
[Recruit] Greetings Starfighter! Eve Online and Merch Industrial Needs You.

TrekkieTrekkie Registered User regular
edited June 2009 in Games and Technology
Please Note: This Thread is for Recruitment purposes only. Please see the newbie/general discussion threads for general stuff so we don't get in trouble with the moderators.

Goonswarm Is Delve. BoB is no more. Merch Industrial owns a Constellation

Bitter Vets, see the section after the screenshots for information.

Everyone else, please note some minor changes

EVE Online. If you clicked this thread you’ve obviously heard about or seen the adverts for EVE Online. You may have tried your hand at the game sometime in the last 5 years and found it so overwhelmingly difficult or frustrating that you logged out and promptly uninstalled the client, vowing never to install it again. Maybe you read one of the several articles that have been published about EVE in fine publications like the New York Times or Wall Street Journal. You may have even found some sites who still host the tales of the great EVE scams like the EVE Investment Bank or Guiding Hand Social Club, and now, the master of deceptions & destruction, the GoonSwarm disbanding of the alliance the Band of Brothers.

Regardless of what you know, or think you know, about EVE the fact that you are reading this thread means your interest has been piqued. Allow me to (re)introduce you to EVE Online: Quantum Rise.


EVE Online is unlike any MMO you have ever played. Let’s just get that out of the way now. You may be the best, most hardcore pwnstar player in (insert other MMO here), but none of that will prepare you for EVE. EVE is harsh on day one, and stays that way," Syncaine writes. "WoW holds your hand from 1-80, and makes sure you get a cookie regardless if you win or lose. EVE not only takes your cookie, but laughs at you for bringing one in the first place.

The game centers on New Eden, Earth’s colonial sister. When the EVE gate that provided a conduit from Earth to New Eden suddenly collapsed, for reasons unknown, the peoples of New Eden were left to fend for themselves. This gave rise to the four major powers with four distinct ideologies and cultures. The central systems of the EVE Galaxy were split up into four sovereign empires with permeable borders and loose trade restrictions. A non-partisan police force patrols the space lanes keeping order and punishing the offenders.

Now, that all sounds very Leave it to Beaver. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The aforementioned empires constitute ‘Empire space,’ which is generally considered by pubbies to be ‘safe’ space. The police force I mentioned earlier can’t be everywhere all the time and while they will respond to acts of piracy or known outlaws entering their space, they can neither be everywhere at once, nor do they act as any sort of investigative or enforcement agency in regards to theft, scamming, embezzlement, libel, slander, insider trading, market manipulation, espionage or sabotage. This contrasts with the outer regions of space which are known as 0.0, Zero Sec or Null Sec space. This space is lawless and can be ‘owned,’ quite literally by player corporations and alliances, but more on that later.

Scamming: This is allowable, even encouraged in EVE. The only recourse is by the victims catching the scammer/theft in the act and blowing them up (if allowed), placing a bounty on the scammer’s head or otherwise announcing to the universe what an idiot they were because you were smart enough to scam them out of everything their 6 month old alliance worked for.

That’s right, you. The person whose interest was piqued enough to open this thread up and read this introduction thus far. This is the part where I tell you about our great and illustrious Penny-Arcade member corporation: Merch Industrial.


Merch Industrial, or [MRCHI], began as a small industrialist or production offshoot corporation of the original Penny Arcade corp, The Merch that and has evolved over time to encompass many facets of the player experience. We have producers, miners, fleet combat veterans, newbies who don't know what the fuck and elite black op and capital ship pilots. We are a part of the Goonswarm alliance.

Goonswarm, heralding from the Something Awful forums, shifted focus from a large alliance living in NPC space to a large territory-holding alliance. Goonswarm was looking to expand its territorial holdings and looked towards corporations whose membership came from similar online communities that had their own distinctive cultures who may mesh well with the ‘goon mentality’ of Something Awful’s members. [MRCHI], along with Ars Ex Discordia [ARSED] from the Ars Technica forums and some other nondescript corporations came together to form Goonswarm, the largest player-run alliance in EVE.

Since joining Goonswarm, [MRCHI] has proudly represented our corporation in wars alongside Goons every step of the way. From newbie tacklers to combat veterans to industrial backbone mining to frontline ship production to experienced Fleet Commanders, [MRCHI] has become an invaluable part of the swarm. Now, our home is threatened. Our former outpost E-PR0S is being abandoned for greener pastures. We now own the OK-FEM Constellation in Delve, with the station in C3N-3S (C3New Hoshoun) being our home. We are in the process of being ready to drop two more stations to create a capital in the constellation.

