PAX-East is a new event, and so this time around I figured we should try something new. I'm not going to promise anything except for the fact that I'm very interested in what you all have to say.
Rules for this thread:
1. Post, in this thread, the game that you'd like to have as a PC-Tournament, it can be any game. Including but not limited to COD4, CS:S, or strip poker.
2. At most, I only want three suggestions per-person. Try and keep it in the following format:
[Gamename] [Mod] [number per team]
[Description/Argument Why It Should Be Tournament'd]
UT2k4 CTF 5v5
Ghrog loves unreal tournament 2004. It's the best game ever. It's so fun & amazing. There isn't a better game out there. Capture the Flag is fantastic. You get to run and capture things. "HEADSHOT!" and
"MEGAKILL" are just some of the famous quotes from the Unreal Tournament series. It doesn't get more hardcore than Unreal Tournament, guies.
Strip Poker FFA
Ghrog uses PAX as a dating service, and what better way to meet someone than to play stip poker with them?
This is also a contest for whomever can suggest the most-outlandish but still plausible PC-tournament. The winner will receive a fabulous prize at PAX-East that is TBD. Prize is guaranteed to be fabulous. This contest will be completely subjective, as will the prize that you receive. Free ticket to PAX-Prime? Free videogame? Free processor? A kiss on the cheek from ghrog? Which cheek? Who knows.
Good luck! and I really hope to hear from some of you!
Frustians mod is all pills and no tier 2s until finale where you get 2 tier 2s at the start then at the radio you get 4 kits and 2 more tier 2s.
Left 4 Dead is a unique game; quite possibly one of the first of it's kind. The community is close in which the majority of competitive players all know one another. Obviously it's a pc shooter but if you don't have teamwork and precision down to a key you won't be able to finish a map against a good team. To put it simply; fight together or die alone. There's nothing quite like to see 2 good teams throw at each other their most try hard pants efforts in a game that of where you're only as strong as your weakest link. Watching a survivor teams ability to fend off an intelligently, organized, well timed and malicious infected attack is akin to a war scene with subtle orchestral music. Basically OH SHIT SON AREA 51 JUST GOT QUADED ON DA FINALE WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. In a nut shell Left 4 Dead is a serious game competitive game that requires discipline, creativity and pure raw TEAM execution.
[Mod] cevo_config
[number per team] 6
[Description/Argument Why It Should Be Tournament'd] Team Fortress two would be a great addition to the LAN. I know the community is fairly large in the North eastern UNITED STATES and I know for a fact that it would attract a lot of talented players. It's also one of those games where it is very customized as far as configs and scripts so i don't think many people would mind bringing their own PCs.
Also i think it would help build the community a great deal as TF2 is a great and versatile game that's just a little bit too unknown to the common public. Events that show how great it is will undoubtedly draw more fans. More people would come, more money.
Tf2, unlike some of the other common games suggested (cs, css) has great spectator value. Compared to these other games Tf2 has a faster paced style and will be more enjoyable for the people not playing at the lan
6v6 cevo/esea rules
[Mod] cevo_config
[number per team] 6
[Description/Argument Why It Should Be Tournament'd] For quite some time, there has been no "deathmatch" style competitive games in the spotlight. TF2 is, while the goal is to capture points, but it is fast-paced in comparison nonetheless. I feel as if people have forgotten the greatness of deathmatch games such as Quake, and will overlook TF2 as well. CounterStrike has been the main competitive game for the past decade, and while a great game, the PC community needs a spark. TF2 has the perfect balance for competitive play to be that spark, the name just has to get out there.
[Mod] cevo_config
[number per team] 6
[Description/Argument Why It Should Be Tournament'd]
Simply put tf2 is one of the best competitive games out there focusing heavily on teamwork. The game types ranging from capturing control points to king of the hill has given tf2 a dedicated and big competitive community lasting 2 years and going into their best season yet. Give tf2 a chance.
PS. screw the boston celtics, I'm only posting cause I like tf2. Screw celtics.
