
Fat Acceptance (No, I will not make you a sandwich)



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    AsiinaAsiina ... WaterlooRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Mr Pink wrote: »
    Last week I saw a woman get off of the little motor-scooter thing at Wal mart to reach the Little Debbie cakes on the top shelf, then plop back down and continue on her way. She must have been at least 250 pounds, if not more.

    I try not to judge people based on appearance, but things like that drive me crazy. That, and her fat child following her mindlessly through the aisles. I don't care so much that she's ruined her life and mobility, but at least give your kid a fighting chance.

    Then again, that brand of wonderful parenting might be how she got there in the first place.

    Parenting really has a lot to do with it. My parents are fat, their parents are fat, and I'm fat. I am an adult now and I know that a lot of the blame is on myself, but the fact that I had little to no instruction in nutrition and exercise, and what calories and fats and carbs do for the body was absolutely a contributing factor. I'm struggling to learn these things now, and still find all the nutrients and what to watch for, and how to even determine whether something is "good" for you dizzying at times. You shouldn't have to start that education when you're already an adult.

    Asiina on
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    LudiousLudious I just wanted a sandwich A temporally dislocated QuiznosRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Gosh it must be nice to live in such a black and white world Limp Moose. When does the next dimensional portal to your realm open up?

    Ludious on
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    Mr PinkMr Pink I got cats for youRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Asiina wrote: »
    Mr Pink wrote: »
    Last week I saw a woman get off of the little motor-scooter thing at Wal mart to reach the Little Debbie cakes on the top shelf, then plop back down and continue on her way. She must have been at least 250 pounds, if not more.

    I try not to judge people based on appearance, but things like that drive me crazy. That, and her fat child following her mindlessly through the aisles. I don't care so much that she's ruined her life and mobility, but at least give your kid a fighting chance.

    Then again, that brand of wonderful parenting might be how she got there in the first place.

    Parenting really has a lot to do with it. My parents are fat, their parents are fat, and I'm fat. I am an adult now and I know that a lot of the blame is on myself, but the fact that I had little to no instruction in nutrition and exercise, and what calories and fats and carbs do for the body was absolutely a contributing factor. I'm struggling to learn these things now, and still find all the nutrients and what to watch for, and how to even determine whether something is "good" for you dizzying at times. You shouldn't have to start that education when you're already an adult.

    I agree. Do you think more nutrition education in schools would help at all? I remember that we learned a little in high school gym class, but honestly, it was more of a pass over on the subject. And then we broke for lunch where the cafeteria served deep-fried chicken (I live in South Georgia).

    Mr Pink on
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    Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Sorry for interrupting the flow of conversation, but I was just talking with some people about how it is similarly ridiculous that THIS

    Is a plus size model in this country. She's between a size 8 and a size 10. You wouldn't be able to find those sizes in a Lane Bryant, where you'd be lucky to find a size 14.

    For comparison, I'm a 12.

    I think it's a mistake to think models are supposed to be anything like average people or wear clothes that average people could wear.

    The problem isn't that models set an unrealistic standard. It's that we use models to set standards for us at all, and then blame them when we can't live up to those standards.

    If we want realistic goals for our health and physical appearance, then instead of looking to other people and thinking we should be able to match them we need to take an honest look at ourselves and what we can accomplish with the amount of work we're willing to put in.

    Robos A Go Go on
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    DuffelDuffel jacobkosh Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Asiina wrote: »
    Parenting really has a lot to do with it. My parents are fat, their parents are fat, and I'm fat. I am an adult now and I know that a lot of the blame is on myself, but the fact that I had little to no instruction in nutrition and exercise, and what calories and fats and carbs do for the body was absolutely a contributing factor. I'm struggling to learn these things now, and still find all the nutrients and what to watch for, and how to even determine whether something is "good" for you dizzying at times. You shouldn't have to start that education when you're already an adult.
    This is why effective PE/health programs in public schools are so important. As far as the "fat" issue goes, your parents kind of blew it (sorry), the same way a lot of parents blow it by drinking too much or smoking too much in front of their kids, who grow up thinking it's "ok" to do those things. But the public school system dumps tons of money and time (somewhat ineffectively, but still) into trying to get kids not to smoke or become alcoholics, then it seems reasonable to me that we do the same thing with obesity as well.

