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[Phalla] Color Wheel game over. Blue, Purple, and Black win.

SavantSavant Simply BarbaricRegistered User regular
edited January 2010 in Critical Failures
Color Wheel Phalla


The color wheel from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Zur Farbenlehre (Theory of Colors), published in 1810

Basic Rules:

This is a Phalla game with 60 players that where the players are split up between different colors of the artist's color wheel competing with each other. In particular, players can be one of the primary colors (Blue, Red, Yellow), one of the secondary colors (Purple, Orange, Green), and Black or White. In contrast with many other phalla games all rules, win conditions, and potential roles are completely public knowledge and will be posted below. The standard Phalla rules (such as no anonymous communication) apply, unless explicitly said otherwise. For example, do not communicate with dead players. There will be 60 players, plus reserves. Please !sign up in lime in the thread.

Voting closes at 8:00 PM Pacific (11:00 PM Eastern), and only votes and actions with a timestamp of 7:59 PM or earlier will be counted for that day.

On death each player's color will be revealed, but not the rest of their role. There are conversion mechanics, in the form of changing the color of players, which alter their faction and changing their abilities as a result. Details about these are listed below

!Clarifications can be made in thread if I missed something. There should be nothing secret about the rules, so ask away in case I'm unclear.


1. When mimicking a role, the mimic will have the version of that role that is their color the night they can use it, regardless of their color the previous night. Color manipulation can affect the mimicked ability the night it is used, but manipulation will have no effect on the base mimic ability.

2. If someone is !targeted by multiple color manipulators then the target's color is manipulated to the color of the manipulator who set their target to them earliest in the day.

3. Multiple Redirectors targeting the same person has the same effect as one Redirector targeting that person. Their ability will be aimed at their target's !target if at least one Redirector redirects them.

4. Color manipulators targeting a player do not alter how seers perceive that player. Color manipulators targeting a seer will still alter that seer's role and potentially their results.


Day 0 - Let the Games Begin!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 - White and Trichromacy
Day 4

Player List

1. Kime - White: Eliminated Day 5 by White, Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple, Orange, Green
2. Hippie
3. jdarksun - Red: Eliminated Day 7 by Black
4. Dunadan019 - White: Eliminated Day 2 by Purple
5. Egos
6. lonelyahava - Blue: Eliminated Day 2 by White
7. adventfalls
8. Tiphareth - Yellow: Eliminated Day 4 byPurple, Orange, Green
9. The_Reflection - White: Eliminated Day 3 by Black
10. Gumpy - White: Eliminated Day 1 by Black
11. IAmSquishy
12. Lucedes - White: Eliminated Day 5 by Black
13. HamHamJ - Blue: Eliminated Day 3 by Orange
14. Delphinidaes - White: Eliminated Day 8 by Black
15. FrostMist - White: Eliminated Day 9 by White, Blue, Red, Yellow
16. Burnage
17. Malkor
18. Zandracon - White: Eliminated Day 9 by Orange
19. enlightenedbum - Black: Eliminated Day 1 by White, Blue
20. MrBlarney - Yellow: Eliminated Day 2 by Black
21. TheLawinator - White: Eliminated Day 6 by Purple
22. LemmingHead
23. TehSloth - White: Eliminated Day 6 by White, Blue, Red, Green
24. Darian
25. Toxic Toys - White: Eliminated Day 1 by Red
26. Kias - Black: Eliminated Day 6 by Yellow
27. garroad_ran - White: Eliminated Day 7 by White, Blue, Red, Yellow
28. samurai6966
29. ShadowThomas
30. LoserForHireX - Black: Eliminated Day 4 by White, Blue, Red, Yellow
31. Jaenther - White: Eliminated Day 2 by Green
32. JaysonFour - White: Eliminated Day 8 by INACTIVUS
33. Infidel - White: Eliminated Day 2 by Blue, Yellow
34. Alegis
35. shamelo - Yellow: Eliminated Day 6 by Orange
36. Osvik - White: Eliminated Day 8 by White, Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple, Orange, Green
37. eeccccoo tthhee ddoollpphhiinn
38. Bremen - Blue: Eliminated Day 1 by Purple, Orange
39. Teucrian - White: Eliminated Day 6 by Black
40. Rawkking Goodguy - White: Eliminated Day 3 by Green
41. Rend
42. Kevin R Brown - White: Eliminated Day 9 by Purple, Green
43. Dusda
44. Zellpher
45. Loxx
46. Arasaki
47. Mr. Defecation
48. Lightblade - White: Eliminated Day 2 by Orange
49. Typhus733 - White: Eliminated Day 7 by Purple, Orange, Green
50. TrueNeverborn - White: Eliminated Day 1 by Yellow, Green
51. CrownAxe
52. Raneados - White: Eliminated Day 4 by Black
53. immortal squish
54. Daius
55. Robos A Go Go - Yellow: Eliminated Day 2 by Red
56. warban - Red: Withdrawn Day 4
57. ebfan - White: Eliminated Day 9 by Black
58. Maximus - Yellow: Eliminated Day 5 by INACTIVUS
59. Abysmal Lynx - White: Eliminated Day 3 by White, Blue, Red, Yellow
60. crimsoncoyote - Red: Eliminated Day 3 by Purple



