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Dragon Age: Origins: [Please post in new thread]

DashuiDashui Registered User regular
edited November 2009 in Games and Technology

A lot of the information below was taken from the unofficial wikia page, sometimes directly because I'm a cheap and terrible person, and you can get all of it and a lot more at the following address:

If you want to know more about the game, I advise you to check their site out as well as BioWare's official site. They detail and explain things much better than I can, as well as lots of features I couldn't fit in below. This is a deep game with a lot of lore behind it, and not a typical fantasy game with elves and dwarves and magic. At the very least, I hope I can get you slightly interested in this very large RPG.

There are also a healthy amount of videos uploaded regularly on IGN's website.



10/23/2009 - Dragon Age: Origins has gone Gold!

10/22/2009 - Dragon Age: Journeys is now available to play.

It's a 2D flash game, free to play in your browser, and set in the Dragon Age: Origins world. Playing the game will allow you to earn exclusives items for use in Dragon Age: Origins.

10/13/2009 - BioWare's Social Network website is now live!

From here you'll be able to access friends, groups, uploaded character information, and more, as well as being able to download the Character Creator. You can make a character, save it for use with the full game, and even upload your character to the Social Network website.

You can also download the Character Editor directly from the following link:

10/12/2009 - The full Sacred Ashes trailer is finally released! You can view it in the spoiler below.


Dragon Age: Origins is an upcoming BioWare RPG for the PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3. Hailed as the spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate series and a return to BioWare's roots, it's set to be a heroic, dark fantasy tale to stop a terrible blight unleashed upon the land through 80 or more hours of tactical gameplay. Players choose their sex, race, class, and origin story, presenting them with a wide range of options to customize their character. Who and what you are will impact your story not just in the beginning of the game, but throughout your entire journey.

The PC version of the game will also ship with an editor, allowing players to create entirely new content, from new weapons and armor to lands and quests and campaigns. A community site will be established to easily browse and share these creations.

Dragon Age: Origins is currently set for a November 3rd release on PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 in North America and November 6th in Europe.

It will also be released digitally through such services as Steam, Stardock's Impulse, Direct2Drive, Gamersgate, and EA Store. All new copies of the game will also include The Stone Prisoner downloadable content free of charge, featuring a new party member, quests, environments and items. For further information on the various editions, check the Standard, Collector's, Digital Deluxe Edition? section below.

The intro cinematic, further detailing the plot and the dangers you'll face, can be viewed below.


Dragon Age: Origins features a tactical, play and pause combat system in the vein of Baldur's Gate. You can zoom in or out and play from an over-the-shoulder view, or high above the field of battle. You can pause, give orders, or take direct control of any of the other characters in your party. If you would rather not constantly issue commands, a scripting system is available in which you can place different orders or rules for a character to automatically follow. For example, if an enemy closes the gap between one of your ranged characters, you can create a script for him or her to automatically switch to melee weapons.

There are currently four difficulty modes and they can be changed at any point in the game. Higher difficulties do not increase the amount of experience points gained.

(PC difficulty settings)
Casual - No friendly fire. Easy AI
Normal - 50% damage from friendly fire, traps, and other abilities. Moderate AI
Hard - 100% damage from friendly fire, traps, and other abilities. Full AI. Opponents hit harder.
Nightmare - 100% damage from friendly fire, traps, and other abilities. Full AI. Opponents hit harder and additional resistances.

You can watch a tutorial explaining the mechanics of the combat system and the journal for the PC version below.

(Taken from Wikipedia) There is no tracking of alignment as in previous BioWare games, but the moral choices of the main character throughout the game will still affect the story. You may save the world whether you are good or evil, but the decisions that you make in the process will change the world around you – deciding who will become King, for example, and affecting nations and races and their places in the world. These decisions will also influence your companion NPCs, possibly causing an NPC to leave your party or even attack you.

Xbox 360 Controller Layout


For a look at the console controls, Giant Bomb has released a 20 minute long video showing the game in action on the Xbox 360.


The player can choose to play as a human, a dwarf, or an elf.

Humans are the most numerous of all the races, but also the most divided. They conquered the realms of the elves and now treat them as second class citizens. The racial benefits of a human are +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Magic, and +1 Cunning.


The elves are a humanoid race, typically shorter than humans, and are often treated as second class citizens in many parts of the lands of Thedan. They are currently divided into two cultures, Alienage and Dalish elves. Alienages are closed communities of elves living in human cities. They are typically poor and survive by begging or taking on the most menial and unrewarding of tasks.


