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Please vote in the Forum Structure Poll. Polling will close at 2PM EST on January 21, 2025.

Borderlands: Shoot zombies on Nov. 24 for consoles and unknown date for PC.

StericaSterica YesRegistered User, Moderator mod
edited November 2009 in Games and Technology
Helpful Advice for New Players
  • Yes, you can respec your skill tree for a certain percent of your wealth. You go to a New-U station, which are pretty much everywhere (as soon as you enter a new area, you're next to one) and you can do it there for a certain percent of your wealth.
  • You can play with multiples of the same class. Four Bricks? No problem.
  • Class mods require at least one skill point in whatever they are buffing. No points in Silent Resolve? No buff from the mod.
  • Class mods CAN exceed the normal five point limit of skills.
  • You can play with people of a higher or lower level than yourself, you'll get mad XP if you're the lower level player
  • Artifacts are consumed, not equipped. Go to your skill tree, and click the box to the left of your main class skill. You'll get a list of every artifact you've used. Pick whatever is best for the situation!
  • You do get to upgrade you inventory space eventually, quite considerably
  • Make no mistake, Gearbox made this an AWESOME single player game first and then a FUCKAWESOME multiplayer game second.

The Vault Hunters!
From left to right: Roland, Lilith, Mordecai, Brick

Roland is a former soldier of the Crimson Lance, a sort of highly trained private military that disregards law and order. A decade-old vendetta is rekindled when Roland learns that the leader of the Brigadiers has a suspiciously similar name to a man he has sworn to kill. Some of Roland's abilities are meant to supplement and support the party. His Leadership skill can boost the party's experience gains, while his Medical skill will increase health regeneration, and Support will increase weapon damage or regenerate ammunition for the party, Roland is a soldier class and the only class that doesn't have to worry about ammo as a special backpack produces an infinite supply.

Once a human, Lilith at one point was turned into a siren. One of only six Sirens, they are a group of people with unbelievable powers, but no way to control them. She comes to Pandora in search of another Siren, in an effort to find out more about herself. Lilith is essentially the mage of the group, using her Siren powers to support the group and attack the enemy. Some of her powers include the ability to increase the group's rate of fire, as well as the power to create temporal bubbles, which she can manipulate to slow down enemies and hostile projectiles or speed up allies.

Mordecai came to Pandora in search of a man from his past named Demosthenes. Upon learning that Demosthenes has died, Mordecai sets off to learn how he died and what he was carrying. Mordecai's play style is that of a lone ranger, preferring to snipe enemies from afar. Some of his special abilities can augment the party's damage from headshots or give accuracy boosts and is a hunter class. Later in the game, he will befriend a bird-like creature named Bloodwing that will assist in combat.

A massive specimen of a man who likes to use his fists to smash the enemy above all else. He wears a necklace adorned with the paw of his beloved deceased dog. He fills in the tank niche and can take quite a beating as well having the ability to chug berserker-state inducing pills for short bursts of power.











Super Useful PC Tweaks & Tips!
How to change FOV:
>> my documents\games\borderlands\willowgame

open willowinput.ini
Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="FOV 90",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
add it amongst the other bindings, change the fov to whatever you want and switch it by the corresponding keys

How to turn off In-Game Voice Chat:

>> my documents\games\borderlands\willowgame
open willowengine.ini

find bHasVoiceEnabled=true
change it to false and you wont be transmitting voice all the time. Then you can use a better voice chat system, like Steam VOIP or Ventrilo. At least until Gearbox decides to patch this version up :P

(shamelessly stolen from the GBX forums ;-))

If the mouse feels odd to you, try this:

>> my documents\games\borderlands\willowgame

open willowinput.ini

Find bEnableMouseSmoothing=true, change to false

How to turn off the opening splash screens:

1) Navigate to My Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config
2) Open WillowEngine.ini
3) Search for "FullScreenMovie"
4) Erase all the entries in the [FullScreenMovie] section (Do not go past the next section title, wrapped in square brackets!)
5) Make the file read only: (Right click, properties, read only)
6) Done! All you see now is the engine logos and such (much better than seeing all the other videos).

Zoom Toggle

Within WillowInput.ini:

Put the text below under [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]
Bindings=(Name="ZoomIn",Command="StartAltFire | setbind ThumbMouseButton zoomout",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftT rigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False, bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="ZoomOut",Command="StopAltFire | setbind ThumbMouseButton zoomin",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTr igger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,b IgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="ThumbMouseButton",Command="zoomout ",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrig ger= False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnore Shift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

If you want to use the right mouse button to zoom:
Bindings=(Name="ZoomIn",Command="StartAltFire | setbind RightMouseButton zoomout",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftT rigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False, bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="ZoomOut",Command="StopAltFire | setbind RightMouseButton zoomin",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTr igger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,b IgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

Also Find:
Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton",Command="advance dbutton bAdvancedButtonAux5",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt =False,LeftTrigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnor eCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

and Replace with:
Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton",Command="zoomin" ,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrigger=F alse,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreS hift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

To make crouch momentary instead of toggle:

Within WillowInput.ini

Search for the following line under [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]:

advancedbutton bAdvancedButtonAux1 | SwitchSeats

and change to

Duck | SwitchSeats

Items only show 4 lines in the properties box! Here's how to see more of what your gun does.

