
[CoD4] - Still Awesomest - But not for long - MW2 Teaser

DolbyDigitalDolbyDigital Registered User regular
edited May 2009 in Games and Technology
Sorry if anything is broken or missing. This is my first time...

*UPDATE March 26, 2009*

MW2 Teaser trailer at:

Complete with Analyze mode.


So, 2x XP weekend...did everyone benefit from that? Take advantage of the sale on the map pack? Not sure if those promotions are still going on?

So, apparently, as most of you must know, Modern Warfare 2 is in development now, by INFINITY WARD, not Treyarch, thankfully...

Go here for an interesting twitter feed:

Make you suggestions. Get your voice heard!

Could it be "Future Warfare"? We'll find out. Post if you know more than me.


Taken from Sleep, Arteus, The Doctor, LookFreeGrenade, and Kris_xK). There has been a few updates.

This game is freaking fantastic. It is taking a bit of a break from tradition and is being set, not in World War II, but in the present day. Crazy Russian nationalist wants to bring the Soviet Union back. He does this by funding a coup type activity in the Middle East.


The main characters you play as are going to be :
* Lieutenant Price, 22nd SAS Regiment (15 years ago)
* Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish, 22nd SAS Regiment (present)
* Sergeant Paul Jackson, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment (later Sergeant as part of 1st Force Recon Co., U.S.M.C.) (present)

The game looks fantastic, although you really have to see it in motion, check out the trailers here. However, as a result the system requirements are pretty steep.

List of perks:
Perk 1:

* Bomb Squad(allows you to see enemy C4)
* C4 x 2
* Claymore x 2
* RPG-7 x 2
* Special Grenades x 3
* Frag x 3
* Bandolier (adds more ammo to your clip)

Perk 2:

* Juggernaut(More Health)
* Sleight of hand(Reload quicker)
* Stopping power(More weapon damage)
* UAV Jammer(Jams enemy radar)
* Sonic Boom(increases your explosive damage)
* Double Tap(increases your weapon's rate of fire)

Perk 3:

* Extreme conditioning(Sprint longer)
* Steady Aim(Steadier aiming)
* Last Stand(Shoot your pistol while dying)
* Deep Impact(Better bullet penetration through walls)
* Dead Silence(Less noise when running)
* Iron Lungs(Hold breath longer when sniping)
* Eavesdrop(Allows you to listen in on enemy chat)
* Martyrdom(While dying, player pulls a grenade)

List of weapons:

Multiplayer weapons have been linked to videos.

Level Unlocked\Gun

1 USP .45*
1 M9*
1 MP5*
1 M249 S.A.W.*
1 M16A4*
2 W1200
3 M403
4 Skorpion*
4 AK-47*
8 M21
10 M4 carbine*
13 Mini-Uzi*
16 M1911 .45*
19 M60E4*
22 Dragunov SVD*
25 G3*
28 AK-74U*
31 M1014*
34 Remington 700*
37 G36C*
40 P90*
43 Desert eagle*
46 M14*
49 Barrett .50 cal*
52 MP44*
55 Golden Desert Eagle
* Weapon links to video with more information.

Video comparison between AK and M16 rifle.

I also recommend you check out the video for the AK, M14, M60, G36c, .50 Cal Sniper, MP5, and the P90.


* 50cal turret technical
* ac130(105/25/40mm)
* agm114
* Airstrike
* ak47
* ak74u
* at4
* aw50
* barrett
* barrett fake* (Don't know what is it)
* beretta
* binoculars
* bm21 missile
* bmp turret
* bog mortar turret
* bradley turret
* brick blaster(also on multi)
* brick bomb
* c4
* camera(10/20/30/45/5fov)
* claymore
* cobra20mm
* cobra air support
* cobra FFAR
* cobra hellfire
* cobra seeker
* cobra sidewinder
* cod3mg42 turret
* colt45
* default vehicle weapon
* desert eagle
* dog bite
* dragunov
* facemask
* flash grenade
* frag grenade
* g3
* g36c
* gp25
* heli minigun
* heli small arms
* heli spot light
* hindFFAR
* hind tmp rocket
* hind turret
* humvee50cal
* hunted crash missile
* javelin
* m1014
* m14
* m16
* m1a1
* m203
* m4
* m40a3
* m4m203
* m60e4
* mark19
* mg42
* mi28
* minigun player turret
* mp44
* mp5
* p90
* parabolic
* remington700
* rpd
* rpg
* sa6 missile
* saw
* skorpion
* slamraam missile
* smoke grenade
* stinger
* t72 turret
* usp
* uzi
* winchester1200
* zpu turret

