
Cartoon movie poster art



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    NightDragonNightDragon 6th Grade Username Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    good on both posts.

    NightDragon on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Falc, I don't mean to be an ass... but I read your comics (UGH!!!) and the diffrence between the first and last is non-existant. They're just the same as the ones you posted in this thread.

    I'd give you some crits, but I feel I'd be wasting my words seeing as you've blown off everything that was told to you last time. You need to focus on other things for a while.

    You say you're serious about this drawing thing? Get a sketch pad and draw for 15 minutes every day... draw something other than your comic characters.

    Post your progress weekly, we'll gladly help out!

    Also, work on your grammar.

    MagicToaster on
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    The One Dark KnightThe One Dark Knight Registered User regular
    edited December 2006

    Falc, maybe with good humor these would have been ok. But the point of comics, as in strip style, humorous comics, is to be FUNNY.

    Still, don't try computer coloring until you've learn how to. These look like they were done in MS paint.

    The One Dark Knight on
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    Lexx KYSDSLexx KYSDS Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Sheri wrote:
    Sublimus wrote:
    I think so Sheri, Ive seen him make posts in other threads that suggests he is interested in the community.

    But really, it would be better if it was an elaborate troll.

    That's actually really, really depressing. :(
    raptor jesus~<3

    You just made my day, sir.

    Lexx KYSDS on
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    MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    The honesty of PA people can be helpful when it comes to art. The "it looks like a sphere with holes poked in it" comment on something I posted really hammered in the need to get a grasp on anatomy before jumping in to 3D modeling. The blunt, honest critique is why I'm reading all of Loomis' books right now.

    MKR on
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    Gachamecha AthleteGachamecha Athlete Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    You need to go work on your basics. Anatomy, shading, light sources.. for a while.. then come back to your comics and develop your style more.

    I'm a young'n at this stuff myself.. but basics man.. basics..

    Gachamecha Athlete on
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    paulwindpaulwind Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    The word "art" in the topic title is misleading.

    paulwind on
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    (ohms)Crunchy(ohms)Crunchy Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Lexx KYSDS wrote:
    Sheri wrote:
    Sublimus wrote:
    I think so Sheri, Ive seen him make posts in other threads that suggests he is interested in the community.

    But really, it would be better if it was an elaborate troll.

    That's actually really, really depressing. :(
    raptor jesus~<3

    You just made my day, sir.

    (ohms)Crunchy on
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    falconirefalconire Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    I really have no problem with people being blunt and honest. I do have a problem, and I've said this before in various threads, with people just talking shit. As an example someone coming in and just saying that it looks like shit and not saying anything else. That's fucked up and I'd never take advice from someone that moronic. However, if someone says 'it sucks and this why I think that' then I'd pay attention, but I may or may not agree on the error. It's also when I ask a question and the person can't give a straight answer that I just think they're a total waste of time. But props to many of you for pointing out many good points.

    I am curious when a couple of you said I should practice anatomy. Now I do agree I should get a better handle on it when drawing in a realistic style but how in a cartoon style like this one would you come to that conclusion?

    falconire on
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    FibretipFibretip Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    to be honest... the writing should be addressed long before your artwork when it comes to the comic. I've gone as far as i can bear into the archive on your site and i haven't even exhaled air through my nose... of course, keep working on your artwork, but don't think drawing nicely will make a webcomic work, there's a reason the big ones are big and the small ones dissapear.

