[MAG] New Patch - Maps neutral - MAG ruined FOREVER?

LitanyLitany Registered User regular
edited July 2011 in Games and Technology
The old and actually informative is OP over here.


Clan is currently: All over the damn place


Hot off the presses, latest announcement(s) from Zipper:

February 23rd, 2011 -

Long and short, maps are now neutral. There's a little more within the link.

September 30th -

There are far too many changes to list here, this links to Zipper's Blog with the details.

June 6th -

It’s been just over four and a half months since MAG released worldwide and 930,000 battles, 1.7 million players, and 1.1 billion kills later, the time to expand is now.

Yes friends, everyone here at Zipper Interactive is proud to announce that beginning June 22, our first expansion pack, dubbed “Interdiction,” will be available to players all over the world for $9.99 US (prices in other regions may vary).

“But what’s in it,” you say? Well, for starters, we’re introducing a brand new gametype that we’re calling (what else?) “Interdiction.” Built for up to 128 simultaneous players, Interdiction challenges two rival factions to be attackers and seize control of three command posts with the aid of several heavily-armed convoys on three brand new maps (Lake Bayano Spur, Sovot Motorway, and Iron Creek Quarry). To make it even more interesting, we’ve made all three maps completely faction neutral – allowing all sides to play any map whenever they want – in addition to supplying every squad with their own APC vehicle (that’s 16 APCs on the map at once!). To win, players must capture and hold as many objectives as possible to increase their score while concurrently depleting their enemy’s. In short, Interdiction mode = crazy battlefield mayhem.

A new gametype and three new maps isn’t all we’re packing either. As an extra bonus, we’re also adding the ultimate in MAG protection, our “Heavy Improved” armor set. Trust us when we say that it doesn’t matter if you’re Raven, Valor, or SVER — if you don the Heavy Improved armor consider yourself a walking tank.


And that’s the Interdiction Pack. Again, you can pick it up for $9.99 starting June 22, but don’t think that we’re stopping there – we still have a lot planned for MAG in the coming months. Be sure to check out your favorite gaming sites throughout the week for glimpses at what we have in store!

June 3rd -

Last week, we revealed a large portion of what you can expect in our forthcoming MAG patch, version 1.06. What we didn’t tell you, though, was when you could expect to download it – that bit of info we’ve saved for today.

Beginning Tuesday, June 8 at 1am Pacific/ 4am Eastern/ 8am GMT, MAG v1.06 will automatically download to your PS3 the moment you sign into the game. Medal and Ribbon updates, all-new vehicle behavior, modified weapon performance, and brand new medical kit functionality are just a few of the several revisions that MAG v1.06 brings to the table, so don’t forget to log in and take advantage of it.

Check back with us again on patch day, June 8, for the full list of updates.

May 11th -

As you may have heard on the latest episode of our Zipline podcast, we’re giving you the chance to beat us at our own game. That’s right, this Friday, May 14, we’re going to send multiple squads filled with our brightest (and deadliest) soldiers directly to the frontlines to see if you (okay, to see if we) can keep up.

We’ll be playing all three of MAG’s PMCs (Raven, Valor and S.V.E.R.), so no matter where your allegiance lies, you’ll have the chance to play with, or against, our forces. All you need to do is sign on during the designated hours listed below and look for players with the clan moniker [ZIP].

Again, we’ll have multiple squads split up between the factions so that we’ll be easier to find. Here’s what our May 14 schedule looks like across the various time zones:

* Pacific: 2pm – 4pm
* Mountain: 3pm – 5pm
* Central: 4pm – 6pm
* Eastern: 5pm – 7pm
* Hawaii: 12pm (noon) – 2pm
* Alaska: 1pm – 3pm
* GMT: 9pm – 11pm


Alrighty then, to the new and substantially better OP. :P I jest, because I highly doubt I'll be up to the rigors of task ahead. I plan on bleeding out just as I see someone pull a kit and run towards me.

For you new to MAG I can imagine the above confusing and dissuading you, so count your lucky stars that I am here to clarify, simplify and stupify you. So just what is MAG? MAG is a 256 player Team-and-Objective based First Person Shooter exclusively for the PS3. It's been out for awhile and and if I do say so myself it's quite fun with the right people... which you have found if you're reading this! Whew, that's a load off my shoulders. That's my major victory, right guys?


Son of a...

This thread is for conversation relating to MAG, really-really-cool-things-that-once-happened-playing-MAG, and the nineteen eighty's in general. It's also where you come to bitch about that random Machine Gun round that placed a speed hole completely through your cerebellum, to loudly state your stance on exactly how useful you think sniping is, and to "discuss" (heh) balance, pubs, lag, the faction you are currently playing / last played against or even the faction you are currently a part of with a pretty great community of like minded players.

So back to what MAG is. MAG offers four differing play modes, with three different maps per mode. As the player count rises for the longer modes, so too does the available spawn locations raising the 'actual' map count. For instance, each Domination map is played with 128 players per faction, and is best visualized as a Cross. Each platoon (of 32 players) on the attackers side pushing towards the center, while the defending platoons try to box them out. This basically amounts to each Domination map being four smaller "maps" within the one map. It is completely possible to enter another platoons area and play on their map, but it's seldom to your benefit.

MAG's best feature is its highly touted command structure. One player from every Squad of eight players is "randomly" (Weighted towards players with a high 'Leadership' point pool / Mic users) selected as Squad Leader, who are able to select installations on his or her map and grant an experience boost to those preforming actions around it, called a FRAGO or "FRAGmentary Order". Thus an attacking Squad Leader can "command" their troops to hit the enemies Anti-Air Battery and the defending one can place his FRAGO down on his Bunker, which is his frontline spawn location and defensive structure rolled into one. On the larger modes there are Platoon Leaders and even an Officer In Charge positions, which up the chain of command. All three types of Leadership positions have unique abilities granted to them, like Airstrikes, Sensor Sweeps or the ability to increase/decrease friendly/enemy respawn timers. In addition, only players with leadership roles are allowed to talk cross-Squad to other players to form bigger picture stratagems. Sadly the playerbase isn't informed on this front and normally takes the position(s) to bomb shit, but when it works it's completely badass. Even if you're being trounced because of it. There is nothing like seeing twenty plus reds coming up on your flank and trying desperately to outmaneuver them.

It's at this point I'll quickly break down the play modes:

Suppression - Played as a 32 on 32 match
Suppression is a straight death match mode - both sides have a limited number of respawns with each death coming off a meter displayed across the top of your HUD. First side to not have a respawn available to a dead player loses the match. It's extremely limited and is virtually unplayed within the PA groups.