The Dalish, on the other hand, are nomadic and belong to tribes. These tribes do not often meet, and they may or may not get along with humans. Some create camps around human settlements to trade, whereas others simply wander or act as bandits to survive. In general, they tend to avoid confrontation than engage in skirmishes with humans. They seek to regain their lost history and are in search of a new home.

The racial benefits of an elf are +2 Willpower and +2 Magic.

Dwarves, referred to as dwarva in their own tongue, live among stone and place a great emphasis on the appearance of nobility and justice. The actions of one family member can often severely diminish an entire House's place in the social hierarchy of the dwarves. Some disgraced dwarves will choose to go through a ceremonial "death" to clear their names and the names of their families.


Their social structure is broken up into castes, and they do not worship anthropomorphic gods. Instead, they worship the stone and their ancestors before them. Dwarves who are believed to be strong and noble are said to strengthen the Stone when they die and return to it. Those who are ignoble or disgraced will weaken the stone or be rejected by it entirely.

Dwarves cannot become Mages due to their resistance to magic. Their racial benefits are +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, and a 10% chance to resist hostile magic.


Character creation videos:

There are three starting classes to choose from - Mage, Warrior, and Rogue - each further having four specializations available.

Warriors are powerful fighters, able to withstand and deliver large amounts of damage and are able to put points into all of the available weapon types from the beginning. The specializations for the Warrior are Berserker, Templar, Champion, and Reaver. The class benefits for the Warrior are +4 strength, +3 dexterity, and +3 constitution. All races can play as a Warrior.

Rogues are adventurers able to pick locks and disarm traps, and can deliver devastating backstabs to opponents. The specializations for the Rogue are Ranger, Bard, Duelist, and Assassin. The class benefits for the Rogue are +4 dexterity, +2 willpower, and +4 cunning. All races can play as a Rogue.

Mages focus on spells to combat enemies or support their allies, from attacks to buffs and heals and even shapeshifting. They can also utilize spell combos for devastating effect. For example, a Mage can unleash a pool of grease before casting a fireball to set it and all enemies on it aflame. A blizzard spell may then be used to put out the fire. The Mage can become a Shapeshifter, Spirit Healer, Blood Mage, or Arcane Warrior. The class benefits for the Mage are +5 magic, +4 willpower, and +1 cunning. Only humans and elves can become Mages.

Origin Stories

Origin stories are several hour long segments of gameplay which introduce you to the world and your motivations for joining the Grey Wardens, an elite but now near extinct organization dedicated to the extermination of the Darkspawn. Your origin story, race, and your decisions made in those early hours, will determine how people react to you. Paths will be opened and closed, and you will be constantly seeing the consequences due to your origin and your choices.

There are six origins to choose from.

Human Noble

"Some lands are ruled by men and women who believe that they have been elevated to their rank by the Maker Himself, but in Ferelden it is believed that a ruler must earn their place. The nobility is not suffered gladly, as the Orlesian Empire once discovered to its dismay when it attempted to occupy the land only to be overthrown by its people.

The Couslands have stewarded the lands of Highever for many generations, dating back to less civilized days before the crowning of Ferelden's first king. They could only have done so by earning the respect of its people through their reputation for justice and temperance, as well as their willingness to lead his men into battle. With the rise of the darkspawn horde in the south it thus falls on the Teyrn of Highever to send out the call once again: duty demands that an army be assembled and sent to King Cailan's aid at once.

As the Couslands will quickly discover, however, the darkness in Ferelden does not only lie in the heart of the evil horde in the south. Treachery stalks the halls of Highever Castle, as there are many men who would use even the occasion of a Blight to further their own ambitions.

As a young scion of the Cousland family, the duty of carrying its banner will fall to you. Will you live up to your family's proud heritage? Or will you forge your own path, and damn the consequences?"

City Elf

"They planted a tree in the middle of the alienage long ago. Today it stands tall, healthy and green in sharp contrast to the city around it. For we are the poorest of the poor, the unwanted and the unwelcome huddled on the other side of the wall that separates us from the human part of the city. We are allowed to go there, to work on the docks or in their taverns and in their homes, but when dusk comes we must return. Any elf caught outside the alienage at night is likely to be mistaken for a sneak-thief or a pickpocket and let us be honest, the ones that stay out there at night probably are.

Our elder tells us that the tree is called the vhenadahl, and in the ancient elven tongue that means tree of the people. Its roots are deep and the elder says that as long as the vhenadahl lives so shall we. But he also says that there was once a time when our people lived in their own lands. He says that we were once ageless and strong, that it was the humans who took all this from us.

