
[League of Legends] Here comes the Smolder



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    RickRudeRickRude Registered User regular
    PMAvers wrote: »
    So if Athens’s is going away and there isn’t a replacement... does that mean we can have Sona buffs?

    I noticed adaptive helm was going away, and I'm just like, why ? Was that item really a problem? But I guess force of nature is coming back.

    I dunno, I trust riot though. I thought the dragon soul change was stupid, and it's actually been pretty good. And I was against other jungle changes, like blast cones and stuff. Again, they've added more to the game than I thought.

    I'm sceptical, but at the end of the day, I trust riot.

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    RickRudeRickRude Registered User regular
    edited September 2020
    PMAvers wrote: »
    So if Athens’s is going away and there isn’t a replacement... does that mean we can have Sona buffs?

    Re: ability haste,
    Cooldown Reduction Rework - We're reworking CDR to enable more flexibility in how we use the stat and create clearer build choices, while still filling the purpose of letting you cast abilities more often. The new stat is called Ability Haste.

    Ability Haste’s power stacks linearly - Currently, CDR’s power stacks exponentially so the more CDR you get, the more valuable it becomes. For example 10% CDR is 11% more casts, while 40% CDR is 66% more casts, and 50% CDR is 100% more casts. Ability Haste will provide a linear power scaling model for more ability casts. So 10 Ability Haste = 10% more abilities cast, 20 = 20% more, 30 = 30% more. This makes it so every amount of Ability Haste you buy has the same impact, rather than an exponential one. The conversion of CDR to Haste won’t be 1:1 because that’d be a flat nerf, which isn’t the intention—you should have the potential to reach the same frequency of spell-slinging, but the way you get there will be more linear. (Worth noting that armor, MR, attack speed, and most other stats in the game already scale this way.)

    Ability Haste is uncapped - CDR’s multiplicative scaling becomes so powerful that we have to have a 40% cap to limit its power. With the new linear scaling model, we don’t need this restriction anymore. This opens up some cool new build options that sacrifice other power to double down on casting fast.

    Ability haste

    I'm even more confused now after reading that.

    Edit I kind of get it. But I don't see how it'll work in game. So as vlad I can have a 1 sec cool down in my q? Is it worth it on karthus anymore when you're just trying to get ult cool down? Is vlad now the best champ in the game?

    RickRude on
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    RickRudeRickRude Registered User regular
    Feel so bad for mad lions. Thought they were a good team both splits. Then again, I would have been rooting for unicorns in the next split. Just seems like a really heartbreaking end of season for mad lions after dominating in the eu for most of spring and summer.

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    surrealitychecksurrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular
    somebody modded nidalee into sfv as a kind of fanart shout out to the riot fighting game


    messed with cammys moveset a bit too it looks like

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    SproutSprout Registered User regular
    That’s really cool but at no point does she transform into a cougar. 2/10.

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    StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    credeiki wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    credeiki wrote: »
    Ok let me talk about the ADC picks you mentioned because I have a lot of feelings on this
    For context: I'm sort of a Jhin main, gold 2 atm, hopefully plat by end of season but we shall see. In addition to Jhin, I will routinely play Sivir and Caitlyn ranked, and some Ashe, Kai'sa, MF, Xayah, Varus, Tristana. I play Lucian mid but not bot for reasons I cannot explain (well--cause Lucian really requires full commitment and I don't know that I'll have a good support, I guess).

    A lot of adcs feel quite similar mechanically, but what varies is the amount of pressure they have in lane and how weak or strong they are earlier and later. Kai'sa and to some extent Tristana are exceptions as you have assassination potential/backline access that you really don't on other adcs, so you need to think of your role in the game a bit differently.

    When you want to play Jhin--Jhin is great with a poke support and will win lane when paired with Lux or Zyra or Xerath. If you are paired with a scared Thresh or an enchanter support though, you will get wrecked by a poke lane like Caitlyn+Nami/Lux. Allin support can be very good cause you have tons of burst, but if you guys don't focus the same target, you're going to have an awkward place in a 2v2 where you run out of bullets and they are not dead and now you are dead. If you are in an unfortunate lane, you can generally still cs under tower well, but it takes practice. You might end up just chilling and waiting for ganks/using your mana to cs instead of harass; can't be helped and it's better than feeding.
    I love pairing Jhin with a Hecarim jungle; you can support his ganks so well (he runs in; you stun from out of range; you walk forward and finish off the stunned target). He's not amazing against tanks, since he mostly does burst damage; he can struggle where there's some sort of flanking jungler (eg evelynn) because he wants to ult from a safe distance and you can get assassinated mid ult.
    A Jhin who has gotten ahead feels extremely scary to the enemy team cause he'll do 1/3 hp with one auto. A Jhin who is behind still has a ton of utility in stuns.
    Jhin does feel a little different from other adcs because of the limited ammo, and in general his sound design and visual design are very good, so I think he's very fun and satisfying to play. I don't feel that there's a point in the game where he feels weak, provided he's keeping up with the pace of the game rather than horribly behind.