Sabotage - Played as a 32 on 32 match
'Sabo' is a slightly expanded Suppression match - one side is tasked with capturing and holding two differing points on the map, and if they hold both in unison a third point opens up. The other side is trying to prevent this from happening. There's not much else to it - you head to the flashing location on your HUD and perform the required action there, whether to capture it or defend it from assault. Played over a fifteen minute timer, or when the attacking players take the third point and hold it for a minute-ish (Test time! Anyone got the length of the charge planted? Anyone reading this at all?)

Acquisition - Played as a 64 on 64 match, with two fronts at 32 on 32.
Finally, a "real" mode. In Acquisition (or 'Acqui') one side is charged with stealing an enemy's high-tech armored transport, and the other side is trying to prevent that. This is the first mode in which leadership positions matter and are able to use their assets to a meaningful end. Each front is made up of four Squads, with four leaders and one Platoon leader selected from the player pool. Assets are scattered across the map and with each one taken down the attackers remove more and more of the defending front's abilities. The game ends after twenty minutes in victory for the defenders, or after the attacking side successfully steals two of the transports and drives them from the defending stronghold past their starting point.

Domination - Played as a 128 on 128 match, with four fronts at 32 on 32.
'Dom' is where it is at. This gametype is the reason to play MAG, as it's really the only place where everything clicks completely into place. The attacking side's objectives are to capture two pairs of towers simultaneously (First pair, then second pair). Once both of a pair are captured and held together they are removed from the map and are no longer contested. Once both pairs of towers are removed, a final pair of locations are placed on the map in which the attacking players need to be in control of to raise a damage meter. The game is thirty minutes, unless the attacking team is able to win before the timer ends.

A well played Domination round is a satisfying back-and-forth push as the attackers continuously gain ground while the defenders try to rebuild what they've lost and hold the offense at bay. Last minute grasps for the final objectives are always good, regardless of the outcome.


So now that you're interested, here's an excellent primer on Assets an their effect on the battlefield:
I don't really understand what everyone is having trouble understanding about the larger maps. I suppose I'll try and educate you all.

This information is about assets, which provide benefits for the defenders. They are found in Aquisition and Domination game modes.

Bunker: The bunker is one of the most important assets in the game. When defending, the bunker is your initial spawn point. They are the front line of defense and holding these is usually your top priority. There are four bunkers per front with one per squad, meaning a platoon covers an entire front. We have come up with shorthand for the bunkers, with them being numbered from left to right along the front (with the perspective of left/right/front/back being of the bunker/front). The two middle bunkers cover the gate (more on that in a second) while the outer bunkers generally cover infantry trying to pierce the front from the sides. The bunkers provides a turret, which can be manned and is very effective at suppressing the enemy and routing their paths to cover. Additionally, the bunker has rockets that are good at taking down armor, but the 2 rockets that it shoots before reloading aren't enough to take out an APC, so either another bunker or infantry with rockets/mines need to assist in taking them out. The bunker also provides a supply point, which you can use by entering the bunker on the right side.

Gate: There are two types of gates: Main gates and Infantry gates. The main gate is found in between bunkers 2 and 3 in the middle of the front. On Acquisition maps, the main gate is how you get the transport out of the defenders base. Attackers often try to bring an APC forward down the middle road to try and blow the main gate during the initial offence to breach the front and gain access to the base. This only really works if the attackers have already destroyed some of the bunkers or the defenders are doing a poor job of defending. When attacking, we generally avoid the gate until around the time we take down the AA (more on that in a bit). The other type of gate is the Infantry gate, which is found on Domination maps. Infantry gates block the attacker's path to the control points on Domination maps. Keeping these up prevents the attackers from gaining an easier entry to the point, but is generally a lot harder to keep up than the main gate because with the gates up there is no close exit to get out and defuse charges. Overall, the Infantry gate is a much lower priority asset than the main gate, but is still good to maintain.

Anti-Aircraft: The Anti-Aircraft battery (known as AA or triple-A) is right up there with the bunkers as a high priority asset. If the AA goes down, the attackers get a new forward spawn behind the defenders front line in the form of either parachuting or a helicopter. This effectively passes the bunkers (though the forward bunkers still allow the defenders to spawn forward and the turrets can take out parachuter's and the helicopters). There are usually a lot of attempts at infiltration behind the front line to take it out since even if you don't keep the forward spawn up for long, the more attackers behind the front line you can get, the more damage you can do to the enemy either in taking out assets or flanking the bunkers from behind. Since it can cause such havoc with the defenders, both sides need to keep an eye on it. Bunkers 2 and 3 are closest (since it's situated just a bit behind the main gate) and keeping an eye on it usually falls to them, but since you never really can tell who's competent on your team it's good to have someone on your squad available to get over there at any sign of trouble. Additionally, AA also prevents the attackers from calling in air strikes and UAV's. This provides an additional incentive for both sides.

Artillery: The Artillery, also known as the Mortar, is used by squad/platoon leaders for calling in bombardments. Taking this out means the defender can't call in strikes on your position, which is very useful. After taking out the bunkers and AA, this is generally the first asset we go for. While not quite as game changing as the AA or Bunker, it's still good to have up. Generally if someone has taken it down and the squad can spare a man, dispatching someone to fix it is a good idea.

Sensor Array: The defending platoon leader can call in a sensor sweep which provides enemy troop positions on your map, radially out from assets. Anyway, it's useful to keep up and the same rule for repair as Artillery applies here.

Motor Pool: The Motor Pool spawns transport vehicles, all of which have turrets. There are a number of uses the transports have, which I'll elaborate on. The first is blocking paths, such as putting two together on the main road to block an APC coming far behind our lines after the Main Gate is blown. They can also block the infantry entrances to the base behind the bunkers, which some squads choose to do. Another job is enemy harassment, since all transports have turrets on them. While not as durable as APC's, they come in handy once the enemy has broken through the defenses front line. They allow you to take out moderate amounts of enemies and draw their resources into fighting the transport instead of the proper assets that you're trying to defend. Since the Motor Pool is by the defenses rear spawn, destroying it after the front line has been destroyed is very difficult. The best two ways to take it out are either going behind their lines while the front line is still up or calling in a precision strike as Platoon leader after the AA is down. Priority on repairing it after being destroyed is fairly low when the front line is still active, so I'd recommend repairing it only if the Sensor Array or Artillery are down as well. However, if the front line is down, the Motor Pool becomes a lot more useful and should be given more priority, especially since it's so close to spawn.

Burn-Off and Cooling Towers: The Burn-Off and Cooling Towers are only found in the Domination game mode and are the main objectives before the capture points become active (more on that in a bit). The Burn-Off Towers are found in front of the main line of defense. However, with the bunkers still up capturing the Burn-Off Towers is pretty tricky. We generally try to take out the bunkers before going on the Burn-Off Tower (or get the Tower while the bunker is distracted by an assault). The Cooling Tower is found between the front line and the capture points and usually go down pretty quickly if the bunkers are already down. Your best bet at defending them is with your bunkers still up, but if they're not, you're pretty screwed. If you still have the bunkers up, you should send a man or two down to the tower that your half of the platoon is covering (there is a tower on the left and a tower on the right and the squads on the corresponding side generally cover their tower). Both towers need to be captured simultaniously (ie the attackers need to be in possession of both towers) in order to move on, which means that either your squad needs to cover both towers, part of your squad needs to harass the enemy at the other tower, or you hold your tower well and hope the other squads aren't a bunch of silly geese.