Go to %BORDERLANDS%\WillowGame\Localization\INT\
Find the gd_globals.INT file. MAKE A BACKUP.
Open the gd_globals.INT file.

AttributePresentationTranslation="$NUMBER$ $CONSTRAINT$ $DESCRIPTION$"

AttributePresentationTranslation="<font size="10">$NUMBER$ $CONSTRAINT$ $DESCRIPTION$</font>"

To host an online game:

The following ports need to be opened / pushed to the host's internal IP address (YMMV):

6500 (TCP/UDP)
9989 (TCP/UDP)
7777 (TCP/UDP)
28900 (TCP)
27900 (UDP)
28910 (TCP)

STEAM Group, Bitches!
Join Steam group chat to drum up people for a game.

Gamespy IDs! What, Like You're So Special?
I will probably regret this, but if you want to be added to the list PM me. Forum name then GSID is the format.

IceBurner = Jezzgiott
rakuencallisto = rakuencallisto
Forar = ForarW
Darkchampion3d = PANuclearmonkee
addsbadgers = addsbadgers
tofu = killertorfu
Lawndart = Lawndart
Raoulduke20/SarahPalin = BongRips2012
DiannaoChong = DiannaoChong
DeMoN = Toxic_Cizzle
MonkeyConQueso = Aubvry
mojojoeo = xMojoJoeOx
Scribemite = Discomite
Senshi = Senshibot
Sunstrand = XxSunstrandxX
Darmak = darmakx99
fsmith1 = fsmith1
Goose! = g0oseyourself
Zetx = zet_ecks
Cobalt60 = CobaltSixty
Iolo = iolonotlolo
GoodkingjayIII = goodkingjayiii
Syphonblue = syphonblue
Edomatic = Jack&Jonsey
harvest = CrimsonHarvest
Izanagi-Okami = BulbasaurPA
Grape Ape = InauguralGomez
AustinP0027 = AustinP0027
wavecutter = wavecutter
Zerocow = PA_Zerocow
revcom = melian dialogue
darunia106 = darunia106
Khavall = Khavall
SanderJK = SanderJK
Hawk = SamuraiHawk
intelnavi = Commanderintelnavi
Antithesis = Morinaei
John Zoidberg = PA_Zoidberg
MagicPrime = MagicPrime
cwapfobrains = cwapfobrains
RisenPhoenix = KrylonBlack
TheBana = thebana
Kendrik = Kendrik01
Toastie Toast = ToastieToast
PikaPuff = PikaPuff
Zen Vulgarity = ZenVulgarity
Racist Joke = LeutGreen
Jakorian = jakorian

XBOX 360 MetaTags For Cool Dudes!
(simply add the tag and view the friends list of the tag, only PA'ers have this tag added so you'll only play with PA'ers. Smart, yes?

PA Borderwangs
Or if that one is full,
PA Wanglands

PSN Name-O'S!
PM me if you want in on the list. Alright, it's PA forum names first and the PSN names. You better get the reference! *shakes fist*

Clayburn as Caerus
Doctor Fink as Doctor_Fink
John Zoidberg as Stiff_Ninja
Antihippy as Antiwhippy
Flo as mechaflo
Lord_Asmodeus as Lord_Asmodeu
DasUberEdward as EdwardTheThird
-Loki- as qwertybig
Shorn Scrotum Man as sojakfa
Threepio as rogerwilco
stlobus as lobus
KidDynamite as NinjaForHire
wenchkilla as dragoniemx
GoodOmens as IsotopeX
Mr Pink as Euphanism
Descendant X as DescendantX
ElKaboom as himself
Bullfrogof7272 as himself
Johannen as himself
maraxus94 as himself
Ah_Pook as himself
fmz65 as himself
kazanma as himself

Skill Trees, Mother Fuckers!


Elemental Damage, Weapons, and You!

Incendiary elemental property adds the effect of fire to weapons, mods, shields and some enemies. It is most effective against unshielded, flesh enemies, such as Bruisers and Skags. Incendiary weapons bullet burst into flames when they impact. When a fire element triggers, the enemy is lit on fire, dealing damage over time. If the enemy dies due to fire damage, their corpse will burn away.

