Hey look, I'm paying attention to the forums again! XD
Haha, I may or may not be kicking ass at the ODST event, but I will definitely be there! I don't get off work until 5PM and likely won't get down to the EMP until right up at 6PM. Maybe I'll try to ninja my way in with Travis. Heh.
I'll be wearing a blue and white striped shirt with half sleeves, jean shorts, green pair of keens, and have a backpack that sports all my eye-shuh buttons! Find me peeps!
Dropping some stuff off in the mail, then heading out for ODST awesomeness. I'll be the one in the Lode Runner PAX shirt, since it's the closest thing I have to Microsoft-related shirtware (hoping to change that by getting an ODST-shirt 8-)) See y'all down there!
Didn't we have a thread for XBL names? I just got mine working again and got a free month of Gold, so... yeah.
Been playing ODST for a couple days now, I want to play it online with people I know now.
How was the event btw?
Launch event at the EMP was pretty kickass, actually. Some 1100 people showed up, according to census. They had all the gaming set up upstairs in the costume room with a huge screen connected to the first Tournament spot:
Downstairs was all the theater goings-on and a signature table. I didn't get into any of the panels because a) the lines were incredible in their length and b) was too busy running around getting signatures on my lil' ODST helmet they were handing out as swag 8-)
(If any of you saw a guy with a goatee in a Lode Runner shirt running about clutching this, that was me )
There were Bungie employees everywhere - I even managed to find the guys who designed and modeled the ODST helmet! (Designer's in glasses on the left, his signature's on the visor, modeler ran off after signing the other side of the visor )
Still can't believe I ended up gathering him, Marty (one of the two Halo music composers), and the guy who designed the new silenced ODST SMG (I feel terrible that I can't remember their names...) together for that picture, those guys were pretty cool about signing that tiny helmet and posing for me after a long night of fanboyism, really appreciate it!
Good show, great game, couldn't ask for a better night - now, who was talking about a LAN party, hmmm? :winky:
Okay, so it appears there's quite a number of people interested in this, so I thought I'd put up a post and get it "officialized." This Sunday at about 11:30 AM we'll be having a smallish meet-up at Samurai Noodle, around the corner from Uwajimaya. For those who haven't been there, Samurai Noodle is a Japanese ramen restaurant, about as close as you can get to the real thing within a hundred miles or so.
Menu highlights: it's best known for its salt pork, but my favorite is the chicken ramen flavored with chile sauce. Not recommended for those with j0z1e-level heat tolerance!
It's a very small location, but I remember reading a sign that said you can order your food and eat it in the Uwajimaya food court, which as I mentioned earlier is just around the corner. I'll be calling tomorrow to confirm this. Last thing: the time is by no means set in stone; post what time works best for you
Okay, so it appears there's quite a number of people interested in this, so I thought I'd put up a post and get it "officialized." This Sunday at about 11:30 AM we'll be having a smallish meet-up at Samurai Noodle, around the corner from Uwajimaya. For those who haven't been there, Samurai Noodle is a Japanese ramen restaurant, about as close as you can get to the real thing within a hundred miles or so.
Menu highlights: it's best known for its salt pork, but my favorite is the chicken ramen flavored with chile sauce. Not recommended for those with j0z1e-level heat tolerance!
It's a very small location, but I remember reading a sign that said you can order your food and eat it in the Uwajimaya food court, which as I mentioned earlier is just around the corner. I'll be calling tomorrow to confirm this. Last thing: the time is by no means set in stone; post what time works best for you
MMM. Ramen sounds good. I'll meet up with you guys!
Okay, so it appears there's quite a number of people interested in this, so I thought I'd put up a post and get it "officialized." This Sunday at about 11:30 AM we'll be having a smallish meet-up at Samurai Noodle, around the corner from Uwajimaya. For those who haven't been there, Samurai Noodle is a Japanese ramen restaurant, about as close as you can get to the real thing within a hundred miles or so.
Menu highlights: it's best known for its salt pork, but my favorite is the chicken ramen flavored with chile sauce. Not recommended for those with j0z1e-level heat tolerance!