Capture Points: Also only found in the Domination game mode, Capture Points are labeled A through H. There are two points per platoon (much like the Burn-Off and Cooling Towers). The Capture Points are locked until the Burn-Off and Cooling Towers on that front are taken, so that the attackers can't sneak past your line and take the point. The points are pretty close to the defender's rear spawn, so defending them is relatively easy. The Infantry Gates I mentioned before are in front of these Points and help stall the enemies advance. Once at the Capture Points, there are a number of things going on. The defenders are going to try and get some of their assets up, which are in front of the Capture Points and by this point in attacker territory. They're also going to try and send a man or two to try and stealthily repair the bunkers and AA, though the main force of the squad should be focused on controlling the point.

Roadblock: Roadblocks are pretty ancillary, but they help you a bit. Mainly used on Acquisition (can't remember if they're on Domination as well), they block the path of the transport that is being defended. Keeping these up slows down the attackers as they try and leave with the transport. Their value for repair is dependent on how close you feel the enemy is to getting your transport.

Prototype Transport: The Prototype Transport, also known as the transport (not to be confused with the transport from the motor pool) is the main objective for the attackers in the Acquisition game mode. These are pretty fragile, so getting one out needs the bunkers down (at least the ones by the main gate). You'll also need the main gate down, and taking down some roadblocks wouldn't hurt. Getting in a position to get the transport out safely requires a lot of teamwork and coordination.

Bridge: A lot less common, it's sort of like a reverse roadblock. The defenders want the bridges blown so the enemy can't bring anything across them and the attackers want to repair it. Around the same priority as the roadblock on Acquisition maps. There is one on the SVER Domination map on one of the fronts that has a lot higher priority since it basically acts as a secondary main gate in front of the line, but keeping it down requires a lot of coordination.

All right, that's basically it for assets. The squad leader should have a good idea about how all of these play together and can issue orders accordingly. Hope this has been helpful.

Hungry for more? Then here's a quick overview the Leadership positions available:

Leadership Abilities clarified:
Before I begin here, a couple more pointers. All strikes create a large pillar of smoke in the center of it's area of effect, and take awhile to be called in. This allows the side being struck time to react and get the Hell out of dodge. The only way to ID what strike is inbound is to hear the game's adviser announce it when the strike is made, though the colour of the pillar tells you which faction dropped it (Blue for Raven, Green for Valor and Orange for SVER).

The attacking side can only call strikes in once the Anti-Air is down. If the enemy rebuilds the Anti-Air both you've already called in the strike, it goes off as planned. Should you be attacking and drop a strike on another Platoon's front both your and their Anti-Air needs to be down for the strike to go off.

You can strike over the red line so long as fifty-one percent of that strike is placed inbounds. The right stick rotates the orientation of the strike and the game uses that box for most of the calculations regarding what goes boom.

Any of the "Strike" options cannot be used to shell targets under cover. Roofed structures prevent the ordinance from hitting those under it. There's nothing I can tell you to hint at what's enclosed or not here, it's all situational. Most if not all Spawns are protected, but a couple of feet in front are normally destructive zones, esp. once you've pushed a defense to a rear spawn. "Combo" spawns with a UAV and then place the Strike when you see the enemy spawn. By the time your strike is about to hit most players will have moved into the killzone resulting in wipes of the enemy reinforcements.

Important enough for attention to be called to it - The four Squad Leads and the Platoon Lead per Platoon share a global cooldown meter for calling in strikes. This means when an Anti-Air is downed, launching your non-Precision Strike prevents the Platoon Lead from doing just that, and you're asking for an earful in retaliation.

The OIC has his own personal timer (All four of his abilities are on it) and none of the Attacking abilities are restricted by enemy installations.

Mortar Strike - Attacking and Defending Squad Lead.
The Mortar Strike is the most common Airstrike seen in MAG. It's on the second shortest timer (along with Sensor Shells, Sensor Sweep is shorter), and is always a good option if it's not on cooldown. It's only useful on infantry, and really should only be used on enemy infantry at that. Results in a strike dropped randomly over the the selected location, with the central location guaranteed to be hit. Zero effect on Assets, Bunkers or players taking refuge in them, but can clear out anything outside that Asset / Bunker with relative ease. Excellent way of taking our an Engineering core rebuilding an asset. Can also be used to ensure loyalty from friendlies.

Sensor Shells - Defending Squad Lead.
Used to one hit kill any armored vehicle (Any APCs, Choppers and transports) in it's killzone, which is actually slightly larger than the targeting box at it's most pulled back / least zoom. Drivers are killed, passengers have the chance to flee the burning wreckage. Since Attacking APCs can only be damaged with explosive force, Sensor Shells are a quick and easy way to kill an out of the way enemy spawn point. Unless it's moved, it's done.

Recon UAV - Attacking Squad Lead.
The location around the dropzone is under surveillance and all enemies are visible on both your mini-map and your main map (top right and select, respectively). That's it. Useful as noted above for spawn suppression, and on downed assets if you suspect enemy engineers at play.

Poison Gas - Defending Platoon Lead.
Select area, kill wildlife. You monster. The Gas strike is a two parter - The drop itself detonates and causes damage, and it leaves behind a cloud on the location. That gas then depletes the health of anything in it. Very useful as an area denial tool, and can be used to cut off visibility if you need to slow the opposing team from getting to what you're dropping it "infront of". For example: Dropping a Gas Strike between two Bunkers effectively reduces the further Bunker's ability to defend the one closer to you. Most MAG players fear Gas to the point that they'll never enter it. Use this to your advantage. Also extremely useful for "blocking" a side of your downed Anti-Air as you sneak in Engineers on Defense.

Sensor Sweep - Defending Platoon Lead.
A UAV effect localized on your defending assets. It's smaller than the UAV radius, but all effects more than one location. Get used to popping this from the Dpad so you aren't popping in your map as often. It's the least useful tool in my opinion, but it's on a ridiculously short timer to make up for that. Basically, use it because you have it, you gain nothing from sitting on it and it recharges so fast you might as well pop it all the time. Ask if anyone else wants the command if you're busy fightin' before popping it - shared timer and all.

Strafing Run - Attacking Platoon Lead.
Planes attack the selected area three times, once each from a different angle. Killzone is larger than the target box as passes start before the box and end outside of it. No damage dealt to armor, and like all airborne strikes does not deal damage through solids. However, due to the nature of the strike, the payload is dropped on an angle from the plane. Each pass is a straight line through the target at a different angle - if the target isn't walled you can often hit those under cover from the side.