    Caitlyn you play to win lane. She's great to just perma-push on; also can be incredible to just freeze the lane and shoot anyone who comes even close from 650 range. She should basically win every matchup (obviously support diff can make this not true, as can skill differentials). If you start off strong, you should feel nice all game; if not, she feels kinda bad at like 2 items, but then feels good again after.

    MF you also play to win lane, and of course you're hoping to do something in a teamfight with your ult; I've been playing her into Caitlyn a little and maybe it's a skill thing but I think she certainly can win that. I haven't played her enough to understand quite what item breakpoints feel good on her.

    Ashe is lane dominant but immobile, and managing your volley mana is a bit tricky. If you are allowed to stand and auto, your q autos easily win duels with most other adcs. You are of course playing Ashe for the utility; the nice damage is a bonus feature. You seriously have to be smart about your positioning though. To me she also feels like she has a pretty even power curve with no big weak spot.

    Jinx pushes extremely well, so although she's 'not strong early', not a lot of adcs actually manage to deal well with you constantly minigunning the minion wave and then flipping to rocket them for a bit of poke. Still though, you don't have a lot of harass, so it's going to be up to your support, and in a straight 2v2, you don't necessarily win if they can spam spells and you can't. If you do get something like Leona, you can of course stack your traps on her stun and kill them. She starts to feel really good at item 3, but even just IE+hurricane starts to feel all right. Before then it can be a bit rough. Again positioning is key, because if you can freefire rockets from 700 range you win the teamfight, and if an assassin is anywhere near you you're dead. Late game/full build, she feels like maybe the highest damage adc--providing she actually gets to auto.

    Tristana is a weird one. She can seriously snowball, more than most other adcs, because her jump allows her to take advantage of any lead. That said, she has no harass/no way to cs safely if bullied. So Tristana lanes often feel very support-determined; if you're with a good all-in support, you will start getting kills, or with a strong poke support; if not, there is not a lot you can do in lane. If you don't get the early snowball, it takes a while to ramp up to full Tristana--I feel like again you want maybe 3 items.

    Kai'sa plays pretty differently from most adcs. You get a lot of value from your Q and you have the option, often worth taking, of becoming a backline assassin. She feels extremely weak early (buy the pickaxe before the tear to help mitigate this problem), because all her stuff is very close range. If you manage to get in a long enough 2v2 where somehow you haven't died before your stacks pop, and you get that burst damage, you might win it. But lane can be really rough. That said, around lvl 12 or so, when you evolve your Q and have manamune+guinsoos, life starts looking up for you, and once the manamune evolves and you also have your third item, you start feeling really strong. I've had good luck with AD builds rather than anything with a nashor's and zhonyas, but you can do those too.

    Thank you for the run down on these ADC. It definitely helps to put them into better perspective for me. I definitely wasn't pushing much with Jinx and Cait and I kind of tend to try and play all the ADC in a similar way. I do also kind of want to add Twitch back into my ADC list, I have a skin and I like playing him but I feel like I get wrecked every time I play him.

    I do like Jhin, I did end up buying him and playing a few games and I like how he plays, it will definitely take a while to get used to but I ran into a kind of a problem.

    The last game my friend and I did with Jhin last night went well, my friend went support and played Rakan. We went against Kalista and Morgana and pretty easily won the lane though we did not get any plates and only a few kills so maybe not won but we didn't give up any kills to them. Once we hit late game though I had a full build but didn't really feel like I could effectively use it. The enemy LeBlanc got fed and was basically deleting me every time and I couldn't really fight her in any kind of meaningful way and I had trouble in team fights as well, I felt like I wasn't doing much. We should have won the game, we didn't take the early opportunities to do so. It went on for 48 minutes which was about 20 minutes longer than it should have gone.

    I also didn't use the trap that much, I felt like it ate too much of my mana for when I wanted to Q in lane and I kept forgetting about it in team fights.