    I spent a while thinking about the balancing objects comic... and there's lots of ways you could change it, but the premise will always be "pile of stuff not to be touched... he touches it! oh the hilarity that ensues!" which just isn't funny. You haven't really built up much character over the strips, so we don't know why this guy touches it. Why did the other guy build this tower? where are they? etc

    If you imagine it as a penny arcade strip... just because i assume you read it since you post here...

    panel 1 : Tycho would have built the tower to fool/trap Gabe in some way... something Gabe can't resist would be at the top taunting him, there would be a comedic struggle of conscience/stupidity going on in gabe in the first panel.

    panel 2 : The second panel would probably not even be showing the aformentioned scene, it would most likely be showing tycho in another room waiting for the inevitable "crash" (maybe even with CRASH over the top or whatever),

    panel 3 : would most likely show the aftermath, probably still on tycho in another room, playing a game or whatever, with gabe coming in the room, either greatly hurt but triumphant, or...more likely in a PA strip, it would have backfired, Gabe would be untouched and oblivious, and something important belonging to Tycho would have been wrecked by the falling objects.

    but the bottom line is... it still wouldn't really be that funny funny. It's a comic that, given the right expressions, could really be made in one panel. If it was a PA strip, it would only really be saved by the fact that they nail the expressions so often... the humour would be because we know the characters and know exactly what's going through Tycho's mind or whatever. I realise you can't expect that from a new web comic, but that's my point... it's best to leave these random comics for a time when you've built something up... until then, it's just like a knock knock joke or something, instantly forgettable.

    You look at that first image... a pile of objects, a "crazy" guy, a sign saying don't touch, and you can immediately imply that he's gonna touch it, and it's going to fall on him. The second panel is redundant... we know he's going to touch it... the change between that and the third is so slight that the whole thing feels pointless. (in other words... we already know he's poking it, we don't need to see him still poking it with things falling, if you're showing him poking it in panel 2, panel 3 should be the aftermath)

    I'd suggest shrinking your update schedule.. work a bit longer on thinking of how to process your ideas and get them down on paper/computer.

    oh and please stop using paint... it makes your text really hard to read. You have to think about what will keep people coming back to your site and reading it again.. and you could have the best jokes in the world, but nobody is going to want to read them if they're covered in jpeg artifacts. even the site you've got is covered in them, it just looks like you don't know what you're doing to be honest... download gimp if you can't afford anything else, it's pretty much just photoshop for free, there's even an add on somewhere that makes it look like photoshop.

    As for anatomy... i think the main response you will get is.. "you've got to understand it to break it" if you look at any decent cartoon or comic, the characters move properly, they may be all bendy, or funny shapes, but they are affected by gravity, they aren't just floating in space. They make proper expressions, their mouths move properly, their expressions are recognisable to us. With you characters i often can't tell the difference between excitement and anger for example. They are stiff, and move a bit like paper cutouts, there's no knowledge of bones or muscles underneath them, and that really does show. The point is that the style you have is not great, it's not a beautiful refined thing, it's just lazy. It isn't good, so don't think "well i just want to do this comic, i don't need to learn anything" because your comic would get SO much better if you addressed this. Any comic artist worth their salt can draw a proper human being. It doesn't mean they aren't good at doing things like your roman dirges, your vasquezes etc with their crazy elongated people etc, but they understand why it bends that way, what size heads should be etc.

    even things like chibi anime follows a set of rules and ideas when they set out a character... your characters all follow different rules, and it just looks like the kind of thing scribbled on a school book in the end... a while tightening up the screws, and it would feel a lot more coherant.

    edit : take the batman picture for example, the anatomy is horrendous as i'm sure you know. The muscles are all out of whack, the head is a football, it's just bad. That same problem is carried on throughout your work... just because it's a cartoon, doesn't mean it's not a person. When someone is viewing your work, reading your comic, they have to believe in it. They have to believe that person makes that face, that action... when you have these constantly shifting characters, it's hard to feel anything for them.

    also, i see you have two names on your pictures.... please don't say "the writing isn't my problem, it's the other guy" ... if you're makinga comic with someone, you're both responsible, if the writing stinks and it's his fault, sort him out or dump him... or be happy that you won't get anywhere. injokes just don't make good comics.

    Fibretip on
    I believe in angels, not the kind with wings, no...not the kind with halos, the kind who bring you home
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    M2tMM2tM Registered User regular
    edited December 2006

    But I am making the assumption that Fibretip's post was very extraordinarily helpful due to it's length alone...