Is it true? Have we fallen so far? We are not unhappy. As poor as we are, we have a home. The alienage is no prison, it protects us, just as the vhenadahl shelters us. We dance and sing and make merry, stealing what moments we can to enjoy what little we have and I believe we appreciate it far more than the humans do. They have everything and appreciate nothing.

And perhaps the day will come when the humans come and try to take the alienage from us, too. If that day comes, I swear they shall regret it."

Dalish Elf

"'We are the Dalish: keepers of the lost lore, walkers of the lonely path. We are the last of the Elvhenan, and never again shall we submit.'

This is the oath the Dalish elves hold close to their hearts. In ancient times the elves ruled over Thedas alone, ageless and beautiful, until the humans came. Enslaved for a thousand years, the elves lost not only their immortality but their very identity. The Dalish are those elves who proudly refuse to live in human cities, proudly wandering the most remote corners of the wild lands in small clans that rarely meet. Their wagons are welcome nowhere, and more than one tale is told of the Dalish clashing with remote villagers who attempt to drive them away by force.

Much has been lost, but the Dalish will find what has been lost and keep it safe. They will re-learn the elven tongue, rediscover the ancient crafts and practice the old magics. They will spurn the human god and instead cleave to the ancient pantheon of the elves, praying that one day their own gods will return and lead their people to a new homeland. There the Dalish will await the return of those elves who have forgotten what they were, they will teach them to remember.

And until that day comes most importantly they will stand fast. As long as the landships are seen on the horizon there will be hope, hope that what was long ago shattered by the touch of mortal man may one day yet be restored."

Human/Elf Mage

"The Circle of Magi exists to protect mages from a world that fears them, or so the young apprentices that are brought there are told. In truth, it exists as much to protect the world from the mages themselves. A time once existed when mages ruled the known world, bringing down ruin upon their enemies until at last they were overthrown. Now they are watched carefully by the Templars, mage-hunters aligned with the Chantry priests who would not hesitate to strike down any mage at the first sign of corruption.

For the temptations offered to mages are many. Their power draws demons to them from the Fade, demons that will attempt to wrest control of a mage's body and transform her into a vile abomination. What these demons cannot take by force they will sometimes attempt to take through deceit, offering knowledge of forbidden blood magic that allows a mage to control the minds of others and use their very life force to fuel her powers, leading her down a dark and destructive path.

All apprentices are taught to resist these temptations in the Circle of Magi, and the day comes when they must pass their final test: the Harrowing. They are literally thrown to the wolves, given over to a demon to either summon the willpower to defeat it or be possessed and die at templar hands. If the apprentice refuses they are made Tranquil, cut off from all emotion and magic and rendered unable to be possessed for their own good. There are no other options, save to flee and be branded an apostate and thus hunted by the templars forever.

Welcome to the Circle - the power to command the forces of magic is yours, for a price."

Dwarf Commoner

"There was a merchant come by Dust Town the other day, some poor sod who's had his skin burnt by the sun up on the surface lands once too often I'd say. How he gets let back into Orzammar I can't rightly say; he claims that he has a deal worked out. Who am I to argue when someone has an angle?

Point is, he tells me what them cloudheads think of us dwarves down here. It isn't even just the humans, there's surface dwarves who're born and bred up in the sun who think the same things, don't know any different. He says they say dwarves are smiths. Proud, noble warriors who like nothing better to mine a vein of ore or forge a decent sword.

Had us a good laugh, we did.

What would them humans think if they came to Dust Town and saw how the rest of us really lived? The ones that are casteless, the ones who aren't even considered worthy of being servants in the homes of the wealthy or pure enough to work the forges in the Shaperate. The nobles make sure we casteless get tattooed so they know who we are when they see us. That way they know who to spit on, right? Helps us, too. Makes it easier to figure out whose pockets are worth picking.

That's a joke. Not all of the casteless are criminals. Some of us are beggars, nug-catchers, street sweepers, and noble hunters. We do what we can to survive."

Dwarf Noble

"It is said that when the dwarves die, their spirits return to the Stone. This is not a reference to some mythological entity but rather to the actual stone that surrounds them. It is the roof over their head, the ground under their feet, the very basis from which their statues and architecture all are drawn from. Is it any wonder that they would apply such a reverence towards it?

Those dwarves who are strong and who do their duty are said to make the Stone stronger when they return to it. They add to the foundation's strength. Those who are weak, who are unlucky or criminal weaken the foundation or are rejected by the Stone altogether. Thus the struggle to prove one's worth is central to dwarven culture. Their noble houses connive and plot to eclipse each other in the Assembly, often resorting to intrigues such as assassination and blackmail to increase their own prestige. So long as the appearance of honor is maintained, the end always justifies the means.