    Jhin traps: how I use Jhin traps in lane is:
    1. slow down/block river ganks: I place them where the river meets botlane, 2 or 3 tangent to each other so anyone visiting the lane is slowed. This is the ideal use for me.
    2. In the forward edge of one if the bushes—to deter the enemy support from chilling in the bush/to potentially stun them and get some harass down
    3. In the middle of the lane right in front of my tower if I’m getting pushed in and need emergency wave clear
    4. Next to my tower if it looks like we’re about to get dived :(

    How do I use them out of lane:
    1. Cover jungle entrances and exits around baron or dragon, so anyone coming in is slowed and might take damage or I can stun them
    2. Cover jungle entrances into lane while pushing, both behind me and laterally. This can help with flanking assassins.
    3. Drop them in front of me during a teamfight, hopefully with enough time for it to arm and help me run away
    4. Just kinda drop them in a teamfight and hope someone steps on them hahaha

    If you are having problems with a fed LB as Jhin, possible solutions:
    1. Itemize defensively. Do less damage, buy a hexdrinker, buy a mercurial scimitar, buy a ga, hell buy a death’s dance.
    2. Don’t play 2 screens away ult/stun Jhin. Stand on your team so they can defend you instead of standing isolated and far away (this seems counterintuitive but sometimes playing farther forward can help against assassins, depending on what else is happening with your team)
    3. If LB is blowing her whole kit on you, she can’t explode anything else. Are you the only damage threat on your whole team? If so, that’s not your fault; it’s either a problem with champ select (probably should not have a ‘protect the Jhin’ comp), or a problem with your teammates (did everyone else lose lane? That isn’t on you). Sometimes as adc what you can do is present a big enough threat that the enemy MUST blow many cooldowns and ults to deal with you. That enables the rest of your team to do their thing unperturbed while you watch them from a grey screen :(

    Yeah happy to provide adc insight! I know I push too much, and there are times you should freeze for advantage. But pushing as a dominant adc helps maintain dragon control, pulls their jungler to your lane (ward and don’t die! Waste their time and let your other lanes free farm without that threat), gets plates, can enable harass under tower, can make enemy lose cs (basically always below midgold, although eventually people get better at cs under tower), puts the lane in a good spot for you to recall and shop whenever you feel like it, makes the enemy adc feel bad :D
    But yeah you can probably tell that from the list of adcs I play and how it excludes Vayne and Twitch and Ezreal and Kogmaw hahaha

    Thank you, I'll work on these when I play Jhin.

    Also looking to grab a skin for Jhin. I really like project Jhin but dark cosmic Jhin's ult looks so cool.

    Probably gonna grab project though.

    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
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    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited September 2020

    I decided to try swain again in ranked.

    I think I'm improving!

    EDIT: The taric game was literally because the other team first picked support swain too

    Munkus Beaver on
    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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    credeikicredeiki Registered User regular
    Stragint wrote: »
    credeiki wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    credeiki wrote: »
    Ok let me talk about the ADC picks you mentioned because I have a lot of feelings on this
    For context: I'm sort of a Jhin main, gold 2 atm, hopefully plat by end of season but we shall see. In addition to Jhin, I will routinely play Sivir and Caitlyn ranked, and some Ashe, Kai'sa, MF, Xayah, Varus, Tristana. I play Lucian mid but not bot for reasons I cannot explain (well--cause Lucian really requires full commitment and I don't know that I'll have a good support, I guess).

    A lot of adcs feel quite similar mechanically, but what varies is the amount of pressure they have in lane and how weak or strong they are earlier and later. Kai'sa and to some extent Tristana are exceptions as you have assassination potential/backline access that you really don't on other adcs, so you need to think of your role in the game a bit differently.

    When you want to play Jhin--Jhin is great with a poke support and will win lane when paired with Lux or Zyra or Xerath. If you are paired with a scared Thresh or an enchanter support though, you will get wrecked by a poke lane like Caitlyn+Nami/Lux. Allin support can be very good cause you have tons of burst, but if you guys don't focus the same target, you're going to have an awkward place in a 2v2 where you run out of bullets and they are not dead and now you are dead. If you are in an unfortunate lane, you can generally still cs under tower well, but it takes practice. You might end up just chilling and waiting for ganks/using your mana to cs instead of harass; can't be helped and it's better than feeding.
    I love pairing Jhin with a Hecarim jungle; you can support his ganks so well (he runs in; you stun from out of range; you walk forward and finish off the stunned target). He's not amazing against tanks, since he mostly does burst damage; he can struggle where there's some sort of flanking jungler (eg evelynn) because he wants to ult from a safe distance and you can get assassinated mid ult.
    A Jhin who has gotten ahead feels extremely scary to the enemy team cause he'll do 1/3 hp with one auto. A Jhin who is behind still has a ton of utility in stuns.
    Jhin does feel a little different from other adcs because of the limited ammo, and in general his sound design and visual design are very good, so I think he's very fun and satisfying to play. I don't feel that there's a point in the game where he feels weak, provided he's keeping up with the pace of the game rather than horribly behind.

