
[D&D 5E] Whispered Curse, Day 60- Offshore/Abbott of the Eternal



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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    The Lilitu takes on a slightly pathetic and overly apologetic manner, once she realizes she's offended Oak with her intrusion on his space... pretends she actually doesn’t mind as the Shifter *dodges* her attempts to welcome him with a warm embrace…but she definitely makes sure everyone can hear her huffed displeasure as Oak further stands silent (lip curled and defiant) against her attempts to butter him up and build a cloying rapport…(the Demoness’s initial bright and open demeanor with OAK begins to quickly darken, as her mood shifts against him subtly, in a way only Oak picks up on for the moment…)

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    DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    (( I'm having a bit of a Urixes right now and can't remember ... what are we here for again? The blade to go with the hilt? Or is that supposed to be somewhere else in the Glen? Are we just here to grab Jack and get out? Both? ))

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    zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    Arno is surprised by the warm reception, but happy for it. Nice to meet someone who's first reaction isn't stuffy stoicism or attempting to eat you. As they are pulled into the hug, they start to shake their head. The smell seems to hit twice, first the bear's nose rolling over notes of rot and carrion, trying to id if the sent is food or not, then the shifter connecting the scent to death and decay and battlefields. Arno remembers manners though, and tries not to let the reaction show too much.

    *Grrah, hrrgh, grr, *snort*
    Why thank you, I've been having a lovely time in the expanse. So much diversity and excitement. Would have been nice to meet a few more open and friendly faces such as yourself, it feels like everyone is so taciturn. And I will be honest, would have been nice to have a few less people trying to kill us. I think I've turned Rax around, seems like a decent guy once he doesn't feel like trying to murder you. That Pipes though, total jerk, and so selfish as well. I want to help the chameleons and Rak'ta travel, and he tries to strong arm us into getting him on our ship and leaving his people behind. I just can't abide folks who abandon others. And I'm still in the middle of a rather exciting mystery on the ship, attempting to determine who among us are actually a pile of snakes, and the secret of the treacherous pretty kitty. But Jack and I have also made friends with Mr. Fusspot and the half-orc wizard, which was very nice. Hey Jack, are you doing ok? Jack? Oh, whoops, forgot I had bear lips.

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    zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    OOC: My understanding was Fair William is the person we need to find most, as he will forge the blade, and it felt like he was supposed to be here. But then again I did shoot pipes full of sun, so maybe Fair William isn't here. Would still be worth checking out, and yes saving Jack was 100% a goal here.

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    GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    ((OOC: Please save Jack, he's too dumb to save himself! ))

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    DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    "I didn't lie," Urixes says, just the barest hint of a smirk threatening the corner of his trademark frown, "It seems not even death can keep us apart, Evvdia. I'm sure you have been a most welcoming host to my friend here, but he has things to do, places to see, and feathers to ruffle. "

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    [JACK may have forgotten the *delicate flower* in his gear from ZOG the Orc Wizard, but ARNO just reminded him of it!]


    Evvdia the Keeper practically lights up as the Eager Changeling gives her a full, complete, notes-checked and highly-personal account of the main details of the Wild Bunch’s trip. Evvdia smiles in all the right places; claps along with appropriate utter glee to the troops triumphs, and scowls at their downfalls. Honestly, she treats the whole thing like a bit of a play, and immediately turns up her lip at others who don’t do the same around her…but, eventually, she begins to become worn down from Arno’s unceasing and constant bright optimism. The demon seems to slowly seethe as the story progresses: as Arno describes a bright and eager journey, and Evvdia reflects quietly on her own. Despite the Demoness’s practiced talent at Division and Discord, something highly specific about Arno’s authentic and unceasing candor begins to eat at the demon, and her eager sycophantic nature begins to give way to genuine and building annoyance at Arno’s presence…

    She tries to paper over her frustration with mounting questions, at the Wild Bunch“…so, Mister Pipes didn’t actually come back with you?...I suppose I’d become fond of his absence, so maybe you’ve done me a favo…you didn’t finally *KILL* him, did you?…actually, don’t tell me, I don’t care…”

