

getgoing21getgoing21 Registered User regular
edited November 2008 in Help / Advice Forum
my gf and i have been going out for almost 4 years. we want to marry but her dad doesnt give his approval. he has said in the past that if she gets pregnant that we would have to get married. so we have been trying to get pregnant for the past 4 months. the problem is that we leave kinda far from each other adn i only get to see her once a week. we have been trying to plan it by timing her menstration thru several methods. we really want to get pregnant. not only to get married but we have discussed kids extensively and we have decided that this is wat we want. i have a very good job with great benefits and so does she. i am 21 and she is 20. im not saying that pregnancy is our only way of getting married. this is something we have talked long and hard about. we have decided together that this is wat we want. is there any advice that can help us get pregnant during our hook ups 4x a month?

getgoing21 on


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    getgoing21getgoing21 Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    also she is not on the pill and has never been.

    getgoing21 on
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    Dunadan019Dunadan019 Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    webmd pregnancy center

    scroll down to see "how to concieve", "ways to increase fertility" and an "ovulation calander"

    Dunadan019 on
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    HalfmexHalfmex I mock your value system You also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Wow, this whole thing sounds horrifying.

    Let me just say this: having a child should be done because you want a child, not because you're trying to "force" your girlfriend's father's approval. It is a VERY large undertaking. MASSIVE. Bigger than anything you've ever done. It's not cheap by a long shot, and your lives will be changed forever. It's a human being, not a means to an end. I strongly urge you to reconsider this, especially if you don't live together or even near each other.

    Halfmex on
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    Kate of LokysKate of Lokys Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    If she's 20 years old and seriously interested in spending the rest of her life with you, it shouldn't matter what her father thinks - she's an adult, free to make her own decisions, and if you already have a job you can support a family on, why not just propose now, get married, move in together, and commence to sexings every day and twice on Tuesdays?

    If, on the other hand, she is still under the control of her father, either voluntarily or financially, and/or just isn't willing to commit to moving out to be with you... what the fuck are you doing trying to knock her up.

    Pregnancy isn't a fucking bargaining chip. It's not a way to get what you want. It should never, ever be a reason or an excuse to get married. It is a life-altering event that creates an incredible amount of responsibility. If you are trying to get her pregnant so her father will allow her to get married, your priorities are incredibly fucking skewed.

    Maybe there's a reason why her father doesn't want her to be married yet. Maybe he's pretty damned sure she's not ready for anything like that. And you know what? If she was ready, she would stand the fuck up to him and say so.

    Kate of Lokys on
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    DmanDman Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    You should really try to have a heart to heart with her parents. If there is no convincing them then I think maybe you should just elope/marry without her dads consent move in together and only then start trying for a child if everything else in both your lives and more importantly your relationship to each other is looking at good.

    I do not approve trying to get her pregnant to force her dad to allow you to marry. So many alarm bells are going off in my head its ridiculous. Your young, life isn't a race.

    Dman on
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    DeadfallDeadfall I don't think you realize just how rich he is. In fact, I should put on a monocle.Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I do not approve trying to get her pregnant to force her dad to allow you to marry.

    I was trying to think of a nice way to put what I was going to type, and it boils down to this.

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    MagicPrimeMagicPrime FiresideWizard Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    This is horrible.


    Marry the girl, tell her dad to fuck off if he doesn't approve. 20 is past the age where the father's approval bull shit still holds sway.

    Lots, lots and lots, of couples make it on their own with no help from parents. Many get married with out "approval."

    It's called "making a life for yourself."

    (The OP reeks of fakeness)

    MagicPrime on
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    redfenixredfenix Aka'd as rfix Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    you're too immature for this

    either get married because you want to and have a kid when you can handle it


    ... i don't know

    edit: i don't mean that to be an asshole
    immature is just a thing, doesn't make you stupid or a bad person
    i just don't think the approach you're taking sounds very mature at all

    redfenix on
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    ScrubletScrublet Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I seriously question whether this is a legit post. If it is, I think KoL covered it all quite nicely.

    Scrublet on
    subedii wrote: »
    I hear PC gaming is huge off the coast of Somalia right now.

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    HevachHevach Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    What is your combined incomes? Kids aren't cheap, and if you have one you can't afford, you're ruining three lives in the process and only proving her father right.

    If you get her knocked up, he might give his permission, but he still won't approve, and he's not going to be forthcoming with help when you're in over your head.

    Talk to him, or better yet, with her mom (if you get her on your side, she'll eventually leave him no other choice - that's how marriage works), and if he doesn't like it, you're both over 18? Screw him and get married anyway - parental consent has no bearing on marriage whatsoever, unless they're paying for the wedding. Get it done in front of a judge - unlike a priest or pastor, they won't refuse if they think you're rushing into things irresponsibly, and your parents won't know what happened until you send them a Christmas card next month.