New update on the way for consoles!
Additions / New Features:
Added Kill cam to Airstrike bombs and Claymores
Addition of Host Migration so if Host Leaves auto-chooses next best host
Tweaked the following Oldschool Mode settings based on feedback:
- Added Unlimited Sprint
- Increased Magazine Size
- Added Ragdoll Cam
Addition of New "N0M4D" Control Scheme

Optimizations / Tweaks:
Optimized / Fixed Sniper Rifle Hit Detection
Identify party by background color (in Lobby)
Optimized server selection for first match for better connections
Improved network performance for 18 player games
Optimized 'Chase Cam' when Spectating
Fixed Playlist error when attempting to join from other games
Handle Corrupt Create A Class data instead of kicking player

Please PM me with your gamertag if you wish to be added.

PA has a "Clan". On the 360, at least. We have a few guidlines... because Kris is a prick.
Kris_xK wrote:
From now on, when I am host (which I do often) I will be using a "3 retry policy." As many of you have noticed, whether due to IW or MS, theres some shitty code in there somewhere which often results in Party members being dropped when finding games. I had thought this resolved, but based on my experience this weekend, it hasn't been, and its more annoying than ever.

Whenever I'm the host, I will attempt to get my entire party into the game. Really, I will. I like you guys. I sure as hell like you guys more than the random idiots I find in live. However, it is taking far too much time finding a game when we have to continuely back out because of one person. So from now on, when I'm hosting, I'll possibly back out twice, for a total of 3 found games, in an effort to get the full party into the game. If only one person is missing at the end of that third try, I'm sorry, but I'm letting the game go ahead. After the game is complete, if the party wishes we can back out and reinvite you.

Again, this is only my policy, I'm not sure if the other "main hosts" will act differently but I would imagine they will operate under similar conditions. My apologies, I'm not trying to be a jerk, its just your connection blows.

If you just logged on (or whatever) and would like to get invited to what you believe is the party, just send one of the regulars a "request to play" via live, instead of a message. I rarely listen/read messages when in game, so a request to play is nice and clear. Once the match is complete, we will back out and invite you. If there is no party, the person will join you and you can go on from there.

Please note that I (and most others I believe) DO NOT BACK OUT MIDGAME TO INVITE YOU. Once the match is finished, then we will get you into the party.

If the party is full, and you asked me to be invited, I will respond back telling you the party is full, and let you know who isn't in the party so you can start your own.

Finally, sending me nasty messages demanding to be let into my party, telling me to boot people so you can come in, and general douchebaggery is not the best way to get me into invite you. You're right, I'm not the clan leader, but I sure as hell host enough to ensure you never get into one of my games again if you keep this shit up. You know who you are, cut this shit out.

We're getting busy. Everyday it seems more and more people are using the PA CoD4 list and sending out invites, which is awesome. However, because of this we're also capping out at 9 people per team, extremely quickly. As such we really will have to start doing multiple teams. As I said above, if I am full I will let you know and tell you who ISNT in my group so you can party with them.

Also, I don't "save" spots under normal circumstances.

We also follow general G&T rules. Keep it civil. While the PA Clan doesn't have any specific "leaders", the members more active in CoD and the PA Clan look down upon douchebaggery, and behaving so could lead to a lack of invites and less participation. Remember, we play in groups of friends to avoid these issues. Bringing them into our group of players isn't welcome. Please keep this in mind if you invite a non PA'er into a PA Clan game.

If you would like to play with the PA group on the Xbox 360, send a Friend Request to PA CoD4.

Members that regularly host games include: Kris_xK (Kris xK), RocketSauce (WolfSlap), Sleep (Sheeeeeeep), and King Kong (|| King Kong ||).

