
From Japan to America



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    VeganVegan Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Sorenson wrote: »

    Is it customary to walk up the things? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose? Or is this some wierd-ass thing you're chucking out there to fuck with us ala if it wasn't for that horse I wouldn't have gotten into college?

    Most everywhere else in the world, people know that if you're going to just stop and ride the thing like it's some Disneyland ride, you stay to the right. The left is for people who want to walk up it. But every time I'm on one here, without fail, it's like a blockade.

    Vegan on
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    psychotixpsychotix __BANNED USERS regular
    edited November 2009
    Vegan wrote: »
    Sorenson wrote: »

    Is it customary to walk up the things? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose? Or is this some wierd-ass thing you're chucking out there to fuck with us ala if it wasn't for that horse I wouldn't have gotten into college?

    Most everywhere else in the world, people know that if you're going to just stop and ride the thing like it's some Disneyland ride, you stay to the right. The left is for people who want to walk up it. But every time I'm on one here, without fail, it's like a blockade.

    I blame people not from the city. When people pull that shit in DC it's a sure sign they are a tourist.

    psychotix on
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    SorensonSorenson Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Huh. Maybe it's a local design thing but most escalators around here (Western New York) are only wide enough for about 1.5 people or so methinks, so it's like some people will walk, some people won't, and there's no such thing as left or right but simply it.

    Sorenson on
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    StormwatcherStormwatcher Blegh BlughRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Sorenson wrote: »
    Huh. Maybe it's a local design thing but most escalators around here (Western New York) are only wide enough for about 1.5 people or so methinks, so it's like some people will walk, some people won't, and there's no such thing as left or right but simply it.

    Too late!
    You have already been unmasked as a fool!

    Stormwatcher on
    Steam: Stormwatcher | PSN: Stormwatcher33 | Switch: 5961-4777-3491
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    GibbsGibbs Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Wow, this is crazy.

    Here in the Midwest its generally considered only jackasses actually walk up escalators.

    Actually, there's a sign about not walking on the escalator to be courteous to the other riders at the mall closest to me.

    My world has been turned up side down! Cats bark! The fan hits the spit! The British make good food! Vegetarians eat meat!

    Gibbs on
    I've got a bad case of lovin' you.
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    emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Remember Mystical Ninja on the N64? The mini boss of that game was an effeminate ... alien dude? A transvestite? Anyways, I heard every time he made an appearance, there was an inexplicable audience laugh track that was cut out from the American version. Homosexuals must be funnier in Japan.

    emnmnme on
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    SorensonSorenson Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Gibbs wrote: »
    Wow, this is crazy.

    Here in the Midwest its generally considered only jackasses actually walk up escalators.

    Actually, there's a sign about not walking on the escalator to be courteous to the other riders at the mall closest to me.
    Really? I always figured you walk up to about the 2nd/3rd step behind someone and wait there so that you're not hogging up half the god damn thing because you believe in personal space too much. That said, why would you walk any considerable distance up the things? The fact that your platform isn't exactly stable means you've got a good chance of getting bucked a bit once you hit the top, and if you stop before hitting the stop then you've got the jackasses who bump into you because THEY don't stop at the top for whatever reason.
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Remember Mystical Ninja on the N64? The mini boss of that game was an effeminate ... alien dude? A transvestite? Anyways, I heard every time he made an appearance, there was an inexplicable audience laugh track that was cut out from the American version. Homosexuals must be funnier in Japan.
    Wasn't he the main boss dude and supposed to be some bishie boy band member/leader thing? Maybe it's another case of being completily lost in translation but I thought the whole gag with him and his cronies was how ridiculous the concept can get (especially when you get charged by mobs of murderous fangirls at the end).

    Sorenson on
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    psychotixpsychotix __BANNED USERS regular
    edited November 2009
    Gibbs wrote: »
    Wow, this is crazy.

    Here in the Midwest its generally considered only jackasses actually walk up escalators.