What we are looking for now is an infusion of fresh blood. We need newbies to aid in our common defense, mine for our industrial backbone and join our chorus of ‘fofofo’ as we curbstomp our way through the Eastern Bloc right to the heart of Russian Ebay Prime. Newbies need not be from the US/Canada either. We are in need of 23/7 timezone coverage, so Euros and Anzacs are encouraged to join. Goonswarm has a huge Euro and Anzac presence, although it is not as good as our US timezone coverage, obviously. (protip: US TZ members are the 3/5ths members, it's the Anzacs and the Euros who count most.)

25484494684287ed2d.pngHow to join Merch Industrial:

a. Create a trial account by going to http://www.eve-online.com and registering a new account
- OR –
b. Post in this thread/find a friend with Steam/Access Steam for a free 21 day trial.
- OR -
c. If you know someone who plays already, ask them to refer you using their EvE account and you get an extended trial.
- OR -
d. If you previously started an account but let the account lapse, check your email this week for a free 5 day reactivation promotion and $10 first month's subscription. (Do this if you have a character with a couple million skill points, don't do this if you started up a character, logged in twice then promptly quit.)

1. Go to http://wiki.goonfleet.com and check out the publicly viewable pages about character creation.

2. Create a character. Using the goonfleet wiki is recommended as it provides the ‘best builds’ for
particular races and professions, however, don’t sweat it if you want to go your own way with character creation. Nothing done during character creation can’t be ‘fixed’ other than your racial starting stats (which won’t be a huge deal)

3. DO THE TUTORIAL. I repeat. DO THE TUTORIAL. The tutorial is about an hour or so long and it covers the most basic of functionality in the game. If you’re the type with adolescent or adult ADHD that never reads the manuals and always skips cutscenes in favor of the ‘I’ll figure it out’ mentality, take a Xanax then, OHGOD DO THE TUTORIAL. Trust me on this one.

4. When you’ve completed the tutorial, go to one of the following stations and click on the Offices tab.

Find Merch Industrial and hit ‘apply.’ Give your Penny-Arcade forums name in your application.

The offices are located in:
Atai II - Moon 15 - Genolution Biotech Productions
Bittanshal VII - Moon 9 - CreoDron Factory
Gelfiven IX - Moon 15 - Vherokior tribe Bureau
Ipref IV - Moon 5 - CONCORD Bureau
Ishisomo VIII - Propel Dynamics Factory
Nourvukaiken VII - Moon 4 - Caldari Constructions Production Plant
Oursulaert VI - Chemal Tech Research Center
Warouh VI - Moon 18 - Inherent Implants Biotech Production

(If you have not received a reply or been accepted into the corporation after 48 hours, send a brief in-game EVEMail to Zareph, Merch Industrial’s recruitment director. Be brief, concise and polite, this man holds the only card that’ll let you in. He’s a good dude, but he’s got a real life, and sometimes, some days he doesn’t log in at the precise moment that is most convenient to our applicants.) Also, please note during the move Zareph is busy as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest so applicatoins aren't being processed as fast.

5. Once accepted you will see two new tabs in your mailbox, one for Corp mail and one for Alliance mail. These will have email in them with important information, most of which you may not understand at this point. Don’t delete them. DO NOT REPLY TO ANY CORP OR ALLIANCE MAIL. A reply to any corp-wide or alliance-wide mail is sent to every person in the respective organization. In fact, don’t send any mail for the first couple weeks; just ask for help in corp chat. Ask where you should go as this changes every day right now before you set up clone and pod jump

6. Go to http://forums.merchindustrial.org and register for an account there under your EVE pilot’s name. Don’t use your PA forums name (if different from your EVE pilot). Post to introduce yourself, remark on how bland and generic the forums look, visit off-topic for some truly horrible posting (please keep coming back) and vote Courthouse ’08 for your forum moderator.

7. Spy clause: You will be called a spy. You are a spy. We know you’re a spy and it’s only a matter of time until we catch you in your spying ways. EVE has an amazing metagame (I mentioned earlier the thievery, scamming, espionage, etc.) This can occur out of the game client as well. On forums, through MSN/Yahoo/ICQ messengers, other game sites, etc. Hopefully this is what drew you to the game in the first place, that being said, have a thick skin because this isn’t your grand mama’s ‘omg they totally stoled our illidan strat’ kind of spying, spy.