Savant on


  • SavantSavant Simply Barbaric Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    The Rules

    The Colors


    There are eight different colors in this phalla, each representing a different faction. There are the primary colors: Blue, Red, Yellow; the secondary colors: Purple, Orange, and Green; and White and Black. In phalla terms, White is effectively the village and starts with the most players, Black is the mafia and networked with few players, while the other primary and secondary colors are factions competing and collaborating with each other.

    Each of the primary and secondary colors have their allies and enemies determined by adjacency and proximity on the color wheel. A player of one of the 6 colors wants members of their color or the neighboring colors on the color wheel to survive to the end of the game while eliminating all colors on the other side of the color wheel. For example, Red needs to eliminate all players of the Blue, Green, and Yellow factions, as well as have at least one surviving player of the Red, Orange, or Purple factions. Each primary color has two allied secondary colors and is enemies with the other two primary colors and one secondary color. Each secondary color has two allied primary colors and is enemies with the other two secondary colors and one primary color.

    For many abilities, secondary colors are derived somewhat as a mixture of two primary colors, with Purple being a mixture of Blue and Red, Orange a mixture of Red and Yellow, and Green a mixture of Yellow and Blue. Most roles have effects that depend upon the color of the player.

    The remaining color factions, White and Black, are primarily opposed to one other and can potentially work for or against the other colors. White needs to have all Black players eliminated by the end of the game. Black needs to either compose at least half of the population of remaining players (ending the game immediately), or eliminate all White players and have all of the remaining players of primary or secondary colors eliminate their all of their enemies.

    There are abilities which will convert players between colors. The Black color faction players become permanently networked with one another (with the exception of black players of the Joker role).

    The game starts with 6 Blue players, 6 Red players, 6 Yellow players, 6 Black players, and 36 White players.

    The specific win conditions sent in everyone in their role PMs and updates are listed below:

    Win Condition (White):
    Eliminate all Black faction players by game end, and either have at least one White faction player alive at game end or have no one survive the last day.

    Win Condition (Blue): Eliminate all Red, Orange, and Yellow faction players, and have at least one Blue, Purple, or Green faction player alive at game end.
    Win Condition (Purple): Eliminate all Green, Yellow, and Orange faction players, and have at least one Purple, Blue, or Red faction player alive at game end.
    Win Condition (Red): Eliminate all Yellow, Green, and Blue faction players, and have at least one Red, Purple, or Orange faction player alive at game end.
    Win Condition (Orange): Eliminate all Green, Blue, and Purple faction players, and have at least one Orange, Red or Yellow faction player alive at game end.
    Win Condition (Yellow): Eliminate all Blue, Purple, and Red faction players, and have at least one Yellow, Orange, or Green faction player alive at game end.
    Win Condition (Green): Eliminate all Purple, Red, and Orange faction players, and have at least one Green, Yellow or Blue faction player alive at game end.