    Caitlyn you play to win lane. She's great to just perma-push on; also can be incredible to just freeze the lane and shoot anyone who comes even close from 650 range. She should basically win every matchup (obviously support diff can make this not true, as can skill differentials). If you start off strong, you should feel nice all game; if not, she feels kinda bad at like 2 items, but then feels good again after.

    MF you also play to win lane, and of course you're hoping to do something in a teamfight with your ult; I've been playing her into Caitlyn a little and maybe it's a skill thing but I think she certainly can win that. I haven't played her enough to understand quite what item breakpoints feel good on her.

    Ashe is lane dominant but immobile, and managing your volley mana is a bit tricky. If you are allowed to stand and auto, your q autos easily win duels with most other adcs. You are of course playing Ashe for the utility; the nice damage is a bonus feature. You seriously have to be smart about your positioning though. To me she also feels like she has a pretty even power curve with no big weak spot.

    Jinx pushes extremely well, so although she's 'not strong early', not a lot of adcs actually manage to deal well with you constantly minigunning the minion wave and then flipping to rocket them for a bit of poke. Still though, you don't have a lot of harass, so it's going to be up to your support, and in a straight 2v2, you don't necessarily win if they can spam spells and you can't. If you do get something like Leona, you can of course stack your traps on her stun and kill them. She starts to feel really good at item 3, but even just IE+hurricane starts to feel all right. Before then it can be a bit rough. Again positioning is key, because if you can freefire rockets from 700 range you win the teamfight, and if an assassin is anywhere near you you're dead. Late game/full build, she feels like maybe the highest damage adc--providing she actually gets to auto.

    Tristana is a weird one. She can seriously snowball, more than most other adcs, because her jump allows her to take advantage of any lead. That said, she has no harass/no way to cs safely if bullied. So Tristana lanes often feel very support-determined; if you're with a good all-in support, you will start getting kills, or with a strong poke support; if not, there is not a lot you can do in lane. If you don't get the early snowball, it takes a while to ramp up to full Tristana--I feel like again you want maybe 3 items.

    Kai'sa plays pretty differently from most adcs. You get a lot of value from your Q and you have the option, often worth taking, of becoming a backline assassin. She feels extremely weak early (buy the pickaxe before the tear to help mitigate this problem), because all her stuff is very close range. If you manage to get in a long enough 2v2 where somehow you haven't died before your stacks pop, and you get that burst damage, you might win it. But lane can be really rough. That said, around lvl 12 or so, when you evolve your Q and have manamune+guinsoos, life starts looking up for you, and once the manamune evolves and you also have your third item, you start feeling really strong. I've had good luck with AD builds rather than anything with a nashor's and zhonyas, but you can do those too.

    Thank you for the run down on these ADC. It definitely helps to put them into better perspective for me. I definitely wasn't pushing much with Jinx and Cait and I kind of tend to try and play all the ADC in a similar way. I do also kind of want to add Twitch back into my ADC list, I have a skin and I like playing him but I feel like I get wrecked every time I play him.

    I do like Jhin, I did end up buying him and playing a few games and I like how he plays, it will definitely take a while to get used to but I ran into a kind of a problem.

    The last game my friend and I did with Jhin last night went well, my friend went support and played Rakan. We went against Kalista and Morgana and pretty easily won the lane though we did not get any plates and only a few kills so maybe not won but we didn't give up any kills to them. Once we hit late game though I had a full build but didn't really feel like I could effectively use it. The enemy LeBlanc got fed and was basically deleting me every time and I couldn't really fight her in any kind of meaningful way and I had trouble in team fights as well, I felt like I wasn't doing much. We should have won the game, we didn't take the early opportunities to do so. It went on for 48 minutes which was about 20 minutes longer than it should have gone.

    I also didn't use the trap that much, I felt like it ate too much of my mana for when I wanted to Q in lane and I kept forgetting about it in team fights.

