordeal has left its scar.

    Your scales are now much paler, a few of them are stark white. This is permanent.

    Additionally, when you cast Contact Spirits, you may contact Countess Romay. Her knowledge regarding necromancy, nobility and being a huge bitch is vast. This does not ablige you to do so; you can name a spirit off the cuff any time you cast it, but the option is there.

    Bran, your hair is back to normal—you may not have even noticed with all the scuffling.

    Holly, you’re no longer invisible. The treasures in the chest are yours; they’re not cursed, or particularly magical.

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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    "Ahh, much better. My thanksss, everyone. Being possessed wasss most unpleasssant."

    Gisard snarls for a moment.

    "It'sss a shame she had no corpse left for me to devour."

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    NipsNips He/Him Luxuriating in existential crisis.Registered User regular
    Bran, feeling that Holly might be a little sensitive at her personal revelation, lightly elbows Gisard in the ribs for the "corpse devouring" comment and gives him knowing look.

    "We'd best not tarry. If things are going this well in here, I can't imagine how our two benefactors are faring outside. Let's get these bells silenced."

    Bran straightens his gear, grasps his cane, and heads up.

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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    Gisard looks confused, having never realized Holly didn't know she was a skeleton, and also having been stuck inside his own head so he wasn't watching while she had her dramatic realization moments earlier.

    In any case, he relates what he saw on the next floor to the rest of the group before they proceed.

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular

    One thing is for sure, vampires don’t have health and safety regulations. The only way up to the bells is a rusty ladder, then a perilous walk across the rafters.

    The bells are huge and numerous. Whatever is pulling the ropes to get these accursed things swinging must be very strong indeed.

    Pomme! Fleur is too sensitive for this area! She cannot aid you until the bells stop.

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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    'Fleur, you must stay below! These bells are too much for you. And please stay hidden - we don't know what other und... evil walks these halls.' Pomme changes mid tack with a glance in Holly's direction.

    Fleur doesn't understand any of this, but does understand the various hand signals and short whistles that Pomme goes through. Fleur flutters to the room below and blends into the ceiling. Pomme then takes off and goes through their pack, pulling out a length of cotton gauze. Pomme wads it up, stuffs some in both ears, and then wraps their head so they don't fall out.

    "You folks should do the same - its too loud here, once we get into the rafters it might be damaging! A Mousefolk must protect their ears!"

    Pomme then proceeds carefully (testing the rungs with a tug before they step on them) up the ladder into the rafters

    Wassermelone on
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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    The ladder holds, and you reach the rafters.



    It’s completely mad, Pomme. That’s your first instinct; something visceral, tangible, an aura of completely off the rails.

    It’s easily ten feet tall, but it hops around like a monkey. Arms flail and reach, tolling the bells in an indecipherable pattern. It chants and chatters, laughs and wails.

    ...It is looking straight at you now, but it won’t stop, can’t stop the duty it is bound to fulfil. It clenches a free hand, which begins to glow a sickly green! It is preparing some eldritch spell, and it’s got your mousey name all over it Pomme.

    Pomme, and the rest of you if you’re brave enough to follow, make this move:

    When you balance on the rafters to get to the boss, roll +Dex.
    On a 10+, you reach an advantageous position. Take +1 armour forward.
    On a 7-9, choose one:
    - You’re stuck in a bad place.
    - You can’t balance and fight; you deal -1 damage while you’re up here.
    - You leave yourself open to harm.

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    Plus, at the end of your post, regardless of your roll, ask me one question about the situation/location/terrifying demon bell-ringer at hand and I will give you an honest answer.

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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    Pomme, just a little bit terrified of this nightmare, whips up their rifle, having had it ready in their sling, and fires at the hand enveloped in green.

    Geth, roll 2d6+1 for Called Shot

    Called Shot:
    2d6+1 10 [2d6=4, 5]

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    WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    ooc: No idea if it works on spells but he drops anything in that hand and takes... 2 damage

    Geth, roll 1d8+1 for Damage

    1d8+1 2 [1d8=1]

    Wassermelone on
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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited February 2019
    Gisard climbs up to back Pomme up.