    Win Condition (Black): Either have the Black faction players compose at least half of the remaining players, or eliminate all White faction players while having all other faction players successfully eliminating or converting their enemies and have at least one Black faction player alive.

    The game ends either when all of the surviving players are currently satisfying their win condition, or when the Black faction composes at least half of the remaining population. White will be the sole victorious faction if all players are eliminated.

    Elimination of players through votes and roles

    Each night there are 8 potential different sources of eliminations or kills, each one corresponding to one of the 8 colors present in the game. Players can be eliminated by multiple different colors on the same night, and listed in the nightly narration will be all of the colors of the eliminations as well as the killed players' color faction.

    The nightly vote works slightly different in this game than in most phallas. Each night, you must !vote for one, player, and the player with the most votes will be killed as normally, and this will be listed as the White elimination. However, there are vote counts for other colors as well, and the !vote will also add to the Blue, Red, or Yellow vote kill counts in different amounts depending upon the color of the player voting. Each player with the highest count of the blue, red, and yellow votes will also be eliminated by the corresponding vote kill. If a player has the highest number of votes in multiple colors they will still be killed by those colors of votes, so less than 4 players can be voted off.

    The red !vote in the posted in thread will add to the Blue, Red, and Yellow elimination vote counts as follows:

    White and Black players: Their !vote will add 1 Blue, Red, and Yellow elimination vote to the target.

    Blue players: Their !vote will add 3 Blue elimination votes to the target.
    Red players: Their !vote will add 3 Red elimination votes to the target.
    Yellow players: Their !vote will add 3 Yellow elimination votes to the target.

    Purple players: Their !vote will add 2 Blue and Red elimination votes to the target.
    Orange players: Their !vote will add 2 Red and Yellow elimination votes to the target.
    Green players: Their !vote will add 2 Blue and Yellow elimination votes to the target.

    Retractions are optional by !abstaining, only the latest vote in a day will count. For activity you should try to vote or abstain each night where permitted by the rules or be potentially replaced by reserve players unless you give the host notice.

    Ties are broken such that the player who received the "winning" number of elimination votes earliest in the day will be voted off. For someone else to take the lead later in the day they need to have at least one more vote added to them over the previous vote leader. The timing of the protector role is ignored for tiebreakers, only the timing of the latest positive elimination vote is considered.

    In addition to these primary color vote counts, there are counts for elimination for each of the secondary colors: Purple, Orange, and Green. These have the same counting and elimination mechanism as that of the other votes, where each player with the highest number of Purple, Orange, or Green elimination votes will be killed that night.

    However, unlike the Blue, Red, and Yellow elimination votes, the secondary color votes are not added by the red !votes in the thread. Instead they are added by players of the different eliminator roles described in the roles section.

    The Black elimination target is determined by a private order sent in a PM to the host by a member of the Black faction each night, with the latest target sent each night being the player who will be killed. The one exception to this is that Black players with the Joker role may not send in this order, even if they are the only member of the Black faction.

    Voting closes at 8:00 PM Pacific (11:00 PM Eastern), and only votes and ability targeting with a timestamp of 7:59 PM or earlier will be counted for that day.


    There are converter roles in this game, which can alter the color faction of other players depending on the color of both the converter and the target. Most conversion mechanics are loosely based on the properties of the artist's color wheel, where adding the primary colors together can create secondary colors. Each color faction can be considered to be determined by the presence or absence of each of the three primary colors of Blue, Red, and Yellow, and converters will add "pigment" of one of these three colors. If that primary color "pigment" was not previously present in the player's color, then they will be converted to another color mixing it in.