    Actually, there's a sign about not walking on the escalator to be courteous to the other riders at the mall closest to me.

    My world has been turned up side down! Cats bark! The fan hits the spit! The British make good food! Vegetarians eat meat!

    You pull that in DC and people will start yelling at you and calling you a hick tourist and get very mad very quickly. Right side = stand, left = walk. And dont you DARE put your luggage/kid/stroller next to you and clog shit up unless you want some pissed off person to move it for you, shoving kids is OK, especially during rush hour.

    psychotix on
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    never dienever die Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I remember hearing there were some odd changes with Resident Evil games in-between the U.S. and Japanese versions. Basically that the Japanese versions of Resident Evil 2 and 3 were much easier than the American versions.

    never die on
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    DangerousDangerous Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Also when they brought out metal slug here, they removed the life bar that the japanese version had and made everything a 1 hit kill.

    Dangerous on
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    SorensonSorenson Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Dangerous wrote: »
    Also when they brought out metal slug here, they removed the life bar that the japanese version had and made everything a 1 hit kill.
    What emot-psyduck.gif

    No that is more than emot-psyduck.gif that is motherfucking emot-psyboom.gif

    Stop unravelling the fabric of my reality

    Sorenson on
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    elevatureelevature Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    psychotix wrote: »
    Gibbs wrote: »
    Wow, this is crazy.

    Here in the Midwest its generally considered only jackasses actually walk up escalators.

    Actually, there's a sign about not walking on the escalator to be courteous to the other riders at the mall closest to me.

    My world has been turned up side down! Cats bark! The fan hits the spit! The British make good food! Vegetarians eat meat!

    You pull that in DC and people will start yelling at you and calling you a hick tourist and get very mad very quickly. Right side = stand, left = walk. And dont you DARE put your luggage/kid/stroller next to you and clog shit up unless you want some pissed off person to move it for you, shoving kids is OK, especially during rush hour.

    This is how it should be. If I went somewhere where people were actually told not to walk up escalators I would snap. It pisses me off so, so much when people block the escalator so I can't walk up/down. Stand right, walk left.

    elevature on
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    AroducAroduc regular
    edited November 2009
    Sorenson wrote: »
    Dangerous wrote: »
    Also when they brought out metal slug here, they removed the life bar that the japanese version had and made everything a 1 hit kill.
    What emot-psyduck.gif

    No that is more than emot-psyduck.gif that is motherfucking emot-psyboom.gif

    Stop unravelling the fabric of my reality

    I'm pretty sure that you only had one life, so it really didn't change much except that falling into pits was no longer an instant loss of the entire credit.

    Aroduc on
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    elliotw2elliotw2 Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Aroduc wrote: »
    Sorenson wrote: »
    Dangerous wrote: »
    Also when they brought out metal slug here, they removed the life bar that the japanese version had and made everything a 1 hit kill.
    What emot-psyduck.gif

    No that is more than emot-psyduck.gif that is motherfucking emot-psyboom.gif

    Stop unravelling the fabric of my reality

    I'm pretty sure that you only had one life, so it really didn't change much except that falling into pits was no longer an instant loss of the entire credit.

    Wait, what? I've played all the versions of Metal Slug, and I can say that this is completely false.

    Are you thinking of Contra Hard Corps?

    elliotw2 on
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    AroducAroduc regular
    edited November 2009
    elliotw2 wrote: »
    Aroduc wrote: »
    Sorenson wrote: »
    Dangerous wrote: »
    Also when they brought out metal slug here, they removed the life bar that the japanese version had and made everything a 1 hit kill.
    What emot-psyduck.gif

    No that is more than emot-psyduck.gif that is motherfucking emot-psyboom.gif

    Stop unravelling the fabric of my reality

    I'm pretty sure that you only had one life, so it really didn't change much except that falling into pits was no longer an instant loss of the entire credit.

