phew, about time! I was starting to have Seattle meetup thread withdrawls! :P
Pies and Pints tonight at 6. Some people thought the fair thing would be a good idea, so we could plan to go down to Puyallup at some point. It runs from the 11 to the 27th of this month.
It's on 65th near Roosevelt, there's some street/residential parking around it and the 48 bus stops right in front of it.
I did it mainly because it had a map. Also, whoever designed's website needs to spend less time worrying about getting strict html, and making a readable webpage. Sure, it's simple, but it's missing a lot of useful information, like a map link
The links to myspace don't inspire confidence either :P
Jaiden: It wont be until after we are setteled and have all the tech hooked back up :P
Also does anybody local have any cardboard boxes that they can loan/give to me?
Moving time, we got the house.
If i see any of the small office-moving boxes around, i'll borrow them for you, but we mainly have big plastic ones we have to return now . All of mine got recycled or returned to the original owner.
What shenanigans are planned this weekend? Still have a few out of towners around, we should do one last hurrah before slipping back into the doldrums of school and winter to come.
I'm "doin' the Puyallup" tomorrow around noonish, there all day, if any of y'all're gonna be there, look for the guy in the obviously-PAX-related shirt :P
I'm "doin' the Puyallup" tomorrow around noonish, there all day, if any of y'all're gonna be there, look for the guy in the obviously-PAX-related shirt :P
i am going next wednesday.
going on week days lets you do all day passes for like 25 dollars or something
s7arbuck on
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
umm.. PAX hates my bank account too. I got paid today, and my account is still negative $74... fun stuff...
Anyway, I'm hosting a little LAN next weekend, the 19th. It's in Sedro-Wooley, but it's also free of charge, nothing big or fancy. We got new games and there's always Rock Band and such going on.
phew, about time! I was starting to have Seattle meetup thread withdrawls! :P
Pies and Pints tonight at 6. Some people thought the fair thing would be a good idea, so we could plan to go down to Puyallup at some point. It runs from the 11 to the 27th of this month.
Being a lowly Puyallup Resident, Id love to meet up at the fair.
For anyone that cares, Ill be toting some cards with my cologne on it. Just for you guyses!
Ok, I'm not joking, no one wants to hear about your smell ANYMORE. We all know. We all know who you are. I understand that you're excited about your newfound fame and all, but stop milking it or everyone is going to hate you instead of appreciate your moment.
We're going to the fair... next weekend maybe? If anyone is still interested and the weather is still nice, we can still do the camp-out thing in my yard for the night. I want to actually have some freakin' smores this summer!!!
OK so this year was my first PAX and I met some really cool people, and I'd love to meet more people in the area throughout this next year. I posted once a while back but never went to anything. So if I randomly show up to one of these things that'd be ok right? Should I wear something that proclaims me as a nerd for all to see just so there's no confusion as to who I'm looking for? Like a utilikilt made of MtG cards or something?
Asmodian on
SpawnOfCthulhuAlso that Snifit guy.Gig Harbor, WARegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
I'm going to the fair on the 23rd.
More people should go then, so we can hang out, because I can only afford to make it to the fair once this year.
OK so this year was my first PAX and I met some really cool people, and I'd love to meet more people in the area throughout this next year. I posted once a while back but never went to anything. So if I randomly show up to one of these things that'd be ok right? Should I wear something that proclaims me as a nerd for all to see just so there's no confusion as to who I'm looking for? Like a utilikilt made of MtG cards or something?
That might help eliminate the part where you have to walk up to random strangers and ask if they are the ones from the internets. Which is what I did, and it was awkward.
OK so this year was my first PAX and I met some really cool people, and I'd love to meet more people in the area throughout this next year. I posted once a while back but never went to anything. So if I randomly show up to one of these things that'd be ok right? Should I wear something that proclaims me as a nerd for all to see just so there's no confusion as to who I'm looking for? Like a utilikilt made of MtG cards or something?
Definitely! What I might suggest doing is showing up at an event where we are at a bar (assuming you are over 21) or eatery and looking for the big nerdy crowd (won't be that hard to miss). The Puyallup fair may be slightly harder since the whole group would be roaming the fairgrounds.
Definitely! What I might suggest doing is showing up at an event where we are at a bar (assuming you are over 21) or eatery and looking for the big nerdy crowd (won't be that hard to miss). The Puyallup fair may be slightly harder since the whole group would be roaming the fairgrounds.
Oh yeah, bring a DS.
Yeah I'm definitely over 21 and live downtown with no car, so I'll probably wait til there's something like that downtown anyway. Well awesome I'm looking forward to it then, though I may need to pre funk before the first time since I'll be all shy otherwise. Seriously at the bar crawl I didn't talk to anyone until bar #3 but then I was all over the place and met everyone I could.