    (at Arno’s further questions)“…you, the lizardfolks, even my leftovers chameleon-brood… will all get off the island, but if you only…but…and as to the mystery, I know there’s only a handful of people…and Pretty Kitty is *actually* just a… *ALRIGHT, THAT’S-ENOUGH*” The Demoness huffs and puffs, holding back obvious rage towards OAK and ARNO (their overabundance of attention, and his complete lack of). She takes a deep breath for a moment and steps back, falling onto her (fainting) couch. She *sighs* as she seems to desperately but impossibly rub away a headache. “My gods, you people are…*exhausting*…I can’t even imagine, having to deal with mortals all the time…”

    With a final exasperated wave of her hand from the couch, Evvdia dismissively informs Arno, “..the purple snakes are mine and how I keep any eye on things here inside your Expanse, luv…they help get information others can’t. Among my other spies, and my plants…and my portals and my plots. Information is worth more than gold, here as anywhere…if you all haven’t learned that, now’s the time….”

    Evvdia looks up from her place on the fainting couch at Urixes. “Oh, I *know* you’re all busy, I am too…won’t waste too much more of your time, * MY-LOVE*” The demon bounds back towards Urixes, eyes bright with mischief. “You need a favor …or three. I can give you…back, the blade…we can reforge it *right here* onboard Villam, and I can send you on your way knowing…whatever you want to know. But you will owe me in return…(Evvdia leans over and whispers with sinister intention into Urixes’s ear…)
    ”You don’t remember a single Gods-damn thing, do you? You don’t even recognize the *giggle* blade you seek, *YET AGAIN*, standing right here in this room?”

    “Look around you, Urixes….I’ve heard you changed…you don’t *EVEN* remember, this place?”

    Urixes takes in the Trophy Room at Evvdia’s words…

    There is a privileged and decorated spot amog the North wall trophies where a Tiefling skeleton statue stands, encased in a cage of solid gold. *Driven* through the Tiefling’s ribs, a red-metal blade sits, rusted slightly along the edges. Urixes finds it very hard to looks at the skeleton’s eye sockets, without feeling the need to sit down or look away, at the last life shed…

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    zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    "So your precious purple plants progress your portals and plots with precision and pluck? Positively portentous."

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    edited January 2021
    Evvdia hisses in annoyance towards the general room, "Your pretentiously precocious pacifist pontificates...but I'm sure you're all used to that..."

    [Arno recieves Inspiration!]

    mrpaku on
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    AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    "Does it have to be Urixes?" A deep voice resonates over Evvdia's hiss. Oak steps a little closer to the Demoness. "Who owes ya, I mean. Seems like if ya both done this before, might be time to switch 'er up to someone new."

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    GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    At Arno's mention of Zog a cog turns in Jack's head. Oh! That's when he heard the Keeper mentioned before! He jogs to whomever is holding his stuff, takes it and digs through it before slinging it all over himself, turning around with a wrap of paper in his hand. How it survived all those falls and dips in rivers and whirlpools is the true mystery of this trip.

    He steps up to the tall demoness, holding out the paper, "Miss Keeper? Zog sends his regards." Inwardly he's just happy to have his stuff back, this place smells like it could break out in a fight and he's never been the best at hand to hand. Bit better with tooth and claw, but a wolf can only do so much.

    ((OOC: Man, Zog's present completely blanked from my mind there, it feels like it happened so long ago... ))

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    edited January 2021
    Evvdia *GASPS* and places her hands over her chest…slowly, she walks over and accepts the flower from Jack with careful, trepidatious hands. She gently draws it into her person, cradles it like a child, and then inhales from it deeply. As she does so, the life quickly goes out of the flower: the flower’s leaves wither, the petals curl and crumble, and the thing dies in her hands.

