The official Lost and Found desk and the people running it were, to use the parlance of Boston, wicked awesome. The Enforcers manning it were unbelievably helpful in my plight, even though my lost property was not found, it was hardly their fault.
However, I'm not quite ready to give up on it yet, and I thought there might be others with lost stuff who wanted to try one last shout out to cyberspace to get their stuff back. And since I did note when I joined a warning against one-off threads, I thought I would make a Lost and Found friend for everybody who lost something, or even found something, at PAX East.
Lose anything you want one last try to get back, PAXers? Find anything you're pretty sure is someone else's, but didn't have time to get it to Lost and Found? Post it here.
I'll start it off with my own lost property. And it's one that hurts.
I lost my DSi. It was black and in a case with Mario on the front. Phoenix Wright: And Justice for All was in the slot and there were several games in a zipper pouch on the back of the case.
Good luck!
I'm just waiting now to hear back from someone official with PAX to see if its actually in the Lost and Found items. I am assuming how're they're all playing massive catch up now that they're back in the office.
Yeah, I can only assume that they've got a backlog of stuff on top whatever PAX Pox and general con fatigue might be doing otherwise. I suspected it was possible someone just picked it up, though, and didn't want to rule out that scenario.
Glad your horns were found, though!
Give (617) 954-2111 a call and they should be able to help you out.
I just heard from David Coffman who told me all items that were found remained at the convention center rather then going with PAX Employees.
I just called the convention center and even though the enforcer stated it was turned it, it wasn't in Lost & Found. So I'm a bit dismayed. I would have personally rather had PAX Staff hold on to any lost items, I've got a bit more trust in them then a random convention center staff person.
So it seems that my reward is still open. At least unless I can get @kitteninstrings to confirm its my hat then I'm going to continue bugging the convention center.
The convention center number is 617-954-2111.
My 6 year old daughter lost her Pokewalker. It's actually probably MY fault. I think it slipped off her waist band when I picked her up to carry the poor tired little thing through the mall. If anyone found a Pokewalker with a circular purple and paisley sticker on the belt clip, registered to "Maia" PLEASE let me know. That Pokewalker made her PAX experience SOOOO wonderful. She REALLY got to experience the courtesy and enthusiasm the geek community provides.
Good luck to anyone that lost anything at PAX. I lost a Zelda cap, but it was at a 7-eleven in the city (left it on the counter like an idiot. haha) and not directly at PAX.
An enforcer told me they'd turned my hat in Sunday evening after finding it in the main hall during clean up. I find it odd however that its not still in lost and found. Is it possible to verify that items didn't accidentally end up being shipped back to Seattle with the Info desk supplies?
Please PM me if you have them. A modest reward will be paid for their return.
I will also be calling the convention center, thanks for the number!
It was probably snatched up, as she said it was there one moment, and not the next. If someone did grab it - wear it proudly to get the name out!
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