    Jhin traps: how I use Jhin traps in lane is:
    1. slow down/block river ganks: I place them where the river meets botlane, 2 or 3 tangent to each other so anyone visiting the lane is slowed. This is the ideal use for me.
    2. In the forward edge of one if the bushes—to deter the enemy support from chilling in the bush/to potentially stun them and get some harass down
    3. In the middle of the lane right in front of my tower if I’m getting pushed in and need emergency wave clear
    4. Next to my tower if it looks like we’re about to get dived :(

    How do I use them out of lane:
    1. Cover jungle entrances and exits around baron or dragon, so anyone coming in is slowed and might take damage or I can stun them
    2. Cover jungle entrances into lane while pushing, both behind me and laterally. This can help with flanking assassins.
    3. Drop them in front of me during a teamfight, hopefully with enough time for it to arm and help me run away
    4. Just kinda drop them in a teamfight and hope someone steps on them hahaha

    If you are having problems with a fed LB as Jhin, possible solutions:
    1. Itemize defensively. Do less damage, buy a hexdrinker, buy a mercurial scimitar, buy a ga, hell buy a death’s dance.
    2. Don’t play 2 screens away ult/stun Jhin. Stand on your team so they can defend you instead of standing isolated and far away (this seems counterintuitive but sometimes playing farther forward can help against assassins, depending on what else is happening with your team)
    3. If LB is blowing her whole kit on you, she can’t explode anything else. Are you the only damage threat on your whole team? If so, that’s not your fault; it’s either a problem with champ select (probably should not have a ‘protect the Jhin’ comp), or a problem with your teammates (did everyone else lose lane? That isn’t on you). Sometimes as adc what you can do is present a big enough threat that the enemy MUST blow many cooldowns and ults to deal with you. That enables the rest of your team to do their thing unperturbed while you watch them from a grey screen :(

    Yeah happy to provide adc insight! I know I push too much, and there are times you should freeze for advantage. But pushing as a dominant adc helps maintain dragon control, pulls their jungler to your lane (ward and don’t die! Waste their time and let your other lanes free farm without that threat), gets plates, can enable harass under tower, can make enemy lose cs (basically always below midgold, although eventually people get better at cs under tower), puts the lane in a good spot for you to recall and shop whenever you feel like it, makes the enemy adc feel bad :D
    But yeah you can probably tell that from the list of adcs I play and how it excludes Vayne and Twitch and Ezreal and Kogmaw hahaha

    Thank you, I'll work on these when I play Jhin.

    Also looking to grab a skin for Jhin. I really like project Jhin but dark cosmic Jhin's ult looks so cool.

    Probably gonna grab project though.

    Dark star Jhin has a whole new set of voice lines, although that does make me miss his normal voicelines sometimes

    still: "The stars are my eyes, and one by one, I must put them out"

    ....um, yes ok Jhin, you live your best life...

    Steam, LoL: credeiki
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    RickRudeRickRude Registered User regular
    Vaynes mid! Vayne mid! I love seeing vayne. I just remember all the highlight plays of both doublekift and wild turtle just 1v5 ing. I can't play the champ for shit, and she has so many weaknesses, but seeing her played well is a thing of beauty.

    Really happy to see unicorns make it in. They were so close to the 1st seed, and I just love them from their eu days. Maybe they weren't the greatest, but they played stuff you'd never expect to see, and just love their attitude. We're gonna play our game, even if it's not a meta comp, come at us

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    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    I recently got demoted all the way down to silver IV.

    I have recently climbed all the way back to silver II!

    My secrets:

    1. Play Swain
    2. Don't play ranked when I'm tired anymore

    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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    PhasenPhasen Hell WorldRegistered User regular
    3 when on a losing streak. Never stop.

    Unrelated demoted to silver 1

    psn: PhasenWeeple
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    skippydumptruckskippydumptruck begin again Registered User regular
    y'all ap maokai support is so strong

    like, routinely top (or near) dmg on team on a support salary

    you have a jillion little explosive wards to toss around the map or control access to objectives or know when the jungle is coming around or just ruin someone's day unexpectedly from a bush

    and of course his ult and root remain amazing

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    StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    edited October 2020
    I don't get this pick em thing. Anyone know how this works?

    I think I'm close to a less than 30% win rate overall. I've noticed I'm consistently going against significantly more experienced players than myself which is a bit disheartening.

    Stragint on
    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
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    credeikicredeiki Registered User regular
    Steam, LoL: credeiki
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    StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    edited October 2020
    Lux and me as Jhin went against Ashe and Senna. I played like an idiot and got killed at bot lane about two minutes in as the jungle and enemy bot lane came in behind me after stealing red. Then jungle came in again really early and I died again.

    Lux and I decided to play super safe until our jungle came in shortly after that last enemy gank and I got a double kill and that effectively brought me back into the game.