    Evvdia let’s out a deep sound of satisfaction. She allows the dead flower to fall to the floor at her feet, and gifts Jack with a cloying smile. “Well, that will earn you a freebie! Send my regards to Zog, should you see him again! He knows I absolutely *LOVE* these, but he hasn’t been back in awhile…I believe that may be *partially* my fault. You see, the last time he was here, I had a collection of Chameleons hold him down, while I flayed his back for a few hours…”

    “…alright, so the blade you all seek…Urixes here can take from its former home. I probably owe him that much. And since Jack was such a sweet dear about things, I can send you down to the Forge to see Bruce, who will fix it for you. However…I *am* still a demon, and getting you home nice and safe will still need something for me…”

    Evvdia smiles broadly as Oak presents his offer of a Favor. “It speaks! *No, luv!*…it doesn’t have to be Urixes! Despite our…rather long, and sordid history…well, to be honest, he rather bores me now. No offense, dear”, she gives a fanged and vicious grin of triumph towards Urixes.

    The smiling, sinister demon walks over towards Oak, mouth wide and hand extended. “You and your friends *WILL* get to your ship safe; your mission accomplished! But you will owe me a boon…one day, I will ask something of you…and you, and them should they still stand besides you…must do it… do you understand?” the demoness extends her hand.

    “I ask only one further thing: Urixes will stay here with me, and meet again…with Fair William. You, Jack, Arno…*WHOEVER*…can go to remake the sword.” The demoness pauses for a second, and then shrugs; seeming to consider the feelings of the mortals. “I suppose…if you didn’t trust me…one of you could stay here with him as he did so. Oh, *I see your faces*…don’t worry!…with Jack’s flower, and Oak’s favor, you will ALL pass through this place unharmed, even your treacherous companion, this I promise you…”

    mrpaku on
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    AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Oak nods slowly, glancing over at Urixes. He knew they were limited in choices, but he was unwilling to let someone else shoulder the burden.

    "We get out of here safe with the sword, you have my word that I will answer when you call in your chip." His hand grips hers and shakes. "Any of this lot willing to help me can, but I'll shoulder the burden no matter."

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    DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    "We won't get a better offer," Urixes agrees, his grimace deepening as he walks toward the skeleton-turned-trophy. He unconsciously puts a hand on his own chest in the same place where the blade juts out of the golden bones, then winces slightly as he withdraws the red metal. "Take it," he says, handing it to Oak, "I'll be fine. I'll see you all soon."

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    edited January 2021
    Evvdia bites her lower lip, pretending to be reticent (Oak can tell she's playing at being coy), and then eagerly leans into the handshake, pumping your fist with an open joy... [ Oak's hand seems to burn for a few seconds as he shakes hands with the Demon...when Oak pulls away, he feels an imprint, somewhere upon his soul...]

    "Well then!," Evvdia says, clapping happily, "I suppose that's that! But, don't all go rushing off so fast! Oak can go to reforge the sword, and Urixes can have his reunion here in a moment...but first, let's celebrate! *God's damn, where's my drink*... To a mutually beneficial arrangement! #73....#73 ! ..."

    [Evvdia summons the Grey Man, and another, from the hall...]

    mrpaku on
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    SleepSleep Registered User regular
    Just at that moment a familiar face comes striding into the trophy room from the west with a grey man in tow carrying a covered silver tray and a pitcher of liquid. As the pair enter the room, and after Michael very deliberately snaps open and sets out the tray stand, he clasps his hands together and begins, "Our repast bagins with a delicious meat pie offering of the most savory of celestial meats".

    The grey man unveils a well appointed tray of hand sized meat pies paired with ramekins filled with attendant sauces. Michael begins pointing to each meat pie in turn listing out its contents. "We move from scaled to not, starting on this end we begin with our lizard based couatl meat pie, next is a delightful ki rin pie, and then we move on to our more prominently equine meats, first a pegasus pie, and of course last but certainly not least a unicorn pie".

    As michael finishes his announcement, he inquires with his guests, "will we also be enjoying the main entree of the evening or shall this appetizer be all?" As the grey man fills Evvdia's cup, Michael asks, "would anyone else care for some fine mulled manticore blood?"

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    You hear the first strings of an old shanty. Bern half turns and nods from a tall, leather chair, then continues. Was that chair always there, facing slightly away, speckled with just a touch of dust?

