Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2007
I don't think Khoo will have much time for ping-pong during PAX. As I understand, the man is EXTREMELY busy all weekend long and for a stretch before and after. However, a match onstage before saturday's cocert would be teh awesome.
I don't think Khoo will have much time for ping-pong during PAX. As I understand, the man is EXTREMELY busy all weekend long and for a stretch before and after. However, a match onstage before saturday's cocert would be teh awesome.
This, on stage, would be FREAKIN' AWESOME!
I don't think Khoo will have much time for ping-pong during PAX. As I understand, the man is EXTREMELY busy all weekend long and for a stretch before and after. However, a match onstage before saturday's cocert would be teh awesome.
This, on stage, would be FREAKIN' AWESOME!
As much of a rawhide samurai viking manly man that Khoo is, this is the first thing I thought of when I saw that pic:
Polago on
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
edited February 2007
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
Last year the Sumo lounge chairs were a huge hit and the one thing I noticed was was there were dozens of people in small groups sleeping on the sumos. My sugestion is have a large room or small ballroom just for people who want to crash on the sumos. You could make it like a lounge and it would be open after like 11 pm. A person could could stay there for a few hours if their roomate was throwing a big ass party or having casual, unprotected sex with multiple partners allover their stuff or something that would prevent them from going back to their room.
Also an Idea, Walk on Stand-up comedy. Gamers from the crowds can try their hand at comedy infront of a few judges; maybe Gabe, Tycho or other comedians like Demetri martin, The Amazing Johnathan, MC Chris or Zach Galifianakis. My friend andy told me they had something like this at Sakuracon last year(minus the judges) and he gets up their and worked the crowed pretty good. He opened with the quintessential Naruto Joke: "oh man, I just finished doing my yard and ...boy I wish my lawn was as emo as sasuke, then it could cut itself, am I right?" At an anime convention that joke works really well but I don't know about PAX.
Anyway, I'm just throwing my suggestions out there.
QuickSnap on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited February 2007
I seem to remember mention of something in the distant past along the lines of "Beat the Pros" or something like that. Where average gamers are pitted against industry giants. How about a tourney with a mix? I would personally love to play against Sid Meier (and get my ass stomped) in some Civ IV. That would probably be too long of a game, but it could be anything really.
I actually don't think the Khoo and A is going to happen, sadly. Even though it was something like #6 in the polls, I think it would be slightly irresponsible of me to pull myself away for that long. Ah well.
Robert Khoo on
Some guy.
PRDKristin LindsayI am a meat popsicle.Registered Userregular
I actually don't think the Khoo and A is going to happen, sadly. Even though it was something like #6 in the polls, I think it would be slightly irresponsible of me to pull myself away for that long. Ah well.
LIES. Think of all the times you disappear for an hour for interviews, and we haul out the Inflatable Robert Decoy and manage just fine.
PRD on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
You mean that whole time I was talking to the decoy?
Quite possibly. We wiggle it around occasionally, and set it up so that it's listening to voice mail messages. It's completely indistinguishable from the real Robert!
I actually don't think the Khoo and A is going to happen, sadly. Even though it was something like #6 in the polls, I think it would be slightly irresponsible of me to pull myself away for that long. Ah well.
Aw, that's too bad, I really wanted to ask:
"How on Earth did you turn a couple of jokers writing comics on a web page into a profitable business?"
I mean, seriously: The content is free, the site doesn't ask for donations or whack us upside the head with advertisements, and you only recently took control of your own T-shirt sales from ThinkGeek. Yet we get thrice-weekly content, a fascinating forum, and conventions.
Personally, I find it an amazing win-win situation. Somehow, you guys are putting bread on the table, and all us readers aren't sending you money. What's the trick? Gold farmers?
I also believe we need to drag khoo up for atleast one of the gabe and tycho panel sessions. khoo and A might be too long but even for half of the session might work.
ok then, a huge raft of ping-pong tables!
This, on stage, would be FREAKIN' AWESOME!
As much of a rawhide samurai viking manly man that Khoo is, this is the first thing I thought of when I saw that pic:
What? He looks like he's saying something like that as he swings.
Also an Idea, Walk on Stand-up comedy. Gamers from the crowds can try their hand at comedy infront of a few judges; maybe Gabe, Tycho or other comedians like Demetri martin, The Amazing Johnathan, MC Chris or Zach Galifianakis. My friend andy told me they had something like this at Sakuracon last year(minus the judges) and he gets up their and worked the crowed pretty good. He opened with the quintessential Naruto Joke: "oh man, I just finished doing my yard and ...boy I wish my lawn was as emo as sasuke, then it could cut itself, am I right?" At an anime convention that joke works really well but I don't know about PAX.
Anyway, I'm just throwing my suggestions out there.
Also, pitch your gaming idea in 30 seconds. But get some huge names up there. Id think Jaffe would be a hoot for that kind of thing.
Also, 'conviniently' I get to go to Pax this year. w00000t. For work of course but still, fucking Pax.
LIES. Think of all the times you disappear for an hour for interviews, and we haul out the Inflatable Robert Decoy and manage just fine.
Actually, if I can't have Robert, I have no reason to live...
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
Quite possibly. We wiggle it around occasionally, and set it up so that it's listening to voice mail messages. It's completely indistinguishable from the real Robert!
Aw, that's too bad, I really wanted to ask:
"How on Earth did you turn a couple of jokers writing comics on a web page into a profitable business?"
I mean, seriously: The content is free, the site doesn't ask for donations or whack us upside the head with advertisements, and you only recently took control of your own T-shirt sales from ThinkGeek. Yet we get thrice-weekly content, a fascinating forum, and conventions.
Personally, I find it an amazing win-win situation. Somehow, you guys are putting bread on the table, and all us readers aren't sending you money. What's the trick? Gold farmers?
I also believe we need to drag khoo up for atleast one of the gabe and tycho panel sessions. khoo and A might be too long but even for half of the session might work.
Bwhahah, he might not escape this one.
Ah, thank you Viscount, now I think I've got a handle on the model:
1. Make on-line comic.
2. Form gold-coin carrying farie cloud
3. Readers/2 * honey - (3 * vanilla wafers) = $100^kabillion hojillion
4. Send in more Goldfarmers!
5. ???
6. Profit!