    Duffel on
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    lazegamerlazegamer The magnanimous cyberspaceRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Limp moose wrote: »
    Sorry fatties. Put down the big mac and run around the block a few times every day.

    I really don't want to pay for your health care. 8(

    Are you talking about this in a country with socialized health care or in the states? I'd be interested to see some information on how tax dollars are being "wasted" on fat people here.

    lazegamer on
    I would download a car.
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    HakkekageHakkekage Space Whore Academy summa cum laudeRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Limp moose: Except he was in a compound, this was his main priority, he needed it for his job, I bet the environment encouraged and pushed him, oh, and did I mention it was required for his job?

    Fat people, contrary to popular belief, actually have other interests and responsibilities that may not leave time or proper motivation to get them to lose the weight. Because that's one of the goddamn problems of not accepting people for who they are; if you make the fat everything that a person is, that breeds hella resentment because it completely devalues every other part of a person's efforts.

    I worked my ass off in school, and I hated that people would call me lazy even though I was very clearly not. (Also, standards for weight were different in my school, cause everybody was a petite asian or indian). At least there, it was like...a poet being hated cause he can't integrate a function.

    Hakkekage on
    3DS: 2165 - 6538 - 3417
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    DarkCrawlerDarkCrawler Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Asiina wrote: »
    Mr Pink wrote: »
    Last week I saw a woman get off of the little motor-scooter thing at Wal mart to reach the Little Debbie cakes on the top shelf, then plop back down and continue on her way. She must have been at least 250 pounds, if not more.

    I try not to judge people based on appearance, but things like that drive me crazy. That, and her fat child following her mindlessly through the aisles. I don't care so much that she's ruined her life and mobility, but at least give your kid a fighting chance.

    Then again, that brand of wonderful parenting might be how she got there in the first place.

    Parenting really has a lot to do with it. My parents are fat, their parents are fat, and I'm fat. I am an adult now and I know that a lot of the blame is on myself, but the fact that I had little to no instruction in nutrition and exercise, and what calories and fats and carbs do for the body was absolutely a contributing factor. I'm struggling to learn these things now, and still find all the nutrients and what to watch for, and how to even determine whether something is "good" for you dizzying at times. You shouldn't have to start that education when you're already an adult.

    Genetics have something to do it as well, I think. I got some wierd super-metabolism from my dad's side and no matter how much I eat I don't put any weight on. :|

    DarkCrawler on
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    SageinaRageSageinaRage Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Limp moose wrote: »

    The thing that really annoys me when talking about weight loss is when people talk about how easy it is. About how they just cut out regular soda, or stopped going to mcdonalds, and so dropped 10, 20 pounds. Well, that's great for you. And I'm happy for you. But it's only for you.

    edit:: Like Limp Moose. Fuck you.

    No fark you man the hell up.

    One of my best buds in the navy moved to a new command where they actually enforced the height and weight standards. (lots of commands do not for officers/senior enlisted) Mofo had 6 months to lose over 40 pounds. You don't lose 40 pounds from cutting out soda and snacks. He had to completely redo his diet and work out 6 days a week. If he can do it ANYONE can do it. Fucker has a bullet in his leg and can't run. He had to do it through ridiculous cardio that involved not using his leg.

    That is what bugs me about the fat debate. You have one side who is skinny and doesn't need to do anything. And one side who is fat who doesn't want to do anything. Well too bad. Its called working out. It takes "work!" Yes its hard, yes it is not fun, yes it hurts. But the reward is women find you attractive and you don't die at 45 from heart failure.

    Seems worth it?

    Oh hey, big surprise, he's in the fucking navy. A place where fitness is a large part of your job, you're surrounded by people who work out and are supportive of working out. I wonder how he soldiered on.