    Fiddle to his old chin, he sings a familiar tune:

    “A bottle, a barrel, a drink or three / the night has laid her lips on me~”

    He turns away, the tempo just a touch too slow for such a cheery nautical melody.

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    edited January 2021
    Evvdia accepts her drink from Not*Michael with a fervor, and begins to happily *SLURP* at the contents of the mug. Leaning over to the table with the delicious morsels, she eschews entirely with the knife, choosing instead to dig her clawed hand fully into the unicorn pie, greedily shoving it into her mouth, the gravy still evident around the edges when she finally finishes.

    The Demoness begins to hum along to the shanty provided by Not*Bern... chugging her drink again, the Demoness suddenly sits up, acting shocked and ashamed, "Oh my dark lord, what kind of hostess... please, join us, JOIN US! To Change!"

    [The Demoness raises her glass to the Wild Bunch, blood and gravy still smeared around her lips. She looks on eagerly, expecting you to partake in the meal]

    mrpaku on
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    GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Jack watches their hostess curiously, leaning away a touch as she absorbs its life force... that hug must've been more perilous than he thought! His eyes follow the dropped flower, its desiccated form shattering into dust on the floor. Perhaps if he were a bard he could glean some meaning from it all.

    His attention wanders off, until the doors open and Michael appears with his new friend in tow. Like a switch getting flipped he goes from zoned out to focused and excited. Food. Food food food! He's bouncing on the balls of his feet by the time the dishes are getting listed, barely waiting for the social cue before going for the closest pie, intent on working his way down the row.

    Perhaps this whole demon business isn't so bad after all!

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    [Jack, which part of this meal do you choose to dig in to? Please be specific]

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    GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    ((OOC: Unicorn! ))

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    edited January 2021
    Jack digs into the Unicorn Pie (the ingredients were probably highly problematic to come by, but that's hardly Jack's problem...the pie tastes Divine, like a meaty, gravy filled Heaven...
    Jack will reap an eventual *benefit* from this Dark Meal! He may also find himself victim to a hideous, insatiable hunger...

    mrpaku on
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    AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Oak grits his teeth as he feels something burn at his hand. A deal made. Still, it had to be done, and if there's ugly work needed amongst this crew, better it's him that takes it up. His eyes glance at Jack briefly as he has that thought.

    The Shifter accepts a glass from the gray man, holding it slightly away from himself to avoid accidently inhaling whatever scent would emanate from it. But then a toast is offered, and Oak gets the feeling that offense will be had if they don't at least appear to indulge their hostess. He raises his glass silently, and brings it slowly towards his lips. Holding his breath, he tips the glass so that liquid pushes against his pursed lips, finally only letting a slight amount of the so claimed blood pass his lips before lowering the glass and attempting to swallow before the taste lingers for too long.

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    DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    Already too heavy with seeing his own corpse on display, Urixes stands with arms folded as he spares a concerned glance at Oak, hoping that the deal just struck would not be as deep and lasting as his own. He accepts neither food nor drink, but finds himself standing near the entrance to his old quarters out of some long-forgotten habit. He remains silent through the toast, unconcerned with the offense that it would cause.

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    zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    When Michael and Bern enter, Arno*bear points a claw at one, then the other, looks toward the door with a look of utter *how did they get here?*, until the pies come out.

    *Grr, gurk*
    Oh, I really shouldn't, I feel like I've already put on 200 pounds. But if you would put that cup in front of me.

    Arno*bear takes a sniff of the manticore blood to take in the bouquet, then leans to take a lap.

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    Oak and Arno both graciously accept their hostess’s offer of a drink…

    [Oak and Arno, please give me a Constitution Check to see if you keep the thick concoction down (DC 13). On a failure, you’ll take poison damage (2d6), and make a *bit* of a mess on the rug. On a success, you discover that imbibing the Manticore Blood has made a change in you…]

    Jack feels a *GLOW* in his stomach…mmm, that was so good! You can’t remember the last time you had a meal like that. You’re afraid you may never have a meal like that again (even now, the taste of the thing lingers in Jack’s memory, driving him to distraction…