    Geth, roll 2d6 for rafter balancing

    Gisard moves over the narrow beams with surprising agility, using his staff and tail for counterbalancing. He gets in position to have a clear line of fire to lob fire breath at the monstrosity.

    Question: can I tell or guess anything about the nature or origin of the monster we're fighting? Aside from being giant, undead, a spellcaster, and compelled to ring the bells.

    rafter balancing:
    2d6 11 [2d6=6, 5]

    BahamutZERO on
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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    Great shot Pomme! The demon’s hand is blown clean off! Sickly green magic missiles shoot off like rockets high above it, harming no one... though one of the bells is now on fire!

    You’re surprisingly graceful Gisard, and back up Pomme just fine! You’re a couple of steps ahead of the mousefolk, and well within range for your spells.
    You have +1 armour.

    The many armed demon leaps onto a bell, sending it swinging!

    Endless_Serpents on
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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    It does not possess a natural soul, instead a demon is riding it.
    Its form was forged by necromancy—there is nothing like that alive. It can be destroyed by good old fashioned violence, but it is likely held together by a circle of necrotic runes carved into it (a magic glowing weak point). You can’t see it, so maybe on its back?

    Your studies of Abyssal occultism isn’t all that, but the demon is maybe a “word demon”, say “obsession” or even simply “pull”. A word demon must bring its word into abundance at all costs and thus can never be reasoned with.

    Endless_Serpents on
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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    Shouting to be audible over the cacophany of bells, Gisard says "I THINK IT'SSS A CONSTRUCT, POWERED BY A BOUND DEMON! DESTROY ANY BINDING RUNESSS YOU FIND ON ITS BODY!"

    His throat lights up and he burps out a plume of Dragonfire at the smaller head-body.
    Geth, roll 2d6+2 for Cast a Spell (int)

    Cast a Spell (int):
    2d6+2 7 [2d6=2, 3]

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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited February 2019
    I'll take -1 to further spellcasting for the 7. Gisard's throat is sore.

    Geth, roll 1d4+1 for Dragonfire damage

    Dragonfire damage:
    1d4+1 4 [1d4=3]

    BahamutZERO on
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    NipsNips He/Him Luxuriating in existential crisis.Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    Bran Volgut | Human Thief | 21/21 HP | Damage d8

    The rogue scurries up the ladder, and upon seeing the monstrous entity has to swallow down the sudden lump in his throat.

    What in the actual, thrice-cursed hell? Bran thinks to himself as he tries to get his footing...but the momentary distraction causes him to misstep on the rafters...

    Geth, roll 2d6+2 for Balance On The Rafters

    2d6+2 6 [2d6=3, 1]

    Nips on
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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    You fumble, get your footing, lean back, lean forward, and then slip, cracking your chin on the rafters as you grab on.

    Seeing your struggling the demon bounds from the bell and opens fire upon you. You’re not one to exaggerate, but you think you were just hit by comets. You hit your head on the way down, and land on your right knee. You take 4 damage. You are hobbled—Take -1 Dex until the fight is over.

    Glittering violet frost coats the area where Bran fell.

    Bran, as you’re collecting yourself you feel that chill you get when trouble is heading your way. Zombies are crawling and shuffling up the stairs.

    Geth roll 1d8 for icy blast

    icy blast:
    1d8 4 [1d8=4]

    Endless_Serpents on
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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    As the demon cackles at Bran’s misfortune a gout of twirling flames knocks it back and it is clipped by one of the huge bells.

    It screams at you Gisard, then begins to prance around in a circle. Green flame licks around its arms as it chants eldritch gibberish. A sphere of dark energy begins to form above its head.

    The demon is setting up a potent spell, act now or face the consequences!

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    GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    edited February 2019
    "Is this what he does? Turn peacefully resting corpses into undead MOCKERIES?" The skeleton stomps toward the abomination, teeth grinding audibly.

    Geth, roll 2d6+1 for Balancing

    I'll take open to harm.

    Question: What can this thing teach me about Glamjin?

    2d6+1 8 [2d6=3, 4]

    Grog on
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