
[D&D 4e][pbp] The Wilds of Aladrion



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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    dang you might need a new battery!

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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    Just really poor reception that dithered between SOS and 3G.

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    ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    "Yona, is there a way you can see if the stag knows our fey friend?"

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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    I can't speak with animals, as far as I remember? If he's not intelligent I doubt I can get that kind of specific communication.
    "Hmm. Maybe he would know the scent of the sap, and we could tell from his reaction?"

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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    Off the top of my head, only pixies and maaaaybe hamadryads can talk to animals out of the box.

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    ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    Ellandryn looks confused. "You ... can't? I mean, I can magically understand any language I need to with a bit of time ... I thought, with the owls, you'd be ... ? ... Hmmmmmmmmm." He thinks for a moment. "Yes, I think you might be right, then - perhaps if the stag can smell the healing droplet ..." Ellandryn pours it out of the metal container into his palm, at the same time opening his eyes to the weave of magic surrounding the area and inspecting the droplet.

    Sense Magic encounter power to sense the presence of all magic within 10 squares and roll Arcana to identify / get more info on them; @Kelor did you want me to roll a bunch or did you want to handle that and just tell me what I learn?

    Talk to Animals (AKA Speak With Nature) is a much higher-level ritual than I thought it was, so the confusion is both in- and out-of-character! :D

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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    As the droplet escapes the vial it assumes the same look as before, a perfectly symmetrical droplet.

    Ellandryn’s senses assault him as he tests the liquid. It has the warmth of summer sun. The smell off fresh pine. The taste of ripened berries. The rush of magic from it even has the eladrin thinking of the sound of a mountain brook.

    Ellandryn’s senses confirm this is powerful healing magic of some sort.

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    ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    Ellandryn smiles broadly, and breathes deeply. "Yona, I think this is safe. Would you do the honors?"

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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    Yona takes the salve and lets Stone-Shoulders see it and smell it to gauge his reaction first. If he seems ok with it she'll apply it to the missing eye and elsewhere.

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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    The golden liquid quivers slightly as Yona approaches Stone Shoulders, almost tentatively you think.

    It then suddenly flows out like a bow shot, so fast an impact would be expected, but instead it strikes and flows over the momentarily startled stag's body then seeps into the coat. He lets out a trembling huff, then relaxes.

    Stone Shoulder's coat shines for a moment in the late afternoon sun with regained lustre, and you see the dark space of the eye socket fill with a rapidly growing eye.

    Fully restored, the stag takes a tentative few steps to test it's strength, then leaps a full fifteen feet across the river and off into the forest.

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    JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    edited February 2021
    "You're welcome!" Lexan'dar joking called after the Stag in a sing-songy cadence.

    Turning to the rest of the party he continues, "No good job goes unthanked, eh? No bother. Shall we continue and check out the big tree before we head back to Ephrise? We can figure out next move from there?"

    Can Lex tell how much daylight is left aprox? Do we have time to make it back to the Ephrise's grove before nightfall?

    JPants on
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    joshgotrojoshgotro Deviled Egg The Land of REAL CHILIRegistered User regular
    joshgotro wrote: »
    "Moradin shall have his tools!"

    "The AllHammer waits."

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    ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    Ellandryn happily watches the stag spring away. "Some days, we get to bring a bit of beauty into our new world."

    Bos speaks, "The AllHammer waits." Ellandryn nods, "Yes ... though I believe that his tools are in the hills quite a ways south of us. If we wish to go after them now, then I think it best to return to Eriphise to appraise her of Stone Shoulders' good health and then return to Dawnbreak first.

    "Alternatively, there are the tunnels underneath Spider Cave Clearing, near the Skullfeet Lairpits. And, I would be remiss if we left this tree without so much as a cursory investigation. There is likely powerful magic here - though likely more in Yona's vein than mine - to cause such a sentinel to rise."

    Map update!

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    captainkcaptaink TexasRegistered User regular
    "Dammed impressive. I guess that fairy lady was on the level after all."

    Sinnder approaches the giant redwood. She attempts to sense if it is magical in nature.

    Geth roll 1d20+10 for arcana detect magic.

    arcana detect magic:
    1d20+10 15 [1d20=5]

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    JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    Depending on how much time we have till nightfall Lex puts our priorities at:
    1. Check out the Redwood since we're near/here
    2. Return to Ephrise to update her and get any potential reward
    3. a. Make camp somewhere safe if we can't make it back to Dawnbreak before nightfall (Crescent Meadow?)
    b. Before heading back to Dawnbreak we can make an attempt at recovering the bodies from the spider den
    4. Tool Time in the South Hills

    But Lex is more of a go-along-to-get-along guy in these situations so whatever the group decides he won't protest beyond stating his position, generally.