    All of the color factions determined by the presence of the three primary pigments are as follows:
    White: no pigment
    Blue: blue pigment
    Red: red pigment
    Yellow: yellow pigment
    Purple: blue and red pigment
    Orange: red and yellow pigment
    Green: blue and yellow pigment
    Black: blue, red, and yellow pigment

    So for example, if a converter adds yellow pigment to an White player, they will be converted to Yellow, and if a converter adds yellow pigment to a Purple player, they will be converted to Black. Adding yellow pigment to a Yellow, Orange, Green, or Black player has no effect. Multiple simultaneous converters adding different pigments stack, so it is potentially possible for a White player to be converted to Black in one night if they receive all three pigment colors that night.

    Additionally there is the Joker role, which has the ability to convert itself to the color of other players, with 3 possible color shifts depending upon their current color. Jokers are the only role with the ability to convert out of the Black color faction.

    Any conversions targeting a player the night they are killed will fail, and seers will receive their results based on the color of players after they have been converted or not.

    Savant on
  • SavantSavant Simply Barbaric Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Abilities and Roles

    Every player has a role in addition to their color, which confers to them an ability whose effects may vary somewhat depending upon the color of the player. Unlike many other phalla games, the targeting of all these abilities is done publicly in the thread, by designating your target with a yellow !target. You can remove your target or choose not to target anyone by !abstaining in yellow as well. (Choosing a target with your ability each night is recommended for activity purposes, but not as necessary as red voting)

    You MUST NOT !target yourself, and you cannot be forced to target yourself with your ability.

    There are 10 types of roles and the game starts with 6 players with each role. Each player's role will stay static throughout the entire game, though the effects can change based on the color of the player. Unless the ability states that you receive information or notice about something, you will not be given any feedback about the success or lack thereof after using your ability.

    The different roles are listed below, with the numbers and colors in parentheses listing the numbers of each role starting in each color faction at the beginning of the game.

    Eliminator (Purple Bonus) (3 White, 1 Blue, 1 Red, 1 Black)

    Your !target receives secondary color elimination votes, with a bonus to the Purple elimination vote.

    White or Black Eliminator: Your !target gets +3 Purple, +1 Orange, and +1 Green elimination votes.
    Blue Eliminator: Your !target gets +4 Purple and +2 Green elimination votes.
    Red Eliminator: Your !target gets +4 Purple and +2 Orange elimination votes.
    Yellow Eliminator: Your !target gets +2 Purple, +2 Orange, and +2 Green elimination votes.
    Purple Eliminator: Your !target gets +5 Purple elimination votes.
    Orange Eliminator: Your !target gets +2 Purple and +3 Orange elimination votes.
    Green Eliminator: Your !target gets +2 Purple and +3 Green elimination votes.

    Eliminator (Orange Bonus) (3 White, 1 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 Black)

    Your !target receives secondary color elimination votes, with a bonus to the Orange elimination vote.

    White or Black Eliminator: Your !target gets +3 Orange, +1 Purple, and +1 Green elimination votes.
    Blue Eliminator: Your !target gets +2 Purple, +2 Orange, and +2 Green elimination votes.
    Red Eliminator: Your !target gets +4 Orange and +2 Purple elimination votes.
    Yellow Eliminator: Your !target gets +4 Orange and +2 Green elimination votes.
    Purple Eliminator: Your !target gets +2 Orange and +3 Purple elimination votes.
    Orange Eliminator: Your !target gets +5 Orange elimination votes.
    Green Eliminator: Your !target gets +2 Orange and +3 Green elimination votes.

    Eliminator (Green Bonus) (3 White, 1 Blue, 1 Yellow, 1 Black)

    Your !target receives secondary color elimination votes, with a bonus to the Green elimination vote.