8. Use corp chat. Use it often. Use it well. We’re all internet veterans here. We’ve all played these kinds of games before. We expect that you will have questions and we will be more than happy to answer them. Use corp chat for these questions, you may be redirected to our help channel if corp chat is busy, but never feel like you can’t ask about how to do something, what something means, for a partner to mine or ‘rat’ with, or for straight out cash if you need it.

9. Don't call it a guild, Don't call your character a toon, and no it's not like WoW at all and most of the players in EvE are either WoW refugees/post-addicts or never played it all and never want to hear about it. Any or all of the above will get you trolled into oblivion.

10. Finally, a warning (This coincides with the spy clause): If you don't have a thick skin, don't come out. You will be mocked, you will be called a spy, you will read words you never though you'd see in chat windows, you will see every racial and ethnic slur used hourly and it will offend all of your PC sensibilities, when you die and lose all your stuff you will be laughed at. Life is hard, and so is EVE. You've been warned.

How hard is EVE, you ask? How hard can a game be that doesn't make use of your finely honed and perfected mouse turning + WASD madness rank 14 PVP, Counterstrike proclick amazing 1500'+ penguin baseball skills? Can you put this in terms of an image macro that's up there with lolcats in its overuse in any thread about EVE? Sure! Proclick zone

Wang96.jpgThings to do in your first week: Wang96.jpg

Once you have gotten into the corp, you’ll be wondering what to do. Space is a big place, and being a day-old newbie on the front lines of a war can be intimidating. Fear not, we’ve done this before. One of the first things we ask of our newbies who want to get into combat to do is to fly tackling frigates. Frigates are the smallest and fastest ships in the game, and ‘tackling’ refers to targeting an enemy and activating a module that shuts down their warp drive, leaving them with no ability to escape and allowing our fleet to shoot them.

We have arranged through generous member donations and a lot of hard work a cash infusion and starting skill book pack for our new pilots. Go to the Merch Industrial forums and reply to the post by Rakk Ashari to receive your skillbooks. We’ll have you learn a few skills immediately so you can use the basic tackling gear, then we’ll give you a stock of ships and put you out on the front lines of the fleet. Fly well, heroes of the swarm.


EVE: Politics, Capitalism and Metagaming

EVE is a sandbox. A really goddamn big sandbox. Thankfully, the game designers saw fit to grace us with wonderous technological advancements by way of Stargates and Warp drives. This makes travel through the game fairly easy, but by no means is this a ‘oh, I’ll hearth to Shattrath or gate to Plane of Knowledge and from there get a port to wherever I need to go and be there in 10 minutes’ kind of game. If you were to travel from the furthest systems in the south to the furthest reaches of the north it would take you a couple hours going the fastest route. Several hours if you had to avoid routes because of security/outlaw status, hostile alliances, gate camps or known kill systems, etc. Not to say you can't get somewhere instantly, you can jump clone. But only your little pod goes there, everything else where you used to be stays right there.

Proclick: Current sovereignty map

The map above shows current sovereignty, or ownership, of space by the various alliances of EVE. The part you should be interested in is the big yellow blob to the southeast, labeled Goonwarm. That, good sir, is our home. Nearby we have our friends Red Alliance, Tau Ceti Federation, United Legion, Zenith Affinity, Solar Fleet and Kraftwerk. There are also hostiles abound: Against ALL Authorities and Red.OverLord and the following alliances basing out of NPC stations: Stain Empire, Coven, Band of Brothers and Systematic-Chaos.

The politics of 0.0 space revolve around outpost stations. These are large stations where pilots can dock, access facilities like med bays, insurance offices, refit their ships, refine ores and metals, manufacture products and access markets. Sovereignty is determined by placing player-operated structures at moons in the system. These provide both a flag in the turf and a staging area from which to coordinate offensive, defensive or economic operations. These structures can even be fit and armed for defense and in times of a siege, can be manned to provide more focused fire.

All of this is possible because of the economy of EVE. When I say economy, I’m not talking about your local shard’s auction house full of tradeskill materials and world drops. The economy of EVE is MASSIVE. CCP has an economist on staff to analyse what a gamer-driven economy acts like and how it models itself compared to world economies.

It's Even Made the NY Times and here is the latest quarterly economic report.

NPC Stations seed certain items in game, some light materials, shuttles, blueprints and skillbooks. NPC missions and ratting can net you some modules and rare blueprints as drops. Everything else is player created. EVERYTHING. These ships or modules are the result of hours of effort on behalf of dozens or even hundreds of players. The miners who extracted the minerals from asteroids, the industrialists who moved massive quantities or ore to refineries, the refiners who melted it into useable metals, the producers who used the metals to fashion modules, components or ship hulls, the mission runners who got blueprints and the traders who made these products available on the markets.