Xbox 360 Gamertags:
elizabex - elizabex
The Doctor - Timmy Mouse
LookFreeGernade - Lookfreegrenade
Bamelin - Bamelin
RetotheMix - EML0210
The_Scarab - AaronBayley
sir_michael7 - Collie C
zilo - kongmc
arod_77 - arod 77
RocketSauce - WolfSlap
Shlank - Shlankx
Smashism - smashism
LordNibbler - JP Browncoat
twmjr - twmjr
Dashui - Vacorsis
Wienke - The Wienke
DebaserZbs - DebaserZbs
mescalito - jawb0x
Ruiner999 - BornToHula87
Travan - Travan7838
Funksubmarine - Nice Pete
Bill Cosby - BillCosby42
Burtletoy - Brutletoy
Shadowfire - Windrunner
squirly - verisa
One Thousand Dicks - CableCarrier
Fonjo - Fonjo
fkn creep - kreepahh
Tiemler - Tiemler
Yall - Yall
GogoKodo - GogoKodo
Voro - Comrade Nexus
Duo - Pirsqed
emerszi - Emerszie
Scodo - Scud0
Bwah? - keshaw
Loata - Kerune
Gorilla Salad - S8 Fish
Nissl - Purkinje
ChewyWaffles - TarheelDad
nerve - el burto
Malach - Lynch2028
coutts - scorpex
CarolinaBBQ - scri33le
Sleep - Sheeeeeeep
Promethane - Bathtubb
Roflgoblin - roflgoblin
deepstriker - Seto086
FirstComradeStalin - CmrdeStalin
Sunstrand - Sunstrand
BitTWist - BitTwist
DeathPrawn - Hippothalamus
BonesNYC - BonesNYC
interrupt - intrrpt
gunwarrior - Anime Warrior
Valernos - Dreyan
Crazybear - Stalvos
Xaev - Veax
Fallingman - I DraftDodger I
PlusOne Tom - PlusOne Tom
3v - o3v
Johnny Fabulous - sublunary
Overpowered - <doom> sealedfayt
Neelix - CWKnight
Jast - Jast39 (also dehan39)
limitbreakerx - limitbreakerx
Wonder Bread - OffsetZero
Mr Obersmith - MrObersmith
Liquid Ghost - lordbeardo
Trevor - TheMegaTrevor
DolbyDigital - BuckySuperJew
thegloaming - Space Invader G
The Snert - acc3ss deni3d
pabh - pabh
AnteCantelope - AnteCantelope
Gdiguy - Gdiguy
Highfire - HighfireMOD
TheLawinator - AlbinoRhino16
SmokeScreen - SmokeScreen18
Bullio - Bullio Marf

PC/Xfire list. PM me to be added!
Captarcher - (Xfire) - gangofslaves
Cyrixd - (Xfire) - Seir
trevellian - Trevellian
SirToasty - SirToasty
da newb - (Xfire) - danewb711
MistaCreepy - MistaCreepy
prawnstar69 - (Xfire) - prawnstar69
Ellthiteren - (Xfire) Ellthiteren.
Mighty - (Xfire) PaMighty
PolloDiablo - (xfire) PolloDiabloC
Doc - (xfire) padoc
Smashism - (xfire) smashism
Stormwatcher - (xfire) Stormshield

PS3 List. PM me to be added on.
RoundBoy - Round_Boy
Troy - Troykark
Italax - Italax
Grove - ObstinateGrove
Tekko - Tekko88
DesertChicken - DesertChicken
peterdevore - vornoxem
VGZed - VGZed
langfor6 - langfor6
HBox - HBoxx
sYnister - jayisnine
Bullfrogof7272 - Bullfrogof7272
Saar - alamedarchy
bombboy - BombBoyGT
CrunchyKells - TheKells
Deadspace - Deadspace
Rookie - TheSuperVillain

And now, an eloquent discussion on the level "Heat" on Veteran.
hoodie13 wrote: »
Pancake wrote: »
hoodie13 wrote: »





G&T > SE++

Reserved for potential new info, screens, etc.

Also, check the OP for new vids.

Thought this should warrant its own thread, make sure people can see the awesome that is China Town that is featured in the video. It is a remake of Carentan from CoD2 for those that remember. I can't wait to play it!

HD: http://www.gametrailers.com/gametrailerstv_player.php?ep=11&ch=4&sd=0
SD: http://www.gametrailers.com/gametrailerstv_player.php?ep=11&ch=4&sd=1

There are actually 4 maps going to be released in the map pack, unfortunately at the time of the interview they only had 3 confirmed.

Info on the different maps:

Here is a writeup at Gamespot as well. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/callofduty4modernwarfare/news.html?sid=6187656




To all those who can't get enough Call of Duty 4 multiplayer on the Xbox 360 and PS3, know that new maps are on the way this spring. How many? We don't know. What day will they be here? Not so sure. What will they cost? Wish we could tell you. But one thing's for certain, "the upcoming downloadable content will thrust gamers into a hot zone of added combat across a variety of intense multiplayer locales."