    White or Black Eliminator: Your !target gets +3 Green, +1 Purple, and +1 Orange elimination votes.
    Blue Eliminator: Your !target gets +4 Green, and +2 Purple elimination votes.
    Red Eliminator: Your !target gets +2 Purple, +2 Orange, and +2 Green elimination votes.
    Yellow Eliminator: Your !target gets +4 Green and +2 Orange elimination votes.
    Purple Eliminator: Your !target gets +2 Green and +3 Purple elimination votes.
    Orange Eliminator: Your !target gets +2 Green and +3 Orange elimination votes.
    Green Eliminator: Your !target gets +5 Green elimination votes.

    Protector (5 White, 1 Black)

    Reduces the number of elimination votes on your !target, weighted towards colors that are hostile to you.

    White or Black Protector: Your !target gets -2 to all of the Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple, Orange, and Green elimination votes.
    Blue Protector: Your !target gets -4 to the Red, Orange, and Yellow elimination votes.
    Red Protector: Your !target gets -4 to the Blue, Green, and Yellow elimination votes.
    Yellow Protector: Your !target gets -4 to the Blue, Purple, and Red elimination votes.
    Purple Protector: Your !target gets -4 to the Yellow, Orange, and Green elimination votes.
    Orange Protector: Your !target gets -4 to the Blue, Purple, and Green elimination votes.
    Green Protector: Your !target gets -4 to the Red, Purple, and Orange elimination votes.

    Color Seer (3 White, 1 Blue, 1 Red, 1 Yellow)

    Color seers can gain some information about the color of their target depending upon their color. The results will be sent in PM as "Friendly" if they are one of the friendly colors listed in the role color combination, or ""Not Friendly"" if they are not. (Note: this is changed from the initial release of rules which were "Positive" and "Negative")

    White Seer: You will receive a "Friendly" response if your !target is White and a "Not Friendly" response if not.
    Blue Seer: You will receive a "Friendly" response if your !target is one of the Blue, Purple, or Green colors or a "Not Friendly" response if they are not.
    Red Seer: You will receive a "Friendly" response if your !target is one of the Red, Purple, or Orange colors or a "Not Friendly" response if they are not.
    Yellow Seer: You will receive a "Friendly" response if your !target is one of the Yellow, Orange, or Green colors or a "Not Friendly" response if they are not.
    Purple Seer: You will receive a "Friendly" response if your !target is one of the Blue, Purple, or Red colors or a "Not Friendly" response if they are not.
    Orange Seer You will receive a "Friendly" response if your !target is one of the Red, Orange, or Yellow colors or a "Not Friendly" response if they are not.
    Green Seer You will receive a "Friendly" response if your !target is one of the Blue, Green, or Yellow colors or a "Not Friendly" response if they are not.
    Black Seer: You will receive a "Not Friendly" response if your !target is White and a "Friendly" response if they are not.

    Redirector (5 White, 1 Black)

    Redirectors regardless of color alter the !target of their !target's ability. They make the redirected player switch to the !target of their target, but redirection will fail if it would result in the player being redirected to either target themselves or have no target.

    Any color Redirector: Your !target's ability will be redirected to aim instead at their !target's !target, unless this would cause your !target's ability to target themselves or have no target. Additionally, you are immune to redirection yourself.

    Mimic (3 White, 1 Blue, 1 Red, 1 Yellow)

    Mimics may learn the roles of other players and then must mimic that ability the following night. Mimics cannot use the abilities of Jokers, and mimicking Jokers or other Mimics will just reveal their role and you will attempt to mimic someone else the following night. The base Mimic ability is not affected by color manipulators, but the mimicked ability taken from other players can be manipulated.