Corrosive weapons cause splashes of acid to corrode at enemies. Corrosive weapons are effective against heavily armored enemies, like Skags or Spiderants. When a corrosive weapon's effect triggers, the enemy will start to take damage over time. The damage is less than that of a fire weapon of the same level, but the corrosive damage also makes the enemy more vulnerable to all damage while it is in effect. Enemies that die to corrosive damage will melt away.

Shock weapons crackle with electricity and are very effective against shields, making them useful against shielded bandits and alien guardians. Shock bullets will crack with electricity when they impact. When a shock weapon's effect triggers, high damage is dealt to the enemy's shield and they take damage over time. If an enemy dies to shock damage, their face burns away and reveals their skull.

Explosive weapons' bullets explode when they impact, making them very effective against groups of lesser enemies. The explosions deal splash damage to nearby enemies when the effect triggers. Enemies that die to an explosive weapon blow into pieces.

Levels of Effect: The level of elemental effect on your gun effects two things:

1. How likely an element effect is to occur

2. How likely a more powerful element effect is to occur

So higher element level means there is more potential for you to score elemental attacks and more potential for them to be largely damaging.

Now on to the extremely interesting part, how each weapon scores and elemental hit:

Snipers: By far one of the most interesting, Snipers actually charge their element between shots. So the longer between your shots, the higher the chance is of a high elemental effect.

Revolvers: Slightly interesting as well, with a Revolver it's just a roll of the dice. Almost every shot will have element to it, but most times it will be a low level. Keep shooting and you're likely to hit the jackpot and score a high element burst.

SMG/Repeater Pistol: Each bullet has a chance to inflict the gun's max element effect.

Combat Rifle/Machine Pistol: The first few shots of a burst will have higher chances to inflict a high level element effect.

Shotgun: Another gamble with elemental damage but a bit different from the Revolver. With Shotguns it's: all pellets have an elemental effect or none of the pellets have an elemental effect.

Rocket Launcher: Always scores a high rank elemental effect.

Class Mods! A Path To A Better You!
Courtesy of Iolo

Eventually you'll find class mods which can be equipped in your inventory (under your shield and grenade mod). Class mods can add points to skills in your skill tree.
You must have at least one point in a skill for the mod to have an effect. This was confirmed by Gearbox employee ennui over on the GB forums.

Skill points + Mod points can exceed 5.

Mods can also affect other skills, like a soldier mod that gives the whole team ammo regen or a siren mod that increases SMG damage. There are 4-5 types of mods for each class, each with a name (like Siren's Plaugebringer, Mercenary, Firefly, etc.) and each coming in various strengths and configurations. Mods also tend to be worth more money than low level guns and grenade mods you'll find in the same area, so even mods for other classes may be worth making space for (when solo) to sell.

Rarity! From Bestest to Worstest!

Dark Orange

Items in your inventory are sorted by rarity. With your most rarest items at the top of the list. So double check that "white" weapon that is listed above your Orange weapon, it's more than likely a Pearl.

Understanding Flavor Text!

Found in the stats boxes of guns are sometimes cryptic or humorous messages. These lines indicate a certain effect on the gun. Several decoded messages are as follows:

010011110100110101000111 (OMG) - Shoots an AoE electrical shock; similar to a rocket launcher. (Eridian 101100 Cannon)
2 More Bullets Makes All The Difference - Fires 5 round burst instead of standard 3 round burst. (Combat Rifles)
A beast of many forms - Fire, Lightning, and Poison. - Bullets alternate between the 3 elemental damage types on every shot. (Revolvers)
A Gift from Papa Krom - Fires a three-shot burst when aiming. (Repeater Pistols)
A hunter lives among the stars... - Chance to do Random Shock Damage in vicinity of user when fired. (Sniper Rifles)
Aim for the Sniper - Better accuracy while scoped. (Shotguns)
A Lead Wind Blows... - Fires two bullets per one ammo. (SMGs)
A Watchful Eye - Increased zoom. (The Sentinel)
Ammo is no longer an issue. - Regenerates Ammo. (Repeater Pistols)
BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM! - While scoped, a five round burst. (Sniper Rifles)
Be Careful Not to Drop It... Might Lose A Toe - +100% Melee Damage. (Repeater Pistols)
Beware The Horde - Once fired, one rocket becomes several. The longer the rockets travel, the more they split, which can lead to 20+ rockets for a single shot! (Rocket Launchers)
Beyond Groovy - Fires rockets instead of regular ammo. (Shotgun - Obtained from killing Flynt)
Big Tony says "Hi" - Massive magazine size. (Repeater Pistols)
Bring Out Your Dead - High Corrosion Chance. (Shotguns, reference to the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
Bring The HEAT! - Incendiary Rounds. (Revolvers, Repeater Pistols)
Careful... you might put someone's eye out - unknown (Rider, reference to the movie 'A Christmas Story'; Specifically the Red Rider BB gun and the infamous saying "You'll shoot your eye out.")
Cross Their Heart, Hope They Die - Spread follows a cross-shaped pattern. (Shotguns)
Death Rains from Above - Additional rockets fire from the initial explosion. (Rocket Launchers)
Double Whammy! - Shoots 2 bullets (per shot) at a 200% Burst Fire - (Revolvers, Repeater Pistols)
Drop the Hammer - Chance to cause massive damage, pellet spread on wall is in the shape of a hammer. (Shotguns)
Fast Hands - Super fast reload.
Feel the Sting - Fires 2 bullets with each shot. (Repeater Pistols)
Five Heads of Death - Each shot fires five tightly-grouped bursts, spaced out along a horizontal path. (Shotguns)
Fools! They call me maaaad! - Bullets zig-zag when fired, and ricochet. (Revolvers)
For the Mother Land - Ignores shield. (Snipers)
Give Sick. - High chance for Corrosive damage, effect has a chance to transfer to nearby enemies.
Gonna cook someone today - Creates small nuclear explosion when fired. (Rocket Launchers)
Guns of the Revolution never fall silent. - Massive Magazine. (Combat Rifles)
Hallelujah! - Regenerates Ammo (SMG's)
Have A Nice Day - Shots create a 'smiley-face' pattern, not really.
Hold Your Ground... Forever - Regenerates Ammo (Combat Rifles)
Holy Crap, It Shoots Rockets! - shoots rockets instead of pellets. (Shotguns, uses the weapon's ammo type not actual rockets)
I Can Do This All Day... - Regenerates Ammo. (Shotguns)
"I feel like I'm gonna break this thing." - Slower walking speed while held, causes massive shock damage (Alien Rifles, reference to the movie 'Men In Black'; Specifically, the ridiculously-powerful miniature handgun, 'The Noisy Cricket')
I Have You In My Eye, Sir - Massive Zoom. (Seen on a white sniper rifle)
I LIKE IT! - Massive explosive damage. (Sniper Rifles)
Invade your skull. - While scoped, fires the entire clip in one burst. (Repeater Pistols)
I spy with my little eye... - Massive scope zoom. (SMG's)
It Rises! - Rockets have an arced trajectory. (Rocket Launchers)
It's a Helluvah Thing - Speculated to have some knockback effect.
It's a Painful Thing - ??? (The Blister)
Lightning never strikes the same place twice, but it can strike freaking everywhere! - Area-of-Effect Shock (Alien Rifles)
Makes Their Brain Hurt - Each shot fires a shotgun-like burst. (Sniper Rifles)
May God have mercy upon my enemies because I won't - Ignores shields. (Is a famous quote from Patton, WWIl U.S. Army General)
Monster Kill! - Fires all rockets simultaneously with each trigger pull. (Rocket Launchers, possible reference to the 'Unreal' Series, mainly on the PC, where the rocket launchers can shoot up the six rockets with one shot. Getting five kills within four seconds of each other is a MONSTER KILL!)
Never Stop Shooting - Regenerates ammo. (Repeater Pistols)
Omnia vincit amor - 100% critcal damage bonus. (Lady Finger)
One Bad Dog - Massive Magazine. (Shotguns)
OMG! it shoots rockets! - FIRES ROCKETS (found randomly on a midget shotgunner and was white rarity.)shotgun)
Pain Heals. - Heals your co-op buddy when you shoot him.
Pele demands a sacrifice! - Massive Fire Damage.
Pew Pew Pew! - Has a chance to home in on your target.
Ride the Wave, Dude! - Bullets follow a wave pattern up and down as they go out from the gun. (Shotgun)
Slice Slice! - 300% Melee Damage.
Sniper Killer... Qu'est que c'est - Fully Automatic. (Sniper Rifles, reference to the song Psycho Killer by the Talking Heads, the lyrics are "Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?"; The full phrase in French is Un ami, qu'est-ce que c'est?)
Sniper Rifles are for Chumps. - High accuracy, tight pellet spread. (Shotguns)
Sometimes, I Forget To Reload - Unlimited ammo. - ( The Dove)
Tear it up - 300% Burst Fire Count. (SMG's)
The All-Seeing Eye. - Massive zoom. (Combat Rifles)
The Cutting Edge - Shots have a chance to ignore shields, massive zoom. (Sniper Rifles)
The Destructor has come. - While scoped, fires the entire clip in one burst. (Combat Rifles, reference to the movie Ghost Busters; Specifically a quote from the character "Gozer the Gozerian")
The Legend Lives - Knocks target back when hit. (Shotguns)
The ultimate close quarters feline. - Large magazine with low accuracy. (SMG's)
Thwack - Critical Damage deals more damage. (Sniper Rifle)
TORGUE! Bastard guns for bastard people! - Massive damage bonus (Torgue brand Combat Rifles)
Unending Firepower - Ammo is unlimited, it spends when you fire, but instantly regenerates.
Unrelenting Firepower - Regenerates ammo. (Revolvers)
The Unstoppable Force! - Rockets periodically explode in mid-flight. (Rocket Launchers, note the rocket continues traveling to hit its target, regardless of how many times it explodes in flight.)
Vengeance is Yours -100% melee damage, possibly. (Repeater Pistols
Walk It Off - Chance to score a critical hit on an enemy's legs. (Sniper rifles)
War is in your blood - Massive Magazine. (Combat Rifles)-( The Meat Grinder)
Why Don't You Go Shoot Yourself An Elephant? - Massive Damage, no scope. (Sniper Rifles)
We Don't Need No Water... - x4 Fire. (SMG)
Your Move, Creep - Fires a three-round burst per one ammo. (Repeater Pistols references the movie Robocop, the clue is one of the character's catchphrases, and the three-round burst is indicative of his signature sidearm, the Auto-9)