    [Jack’s consumption of the Unicorn Pie has permanently increased his movement speed by 5 feet! Unfortunately, it has *also* cursed him with an insatiable hunger: Jack will crave the memory of the pie, and try unsuccessfully to either find more, or find a strange meal to replace the taste with, until he can find a way to rid himself of this unceasing hunger…]

    Urixes rather naturally finds himself standing at the entrance to his old room. Instincts from memories you’d forgetten you have trigger, and Urixes finds his hand drawn to one of the sconces on the sides of the fireplace. Evvdia stops singing along to the celebratory shanty Not*Bern provides. She leers up at you, still gloating from striking a bargain with your friend. “Remember some things, I see. Not how to be a good guest, of course….but then, you never were, were you Luv?”

    “Go ahead, go on down…I don’t mind,” Evvdia takes another greedy sip of her drink, and then waves Urixes away dismissively. “Closure, right? For me too, my fair Tiefling...for me too.”

    Urixes tugs at the sconce, and a wooden part of the floor falls down into a set of stairs. Nodding to his friends, the tiefling steps down into the hidden room beneath the Trophy Room.

    Urixes finds himself in a burned out metal shell. Someone took fire to this place…*A LOT* of fire. For a long time. Even the metal is blackened still in places. It seems Evvdia didn’t find Urixes’s death to be quite enough.

    But Urixes could’ve guessed that…that’s not why he’s here. He’s hoping the Demon hadn’t found the hidden compartment (Urixes begins to examine the walls of this structure for a bit of bone he strongly remembers: it’s there). As Urixes twists the bone in the wall, a metal compartment creakingly *YAWNS* open overhead. The item inside seems to have been undamaged and undiscovered:
    ROD OF THE PACT KEEPER-Requires Attunement by a Warlock.
    Uncommon (+1)

    While holding this rod, you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of your warlock spells. The bonus is determined by the rod’s rarity.

    In addition, you can regain 1 warlock spell slot as an action while holding the rod. You can’t use this property again until you finish a long rest.

    OOC:When you’re ready to move on, let me know who’s going to the Forge (the Grey Man will take you there) and who’s going to see Fair William with Urixes and Evvdia.

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    zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    Geth roll 1d20+1 for constitution

    1d20+1 5 [1d20=4]

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    zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    Geth roll 1d20+1 for inspiration

    1d20+1 10 [1d20=9]

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    AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    OOC: Oak will go to Forge

    Geth, roll 1d20+5 for Con Save

    Con Save:
    1d20+5 20 [1d20=15]

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    GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    mrpaku wrote: »
    [Unfortunately, it has *also* cursed him with an insatiable hunger]
    ((OOC: So, no change, then? ))

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    GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Jack finishes his pie and positively glows with delight. This. Was. Delicious. He looks around for Michael and points to the empty plate, "Seconds?"

    It looks like he might be a bit distracted from the matters at hand right now, the meal having completely distracted him from the talks. He watches people amble around and passages open, with various party members moving with clear purpose, "Um, what'd I miss?"

    Second glance around for Michael. There has to be more, right?

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    Bern finishes his tune and puts his fiddle down. He mops his brow with an old cloth, then seems to stare with a perplexed look on his old face for a moment. Then he picks his fiddle back up and starts to sing.

    “ A bottle, a barrel, a drink or three...”

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    SleepSleep Registered User regular
    Michael seeing jack looking for more delivers him the pie of couatl, proffering the dish full of dipping sauce along side it, "do remember the sauces". He motions towards the tray on the edge of the room, "there's more pies and sauce here should you wish for more, I shall take my leave to produce the next course, come everyone enjoy!"

    And with that michael heads off to the west, presumably back to the kitchens.