    I wonder how you ever found an example of someone managing to lose weight in the military, where the entire career is based around being in shape. I'm sure that if I joined the military I could lose weight, because it would be the main focus of my job. I'm a computer programmer whose main hobbies are acting and gaming. You have a lot less opportunities to get fit that way.

    edit:: besides which, i'm betting it was weight he was RE-losing, as in getting back into a shape he was already in. That's much easier than losing it the first time.

    SageinaRage on
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    InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Hakks: Yeah, the standards of beauty shown to us in the media are simply insane. I mean shit, half the women we get shown aren't even real:


    What we get shown for males is pretty insane as well, but, for whatever reason, males don't seem to feel the need to live up to it as much, probably because appearance in males isn't as highly prized as in females, but, this line of thought is decently off topic as this point.

    Limp Moose: I hardly think someone in the military makes for a good "If he can do it, anyone can" example. As if there even was such a thing as a good "If he can do it, anyone can" example.

    Inquisitor on
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    GungHoGungHo Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    ElJeffe wrote: »
    B) People who are overweight and believe that if they buy the right book or pay enough fitness club dues they will lose weight automagically. No, dumbass, you still need to actually work at it. Buying 12 copies of The South beach Diet will not make you lose weight. Paying $100/mo to 24 Hour Fitness does not make you lose weight.Eat less, eat healthier, exercise regularly. Do this for the rest of your life. Then you will lose weight. In these people's defense, our society helps to breed this stupid mentality, and so I don't give people shit about it even as they're bragging about the awesome new book recommended by both Oprah and Dr. Phil. I just quietly seethe.
    Everyone should be doing this. Period. Full stop. Not just heavyset folks. Everyone. The only people who shouldn't be worrying about what they are eating is maybe people in undeveloped countries who have to eat whatever slows down for awhile.

    If you don't want to take care of yourself, though... it's your life. Put in your body whatever you want to put in it. Do nothing all day. I don't care and I'm not going to intervene. Your wife/kids/parents/siblings/friends might care, though.

    I've blown up and gone down again a few times in my life... blew up a lot after I got out of the service. My job in the service was pretty goddamn active, and we ate and ate and ate to keep ourselves going. There's a reason you're fed what you're fed in the service, especially when you're deployed. I kept eating like that (or an approximate amount) when I got out and went to school... and became a fatty boombalatty. I still exercised... didn't jump around and climb shit, but did martial arts to keep moving. It still wasn't enough to beat my intake and I became rotund. I'm back at a good weight now, but it's a hell of a lot easier to put on than take off.

    I don't doubt that to some extent, genes/alleles play a part... I, along with the rest of my family, am blessed/cursed with a wide, strong, Northern European barbarian build. Not really big-boned (if such a thing exists), but I'm capable of putting on muscle mass easily, have broad shoulders, and a ghetto booty. Piss poor body if you want to be a submariner or an aviator, but good for a ground pounder. Probably would have been taller if I drank more milk as a kid, but that's neither here nor there. Anyway, with that build, I can also put on a lot of fat easily. There's a lot of "closet space" in me and I can choose to clutter it with junk or keep it orderly. I don't know why that is... but my whole family is like that. We've all been field hands or soldiers as far back as our family has records, on both my mom and dad's side.

    I also think that metabolisms differ between people... I work with a Korean guy that eats far more shit than I do (FAR) and is just about as active as I am, and he never puts on weight. I'm sure it will catch up with him, but he hasn't hit that wall. He can really pile on the junk. I really want him to join my BJJ class... because I want to beat the shit out of him.

    I tend to be a comfort eater. When I get down, I eat. When I get stressed, I eat. I have a type A personality but I try to be type B so that I don't come across as aggressive, but I still have the A raging in me all the time, so I have additional stress on top of that... and guess what I do with that? Eat. I tried to stop that, and ended up drinking. When I didn't want to do either, I ended up shopping. So, I can be a fat fuck, or I can be a drunk fuck, or I can be a poor fuck, or I can be a fuckin asshole.

    What that means is that with my predispositions, I have to be even more vigilant. I'm no saint... I eat burgers, steaks, and drink alcohol, but I know that with each bite, I've gotta bust my ass more. So, I eat smaller steaks, put less shit on a burger (and eat a smaller burger with lower-fat meat), and control the alcohol. I make sure I don't skip the gym or if I have to, make up the time later, and dial back the sweet stuff even more.