Precision Strike - Attacking Platoon Lead.
Boom! Blows the selected target to kingdom come. Bring the map up, select the target, collect points. There is a delay, but the enemy cannot prevent this strike from happening once it has been place. It cannot be used on downed assets (thus you can't take out an Anti-Air as it's being repaired by striking it's husk :( ). When the AA has a charge on it, you need to be ready to beat out a foolish Squad Leader that wants to drop his bombs. Tell him off if he beats you - it's the only way he'll learn, damnit.

Platoon Chat - Attacking and Defending Platoon Lead.
Not an "ability", but certainly worthy of inclusion. Selected by changing radio channels (Up on the Dpad, L2/R2 to cycle), allowing you to be heard by all 32 members of your Platoon. Requesting Squad Leaders all push one side only gets your heard by three other people (outside the seven in your Squad, minus you). If they don't or can't pass that on, that's at least eight players unable to help even if they want to
. You're upping your chances of aid by talking to everyone in a position to help.

Signal Jamming - Attacking and Defending Officer In Charge.
This ability is a multi-parter aswell. It basically removes many organizational aid provided by the game (Mini-Map, main map, the ability to FRAGO, the ability to call any strike, and finally calling for Medics / Repairs for those without Mics) for two minutes. Often used as part of a big push to block out enemy radar or on the reverse to completely stealth Engineers to an important asset. Complete game changer when popped well. No counter.

Tactical Strike - Attacking and Defending Officer In Charge.
Completely reduces the cooldown on every ability for every officer under his command. Does not change the state of his cooldowns. Mic is extremely useful for getting the most out of this ability. When used well, gives sixteen Mortar Strikes and four Strafing Runs / Gas Strikes, effectively granting a quick turnaround. No counter.

Satellite Sweep Attacking and Defending Officer in Charge.
UAV effect over the entire map. Every enemy position is known to every friendly player. Basically what it says on the tin. The only counter is if your OIC is able to pop his Signal Jamming ability after it's selected, as it would completely negate all map effects. Only a horrible OIC pops this before using his Signal Jamming ability, however. :P

Rapid Redeploy - Defending Officer In Charge.
Cuts down friendly respawn timer by ten seconds. Countered by Blockade.

Blockade - Attacking Officer In Charge.
Increases enemy respawn timer by ten seconds. Countered by Rapid Redeploy

Both abilities cannot be 'countered' if used during the effects of a friendly Signal Jamming. If both abilities are used at once, they cancel each other out returning the respawn timer to twenty seconds at it's longest.

Alrighty, this covers the learning curve and all the unexplained options as an overview. If you have any questions, please ask away. We need more Blood for the Blood God, and if it helps you pick up MAG we'll be sure to help you out along the way. :P


Last but not least, a Haiku. Because we have class, here. Damnit.

Blue dots aren't that great
Often they make me ir-rate
Pew pew Machine Gun

Steam: Litany || PSN: Litany- || Nintendo Network ID: Litany
Litany on


  • LouieLouie Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Merchenaries on sver. Manly tears on raven.

    Sorry i've not been on, mad weekend and I now have much work to do. See you guys on dlc weekend for my final push to 60 and my revet!

    Louie on
    Twitter - discolouie PSN - Loupa Steam - Loupa
  • AddaAdda LondonRegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I'm dragging my heels as always :)

    Adda on
    I want to know more PA people on Twitter.
  • corin7corin7 San Diego, CARegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I should really put this in again, it has been forever. No time... ug. Will have to check out the dlc at some point though.

    corin7 on
  • SeGaTaiSeGaTai Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Has it been confirmed that there will be another double XP weekend along with this DLC pack?

    SeGaTai on
    PSN SeGaTai
  • SpannerXSpannerX Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I've been playing on and off over the last week, trying to get up to 60 so I can vet out of SVER... bah, never mind. :)

    SpannerX on
    PSN: spannerx1970
  • KlatBlutigKlatBlutig Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    SpannerX wrote: »
    I've been playing on and off over the last week, trying to get up to 60 so I can vet out of SVER... bah, never mind. :)

    Have no fear good sir, many of us are ready to vet but we plan on waiting for everyone this time. You may yet be able to enjoy the huge dose of fail that is Raven with us, the few daring souls who journey beyond the red line.

    My week has been packed with stupid BS busy work school stuff that takes away from my time to shoots mans... I will be on far more than is healthy (12-6pm PST) on Friday (the 30th) to knife snipers with glee while wearing my new enhanced black pajamas. Who's with me?

    KlatBlutig on

  • LitanyLitany Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    No mention of a double EXP event coinciding with the DLC.

    I'd certainly hold off on vetting to Raven as many of us are disgruntled at the lack of effort most blue dots are putting forth. As Klat mentioned, we're just waiting on most of us to be ready to move on. Wish I had a better answer for you otherwise.

    And I'll certainly put forth an effort to catch you Klat, I'll try and burn myself out of Super Street Fighter 4 before Friday just for you. :P

    And the Habs are going to Seven, baby! I'll admit, I didn't think we'd win twice, but we've looked good these last two games.

    Litany on
    Steam: Litany || PSN: Litany- || Nintendo Network ID: Litany
  • Edith_Bagot-DixEdith_Bagot-Dix Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    KlatBlutig wrote: »

    You may yet be able to enjoy the huge dose of fail that is Raven with us, the few daring souls who journey beyond the red line.

    There is not enough lime in the world.

    I decided to play a match with pubbies while waiting for Starcraft II to patch. Of course it is Raven attacking SVER in domination. These games are almost always made of pure, uncut Columbian fail where bunkers never go down, AAA never goes down, and you sit there, slack jawed, watching those few team members who have mastered vocalization curse each other out as they repeatedly beat their heads against the wall while driving the APC directly into the enemy turret's "sweet spot". Over and over again. Most people don't seem to get that dropping the AAA is required for airstrikes, and you will find yourself wondering if enemy triple-A really has taken down Obama. Do you know how to set a FRAGO? Congratulations, on Raven, that makes you Sun fucking Tzu.

    Edith_Bagot-Dix on

    Also on Steam and PSN: twobadcats
  • EvilMonkeyEvilMonkey Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    KlatBlutig wrote: »

    You may yet be able to enjoy the huge dose of fail that is Raven with us, the few daring souls who journey beyond the red line.

    There is not enough lime in the world.