    Can someone condense his wisdom down into about twelve words for me?

    M2tM on
    "We can be richer than industry as long as we know that there are things that we don't really need." -Willy Mason
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    AstoriteAstorite Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    M2tM wrote:
    Can someone condense his wisdom down into about twelve words for me?

    Improve writing, comedic timing, layout, character form, and stop blaming your writer.

    Astorite on
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    falconirefalconire Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Some good points but for the record I never blamed my writer for bad writing. People here don't seem to like the things toppling over comic, but a lot of people do, so it's a bit hard to understand. However, what you said about what penny-arcade might do did make some sense so I'll keep it in mind. Right now I'm 25% finished with redoing the scripting for all our comics since many times I've had people say it's hard to read, but having over a hundred comics to redo takes time.

    falconire on
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    LlyLly Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    falconire wrote:
    I really have no problem with people being blunt and honest. I do have a problem, and I've said this before in various threads, with people just talking shit. As an example someone coming in and just saying that it looks like shit and not saying anything else. That's fucked up and I'd never take advice from someone that moronic. However, if someone says 'it sucks and this why I think that' then I'd pay attention, but I may or may not agree on the error. It's also when I ask a question and the person can't give a straight answer that I just think they're a total waste of time. But props to many of you for pointing out many good points.

    I am curious when a couple of you said I should practice anatomy. Now I do agree I should get a better handle on it when drawing in a realistic style but how in a cartoon style like this one would you come to that conclusion?

    The reason people are just saying "it's shit" without any constructive feedback is that you've already been handed the constructive feedback and done bugger all with it. You say you've been making changes and progress, but you've really juct chosen to ignore the overriding piece of advice that this forum is offering you. LEARN TO DRAW before you do a comic. If you choose to do this then we are here to help.

    And comics/cartoons are based on real anatomy. You need to know the rules before you can break them effectively. Sure, some comics get away with not being that skillfully drawn, but they rely on awesome writing abilities, something you cannot afford to do. So learn anatomy (you don't have to become a master at it, just get the basics down and keep practicing it as 'study' alongside doing your comic). You obviously aren't going to stop doing the comic and that's fine. But take the advice given here and work on improving your art at the same time and in a few months time you will look back on your archives and think "Damn i'm glad i took their advice. Look how much better I am now".

    Or keep on basking in the glow of terrible art if that's your tipple.

    Lly on
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    falconirefalconire Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    No I disagree. The reason certain people can only say it's shit is because they are fucking idiots. Anyone who really has something to say and doesn't like it can at least explain their reasons, otherwise there is no reason to take their advise since saying 'it's shit' is not advise, it's slander.

    falconire on
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    LlyLly Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Slander? lol.

    It's observation actually. This forum can be harsh, whether you like that or not. And if you are still harping on about AoB's post, you may have missed Lexxy telling you that those big words were actually links to some of the most useful stuff you should be reading now.

    Lly on
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    M2tMM2tM Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Astorite wrote:
    M2tM wrote:
    Can someone condense his wisdom down into about twelve words for me?

    Improve writing, comedic timing, layout, character form, and stop blaming your writer.

    Thank you.

    M2tM on
    "We can be richer than industry as long as we know that there are things that we don't really need." -Willy Mason
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    trixtahtrixtah Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    what the FUCK is wrong with his eye? does he have a fucking hole in his head? and did you SERIOUSLY bother to copyright that? I'm going to go kill myself, I'm sorry. You can't even use the word "slander" correctly and you're...forget it.

    my advice: start studying. also, one light source doesn't cast shadows from 50 directions

    trixtah on
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    M2tMM2tM Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    He never did answer my question about full colour commissions...

    M2tM on
    "We can be richer than industry as long as we know that there are things that we don't really need." -Willy Mason
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    JCMJCM Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Sheri wrote:
    Sublimus wrote:
    I think so Sheri, Ive seen him make posts in other threads that suggests he is interested in the community.

