ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited January 2010
Payment has been sent. I'll probably be carpooling with PrivateNewbie.
BTW, what's a good time for people to start showing up?
Unrelated EDIT: JoCo and Paul & Storm are playing at the Moore Theater on February 26th. Details/Tickets. They each also confirmed they will be at PAX EAST, but it still might be fun to see them in Seattle again.
It's probably more likely that I wont go simply because of the fact that I'm going to have to pull something out of my ass to even make it to Boston in March, but we'll see, the tickets aren't very expensive. I figured you all should know at least.
In related news, I'm still game for the LAN, but there's a MTG Worldwake Preview on that Saturday, so I might duck out for that. Perhaps if anyone else is interested...?
The Worldwake prerelease is that Saturday? I'm so behind. Definitely in for a draft or two if we have some way to get there
Pinder on
This signature intentionally left blank.
SpawnOfCthulhuAlso that Snifit guy.Gig Harbor, WARegistered Userregular
In related news, I'm still game for the LAN, but there's a MTG Worldwake Preview on that Saturday, so I might duck out for that. Perhaps if anyone else is interested...?
The Worldwake prerelease is that Saturday? I'm so behind. Definitely in for a draft or two if we have some way to get there
I'm going to that with a few friends.
The worldwake pre-release, that is.
Whos Derek Adams? I got a LAN payment with no handle attached.
BigRed on
<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited January 2010
Yo BigRed, I'm sending you another payment for PrivateNewbie. Apparently he forgot his paypal info and can't/is too lazy to figure it out. I'll put his handle in the payment, just figured I would let ya know.
EDIT: Off topic, you ever figure out if you'll be working at Sakura-Con this year?
I'm looking for transit to/from the LAN, as well as to the Worldwake prerelease (still planning on ducking out for that). Gas monies can be arranged.
Sexual favors as offered recompense are not preferred.
Assuming I have a computer worth using up and running by the LAN (or maybe I'll just break down and borrow one of Red's), it would be awesome if I, too, could tag along on this whole "transport to the Worldwake prerelease" thing, too.
Pinder on
This signature intentionally left blank.
SpawnOfCthulhuAlso that Snifit guy.Gig Harbor, WARegistered Userregular
I'm looking for transit to/from the LAN, as well as to the Worldwake prerelease (still planning on ducking out for that). Gas monies can be arranged.
Sexual favors as offered recompense are not preferred.
Assuming I have a computer worth using up and running by the LAN (or maybe I'll just break down and borrow one of Red's), it would be awesome if I, too, could tag along on this whole "transport to the Worldwake prerelease" thing, too.
You guys should PM me your cell #'s so we can meet up while we're there.
I plan on doing 2 sealed decks and a bunch of casual play.
Now will be my chance to destroy pinder with my vampire deck!
Those who are on the list... you can show up anytime after 2pm on Friday. There will be a few of us there, but I don't foresee many showing up before 6.
Those who havent paid yet... I know a few of you said you were going to pay cash at the door and I moved you to the top of the unpaid list, but I suggest you paypal me asap if you are able to.
Not accepting any new signups after today. Gotta go clean out the LAN room now
BigRed on
<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited January 2010
yo red, would i have enough room to bring my 26" tv that i normally use for a monitor? or is that gonna be a bit too big? I just hate carting around crt's. :P
yo red, would i have enough room to bring my 26" tv that i normally use for a monitor? or is that gonna be a bit too big? I just hate carting around crt's. :P
It should be okay as long as it stays within your 32" or so of space on the table.
BigRed on
<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited January 2010
Okay awesome, it's just that each space looks more cramped from the pics you took. It's 27" wide so it should work then.
Allllllright. The new ramp for my laptop arrived in time! Now to pop it in and test it out.
KaitouAyashi on
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: i will nom all of your boxes
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
Payment has been sent. I'll probably be carpooling with PrivateNewbie.
BTW, what's a good time for people to start showing up?
Unrelated EDIT: JoCo and Paul & Storm are playing at the Moore Theater on February 26th. Details/Tickets. They each also confirmed they will be at PAX EAST, but it still might be fun to see them in Seattle again.
I doubt people will show up before 4, so.. how about then.
That's fine, we probably wouldn't be there until around 5 anyway.
It's probably more likely that I wont go simply because of the fact that I'm going to have to pull something out of my ass to even make it to Boston in March, but we'll see, the tickets aren't very expensive. I figured you all should know at least.
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
+1, ditto, etc.
I've been in for this ever since I saw the ad in the Stranger.
The Worldwake prerelease is that Saturday? I'm so behind. Definitely in for a draft or two if we have some way to get there
I'm going to that with a few friends.
The worldwake pre-release, that is.
Then I will eat cookies.
... Hot dogs!
For those who haven't paid... do so asap to secure your spot.
thats why you have been paid on the list for the past few days :P
EDIT: Off topic, you ever figure out if you'll be working at Sakura-Con this year?
Sexual favors as offered recompense are not preferred.
Assuming I have a computer worth using up and running by the LAN (or maybe I'll just break down and borrow one of Red's), it would be awesome if I, too, could tag along on this whole "transport to the Worldwake prerelease" thing, too.
You guys should PM me your cell #'s so we can meet up while we're there.
I plan on doing 2 sealed decks and a bunch of casual play.
Now will be my chance to destroy pinder with my vampire deck!
LAN Tomorrow!
Those who are on the list... you can show up anytime after 2pm on Friday. There will be a few of us there, but I don't foresee many showing up before 6.
Those who havent paid yet... I know a few of you said you were going to pay cash at the door and I moved you to the top of the unpaid list, but I suggest you paypal me asap if you are able to.
Not accepting any new signups after today. Gotta go clean out the LAN room now
It should be okay as long as it stays within your 32" or so of space on the table.
Be there around 5-5:30.
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
Oh well, maybe next time.
[10:24] * @BigRed-Worky cums the water
[12:32] <+prox> lawl you kickbanned me so hard my client crashed
Seat went to prox.