    I decided to play a match with pubbies while waiting for Starcraft II to patch. Of course it is Raven attacking SVER in domination. These games are almost always made of pure, uncut Columbian fail where bunkers never go down, AAA never goes down, and you sit there, slack jawed, watching those few team members who have mastered vocalization curse each other out as they repeatedly beat their heads against the wall while driving the APC directly into the enemy turret's "sweet spot". Over and over again. Most people don't seem to get that dropping the AAA is required for airstrikes, and you will find yourself wondering if enemy triple-A really has taken down Obama. Do you know how to set a FRAGO? Congratulations, on Raven, that makes you Sun fucking Tzu.
    Now I have an angry cat as my laughing has disturbed her. I will send you a bill shortly.

    And regarding that new thread smell; the king is dead, long live the king!
    OP wrote:
    Mortar Strike - Attacking and Defending Squad Lead.
    The Mortar Strike is the most common Airstrike seen in MAG. It's on the second shortest timer (along with Sensor Shells, Sensor Sweep is shorter), and is always a good option if it's not on cooldown. It's only useful on infantry, and really should only be used on enemy infantry at that. Results in a strike dropped randomly over the the selected location, with the central location guaranteed to be hit. Zero effect on Assets, Bunkers or players taking refuge in them, but can clear out anything outside that Asset / Bunker with relative ease. Excellent way of taking our an Engineering core rebuilding an asset. Can also be used to ensure loyalty from friendlies.
    I sense a contradiction, and a need to inspire more loyalty!

    ...and crush the Habs you lazy bloody Caps.

    EvilMonkey on
    [PSN: SciencePiggy] [Steam]
  • MalechaiMalechai Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    EvilMonkey wrote: »
    KlatBlutig wrote: »

    You may yet be able to enjoy the huge dose of fail that is Raven with us, the few daring souls who journey beyond the red line.

    There is not enough lime in the world.

    I decided to play a match with pubbies while waiting for Starcraft II to patch. Of course it is Raven attacking SVER in domination. These games are almost always made of pure, uncut Columbian fail where bunkers never go down, AAA never goes down, and you sit there, slack jawed, watching those few team members who have mastered vocalization curse each other out as they repeatedly beat their heads against the wall while driving the APC directly into the enemy turret's "sweet spot". Over and over again. Most people don't seem to get that dropping the AAA is required for airstrikes, and you will find yourself wondering if enemy triple-A really has taken down Obama. Do you know how to set a FRAGO? Congratulations, on Raven, that makes you Sun fucking Tzu.
    Now I have an angry cat as my laughing has disturbed her. I will send you a bill shortly.

    Bravo. It's funny because it's true. Realy, realy wish that zipper would make a new tutorial for fragoing and assets and make it a requirement to don the possition of officers. Maybe include stratagies like destorying bunkers or sneaking past the line or defending your fucking assets you silly geese.

    Edit: Also it should have a quiz at the end that makes sure they paid attention and if they fail it delete's their charactor.

    Just had an idea and wondered if anyone has tested this. Fact, you cannot call a airstrike on your front when the AAA is still up. Theory, if another platoon has the AAA down on their front can you call in an airstrike there?

    Malechai on
  • DirtmuncherDirtmuncher Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Malechai wrote: »
    EvilMonkey wrote: »
    KlatBlutig wrote: »

    You may yet be able to enjoy the huge dose of fail that is Raven with us, the few daring souls who journey beyond the red line.

    There is not enough lime in the world.

    I decided to play a match with pubbies while waiting for Starcraft II to patch. Of course it is Raven attacking SVER in domination. These games are almost always made of pure, uncut Columbian fail where bunkers never go down, AAA never goes down, and you sit there, slack jawed, watching those few team members who have mastered vocalization curse each other out as they repeatedly beat their heads against the wall while driving the APC directly into the enemy turret's "sweet spot". Over and over again. Most people don't seem to get that dropping the AAA is required for airstrikes, and you will find yourself wondering if enemy triple-A really has taken down Obama. Do you know how to set a FRAGO? Congratulations, on Raven, that makes you Sun fucking Tzu.
    Now I have an angry cat as my laughing has disturbed her. I will send you a bill shortly.

    Bravo. It's funny because it's true. Realy, realy wish that zipper would make a new tutorial for fragoing and assets and make it a requirement to don the possition of officers. Maybe include stratagies like destorying bunkers or sneaking past the line or defending your fucking assets you silly geese.

    Edit: Also it should have a quiz at the end that makes sure they paid attention and if they fail it delete's their charactor.

    Just had an idea and wondered if anyone has tested this. Fact, you cannot call a airstrike on your front when the AAA is still up. Theory, if another platoon has the AAA down on their front can you call in an airstrike there?

    Maybe? Will try the next time I lead my squad of spawnsnipers to rhe red line and hopefully beyond.

    BTW the next DLC is made of fail for the raven PMC.
    Lets promote sniping because it isnt done enough!
    Also if there comes a double XP weekend I suggest moving back over to SVER.

    Dirtmuncher on
  • Edith_Bagot-DixEdith_Bagot-Dix Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Malechai wrote: »
    EvilMonkey wrote: »
    KlatBlutig wrote: »

    You may yet be able to enjoy the huge dose of fail that is Raven with us, the few daring souls who journey beyond the red line.

    There is not enough lime in the world.

    I decided to play a match with pubbies while waiting for Starcraft II to patch. Of course it is Raven attacking SVER in domination. These games are almost always made of pure, uncut Columbian fail where bunkers never go down, AAA never goes down, and you sit there, slack jawed, watching those few team members who have mastered vocalization curse each other out as they repeatedly beat their heads against the wall while driving the APC directly into the enemy turret's "sweet spot". Over and over again. Most people don't seem to get that dropping the AAA is required for airstrikes, and you will find yourself wondering if enemy triple-A really has taken down Obama. Do you know how to set a FRAGO? Congratulations, on Raven, that makes you Sun fucking Tzu.
    Now I have an angry cat as my laughing has disturbed her. I will send you a bill shortly.

    Bravo. It's funny because it's true. Realy, realy wish that zipper would make a new tutorial for fragoing and assets and make it a requirement to don the possition of officers. Maybe include stratagies like destorying bunkers or sneaking past the line or defending your fucking assets you silly geese.

    Edit: Also it should have a quiz at the end that makes sure they paid attention and if they fail it delete's their charactor.

    Just had an idea and wondered if anyone has tested this. Fact, you cannot call a airstrike on your front when the AAA is still up. Theory, if another platoon has the AAA down on their front can you call in an airstrike there?

    Maybe? Will try the next time I lead my squad of spawnsnipers to rhe red line and hopefully beyond.

    BTW the next DLC is made of fail for the raven PMC.
    Lets promote sniping because it isnt done enough!
    Also if there comes a double XP weekend I suggest moving back over to SVER.

    The whole reason I play with pubbies at all is to grind out the XP needed to vet back to SVER and start killing them.

    Edith_Bagot-Dix on

    Also on Steam and PSN: twobadcats
  • Dr_KeenbeanDr_Keenbean Dumb as a butt Planet Express ShipRegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    The whole reason I play with pubbies at all is to grind out the XP needed to vet back to SVER and start killing them.