It's a very small location, but I remember reading a sign that said you can order your food and eat it in the Uwajimaya food court, which as I mentioned earlier is just around the corner. I'll be calling tomorrow to confirm this. Last thing: the time is by no means set in stone; post what time works best for you
Mmmhmmm, sounds like a plan! Was just a Uwajimaya a few days ago but could always use a repeat trip!
Looking forward to seeing all of you there! Cronus: no idea.
Just called Samurai Noodle and they confirmed that we can eat our tasty ramen in the Uwajimaya food court. 'Course that means we all have to get our food to go, which is less awesome from a presentation perspective, but... ramen! Depends how many people show up I suppose
Re: Uwajimaya run after noodles, Jozie and I are definitely up for that. Been a few weeks since we've stopped in.
EDIT: Oh yeah, the guy also said 11:30 is a good time to beat the lunch rush, so anyone who shows up before 12:00 will probably get their food faster. I know how most of us are about getting places on time, but food is always a good incentive
EDIT EDIT: For now 11:30 looks like the best time to do this, but just to get a general idea, how would 2-3 PM look on your schedules?
ya, I'm there, 11:30 is fine. Emilie will probably come too.
also that ODST run sounds like fun, got room for one more? i have no idea how many people they allow to play co-op in ODST so that may be a stupid question if its set up for 2 players only like gears of war.
ya, I'm there, 11:30 is fine. Emilie will probably come too.
also that ODST run sounds like fun, got room for one more? i have no idea how many people they allow to play co-op in ODST so that may be a stupid question if its set up for 2 players only like gears of war.
Sorry, it's not a pax event, it's a work one, and yeah, i've got 4 people setup already.
Co-op ODST is a 4player, 2-person split-screen affair, but it supports system-link, which gets you the 4 people, just like halo 3, etc. You can do 2 person, 2 screens, or 4 people 4 screens, etc.
I would try to get my lunch break at that time, have yall order for me, pay you, and bike back up jackson while eating my ramen but something tells me this wouldn't work. Would make a hell of a minigame.
So Mrs. Spoony and I have to back out of this little outing, I totally forgot that we had promised my sister that we would go to the Puyallup fair with them Sunday morning.
So Mrs. Spoony and I have to back out of this little outing, I totally forgot that we had promised my sister that we would go to the Puyallup fair with them Sunday morning.
How long will you be there? I'm thinking about heading down after noodlez, we might see you there!
Okay yeah, as of right now 11:30 is looking like the best time to do it. Jozie and I at the very least will be wandering around Uwajimaya afterwards, so if enough people are interested there might be a group of us in the area still to hang out with any latecomers.
So Mrs. Spoony and I have to back out of this little outing, I totally forgot that we had promised my sister that we would go to the Puyallup fair with them Sunday morning.
How long will you be there? I'm thinking about heading down after noodlez, we might see you there!
Well Mrs. Spoony needs to be at work in Federal Way at 3, so probably leave the fair around 2.
and also give me your steam ID. In fact anyone from this thread who plays TF2 or CSS on steam regularly should give me their steam ID.
Today, i'm unpacking my stuff from the move. Soon i'll have a little housewarming party to invite y'all to.
Anyone wanna meet up there?
Sweet awesomeness - anyone wanna make a PAX Forums team?
PSN: Quintonious
Haha, I may or may not be kicking ass at the ODST event, but I will definitely be there! I don't get off work until 5PM and likely won't get down to the EMP until right up at 6PM. Maybe I'll try to ninja my way in with Travis. Heh.
I'll be wearing a blue and white striped shirt with half sleeves, jean shorts, green pair of keens, and have a backpack that sports all my eye-shuh buttons! Find me peeps!
PSN: Quintonious
Been playing ODST for a couple days now, I want to play it online with people I know now.
How was the event btw?
Come to one of my LAN parties and I'll come to yours. :P
A lot of the forumers are friended by PAX Forums
Just go look at that tag's friend list.
Are we ever going to do our Wallingford Dick's meet-up? I can bring substitute VT again!