    How does the game decide on the letter ranks? I got an A- while going 12/4/13 and the team total kills was 47 so I was there for a little more than half our kills. I had second highest farm and kills on my team with most gold, and tied my support for vision score. I feel like I did really solid this game with making sure we had vision and being active with my team.

    Stragint on
    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
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    credeikicredeiki Registered User regular
    Stragint wrote: »
    I don't get this pick em thing. Anyone know how this works?

    I think I'm close to a less than 30% win rate overall. I've noticed I'm consistently going against significantly more experienced players than myself which is a bit disheartening.

    For pickem, you just drag the teams into the order of how you'll think they'll perform in groups. You don't lock in your picks; it takes the order they are in as of the deadline of a day from now.
    One groups are done, a round 2 of pickems will unlock and you'll be able to choose a bracket for the elimination phase.
    The thread group is just for fun; allows you to easily see your friends' picks and compare choices.

    Steam, LoL: credeiki
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    StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    credeiki wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    I don't get this pick em thing. Anyone know how this works?

    I think I'm close to a less than 30% win rate overall. I've noticed I'm consistently going against significantly more experienced players than myself which is a bit disheartening.

    For pickem, you just drag the teams into the order of how you'll think they'll perform in groups. You don't lock in your picks; it takes the order they are in as of the deadline of a day from now.
    One groups are done, a round 2 of pickems will unlock and you'll be able to choose a bracket for the elimination phase.
    The thread group is just for fun; allows you to easily see your friends' picks and compare choices.

    Ah, alright. That is pretty straight forward. I have no idea what to do for the EU and NA teams. I haven't actually seen any pro games so far for those regions.

    I also need to stop taking the risk of combining skin shards. I had Pool Party Zoe, Blade Queen Lissandra, and High Noon Thresh and I got Badlands Baron Rumble which was not great. I don't play Lissandra or Thresh but the I have been practicing Zoe. I like he Cyber Pop or Star Guardian skins more but the Pool Party skin would have been fun to have, was just hoping I'd get a cooler skin with combining them.

    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
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    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    credeiki wrote: »

    Same, but mainly because I looked up the odds for each team to win out and ranked them based on that.

    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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    The Zombie PenguinThe Zombie Penguin Eternal Hungry Corpse Registered User regular
    credeiki wrote: »

    As someone who's watched worlds year after year, why you'd belive in NA is... I have questions if you belive in NA. Significant ones.

    Ideas hate it when you anthropomorphize them
    Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheZombiePenguin
    Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/thezombiepenguin/
    Switch: 0293 6817 9891
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    PenumbraPenumbra Registered User regular
    credeiki wrote: »

    As someone who's watched worlds year after year, why you'd belive in NA is... I have questions if you belive in NA. Significant ones.

    It’s the same as it ever is. I am an idiot and hope for international success only to be (largely) disappointed (every time).

    Switch Friend Code: 6359-7575-9391
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    PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    y'all ap maokai support is so strong

    like, routinely top (or near) dmg on team on a support salary

    you have a jillion little explosive wards to toss around the map or control access to objectives or know when the jungle is coming around or just ruin someone's day unexpectedly from a bush

    and of course his ult and root remain amazing

    Yeah, from what I've been hearing it's sleeper OP. Really good counter-pick when your enemy team is playing engage supports... or you just want to murder things.

    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
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    IvelliusIvellius Registered User regular
    credeiki wrote: »

    Make sure you click the "Join" button after signing in (I share this because...well, it took me a few minutes to figure out).

    More directly to @credeiki, I don't know if it makes me feel better or worse that we have almost identical picks...

    Me elsewhere:
    Steam, various fora: Ivellius
    League of Legends: Doctor Ivellius
    Twitch, probably another place or two I forget: LPIvellius
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    RickRudeRickRude Registered User regular
    I'm pretty hyped about group stages. Play ins were a lot of fun, minus the last two deciding series. But the round robin and elimination games were competitive.

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    gigawatt666gigawatt666 Registered User regular
    Bought some RP for the incoming world pass, and was looking at the zombie zyra skin knowing I didn't have enough for both. Personal shop showed up today, and lo n behold zombie zyra 675 RP and enough leftover for the world pass :D

    BattleNet i.d. : gigawatt666#11111
    Ps4 : Gigawatt666
    Steam I.D. : Gigawatt666
    LoL : GiG4W4TT
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    RickRudeRickRude Registered User regular
    edited October 2020
    credeiki wrote: »

    I think I joined? It says "you" in one spot lol. IN case not, here's my pickem. bout to look at others.