    One final thought -- genetics, metabolisms, thyroids, diabetes, asthma are explainations... they're not excuses. They are indicators for you to understand what your body will do to you if you stray... just like a family history of alcoholism is a reason to be careful around the sauce. If you don't want to face the consequences of straying... don't stray.

    GungHo on
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    Limp mooseLimp moose Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Its not black and white its fat and thin.

    If you are the less than 2% of the population with a glandular disorder that prevents you from losing weight even with healthy diet and exercise then you get a pass. Since most fat people don't fall into this category (although probably use it as an excuse anyway) They don't get any sympathy from me.

    Hell I'm not some skinny ripped dude. I gained 20 pounds after I graduated college and had to start working 12 hours a day. stopped going to the gym and ate like shit. It took months of effort and restructuring the way I ate to lose it and get back down to my ideal weight. 180 (6,2) I will be the first to admit that in America (ESPECIALLY THE USA as opposed to other countries) the odds are not stacked in your favor. The standard American diet will over time make you a lard ass. It seems most kids are even raised to think that is ok.

    Don't let that be an excuse. Realize Hey maybe I shouldn't eat like this and never exercise. Take responsability for your own body and stop making excuses. See the floor do some push ups. See the street start running.

    Or be mocked like the snack food cake lady in walmart. Your choice.

    Limp moose on
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    Mr PinkMr Pink I got cats for youRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Hakks: Yeah, the standards of beauty shown to us in the media are simply insane. I mean shit, half the women we get shown aren't even real:


    What we get shown for males is pretty insane as well, but, for whatever reason, males don't seem to feel the need to live up to it as much, probably because appearance in males isn't as highly prized as in females, but, this line of thought is decently off topic as this point.

    Limp Moose: I hardly think someone in the military makes for a good "If he can do it, anyone can" example. As if there even was such a thing as a good "If he can do it, anyone can" example.

    I think the male stress to live up to that could be the same as females, its just a case by case thing with both. I've known both girls and guys that don't mind not being Abercrombie material, and are happy with the way they are. I think it just takes the right type of person (and social situation) to feel like they HAVE to look like that to be successful.

    Which is funny, because generally, the most successful politicians, businesspeople, musicians, artists, etc, are not usually considered beautiful.

    Mr Pink on
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    Limp mooseLimp moose Registered User regular
    edited March 2009

    Oh hey, big surprise, he's in the fucking navy. A place where fitness is a large part of your job, you're surrounded by people who work out and are supportive of working out. I wonder how he soldiered on.

    I wonder how you ever found an example of someone managing to lose weight in the military, where the entire career is based around being in shape. I'm sure that if I joined the military I could lose weight, because it would be the main focus of my job. I'm a computer programmer whose main hobbies are acting and gaming. You have a lot less opportunities to get fit that way.

    edit:: besides which, i'm betting it was weight he was RE-losing, as in getting back into a shape he was already in. That's much easier than losing it the first time.

    First off you have never been in the navy. Obesity in that particular service is a massive problem. More sailors get in trouble for failing the fitness standards then for anything else. The navy is spending tons of money to get people in shape. It is something I have to deal with in my own sailors constantly.

    Again stop making excuses for yourself. There is a road, and a floor. Push ups, sits ups, running, you will lose weight. And yes the weight was being relost he gained it after getting SHOT and being in a bed for 2 weeks. And not being able to do anything physical for 5 months after that. Try losing 40 pounds without being able to use one of your legs and then tell me how hard it is for you to lose a few pounds.

    Limp moose on
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    lazegamerlazegamer The magnanimous cyberspaceRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Limp moose wrote: »
    Take responsability for your own body and stop making excuses. See the floor do some push ups. See the street start running.

    Or be mocked like the snack food cake lady in walmart. Your choice.

