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PAX East 2020 BYOC Megathread (Group Seating Edition)

AsmerAsmer [E] East/West PC Sec ManagerSan Francisco, CARegistered User regular
edited February 2020 in PAX East
Hello all!

I'm Asmer, I've been running BYOC Check-In/Security at East for the last few years, and I imagine most of you folks who are returning BYOC attendees hopefully have some idea who I am.


Little compressed time wise this year, due to East being so early, but the deal is pretty much the same as last year and every PAX before.

Check out the details below and send me your group’s desired seating ASAP! As always if you can’t get a request in before the deadline my Enforcers and I will do what we can, but there are no promises that we won’t have to split your group up, so I highly advise that if you have a group to send in a request.

I also want to point out that we will again have the PC Mod showcase, which sits right inside the main BYOC entrance, so if you have an awesome rig that you think will make people crowd around and snap pictures, shoot me an email (paxasmer at gmail dot com) with some pics, and we will see about getting you one of these spots.

Group Seating Details:

Group Seating Requirements:
  • Your party is considered a group if you have SIX or more people.
  • Groups must pre-register seating assignments prior to PAX, or else seats will be based on first come, first served availability.
  • Requests are taken on a first come, first served basis.
  • Passes for ALL 4 days of PAX! (recommended to maximize fun, but not a hard requirement)
  • If you have multiple BYOC badges, those count as seats (group members) so if you have 6 BYOC passes in your "group" (regardless the number of physical bodies) you qualify for group seating.

To request group seating, use the seating chart below to choose your seats and email pax_pc at paxsite dot com and cc paxasmer at gmail dot com


Please include the following information when requesting:
  • Group Name
  • Number of People
  • Handles for Each Person
  • Desired Location
  • (Optional) Second Choice Location

Group Preregistration:

Once you have sent that in, you may then move on to getting ready for group preregistration.

At the last few Easts we’ve been doing prereg, and if you came last year as a group you probably remember this being an option. Basically you send all your info in beforehand so you don’t have to fill out forms on an ipad, or slowly spell your last name 10 times while holding your computer.

Now, as always, this process will be completely optional, and not every person in your group will be required to do it, but I highly recommend it. We’ll be setting up an “express lane” for members of groups that have taken advantage of this process. You’ll be able to pretty much flash an ID, show us your BYOC badge, get your labels printed, and move on to your seats.

What do you need to take advantage of this sweet express lane? I just need you to talk with the members of your group and have everyone pick their seats in advance (within the area you've already reserved when you sent in the email above!) so you don’t have to figure it out when you get to PAX.

Once you all pick your seats, you’ll need to send me the information for as many group members as you can. (Note: The contact info will only be used to contact you in the case of a security issue, like someone messing with your stuff or your computer going crazy and eating all the bandwidth, and we don’t keep it or give it to anyone, including Reed or Penny Arcade)

The easiest way is to *make a copy* of this handy Google sheet, fill it in, and send it back to me;

Send that off to me for as many members of your group that you can manage, and I’ll confirm that they are set for prereg.


While there's no hard deadline to this, if you wait till the last minute the odds are not great that we'll be able to get it all set up for you (and I’ll be onsite and probably out relaxing/sleeping the night before), so try and get this done ASAP!

And, feel free to shoot me any questions (paxasmer at gmail dot com) if you have them.

[E] Asmer, PC Security Manager (East/West)

Asmer on


  • hobbseltoffhobbseltoff Issaquah, WARegistered User regular
    The spreadsheet includes a place for a badge number but the badges do not appear to have numbers except for the QR code.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    The spreadsheet includes a place for a badge number but the badges do not appear to have numbers except for the QR code.
    this *may* refer to the confirmation number on the badge order? but I'm not sure.

  • hobbseltoffhobbseltoff Issaquah, WARegistered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    this *may* refer to the confirmation number on the badge order? but I'm not sure.

    It's possible but I'm assuming it's just left over from past years. At South BYOC this year they just scanned the QR code on the badge instead of typing the badge number in.

  • ChazStickChazStick Registered User regular
    Scan the QR code and it gives you a number.

  • hobbseltoffhobbseltoff Issaquah, WARegistered User regular
    ChazStick wrote: »
    Scan the QR code and it gives you a number.

    While this is possible to do it's really annoying to keep track of which badge is which as there is no way to visually tell.

  • ChazStickChazStick Registered User regular
    Oh absoutely. I think a good rule of thumb is anyone in your group who bought their own badges should have them entered, and anyone who bought a group keep those out for at the door.

  • AsmerAsmer [E] East/West PC Sec Manager San Francisco, CARegistered User regular
    ChazStick wrote: »
    Scan the QR code and it gives you a number.

    While this is possible to do it's really annoying to keep track of which badge is which as there is no way to visually tell.

    Yea, PA decided to skip the numbers this design for whatever reason.

    The QR code should still be on the back of the badge, you can scan it with most modern phones, and shouldn't be too big a deal to figure it out.

    Just, like, label them or something for this year, I'll yell at PA not to skip the numbers next design ;)

    [E] Asmer, PC Security Manager (East/West)

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