Note: Some of these effects may not be 100% accurate.

Also, some of these effects only apply to certain guns, such as those dropped by bosses, and the description relates to the boss itself, such as the description for "The Clipper" says "Be Careful Not to Drop It... Might Lose A Toe" belongs to the boss "Nine Toes " and is the reason for his namesake.

Manufacturers! aka: Brand Loyalty!

Atlas - All around good accuracy, fire rate, power, and low recoil for the level of the weapon. Rare at lower levels.
Dahl - These weapons will most likely have less recoil than most guns.
Eridians - Alien weaponry, generally high damage, unlimited ammunition.
Hyperion - These weapons feature long range scopes and high accuracy.
Jakobs - These weapons will typically have high damage, even without additional effects.
Maliwan - Weapons made by this corporation will always do elemental damage.
S&S Munitions - This company makes guns with extended magazines.
Tediore - This company makes guns that are lightweight and will reload faster.
Torgue - Typicaly combine good damage, low recoil, and high fire rate.
Vladof - Fires quicker than most other average guns.

SyphonBlue wrote: »
So, apparently you can use Gamespy Comrade with Borderlands. It's like Steam-ish, with a friends list and everything.

Get it here:

Everyone should get it.

Edit: I'm not sure if you can jump into a friend's game, but at least you can add people easily and see who is online and playing without having to launch the game.

Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and WOOOOOOOO GUNS

First, the treasure map!

To help clarify how to get to all these in (I think) the least amount of time, here is a step-by-step run through the town:
After loading in at the New Haven spawn point, turn 90 degrees to your right. You will see a staircase in front of you:


Run up these stairs and proceed straight across the buildings, following the planks that bridge the gaps.

You will come to the last building which has a ledge around the left side:


Hop the ledge and turn to the right around the corner. Chest #1!

Now, turn north and look along the town wall. You will see a platform with a cloth awning above it:


Run down the wall and jump your way on top of the awning.

Next, turn back to the south and look at the building we just came from:


Sneaky! Chest #2!

Now turn and look across the courtyard to your left. You will need to jump down and run across to a shack with a small hole in the wall:


Run to it and crouch to get in:


Sneaky again! Chest #3!

Now we turn due south and sprint to the weapons vendor outside Marcus' shop. Here I sell all the junk I have and check for any good deals.

From the weapon vendor, keep heading south and run up the staircase on the left side of the street:


Up the stairs to our next jump. Hop onto the washing machine, and then the small box on top of it. This lets you get to the roof:


The chest is behind the satellite dish. Chest #4!

Now head to the south edge of the building. This is tricky. Sprint and jump down to the protruding ledge of the next building to the south:


Upon landing, continue to sprint south along the edge. When you hit the end, leap across to the awning on the side of the garage building. You will have to sprint to make this leap! If you fall, hop on the barrel right there to get back up.

Once you are upon the lower roof, you can climb up the protruding metal sheet to get roof access:


Gaining the roof will reward you with Chest #5!


Turn south once more and drop down to the ground. Sprint across the road through the gap in the junk and follow the path up and to the left:


Chest #6 is under an awning. Note: hug the wall to the left side to avoid aggroing the scythids that can spawn there:


And there you have it! Just exit the game and reload to do it again. If you sell at the vendor each time you won't have to worry about getting full on items. Also, to the east of the last chest is a small bandit camp I like to use to test new guns I found.