Launch event at the EMP was pretty kickass, actually. Some 1100 people showed up, according to census. They had all the gaming set up upstairs in the costume room with a huge screen connected to the first Tournament spot:
Downstairs was all the theater goings-on and a signature table. I didn't get into any of the panels because a) the lines were incredible in their length and b) was too busy running around getting signatures on my lil' ODST helmet they were handing out as swag 8-)
(If any of you saw a guy with a goatee in a Lode Runner shirt running about clutching this, that was me
There were Bungie employees everywhere - I even managed to find the guys who designed and modeled the ODST helmet! (Designer's in glasses on the left, his signature's on the visor, modeler ran off after signing the other side of the visor
Still can't believe I ended up gathering him, Marty (one of the two Halo music composers), and the guy who designed the new silenced ODST SMG (I feel terrible that I can't remember their names...) together for that picture, those guys were pretty cool about signing that tiny helmet and posing for me after a long night of fanboyism, really appreciate it!
Good show, great game, couldn't ask for a better night - now, who was talking about a LAN party, hmmm? :winky:
PSN: Quintonious
Okay, so it appears there's quite a number of people interested in this, so I thought I'd put up a post and get it "officialized." This Sunday at about 11:30 AM we'll be having a smallish meet-up at Samurai Noodle, around the corner from Uwajimaya. For those who haven't been there, Samurai Noodle is a Japanese ramen restaurant, about as close as you can get to the real thing within a hundred miles or so.
Menu highlights: it's best known for its salt pork, but my favorite is the chicken ramen flavored with chile sauce. Not recommended for those with j0z1e-level heat tolerance!
It's a very small location, but I remember reading a sign that said you can order your food and eat it in the Uwajimaya food court, which as I mentioned earlier is just around the corner. I'll be calling tomorrow to confirm this. Last thing: the time is by no means set in stone; post what time works best for you
Especially after they just helped BR move!! :P
I might show up.
MMM. Ramen sounds good. I'll meet up with you guys!
Mmmhmmm, sounds like a plan! Was just a Uwajimaya a few days ago but could always use a repeat trip!
PSN: Quintonious
Is there anything going on Saturday?
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
Just called Samurai Noodle and they confirmed that we can eat our tasty ramen in the Uwajimaya food court. 'Course that means we all have to get our food to go, which is less awesome from a presentation perspective, but... ramen! Depends how many people show up I suppose
Re: Uwajimaya run after noodles, Jozie and I are definitely up for that. Been a few weeks since we've stopped in.
EDIT: Oh yeah, the guy also said 11:30 is a good time to beat the lunch rush, so anyone who shows up before 12:00 will probably get their food faster. I know how most of us are about getting places on time, but food is always a good incentive
EDIT EDIT: For now 11:30 looks like the best time to do this, but just to get a general idea, how would 2-3 PM look on your schedules?
2-3 pm works better for me, but I can make 11:30 too. (for really good ramen? I'd be good to do 11:30 pm)
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
11:30 is not that early >.<
I'd rather go at 2-3pm also because I need my sleeping-in on the weekends, but I can make 11:30 if that's when most people are going to show up.
also that ODST run sounds like fun, got room for one more? i have no idea how many people they allow to play co-op in ODST so that may be a stupid question if its set up for 2 players only like gears of war.
Sorry, it's not a pax event, it's a work one, and yeah, i've got 4 people setup already.
Co-op ODST is a 4player, 2-person split-screen affair, but it supports system-link, which gets you the 4 people, just like halo 3, etc. You can do 2 person, 2 screens, or 4 people 4 screens, etc.
You'll have to look fast as it's not going to last very long.
Oh, and keep the camera handy cause it's going on youtube.
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
How long will you be there? I'm thinking about heading down after noodlez, we might see you there!
Also: fail, Spoonies, fail!
Well Mrs. Spoony needs to be at work in Federal Way at 3, so probably leave the fair around 2.
Actual conversation from work
High yellow female coworker: But royce, can't you ride down the hill and drink it at the same time?
R: No, that's impossible!
Hyfc: But I see other people do it all the time!
R: Thats because they are on acid and think its a video game.
Crazy Hawaiian supervisor: HA!
(This isn't a cash-only joint, is it?)