House Aeducan has been prominent ever since its founding Paragon rose up to lead the defense of Orzammar against the darkspawn horde during the First Blight. With Endrin Aeducan the currently elected King, the House has been ascendant and thus is watched carefully by the envious and ambitious alike. Endrin is old, however, and the time has come for one of his children to make their move: they will prove their worth in replacing their father or fall to treachery from within their own family.

The halls of Orzammar run deep, they say, but the blood runs deeper."

Characters & Companions
(Taken from Wikipedia)

Duncan – The dedicated warrior leader of the Grey Wardens who serves as a mentor of sorts to the player character. He has been entrusted with the task of leading the Grey Wardens in Ferelden. This is considered a difficult task because the Grey Wardens were exiled from Ferelden 200 years ago.

King Cailan Theirin – Son of the legendary King Maric Theirin who drove the Orlesian Empire from Ferelden. The young and naive Cailan was the first King born into a Ferelden freed of foreign occupation in three generations.

Teyrn Loghain – Loghain served as the right hand of King Maric in the war against the Orlesians and now hopes to help guide Maric's son Cailan in defense of the realm from the Blight.

Arl Rendon Howe - (Voiced by Tim Curry) Bioware: "Howe is the calculating villain, cultured and charming, with an insatiable lust for power, who never hesitates to harm anyone who gets in his way."

Flemeth - (Voiced by Kate Mulgrew) Flemeth is a powerful witch, and mother to Morrigan, who maintains immortality through dark means.

Known party members include:
Wynne – One of the most prominent mages of the Circle of Magi. She is a powerful spirit healer. She often cautions young or arrogant mages of the innate dangers of calling forth magical forces from the Fade. Dangers which justify the common fear of mages and the horrible powers and creatures they can free from the Fade, intentionally or not.

Alistair – This young warrior was recruited by Duncan from his ill-suited placement into training to become a templar for the Chantry (the dominant religion of Ferelden). Alistair has seen a hard childhood since his mother died in childbirth. He was raised in service of the lord at the castle in Redcliffe. His experiences have hardened him and created a wry and irreverent sense of humor. Alistair is a confirmed romance option.

Morrigan – (Voiced by Claudia Black) Morrigan is a shapechanging mage, taught by her mother in the wilds of Ferelden. Morrigan is a confirmed romance option.

Oghren – (Voiced by Steven Jay Blum) Oghren is a dwarven warrior.

Sten– An elder, powerful warrior of the Qunari people who is seeking atonement for unknown sins.

Leliana - Leliana is from the Orlesian Empire and is classed as a rogue. She is a confirmed romance option.

Zevran - A male elf who excelled the ranks in one of the most infamous guild of thieves and assassins in all of Thedas, The Antivan Crows. When he was young he was sold to the Crows, although he resisted the brutal training at first. He became one of the Crows' most promising assassins. He accepts a most dangerous commission yet, a target far-off Ferelden which he hopes would bring him unimaginable rewards.

War Dog - Mabari War Dogs are a prized and essential part of the Fereldan miltary. These trained hounds easily break the lines of pikeman, pull knights from horseback and with a pack of Marbari dogs, they can cause panic to even the most hardened infantry soldiers.

Shale - Shale is a mighty stone golem that comes from The Stone Prisoner downloadable content pack. Shale will be available freely to all owners of a first-hand copy of the game. Those who purchase a previously owned copy have the option to purchase him for $15 USD.

Important Lore
(Taken from the unofficial wikia page)

Grey Wardens

"In war, victory
In peace, vigilance
In death, sacrifice"


The Grey Wardens is an organization of the most elite and feared of warriors, dedicated to the destruction of the darkspawn in all lands. They are headquartered in Weisshaupt Fortress in the country of Anderfels, and they are known to have a significant presence in the Orlesian Empire. The centuries of peace have left them all but forgotten. The Grey Wardens have kept watch through the ages, well aware that peace is fleeting, and that their enemy will never truly be defeated until the last of the darkspawn have been slain.

From the first, the Grey Wardens sacrificed everything to stem the tide of darkness. Uniquely qualified for this task, they drew the most powerful of mages and the finest warriors from all races and forged them into a fighting force that time and time again has driven back the Blight. They remain legends, vigilantly watching for the return of their ancient foe, and stand ready to do battle once more when that day comes.

They are currently led by a man named Duncan, and they are few in number.

To become part of the Grey Wardens a recruit must first go through a ritual called the Joining. One of the reasons the ranks of Grey Wardens are small is that few can succeed this ritual. Those who do, however, gain an ability to resist the effects of the blight as well as the unique ability to sense the presence of darkspawn. For unknown reasons, the ritual and the details about it are kept a strict secret by the Grey Wardens.