    *Edit* wow you guys all really believe in TL? Not Summi? I havent looked at the other groups yet just see so far everyone has TL 2 in group A

    *edit 2* just saw there were in game rewards, and an ultimare reward for a perfect pick. Last year 1 person out of 5 million won, so its lottery odds, but still. Good luck to you all.

    RickRude on
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    LoserForHireXLoserForHireX Philosopher King The AcademyRegistered User regular
    I want to believe that one NA team will get out of groups

    "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to give into it." - Oscar Wilde
    "We believe in the people and their 'wisdom' as if there was some special secret entrance to knowledge that barred to anyone who had ever learned anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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    RickRudeRickRude Registered User regular
    Bought some RP for the incoming world pass, and was looking at the zombie zyra skin knowing I didn't have enough for both. Personal shop showed up today, and lo n behold zombie zyra 675 RP and enough leftover for the world pass :D

    My shop always fucking sucks. Got some lame amumu skin, a karthus skin which I own 2 (Grim reaper and lightbringer, besides Pentakill, the only 2 skins I want) , a nasus skin (who plays nasus) a Warwick skin and a kassidin skin, which looks sick, but is only 20% off. And I don't play kassadin.

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    RickRudeRickRude Registered User regular
    edited October 2020
    I want to believe that one NA team will get out of groups

    C9 isn't here this year.

    *edit* that was more a meme than anything. They the only NA team that ever made it out I believe. I'm torn on if flyquest can make it out, want to put them 2 over LCK. But not sure. Flip floppingon that pick.

    RickRude on
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    gigawatt666gigawatt666 Registered User regular
    This weekend is my first full 2 day weekend in a month due to work so I'm nerding out Saturday and Sunday. I'm even thinking of catching the TES v. FlyQuest live at 4 am my time :P

    BattleNet i.d. : gigawatt666#11111
    Ps4 : Gigawatt666
    Steam I.D. : Gigawatt666
    LoL : GiG4W4TT
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    IvelliusIvellius Registered User regular
    RickRude wrote: »
    *Edit* wow you guys all really believe in TL? Not Summi? I havent looked at the other groups yet just see so far everyone has TL 2 in group A

    *edit 2* just saw there were in game rewards, and an ultimare reward for a perfect pick. Last year 1 person out of 5 million won, so its lottery odds, but still. Good luck to you all.

    It's mostly I hope one team from NA gets out, but also they looked pretty good in play-ins (well, aside from one weird loss), and I think they may play even better with the pressure somewhat off as the third seed. I think their ceiling is higher than TSM or Flyquest, so I think they're going to find another level to make it out.

    But yes, it's mostly just wanting an NA team to get out and I think they're most likely.

    Me elsewhere:
    Steam, various fora: Ivellius
    League of Legends: Doctor Ivellius
    Twitch, probably another place or two I forget: LPIvellius
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    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    Nothing like losing a ranked game because one guy became a small baby and just ran it down mid until their darius had 15 kills

    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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    RickRudeRickRude Registered User regular
    Ivellius wrote: »
    RickRude wrote: »
    *Edit* wow you guys all really believe in TL? Not Summi? I havent looked at the other groups yet just see so far everyone has TL 2 in group A

    *edit 2* just saw there were in game rewards, and an ultimare reward for a perfect pick. Last year 1 person out of 5 million won, so its lottery odds, but still. Good luck to you all.

    It's mostly I hope one team from NA gets out, but also they looked pretty good in play-ins (well, aside from one weird loss), and I think they may play even better with the pressure somewhat off as the third seed. I think their ceiling is higher than TSM or Flyquest, so I think they're going to find another level to make it out.

    But yes, it's mostly just wanting an NA team to get out and I think they're most likely.

    Oh I want to believe. But I also want a chance at the perfect score jackpot lol.

    Then again, when I was doing weekly NFL pickems, I always picked miami to win just because I'm a miami fan.

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    StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    Is the worlds pass worth it?

    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
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    Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    if you play enough to get the rewards, yes imo.

    i find normal passes to be worth the price of admission, and the worlds pass is double the rewards of a normal pass.

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    StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    edited October 2020
    Tried top with my friend in normal draft and went Sett. Faced Cho and once he hit level 6 the lane was lost. I also can't find a good guide for Sett that isn't support.

    Second game I got Darius into Akali against a 4 person pre made and I didn't die to Akali but I also got no kills because everytime I got her low enough to go in on I had no mana to ult or do much of anything else.

    Top lane is rough. I'm gonna stay in bot lane and the jungle for the time being.