    Also, loving that map Elvenshae! I think the hills are probably actually south of the river/redwood but we will know more for sure as we head there. My point is I don't think they are "on the way to Dawnbreak" like that map appears. But i could def be wrong.

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    ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    JPants wrote: »
    Depending on how much time we have till nightfall Lex puts our priorities at:
    1. Check out the Redwood since we're near/here
    2. Return to Ephrise to update her and get any potential reward
    3. a. Make camp somewhere safe if we can't make it back to Dawnbreak before nightfall (Crescent Meadow?)
    b. Before heading back to Dawnbreak we can make an attempt at recovering the bodies from the spider den
    4. Tool Time in the South Hills

    Sounds like my read, too, but also if people really don't want to do the Spider Caves just yet, then the tools are good, too.
    Also, loving that map Elvenshae! I think the hills are probably actually south of the river/redwood but we will know more for sure as we head there. My point is I don't think they are "on the way to Dawnbreak" like that map appears. But i could def be wrong.

    That's for right when we first entered the woods, the path split went southwestish into some low hills or northish into more of the woods:
    Kelor wrote: »
    Shortly after you discover a game trail that wends it's way through the boles, then splits in half a hundred feet further ahead, one way leading roughly to the north, the other south-west. To the southwest the trees thin slightly and through them you can make out a series of shallow, rolling hills running alongside the trail's left. The northern trail leads deeper off into the forest, you do not note anything of distinction.

    Also, more generally, these are "my best guess at the map," so if anyone sees something that doesn't look right, let me know. Also, I make no promises with respect to accurate scale. These maps will be, at best, truthy, rather than true. :D

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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    edited February 2021
    @JPants It's currently late afternoon, you would guess somewhere between three or four hours of daylight remain. You're used to living in Dawnbreak, which gets a little less due to the peaks.

    If the trail leads back to where you entered the forest as Ellandryn claims, you guess around three hours to Eriphise's glade and then back to Dawnbreak.

    @captaink The tree does not radiate any sort of magic that Sinnder can sense. It still looks sturdy and vibrant despite that how ancienct appears, knots and limbs sprout all over it's trunk and none seems deadened.

    Kelor on
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    JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    Given that we're still close to home, and we've completed a couple quests (or the same quest from 2 different quest givers) my vote is to report back to Ephrise, then head back to Dawnbreak and let our patrons know what we've found and done so far.

    Question about Dawnbreak @Kelor - Is it entirely populated by refugees (like us), or was there a functioning city that we assimilated into? If there's no one but refugees, is it the ruins of a previously inhabited city or something fresh made just for us? Trying to get at if there might be resources (human or like an ancient library) that we could consult if we wished.

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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    edited February 2021
    Dawnbreak is entirely populated by Thelian refugees. The city itself existed when you were first brought to Aladrion by Ioun, created at some point prior.

    The saving of your combined peoples by the god of knowledge has made study and keeping records/diaries popular - especially the customs, art and traditions of Theleos.

    There is a library (The Library (of Ioun) in fact) that is being used to record all of these things and more. Elegor maintains, curates and expands it. There is no records of this world prior to your arrival there, but Elegor is very eager to acquire information to that effect. It's been made clear to those who venture out that rewards are offered for anything you return that would expand that.

    Kelor on
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    JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    Kelor wrote: »
    Dawnbreak is entirely populated by Thelian refugees. The city itself existed when you were first brought to Aladrion by Ioun, created at some point prior.

    The saving of your combined peoples by the god of knowledge has made study and keeping records/diaries popular - especially the customs, art and traditions of Theleos.

    There is a library (The Library (of Ioun) in fact) that is being used to record all of these things and more. Elegor maintains, curates and expands it. There is no records of this world prior to your arrival there, but Elegor is very eager to acquire information to that effect. It's been made clear to those who venture out that rewards are offered for anything you return that would expand that.

    Awesome! That's exactly what I thought was the situation, just wanted to make sure I hadn't made any assumptions.

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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    edited February 2021
    It sounds like you're all in agreement to visit Eriphise, at least as a first stop?

    The forest is lit with the golden glow of a setting sun by the time the group reach the bottom of the path to the glade. Touches of red and purple mix with the gold as shadows also creep almost the forest floor.