    Even married, don't have a kid you aren't prepared for. Research how much one will cost you over the next 18 years and remember it doesn't end there, and don't have one thinking you'll be making enough money in a few years - have one knowing you already are.

    Hevach on
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    PolloDiabloPolloDiablo Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Under no circumstances do this.

    PolloDiablo on
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    Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    If you haven't lived together for at least several years, I would say that having a child together is a very, very bad idea. Nothing puts more strain on a relationship than firstly a child, and secondly living together. Both at the same time? Destined to fail.

    Sir Carcass on
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    DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
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    TrowizillaTrowizilla Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Dear god, please be a troll.

    If you're not a troll:


    ALSO, DO NOT GET MARRIED. If she can't or won't stand up to her father, then she's not an adult yet and definitely isn't ready to get married. You don't sound much better off, either, to be honest. How about the both of you get jobs, move out of your parents' houses, and rethink the marriage thing after you've both figured out the grown-up thing?

    Trowizilla on
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    tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    If having her father's approval is culturally significant enough for you to want to impregnate her to be able to marry her (especially when you're both legally adults), pause and think about the effects that this would have on both your family and the baby you will bring into this world. Especially the effects on the baby you would bring into the world.

    Basically, this is a horrible idea, and I would strongly advise against it.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
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    HedgethornHedgethorn Associate Professor of Historical Hobby Horses In the Lions' DenRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I'm usually opposed to people living together prior to marriage, but if you're not able to live closer to each other now (And for what reason? Does she live with her parents? Are your jobs far apart? What?), why do you think you'll be able to live together when you have a baby?

    Seriously, this is a great way to give a kid a really terrible childhood. DO NOT DO THIS.

    Hedgethorn on
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    MagicPrimeMagicPrime FiresideWizard Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Why don't you both move into an Appt. together first?

    Her dad can't do anything to stop her. She isn't a minor - its not like he can call the cops on her and make them bring her home.

    MagicPrime on
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    DaemonionDaemonion Mountain Man USARegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Trowizilla wrote: »
    ALSO, DO NOT GET MARRIED. If she can't or won't stand up to her father, then she's not an adult yet and definitely isn't ready to get married.

    Daemonion on
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    RNEMESiS42RNEMESiS42 Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    So you can only see each other once a week? Are you only going to see this baby once a week, then? You want to get married, yet you've never lived with this person, or have even been close enough to see them more than once a week. This blows my mind.
    Try living with her first, DON'T have a baby, then maybe think about marriage?

    RNEMESiS42 on
    my apartment looks upside down from there
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    Inquisitor77Inquisitor77 2 x Penny Arcade Fight Club Champion A fixed point in space and timeRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Please no. Please, god, no. Please no. The answer is no.

    You shouldn't be having kids. Seriously. Maybe later, but not now, ok? Please.

    You guys need to sit down and make real decisions. Right now you are working towards a loophole in a...what, exactly? In an ultimatum from her father? Adults make real decisions. You aren't making a real decision. You're trying to find a workaround. This isn't a video game. This is life.

    If you are in a situation where she is unable to tell her father that it's her life and she is going to live it however she deems fit, then you are in a situation where having a child together would be a bad idea. Whether it be that she is financially or emotionally dependent upon that relationship, neither one bodes well if you have to do something like "get her pregnant" in order to "get his approval for marriage". That just sounds ridiculous when taken at face value (which it should be).

    Inquisitor77 on
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    MagicPrimeMagicPrime FiresideWizard Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    This feels like a troll.

    MagicPrime on
    BNet • magicprime#1430 | PSN/Steam • MagicPrime | Origin • FireSideWizard
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    KalkinoKalkino Buttons Londres Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Two posts, both on this thread make my troll bell ring

    Kalkino on
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    CelestialBadgerCelestialBadger Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Wow, what an amazingly bad idea. What culture are you from that an adult woman needs permission from her father to get married?

    If you are not from a "traditional" sort of culture, then the dad sounds like a control freak who will not be too happy at you trying to get round his restrictions by cheating. Might as well just get married. There will be equal amounts of fallout.

    If you are from a traditional sort of culture, wouldn't the thing to do be to talk to the dad and convince him that you are a responsible sort of fellow who can be trusted with his daughter, rather than going behind his back and confirming his worst suspicions about you?

    CelestialBadger on
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    SageinaRageSageinaRage Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    If you can't put your foot down to her father, how are you going to put your foot down to your kid?

    SageinaRage on
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    DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited November 2008
    Wow, what an amazingly bad idea. What culture are you from that an adult woman needs permission from her father to get married?