    A thousand times.

    Dr_Keenbean on
    PSN/NNID/Steam: Dr_Keenbean
    3DS: 1650-8480-6786
    Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
  • SpannerXSpannerX Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Good good, see you soonish. I'll keep the clan warm, well, till I end up back out at work and I'll be away for a month. Damn work!

    SpannerX on
    PSN: spannerx1970
  • Dr_KeenbeanDr_Keenbean Dumb as a butt Planet Express ShipRegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I've been making a concentrated effort to play more lately, but I can generally only manage like 2-3 games a day. After that the pubbies get to me. Also, the prohibitively long match times.

    Dr_Keenbean on
    PSN/NNID/Steam: Dr_Keenbean
    3DS: 1650-8480-6786
    Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
  • Craptastic-JCraptastic-J Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Litany wrote: »

    And the Habs are going to Seven, baby! I'll admit, I didn't think we'd win twice, but we've looked good these last two games.

    Halak was ridiculous. I mean, if you turned that game on and didn't see the score you would have to say "holy crap, Montreal is getting lit up". Except that nothing went past, crazy, 53, seriously? Full disclosure, I'm rooting for the Caps, however they don't deserve to win. But Montreal fans, "Ole, Ole", come on, pretty lame when they aspire to be euro-trash:P

    Do you know how to set a FRAGO? Congratulations, on Raven, that makes you Sun fucking Tzu.

    Good god this is so true. Me and Wolfman told you about the SL we got stuck with right before you joined. He either refused to set fragos, or didn't know how. But you would think when 2 guys repeatedly say "can you set a frago", that if you didn't know how to do it you might say "how I do that"? But no this guy says "Why is everyone being so mean to me". I swear to god. Then I initiate a vote kick, and everyone not MT (which is everyone but 2) starts bytching about kicking the SL because he's neato spiffy, and it's not like they were in the same clan defending their boy. Just 6 random pubs

    As 4-5 of us are fighting to keep our bunker alive, we actually get the SL to think about the possibilities of frago-ing the bunker for us. Just thinking, no action, because he says "Why would I frago the bunker, I'm not even over there?" AHHHHH. Then the bunker blows, we all die, goosy goose SL runs over to the dead bunker and says "Why did you idiots want me to frago the bunker, you're not even over here?"

    So yah, we lose. But his parting gift was to relinquish SL right after the second transport got taken and the end of game countdown started so that someone else could get saddled with the loss, which happened to be Wolfman.

    Craptastic-J on
  • Edith_Bagot-DixEdith_Bagot-Dix Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Litany wrote: »

    And the Habs are going to Seven, baby! I'll admit, I didn't think we'd win twice, but we've looked good these last two games.

    Halak was ridiculous. I mean, if you turned that game on and didn't see the score you would have to say "holy crap, Montreal is getting lit up". Except that nothing went past, crazy, 53, seriously? Full disclosure, I'm rooting for the Caps, however they don't deserve to win. But Montreal fans, "Ole, Ole", come on, pretty lame when they aspire to be euro-trash:P

    Do you know how to set a FRAGO? Congratulations, on Raven, that makes you Sun fucking Tzu.

    Good god this is so true. Me and Wolfman told you about the SL we got stuck with right before you joined. He either refused to set fragos, or didn't know how. But you would think when 2 guys repeatedly say "can you set a frago", that if you didn't know how to do it you might say "how I do that"? But no this guy says "Why is everyone being so mean to me". I swear to god. Then I initiate a vote kick, and everyone not MT (which is everyone but 2) starts bytching about kicking the SL because he's neato spiffy, and it's not like they were in the same clan defending their boy. Just 6 random pubs

    As 4-5 of us are fighting to keep our bunker alive, we actually get the SL to think about the possibilities of frago-ing the bunker for us. Just thinking, no action, because he says "Why would I frago the bunker, I'm not even over there?" AHHHHH. Then the bunker blows, we all die, goosy goose SL runs over to the dead bunker and says "Why did you idiots want me to frago the bunker, you're not even over here?"

    So yah, we lose. But his parting gift was to relinquish SL right after the second transport got taken and the end of game countdown started so that someone else could get saddled with the loss, which happened to be Wolfman.

    Yeah, and the worse part is that even that dude is head and shoulders above the vast majority because he actually had a mic to whine into, instead of spending the game making you wonder whether there's a human on the other end or if your match is, at that very moment, being watched and laughed at by a bunch of primate researchers who are letting Bonzo have a go at being squad leader.

    The best match I had with pubbies went as follows: There are two guys from a clan in my squad, one is SL, and they are both talking on mics. I politely ask the guy to set a FRAGO on the bunker. His response is something like "Shut up asshole I can't get close to their bunker without getting killed." So I tell him that you can set it from the map and give instructions. Miraculously, he actually does this, admits he didn't know, apologizes for calling me an asshole and thanks me for letting him know. Feeling generous, I let him know about calling in air strikes the same way. Of course he does this immediately and I let him know the AAA has to go down for it to work. He accepts this sage advice, and then he and his pal spend the rest of the game making racist comments in the mic. However, he did manage to lead the squad to knocking down all four bunkers on our side (every other squad was completely useless), capping all the burnoff towers and actually capping letters and doing damage. We were the only ones who did so (this was against Valor and by the time we got to their letters I think they were in shock that Raven could even do so; maybe it had never happened before and they didn't know they had to defend the letters). We still lost, but actually damaged their facility, so when you put it on the Raven bell curve it is the same thing as SVER completely rolling the opposition and winning a Domination match in under 10 minutes.

    Edith_Bagot-Dix on

    Also on Steam and PSN: twobadcats
  • PBC-66PBC-66 Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    All the talk about vetting back to SVER, are we not giving Valor a whirl before landing back at home? Personally when i make the switch im starting up a Valor Chapter of our PA empire having the other 2 already covered, anyone with me?

    PBC-66 on
    | PSN: PBC-66 |
  • Dr_KeenbeanDr_Keenbean Dumb as a butt Planet Express ShipRegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    PBC-66 wrote: »
    All the talk about vetting back to SVER, are we not giving Valor a whirl before landing back at home? Personally when i make the switch im starting up a Valor Chapter of our PA empire having the other 2 already covered, anyone with me?

    I'm debating this as well. I would like my last faction to be one I actually like. So I would want SVER to be where I land at the end of this.

    Even though, aesthetically, I hate SVER.

    Dr_Keenbean on
    PSN/NNID/Steam: Dr_Keenbean
    3DS: 1650-8480-6786
    Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
  • MalechaiMalechai Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    PBC-66 wrote: »
    All the talk about vetting back to SVER, are we not giving Valor a whirl before landing back at home? Personally when i make the switch im starting up a Valor Chapter of our PA empire having the other 2 already covered, anyone with me?