And that's plenty for us.



Not much in terms of new news, but they're talking about it.
The first in the pipeline is a feature patch that's just been sent to Microsoft for Xbox 360 certification and will soon go to the PS3 for certification.

Arguably the most important new addition is host migration. In short, if a host leaves a game, all players stay together, a suitable replacement is chosen and the game begins anew. Though the game doesn't continue uninterrupted, it should help to keep a host departure from being so jarring.

From a gameplay perspective, the patch will improved sniper rifle accuracy, as well as the accuracy on the ACOG scope.

The sniper fix (as well as the host migration feature, for that matter) was born of direct feedback from the community, according to Bowling.

The same can be said of the other features like an expanded Kill Cam with all weapons, including claymores, airstrikes and grenades, getting the feature.

Also, expect nine new spawn points in every map, a quick mute feature and an improved spectator cam that allows a first-person view as well as being fully rotatable in 3rd person.

Though the changes are numerous, Bowling said he doesn't expect it to be the last such update, especially if fans remain vocal.

"We never assume that we're done, we never pat ourselves on the back, wipe our hands and assume that we're finished."

XBOX Live: xSUPERBUCKx (formerly BuckySuperJew - MS made me change it)
PSN: BuckySuperJew

Spoiler'd GamerCards
DolbyDigital on


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    chasmchasm Ill-tempered Texan Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    That AK vs. AR video always makes me giggle. Small Arms Review disproved that vid's accuracy claims this month.

    chasm on
    XBL : lJesse Custerl | MWO: Jesse Custer | Best vid ever. | 2nd best vid ever.
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    Kris_xKKris_xK Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Oh thank god someone else did this.

    You can prob cut most of that crap out of the OP... like the "new" map info and shit like that. Just a suggestion tho.

    Kris_xK on
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    MalachMalach Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Blue dotted

    Malach on
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    ZercofZercof Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Gonna be playing this weekend for double XP for sure. Need to finally reach my desired (8th) prestige...

    Zercof on
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    JaysonFourJaysonFour Classy Monster Kitteh Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    You guys mind if I join you? I'm sick of running into screaming twelve-year-olds every time I join a match.

    JaysonFour on
    I can has cheezburger, yes?
  • Options
    projectmayhemprojectmayhem Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Any word on when this over a year old game will stop being 50-60$?

    I would love to pick it up by thats just to much monies.

    projectmayhem on
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    iTunesIsEviliTunesIsEvil Cornfield? Cornfield.Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Any word on when this over a year old game will stop being 50-60$?

    I would love to pick it up by thats just to much monies.
    Im surprised it hasn't gone down yet. Especially since W@W came out.

    iTunesIsEvil on
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    DamionDamion Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2009
    Any word on when this over a year old game will stop being 50-60$?

    I would love to pick it up by thats just to much monies.
    Im surprised it hasn't gone down yet. Especially since W@W came out.

    I know what you mean. I've been wanting to get a copy for a friend so we can play this together but I think it's being held up by the fact that it such a great game for multiplayer.
    and w@w having a different setting all together is probably another reason though the games are similar.
    45 used without the new maps at this point though just doesn't sit well with my wallet ;)

    Damion on
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    JaysonFourJaysonFour Classy Monster Kitteh Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I think it's because IW realized supporting a WWII and a modern-day shooter gets them both crowds. Each variety has its fans, and someone finally picked up on this.

    JaysonFour on
    I can has cheezburger, yes?
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    gogglesgoggles Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    So where's the pc crew at?

    goggles on
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    ZercofZercof Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I laughed when I saw WaW on special at Walmart/Best buy for $45, and CoD4 right next to it was $60

    Zercof on
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    MechanicalMechanical Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I want the next game to have an equally hard 'hard mode', but less retarded. No infinite spawning enemies, better AI, teammates that do more than sit in a corner scratching themselves, and so on. I love the challenge, got 1000/1000, but think that it could have been handled much better.

    AI? In CoD? You jest.

    Mechanical on
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    MalachMalach Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    JaysonFour wrote: »
    You guys mind if I join you? I'm sick of running into screaming twelve-year-olds every time I join a match.

    Of course not. Though, at least the people on my list don't play as much as they used to. If I'm not playing Fallout though, I'm playing this still most of the time. Just send me a friend request.