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    edited January 2021
    Bear*Arno has been driven sick by the Manticore Blood! The liquid seems to burn and stick inside your mouth, and your bear form tries *repeatedly* to empty the contents from inside yourself back onto the floor, paws scraping at your tongue…

    Evvdia seems positively horrified, “Oh…oh dear…sorry about that Arno! With your Changeling biology, I’d assumed you’d be able…but I suppose not, my that is quite a mess…well, live and learn I suppose, yes? We’ll, ahhhhh…call it even, for the elaborate mess you made on my rug…”

    Geth roll 2d6 poison damage

    [Arno, please indicate if you intend to join Oak reforging the sword, or if you prefer to keep an eye on Urixes and his Demon Ex-Girlfriend]

    Oak had nearly the same experience as Arno…the bile rose from the back of your throat, your system fought the very experience, your mouth burned…but Oak had already chosen not to give the Demoness the satisfaction. His mouth feeling on fire, his brow sweating noticeably, Oak fought against every instinct he had and *GULPED* down the Manticore Cocktail….

    Huh…well, it felt like a rock sitting in your stomach at first, but that seems to have dissolved. The beverage still coats your mouth and the back of your throat, but after the initial sharp and pungent taste it’s…fine? You guess? You probably wouldn’t order it at a Tavern (assuming you didn’t get run out of town for even requesting it), but it’s kind-of OK?

    Evvdia drops her pretense for a moment and you see her *SCOWL*at Oak’s success. She quickly picks it back up again, and shoots you another toothy smile, “You like that too? Michael makes them up special for me….it’s an, uhh…acquired taste. I’m really very glad you enjoyed it!” (Oak suspects this might not be true…)

    [Oak has gained a trait granting permanent resistance to Poison damage, receiving half-damage from any poison sources upon his person! Grey Man stands ready to escort you through the door to the South]

    Jack digs away at the infernal meal like it was his last, and also, his approved menu. Making sure to liberally apply the sauces to every bit of meat, your young Shifter friend devours the foul spread with a gusto that…well, you’ve seen every other time you eat. Jack will be Jack, after all…

    [Jack, once you’ve sated your hunger (for the moment), please let me know if you’d prefer to go with Oak to the forge, or stay here to escort Urixes and the demon lady]

    Urixes comes back up the stairs, clutching the rod he had left here last time. Evvdia looks it over once, twice: she seems incredibly, almost openly irritated that you found something not burned to cinders down there. Biting her lip and tutting, the Demoness attempts with some effort to shake off her displeasure. “Are we all ready then?...” She stands ready to open the door to the immediate East, a place Urixes remembers leads to “The Heart of the Ship”. She waits until Grey Man and the others depart, and then she turns and asks those who remain,
    “So, Urixes, what do you remember of Fair William? Of the Great Binding? Of this place…and your hand in it?”

    poison damage:
    2d6 9 [2d6=6, 3]

    mrpaku on
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    GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Jack siiiiiiighs happily, momentarily full. That was nice. He looks around the table hopefully, but no, that's all she wrote. Oh well, best get on with it he supposes.

    He stands up, supressing a burp, then walking up to Oak, "Where we going then?" He would rather not hang around the demoness any longer...

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    AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Oak stares directly at the Demoness even as he can see Arno expel the contents of his stomach. This Shifter wasn't about to let her have the satisfaction, and engaged with a battle of willpower with his own insides. He was victorious and kept his eyes on her, noting her brief dissatisfaction, and filing it away as a small victory, even in the face of the favor he had promised.

    Turning finally to Jack as he approaches, "The Forge. We have a sword to collect." Oak walks towards the Grey Man, ready to follow, but waiting for Jack and anyone else who was going to be joining them.

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    zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    Arno walks beside Urixes, and sits down. Maybe to protect him, maybe to give comfort. Maybe because that last drink really took a lot out of them.

    What I get, drinking on an empty stomach.

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular

    The Grey Man clacks two familiar dice joyously between his palms as you all walk down the impossibly long hallway towards the Forge. The Doppelganger feels shy around Oak at first…before discovering a way (He thinks) to make *both* of you feel comfortable. The changer *shifts*, and adopts the head of a brown bear, while keeping everything else below his neck intact…the brown bear lops it’s head awkwardly over towards Oak, giving the Shifter a throaty and welcoming *GROWL*….