The taint that gives Grey Wardens the ability to detect darkspawn, also cuts short their lives. Yet, rather than withering away from their sickness, Grey Wardens experience the Calling, where they choose to descend to the Deep Roads to battle darkspawn and end their lives with purpose.

The Blight


A Blight (capital 'B') is the term given to the event of the darkspawn corrupting one of the Old Gods and rising with it to the surface world. While darkspawn can occasionally be found raiding on the surface world, it is not termed an actual Blight unless an Archdemon leads them.

The blight (lower case 'b') is the disease spread by the darkspawn. It twists and corrupts all living organisms, creating such abominations as blight wolves and ghouls (assuming the creatures manage to survive the initial phase of the infection in the first place). These creatures are not actually related to the darkspawn, and their illness always proves fatal, usually in weeks or months of contracting it.

With each passing day, a blight grows. The earth itself withers and dies; the land is leeched of moisture, turning everything dry and brown. The sky fills with rolling, black clouds that block out the sun, making it easier for the darkspawn to surface. As this wasteland spreads, the corruption of the blight spreads with it, diseasing all in its path.

Behind-the-Scenes Documentaries

The Music of Dragon Age: Origins

Writing an Epic

Creating a Living World

Reviews & Articles

Witch Hunt the Penny Arcade Dragon Age comic

5/5 - Giant Bomb review - "However, as the sort of guy that has lovingly played an Infinity Engine game at least once every year for the past decade, I can think of no higher praise for this throwback than to say that Dragon Age: Origins leaves me feeling fairly confident I won't need to dig out the classics for this ritual next year."

9.5/10 - GameSpot video review - "If you're hungry for a fantastical original fantasy setting, an awesome story filled with memorable characters, and fun multi-layered questing, Dragon Age will fill you up. This is the RPG you've been waiting for, the one that's going to keep you up at night and invade your dreams."

94/100 - PC Gamer UK - "Roleplaying games now have a great deal to live up to."

9.2/10 - UK IGN PC - "Bioware’s achievements in all this are incredible. It cannot be stressed enough at the depth of the universe they have conjured. Every corner you look, there is a sense of age, of something old. Entire mythologies for multiple cultures have been brewed up, entire religions mapped out in their own belief systems, history that stretches back hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Cities look lived in, worn – majestic and squalid places that spill with times gone by and a sense of place. The castles look like they have been there for centuries, and truly, there is an uncertain sense that they have been. That Ferelden and its inhabitants were waiting patiently in the wings for all this time, waiting for their chance to shine. Well, like the Grey Wardens, their time has come. Let us unite then, and in the words of an old friend: We shall show those cursed Darkspawn our hearts – and then show them theirs."

92/100 - Absolute Games review - "It has everything that is sought by the most jaded fans of the genre..."

9.1/10 - Gametrailers video review

90/100 - Game Informer review - "Even more than Mass Effect, the nation of Ferelden feels like a fully realized setting with its own history, conflicts, and power groups."

8/10 - Eurogamer PC review - "In its desperation to infuse this setting with 'maturity' - be it of the sober, political kind, or the game's painfully clumsy gore and sex - BioWare has forgotten the key ingredient of any fantasy: the fantastical. Without it, you're still left with a competent, often compelling, impressively detailed and immense RPG, but it's one that casts no spell."

The People of Dragon Age: Origins – An Interview with Sten, Wynne and the Tower Guard







PC System Requirements
Windows XP Minimum Specifications

* OS: Windows XP with SP3
* CPU: Intel Core 2 (or equivalent) single core running at 1.4Ghz or greater
* AMD X2 (or equivalent) running at 1.8Ghz or greater
* RAM: 1GB or more
* Video: ATI Radeon X850 128MB or greater
* NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128MB or greater
* DVD ROM (Physical copy)
* 20 GB HD space

Windows Vista Minimum Specifications

* OS: Windows Vista with SP1
* CPU: Intel Core 2 (or equivalent) single core running at 1.6Ghz or greater
* AMD X2 (or equivalent) running at 2.2GHZ or greater
* RAM: 1.5 GB or more
* Video: ATI Radeon X1550 256MB or greater
* NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT 256MB or greater
* DVD ROM (Physical copy)
* 20 GB HD space

Recommended Specifications

* CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz Processor or equivalent
* RAM: 4 GB (Vista) or 2 GB (XP)
* Video: ATI 3850 512 MB or greater
* NVIDIA 8800GTS 512 MB or greater
* DVD ROM (Physical copy)
* 20 GB HD space

Standard, Collector's, Digital Deluxe Edition?