When posting in this thread or playing online with PAers remember the words of Jesus:

Sterica on


  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited November 2009
    UPDATED! The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC:
    Tasked with keeping the workers of Jakobs Cove alive, Dr. Ned (who is not related to Dr. Zed from Fyrestone) does his job a little too well, creating zombies and other abominations that now run rampant in this region. Players will have to work alongside Dr. Ned as they embark on a quest to cure the inhabitants of Jakobs Cove in this full-fledged expansion filled with new enemies, new quests and rare loot drops.

    This DLC requires the full version of the game and will be released November 24th for the 360 and PS3. While it is set to release for the PC, the release date is unknown. Regardless of platform, it will cost $10.00 (USD).




    Did you know this is what Borderlands looked like before the awesome redesign?


    Ain't No Rest For The Wicked:
    Awesome-tastic Videos!
    Gameplay video

    ComicCon 2009 trailer

    Borderlands is for REAL GAMERS

    Borderlands: Claptrap Web Series ep. 1

    Borderlands: Claptrap Web Series ep. 2

    Sterica on
  • mere_immortalmere_immortal So tasty!Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I once shot a bandit so hard he exploded.

    True story.

    mere_immortal on
    Steam: mere_immortal - PSN: mere_immortal - XBL: lego pencil - Wii U: mimmortal - 3DS: 1521-7234-1642 - Bordgamegeek: mere_immortal
  • AlegisAlegis Impeckable Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Catch a riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide

    Alegis on
  • mere_immortalmere_immortal So tasty!Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    You can paint it all kinds of pretty colours to boot!

    mere_immortal on
    Steam: mere_immortal - PSN: mere_immortal - XBL: lego pencil - Wii U: mimmortal - 3DS: 1521-7234-1642 - Bordgamegeek: mere_immortal
  • DeMoNDeMoN Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I like when you shoot a drastically lower level enemy and everything above their torso disappears.

    DeMoN on
    Steam id : Toxic Cizzle
  • musanmanmusanman Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    your new haven chest whoring links are still broken worse than my momma's girl parts

    musanman on
  • NerdgasmicNerdgasmic __BANNED USERS regular
    edited November 2009
    Tear the flesh!
    Salt the wound!

    Nerdgasmic on
  • aBlankaBlank Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    new thread smell :o

    aBlank on
  • KivutarKivutar Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Let's get this shit edited into the OP:

    5-line item descriptions solution for PC:

    Go to %BORDERLANDS%\WillowGame\Localization\INT\
    Find the gd_globals.INT file. MAKE A BACKUP.
    Open the gd_globals.INT file.
    AttributePresentationTranslation="$NUMBER$ $CONSTRAINT$ $DESCRIPTION$"

    AttributePresentationTranslation="<font size="10">$NUMBER$ $CONSTRAINT$ $DESCRIPTION$</font>"

    Awesome :)

    So many edits, I can't keep up with this shit.

    Kivutar on
  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited November 2009
    musanman wrote: »
    your new haven chest whoring links are still broken worse than my momma's girl parts
    If someone has them, link them. I don't bother with that shit.

    Sterica on
  • AlegisAlegis Impeckable Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Only got a copy of the chest map


    Oh and better include this one in the tweaks section: for displaying more than 4 lines on items edit: yeah, the one kivutar posted right before he didn't let me finish this post, the sneaky bastard.

    Alegis on
  • BarrabasBarrabas Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Can you eventually get shotgun style smg's? The one I have now does 19 dmg x4. If I found one that shot more than 4 bullets per shot rapid fire, I'd probably never stop using it.

    Barrabas on
    XBL - ErrorMacro1
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    We were discussing whether all rocket launchers do some amount of explosive damage, in addition to anything else they might do.

    Darkewolfe on
    What is this I don't even.
  • KivutarKivutar Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Barrabas wrote: »
    Can you eventually get shotgun smg's? The one I have now does 19 dmg x4. If I found one that shot more than 4 bullets per shot rapid fire, I'd probably never stop using it.
    #x4 is the best I've seen so far, but I'm still only 25.

    I've been trying to decide if my 92x1 SMG with ~88 accuracy and a decent scope is better or worse than my 42x4 with ~30 accuracy. Right now, I'm using both!

    Kivutar on
  • LawndartLawndart Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Oh hey, new Borderlands thread.

    Since this one won't hit 110 pages before, say, tomorrow, I now have an excuse to brag about the awesome and not-quite-as-awesome guns and shit my level 30 Roland is packing.

    Assault Rifle:

    I'm now a fan of anything with "Stomper" or "Pounder" in the title, since not only do they sound like gay male porn stars and/or forgotten Snow White dwarves, they kill the shit out of everything. The 6 bullet clip would be a hassle if the thing took longer than a blink to reload


    Eh, the weak link. Missing is the x7 damage multiplier, but I've still had no luck finding a decent shotgun. Anything I find that has more damage has an accuracy in the teens at best, so I wind up keeping this around for lack of anything better to have on hand

    Sniper Rifle:

    Aw, yeah. Now we're talking. This thing of beauty has caused me to play my Roland as more of a gimped Mordecai sans bird and with turret of eternal health, ammo and corrosive damage.