    A single red and orange light sits in the long distance, but otherwise this long hallway is deathly quiet: seemingly deserted. Evvdia seems to have been running the “ship” with a dwindling skeleton-crew*. Jack and Oak walk for what seems like almost a mile along a darkened, ancient library: a handful of shuffling figures you can’t quite make out from here maintain the books, and walk the halls…

    [*Skeleton Crew-Minimal to the point of being almost non-existent; not-literal skeletons, in this case…]

    You both eventually come to a roaring, *BLAZING* furnace and smelting room…the walls here are pure steel, and underneath your feet a chattering strange livestock run about freely, occasionally attempting to nip at your heels…


    You see Bruce standing at his infernal Forge, *BANGING* away on a small, strange suit of red-steel armor…


    He seems to be making the armor for the...chickens....As you approach, the Grey Man *shifts* his face away from the comforting shape of a Bear, to inform you as the reassuring face of ARNO…

    “This here’s Bruce…he’s our g-uu-u-uuy! He’ll can fix the sword for us.” Bruce grunts, and puts away the chicken armor he’d been crafting. Extending his hands towards Oak, Bruce requests the “Red Skull Hilt” and the “Red Steel Blade”.

    Arno*Grey Man, stuttering in his new form, tries to make friends, ”Bruce here,*HE* make you anything you want…*Snort*, like, *giggle*….or need. OAK, I smelled saw some, ahhhh, Orichalum in your bag? Anti-magic ore from Villam? If you, or J-jjack wanted him to make something, Bruce is a ja-ja-ja…ja-jajajajaj-GENIUS with his forge, a real *ARTIST*!”…”

    [Bruce will work to reforge the sword, though this will take some time…The Grey Man (#73) has smelled the Orichalum on Oak that he discovered during his possession through the Haunted Tunnels, and has offered Bruce’s services to turn this anti-magic material into armor, accessories, or something else you’d like him to do with it…(spoiler for Jack and Oak only…)…]
    Oak had recovered nearly a full chest-plate worth of Orichalum ore when he had his possession-episode in the mines…is there something he would like to turn it into? Jack can help him decide, or you cant toss the decision to "Bruce" and I’ll find a use for it as best I can. Please note, the more the black ore is broken up, the more it’s properties will be weakened (i.e. you could probably turn the Orichalum ore into one *REALLY* strong bit of heavy armor or a heavy weapon…two smaller weapons or bits of armor that are slightly less magical…four minor, fairly weak magical rings, etc. etc.…

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    GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Jack immediately feels better upon leaving that room. The meal as great, the company... yeah. He feels much more comfortable around the grey man. He blinks, then laughs at the 'werebear', taking his wolf helmet from his pack and putting it on, growling back at the doppelganger playfully.

    Nearing the glowing exit (or entrance) he flips the mask portion up to be able to see better and boy is there much to see! He makes a motion like he's about to chase one of the 'chickens' before catching himself. Not appropriate.
    At the moment.
    Maybe later.

    He takes in Bruce, checks his gut and decides no, he can't take him, before being distracted by their guide talking. "Wait, you can talk? Well that makes things easier! Hey, you want some of that jerky, while you have a mouth and all? Oh, um. Hi Bruce!" He tips his helm at the infernal smith.

    Jack walks around the smithy, looking here and there, almost literally sticking his nose into everything before walking back to Oak, watching the strange metal curiously, "Magic metal? Well don't that beat all." He almost leans against something very hot before catching himself and leaning against something very unsteady instead.

    ((OOC: Oak's call! He's the one that ran himself ragged getting it in the first place. Personally I think a single big item would be the more fun option ))

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    Arno*Grey Man eagerly accepts the jerky from Jack. He begins to chew it, constantly, annoyingly, like a mouthful of bubblegum. Through his meat wad, the Doppelganger stutters out a response, "I jusssst, learned to talk...from you all! T-t-told you, j-j-j-Jack, I'm only five days old. Thank you...for the d-d-dice..."

    Bruce the Smith flips his giant hammer over in his hand in a full 360, a response to Jack's greeting. Around him, several of the abyssal chickens move to help fill a smelter with molten metal...as the contraption flips over, a single chicken gets caught in the way, and finds itself flung into the vat, where it quickly boils away. The abyssal chickens continue to cackle and chatter along Bruce's ankles...

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