    White Mimic: You will be told the role (without color) of your !target. If that role was not the Joker, tomorrow for one night your !target effect will be replaced with the White version of that role, then go back to mimic the following day.
    Blue Mimic You will be told the role (without color) of your !target. If that role was not the Joker, tomorrow for one night your !target effect will be replaced with the Blue version of that role, then go back to mimic the following day.
    Red Mimic: You will be told the role (without color) of your !target. If that role was not the Joker, tomorrow for one night your !target effect will be replaced with the Red version of that role, then go back to mimic the following day.
    Yellow Mimic: You will be told the role (without color) of your !target. If that role was not the Joker, tomorrow for one night your !target effect will be replaced with the Yellow version of that role, then go back to mimic the following day.
    Purple Mimic: You will be told the role (without color) of your !target. If that role was not the Joker, tomorrow for one night your !target effect will be replaced with the Purple version of that role, then go back to mimic the following day.
    Orange Mimic: You will be told the role (without color) of your !target. If that role was not the Joker, tomorrow for one night your !target effect will be replaced with the Orange version of that role, then go back to mimic the following day.
    Green Mimic: You will be told the role (without color) of your !target. If that role was not the Joker, tomorrow for one night your !target effect will be replaced with the Green version of that role, then go back to mimic the following day.
    Black Mimic: You will be told the role (without color) of your !target. If that role was not the Joker, tomorrow for one night your !target effect will be replaced with the Black version of that role, then go back to mimic the following day.

    Color Manipulator (3 White, 1 Blue, 1 Red, 1 Yellow)

    Color manipulators partially alter the color of their !target to match their own, such that their target's abilities are those of the role of the manipulator's color in addition to altering the make up of their !vote. [strike]and make them temporarily seer as the manipulator's color[/strike] (Edit: manipulators do not make their target seer as their color). This does not directly convert anyone and the target is still treated as being their normal color for all other purposes.

    White Manipulator: Your !target's role abilities are altered to be those of the White version of their role, and their !vote is counted as if they are White.
    Blue Manipulator: Your !target's role abilities are altered to be those of the Blue version of their role, and their !vote is counted as if they are Blue.
    Red Manipulator: Your !target's role abilities are altered to be those of the Red version of their role, and their !vote is counted as if they are Red.
    Yellow Manipulator: Your !target's role abilities are altered to be those of the Yellow version of their role, and their !vote is counted as if they are Yellow.
    Purple Manipulator: Your !target's role abilities are altered to be those of the Purple version of their role, and their !vote is counted as if they are Purple.
    Orange Manipulator: Your !target's role abilities are altered to be those of the Orange version of their role, and their !vote is counted as if they are Orange.
    Green Manipulator: Your !target's role abilities are altered to be those of the Green version of their role, and their !vote is counted as if they are Green.
    Black Manipulator: Your !target's role abilities are altered to be those of the Black version of their role, and their !vote is counted as if they are Black.

    Converter (2 White, 1 Blue, 1 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 Black)

    Converters can permanently alter the faction of their targets by recoloring them. Adding a primary colors to white players will change them to that primary color, while adding a different primary color to a player of another primary color will convert them to a secondary color. Finally, they can permanently convert someone to black by adding complementary colors (opposing primaries and secondaries) together.

    White Converter: All conversion effects and color manipulation abilities on your !target are prevented tonight.
    Blue Converter: Adds blue pigment to your !target, converting a White player to Blue, a Red player to Purple, a Yellow player to Green, and an Orange player to Black.
    Red Converter: Adds red pigment to your !target, converting a White player to Red, a Blue player to Purple, a Yellow player to Orange, and a Green player to Black.
    Yellow Converter: Adds yellow pigment to your !target, converting a White player to Yellow, a Blue player to Green, a Red player to Orange, and a Purple player to Black.
    Purple Converter: On odd numbered nights this adds blue pigment to your !target, and on even numbered nights this adds red pigment to your !target.
    Orange Converter: On odd numbered nights this adds red pigment to your !target, and on even numbered nights this adds yellow pigment to your !target.
    Green Converter: On odd numbered nights this adds yellow pigment to your !target, and on even numbered nights this adds blue pigment to your !target.
    Black Converter: Your !target temporarily additionally has the ability of the Converter role of their color for tonight as well as their normal ability.