Certain players have literally spent years without undocking from a station just playing the economy of EVE. While this is certainly possible, we like to think we offer a little more variety to the average [MRCHI] member, because as a member of Goonswarm, at any given time we are usually engaged in one or more major campaigns, on top of having a half-dozen or so current wardecs. Wardecs are official declarations of war between two alliances that allows for non-interference by CONCORD for aggression in empire space between the two sides.

On top of that, some members of Goonswarm have seen the holy word of Allah and his prophet Khartoon, the Sheik, may he have an updated clone forever, and have taken up arms in Jihadswarm. Jihadswarm’s fatwa has been to make the higher security systems unsafe for the infidel miners.


EVE Media

Okay, so you've gotten this far down the post and you're probably thinking to yourself, what does this game even look like? All I've seen so far is a bug bubble thing with colored squares in it. Why would anyone pay to play that garbage, I can play Puzzle Pirates in my internet browser and they look better than this!

Well, we play it because most of the time, you aren't staring at the tactical overlay of a tower during a siege. Sometimes you can even get it to look like this:





Here are some Goonswarm propaganda images, courtesy of our very own Merchi, Ganthrithor:







Here is a video that does an ok job or recapping the last few weeks of our current campaign. The goon who recorded/mixed this video did a part one, and you can probably search it out, but part two is worlds better and I'll just like that video.


--Bitter vets: LAG IS FIXED!--
emot-siren.gif WEEOOOWEEEOOOWEEEOOOWEEEOOO emot-siren.gif

Attention Bitter Veterans of Merch Industrial, the time of your return is now. We are on the defensive against the new Axis of Faggotry which includes ex-brosefs Nync and his ebaying iskfarmers (the same ones that got RA's directorate banned last year), Evil Thug and Against ALL Authorities and the remnants of Band of Brothers, recently returning to the south via the asswhupping they just took from RAZOR and MM up north this fall.

CCP Recently upgraded the servers to 64 bit architecture and Stackless I/O, meaning fleet battles with 10 minute module lag and black screen deaths are no longer the norm. In fact, we haven't seen anything resembling that yet.

Yes, that's a local count of over 750.

We have seen combined local counts of over 1000 people and experienced better response time from the server than we used to have with 150 vs. 150 battles. Of course we've also seen the opposite, but then again that node hit 2000 players before it puked all over itself. CCP has also developed some UI enhancements that allow you to move certain parts of the UI like the Cap/HP/Modules around, change targeting alignment and/or move your targeting around giving you options now in how to configre your UI. Along with the UI changes, you can now group your weapons. One button can now fire all weapons at once and new module recharge timers show the cooldown between module reactivations.

Speed tanking got nerfed pretty badly lately as well. You don't see 9km/s Vagabonds or 20+km/s interceptors anymore. Nano HACs and Recons no longer are the viable and fearsome billion isk, virtually guaranteed survival hulls they used to be. Due to these changes, small gangs and fleets are the combat du jour now.

This new campaign has also been the single most successful recruitment campaign for Goonswarm. We've got old school goons coming back in droves, including Mittani, Scavok, Suas (from time to time), even Sesfan said he'd consider coming back. While this may appeal to some of the SpecOps or BlackOps/GIA crowd, Merch's overwhelming motivation in this campaign is to shoot and pod Trevor Reznick. That's right, Trevor is hostile. Specifically, Trevor is a part of Against ALL Authorities now. If you've ever harbored the soul-crushing desire to shoot a blue but never could afford the fines for doing so, here's your chance to extract your revenge for months upon months of depressed, emo idiocy and illogical bantering on top of horribly pubbie fitting suggestions and 'a rookie could FC better' revelations.

Oh, and we kicked out Rhonyn too.

Come back. We miss you. We're sorry, it was our fault and we want to make it up to you.

Eve Online: Zareph
Trekkie on


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    MidshipmanMidshipman Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Fall of Delve Update:

    GIA Spies Capture footage of Sir Molle (Leader of the former BOB alliance) reacting to the news of the disbanding of his alliance by his enemies.


    From back in January, even brand new players can stomp guys who are years old in Eve.
    Epeli wrote: »
    8 Days in to the game, my second fleet op and I manage to get on a titan killmail. That's how well you can do as a newbie in MRCHI.



