The Final Frontier.
These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.
Its continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and civilizations.
To boldly go where no one has gone before.
So, yeah. I just started watching this from the beginning, recently. All the Mass Effecting and Star Trek Onlining had me all juiced for space, and this whole series happened to be laying around, so why not?
I wanted to watch the whole show, but I don't know how long I can tolerate beardless Riker, Tasha "rape gangs" Yar, and Geordi on the bridge while a rotating cast of schlubs consistently fuck up down in Engineering.
Still, there are some good episodes, like when they first contact the Ferengi, or when that crazy alien guy soups up the warp engines and they end up at the edge of the universe and Wesley gets made an ensign.
Maybe now he'll stop wearing those fuckawful sweaters.
Is anybody else watching this particular era of Star Trek? I mean I guess you guys can talk about Voyager or Enterprise or whatever the kids like these days but surely we can have some discussion on arguably the greatest Trek series of all time.
john de lancie is my favourite.
TNG is easily my favourite series. Picard is the best Captain and I will gladly fight anyone who disagrees.
I've been lucky with regards to the DVDs, I've managed to buy the 2-7 season special editions for under £60.
I scoff at this show.
And let's not forget the edits.
But cannot act at all.
it also scoffs at you
you're not worth this show's time
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
I know how you feel, my mother is a big fan of Voyager and such, I ended up watching all of Voyager.
Yes. I've seen everything, I've seen it all.
some american election year
I'm driving to Winnipeg with my dad, and we see a bumper sticker along these lines
Picard/Riker in 1994
Make it So
Best sticker ever
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
ipad jokes
Oh, it wasn't so bad. Well, as long as you weren't trying to take it really seriously.
Sometimes it was downright hilarious.
That was pretty much the only thing she had to talk about. Think anyone actually cared about the security of the ship?
I'm sure people back in the day were like "what's up with THAT guy?"
Weren't they trying waaay too hard to emulate the original series, in season 1?
I remember the first time they introduced the Ferengi, it looked and played out with the same cheesy style and effects.
i love voyager, but it doesn't step to tng
The Ferengi are pretty terrible throughout TNG. It's not until DS9 that they actually do something interesting with them.
yeah, there's definitely a lot of TOS cheese in the first season
I don't think I've ever watched this series in order, I got all my tng piecemeal from syndication. I remember some of these episodes, and others I'm like, what the fuck is going on?
Reminds me of this picture I saw of Denise Crosby at some convention.
Big handwritten sign next to her saying "DO NOT ASK ABOUT RAPE GANGS."
it has Q and separating the saucer! you can't go wrong.
Yeah if you don't have access to the DVDs it can be confusing.
Which is kind of costly, because Star Trek DVDs are expensive as fuck.
That was probably the single worst episode of hour long television I've ever seen
I mean they go to Space Africa? come on
Lets not forget the space irish they picked up that one episode.
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
did you know that his name is short for Q?
And Moriarty, I consider him on a level with Khan as far as badassery.