    Bit of a false dichotomy there. People being assholes and mocking overweight people has nothing to do with people taking personal responsibility. They're dicks of their own accord.

    edit: In case it isn't clear, by "they" I mean the people doing the mocking

    lazegamer on
    I would download a car.
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    DmanDman Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    I had (and still somewhat have) a bad tendency to say "omg look how fat that person is" to whoever I'm out with (out of earshot of said fat person of course).

    My girlfriend pointed out to me that if I'm seeing a fat person (or anyone really) it's probably because that person is out and about contributing to society. The fat people who need help and who might (by some perverse logic) be deserving of scorn are sitting at home depressed eating themselves to an early grave.

    Dman on
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    SageinaRageSageinaRage Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Can we please stop just using the 'glandular disorder people get a pass' excuse? There's still a wide range of metabolisms inbetween. The terms ecto-endo-mesomorph exist for a reason. Like I said, I eat fairly well, I'm betting better than most thin people (not as good as some of the people in the fitness thread though), I exercise as regularly as I can - and I'm still fat.

    SageinaRage on
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    InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Limp moose wrote: »
    First off you have never been in the navy. Obesity in that particular service is a massive problem. More sailors get in trouble for failing the fitness standards then for anything else. The navy is spending tons of money to get people in shape. It is something I have to deal with in my own sailors constantly.

    Again stop making excuses for yourself. There is a road, and a floor. Push ups, sits ups, running, you will lose weight. And yes the weight was being relost he gained it after getting SHOT and being in a bed for 2 weeks. And not being able to do anything physical for 5 months after that. Try losing 40 pounds without being able to use one of your legs and then tell me how hard it is for you to lose a few pounds.

    Hey, way to totally disprove your own point.

    So, who's spending tons of money to get help get America's obese people in shape? Oh. No one.

    Inquisitor on
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    Limp mooseLimp moose Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Limp moose: Except he was in a compound, this was his main priority, he needed it for his job, I bet the environment encouraged and pushed him, oh, and did I mention it was required for his job?

    Fat people, contrary to popular belief, actually have other interests and responsibilities that may not leave time or proper motivation to get them to lose the weight. Because that's one of the goddamn problems of not accepting people for who they are; if you make the fat everything that a person is, that breeds hella resentment because it completely devalues every other part of a person's efforts.

    I worked my ass off in school, and I hated that people would call me lazy even though I was very clearly not. (Also, standards for weight were different in my school, cause everybody was a petite asian or indian). At least there, it was like...a poet being hated cause he can't integrate a function.

    Hey if your are not interested losing weight that's fine.

    As long as I don't have to pay (in taxes) for any health consequences of that choice. AND as long as you don't complain to loudly about being publicly mocked.

    Limp moose on
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    SageinaRageSageinaRage Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Limp moose wrote: »

    Oh hey, big surprise, he's in the fucking navy. A place where fitness is a large part of your job, you're surrounded by people who work out and are supportive of working out. I wonder how he soldiered on.

    I wonder how you ever found an example of someone managing to lose weight in the military, where the entire career is based around being in shape. I'm sure that if I joined the military I could lose weight, because it would be the main focus of my job. I'm a computer programmer whose main hobbies are acting and gaming. You have a lot less opportunities to get fit that way.

    edit:: besides which, i'm betting it was weight he was RE-losing, as in getting back into a shape he was already in. That's much easier than losing it the first time.

    First off you have never been in the navy. Obesity in that particular service is a massive problem. More sailors get in trouble for failing the fitness standards then for anything else. The navy is spending tons of money to get people in shape. It is something I have to deal with in my own sailors constantly.

    Again stop making excuses for yourself. There is a road, and a floor. Push ups, sits ups, running, you will lose weight. And yes the weight was being relost he gained it after getting SHOT and being in a bed for 2 weeks. And not being able to do anything physical for 5 months after that. Try losing 40 pounds without being able to use one of your legs and then tell me how hard it is for you to lose a few pounds.

    Who's making excuses? I'm just saying you need to get off your damn high horse, because not everyone's metabolism works the same way. My entire point is that you can't just say it's 'easy'. I always said that everyone could do it.