    Wait, what? I've played all the versions of Metal Slug, and I can say that this is completely false.

    Are you thinking of Contra Hard Corps?

    Maybe. *shrug*

    Aroduc on
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    RockinXRockinX Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Sorenson wrote: »
    Gibbs wrote: »
    Wow, this is crazy.

    Here in the Midwest its generally considered only jackasses actually walk up escalators.

    Actually, there's a sign about not walking on the escalator to be courteous to the other riders at the mall closest to me.
    Really? I always figured you walk up to about the 2nd/3rd step behind someone and wait there so that you're not hogging up half the god damn thing because you believe in personal space too much. That said, why would you walk any considerable distance up the things? The fact that your platform isn't exactly stable means you've got a good chance of getting bucked a bit once you hit the top, and if you stop before hitting the stop then you've got the jackasses who bump into you because THEY don't stop at the top for whatever reason.
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Remember Mystical Ninja on the N64? The mini boss of that game was an effeminate ... alien dude? A transvestite? Anyways, I heard every time he made an appearance, there was an inexplicable audience laugh track that was cut out from the American version. Homosexuals must be funnier in Japan.
    Wasn't he the main boss dude and supposed to be some bishie boy band member/leader thing? Maybe it's another case of being completily lost in translation but I thought the whole gag with him and his cronies was how ridiculous the concept can get (especially when you get charged by mobs of murderous fangirls at the end).

    In the Japanese version, those bosses were called "The Four Okamas". Okama in Japan means "gay" or "transvestite", so I see why they changed it in the localization.
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Americans got he Super Mario Bros. Super Show. We were swinging our arms from side to side with joy but the Japanese would have none of that!

    They had their own version.

    RAAAAAGE. I hated that thing, especially its ending.

    RockinX on
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    SorensonSorenson Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    RockinX wrote: »
    In the Japanese version, those bosses were called "The Four Okamas". Okama in Japan means "gay" or "transvestite", so I see why they changed it in the localization.
    Well damn, that does kinda piss on things don't it. :( I'll stick with my boyband mockery thank you very much.

    Sorenson on
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    VeganVegan Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Gibbs wrote: »
    Wow, this is crazy.

    Here in the Midwest its generally considered only jackasses actually walk up escalators.

    Actually, there's a sign about not walking on the escalator to be courteous to the other riders at the mall closest to me.

    My world has been turned up side down! Cats bark! The fan hits the spit! The British make good food! Vegetarians eat meat!

    Yeah, well, in the Midwest it's generally considered that people are bipedal whales that barely want to walk anywhere (not making on assumption on Gibbs' bodytype, just sayin').

    Vegan on
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    SorensonSorenson Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Really, though, walking up escalators kinda defeats the whole purpose of having them. I mean doesn't that occur to some folks?

    Sorenson on
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    yalborapyalborap Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Sorenson wrote: »
    Really, though, walking up escalators kinda defeats the whole purpose of having them. I mean doesn't that occur to some folks?

    This depends on your opinion of the purpose of escalators.

    If they are a way to get up without walking, then yes, walking defeats the purpose.

    But some see them as speed enhancers, like a boost strip in a racing game. Thus, one WANTS to walk up them, because it's faster than walking up stairs.

    yalborap on
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    SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Aroduc wrote: »
    elliotw2 wrote: »
    Aroduc wrote: »
    Sorenson wrote: »
    Dangerous wrote: »
    Also when they brought out metal slug here, they removed the life bar that the japanese version had and made everything a 1 hit kill.
    What emot-psyduck.gif

    No that is more than emot-psyduck.gif that is motherfucking emot-psyboom.gif

    Stop unravelling the fabric of my reality

    I'm pretty sure that you only had one life, so it really didn't change much except that falling into pits was no longer an instant loss of the entire credit.

    Wait, what? I've played all the versions of Metal Slug, and I can say that this is completely false.

