UPDATE: We have set a date for the January Meet-up, which will be held at the American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot in Laconia, NH on Saturday, January 30th. This will require some folks to provide transportation as Funspot is approx. an hour and a half north of Boston. I can provide space for 4 (myself +3). If you are planning to attend, please post so we can coordinate rides. Once we have a confirmed number, I will contact the folks at Funspot about trying to snag some free tokens for those in attendance.
Confirmed Attendees
Waterborn (driving, can take 3 passengers)
gannobd9 (can drive)
Maybe Attending
Avatrix (could take 2 passengers)
From 12-5-09
So the meet-up at the Video Game Orchestra concert tonight was a blast and I am pumped for the next round. Anyone want to take the lead for a January gathering? Anyone have any ideas for what we can do? H.e.e.l.s. mentioned that he has never been to Funspot. I wonder if we set up a little road trip if we can get him back to the Boston area in January. Taking a trip up to Funspot would require some coordination on transportation, but could be a load of fun. If not in January, then maybe for the February meet-up. If this sounds like too much work, let me know what other folks want to do.
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
If a road trip to Funspot doesn't work for everyone, then let's get some other ideas rolling.
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
I'm in Vegas from jan 9th til the 14th. but i'm staying up in waterville valley at the end of the month. I've never heard of Funspot, but if its not far from where ever i'm staying at waterville, i'd be up to going.
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
Or I could rent a car for the day and split the cost with other city-dwellers if we can get 2-3 more people interested.
I'll check some events calendars to see if there's anything else that could be fun enough in Jan.
Sigh, this is when I truly regret the death of arcades... :?
PAX East '12 Team Totodile Gold - Professor
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
Happy 2010, btw.
Anyway, the 30th would likely work for me. So sign me up as a yes. I will require a ride from someone, anyone.
PAX East '12 Team Totodile Gold - Professor
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
I'm happy to drive if needed.
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
Meet at your place Waterborn?
Which brings me to the question: for those going on Saturday, where do you want to meet? For those who need a ride, if you can take the commuter train to Winchester Center, I can pick you up there. I live in Woburn (next town over) and we can use my place as a launching point. Did I mention that I have my own collection of con-op games that we can warm up on?
So does this work for everyone? If you are driving and need directions, pm me and I will shoot you my address.
So who else is in? I you have never been to Funspot and love arcade games (both classic and contemporary), you owe it to yourself to check this place out.
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
If someone needs a ride and there are no spots left, feel free to give them my theoretical spot. Right now I'm not sure whether or not I can make it.
PAX East '12 Team Totodile Gold - Professor
This is looking like a fairly small gathering. I will be heading up to Funspot either way and have room for 3 other people. So if you still want to go, post here so we can make plans to meet up.
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
Anyone else still planning to go this Saturday? IF so, we need to agree on a meeting location.
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
Not sure if heels is still planning to go, haven't heard from him in a week or so. (Heels, you still on for this?)
Confirm here if you are still going and if you need a ride.
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com
East Coast Correspondent for 2Old2Play.com