    As instructed, you make the call of a magpie and a few minutes afterwards the satyr you met earlier, Tret, comes down the manicured path. In his hands he carries a parcel of some sort, at first glance it appears to be soft bark wrapped in vines.

    After exchanging pleasantries he holds it out for you to take. "A reward from my mistress, as thanks for your aid. She is pleased at the speed in which you have complied and bid me to convey this to you."

    Tret will make polite conversation, but clearly wants to return to the grove.

    If you attempt to tear open the bark, you find yourself unable to, it is surprisingly supple and strong. Unwrapping the vines and opening it reveals a wooden shield, rimmed in bronze with acorns etched into the metal. Resting in it's hollow are two healing potions. Examination of the bark used to wrap it reveals that it is not simply for decoration, but that it is a fashioned to create protective clothing, but with all the lightness of leather.
    The package contains the following;

    A Light Shield of Deflection - Resist 2 damage from all ranged and area attacks
    2 Potions of Healing - Spend a healing surge, heal 10 hitpoints
    Leather Sylvan Armor +1 - Bonus to Athletics and Stealth equal to it's enhancement bonus.

    You also gain 300xp for completing Eriphise's request.

    Kelor on
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    captainkcaptaink TexasRegistered User regular
    edited February 2021
    "I guess the lady is shy now. Give her my regards, Tret"

    Sinnder would make pretty good use of the armor. Can't use the shield. 10 HP is less than my surge value so I'm not sure if a potion does me any good?

    I am in agreement with JPants'/Lex rough itinerary above. Checking out the spider den today if we still have light/time

    captaink on
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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    Ain't no light in that spider hole either way.

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    JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    edited February 2021
    "Give your mistress our regards and thanks!"

    Leather is all yours Sinnder! My Athletics and Stealth are pretty good. Looks like the Shield is all Bos'!

    Pretty sure the Health potion gives you the normal healing from a surge, plus 10 on top of that. Are those our first Health Pots?
    @Elvenshae would you mind sharing your loot sheet so I can remind myself without having to search the thread? Feel free to lock it down (and if you'd rather invite by email I can PM it to you), I don't need to make changes or anything.

    I'm down for the Spider Hole. I don't think anyone had blown any dailies or used many surges so we shouldn't be needing a rest just yet. Correct me if I'm wrong. Then we can take back the corpses to Dawnbreak, restock, and head for the tools.

    JPants on
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    ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    edited February 2021

    No problem! Here you (and everyone else) go: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15DXTMC0rcaIvbuoJ5gYRqAXyo2f2ptbL?usp=sharing

    ED: Oh - forgot ... The healing potions replace your healing surge value, so they aren't as useful if you've already got a 10 or better as your surge value. One wrinkle is that you can use them multiple times in the same combat, whereas you can only use Second Wind once and healing from Bos twice-ish, and they can also be used on an unconscious character who is currently unable to spend surges on their own. ED2: Also, minor action vs. standard, assuming you have one in-hand, etc.

    I bought a Potion of Cure Light Wounds (which is for more of an emergency, post-surges-when-bloodied-save-a-life situation) out of my starting allotment, but unless someone else bought healing potions, these are our first.

    Elvenshae on
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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    edited February 2021
    The glow of the evening sun is almost exhausted by the time you return to the clearing where you fought previously. Dark clouds chase the last of the day's light from the sky above you and the air has the humid mugginess that usually denotes rainfall.

    The burrow is as you left it, other than some insects that have moved in and begun feasting on the ichorous remains of the smaller spiders blasted by Ellandryn's spellwork earlier.


    Kelor on
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    JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    "How shall we proceed, hmmm? And what are our priorities here? Recover the bodies near the entrance for transport back to Dawnbreak, surely, but beyond that? Are we exploring this any further?"

    How big is the burrow, as far as we've seen? Big enough to walk upright? 2 abreast? Just enough to crawl single file?

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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    Lex's last trip didn't go very far, just enough to discover a slightly sloping floor that then led to another deep shaft dropping deeping into the earth.

    The floor is tall enough to stand in, the space that drops deeper was not uniform but roughly ten feet wide. The walls were coated in webbing, which would ease climbing up and down.

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    KorrorKorror Registered User regular
    Have fun down in the creepy spider tunnel guys. I'm sure it's perfectly safe and not a secret spider temple.

    Battlenet ID: NullPointer
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    joshgotrojoshgotro Deviled Egg The Land of REAL CHILIRegistered User regular
    "In and out Lex. Let's do this."