    SageinaRage on
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    SaammielSaammiel Registered User regular
    edited March 2009

    Sure, obesity is fairly firmly linked to increases in heart problems, etc. But last time I checked, tobacco was linked to various cancers, alcohol was linked to liver issues (among other things), and driving a motorcycle? That shit will straight-up kill you. Yet in the countless variations on "oh man I got so drunk last night and did this CUH-RAAAAZY shit" stories people relate in the Strange/Embarrassing/Awesome Moments threads, I don't think I've ever seen anybody say "You alcohol abusers are so fucking irresponsible, that all-night binge probably shortened your life by six months and added $4,000 to our future health care costs, it's your stupid drunken fault that you didn't have the willpower to refrain from making a choice that hurts everybody else!"

    The food related analogue to that is a normally healthy person eating a big juicy steak and some buttery mashed potatoes. No one is claiming bad food once in a while is a terrible scourge on society. The massive societal effects of obesity are.

    Obesity is chronic. No one on PA would likely cheer an alcoholic going on a bender, just like no one wants to cheer someone who is obese continually eating destructive meals.
    Similarly, we've had threads about riding motorcycles, but I don't recall any thread-crashers in there screaming "How dare you jack up health care costs for everyone else by riding your stupid donorcycle, I hope you don't take anyone else with you when you get into a horrible accident and waste thousands of dollars of taxpayer money in the ER before you die!"

    Normally motorcycle riders are forced to pay for onerous insurance to try and account for the negative externalities that their actions cause. Plus, motorcycle accidents I'd imagine aren't all that expensive taken as a whole, since they quite often just result in death at the scene of the accident.
    But man, as soon as somebody's just fat, it's their fault and their choice and they're ruining our health care system singlehandedly and God, it's just so unfair that us Greek-god-bodied taxpayers need to foot the quadruple bypass bill so Fatty McLardass can keep shoving entire pounds of bacon into his mouth, abloo bloo bloo.

    You can jack up my mother's taxes because she's a fat middle-aged smoker right after you increase your own because you're a hard-drinking fast-driving college boy who thinks he's immortal. Or, you can just accept the fact that different people are drains on the system in different ways.

    Almost all the behaviors other than obesity are taxed in at least a beleaguered attempt to account for their negative externalities. Alcohol and Cigarettes especially have substantial sin taxes imposed on them. This is in direct contradiction to obesity, where the factors contributing to it are often enabled directly by government fiat. This includes subsidies towards nutritionally suspect agriculture, a fairly common lack of tax on foodstuffs, and a general lack of emphasis on nutrition and excercise.

    I'm not going to be an asshole to obese people. I'm not going to stare at them, or call them names, or yell at them for eating food. However as a society we shouldn't be condoning their behavior and we should be trying to craft government incentives that lessen the incidence of obesity. Making them a protected class is a stupid attempt to band aid a complex situation that has considerable side effects.

    Saammiel on
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    Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    i think i am guilty of being prejudiced and i should try and be more aware of it
    i mean, i never really think of it unless someone is really really really fat, but if they are, i noticed that i do think negatively
    this is bad of me

    Shazkar Shadowstorm on
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    ElJeffeElJeffe Roaming the streets, waving his mod gun around.Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2009
    Limp moose wrote: »
    Sorry fatties. Put down the big mac and run around the block a few times every day.

    I really don't want to pay for your health care. 8(

    Wow, you're a dick. You should try being nicer.

    You know, once you're no longer banned.

    ElJeffe on
    I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission, follow this link.
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    ElJeffeElJeffe Roaming the streets, waving his mod gun around.Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2009
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Hey, way to totally disprove your own point.

    So, who's spending tons of money to get help get America's obese people in shape? Oh. No one.

    I would say it's quite the opposite, actually - people are spending billions of dollars to make us fat and lazy.

    ElJeffe on
    I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission, follow this link.
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    Mr PinkMr Pink I got cats for youRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    ElJeffe wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Hey, way to totally disprove your own point.

    So, who's spending tons of money to get help get America's obese people in shape? Oh. No one.

    I would say it's quite the opposite, actually - people are spending billions of dollars to make us fat and lazy.

    I think our FDA could take a little more active role in making food places advertise just how unhealthy their food is.

