Right now, there are many fairly decent multiplayer games out, and they are available on multiple systems. I personally find it difficult to keep track of who has what and for what system.
Some recent games that come to mind: Borderlands, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Plain Sight, Greed, Inc., and Robot Unicorn Attack.
I thought it might be prudent to keep a list here so we don't have to search through the [chat] thread or whatever if we want to find each other. I'll separate IDs by game and system. If you think the list is missing a game that should be on here, please recommend.
If you want to be on a list please PM me or post in the thread with the relevant information for the game (usually it's the system you have the game for and whatever IDs we'd need to find you in the game. For instance, for Bad Company 2, I'm assuming it would by your EA account name. For Borderlands, it's your Gamespy ID).
And if you use a certain server and you want to provide the IP or server name so we can all congregate there, please do so.
I'll update this OP as often as possible. And I'll add games on a need basis. Just let me know if you're playing something and want it added to the list of games.
Also, I was thinking about adding timezones or availability. Is that a good idea? y/n? If you think it is, please include your timezone or when you are generally available (which weekdays, at which hours/general times, or weekends-only, whatever)
I can maybe make the availability a separate section. In fact I'll do that below.
Update 4/29 courtesy of Rear Admiral Choco because I am a lazy silly goose
SteamProfMoriarty -
ProfMoriMazzyx -
MazzyxSanderJK -
SanderJKPantsB -
PantsBRiemannLives -
eigenvectorTarranon -
TarranonNocturne -
The NoidRear Admiral Choco -
ChocoKinesisfirewaterword -
firewaterwordPremier Kakos -
kakosXbox LiveArivia -
AriviaPreacher -
JudasduboisIrond Will -
Irond Willjacobkosh -
JacobkoshMikeMan -
The BoximusThanatos -
ThanatosianJebusUD -
wonderminkCorbius -
CorbiusPantsB -
PantsBLeitner -
Colonel LeitnerRiemannLives -
ZhoresBogart -
DaemonomaniaOrganichu -
OrganichuJustinSane07 -
JustinSane07Nocturne -
Witchalockfirewaterword -
Sambal OlekAbdhyius -
AbdhyiusNerdgasmic -
AtomoClassicPremier Kakos -
Lambda KnightSilas Brown -
DarnBlastTaranis -
TaranusThomamelas -
ThomamelasPlaystation Networkgundam470 -
gundam470kuhlmeye -
the-k-flashDrez -
DrezdarPantsB -
PantalonesBJustinSane07 -
JustinSane07Ryadic -
RyadicNocturne -
Dreamlorefirewaterword -
TheMakersMarkPremier Kakos -
LambdaKnightBorderlands (PC)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - GameSpy ID)Drez -
DrezdarYamiNoSenshi -
Corbius - Citen549
Borderlands (Xbox 360)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - Gamertag)
Preacher - Judasdubois
Irond Will - Irond Will
jacobkosh - Jacobkosh
MikeMan - The Boximus
Thanatos - Thanatosian
Nerdgasmic - AtomoClassic
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PC)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - not sure how in-game friending works)
Drez -
Tarranon - Tarranon
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Xbox 360)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - Gamertag)
Preacher - Judasdubois
Irond Will - Irond Will
MikeMan - The Boximus
Organichu - Organichu
Abdhyius - Abdhyius
Nerdgasmic - AtomoClassic
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PC)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - not sure how in-game friending works)Corbius -
Burtletoy - Brutletoy
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - Gamertag)JebusUD -
wonderminkjacobkosh -
JacobkoshIrond Will -
Irond WillCorbius -
CorbiusOrganichu -
OrganichuJustinSane07 -
JustinSane07Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PlayStation 3)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - PlayStation Network ID)gundam470 -
gundam470kuhlmeye -
the-k-flashGreed, Inc. (PlayStation 3)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - PlayStation Network ID)Drez -
DrezdarHalo: Reach (360)
Penny-Arcade handle -
Arivia -
AriviaCorbius -
CorbiusIrond Will -
Irond Willjacobkosh -
JacobkoshJames -
Party WhaleMikeMan -
The BoximusJebusUD -
wonderminkPremier Kakos -
Lambda KnightSilas Brown -
DarnBlastTaranis -
TaranusThe Green Eyed Monster -
celery77League of Legends
(format: Penny-Arcade handle - LoL handle (if different))
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Arch[/COLOR] - Zinnar
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Bama[/COLOR] - BamaPA
