Lets see... On Saturday after breakfast, I got on the elevator in the Hilton in time to ride with JoCo...
Ran into Adam Sessler 3 times on Friday; Once in the media room, once in the Cantina, and once in the bathroom... And no, I didnt break bro code and talk to him whilst at the urinal...
I got hugged by Frontalot on Saturday night...
I met Andrew Pfister and Shane Bettenhausen from 1Up Yours on Thursday...
Morgan Webb, for like a second...
Alex Albrecht twice, and a man that looked like Kevin Rose, but turned out to not be him...
Tycho early Friday morning, and Gabe and Tycho early SUNDAY morning, where my story really began...
I swear to God, Im am gonna make a blog entitled "The Fragrant Gamer"...
Oh, yeah...
I ran into 2 members of Anamanaguchi in a Chase Bank near the convention hall, after closing hours (ATM Room is seperate from the rest of the bank), who were doing some suspicious looking shit on a laptop...
Max sig size: 500x80px or 4 lines of text
Fine fine... "died" metaphorically. Happy? I know I am.
2009 Omeganaut
As far as meeting people outside of PAX, I walked by a couple of the Rooster Teeth guys walking around downtown, and Front showed up to a room party I was at.
Watching the first round of the Omegathon, Gabe and his wife and son sat down right next to me in the back of the theater. The little one had just gotten a Spongebob Squarepants drawing book and was so excited to show Gabe. It was an amazingly cute moment.
Ran into Adam Sessler a couple of times and talked w/ him a bit about the old TechTV days. He has some strong feelings about how Paul Allen essentially just up and sold out after he was done playing around w/ broadcasting. I was impressed at the level of discourse at the panel he did with Hal Halpin on legal/censorship issues facing the industry.
Was allowed the honor of bowing before an exhausted looking Khoo before the last round of the Omegathon. Hardly recognized him in just a dress shirt.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
Also met the two behind Second Skin at dinner Friday night and supplied them with candy on Saturday.
And Sandy from Vancouver, BC.
I gotta say the celebrities are great and I love to see them, but really I just love the feel surrounded by the attendees. For the most part everyone is super cool, fair and understand me.
I just freaking Love PAX.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
The celeb worship at Wil Wheaton's speech creeped me out a bit. I ended up leaving early because of it.
edit: though the panties or bra or whatever that got thrown at him WAS pretty funny
Wil Wheaton...
and last but not least, all the Omeganauts were fantastic!
2009 Omeganaut
Frontalot, Gabe and Tycho were awesome.
Except the fake bartender in the Mafia 2 booth/bar. That guy was a total dick.
first thing that we did, someone asked us for our picture, it was TIM freaking SCHAFER! we got a picture with him
saw adam sessler, he cut in line at the tim schafer signing...he signed my bag XD
saturday: saw tim schafer again, met jhonen vasquez,
met paul and storm XDDDDdd (got a dejected arrr t-shirt)
.....met some awesome enforcers throughout the weekend!! XD thanks again enforcers!
Wil Wheaton
Paul & Storm
The BioWare devs were super friendly.
Chilled with a lot of enforcers.
Met Valwryn at the post-pax dinner.
Pretty much everyone was cool.
Let's see, cool people I met: Tycho (who probably meant me, along with other people, when he said he met people who were "fucking awesome"), the folks at Telltale (with whom I shared a hotel), Emily Morganti (former PR queen/face of Telltale), Dominic Armato (voice of Guybrush Threepwood), Tom French of Pandemic Entertainment (next to whom I sat on a JetBlue flight from NYC to Seattle), Ron Gilbert (the expo's keynote speaker, and legendary game designer), the Mega 64 crew, Paul, Storm, Freezepop, Metroid Metal, JoCo (who actually recognized me from a previous encounter whilst playing guitar for John Hodgman), a little bit of Wil Wheaton (I kinda cut in line to say something to Wil (thereby violating Wheaton's rule) because the line was long and so slow that calling its pace a snail's pace would be an insult to snails), the developers of the game "liight" (whose name escapes me), some people who work at Harmonix, DJPretzel, Larry Oji, Beefy, Karl Olson, Zen Albatross (whom I know from NYC, see MC Frontalot and Anamanaguchi)...
Sorry, I guess I was rambling on...
Saw Morgan Webb play MAG right when PAX opened on Friday.
The Guys from Behemoth were really nice and friendly especially Dan as he was kind enough to draw on both of my Castle Crashers figures.
Ran into Liz Enthusiasm of Freezepop while in the main theater before their show on Sat.
Saw Tycho on the second or third floor he had a line of wonderful fans to meet him.
Wil Wheaton was leaving the bathroom as i was coming in near the main theater right before the Assassins Creed II showing.
On sunday after playing left 4 dead 2 the guy from Valve notice my companion cube tattoo and wanted to take a picture of it and told me that he worked on portal it brought many smiles to my face and of course i had to get a picture of him.
Another friend claims that on his airplane ride to his layover (from seattle to chicago) he sat next to Frontalot and his keyboard player.
I met many other wonderful people and received many nice compliments on my tattoos (zombies on my upper left arm and John Carpenters The Thing on my upper right arm and the weighted companion cube on my right forearm). Thanks to everyone who was nice to me!
I also made a huge faux pas by telling Ron Gilbert that I'm not a big fan of Monkey Island (I didn't realize it was him when we were talking at the TellTale booth).
Twitter.com: @Shaddz
Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/y7lesjt
You can find my gaming news-related rants and reviews on:
Sessler from a distance, but that was all I needed.
Adam Burch from Destructiod. How he gets his parents in his films, I shall never know.
On the Celeb side, of course Gabe and Tycho, but we also had breakfast saturday and sunday with the Metroid Metal guys, that was pretty awesome!
Twitter: @lesterleesm
Beat me to it, heh.
Angry Joe from angryjoeshow
DJ Wheat
Stephen Toulouse the Director of Policy and Enforcement for Xbox LIVE
DeaconBlade and Dangerdoll from Unscipted 360
Edie Sellers from Game Hounds
360Voice Blog
GamerDNA Profile
Playfire Profile Pwned Profile
(I was the guy from IGN Vault.)