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    ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    "Well, if we're going to be logical about this, then we should examine the webbed bodies before going any deeper; they may just be recent ... ish ... victims of the spider, or they may tell us more about what lies below. And then we should toss a torch or sunrod down the hole just to see how far and dangerous it is before Lex'ander climbs down first."

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    JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    "We've got 5 of us so how about this: I'll go in first and head past the bodies to tunnel shaft and see what i can see below and stand guard for anything coming up the shaft while 2 others come into the hole to free the bodies. The remaining 2 can stay up top to help haul the bodies up. Thoughts?"

    Lex has darkvision so should be able to get some info on the shaft (without light giving his position away too bad), and stand stealthy guard while the others work so we aren't ambushed. Everyone who goes in the hole can have a safety rope tied to them in case they need to be hauled up. Then once those bodies are recovered we can asses them and decide about delving deeper.

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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    I assume you're checking the bodies in the burrow, with Bos anchoring the lines up top?

    Lexan'dar finds himself once more peering down into the depths of the burrow, which twist, stop and start their way a half a dozen times in the short distance he is able to see. The burrow has cooled since earlier in the day without spider bodies swarming against each other. Loose webbing drifts along the walls as the shaft below sucks air greedily downwards from the surface.

    Behind, the rest of the party examines the silken wrapped corpses in the darkness of the cave. As Lex observed earlier, one looks like a game animal of some sort. Two others are humanoid, and cutting apart the webbing you discover the bodies are desicated, their nutrients drained presumably by feasting arachnids. Both seem somewhat recent, one is an elf or half elf, the other appears to be a tiefling. Both are dressed in somewhat fine clothes, the first in studded leather with furred collar, baldric containing a well used sword and a leather purse. The second is clad a purple doublet with silver trim. A satchel on his side contains a pair of reading glasses, a set of quills, a wax stoppered bottle of ink, some sheafs of paper and a oilskin wrapped package of leatherbound books.

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    ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    None of the faces, distorted as they are, are familiar to Ellandryn, so he looks once again into the magical weave, noting which, if any, of the located items are magical and attempting to discern their natures. He is particularly interested in identifying any magical traps which might be placed on the books.

    Sense Magic to automatically pick out what's magical; I can roll (or you can) to identify magic items / auras / spells / powers. :D

    Are they wearing clothes / styles common to the survivors in Dawnbreak, or are they compeltely foreign?



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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    edited February 2021
    Ellandryn detects nothing magical among the belongings. The tunic is utilitarian, just well made.
    Upon inspecting the bodies, you'll find the following; the purse contains some 300 gold pieces and half that again in gems. You're unable to decipher the writing on the paper or the wrapped books.

    One of the sheafs of paper however is a rough list of either locations or directions, written in some sort of hybrid of Common and another language you can partially put together.

    Te~~a~ga~ Ga~ - ~w
    Va~o~~~ ~eac~
    ~u~~~ of Ga~t~oum
    w ba~e o~ G~eed ~eak~

    Kelor on
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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    Yona's guarding the entrance. Gross, spiders.

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    joshgotrojoshgotro Deviled Egg The Land of REAL CHILIRegistered User regular
    "delving for another day Lex"

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    JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    edited February 2021
    Once the 2 humanoid bodies have been recovered Lex will join the rest of the party topside, having completed his guard duties.

    edited to reflect Bos' post

    JPants on
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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    edited February 2021
    Edit: Back now, on it!

    Kelor on
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    ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    edited February 2021
    Ellandryn lays a finger alongside his jaw. "There is likely much to learn here, in these tomes. It will take me some time to translate them, however, and I would rather not be caught out with them. Far better for us to take them back." The elf wraps them back up in the protective covering. "And as for these poor souls, I think we can provide them a better burial than they've had." Ellandryn rummages in his pack for a thick glass flask, filled with a silvery liquid. He stands and chants for a bit while scribing some runes on the forest floor and in the air with a commanding finger, where they hang in silvery blue fire. When the work is done, Ellandryn stands silently for a moment and pours a single large drop from the flask. Wind rushes from the runes, which quickly go dark, and the uprush of air catches the falling drop. As the wind fights gravity, the drop slowly, slowly spreads out into a slightly concave disk, its surface rippling slowly from the gusts beneath it.

    "That will hold them - and quite a bit else, besides."

    Tenser's Floating Disk, minimum result is 500 pounds of capacity, which should be more than enough for some desiccated corpses and their belongings.

    -10gp of Alchemical Reagents.

    ED: Minimum effort!

    Geth, roll 1d20+12 for Floating Disk

    Floating Disk:
    1d20+12 13 [1d20=1]

    Elvenshae on
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