    In many places it is considered common courtesy to get the father's blessing before proposing. If not "tradition."

    Unknown User on
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    musanmanmusanman Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    robothero wrote: »
    Wow, what an amazingly bad idea. What culture are you from that an adult woman needs permission from her father to get married?

    In many places it is considered common courtesy to get the father's blessing before proposing. If not "tradition."

    Listen I understand the "blessing" or whatever. I told my father-in-law I was going to propose...but it's courtesy at this point. If he would've said no I would've been like "noted, cya at the wedding."

    This is absolutely the worst plan I've ever read. I absolutely assure you bringing a kid into this environment is going to be awful for the child. Forget about all of your bullshit, grow up, grow a pair, get married and bang her for a few years while you're still kids.

    musanman on
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    DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited November 2008
    CelestialBadger: I actually misread your post. I thought you were saying it was crazy that people still did that.

    Unknown User on
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    Gnome-InterruptusGnome-Interruptus Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    robothero wrote: »
    Wow, what an amazingly bad idea. What culture are you from that an adult woman needs permission from her father to get married?

    In many places it is considered common courtesy to get the father's blessing before proposing. If not "tradition."

    It was common courtesy to require the fathers blessing when the daughter was still his property. Thankfully we like to pretend we live in a more enlightened age.

    These days its just a heads up to the father on whats going on, your informing him, not asking.

    Gnome-Interruptus on
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    getgoing21getgoing21 Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I understand where all of you are coming from. The cultural aspect in her and my families are far over the common persons heads(no disrespect). We make more than enough to support a family. Her job is flexible and be moved around if neccesary. My job is much more stationary and can't move so easily. I am not as "stupid" as I sound. I got a masters in aeronautical engineering when I was 20. I'm not dumb. She lives with her parents due to cultural status. As do I. Her father does not approve due to the fact that he does not like my field of work. He believes a man should use brawn not brains. She is currently has a ba in small business. We are not ignorant youths. Do not stereotype us. We have talked about the impending responsibilties of a child. We have ran numerous scenarios. We do want a kid that is not up for debate. The matter at hand is how to get her father to provide consent of marriage. Regardless of form. Thank you.

    getgoing21 on
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    HevachHevach Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    robothero wrote: »
    Wow, what an amazingly bad idea. What culture are you from that an adult woman needs permission from her father to get married?

    In many places it is considered common courtesy to get the father's blessing before proposing. If not "tradition."

    In many places it's common courtesy to keep your pants zipped up before the wedding.
    In many places it's a mark of shame for both families when their kids "have" to get married because of a pregnancy.

    If the father's blessing is so culturally important that the wedding just won't go forward otherwise, then I still can't see how this is idea would even be considered.

    Hevach on
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    oncelingonceling Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    So since you have timed her menstuation so specifically, are you having sex when she's ovulating and the appropriate times before and after? If you're not, well surprise surprise, look no further. I suggest having sex when she's ovulating. Might sound obvious but if you've done so much reading and so many measurements and such I would have thought this would be obvious? Nothing is going to help you conceive when your lady friend (she evidently can't be referred to as anything else) isn't ovulating.

    You are making a terrible mistake that you will regret if you ever mature appropriately. This is plain and simple fact, not my opinion.

    Nobody who was emotionally ready for children would have ever made this post. It would instead have been a post about finding resources to increase fertility.

    This part is my opinion - there is a good reason it is not easy for two people that have irregular sex, no committed residency together, a high stress, secretive lifestyle to get pregnant. That would be evolution. Evolution has decided this is a crappy situation for a pregnancy.

    onceling on
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    getgoing21getgoing21 Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I understand all your concern. This thread has been no help. Th,k you

    getgoing21 on
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    Gnome-InterruptusGnome-Interruptus Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    getgoing21 wrote: »
    I understand where all of you are coming from. The cultural aspect in her and my families are far over the common persons heads(no disrespect). We make more than enough to support a family. Her job is flexible and be moved around if neccesary. My job is much more stationary and can't move so easily. I am not as "stupid" as I sound. I got a masters in aeronautical engineering when I was 20. I'm not dumb. She lives with her parents due to cultural status. As do I. Her father does not approve due to the fact that he does not like my field of work. He believes a man should use brawn not brains. She is currently has a ba in small business. We are not ignorant youths. Do not stereotype us. We have talked about the impending responsibilties of a child. We have ran numerous scenarios. We do want a kid that is not up for debate. The matter at hand is how to get her father to provide consent of marriage. Regardless of form. Thank you.

    I think her father is lying to you. He has some other problem with you other than your job. You using this loophole is only going to piss him off even more, and once married he is never going to forgive you for it, and will do his best to make your married life a living hell.