    Are you thinking of Contra Hard Corps?

    Maybe. *shrug*

    I think so. With the exception of the GBA game, Metal Slug games in Japan don't have health bars. None of the ones I played anyway. Maybe I went to the "haha, get ready to get your ass handed to you" arcades.

    Synthesis on
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    GibbsGibbs Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Vegan wrote: »
    Gibbs wrote: »
    Wow, this is crazy.

    Here in the Midwest its generally considered only jackasses actually walk up escalators.

    Actually, there's a sign about not walking on the escalator to be courteous to the other riders at the mall closest to me.

    My world has been turned up side down! Cats bark! The fan hits the spit! The British make good food! Vegetarians eat meat!

    Yeah, well, in the Midwest it's generally considered that people are bipedal whales that barely want to walk anywhere (not making on assumption on Gibbs' bodytype, just sayin').

    If you're honestly not trying to insult me, yea thats pretty true as well. I managed to get decent genetics on that part and I'm relatively fit. (Key word: relatively)

    When I worked at Kmart I had the wonderful task of telling fat people that the old woman with a broken ankle deserved the electric scooter more than they did.

    Gibbs on
    I've got a bad case of lovin' you.
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    Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Man, the moving walkways at airports.

    Woo! Turbo boost!

    Skull2185 on
    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
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    ArkyrisArkyris Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    On Japan and Escalators: Different rules for different areas. Osaka is stand right walk left. Tokyo is stand left walk right. But one of the big cities near Osaka uses Tokyo style rules.

    Australia was just a clusterfuck of stand wherever the hell you please and get in peoples way as much as humanly possible.

    Arkyris on
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    The WolfmanThe Wolfman Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    What an odd conversation.

    If I'm feeling proactive, I'll walk up the escalator. If I'm feeling lazy, I'll just stand there. And if there's somebody in front of me standing there, I'll just wait because it's only a 10 second trip and I'm not so bloody anal and hopped up on caffeine and speed that I absolutely have to get up there 5 seconds earlier.

    Take a frigging chill pill people!

    The Wolfman on
    "The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."
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    yalborapyalborap Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    Man, the moving walkways at airports.

    Woo! Turbo boost!

    The thought of having those in well-placed areas everywhere, with people walking on them so we had real life boost-pads, fills me with the sort of glee usually only reserved for thoughts of brothels on every corner.

    yalborap on
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    SorensonSorenson Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Ugh, I hate those fucking things. Especially mounts and dismounts, it's like the architect is taunting you with "Don't fall on your face! Don't fall on your ass! Don't fall on your nuts!" D:

    Granted, I might be a bit biased having done the last one, albeit on ice.

    Sorenson on
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    Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Sorenson wrote: »
    Ugh, I hate those fucking things. Especially mounts and dismounts, it's like the architect is taunting you with "Don't fall on your face! Don't fall on your ass! Don't fall on your nuts!" D:

    Granted, I might be a bit biased having done the last one, albeit on ice.

    There really isn't a technique to using a moving walkway. Step on then step off (or in my case, especially if your flight lands at 2 am and the airport is relatively empty, f'n turbo run)

    The fact that you fell on your nuts make me laugh :lol:

    (this thread may have gotten off track)

    Skull2185 on
    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
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    DaveTheWaveDaveTheWave Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Sorenson wrote: »
    Ugh, I hate those fucking things. Especially mounts and dismounts, it's like the architect is taunting you with "Don't fall on your face! Don't fall on your ass! Don't fall on your nuts!" D:

    Granted, I might be a bit biased having done the last one, albeit on ice.

    Are you talking about boost pads or brothels?

    DaveTheWave on
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    TurkeyTurkey So, Usoop. TampaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    The first time I went on a turbo walkway as a kid I thought we time-travelled to the Jetson's future!