    In case you aren't too up on the ships of Eve, Titans are the largest and most expensive ships in the game. The hull alone costs around 40 billion ISK (roughly $2,300 if you were to convert time-cards into ISK), takes about 3-4 months, and requires 130 freighter loads of minerals/components to build. This was also only the 15th Titan to be killed in the game since Titans were introduced over 2 years ago (and 4 of those weren't piloted when killed).

    Bonus picture of the kill:


    Midshipman on
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    BaudinBaudin Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Not only all of that, but you are also in spaceships. In space. As a bonus dying matters; losing a ship you really cannot afford will often result in you being space poor for a considerable amount of time, so never take a ship out that you cannot afford to lose (remember to insure it, I constantly forget, but hey... scamming pubbies pays for most of my ships right now anyway).

    You may be tempted to stay in empire to learn the ropes, and I recommend that you go through the entire tutorial since it is a rather lot to absorb quickly. On the other hand pubbies in empire are remarkably dumb when it comes to ship fittings, thoughts on "making" isk and how opportunity costs work. Don't stay in that shitty area any longer than you have to. Midshipman supplies all the skillbooks you could need for the first 4 or 5 months in the corp through the market, and we should be running newbie friendly isk printing ops (mining, ratting, looting and salvaging) soon. Alas I won't be reliably around to let you scoop behind me as I rampage across a few systems in our space, but if 5 or so people in cruisers / frigates (the two smallest ship class sizes) team up I'm fairly sure they can handle most spawns in our home system and make a bit of money from the bounty, loot and salvage. Or put a post on our own forums asking for a mentor, I'm sure something can be worked out.

    EVE isn't easy, but it does make you think. Its the most cerebral game I have played that I can remember, even more so than most strategy games that are touted as intensely intellectual.
    Oh and this is Kais Fiddler btw. I'm the resident idiot (no longer a total noob, just retarded).

    Baudin on
    "These people bring a lot of rigor to our cause, but alas, also mortis"
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    ToyDToyD Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Internet Spaceships. Serious business. This game is a lot of fun. The learning curve can be a challenge, but I enjoy it quite a lot. It makes you pick and choose since you cannot realistically do everything.

    Good challenge with very very rewarding and hard pvp. I heartily recommend you try it.

    ToyD on
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    Death Cab For AlbieDeath Cab For Albie Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    I'm working through the tutorial now, i'll be joining you all shortly.

    Death Cab For Albie on
    ...we made it cool to wear medallions and say hotep...
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    Descendant XDescendant X Skyrim is my god now. Outpost 31Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    What in the nine hells happened with Rhonyn that resulted in him being kicked out? I can understand Trevor Reznick, he was a tool for the entire month I played, but Rhonyn?

    EDIT: I would rejoin as EVE just sent me a five-day reactivation deal (can't remember the name of my character, but I was mainly a miner around E-Pr0s) but I can't afford the time or the money. My wife nearly murdered me for the amount of time that I spent on EVE in one month and I'd prefer not to deal with that again.

    Descendant X on
    Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
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    TrekkieTrekkie Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    What in the nine hells happened with Rhonyn that resulted in him being kicked out? I can understand Trevor Reznick, he was a tool for the entire month I played, but Rhonyn?

    wasn't necessarily one specific thing, but a collection of them and really ticking off enough people that his director status was removed, so he left for goonfleet.

    Trekkie on
    Eve Online: Zareph
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    EtheaEthea Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Trekkie wrote: »
    What in the nine hells happened with Rhonyn that resulted in him being kicked out? I can understand Trevor Reznick, he was a tool for the entire month I played, but Rhonyn?

    wasn't necessarily one specific thing, but a collection of them and really ticking off enough people that his director status was removed, so he left for goonfleet.

    Basically he did a really really bad version of fuck goons.

    Ethea on
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    Casually HardcoreCasually Hardcore Once an Asshole. Trying to be better. Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Pretty tempting to get back in the game, but everybody hated my name :|.

    Casually Hardcore on
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    DarmakDarmak RAGE vympyvvhyc vyctyvyRegistered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Man, this finally got posted. :D

    Anyways, I'm pretty damn new to Eve. I ran through a 14 day trial two years ago and I made the mistake of staying in Empire and I ended up doing nothing but mining and some missions to kill some stupidly easy rats. It was a neat concept but not surprisingly it didn't really hold my interest and I quit. Well recently I decided to try it again and do it right this time, I activated my old account since I already had quite a few skills trained up and joined MerchI and sold all my shit and podjumped to our station in E-PR0S. I was quickly given money, ships, and was invited to an op shortly thereafter. I haven't killed anyone yet and have died several times but I've had more fun playing this than any other MMO in a long time. I've made several million isk with the help of others and I've met some amazing people, the Goons are great allies and they're a fucking hoot to play with and everyone is extremely helpful. I suggest to anyone who may even be slightly interested to grab the 14 day trial and join us, you'll be able to start making isk and going on ops to blow shit up in no time at all.