    But really, it would be better if it was an elaborate troll.

    That's actually really, really depressing. :(


    JCM on
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    MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Panel 1: Oddly proportioned guy notices shiny object on top of precariously stacked pile
    Panel 2: Oddly proportioned guy attempts to scale pile to obtain object of his desire
    Panel 3: Oddly proportioned guy is under collapsed pile of stuff, triumphantly holding the shiny object

    What I'm basically saying is that I can spend 3 seconds pulling a script from out of nowhere and make it more coherent, and more dramatic.

    http://xkcd.com/ is a good example of art not mattering too much as long as proportions, expressions, and pose are understood. The comic can be quite funny, and he can demonstrate a basic understanding of anatomy, but it's all stick figures.

    MKR on
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    Spectre-xSpectre-x Rating: AWESOME YESRegistered User regular
    edited December 2006
    falconire wrote:
    No I disagree. The reason certain people can only say it's shit is because they are fucking idiots. Anyone who really has something to say and doesn't like it can at least explain their reasons, otherwise there is no reason to take their advise since saying 'it's shit' is not advise, it's slander.





    Spectre-x on
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    MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Spectre-x wrote:
    falconire wrote:
    No I disagree. The reason certain people can only say it's shit is because they are fucking idiots. Anyone who really has something to say and doesn't like it can at least explain their reasons, otherwise there is no reason to take their advise since saying 'it's shit' is not advise, it's slander.





    I'm not up on the ways of AC - when do we start exaggerating and being assholes because of his continued shitting upon good advice?

    Or is that not done? It seems like something that should be allowed after a certain point.

    MKR on
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    Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Man, I only took like 2 years worth of drawing classes, so relative to people here I'm not an expert or anything, but I will still say... yeah, you need to study anatomy and other real life things. I mean, simple example is Picasso. Dude's early artwork was relatively realistic, but you have to go to that stage first and know how to draw things in real life before you can go and break all the rules of real life and do crazy shit. That's just how it works. Same goes with comic people. You have to know how to draw real people first.

    EDIT: Quit being a whiny bitch, people aren't flaming you, you're just ignoring their advice and spazzing out and it makes you seem like a total tool.

    Shazkar Shadowstorm on
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    Kewop DecamKewop Decam Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    JCM wrote:
    Sheri wrote:
    Sublimus wrote:
    I think so Sheri, Ive seen him make posts in other threads that suggests he is interested in the community.

    But really, it would be better if it was an elaborate troll.

    That's actually really, really depressing. :(


    someone should make a comic strip website that is silly and retarded like this.

    Kewop Decam on
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    MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    JCM wrote:
    Sheri wrote:
    Sublimus wrote:
    I think so Sheri, Ive seen him make posts in other threads that suggests he is interested in the community.

    But really, it would be better if it was an elaborate troll.

    That's actually really, really depressing. :(


    someone should make a comic strip website that is silly and retarded like this.

    What is with the eye anyway? Does it morph in to a laser when he gets mad so he can blow stuff up?

    Does it go pew pew pew?


    MKR on
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    GolemGolem of Sand Saint Joseph, MORegistered User regular
    edited December 2006
    These kind of topic are awesome. They remind me why its a mortal sin to try and start a comic before you can draw real life.

    In anyevent. Work on the Writing. Work on the Art. Id say probly easier to scrap the project and start from the ground up.

    Golem on
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    earthwormadamearthwormadam ancient crust Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    falconire wrote:
    No I disagree. The reason certain people can only say it's shit is because they are fucking idiots. Anyone who really has something to say and doesn't like it can at least explain their reasons, otherwise there is no reason to take their advise since saying 'it's shit' is not advise, it's slander.

    "it's shit"

    earthwormadam on
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    MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    I think the biggest problem is that his characters look like skin and clothing have been draped over a stick figure. There's no mass to them.

    Imagine them with a skeleton inside and you may see what I mean.