    The only way to avoid him making your married life a living hell is to get your girlfriend/fiance to actually stand up to him, and tell him that she wants to marry you, and he isnt the one that gets to control her and make her life decisions for her anymore.

    Your girlfriend has apparently been unable to muster the courage to do this. Being able to stand up to your parents for the things you believe in is a mark of adulthood.

    These are reasons people are saying you are immature.

    Also, you assuming that we wouldnt understand because it is over a common persons head is increadibly disrespectful.

    Gnome-Interruptus on
    MWO: Adamski
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    cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    getgoing21 wrote: »
    I understand where all of you are coming from. The cultural aspect in her and my families are far over the common persons heads(no disrespect). We make more than enough to support a family. Her job is flexible and be moved around if neccesary. My job is much more stationary and can't move so easily. I am not as "stupid" as I sound. I got a masters in aeronautical engineering when I was 20. I'm not dumb. She lives with her parents due to cultural status. As do I. Her father does not approve due to the fact that he does not like my field of work. He believes a man should use brawn not brains. She is currently has a ba in small business. We are not ignorant youths. Do not stereotype us. We have talked about the impending responsibilties of a child. We have ran numerous scenarios. We do want a kid that is not up for debate. The matter at hand is how to get her father to provide consent of marriage. Regardless of form. Thank you.

    Smart people can absolutely make stupid decisions.

    This is a stupid decision. There's not sterotyping involved. Anyway you slice it, this is idiotic. The child produced from this will be in a horrible, horrible position, and the father will be about as accepting of you as a bad case of herpes he can't get rid of. Either find a way to get the father to accept you, or tell him stop controlling your lives and make your own decisions. I don't care what culture you're from, you're in the land of the free and can make your own damn decisions. They may be painful, but you two need to be true to yourselves, not some third party. Otherwise you're living a lie.

    cloudeagle on
    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
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    Nova_CNova_C I have the need The need for speedRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    getgoing21 wrote: »
    I understand all your concern. This thread has been no help. Th,k you

    If you wanted a bunch of people to simply tell you what you want to hear H/A is not the place for that. I don't know where you'd actually go for that.

    But if you think that if your girlfriend pops a kid out will end her dad constantly messing with your lives, you're wrong. So long as she won't stand for her independence he will rule her. You'll be a distant second. And you'll be miserable. Best of luck.

    Nova_C on
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    lizard eats flieslizard eats flies Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    You say you have discussed kids and want them in and of itself, yet the very first thing in the original post is how you can use the pregnancy as a way to force her father into consenting to let you marry his daughter. Seriously this is terrible. Really. If the fathers blessing means that much to you both, how does forcing his consent achieve this? At this point the consent is hollow and you may as well just proceed without the consent.

    I'll make it clear here: Children are NOT bargaining tools.

    lizard eats flies on
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    oncelingonceling Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    getgoing21 wrote: »
    I understand all your concern. This thread has been no help. Th,k you

    I asked you if you were having sex when she was ovulating because its biologically impossible to bypass this requirement. Still haven't seen a reply from you. Unless you wanted me to start suggesting you have IVF, which might be perfectly viable considering your bizarre situation.

    onceling on
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    Sojourner7Sojourner7 Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    getgoing21 wrote: »
    I understand all your concern. This thread has been no help. Th,k you

    Jesus, many pardons guy. Last I checked this is H/A, not "affirm my dumbass choice to make me feel better about it/gobblecock Forum."

    But seriously. The first step here would be moving in together. Ambigious bullshit like "cultural issues" doesn't help anyone understand your problem in making this initial step.

    Sojourner7 on
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    Gnome-InterruptusGnome-Interruptus Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Would anyone else find it amuzing if just like how this girl cant stand up to her father to marry someone she loves, she also cant tell this guy she doesnt want to get married/have kids yet, and is taking contraceptives on the down low.

    Gnome-Interruptus on
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    DmanDman Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    getgoing21 wrote: »
    The matter at hand is how to get her father to provide consent of marriage. Regardless of form. Thank you.

    You need to find a better way to do this. Getting her pregnant behind his back might make him agree to the marriage but it won't make him accept you, it will just piss him off.

    If "Manliness" is a major issue with her father you might try weightlifting/working out and maybe there is something you can do to win him over, like chopping all the firewood his family will need for the winter or something.

    IQ or work/school related "Intelligence" has nothing to do with making smart relationship decisions, were not trying to be condescending, many of us have learned the hard way -by making mistakes. Big ones. Despite our phD's/Masters. We just want to share our knowledge and help you avoid doing something you will likely regret.

    Dman on
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