    Darmak on
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    EtheaEthea Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    I cann't express how nice fleet fights are. I joined Black Ops when we starting taking Esoteria/Feyth the first time around, since all that happened in fleet fights would be I would die while loading grid, or lag out when a titan appeared on grid and die.

    Since the invasion of VNG I moved back to fleet work, and have not regretted it. I was able to fly a sabre in fleet engagements and do some fairly advanced tricks that used to be reserved to < 30man gangs. This weekend I flew a Beam Zealot (50k range) in a fleet fight and had no problems.

    I cannot repeat how nice it is to not have module lag, be able to heat propulsion system, manually fly, or do stuff like cloak + mwd in a massive fight. So if you a bitter vet, resub you know you want to.

    I just had to repeat this:
    SCAVOK and MITTENS are back

    Ethea on
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    Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punk hedge witchRegistered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Hey guys, it's been a year. Can I come back? Please? I promise not to screw up.

    Mortal Sky on
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    pheknophekno Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    I played this for a month or two about a year ago under the name Clark Shaftthrob and quit. I haven't gotten a re-sub email from them. WTF? If I get one though, I'd be willing to login and see what all the fuss is about. Can you still download the client from their site or what?

    phekno on
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    BaudinBaudin Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    You can download the client there

    Baudin on
    "These people bring a lot of rigor to our cause, but alas, also mortis"
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    smokmnkysmokmnky Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Game is awesome with the newly upgraded servers and no lag we actually had a 2,000 person system a few weeks ago.

    Also we are getting some awesome fights, just this weekend AAA and SE decided to come into Epros (our home) and try and take out some towers. They reinforced a few but with some quick work we were able to get most of the timers set pretty well. Then we saved all but one tower and scared off their 70ish man Battleship fleet, blew up the tower they dropped and then made them log off while running away from us.

    smokmnky on
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    TekDragonTekDragon __BANNED USERS regular
    edited December 2008
    Merch Industrial is aligned with Goonswarm, the massive pack of retards from Something Awful, right?

    TekDragon on
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    EtheaEthea Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    TekDragon wrote: »
    Merch Industrial is aligned with Goonswarm, the massive pack of retards from Something Awful, right?

    You will fit right in, since you are unable to read the OP.

    Ethea on
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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    TekDragon wrote: »
    Merch Industrial is aligned with Goonswarm, the glorious pack of faggots from Something Awful, right?



    Goumindong on
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    DarmakDarmak RAGE vympyvvhyc vyctyvyRegistered User regular
    edited December 2008
    The Goons are wonderful allies and we're lucky to have them.

    Darmak on
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    vhzodvhzod Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Do you guys still hate me? I'm out of games at the moment so I'd resub if I could join merchi again. I doubt anyone remembers why you kicked me out in the first place, including me.

    vhzod on
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    scrivenerjonesscrivenerjones Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Hey guys, it's been a year. Can I come back? Please? I promise not to screw up.

    no idea who you are but no sorry :(

    scrivenerjones on
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    vhzodvhzod Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    hey wait merchi is now actually part of the swarm instead of an independent contractor? How long has it been like that?

    vhzod on
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    Josiah_9Josiah_9 Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Trekkie wrote: »
    b. Post in this thread/find a friend with Steam/Access Steam for a free 21 day trial.

    Sounds like fun, can I get a Steam invite? Its right there in the sig.

    Edit: I see said the blind man, I am downloading now.

    Josiah_9 on
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    DarmakDarmak RAGE vympyvvhyc vyctyvyRegistered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Josiah_9 wrote: »
    Trekkie wrote: »
    b. Post in this thread/find a friend with Steam/Access Steam for a free 21 day trial.

    Sounds like fun, can I get a Steam invite? Its right there in the sig.

    If you already have Steam I believe you can get the trial yourself, just browse and look for it. If not then I guess someone else can get ya one. :)

    Darmak on
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    flammiebcflammiebc Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    This is somewhat tempting, considering I have a 5(?) day reactivation pass sitting in my mailbox. When I get to redownloading the client, I'll shoot you guys some mail, since I assume my merchi forum account got trashed a long, long time ago.