All new copies of the game include free Blood Dragon Armor for use in Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 2. The code can be used for any platform. If you buy the game for the Xbox 360 but want to use the Blood Dragon Armor for Mass Effect 2 on the PC, you can.

All new copies of the game include The Stone Prisoner downloadable content, featuring a new companion (Shale, a dwarven golem), new quests, new items, and new environments. It can be bought separately for a price of 15 USD.

If you pre-order any version of the game, you will receive the Memory Band, a special ring which adds an extra 1% to your experience gain or can be used to add a single point into a character's skill set.

If you pre-order at participating retailers, you will receive one of five in-game items. For example, you will receive the Lion's Paw boots from, which adds to armor, dodge, and evading missiles.

The Collector's Edition will include a special tin case, a cloth map, a making-of DVD, a soundtrack, trailers and wallpapers and concept footage, and three in-game items. These items include Bergen's Honor, a massive helmet made of dragonbone; Grimoire of the Wastes, a special book that adds +3 attributes points when read; and Final Reason, a magical staff of immense power. You can view an image of the Collector's Edition and further details of these in-game items below.
The Digital Deluxe Edition, available at participating online retailers such as EA Store and Direct2Drive, will include all of the in-game items in the Collector's Edition, but obviously none of the physical items. Because of this, purchasers will receive The Warden's Keep downloadable content, a player keep which will also no doubt feature new quests and items, free of charge.

The Warden's Keep downloadable content will later be available for purchase on all platforms.

The Stone Prisoner Trailer

The Warden's Keep Trailer

Xbox Live, PSN & Origin: Vacorsis 3DS: 2638-0037-166
Dashui on


  • WMain00WMain00 Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    What a terrible OP. Preorder cancelled.


    WMain00 on
  • SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    So I heard you lieked MMO witchars

    Spoit on
  • QuirkyLittleTyrantQuirkyLittleTyrant A Mug Featuring Pichu On A Cloud Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Can it be next week now?

    QuirkyLittleTyrant on
    PSN ID: Khrysocome
    Steam: ZappRowsdower
  • Silas BrownSilas Brown That's hobo style. Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    This thread is a rip-off of the other DA:O thread.

    Silas Brown on
  • HavelockHavelock Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I recently caught that one episode of South Park where Cartman freezes himself because he doesn't want to wait two weeks for the Wii to come out.

    I thought it was appropriate considering how I feel about Dragon Age.

    Havelock on
  • DashuiDashui Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    This thread is a rip-off of the other DA:O thread.

    And the one before the other, too! Whoever created this thread is a fucking hack.


    Dashui on
    Xbox Live, PSN & Origin: Vacorsis 3DS: 2638-0037-166
  • PolloDiabloPolloDiablo Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Did we have an ugly beards meme yet? Because, man, those beards look bad.

    PolloDiablo on
  • TheStigTheStig Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    who wants to help me freeze myself until next week?

    TheStig on
    bnet: TheStig#1787 Steam: TheStig
  • SlagmireSlagmire Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    The PS3 version is getting a 11/03 release with the other console versions. Oh happy day! :D

    Slagmire on
  • HavelockHavelock Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    TheStig wrote: »
    who wants to help me freeze myself until next week?

    *raises hand*

    Havelock on
  • TheStigTheStig Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Havelock wrote: »
    TheStig wrote: »
    who wants to help me freeze myself until next week?

    *raises hand*

    In a way that doesn't kill me.

    TheStig on
    bnet: TheStig#1787 Steam: TheStig
  • HavelockHavelock Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    TheStig wrote: »
    Havelock wrote: »
    TheStig wrote: »
    who wants to help me freeze myself until next week?

    *raises hand*

    In a way that doesn't kill me.



    *puts hand down*

    Havelock on
  • PancakePancake Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    So, to expound on the conversation in the last thread, gays are gross.

    Pancake on
  • ThreepioThreepio New Westminster, BCRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I'm entirely unsure of which platform to buy this on. *sigh*

    Threepio on
  • PancakePancake Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Threepio wrote: »
    I'm entirely unsure of which platform to buy this on. *sigh*

    PC is the obvious choice. It doesn't matter which console by the look of things, but then we haven't really seen the PS3 version, have we?

    Pancake on
  • Hiryu02Hiryu02 Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I'm still really torn as to which platform to get this on. I'd prefer PC, but then I'd be competing with my wife for PC time. If I get it on 360, then she could play it while I was using the PC for other games.

    Choices, choices.