    I'm debating this as well. I would like my last faction to be one I actually like. So I would want SVER to be where I land at the end of this.

    Even though, aesthetically, I hate SVER.

    I think everyone is wanting to spend time in sver to get the bad taste of Raven out of their mouths. Honestly reading though some of the posts on the MAG forums I'm thinking that the ratio of good to bad players may be about even across the whole game. Though definatly sver seemed to have the best so far.

    Malechai on
  • EvilMonkeyEvilMonkey Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    The trophy-whore in me wants to give a Valor a shot but I'd have to play on mute or perhaps pay my doctor a visit so that he can beat me over the head with a surgical 2x4 to the point where I find the constant slurs and trash-talking to not only be appropriate but hilarious as well.

    We had a game against Valor (attacking, dom) yesterday where the final 5 minutes was filled with proximity chat where I got to overhear Valor make assumptions about both my race and sexual orientation and why they were wrong, or how superior they were at killing manz. The damage meter was at ~75% and probably all but a sliver was a direct result of our platoon.

    I know this isn't unique to Valor but I swear it's a pre-req for the PMC if you have a mic.

    EvilMonkey on
    [PSN: SciencePiggy] [Steam]
  • Edith_Bagot-DixEdith_Bagot-Dix Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I have been tempted to try Valor as well, but every time I hear their proximity chat it sounds like a conversation you might hear at an Insane Clown Posse festival. I am convinced that some day I'll knife one and hear him say something like "Motherfucking faggot knifed me. Oh well, time for a Faygo refill."

    Edith_Bagot-Dix on

    Also on Steam and PSN: twobadcats
  • Dr_KeenbeanDr_Keenbean Dumb as a butt Planet Express ShipRegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I have never heard the Valor trash talk you guys keep mentioning. Hell, I think the most I've ever heard from them was one of them killing me after I went on a killing spree behind their lines said "I got him."

    And, well, at least they talk. Unlike Raven.

    Dr_Keenbean on
    PSN/NNID/Steam: Dr_Keenbean
    3DS: 1650-8480-6786
    Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
  • Craptastic-JCraptastic-J Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I have never heard the Valor trash talk you guys keep mentioning. Hell, I think the most I've ever heard from them was one of them killing me after I went on a killing spree behind their lines said "I got him."

    And, well, at least they talk. Unlike Raven.

    That's been my experience as well, all 3 have their idiotic chatterers, I haven't noticed one that was more predominant than the other two. Except that Raven sucks, in general

    Craptastic-J on
  • LitanyLitany Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Malechai wrote: »
    Just had an idea and wondered if anyone has tested this. Fact, you cannot call a airstrike on your front when the AAA is still up. Theory, if another platoon has the AAA down on their front can you call in an airstrike there?

    Maybe? Will try the next time I lead my squad of spawnsnipers to rhe red line and hopefully beyond.

    I buried the answer to this in the OP! Both Anti-Airs need to be down. Your planes "spawn" where you do, thus triggering the AA on your front.

    It's incredibly useful for a Platoon Lead for removing Bunkers for another front should your side already be at the letters and another front has finally taken down their AA. One Bunker is all it takes to start a serious push.

    I go where the horde goes. I'd certainly be up for Valor - What I've learned from playing Raven's maps can only help attacking them later - but I'm not up for doing it myself. I truthfully dislike all the artistic choices MAG makes so going back to SVER doesn't bother me one bit either. :P
    Litany wrote: »

    And the Habs are going to Seven, baby! I'll admit, I didn't think we'd win twice, but we've looked good these last two games.

    Halak was ridiculous. I mean, if you turned that game on and didn't see the score you would have to say "holy crap, Montreal is getting lit up". Except that nothing went past, crazy, 53, seriously? Full disclosure, I'm rooting for the Caps, however they don't deserve to win. But Montreal fans, "Ole, Ole", come on, pretty lame when they aspire to be euro-trash:P

    Oh God - That game should have been a thrashing. Best goaltending performance I've seen this year, easily. The bar I was at booed when Fehr scored, and I got up and started a clap. Walking away with only one goal against deserved the ovation.

    The Caps haven't played well at all this series. Well, other than Game Two. :P Where is Semin? I've found Waldo, the six fish, and the tire iron but I just can't seem to find him. Green too has been nearly invisible.

    I'm cool with the "Ole" chant as we've been using it for years. We shouldn't be pulling it out in the first against the highest scoring team in the league with the best player who is rather emotional, though. Catcalling Ovie bothers me and booing the American anthem is disgusting and something Habs fans need to stop.


    Err...MAG is pretty great.
    Install's done.

    Litany on
    Steam: Litany || PSN: Litany- || Nintendo Network ID: Litany
  • VanderbrentVanderbrent Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I have never heard the Valor trash talk you guys keep mentioning. Hell, I think the most I've ever heard from them was one of them killing me after I went on a killing spree behind their lines said "I got him."

    And, well, at least they talk. Unlike Raven.

    That's been my experience as well, all 3 have their idiotic chatterers, I haven't noticed one that was more predominant than the other two. Except that Raven sucks, in general

    Valor is a special kind of special. I find they do have the worst trash talk really (Valor was the side with the high school diploma quip and the group that ran blaring music out of their mics).

    Vanderbrent on
  • PBC-66PBC-66 Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    With our free “Fast Attack” Gear Pack headed to the PlayStation Store on April 29, it seems like the perfect window to bring back a favorite event of ours here at Zipper Interactive, the Double XP weekend!

    Starting at 12am Pacific/3am Eastern/ 8am GMT on April 29, any player who logs onto MAG and plays as they normally do will receive Double XP. Of course, this bonus also extends to Veterans who already have an XP bonus of their own (go percentile stacking!), so if you’ve been around for awhile the rewards are even higher! Just be sure to complete every game you play, as the bonus is not applied until the end of a match – quit early, and the bonus will not activate.

    Our MAG Fast Attack Gear Pack Double XP promotion will run until 11:59pm Pacific Time on Sunday, May 2.

    Note: Though the Double XP promotion begins at 12am PDT, access to the free DLC pack itself will vary by region and will not necessarily be available at the same time as the extra experience points.
    Source: Mag Blog @ http://blog.mag.com/blog/

    PBC-66 on
    | PSN: PBC-66 |
  • KlatBlutigKlatBlutig Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I have never heard the Valor trash talk you guys keep mentioning. Hell, I think the most I've ever heard from them was one of them killing me after I went on a killing spree behind their lines said "I got him."

    And, well, at least they talk. Unlike Raven.

    That's been my experience as well, all 3 have their idiotic chatterers, I haven't noticed one that was more predominant than the other two. Except that Raven sucks, in general

    Valor is a special kind of special. I find they do have the worst trash talk really (Valor was the side with the high school diploma quip and the group that ran blaring music out of their mics).