    MKR on
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    DMACDMAC Come at me, bro! Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited December 2006
    falconire wrote:
    People here don't seem to like the things toppling over comic, but a lot of people do

    Who are these people? Your friends and family? I mean, I don't find that particular comic offensive, but I certainly don't find it funny either.

    I think that often when there are a lot of "it's shit" posts in a thread, it's because basically every single element of the piece needs work: the writing, the basic composition, the line art, the color, etc. A number of people have already pointed out in detail the numerous underlying flaws.

    The movie posters are a combination of incredibly weak art with pathetically juvenile humor. I'm all for lowbrow comedy, but these read like they were written by a sixth grader who still thinks swearing is the height of hilarity.

    DMAC on
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    MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    DMAC wrote:
    falconire wrote:
    People here don't seem to like the things toppling over comic, but a lot of people do

    Who are these people? Your friends and family? I mean, I don't find that particular comic offensive, but I certainly don't find it funny either.

    I think that often when there are a lot of "it's shit" posts in a thread, it's because basically every single element of the piece needs work: the writing, the basic composition, the line art, the color, etc. A number of people have already pointed out in detail the numerous underlying flaws.

    The movie posters are a combination of incredibly weak art with pathetically juvenile humor. I'm all for lowbrow comedy, but these read like they were written by a sixth grader who still thinks swearing is the height of hilarity.

    "The world at large is telling me I need to improve but my family and friends think I rock, so why improve?" seems to hold back so many people. :\

    He could be decent if he would quit being a prick and heed the community's advice. I think we're being too civil, honestly.

    I'm going through threads and seeing people getting advice, lots of "oh right, I should learn how to do that first", so it pretty much has to be him.

    He needs to ask himself: "What Would Raptor Jesus Do?"


    MKR on
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    erisian popeerisian pope Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    falconire wrote:
    No I disagree. The reason certain people can only say it's shit is because they are fucking idiots. Anyone who really has something to say and doesn't like it can at least explain their reasons, otherwise there is no reason to take their advise since saying 'it's shit' is not advise, it's slander.

    "it's shit"

    You fucking idiot.


    erisian pope on
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    Sean CSean C Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    So, you reject straight up, "It's shit." critisism. Fair enough. Do you ask for the reasons when someone tells you it's good? You did say that "it's a bit hard to understand" why there are mixed opinions.

    Some people are going to tell you it's shit. Others will tell you it's good just to asspat you - they may be friends or family that just don't want to be harsh. It's when you throw your work up for the review of a neutral party, like here, where you get the most honest feedback you can expect. Brother, it ain't that good.

    The humor sucks. The jokes are practically telegraphed before the reader even sees your strip - its that bad. You want to be able to surprise people or be witty. The guy who touches what he should not touch and the most obvious result happens - that's just not funny. At least Family guy threw in the random martial artist for that same joke. Try to go for the unexpected. Random humor is at least better than no humor. As for the posters, gay jokes just aren't funny anymore. They're past their prime, and are more offensive than anything.

    As for the art. The character designs are terrible. I'm not just talking about how they're drawn, but the way they're put together. People have been knocking the eye that looks like a hole in the head - I'll join that choir. The hairlines are practically in the eyes - while you may be trying to stylize your characters, you really should try to adhere to basic anatomy. Even some of the most stylized artists - like Jhonen Vasquez, still adhere to some general rules regarding proper proportions. Foreheads are one of those things that really should be there.

    Slander, by the way, means to intentionally spread misinformation about an individual, group, or organization with the intent to cause harm to the subject's reputation. Just giving a subjective response to a request for a critique (It was asked for.) is not slander. It's just brutal commentary. If I called you a chronic puppy kicker, and tried to convince people that you were, then THAT would be slander.

    Take the bad critisism and work with it. Plenty of people told you what you should do. At least try it. If somebody doesn't give an artist the occasional kick in the ass, nobody would ever get better; people are calling you hopeless - go out, practice, and prove them wrong. Remember, spite is a wonderful motivational tool.