    Because really, it wouldn't cut into sales. Someone who wants a McHeartattack that badly is going to get one, knowing damn well what it does. But it might help educate people as to other alternatives, like the recent trends with offering fruit as a side instead of fries, etc.

    Mr Pink on
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    DuffelDuffel jacobkosh Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    They should just have PSA's showing exactly how fast food is manufactured and prepared. No voiceover, no text, just EXTREME CLOSE-UPS of all that dripping, greasy, slimy, overprocessed death, over and over, for about thirty minutes a day.

    Duffel on
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    lazegamerlazegamer The magnanimous cyberspaceRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Duffel wrote: »
    They should just have PSA's showing exactly how fast food is manufactured and prepared. No voiceover, no text, just EXTREME CLOSE-UPS of all that dripping, greasy, slimy, overprocessed death, over and over, for about thirty minutes a day.

    You're making me hungry.

    lazegamer on
    I would download a car.
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    bombardierbombardier Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2009
    ElJeffe wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Hey, way to totally disprove your own point.

    So, who's spending tons of money to get help get America's obese people in shape? Oh. No one.

    I would say it's quite the opposite, actually - people are spending billions of dollars to make us fat and lazy.

    And then raking in billions on products and services to reverse that. Pretty good business model.

    bombardier on
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    Mr PinkMr Pink I got cats for youRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Duffel wrote: »
    They should just have PSA's showing exactly how fast food is manufactured and prepared. No voiceover, no text, just EXTREME CLOSE-UPS of all that dripping, greasy, slimy, overprocessed death, over and over, for about thirty minutes a day.

    As someone who ran a Taco Bell for two years (which is actually one of the better ones, believe it or not) that would probably deter a few folks.

    I think the burger places are the worst.

    Mr Pink on
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    SaammielSaammiel Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Duffel wrote: »
    They should just have PSA's showing exactly how fast food is manufactured and prepared. No voiceover, no text, just EXTREME CLOSE-UPS of all that dripping, greasy, slimy, overprocessed death, over and over, for about thirty minutes a day.

    PSAs seem like an ideal way to sabotage your own movement. Thetruth.com, I'm looking at you. Nothing makes me want to smoke more than those sanctimonious assholes.

    I'm all for full disclosure though. The budding economist in me loves information symetry.

    Saammiel on
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    AsiinaAsiina ... WaterlooRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    I honestly didn't notice the difference between unhealthy things and (less un)healthy things until I switched then went back. About a year ago I switched from buying ground beef to ground turkey or chicken. If you spice it correctly, the taste difference is negligible. A couple weeks ago they didn't have any ground turkey or chicken, so I figured I'd just buy lean beef like I used to.

    My god, the amount of fat that came off that meat was disgusting. I can't believe I used to eat that all the time like it was nothing. It's really the changes like that which make you realize what you're doing to yourself and how unhealthy all these things really are.

    Asiina on
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    DuffelDuffel jacobkosh Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Mr Pink wrote: »
    Duffel wrote: »
    They should just have PSA's showing exactly how fast food is manufactured and prepared. No voiceover, no text, just EXTREME CLOSE-UPS of all that dripping, greasy, slimy, overprocessed death, over and over, for about thirty minutes a day.

    As someone who ran a Taco Bell for two years (which is actually one of the better ones, believe it or not) that would probably deter a few folks.

    I think the burger places are the worst.

    I could take you to a Long John Silver's where, not once, for over two years, was the frying grease changed.


    Duffel on
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    InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Asiina wrote: »
    I honestly didn't notice the difference until I switched then went back. About a year ago I switched from buying ground beef to ground turkey or chicken. If you spice it correctly, the taste difference is negligible. A couple weeks ago they didn't have any ground turkey or chicken, so I figured I'd just buy lean beef like I used to.

    My god, the amount of fat that came off that meat was disgusting. I can't believe I used to eat that all the time like it was nothing. It's really the changes like that which make you realize what you're doing to yourself and how unhealthy all these things really are.