    Malach on
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    Kris_xKKris_xK Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    There's still quite a 360 following for this, as evidenced by the irate msgs I get demanding to know why I'm not playing.

    Kris_xK on
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    LoxleyLoxley Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Thanks for the heads up on the double XP weekend :)

    Loxley0 is my tag in case anyone wants to toss me a friend request.

    Loxley on
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    ArrathArrath Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Mechanical wrote: »
    I want the next game to have an equally hard 'hard mode', but less retarded. No infinite spawning enemies, better AI, teammates that do more than sit in a corner scratching themselves, and so on. I love the challenge, got 1000/1000, but think that it could have been handled much better.

    AI? In CoD? You jest.

    Improved AI in CoD would mean they cook their grenades before throwing them at you. And there aren't enough D:'s in the world to describe my feelings towards that.

    Arrath on
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    SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I haven't played this in a long time but I still enjoy it every time I do.

    SkutSkut on
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    Zoku GojiraZoku Gojira Monster IslandRegistered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I've been playing more lately. Working on getting the ACOG for the Barrett .50, and since I'm not interested in another prestige run, I might try for a complete set of the challenges.

    Zoku Gojira on
    "Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are." - Bertolt Brecht
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    BornToHulaBornToHula Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I'm still up for some games. I'm in the list for 360 users.

    If I'm not playing Burnout, Street Fighter or L4D I am game usually. Just send an invite across when some games get going, I need to earn my sniper challenges and shotty challenges as it stands.

    BornToHula on

    Origin is the exact same as my Steam, in case you're needing a Support or Assault in BF3.
  • Options
    ArrathArrath Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I've been playing more lately. Working on getting the ACOG for the Barrett .50, and since I'm not interested in another prestige run, I might try for a complete set of the challenges.

    ACOG'd snipers are so fun. I'm a horrible normal sniper myself, so getting it was a real pain in the ass. But now that I have ACOGs for both my M21 and M40 I run around using them like carbines, its great fun!

    Arrath on
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    BurtletoyBurtletoy Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    We have 2 clan lists now, remember.

    A PA CoD Clan - Mine was started for W@W, but fuck that game


    PA CoD4 Clan - King Kong's but it sits way down at the bottom of your friendlist, unlike mine :)

    Both for 360'ers

    Burtletoy on
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    ChewyWafflesChewyWaffles Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Burtletoy wrote: »
    We have 2 clan lists now, remember.

    A PA CoD Clan - Mine was started for W@W, but fuck that game


    PA CoD4 Clan - King Kong's but it sits way down at the bottom of your friendlist, unlike mine :)

    Both for 360'ers

    Isn't there a plain "PA CoD4" as well or did the memo skip me because I suck when playing with you guys? :P

    Seriously, just 10 minutes ago I went 20-5 on a map. I do it all the time (well not all the time, but plenty). But play with PA peeps and I'm like...10-15...8-10...n-n+5...whatever...my game goes to hell.

    ChewyWaffles on
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    BurtletoyBurtletoy Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I thought it had Clan after it. I could be wrong. Unless there are actually three which could be possible, since I know the first one was filled up for a while.

    You have to speed up a bit when your with us cause we compete for getting all the kills.

    Burtletoy on
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    DharmaBumDharmaBum Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    So I'm still bopping around on Live. Add me to your Friends list if you want to play.

    DharmaBum on
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    DolbyDigitalDolbyDigital Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Well, hardly took advantage of 2x XP. Leveled once. Oh well. Did pick up the map pack finally though.


    OP slightly updated. As mentioned, please post if you have any more info than I do...

    DolbyDigital on
    XBOX Live: xSUPERBUCKx (formerly BuckySuperJew - MS made me change it)
    PSN: BuckySuperJew

    Spoiler'd GamerCards
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    initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    I'm not even sure if the PC crew got double xp although i didn't have a chance to play till sunday but all my kills where at normal xp.

    Are the new maps console exclusive?

    initiatefailure on
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    BurtletoyBurtletoy Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    I dunno. Does the PC version have Chinatown, Killhouse, or those other two maps?

    New in the OP's case means, like, 6 months old or so.

    Burtletoy on
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    SirToastySirToasty Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    The new maps were free on PC. We don't get double experience weekends though.

    SirToasty on
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    Venkman90Venkman90 Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Double XP was nice, finally hit 55 on first Prestige

    Didn't know new maps were due, colour me exited

    Venkman90 on
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    BurtletoyBurtletoy Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    They aren't.