    Sean C on
    Don't hesitate to procrastinate.
    See my stuff at: http://cain.bombsheltercomics.com
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    edited December 2006

    MagicToaster on
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    MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2006

    Sorry about the lighting - I had no lamps handy, and the sun is the best I had. :\

    While very crudely drawn, and a testament to my lack of practice with shading, it shows how poor things look with no attention to structure, and why you need to know where your lights are coming from.

    Note the "WTF?" and the length of the non-wtf'd shadows.

    MKR on
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    SkyGheNeSkyGheNe Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Usually I orgasm when I lurk the artist's corner, but when I opened this thread, I think it was the first time that I honestly thought of advising that the OP kill himself.

    Metaphorically speaking, of course.

    SkyGheNe on
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    SheriSheri Resident Fluffer My Living RoomRegistered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Sean C wrote:
    Slander, by the way, means to intentionally spread misinformation about an individual, group, or organization with the intent to cause harm to the subject's reputation. Just giving a subjective response to a request for a critique (It was asked for.) is not slander. It's just brutal commentary. If I called you a chronic puppy kicker, and tried to convince people that you were, then THAT would be slander.

    Does an internet forum count as print?

    Cuz then it would be libel.

    Sheri on
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    MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Sheri wrote:
    Sean C wrote:
    Slander, by the way, means to intentionally spread misinformation about an individual, group, or organization with the intent to cause harm to the subject's reputation. Just giving a subjective response to a request for a critique (It was asked for.) is not slander. It's just brutal commentary. If I called you a chronic puppy kicker, and tried to convince people that you were, then THAT would be slander.

    Does an internet forum count as print?

    Cuz then it would be libel.

    No, everything that has been said is true. Libel is intentional misinformation in print.

    Slander is spoken libel.

    Edit: Thought you meant the critique, not the definition. D:

    MKR on
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    SheriSheri Resident Fluffer My Living RoomRegistered User regular
    edited December 2006
    MKR wrote:
    Sheri wrote:
    Sean C wrote:
    Slander, by the way, means to intentionally spread misinformation about an individual, group, or organization with the intent to cause harm to the subject's reputation. Just giving a subjective response to a request for a critique (It was asked for.) is not slander. It's just brutal commentary. If I called you a chronic puppy kicker, and tried to convince people that you were, then THAT would be slander.

    Does an internet forum count as print?

    Cuz then it would be libel.

    No, everything that has been said is true. Libel is intentional misinformation in print.

    Slander is spoken libel.

    Edit: Thought you meant the critique, not the definition. D:

    It was a joke. I was pontificating on whether or not an internet forum constitutes 'print,' in which case it definitely isn't slander. ;)

    I misused pontificating, but I really wanted to say it. >.>

    Sheri on
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    MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    Sheri wrote:
    MKR wrote:
    Sheri wrote:
    Sean C wrote:
    Slander, by the way, means to intentionally spread misinformation about an individual, group, or organization with the intent to cause harm to the subject's reputation. Just giving a subjective response to a request for a critique (It was asked for.) is not slander. It's just brutal commentary. If I called you a chronic puppy kicker, and tried to convince people that you were, then THAT would be slander.

    Does an internet forum count as print?

    Cuz then it would be libel.

    No, everything that has been said is true. Libel is intentional misinformation in print.

    Slander is spoken libel.

    Edit: Thought you meant the critique, not the definition. D:

    It was a joke. I was pontificating on whether or not an internet forum constitutes 'print,' in which case it definitely isn't slander. ;)

    I misused pontificating, but I really wanted to say it. >.>

    Unless you're some fancy OO programmer with your stdout.writeln and stuff.

    Damned whiffersnappers with their objects and garbage collectors. In my day, we had to walk 15 miles in the pouring rain just to send data to stdout.

    MKR on
This discussion has been closed.