Super Meat Boy is a 2D platformer where you have to jump.
You are a boy, made out of meat.
Super Meat Boy Advert
Looks pretty neato right?
Here's the important information:
The Developer, Team Meat, is made up of Edmund McMillen (Gish,
Time Fcuk, and he helped with Braid) and Tommy Refenes, who did this rather excellent rant at GDC2010
Tommy on the iPhone app store
It's coming to PC/Mac/Wiiware/XBLA. It's going to be on Steam, and directly from the developers site.
The PC version will have a level editor, added some time after release.
They are being pretty open about some elements of the game design. See blog posts on
difficulty and
It features unlockable characters from a bunch of other indie games. Tim from Braid, Alien Hominid from Alien Hominid, Commander Video from Bit.Trip, Flywrench from Flywrench and Ogmo from Jumper. All play completely differently, and control like you would expect them to from their own games.
SMB is a platformer that is worthy of that acronym. It’s fantastic looking, challenging and fair. The fiendish level design towards the end holds nothing back, and is rightly demanding of the player. In its head is forward thinking game design, in its heart is reverence for the games that have come before it, and on its face is a huge grin and a focused stare.
Super Meat Boy is one of the best modern platformers. It's infuriating, exasperating, and arduous, but it's also delightful, thrilling, and hilarious. The NES games of yore were simultaneously simpler and more challenging than today's games, a quality perfectly emulated here. Invite some friends over and pass the controller around -- you're gonna need all the help you can get.
First there was Donkey Kong, then came Mario, Mega Man, and Sonic. Now we have Meat Boy. The world's newest 2D platforming legend has arrived.
Super Meat Boy may be one of the most frustrating games I've played in recent memory. No other game has had me cursing at the screen with such frequency, had me so close to throwing my controller at the wall so often -- and yet, I absolutely loved every minute of it. Maybe that sounds a little too much like Stockholm syndrome, but in reality it's thanks to the game's strange sense of humor and some solid design.
Because of Microsoft's
MS points promotion thing, if you spend 2,400 ms points in October, you get 800 back.
Also, for a limited time at release, the game will only be
800 MS Points. It will go back up to it's regular price of 1,200 MS points in November.
e: huh.
Still looking forward to the game though.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Which is a shame really, it would have been cool to have Dem in there.
Although you should totally take a leaf out of their book, and have cameos from other XBLIGs in your next game.
Also, it is fucking amazing. One of the best pure platformers ever. Genuinely stunning.
Here's my review, IGN's, destructoid's and 1up's. All overwhelmingly positive.
I shall update the OP.
He also curses a ton during the video.
My Backloggery
Sounds more like he loves to hate it.
Have they said when it's supposed to be out on PC? Steam lists the somewhat unprecise "november" and I can't find anything on the game's website.
All right, people. It is not a gerbil. It is not a hamster. It is not a guinea pig. It is a death rabbit. Death. Rabbit. Say it with me, now.
I'm pretty sure they've said wii won't be getting them, even as paid dlc.
I'll probably end up snagging this, I like what I've seen of it.
The story with the PS3 version:
They sent a build to Sony and Microsoft at the same time. Microsoft got back to them, and offered them an XBLA deal, part of which was "You can't make a PS3 version".
Much later, Sony got back to them, asking if they could be sent a build of the game for consideration for PSN (despite having already been sent one). By that point they had already signed the deal with Microsoft, so it was too late.
It's not a timed thing, the game will never come out for PS3.
Huh. I kinda wish they'd elaborated on the reasons. I was rarin' to go on the WiiWare version (due to d-pad preference), but ... :shrug:
PSN: CitizenXero
NNID: TheFennec
Edit: And it controls absolutely fine with a stick.
Well then. That settles that hash. XBLA it is.
PSN: CitizenXero
NNID: TheFennec
And the free levels from "The Internets" will be pretty easy to remake with the level editor.
I'd say go for the XBLA version (which will probably be the cheapest) unless the idea of a level editor sounds good to you.
But this at least looks like it has a lot of character and style to it, so I'm going to give it a go.
I'll be picking this and Costume Quest tomorrow.
I want it on the:
How will I decide?
Actually I know I have no self control and will absolutely purchase it tomorrow. Has anyone played it on the PC? If so how does it control?
So if you've already bought comic jumper and you're getting either costume quest or some rock band DLC this month, THIS GAME IS FUCKING FREE.
Easiest purchase decision ever, even if I hadn't already gotten addicted to it at PAX.
Indeed. Certainly one of the better XBLA deals ever.
Step 1: Buy this game and play it for half an hour.
Step 2: Keel over and feel the back of my head literally tear open due to my brain trying to escape its own madness.
Step 3: Crumple into a heap.
Step 4: Repeat Step 2 & 3.
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It's not actually free, considering you won't get those points until sometime in November. Something else will be free in the future, though!
This is the review posted here:
My Backloggery
This is precisely why I'm skipping it
It sounded neat at first, but comparisons to N+ are disheartening
And UnbreakableVow, I'd still suggest giving the demo a try. I'd say it's a bit more forgiving than N+.
Ha, that image is pretty good, I imagine that will be me soon.
Although it depends if this will be like the Trauma games where I take the difficulty head on and actually become good, or like Trials HD where I scream hysterically "Bikes can't climb 85° inclines, game!"
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Comparisons to I Wanna Be The Guy are what kind of seal the deal for me