    See my previous post. "New maps in the OP's case means, like, 6 months old or so"

    Burtletoy on
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    MechanicalMechanical Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Yeah, IW basically said they're done supporting CoD4.

    Mechanical on
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    Venkman90Venkman90 Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Ah...my bad

    Still, MW2 sounds good, hope they don't go the future route and give us lazorz or something

    Venkman90 on
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    SirToastySirToasty Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Venkman90 wrote: »
    Ah...my bad

    Still, MW2 sounds good, hope they don't go the future route and give us lazorz or something
    Well then it wouldn't be Modern Warfare 2, now would it?

    I am expecting more high tech, high tech looking and up to date guns like the MP7, PSG1, UMP (better be powerful as crap. The real thing shoots a .45 for god's sake). Heckler and Koch seems to have a lot of good guns to put in.

    SirToasty on
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    Stevo 22Stevo 22 Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    We should get some PA XBL warfare going this weekend - I really miss this game. More triple kills via grenade, please!

    Stevo 22 on
    "It's do or die." "Hey, I've died twice."
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    Venkman90Venkman90 Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    SirToasty wrote: »
    Venkman90 wrote: »
    Ah...my bad

    Still, MW2 sounds good, hope they don't go the future route and give us lazorz or something
    Well then it wouldn't be Modern Warfare 2, now would it?

    I am expecting more high tech, high tech looking and up to date guns like the MP7, PSG1, UMP (better be powerful as crap. The real thing shoots a .45 for god's sake). Heckler and Koch seems to have a lot of good guns to put in.


    And yes some slightly more tricked out guns would be good, most military issue these days seem to come with red dots, suppressors and foregrips as standard.

    Venkman90 on
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    xtaxta Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    wow there's double xp going on this weekend

    i'm at lvl 55, havent prestiged, now considering doing a prestige with double xp

    xta on
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    Zoku GojiraZoku Gojira Monster IslandRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Venkman90 wrote: »
    And yes some slightly more tricked out guns would be good, most military issue these days seem to come with red dots, suppressors and foregrips as standard.

    Wouldn't mind seeing the COD damage system get an overhaul, as well.

    Maybe apply damage multipliers differently, so that torso hits with pistol-caliber weapons deal less damage than rifles and MGs. I never understood why people consider Hardcore realistic, considering it makes a single 9mm round almost invariably lethal. Which is so far into the realm of fantasy that the players may as well be casting Magic Missile at one another.

    Zoku Gojira on
    "Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are." - Bertolt Brecht
  • Options
    HyperAquaBlastHyperAquaBlast Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Venkman90 wrote: »
    And yes some slightly more tricked out guns would be good, most military issue these days seem to come with red dots, suppressors and foregrips as standard.

    Wouldn't mind seeing the COD damage system get an overhaul, as well.

    Maybe apply damage multipliers differently, so that torso hits with pistol-caliber weapons deal less damage than rifles and MGs. I never understood why people consider Hardcore realistic, considering it makes a single 9mm round almost invariably lethal. Which is so far into the realm of fantasy that the players may as well be casting Magic Missile at one another.

    Well its probably the fact you still got shot. With a bullet. Yeah a 9mm isn't going to tear you apart like a 50cal but you still got shot and nobody but a crack fiend is going to pop back up steady his M4 and let off some rounds while chucking grenades after having some hot lead tear through his flesh. Call of Duty is pretty arcadey and hardcore mode is basically one shot kill mode with your favorite looking weapon.

    HyperAquaBlast on
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    MechanicalMechanical Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Venkman90 wrote: »
    And yes some slightly more tricked out guns would be good, most military issue these days seem to come with red dots, suppressors and foregrips as standard.

    Wouldn't mind seeing the COD damage system get an overhaul, as well.

    Maybe apply damage multipliers differently, so that torso hits with pistol-caliber weapons deal less damage than rifles and MGs. I never understood why people consider Hardcore realistic, considering it makes a single 9mm round almost invariably lethal. Which is so far into the realm of fantasy that the players may as well be casting Magic Missile at one another.

    I think it's hilarious that people view CoD4 as being realistic in the first place.

    EDIT: But please, for the love of Christ, don't make this Futureweapons: The Game like the community morons at IW are wanting.

    Mechanical on
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    ArrathArrath Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    I dunno, Metalstorm weapons might be fun. :P

    Arrath on
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