    As for escalators, I can't believe there's places were people will insult you for simply riding them. Those are the kind of people that get stuck behind me on 2 lane highways :P

    Turkey on
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    GilderGilder Aw snap Macaroni PartyRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I don't use escalators because I like the exercise of climbing. 8-)

    Also that Mystical Ninja 64 stuff was interesting, considering how much I love that game. I heard the japanese version had more voice acting as well, is this true?

    Gilder on
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    jothkijothki Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Gilder wrote: »
    I don't use escalators because I like the exercise of climbing. 8-)

    Take the other escalator, then.

    jothki on
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    TurkeyTurkey So, Usoop. TampaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Gilder wrote: »
    I don't use escalators because I like the exercise of climbing. 8-)

    Also that Mystical Ninja 64 stuff was interesting, considering how much I love that game. I heard the japanese version had more voice acting as well, is this true?

    I hope that, if japan ever decides to make a new Mystical Ninja, they bring it with minimal edits. With all the anime on TV nowadays, most of the humor would be understood.

    Turkey on
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    elliotw2elliotw2 Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    I vote for a topic change: Escalators: Walk up or stand there?

    On the actual topic, In most games the Japanese version has less blood and violence than the US version, excluding a few series, such as Monster Hunter and the Samurai Shodown series, which get more violent and have lots of blood.

    elliotw2 on
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    RockinXRockinX Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    jothki wrote: »
    Gilder wrote: »
    I don't use escalators because I like the exercise of climbing. 8-)

    Take the other escalator, then.

    Speaking seriously, that's dangerous and security will probably order you to stop.

    I liked doing it when I was younger (Nothing bad happened to me, though, but other children might not be so lucky if they had decided to imitate me).

    RockinX on
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    DangerousDangerous Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Dangerous on
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    RockinXRockinX Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
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    VeganVegan Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    yalborap wrote: »
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    Man, the moving walkways at airports.

    Woo! Turbo boost!

    The thought of having those in well-placed areas everywhere, with people walking on them so we had real life boost-pads, fills me with the sort of glee usually only reserved for thoughts of brothels on every corner.

    Now I'm reminded of George Costanza's desire for moving sidewalks everywhere.

    Vegan on
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    GilderGilder Aw snap Macaroni PartyRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Turkey wrote: »
    Gilder wrote: »
    I don't use escalators because I like the exercise of climbing. 8-)

    Also that Mystical Ninja 64 stuff was interesting, considering how much I love that game. I heard the japanese version had more voice acting as well, is this true?

    I hope that, if japan ever decides to make a new Mystical Ninja, they bring it with minimal edits. With all the anime on TV nowadays, most of the humor would be understood.

    Mystical Ninja is pretty much done I think. Goemon hasn't gotten a new game since the DS one that came out a few years ago. It's a shame too because america never even really got the chance to try the series. We got the first game which was really hard, I think a gameboy game, and the two N64 games. Impact doesn't even make sense to most americans because we never got the game he was introduced in! It's like if we started playing Yoshi's Island without ever getting Mario World. Where did Yoshi come from? Who knows!

    Gilder on
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    AroducAroduc regular
    edited November 2009
    Gilder wrote: »
    Turkey wrote: »
    Gilder wrote: »
    I don't use escalators because I like the exercise of climbing. 8-)

    Also that Mystical Ninja 64 stuff was interesting, considering how much I love that game. I heard the japanese version had more voice acting as well, is this true?

    I hope that, if japan ever decides to make a new Mystical Ninja, they bring it with minimal edits. With all the anime on TV nowadays, most of the humor would be understood.

    Mystical Ninja is pretty much done I think. Goemon hasn't gotten a new game since the DS one that came out a few years ago. It's a shame too because america never even really got the chance to try the series. We got the first game which was really hard, I think a gameboy game, and the two N64 games. Impact doesn't even make sense to most americans because we never got the game he was introduced in! It's like if we started playing Yoshi's Island without ever getting Mario World. Where did Yoshi come from? Who knows!


    Aroduc on
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