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Casual Eddy[/COLOR] - FancyLad
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
DasUberEdward[/COLOR] - EdwardTheThird
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Dread Pirate Arbuthnot[/COLOR] - Requine
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Fartacus[/COLOR] - NameBack
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Hacksaw[/COLOR] - Hugsaw
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Inquisitor[/COLOR] - winter flea
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Irond Will[/COLOR] - irondwill
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
JustinSane07[/COLOR] - Justin Sane07
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
tyrannus[/COLOR] - lordwigglesalot
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Nerdgasmic[/COLOR] - NerdgasmicPA
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
powerpuppies[/COLOR] - powerpuppies2
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Premier Kakos[/COLOR] - Lambda Knight
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Rent[/COLOR] - Renttastic
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
shalmelo[/COLOR] - melo2boogaloo
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Silas Brown[/COLOR] - Promori
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Taranis[/COLOR] - Taranis26R
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]Tarranon
visiblehowl [/COLOR]- veeaych
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]
Winky[/COLOR] - AJ Winky
[COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]ZenVulgarity[/COLOR]Left 4 Dead 2 (PC)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - Steam ID)SanderJK -
SanderJKNocturne -
The NoidRear Admiral Choco -
ChocoKinesisPlain Sight (PC)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - Steam ID)ProfMoriarty -
ProfMoriMazzyx -
MazzyxTarranon -
TarranonStarCraft (PC)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - Battle.net ID)Drez -
Drezdarjacobkosh -
JacobkoshMikeMan -
MikeManzJames -
PartyWhaleRyadic -
RyadicStarCraft II (PC)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - Battle.net ID)JustinSane07 -
Justin.saneNocturne -
Noc.turneRear Admiral Choco -
Choco.kinesisMazzyx -
Mazzy.mazzyxSo It Goes -
SoItGoes.soitgoesDrez -
Drez.darIrond Will -
Premier Kakos - kakos.kakos
Team Fortress 2 (PC)
(Format: Penny-Arcade handle - Steam ID)SanderJK -
SanderJKMazzyx -
MazzyxRed Dead Redemption (PS3)
(PA name - PSN ID)
gundam470 - gundam470
Fluffy, Our Beloved Flopsy Bunny Friend - Reo_Bravo
Nocturne - Dreamlore
ProfMoriarty - FreeCaffeine
Ryadic - Ryadic
YamiNoSenshi - YamiNoSenshi
Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360)
(PA name - Xbox Live Gamertag)
Rear Admiral Choco - ChocoKinesis
Bogart - Bogart
matthasaproblem - matthasaproblem
Irond Will - Irond Will
Leitner - Leitner
Raiden333 - Omar Ravenhurst
firewaterword - Sambal Olek
Preacher - Preacher
jacobkosh - jacobkosh
Blur (Xbox 360)
ProfMoriarty - DarnBlast
AvailabilityDrez - Most of the time. Usually afternoon to late evening or the wee hours of the morning - EST
Preacher - 9:30-12:00 PM (Mon - Fri) and all day (Sat + Sun) - EST
Irond Will - Evenings (Mon - Fri) and all day (Sat + Sun) - EST[/QUOTE]
Mazzyx - After 9-10 PM on Steam, before 5:30 for PSN -EST[/QUOTE]
Leitner - Mostly evenings[/QUOTE]
Bogart - Evenings (maybe not midweek), through the day on weekends[/QUOTE]
Organichu - Whenever
JustinSane07 - Weeknights after 5pm EST and weekends
Rear Admiral Choco - Before 4pm and after 11:30pm EST, with the exception of Wednesdays and Sundays[/spoiler]
XBox 360:
PSN: LambdaKnight
Steam: kakos
Starcraft 2:
Games that need lists (unbolded only has one listing):Blazblue
Dawn of War II
Forza Motorsport 3
Gears of War 2
Halo 3
Halo Wars
League of Legends
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
MLB 09 The Show
MLB 10 The Show
Supreme Commander 2
Street Fighter IV
UFC Undisputed[/QUOTE]
Send me a message telling me who you are if you friend me.
but they're listening to every word I say
Games: Borderlands 360, BC2 360, MW2 (360). I have like every game for the 360 except for weeaboo fighting games and sports games
Available: evenings weekdays, all day weekends
Eastern Time
However, I would totally be up for Starcraft. Unfortunately, I'm at work and haven't attached Starcraft to my battle.net account yet, and I don't think my old username is valid anymore. I'll fix this when I get home.