    I don't even think the graphical upgrades were in place when I stopped playing, so I'm probably just sitting in empire space with my transport ship full of stuff and a myrmidon.

    flammiebc on
    Switch: SW-7753-7176-1119
    PSN: LucidStar_BC
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    ArrathArrath Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    I'm hopefully still in Merch, haven't paid my December dues as my eve-capable computer bit it.

    I guess I either need to fix it or cancel my EVE sub.

    Arrath on
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    flammiebcflammiebc Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    This is somewhat tempting, considering I have a 5(?) day reactivation pass sitting in my mailbox. When I get to redownloading the client, I'll shoot you guys some mail, since I assume my merchi forum account got trashed a long, long time ago.

    I don't even think the graphical upgrades were in place when I stopped playing, so I'm probably just sitting in empire space with my transport ship full of stuff and a myrmidon.

    flammiebc on
    Switch: SW-7753-7176-1119
    PSN: LucidStar_BC
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    TrekkieTrekkie Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    If you want to try the 5 days free, I believe this url: https://secure.eve-online.com/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fReactivate707.aspx

    will give you the offer.

    Trekkie on
    Eve Online: Zareph
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    TrekkieTrekkie Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    vhzod wrote: »
    Do you guys still hate me? I'm out of games at the moment so I'd resub if I could join merchi again. I doubt anyone remembers why you kicked me out in the first place, including me.

    Depends, if you're wiggin, we remember, and there's a wiki entry so the next 10 generations know that some things come at to high a cost.

    Trekkie on
    Eve Online: Zareph
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    BurguBurgu Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    I played back when Merch was first getting into 0.0 space, right before joining up with the goons. don't know if anyone remembers me.
    I'm about to get a new video card and thought about starting up again...space hasn't looked better.

    Burgu on
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    TekDragonTekDragon __BANNED USERS regular
    edited December 2008
    Darmak wrote: »
    The Goons are wonderful allies and we're lucky to have them.

    Yeah, it's awesome running around with a pack of idiots whose primary claim to fame is their ability to use server instability to "win" battles by spamming hundreds of frigates into a battle.

    Or maybe it's the never-ending flood of poop jokes from a near infinite member-list of virgins.

    TekDragon on
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    TrekkieTrekkie Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Arrath wrote: »
    I'm hopefully still in Merch, haven't paid my December dues as my eve-capable computer bit it.

    I guess I either need to fix it or cancel my EVE sub.

    If you were in Merch Industrial post 4/1/08 then you're probably still in. once the newbie drive is complete, we'll do another census and purge everyone then.

    Trekkie on
    Eve Online: Zareph
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    MechMantisMechMantis Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    TekDragon wrote: »
    Darmak wrote: »
    The Goons are wonderful allies and we're lucky to have them.

    Yeah, it's awesome running around with a pack of idiots whose primary claim to fame is their ability to use server instability to "win" battles by spamming hundreds of frigates into a battle.

    Or maybe it's the never-ending flood of poop jokes from a near infinite member-list of virgins.

    Sir you are behind the times.

    From what I've heard/read, they swarm battleships now.

    MechMantis on
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    runaway_pancakerunaway_pancake Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    vhzod wrote: »
    hey wait merchi is now actually part of the swarm instead of an independent contractor? How long has it been like that?
    Wow, you really are from way back. We joined the alliance about 16 months ago.

    runaway_pancake on
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    MechMantisMechMantis Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    I'm from the

    Come to Hoshoun
    Unless you're a Goon
    Come and Fly the Friendly Skies
    We Are Nice Guys



    MechMantis on
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    scrivenerjonesscrivenerjones Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    by the way merch can shoot CVA now :D

    scrivenerjones on
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    vhzodvhzod Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    why the hell are they adding walking on stations? it looks completely useless. Is there that much of a demand for epeen extensions?

    vhzod on
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    kedinikkedinik Captain of Industry Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    What in the nine hells happened with Rhonyn that resulted in him being kicked out? I can understand Trevor Reznick, he was a tool for the entire month I played, but Rhonyn?

    He wasn't kicked out, per se. He told some Reds where to find Merch pilots. Vorick chewed Rhonyn out and announced his demotion on the Merch forum, then Rhonyn was so upset that he jumped ship from Merch to Goonfleet proper.

    kedinik on
    I made a game! Hotline Maui. Requires mouse and keyboard.
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    JerikTelorianJerikTelorian Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Fuck you all, I hate you and everything about you people.