    Joker (6 White)

    Jokers are the least constrained by color of any role, and they may potentially convert to the color of their target each night if it is close enough to their current color. This ability takes priority over other conversions and will overwrite them if they would happen simultaneously. This ability cannot be used by a mimic.

    White Joker: If your !target is Blue, Red, or Yellow you are converted to that color this night.
    Blue Joker: If your !target is White, Purple, or Green you are converted to that color this night.
    Red Joker: If your !target is White, Purple, or Orange you are converted to that color this night.
    Yellow Joker: If your !target is White, Orange, or Green you are converted to that color this night.
    Purple Joker: If your !target is Black, Blue, or Red you are converted to that color this night.
    Orange Joker: If your !target is Black, Red, or Yellow you are converted to that color this night.
    Green Joker: If your !target is Black, Blue, or Yellow you are converted to that color this night.
    Black Joker: If your !target is Purple, Orange, or Green you are converted to that color this night. Additionally, you are not automatically networked with other Black players and you may not send in the Black elimination orders.

    Order of Actions

    Redirector -> Color manipulator -> White, Black Converter -> Vote Counts -> All elimination -> Conversions -> Mimic -> Seer

    (Changed the order of actions from the first version, Mimic is after conversions now)

    Savant on
  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    edited December 2009

    kime on ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • HippieHippie Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    So yes!

    Hippie on
  • Dunadan019Dunadan019 Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Its like a game but with colors

    Dunadan019 on
  • EgosEgos Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    color wheel= win

    sign up

    Egos on
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    edited December 2009

    lonelyahava on
  • adventfallsadventfalls Why would you wish to know? Registered User regular
    edited December 2009

    adventfalls on
    NintendoID: AdventFalls 3DS Code: 3454-0237-6080
  • TipharethTiphareth Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    This sounds awesome, I'm in.

    Tiphareth on
  • The_ReflectionThe_Reflection Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    This sounds like the game to come back to Phallas in sign me up

    The_Reflection on
  • GumpyGumpy There is always a greater powerRegistered User regular
    edited December 2009
    !So... Colourful

    Gumpy on
  • SavantSavant Simply Barbaric Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Finished updating the rules and roles in the second and third post, so have a gander. There shouldn't be any secrets to the rules, so ask if you need clarification.

    Savant on
  • IAmSquishyIAmSquishy Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Sign me up!

    IAmSquishy on
  • LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    !Won't you just get an ugly brown phalla when they all mix together?

    Not that it's stopping me.

    Lucedes on
  • HamHamJHamHamJ Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    sign up

    HamHamJ on
    While racing light mechs, your Urbanmech comes in second place, but only because it ran out of ammo.
  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Just read the rules. How intriguing....

    kime on ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    I'm in

    Although this may be a huge leap from mini phallas the mechanic looks interesting.

    Delphinidaes on
    NNID: delphinidaes
    Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> Join us on Sargatanas!
  • FrostMistFrostMist NorwayRegistered User regular
    edited December 2009
    !sign up - should be interesting to see how this goes then. Been out of the game for too long

    FrostMist on
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    edited December 2009

    Holy cow.

    Savant's digging up graves or something.

    lonelyahava on
  • FrostMistFrostMist NorwayRegistered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Indeed he is, and it was getting a bit cold in mine ;-)

    FrostMist on
  • adventfallsadventfalls Why would you wish to know? Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    It must've been cold in hell if all these old players are coming back. Next thing you know Squashua will return.

    adventfalls on
    NintendoID: AdventFalls 3DS Code: 3454-0237-6080
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Ssssshhhh, Advent! Don't bring the cops in here.

    lonelyahava on
  • BurnageBurnage Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    I will break you all.

    Burnage on
  • MalkorMalkor Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    omg what the hell I am in this.

    sign up

    Malkor on
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Malkor, Ham, Frostmist...

    This should be interesting.

    Where's Spectre?

    lonelyahava on
  • B:LB:L I've done worse. Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Color theory is not game theory.

    OR IS IT?