Could we add Pokemon friend codes? :P
(If people do want to play old games with me, my 360 gamertag is Party Whale, my PSN is PartyWhale, and my Wii code is 8179 8781 0589 4795)
I'm Pacific, and I'm usually available weekday evenings, sometimes during the weekend.
Modern Warfare 2 (360) - Jacobkosh
Starcraft - Jacobkosh
and I am available whenever!
If you're doing general tags
PSN: YamiNoSenshi
XBL: Yami No Senshi
Steam: YamiNoSenshi
Games: Borderlands, Bad Company 2, Starcraft
Availability: Most nights and not most weekends.
XBL and PSN: Corbius
I've got Modern Warfare 2 on 360 and PC
I would be down for some regular SC1, since im not in the beta.
Available: Most nights. Granted "night" for me is the way early morning for most of you.
weekends my free time lines up better, since Friday and Sat night in the US is Saturday and Sunday mid-day for me.
PSN: Corbius
My handle is Thanatosian.
The Boximus is your Battle.net name too? And I'm assuming from this that you have BLands and BC2 for the 360?
And yes, Blands and BC2 for 360.
I've got Plain Sight for PC. My in-game name is ProfMoriarty.
How does it work? Is that your Steam ID, is that how it works?
Nah, you have to register a name after you purchase the game.
edit: Ah.
Mostly play L4D2 online, sometimes TF2, rarely DoW II. Also own Borderlands, but haven't touched it since a few weeks after release.
Brutletoy or Burtletoy I forget which. Whichever one is NOT my Forum Handle.
Mind you, if any of you want to play with me, chances are good you will also be playing with all the G&T guys since we normally play with about 6 guys on a night. We also have some G&T meta-tag clan-list things, but I kinda forget their names as well. Which is fun cause I'm supposed to run one of them.
Steam id:Mazzyx
Steam games:
Supreme Commander 2
Dawn of War II:Chaos Rising
Plain Sight
PSN: Remmek
Playstation games:
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
MLB 09 the Show
For the PC I am good most nights after about 7 or 8 mst(9 or 10 est). For the playstation before 3:30 mst(5:30 est) because it is hooked up to the main tv here and I let my mom use it after that time. One day I will change it to my monitor but it is hard to give up a 52 inch hd bravia.
fancylad is my handle
I have Modern Warfare 2, and I'm getting Wipeout HD tonight since its on sale, if people want to race.
XBox 360: PantsB
Steam: PantsB (I just realized between my fiancee and I we've played nearly 300 hours of DA:O and we don't even have any DLC)
Right now I'm playing the new Splinter Cell: Conviction but that might be short term. I'm on most nights at least a bit and I'm a night owl (EST)
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
Games: Bad Company 2, anything Halo.
Available: GMT. Times vary but mostly evenings.
Games: Halo, GoW2, etc.
Availability: Evenings GMT (though probably not mid-week), through the day on weekends unless I am out Doing Things.
Choose Your Own Chat 1 Choose Your Own Chat 2 Choose Your Own Chat 3
RUSE (when it comes out)
The Settlers 6
Xbox 360: Zhores
Battlestations Pacific
Halo Wars
Magic The Gathering (XBLA)
Culdecept Saga
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
Civilization: Revolutions
Games: MW2, UFC Undisputed
Available: whenever
I will shamelessly plug MAG as we always need more people to come and play with us. I also have blazblue and sf4 but suck terribly at those two.
Twitter - discolouie PSN - Loupa Steam - Loupa
PSN: Corbius
Xbox360: JustinSane07
PSN: Justin Sane07
Forza Motorsport 3
Street Fighter IV (soon to be Super)
Madden NFL 10
MLB The Show 10
Availability: Weeknights after 5pm EST and weekends.
I'm wondering if Will's suggestion of a Wiki would be a good idea. The only problem with a wiki is that, well, the information isn't stored here. Unless I or someone else could write a script to easily siphon data from the wiki into a postable, bbcoded format, so the information could be crossposted here.
I can only speak for myself, but when they had that Xbox 360 wiki on G&T years ago, I routinely forgot it existed. I admit I don't recall if there was a sticky advertising its existence though.
We should MW2.
but they're listening to every word I say
Don't really have any online PS3 games, though.
Starcraft: Ryadic on USEast
Just PM me or find me in [chat] to schedule time to play.