    To be fair it was Weezer with Raven and I've still yet to see the same level of team killing in Raven as I did with SVER. To Valor's credit they seem to be getting more aggressive and venturing out past their spawn, something Ravens are still having trouble understanding. That said I really detect a "Team America World Police" vibe from Valor.

    If folks want to give Valor a whirl I'll do it, but only if most of the PA crew goes along.

    EDIT: OK with double XP confirmed my vote is Valor. Get them out of the way and vet back home to SVER with all three trophies and some bragging rights. Given Valor's ability to hold Sabo contracts I figure the weekend will be about all we need.

    KlatBlutig on

  • Dr_KeenbeanDr_Keenbean Dumb as a butt Planet Express ShipRegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    KlatBlutig wrote: »
    EDIT: OK with double XP confirmed my vote is Valor. Get them out of the way and vet back home to SVER with all three trophies and some bragging rights. Given Valor's ability to hold Sabo contracts I figure the weekend will be about all we need.

    Sigh, weekends are the worst time for me. I barely get to play.

    I will make an effort though for double XP.

    Dr_Keenbean on
    PSN/NNID/Steam: Dr_Keenbean
    3DS: 1650-8480-6786
    Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
  • LitanyLitany Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Long story short, there are too many words in the op and we need less of them to fit in new updates! So what comes out now?

    Litany on
    Steam: Litany || PSN: Litany- || Nintendo Network ID: Litany
  • KlatBlutigKlatBlutig Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Weekends are tough for me as well but I think I can convince the other half that I deserve a MAG binge (I've gotten up early to make her breakfast every morning for the last week, she can give me a weekend right?)

    If we do go Valor I must also reiterate my vote to name our clan "Fighting Intellectuals." On Valor such a clan name will be simply hilarious.

    TBH I think those of us most interested in whoring for trophies will be done quickly, it may be worth it for some to get things warmed up in SVER. You'll probably only miss us for a week at most. I don't want Valor to become the next Raven, where people vetted over and hated it and now only play to get out. I really think that those who are interested in Valor will be done very quickly so we can all unite in SVER.

    EDIT: Forgot that my idea for a clan name is probably too long... oh well :P

    KlatBlutig on

  • BamelinBamelin Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    bwahaha the weight of OPular responsibility has been lifted from my shoulders!

    I'm free, freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Bamelin on
  • SpannerXSpannerX Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I just hit 54, I'll try to get to 60. I'll go where ever we are meeting up. No skin off my nose what PMC.

    SpannerX on
    PSN: spannerx1970
  • Dr_KeenbeanDr_Keenbean Dumb as a butt Planet Express ShipRegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    How about a Valor clan name that implies mutton chop-sporting gentlemen with a penchant for the fisticuffs?

    Like, shit, Dandy Brawlers or something.

    Still think the Raven clan should have been Deep Crows :P

    Dr_Keenbean on
    PSN/NNID/Steam: Dr_Keenbean
    3DS: 1650-8480-6786
    Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
  • ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Hey, so I'm still hangin' wit' my commie bros in SVER. Am I basically the only one still there?

    I played a couple pubbie rounds this weekend, including a stint as squad leader on a SVER-v-Valor Sabotage. I set some FRAGOs! That was fun. We actually won the match with several minutes to spare. Highlight was coming around the corner with my RPG out and finding four Valor guys leaving A and running up to one of the tents. Got'em all with one shot. Proceeded to get killed while capturing A, but the three other guys I charged in with got the guy what got me and captured it.

    Elvenshae on
  • LouieLouie Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I just went to play a coupl of games and imagine my envy to see clan members on ssfiv. It's nit enouh that no one is on yo play with but you have to rub it in that I don't have sf yet due to being in the uk.

    Edit: yo yo yo - iPhone typing is superior dog

    Louie on
    Twitter - discolouie PSN - Loupa Steam - Loupa
  • SpannerXSpannerX Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I'm still in SVER. Never see anyone around, waiting to see what the rest of PA does. Hopefully come back to SVER. :)

    SpannerX on
    PSN: spannerx1970
  • YathrinYathrin Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Saw this for 49.99 at amazon so I picked it up. Should get my copy in the next couple of days. So, which clan should I start in?

    Yathrin on
  • Craptastic-JCraptastic-J Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Litany wrote: »

    Halak was ridiculous. I mean, if you turned that game on and didn't see the score you would have to say "holy crap, Montreal is getting lit up". Except that nothing went past, crazy, 53, seriously? Full disclosure, I'm rooting for the Caps, however they don't deserve to win. But Montreal fans, "Ole, Ole", come on, pretty lame when they aspire to be euro-trash:P

    Oh God - That game should have been a thrashing. Best goaltending performance I've seen this year, easily. The bar I was at booed when Fehr scored, and I got up and started a clap. Walking away with only one goal against deserved the ovation.

    The Caps haven't played well at all this series. Well, other than Game Two. :P Where is Semin? I've found Waldo, the six fish, and the tire iron but I just can't seem to find him. Green too has been nearly invisible.

    I'm cool with the "Ole" chant as we've been using it for years. We shouldn't be pulling it out in the first against the highest scoring team in the league with the best player who is rather emotional, though. Catcalling Ovie bothers me and booing the American anthem is disgusting and something Habs fans need to stop.

    I liked Ryan Miller's performance in the olympic group play, but I can't remember who it was against. Some powerhouse IIRC. I think some crackheads tried to tell me we lost to the same team like a week later, but who's gonna believe crackheads. But seriously with Halak, one of the best goalie performances I've seen.

    Game 2 and I think it was the 2nd period of game 3 where they scored 4 goals. Besides that, the defense and aggressiveness of Montreal has dominated. Semin, oh you mean the guy who has 37 shots on goal and one assist to show for it. The guy who hasn't scored a playoff goal in their two last series (counting last year). He plays a little too fancy shmancy for the grinding playoffs, at least that's the word among Caps people. And Mike Green isn't a great a playoff defenseman either, not great when the game slows down and your still going 100 mph towards the opponent goal turning it over.

    The DC sports experts were begging Caps fans not to boo "Oh Canada", not to sink to that level. It happens, it's disappointing, but when you are the Yankees of the NHL it's not farfetched that they act like Yankee fans.

    Craptastic-J on
  • Craptastic-JCraptastic-J Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Yathrin wrote: »
    Saw this for 49.99 at amazon so I picked it up. Should get my copy in the next couple of days. So, which clan should I start in?

    Raven will be dead for us pretty soon here. We have guys left in SVER, and I think I'm going back there regardless of what everyone else decides (vetting to Valor or not), we'll all meet up soon enough in SVER in a few weeks anyways.

    So if you want to join the group going to Valor for Double XP, and then bounce into SVER with them, or come straight to SVER it's up to you.

    Craptastic-J on
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