So I go to Gold's Gym in Redmond, WA. I was curious to see if anybody wanted to be my workout buddy, or at least come lift weights with me once in a while: it gets lonely =p
Anybody interested?
Ravenger on
<@heels> Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Anyone in Seattle willing to go to 1351 east Olive on Tuesday at 5pm? I am taking co-workers and it could be a pretty live scene?.
Way to sell it. uh. what exactly is happening there? What is this location that you've just listed by address? (also, 5pm? boo, some of us don't get out of work by then... lousy beatniks)
Anyone in Seattle willing to go to 1351 east Olive on Tuesday at 5pm? I am taking co-workers and it could be a pretty live scene?.
Way to sell it. uh. what exactly is happening there? What is this location that you've just listed by address? (also, 5pm? boo, some of us don't get out of work by then... lousy beatniks)
Agreed, let us know what's going to happen and I might show up...
Anyone up for 9/17 8pm at the Capitol Club ( Delicious food and home of the chocolate bacon martini.
edit: And then we could hit up Gameworks -- keep forgetting, it's all-you-can-play for $10 on Thursday nights!
Pies and Pints tonight at 6. Some people thought the fair thing would be a good idea, so we could plan to go down to Puyallup at some point. It runs from the 11 to the 27th of this month.
It's the name of a bar/restaurant: Here
LOL. I wondered why you used tinyurl for that, until I realized that it was just a clever ploy to get us to open up Bing. You monster.
Here's their *actual* website:
It's on 65th near Roosevelt, there's some street/residential parking around it and the 48 bus stops right in front of it.
Pirate, Stormtrooper, Decepticon
Yes, my middle name really is MEGATRON
Former Ravenclaw Death Eaters Head of House
My bank account *really* hates PAX. Although hopefully im moving into a house soon. Expect an epic 21+/cool people party.
Amen to that.
Pirate, Stormtrooper, Decepticon
Yes, my middle name really is MEGATRON
Former Ravenclaw Death Eaters Head of House
Are we having a party that soon?
[10:24] * @BigRed-Worky cums the water
[12:32] <+prox> lawl you kickbanned me so hard my client crashed
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
Also does anybody local have any cardboard boxes that they can loan/give to me?
Moving time, we got the house.
I did it mainly because it had a map. Also, whoever designed's website needs to spend less time worrying about getting strict html, and making a readable webpage. Sure, it's simple, but it's missing a lot of useful information, like a map link
The links to myspace don't inspire confidence either :P
If i see any of the small office-moving boxes around, i'll borrow them for you, but we mainly have big plastic ones we have to return now
1) Yes.
Once I get over dying of PAX flu, you fuckers won't be able to get rid of me.
*Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
also. puyallup, who's in?
PSN: Quintonious
i am going next wednesday.
going on week days lets you do all day passes for like 25 dollars or something
Anyway, I'm hosting a little LAN next weekend, the 19th. It's in Sedro-Wooley, but it's also free of charge, nothing big or fancy. We got new games and there's always Rock Band and such going on.
Maybe I'll show some of my PAX footage as well.
Being a lowly Puyallup Resident, Id love to meet up at the fair.
For anyone that cares, Ill be toting some cards with my cologne on it. Just for you guyses! @Shaddz
You can find my gaming news-related rants and reviews on:
We're going to the fair... next weekend maybe? If anyone is still interested and the weather is still nice, we can still do the camp-out thing in my yard for the night. I want to actually have some freakin' smores this summer!!!
Ill stash the cards. @Shaddz
You can find my gaming news-related rants and reviews on:
More people should go then, so we can hang out, because I can only afford to make it to the fair once this year.
Also Funnel Cake!
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
That might help eliminate the part where you have to walk up to random strangers and ask if they are the ones from the internets. Which is what I did, and it was awkward.
Definitely! What I might suggest doing is showing up at an event where we are at a bar (assuming you are over 21) or eatery and looking for the big nerdy crowd (won't be that hard to miss). The Puyallup fair may be slightly harder since the whole group would be roaming the fairgrounds.
Oh yeah, bring a DS.
Yeah I'm definitely over 21 and live downtown with no car, so I'll probably wait til there's something like that downtown anyway. Well awesome I'm looking forward to it then, though I may need to pre funk before the first time since I'll be all shy otherwise. Seriously at the bar crawl I didn't talk to anyone until bar #3 but then I was all over the place and met everyone I could.
Anybody interested?
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Way to sell it. uh. what exactly is happening there? What is this location that you've just listed by address? (also, 5pm? boo, some of us don't get out of work by then... lousy beatniks)
Yes. We must bring back the phrase "beatniks".
Agreed, let us know what's going to happen and I might show up...
Anyone up for 9/17 8pm at the Capitol Club ( Delicious food and home of the chocolate bacon martini.
edit: And then we could hit up Gameworks -- keep forgetting, it's all-you-can-play for $10 on Thursday nights!