    Hiryu02 on
    Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
  • PolloDiabloPolloDiablo Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Threepio wrote: »
    I'm entirely unsure of which platform to buy this on. *sigh*

    Can your PC run it? If yes, PC. If no, upgrade, then PC.

    PolloDiablo on
  • TheStigTheStig Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Threepio wrote: »
    I'm entirely unsure of which platform to buy this on. *sigh*

    I heard PS3 is the system for cool people*

    People with shitty PCs and no 360

    TheStig on
    bnet: TheStig#1787 Steam: TheStig
  • RamiRami Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    So are more detailed descriptions of the classes and specs available? Preferably with the talent trees.

    Rami on
  • PolloDiabloPolloDiablo Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    With regard to the title, I think the dwarf beards look the best. Unlike the human ones, which obviously aren't attached to the face.

    PolloDiablo on
  • SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Rami wrote: »
    So are more detailed descriptions of the classes and specs available? Preferably with the talent trees.

    You can look (but not touch) the talent trees for the 3 base classes in the character creator. Not much is known about talents for the specializations, other than speculation from people taking a hex editor to it.

    Spoit on
  • DashuiDashui Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Spoit wrote: »
    Rami wrote: »
    So are more detailed descriptions of the classes and specs available? Preferably with the talent trees.

    You can look (but not touch) the talent trees for the 3 base classes in the character creator. Not much is known about talents for the specializations, other than speculation from people taking a hex editor to it.

    Well you can get general information on the specializations from the unofficial wiki, at least.

    Dashui on
    Xbox Live, PSN & Origin: Vacorsis 3DS: 2638-0037-166
  • RamiRami Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Spoit wrote: »
    Rami wrote: »
    So are more detailed descriptions of the classes and specs available? Preferably with the talent trees.

    You can look (but not touch) the talent trees for the 3 base classes in the character creator. Not much is known about talents for the specializations, other than speculation from people taking a hex editor to it.

    Its the specialisations I'm interested in seeing. I'm just mentally planning out my character list.

    -Dalish Elf Rogue Assassin
    -Human Noble Warrior [whatever the sword and shield orientated spec is]
    -Elf Blood Mage

    Rami on
  • ButtcleftButtcleft Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    are we still talking about the things that gay dwarfs can do with their beards?

    Buttcleft on
  • PolloDiabloPolloDiablo Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Are the racial bonuses worth much? It seems like stats get high enough that an extra +1 or 2 won't matter in the long run. That's actually how I prefer it, so you can try out different combinations without gimping yourself.

    PolloDiablo on
  • 4rch3nemy4rch3nemy Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Will there be respecs of any kind in this game (usually not but it's worth it to ask)?

    4rch3nemy on
  • DashuiDashui Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Rami wrote:
    -Human Noble Warrior [whatever the sword and shield orientated spec is

    That would probably be Champion. And it looks like the unofficial wiki finally has some detailed information on the builds. I'll update the OP with them. For now, here's Champion:

    Specialization benefits for Champion: +2 willpower +1 Cunning.

    Champion Specific Talents

    War Cry - The champion lets out a fearsome cry that gives nearby enemies a penalty to attack.

    Rally - The champion's presence inspires nearby allies, giving them a bonus to defense while this mode is active.

    Motivate - The champion inspires allies to attack with renewed vigor. The Rally talent now increases attack, in addition to its defense bonus.

    Superiority - The champion is now so fearsome that War Cry now stuns nearby opponents unless they pass a physical resistance check.

    Dashui on
    Xbox Live, PSN & Origin: Vacorsis 3DS: 2638-0037-166
  • ThreepioThreepio New Westminster, BCRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I have a pretty stacked PC, as well as more than one 360 and a PS3.

    My PC has a 30" monitor and a set of surround headphones.

    My consoles are plugged into a high def Panasonic plasma with a sound system that can blow your clothes right off.

    I like both trophies and achievements.


    Threepio on
  • QuirkyLittleTyrantQuirkyLittleTyrant A Mug Featuring Pichu On A Cloud Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    The ability to abuse the hell out of this screenshot system for the social site is awesome. You could put your nude mod on and stroll through every major event buck naked. You could make the arachnophobes weep in anguish by having Morrigan turn into a giant fucking spider immediately before something immensely important occurs. You could simply make the ugliest PC in all existence and position the camera so that the hideous face you created is all anyone ever sees as they progress through your little social page.

    QuirkyLittleTyrant on
    PSN ID: Khrysocome
    Steam: ZappRowsdower
  • PolloDiabloPolloDiablo Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Buttcleft wrote: »
    are we still talking about the things that gay dwarfs can do with their beards?