    Edit: I haven't played in awhile. Tell me what I should be doing.
    Edi2: I have a MerchI forums account. Gonna try to hit up an office quick.
    Jerik Telorian

    Intelligence: 20.90
    Perception: 18.70
    Charisma: 11.00
    Willpower: 16.50
    Memory: 19.80

    Corporation Management
    level1.gif Anchoring
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 750

    level3.gif Drones
    level2.gif Mining Drone Operation
    level2.gif Scout Drone Operation
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 12,244

    level4.gif Cloaking
    level3.gif Electronic Warfare
    level5.gif Electronics
    level5.gif Electronics Upgrades
    level2.gif Long Range Targeting
    level2.gif Propulsion Jamming
    level5.gif Signature Analysis
    level4.gif Targeting
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,402,286

    level3.gif EM Shield Compensation
    level3.gif Energy Emission Systems
    level4.gif Energy Grid Upgrades
    level3.gif Energy Management
    level4.gif Energy Systems Operation
    level5.gif Engineering
    level3.gif Explosive Shield Compensation
    level3.gif Kinetic Shield Compensation
    level4.gif Shield Compensation
    level4.gif Shield Management
    level4.gif Shield Operation
    level4.gif Shield Upgrades
    level3.gif Tactical Shield Manipulation
    level3.gif Thermic Shield Compensation
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 889,814

    level5.gif Gunnery
    level4.gif Medium Hybrid Turret
    level3.gif Rapid Firing
    level3.gif Small Hybrid Turret
    level4.gif Weapon Upgrades
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 506,277

    level5.gif Industry
    level4.gif Mining
    level3.gif Refining
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 309,255

    level5.gif Analytical Mind
    level4.gif Clarity
    level5.gif Eidetic Memory
    level3.gif Empathy
    level4.gif Focus
    level5.gif Instant Recall
    level5.gif Iron Will
    level5.gif Learning
    level4.gif Logic
    level5.gif Spatial Awareness
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 2,541,791

    level1.gif Hull Upgrades
    level1.gif Jury Rigging
    level3.gif Mechanic
    level1.gif Repair Systems
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 9,250

    Missile Launcher Operation
    level3.gif Cruise Missiles
    level3.gif Guided Missile Precision
    level4.gif Heavy Missiles
    level4.gif Missile Bombardment
    level5.gif Missile Launcher Operation
    level3.gif Missile Projection
    level3.gif Rapid Launch
    level2.gif Rockets
    level3.gif Standard Missiles
    level3.gif Target Navigation Prediction
    level4.gif Warhead Upgrades
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 869,965

    level2.gif Acceleration Control
    level2.gif Afterburner
    level4.gif Evasive Maneuvering
    level4.gif Navigation
    level3.gif Warp Drive Operation
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 150,861

    level4.gif Astrogeology
    level3.gif Astrometric Pinpointing
    level3.gif Astrometric Triangulation
    level4.gif Astrometrics
    level4.gif Cybernetics
    level3.gif Infomorph Psychology
    level4.gif Science
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 540,550

    level3.gif Negotiation
    level2.gif Social
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 17,415

    Spaceship Command
    level5.gif Battlecruisers
    level4.gif Caldari Battleship
    level5.gif Caldari Cruiser
    level5.gif Caldari Frigate
    level3.gif Caldari Industrial
    level5.gif Covert Ops
    level5.gif Mining Barge
    level3.gif Recon Ships
    level5.gif Spaceship Command
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 6,074,045

    level1.gif Contracting
    level2.gif Trade
    Total Skillpoints in Group: 4,569

    Total Skillpoints: 13,329,072
    Total Number of Skills: 84

    Skills at Level 1: 5
    Skills at Level 2: 9
    Skills at Level 3: 27
    Skills at Level 4: 24
    Skills at Level 5: 19

    JerikTelorian on
    SteamID -- JerikTelorian
    XBL: LiquidSnake2061
    Shade wrote: »
    Anyone notice how some things (mattresses and the copy machines in Highrise) are totally impenetrable? A steel wall, yeah that makes sense, but bullets should obliterate copy machines.

    I don't know about you, but I always buy a bullet proof printer. Its a lot more expensive, but I think the advantages are apparent.
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    TrekkieTrekkie Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Fuck you all, I hate you and everything about you people.

    Edit: I haven't played in awhile. Tell me what I should be doing.

    Join up, post that in our forum and we'll have some fun. Interesting smattering of training.

    Trekkie on
    Eve Online: Zareph
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    SpamSpam Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    4 days into my 14 day free trial, and I think I'd like to see more of the game than doing missions in empire space - applying the now :P

    Spam on
This discussion has been closed.