    Reason #2 why I seem to forget I have an AR and Shotgun in my load out. The 2 bullet clip would be an issue if anything short of a Badass Bruiser or named boss guy took more than 2 bullets to kill. I also adore the green acid disintegration death animation, too.

    Oh, and check out my sweet "Throw caution to the wind" shield:
    Combined with the health regen from my turret, I only die when I do something spectacularly stupid. Which is more often than one would assume.

    And incredibly minor crap I find amusing: Choosing the olive green car color actually paints your car camouflage, and adds a Flying Tigers-style shark face to the front.

    Damn, I wish this game had more car customization and better/more car combat.

    Lawndart on
  • MechanicalMechanical Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Snagged a shield with a recharge rate of 128. Pretty sweet, even if it can only take 124 damage.

    Mechanical on
  • NevaNeva Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Just ain't never gonna find a replacement for this.


    Mainly because I haven't seen a single decent revolver drop in the last 10 levels.

    Oh hey, Lawndart, we are gun twins!

    Neva on
    SC2 Beta: Neva.ling

    "Everyone who is capable of logical thought should be able to see why you shouldn't sell lifetime subscriptions to an MMO. Cell phone companies and drug dealers don't offer lifetime subscriptions either, guess why?" - Mugaaz
  • AlegisAlegis Impeckable Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I want a Pestilent Defiler so badly.

    But all I get are shitty regular-not-so-corroding orange revolvers. I bet someone else sneaks around in my gamestate during the night and replaces all maliwans in the chests with tediore guns.

    Alegis on
  • FeintFeint Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    From the old thread:
    Morkath wrote: »
    GnomeTank wrote: »

    By knowing the hardcoded limit is 5, but noticing that you only ever see 4? It's subtle, but these are the type of things QA people are paid to notice. You make a good point, but a QA person still should have caught it.

    Who's to say QA didn't catch it, and had design tell them, "By design".

    This is always the way it works. ALWAYS. I can confidently say maybe 1% of any bug in any game ever released QA did not find already. MMOs included.

    Bugs are commonly punted to later patches or expansions due to time and resource restraints.

    Feint on
  • permapensivepermapensive Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Purple shields seem to be really rare at 50. I don't think I've seen one yet.

    Come to think of it I don't think I've seen a blue one either, and the Lance guys in Old Haven drop shields on every four or five kills.

    permapensive on
  • Crazy LarryCrazy Larry Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I just got to equip my 270x9, ~80 accuracy level 40 Hunters shotgun on my Siren. It's probably a good thing it only has a 2 shot magazine or I don't think I'd use any other weapons ever again.

    Crazy Larry on
  • Rainbow WeaselRainbow Weasel Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I realize that there is a tag system in place for those of us on the 360. But I was wondering if anyone wanted to play level 50s in random areas for to loot hunt. I'm a Mordecai with a blatant disregard for shields and a bloodwing that refuses to stop attacking. I guarantee that you'll get above and beyond the money cap by the time we're done, or your money back!

    Really I just want to shoot up on some co-op, as I'm tired of soloing around and it's definitely more fun with people that know what they're doing.

    Send me an invite (Gamertag: Soaring Weasel) if you feel like shooting and looting and swooping.

    Rainbow Weasel on
  • NevaNeva Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Purple shields seem to be really rare at 50. I don't think I've seen one yet.

    Come to think of it I don't think I've seen a blue one either, and the Lance guys in Old Haven drop shields on every four or five kills.

    Check venders often. Sometimes you'll see a purple in the special deal slot, or sometimes even under shields. I've only seen about 4 or 5 though.

    Neva on
    SC2 Beta: Neva.ling

    "Everyone who is capable of logical thought should be able to see why you shouldn't sell lifetime subscriptions to an MMO. Cell phone companies and drug dealers don't offer lifetime subscriptions either, guess why?" - Mugaaz
  • AmpixAmpix Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Man, all this talk about the New Haven chest run made me think it was super special.

    It's only six chests :(

    Ampix on
  • LawndartLawndart Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Alegis wrote: »
    I want a Pestilent Defiler so badly.

    But all I get are shitty regular-not-so-corroding orange revolvers. I bet someone else sneaks around in my gamestate during the night and replaces all maliwans in the chests with tediore guns.

    Yeah, I feel the same about my shotgun. Even purple shotgun drops have crappier overall stats, or hilariously low accuracy.