    Serious :^: for making those changes in your life though. Doing what one can to better themselves is definitely commendable. <3

    Inquisitor on
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    Mr PinkMr Pink I got cats for youRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Duffel wrote: »
    Mr Pink wrote: »
    Duffel wrote: »
    They should just have PSA's showing exactly how fast food is manufactured and prepared. No voiceover, no text, just EXTREME CLOSE-UPS of all that dripping, greasy, slimy, overprocessed death, over and over, for about thirty minutes a day.

    As someone who ran a Taco Bell for two years (which is actually one of the better ones, believe it or not) that would probably deter a few folks.

    I think the burger places are the worst.

    I could take you to a Long John Silver's where, not once, for over two years, was the frying grease changed.



    Things like this make me glad I'm a vegetarian. I avoid the worst of the fast food world.

    Mr Pink on
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    LeitnerLeitner Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Genetics have something to do it as well, I think. I got some wierd super-metabolism from my dad's side and no matter how much I eat I don't put any weight on. :|

    Talking from experience, eat more and eat better. Plus hitting the gym or doing a sport a couple times a week. That's really all it takes. Metabolism isn't an excuse. It's just a predisposition that makes things more difficult.

    Leitner on
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    DuffelDuffel jacobkosh Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Yeah, kudos to all the people in the topic who are changing their diets/lifestyles.

    Once I went overseas for a couple of weeks and the food I ate was mostly pretty lean. After I got back I went and got something really horrible - like, KFC or something like that - and damn I was sick. And that was just after two weeks. It's amazing how quickly your body gets accustomed to not digesting shit.

    Duffel on
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    Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    i could go for some shake shack right now

    i dunno, i think they really oughta teach nutrition in elementary school, like for real
    thats almost as important as sex ed that you get later

    and current PE classes are weak. though i barely remember what it was like in public school except standing around and playing games.
    i went to private school after 2nd grade and they made us play sports from 4th-8th grade and then at my private HS you had to do 2 seasons of some physical activity after school each year except senior year. honestly, not a bad idea, even if i tried to avoid it in HS by doing 3rds Squash and "Fitness" most years (which i severely regret, I shoulda wrestled... but anyway...). if they hadn't required that I'm sure I would have sat on my ass and gotten even more out of shape than i already was, and i don't see a problem with making sure people get activity at a young age whether they like it or not.

    and teaching about nutrition is a good idea too, i never really figured that out until the last year or two how to really eat well.... i just got lucky that my family is indian so our dinners were often just basic cooked vegetables and lentils or whatnot w/flat breads, so i didn't get fat. if that wasn't my standard dinner and i ate like most americans, with the total lack of activity i did, i would have gotten fat. and i was decently fat chubby in middle school thanks to school lunches... so there are a lot of things that can be changed that would certainly help.

    Shazkar Shadowstorm on
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    DynagripDynagrip Break me a million hearts HoustonRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2009
    Leitner wrote: »
    Genetics have something to do it as well, I think. I got some wierd super-metabolism from my dad's side and no matter how much I eat I don't put any weight on. :|

    Talking from experience, eat more and eat better. Plus hitting the gym or doing a sport a couple times a week. That's really all it takes. Metabolism isn't an excuse. It's just a predisposition that makes things more difficult.

    how goes your weight gain?

    Dynagrip on
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    urahonkyurahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Asiina wrote: »
    I honestly didn't notice the difference between unhealthy things and (less un)healthy things until I switched then went back. About a year ago I switched from buying ground beef to ground turkey or chicken. If you spice it correctly, the taste difference is negligible. A couple weeks ago they didn't have any ground turkey or chicken, so I figured I'd just buy lean beef like I used to.

    My god, the amount of fat that came off that meat was disgusting. I can't believe I used to eat that all the time like it was nothing. It's really the changes like that which make you realize what you're doing to yourself and how unhealthy all these things really are.

    Turkey Sausage is delicious too. I know how you feel... I can't STAND how much fat is in all this beef and stuff that we get off the shelves.

    urahonky on
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    SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Wish I could move or had a car or something, cause I Don't really have a say in what gets bought around here, and they swear by fatty foods.

    SkutSkut on
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