[Mod] CEVO/ESEA rules
[number per team] 6
[Description/Argument Why It Should Be Tournament'd]
Team Fortress 2 is a great game with a growing player base. Having it at the LAN would introduce it to players of other games, and give TF2 the influx of players it needs to become a CS-esque game, one that players and spectators alike will be able to enjoy in the coming years.
- doom ٿ
CS:S tournaments always have a good turnout, anywhere between 10-40 teams show up. If given a good prize pot, I can surely see over 20 teams showing up.
[Mod] cevo_config (6vs6)
[number per team] 6
[Description/Argument Why It Should Be Tournament'd]
This is an incredibly fun game, both for the players and for spectators. It's not just simple deathmatch but also varied strategy. Team Fortress 2 has a solid player base which can only benefit from more exposure in the form of LANs.
[Mod] cevo_config (6vs6)
[number per team] 6
[Description/Argument Why It Should Be Tournament'd]
-Best spectator game
-Fun but also strategic game
-Would help the competitive TF2 community out a lot (There aren't many TF2 lans)
L4d1 would be incredible- although I might suggest use of the CEVO mod instead of frustian, but that's just me.
I would be okay with having two different tournaments, one for l4d1 and one for l4d2- but if only one can be done, then the original game is better for tournaments. The second hasn't really gotten properly competitive yet, just lots of exploiting and bullshit.
Can't they even take the time to get an avatar uploaded? Jeez.
I really enjoy TF2 myself and if there is nothing better for me to do/see (there always is) I would love to play some competitve TF2.
Here's my most-outlandish suggestion:
Doom 1 Single Player
Everyone plays the same level at the same time. 8 fastest times and most monsters killed (percentage) moves on to the next round. Next round is a new level, 4 fastest times and most monsters killed moves on.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
We are all from the competitive TF2 community, and most of us live in the north east. We are not spammers, most people that posted are actually pretty recognized names in the TF2 community. We just want to support a game we all love--and want to see it grow and become a serious game in the e-gaming community.
You can check out my steam profile at:
Most of us are originally from Quake, CS, and Natural Selection. So we know what competitive gaming is, and want to see it at more lans, and be featured in leagues more.
Just out of curiosity, how do people feel about Counter-Strike?
Fuck that noise.
Field of Justice - 5v5
I played LoL for the first time at Pax09, and am interested in seeing how much it has grown since then. It would also be interesting to see what the best tournament teams might look like. Teams would have to choose carefully what the best champion combinations might be, the best ways to itemize their individual champions, as well as the best ways to take control of the map in order to come out on top.
Normally the really horrid netcode forces people to lead, but I'd be interested to see how the game changes on a LAN.
5 vs 5. Cevo Ruleset, promodlivena 2.06 MR12 rule set.
Well it's an RTS! One of the best out there, can be self-explanatory in most cases. Great game and can get intense, watch out for those nasty screen-lookers.
The game is amusing and addictive, attracts a wide audience and isnt difficult to master.
BUT to successfully enter the contest, contestants have to dress up as zombies from the game (conehead zombie, coal miner zombie, thriller zombie, zamboni zombie ...with extra points for cardboard zamboni outfit!) going for outlandish but still plausible here
40+ characters you can play, lots of items, plus teamwork = endless combinations of fun. Also, the other month the game won the Gamespy Reader's Choice Award for PC Game of the Year.
Goldeneye Source Beta 3.1 mod (Normal game/Mines only)
Im sure we all remember how awesome it was to get a group of people together, talk trash and play goldeneye64. The stupid paint ball type teams, the laser, the one shot golden gun.
My favorite memory was being a massive coward and hiding in a corner after mining the whole level. (especially the temple). You can now recreate all of that without having to dust off your n64.
This sounds like excellent fun, sir.
I've been asking BigRed and co. about playing this at BYOC.
Its so outlandish that its technically not even a pc game. But It would be awesome
Technically it IS a PC game ;p
Noooo... according to everything I've read they made League of Legends.
Twitter: sweeneyben
XBL: Disco Ball
.......are you being serious?