    Stragint on
    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
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    PhasenPhasen Hell WorldRegistered User regular
    Stragint wrote: »
    Tried top with my friend in normal draft and went Sett. Faced Cho and once he hit level 6 the lane was lost. I also can't find a good guide for Sett that isn't support.

    Second game I got Darius into Akali against a 4 person pre made and I didn't die to Akali but I also got no kills because everytime I got her low enough to go in on I had no mana to ult or do much of anything else.

    Top lane is rough. I'm gonna stay in bot lane and the jungle for the time being.

    leagueofgraphs.com is my go to resource and they have some sett builds.

    psn: PhasenWeeple
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    credeikicredeiki Registered User regular
    edited October 2020
    Stragint wrote: »
    Tried top with my friend in normal draft and went Sett. Faced Cho and once he hit level 6 the lane was lost. I also can't find a good guide for Sett that isn't support.

    Second game I got Darius into Akali against a 4 person pre made and I didn't die to Akali but I also got no kills because everytime I got her low enough to go in on I had no mana to ult or do much of anything else.

    Top lane is rough. I'm gonna stay in bot lane and the jungle for the time being.

    Top lane is scary! It’s way too easy to get in horrible losing snowball situations where you’re zoned entirely off the wave and have no real recourse. Plus junglers are always showing up to kill you.
    Midlane is much easier as a solo lane cause you can’t be kept out of xp range from the wave because it’s such a shorter lane; also harder to overextend. Of course there is then the pressure to roam and affect the game more, but I’ll take that rather than start some game 0/2 toplane and be frozen out for the next 30 minutes

    credeiki on
    Steam, LoL: credeiki
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    StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    edited October 2020
    credeiki wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    Tried top with my friend in normal draft and went Sett. Faced Cho and once he hit level 6 the lane was lost. I also can't find a good guide for Sett that isn't support.

    Second game I got Darius into Akali against a 4 person pre made and I didn't die to Akali but I also got no kills because everytime I got her low enough to go in on I had no mana to ult or do much of anything else.

    Top lane is rough. I'm gonna stay in bot lane and the jungle for the time being.

    Top lane is scary! It’s way too easy to get in horrible losing snowball situations where you’re zoned entirely off the wave and have no real recourse. Plus junglers are always showing up to kill you.
    Midlane is much easier as a solo lane cause you can’t be kept out of xp range from the wave because it’s such a shorter lane; also harder to overextend. Of course there is then the pressure to roam and affect the game more, but I’ll take that rather than start some game 0/2 toplane and be frozen out for the next 30 minutes

    Yea, top is really easy to lose and basically be useless until team fights and even then it is hard to do anything.

    Just sucks cause I have a few top laners I want to use like Sett.

    Off to a bad start for picking the teams for this round.

    Stragint on
    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
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    RickRudeRickRude Registered User regular
    Stragint wrote: »
    credeiki wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    Tried top with my friend in normal draft and went Sett. Faced Cho and once he hit level 6 the lane was lost. I also can't find a good guide for Sett that isn't support.

    Second game I got Darius into Akali against a 4 person pre made and I didn't die to Akali but I also got no kills because everytime I got her low enough to go in on I had no mana to ult or do much of anything else.

    Top lane is rough. I'm gonna stay in bot lane and the jungle for the time being.

    Top lane is scary! It’s way too easy to get in horrible losing snowball situations where you’re zoned entirely off the wave and have no real recourse. Plus junglers are always showing up to kill you.
    Midlane is much easier as a solo lane cause you can’t be kept out of xp range from the wave because it’s such a shorter lane; also harder to overextend. Of course there is then the pressure to roam and affect the game more, but I’ll take that rather than start some game 0/2 toplane and be frozen out for the next 30 minutes

    Yea, top is really easy to lose and basically be useless until team fights and even then it is hard to do anything.

    Just sucks cause I have a few top laners I want to use like Sett.

    Off to a bad start for picking the teams for this round.

    There's something to be said for playing something like ormn, sion, zac even, and other tanks top lane. Oh ya, shen too! If you can learn to lose gracefully and just cs under tower you can often be a greater impact to your team as the game goes on compared to a carry. Most too lane bullies can be blown up in team fights. If they're dead and you're alive, you're the better team fighter.

    Or you can learn to play proxy singed, bind laugh to a key, and run around like a mad man. I never made it out of bronze as a singed main but I had a lot of fun.

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    RickRudeRickRude Registered User regular

    This is why I don't believe in na. We are so far behind. Spring c9 was the closest we'll ever see yo a team that can compete at world's.

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