    Oh, and I snagged both Ol' Pesty and my Sniper Rifle as "Deals Of The Day" from the red gun vending machines, but since those seem even more random than chest loot I'm not sure if that helps.

    Lawndart on
  • permapensivepermapensive Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I just got to equip my 270x9, ~80 accuracy level 40 Hunters shotgun on my Siren. It's probably a good thing it only has a 2 shot magazine or I don't think I'd use any other weapons ever again.

    I prefer a 12-shot Vitriolic Crux. High accuracy, huge corrosive damage, good scope. It also dazes on some hits!

    permapensive on
  • shadydentistshadydentist Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Ampix wrote: »
    Man, all this talk about the New Haven chest run made me think it was super special.

    It's only six chests :(

    Yes, but its the easiest six chests in the game.

    shadydentist on
    Steam & GT
    GT: Tanky the Tank
    Black: 1377 6749 7425
  • mynameisguidomynameisguido Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    The thread title made me think of some weird version of Viva Pinata that had guns and not pinatas.

    mynameisguido on
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    The thread title made me think of some weird version of Viva Pinata that had guns and not pinatas.

    Pinatas make me think of what happened to his momma's girl parts.


    Darkewolfe on
    What is this I don't even.
  • MrDelishMrDelish Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    what's this about a new thread

    MrDelish on
  • NerdgasmicNerdgasmic __BANNED USERS regular
    edited November 2009
    I have a pestilent defiler, would you like to trade?

    Nerdgasmic on
  • Quaz and WallyQuaz and Wally Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    You guys took so long to make the new thread, that I almost made it.

    I'd also like to take this moment to remind everyone I haven't bought this yet.

    Quaz and Wally on
  • BarrabasBarrabas Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    After this and Bioshock I've decided that the future of vending machines revolves around them being given funny personalities.

    Barrabas on
    XBL - ErrorMacro1
  • DeMoNDeMoN Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Ampix wrote: »
    Man, all this talk about the New Haven chest run made me think it was super special.

    It's only six chests :(

    Yeah, and then you exit singleplayer and enter singleplayer and its another 6 chests. Over and over. Until you have awesome things.

    DeMoN on
    Steam id : Toxic Cizzle
  • Squirrel RancherSquirrel Rancher Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    DeMoN wrote: »
    Ampix wrote: »
    Man, all this talk about the New Haven chest run made me think it was super special.

    It's only six chests :(

    Yeah, and then you exit singleplayer and enter singleplayer and its another 6 chests. Over and over. Until you have awesome things.

    Isn't it really 7 chests?
    There's a secret room in New Haven

    Squirrel Rancher on
  • LawndartLawndart Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Speaking of "Here's where cars live!", have I mentioned how endearing it is (to me, anyway) that this game is set on a planet populated almost entirely by lunatics and morons?

    It's like Idiocracy meets Tank Girl.

    Crap, now I need to rename my Roland "President Camacho".

    Lawndart on
  • DeMoNDeMoN Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    DeMoN wrote: »
    Ampix wrote: »
    Man, all this talk about the New Haven chest run made me think it was super special.

    It's only six chests :(

    Yeah, and then you exit singleplayer and enter singleplayer and its another 6 chests. Over and over. Until you have awesome things.

    Isn't it really 7 chests?
    There's a secret room in New Haven

    Yeah, but don't you have to be at a certain mission to get that to open?

    DeMoN on
    Steam id : Toxic Cizzle
  • phoenix555555phoenix555555 Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Woot, just picked this up on steam. Any chance I could get an invite to Wangs without Borders?

    Steam profile name phoenix555555

    phoenix555555 on
  • randombattlerandombattle Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    DeMoN wrote: »
    Ampix wrote: »
    Man, all this talk about the New Haven chest run made me think it was super special.

    It's only six chests :(

    Yeah, and then you exit singleplayer and enter singleplayer and its another 6 chests. Over and over. Until you have awesome things.

    Isn't it really 7 chests?
    There's a secret room in New Haven

    That always has the same thing though doesn't it? Also only once.

    randombattle on
    I never asked for this!
  • FoomyFoomy Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    DeMoN wrote: »
    Ampix wrote: »
    Man, all this talk about the New Haven chest run made me think it was super special.

    It's only six chests :(

    Yeah, and then you exit singleplayer and enter singleplayer and its another 6 chests. Over and over. Until you have awesome things.

    Isn't it really 7 chests?
    There's a secret room in New Haven

    That always has the same thing though doesn't it? Also only once.

    the secret basement has 2 chests + 3 lockers that have pistols/shields/class mods. they respawn on each new game load just like the rest. the only gun thats guaranteed is the rifle, and than that can have different stats/levels/rarity each time, I got it once as an orange that had shock dmg.

    Foomy on
    Steam Profile: FoomyFooms
This discussion has been closed.