    B:L on
    10mvrci.png click for Anime chat
  • IAmSquishyIAmSquishy Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Hmm, at least 3 throats i slit in Shadow Phalla are here, guess ill be out early

    IAmSquishy on
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    edited December 2009
    I am soooo angry at you Squishy.

    I think.

    lonelyahava on
  • ZandraconZandracon Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    A phalla?

    Zandracon on
  • Toxic ToysToxic Toys Are you really taking my advice? Really?Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    I'll reserve up for this.

    What the fuck mang?

    Toxic Toys on
    3DS code: 2938-6074-2306, Nintendo Network ID: ToxicToys, PSN: zutto
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Chicken Toxic. CHICKEN! Come play.

    lonelyahava on
  • LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    I would like to comment that I really enjoy the mechanics-work involved. Obviously this took a lot of time and effort to create.

    I am particularly fond of the following:
    -Every player has a power.
    -Every player uses powers in the thread; only the mafia has a secret power. This only works if everyone has a power.

    I'd be interested to see how well this works and how influential this ends up being on future phalla designs.

    Lucedes on
  • SavantSavant Simply Barbaric Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    I'll start off with a clarification on an issue that I just realized myself.

    When mimicking a role, the mimic will have the version of that role that is their color the night they can use it, regardless of their color the previous night. Color manipulation can affect the mimicked ability the night it is used, but manipulation will have no effect on the base mimic ability.

    Savant on
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    This seems interesting

    enlightenedbum on
    The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    Lucedes wrote: »
    I would like to comment that I really enjoy the mechanics-work involved. Obviously this took a lot of time and effort to create.

    I am particularly fond of the following:
    -Every player has a power.
    -Every player uses powers in the thread; only the mafia has a secret power. This only works if everyone has a power.

    I'd be interested to see how well this works and how influential this ends up being on future phalla designs.

    There was an earlier game hosted by thorgot, Phallangband, which also had a public !target mechanic. Abilities were closed knowledge, but there are certainly some parallels. With the openness of mechanics in this game, I wonder how easily logic will pierce through all the potential interactions between player targeting?

    I'll !sign up.

    MrBlarney on
  • SavantSavant Simply Barbaric Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    MrBlarney wrote: »
    Lucedes wrote: »
    I would like to comment that I really enjoy the mechanics-work involved. Obviously this took a lot of time and effort to create.

    I am particularly fond of the following:
    -Every player has a power.
    -Every player uses powers in the thread; only the mafia has a secret power. This only works if everyone has a power.

    I'd be interested to see how well this works and how influential this ends up being on future phalla designs.

    There was an earlier game hosted by thorgot, Phallangband, which also had a public !target mechanic. Abilities were closed knowledge, but there are certainly some parallels. With the openness of mechanics in this game, I wonder how easily logic will pierce through all the potential interactions between player targeting?

    I'll !sign up.

    Oh, I made a few changes from the version we discussed, but a big one is that I've decided to not reveal the number of players left alive in each faction in the narration. With all the other transparency in mechanics, I thought that would make it a bit too easy to figure things out and weaken the manipulative roles a bit.

    Savant on
  • TheLawinatorTheLawinator Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    !Sign up

    Aww yeaaa

    TheLawinator on
    My SteamID Gamertag and PSN: TheLawinator
  • IAmSquishyIAmSquishy Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    I am soooo angry at you Squishy.

    I think.

    You may be, i lied to you, then killed you :)

    IAmSquishy on
  • LemmingHeadLemmingHead Registered User regular
    edited December 2009
    !sneakysignup even though I haven't been here in a really long time.

    LemmingHead on
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] hugs!
  • TehSlothTehSloth Hit Or Miss I Guess They Never Miss, HuhRegistered User regular
    edited December 2009
    !Sign up.... oh god I have a lot of OP to read.

    TehSloth on
    FC: 1993-7778-8872 PSN: TehSloth Xbox: SlothTeh
This discussion has been closed.