Welcome to the Let's Play of Aliens versus Predator 3 (2010)
Will this be scarier than the second one? I doubt it, but we can try it and see.
Once again I will be playing this blind (no prior playthrough).
No need for a Wikipedia link this time, it's about Aliens, predators and marines. You shoot/claw/impale mans.
Special thanks to John Zoidberg for once again supplying the game.
The layout
The video will be posted in sets. These will be from 2 - 4 videos and contained in the spoilers.
Should you need it/if it’s available, press HQ for the higher quality Youtube video.
Set 1! (Marine Start)
Set 2 - A facefull
Set 3 - Fly me to the moon
Set 4 - How did they get my number anyway?
Set 5 - Now with crappier versus
Set 6 - I have a fever, and the only cure is more dead Aliens!
Set 7 - That's one hell of a bad day (Marine end)
Set 8 - Eating Mans (Bruce start)
Set 9 - Scaring Marines is easy
Set 10 - Press 'E' to molest
Set 11 - Push button recieve wang (Bruce end)
Set 12 - Shaved legs
Set 13 - Fun with bombs
Set 14 - How convienent
Set 15 - Green o vision
Set 16 - Boom stick
Set 17 - Kill mans...no wait don't
See all of my Let's Plays Here:
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42 inch LCD TV screen hooked into my Mac. Check.
Helloween's latest Let's Play. Check.
Good times.
Well if this were SA it wouldn't be allowed due to their 3 month rule but we don't exactly have many rules here at all regarding LPs. I'm not sure why that's a rule there anyway, I mean if it's spoilers you're afraid of, it's not like you're forced to watch.
It really is the dumbest "rule". I have no idea why it is something to worry about anyway.
Edit: Anyway, I've been looking forward to this Helloween, and I'm sure you won't disappoint.
I thought it was more about damaging potential sales - if you take a deeply mediocre game like AVP3, remove the need to either pay for it or play through it and add entertaining commentary on top of it to keep you company...not much incentive to pay for it, is there?
I mean, to play devil's advocate, ripping a dvd of a terrible movie you own and recording your own commentary over it, then uploading it to youtube is considered copyright infringement. There's nothing that legally distinguishes LPs from this example - indeed, under the recently passed Digital Economy Bill in the UK, simply viewing 3 parts of Helloween's first section is sufficient grounds to disconnect you from the Internet for life.
That being said, LPs need to exist, Helloween does a fantastic job with them and I pity anyone shelling out for 5 hours of subpar singleplayer, so no tears shed here!
The UK government can stick that act. Seriously.
That said, AVP is terrible average
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Nevertheless, I found this game to be a fun little excursion with a number of amusing and atmospheric set-pieces and I'm looking forward to seeing Helloween stumble his way through it's many dark corridors.
I'm just looking forward to eating mans as Bruce NO.2
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That one had me in stitches through most of the LP.
PS: Thanks for doing this LP, this means I wont have to buy the game.
Xfire: lordgravewish
Steam: LordGravewish
Im pretty sure eventually every group gets squished in every avp game and leave you alone
Shame I dont a glow in the dark gun, might give off more light :P
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Let's face it though, it's basically the same game as the other one, just now with prettier graphics, a worse story, and QTEs.
edit: Just started watching. Goddamnit.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
Just be glad its centered, with the lights on their shoulders they could be pointing off god knows where.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
Come for the jump scares and cheap deaths, stay for the incidental banter. Good show, man :^:
But what is even going on here? "Hey, that big alien ship just blasted our guys out of the sky. Should we, I dunno, abort the drop and call for help?" "...nah, I got a good feeling about this one. Let's just go with it and see what happens." Then you're unconscious for most of the action, you're left behind and yet tasked with everything, the idiots can't remember your name but say you have "heart," the audio logs contain some of the most pointless dialogue ever, and the flashlight here is even smaller than the one in AvP2 (I'll grant that at least this one seems limitless).
I'm trying to imagine the most generic way to start the marine campaign, and this is somehow worse.
Now playing: Teardown and Baldur's Gate 3 (co-op)
Sunday Spotlight: Horror Tales: The Wine
edit: In any game where you're a Marine or any kind of soldier, it's basically, "YOU THERE! DO EVERYTHING!"
moar edit: Man, SG1 would have zero problems here.
I vote we officially rename the Rookie "Ramirez."
"Ramirez! Protect Burgertown from the aliens and monsters!"
"Ramirez! Shoot the Alien Queen with your zappy gun!"
"Ramirez! Get in the METAL GEAR and shoot the Predator Hunt Pack Leader in the face with a railgun launched nuke! Don't let your Radome take too much damage, and watch out for Grey Fox!"
I dunno...
Sounds better to me then
"Rookie! Get to da Club and pick up some bitches and ho's!"
"Rookie! Rescue me by carrying a lunchbox to another lunchbox next to my door!"
"Rookie! Shoot the alien with your gun until it dies!"
Also, from looking at those videos, it actually seems like the interiors of those buildings actively project darkness. Notice how the reasonably lit outside actually got darker when he went in. Maybe in the future there's some OSHA requirement that absolutely everything needs to be dark, grated metal with flickering fluorescent lights, and when they accidentally made a well-lit colony they had to do something about it. Would also explain the flashlight.
Was that in this set or his previous AvP LP?
Didn't you fight that thing in the second AvP too?
Well, not so much fought as ran away from alot. I really need to rewatch the AvP2 LP.
Also, can you see it in his set, or did he miss it by not looking at it and throwing a flare at the right exact moment to illuminate it properly?
Part 2 of this set.
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OH! Yeah, the aliens not moving and thus being utterly invisible to your radar. I remember now. Had a brain fart.
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1) Not many people did actually buy this after hearing of how "average" it was but I enjoyed it as a fan of the subject matter and wanted other people to see how it is.
2) AvP2 was one of my favorite Helloween LP's so I wanted to see how he lent his stylings to the triple perspective again.
3) Um, ok, only 2 reasons.
But yes, not the best game in the world but it has its moments and is worthy of a LP.
Are you talking about around 7:30 in video 2? Something drops out of the sky on the side of the screen. I caught it, Helloween did not.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00