    I hear they braid them together and then **** each others' **** in the **** while they **** on top of **** **** **** after **** under *** *** *** *** with a dragon.

    PolloDiablo on
  • MegaMekMegaMek Girls like girls. Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    At this point I fully expect Valve to fuck up the Tuesday Steam release. To those of you who didn't order this on steam, have fun playing this game while those of us who did rage.

    MegaMek on
    Is time a gift or punishment?
  • PolloDiabloPolloDiablo Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Threepio wrote: »
    I have a pretty stacked PC, as well as more than one 360 and a PS3.

    My PC has a 30" monitor and a set of surround headphones.

    My consoles are plugged into a high def Panasonic plasma with a sound system that can blow your clothes right off.

    I like both trophies and achievements.


    I'm glad Bruce Wayne is planning on getting Dragon Age. Why not buy three copies?

    PolloDiablo on
  • FoefallerFoefaller Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Dashui wrote: »
    Rami wrote:
    -Human Noble Warrior [whatever the sword and shield orientated spec is

    That would probably be Champion. And it looks like the unofficial wiki finally has some detailed information on the builds. I'll update the OP with them. For now, here's Champion:

    Specialization benefits for Champion: +2 willpower +1 Cunning.

    Champion Specific Talents

    War Cry - The champion lets out a fearsome cry that gives nearby enemies a penalty to attack.

    Rally - The champion's presence inspires nearby allies, giving them a bonus to defense while this mode is active.

    Motivate - The champion inspires allies to attack with renewed vigor. The Rally talent now increases attack, in addition to its defense bonus.

    Superiority - The champion is now so fearsome that War Cry now stuns nearby opponents unless they pass a physical resistance check.

    It is quite possible that they took that from the Flash game (as one of the NPCs was a Champion) and ergo, could be completly wrong.

    Foefaller on
  • QuirkyLittleTyrantQuirkyLittleTyrant A Mug Featuring Pichu On A Cloud Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Buttcleft wrote: »
    are we still talking about the things that gay dwarfs can do with their beards?

    I found your stone-bed-caressing image to be honestly heartwarming.
    And loinwarming. :winky:

    QuirkyLittleTyrant on
    PSN ID: Khrysocome
    Steam: ZappRowsdower
  • ThreepioThreepio New Westminster, BCRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Threepio wrote: »
    I have a pretty stacked PC, as well as more than one 360 and a PS3.

    My PC has a 30" monitor and a set of surround headphones.

    My consoles are plugged into a high def Panasonic plasma with a sound system that can blow your clothes right off.

    I like both trophies and achievements.


    I'm glad Bruce Wayne is planning on getting Dragon Age. Why not buy three copies?

    Crime doesn't fight itself, son.

    Threepio on
  • dsplaisteddsplaisted Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Just one more week...

    I've got the PC CE preordered from NewEgg, I'm hoping I'll get lucky and it will arrive before the release date.

    If they announce that they're going to do preloading on steam, I may get it there too and keep the physical copy as an actual collector's item.

    dsplaisted on
  • EggyToastEggyToast Jersey CityRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    TheStig wrote: »
    Threepio wrote: »
    I'm entirely unsure of which platform to buy this on. *sigh*

    I heard PS3 is the system for cool people*

    People with shitty PCs and no 360

    Hey it's also the system for people with Macs and no 360! And I was pleasantly surprised to get an email from Amazon saying that the date had moved up two weeks. I'll be able to play something while the wife is in China for a week.

    EggyToast on
    || Flickr — || PSN: EggyToast
  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    I'm still really torn as to which platform to get this on. I'd prefer PC, but then I'd be competing with my wife for PC time. If I get it on 360, then she could play it while I was using the PC for other games.

    Choices, choices.

    PC, most definitely. PC will have a console, meaning that when you kill the miniboss for the red key(Item# 'key0001'), and it instead gives you the blue key(Item# 'key0010'), you can just add it to your inventory via the console, rather than wait three weeks for them to make a patch, and a month for them to port it to your PS3/360.

    Carnarvon on
  • Caramel GenocideCaramel Genocide Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Oh boy, new thread!

    Reposting this here for those still having problems uploading their characters:

    The trick that worked for me (that I read about on their scary forums) is to lower all the graphics settings down (to nothing, if need be) and then upload again. Yeah, sounds strange.

    I had characters that hadn't uploaded after days. After doing this, they took 10 - 15 minutes to show up on the site.

    Caramel Genocide on
  • PataPata Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Why have I not heard of this before.

    It looks pretty cool.

    Pata on
    SRWWSig.pngEpisode 5: Mecha-World, Mecha-nisim, Mecha-beasts
This discussion has been closed.