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The Third Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament (Enrollment Closed)



  • BrokenAngelBrokenAngel Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Hey! How did !Ravenclaw go up while being closed? Yarg. Danneh and I will be on that team if it kills us (or others, hehe).

    Teeny... just join us in Slytherin. We can be evil together!

    BrokenAngel on
    k9mk2carn.pngeleventhdoc2carn.png *Proud Head Girl of Slytherin & Team Red*
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    You two will be the two shortest people on the pub crawl. One will have to stand on the other's shoulders to do duals.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • BrokenAngelBrokenAngel Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    We aren't short, we're fun sized! <3

    Also no one will see us coming.... mwahahaha

    BrokenAngel on
    k9mk2carn.pngeleventhdoc2carn.png *Proud Head Girl of Slytherin & Team Red*
  • TeenychickaTeenychicka Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    You two will be the two shortest people on the pub crawl. One will have to stand on the other's shoulders to do duals.

    I think we've already established that I'm SmallLady's hat. Put BrokenAngel in there and we'd be the sexiest Totem pole ever!

    I will consider this request >D

    Teenychicka on
    8502184533758290.gif OH YEAH!
  • WormdundeeWormdundee Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Don't break the canadian bonds of power! We cannot become Captain Planet then!

    Wormdundee on
  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Wormdundee wrote: »
    Don't break the canadian bonds of power! We cannot become Captain Planet then!

    Can I be Matee? I will bring a monkey.

    tr0tsky on
  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    tr0tsky wrote: »
    Wormdundee wrote: »
    Don't break the canadian bonds of power! We cannot become Captain Planet then!

    Can I be Matee? I will bring a monkey.

    You are the monkey.

    Atlus Parker on
  • beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Hey! How did !Ravenclaw go up while being closed? Yarg. Danneh and I will be on that team if it kills us (or others, hehe).

    Teeny... just join us in Slytherin. We can be evil together!

    Besides....Slytherin is full of awesomness.

    beta_angel on
    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
  • SamyelSamyel Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Slytherin for me, plus 2.

    I still have a Slytherin school girl costume in my closet from a costume wedding a couple years back. It probably won't make the trip, but it's the spirit of the thing.

    Samyel on
    "It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity."
  • Dan3791Dan3791 Registered User new member
    edited July 2010
    Is there still room to join? If so,
    Slytherin +4!

    Dan3791 on
  • oxfroggyoxfroggy Registered User regular
    edited July 2010

    and that is all

    Are you oxfroggy's +1?

    yes, he is.
    he was being a baby about his actual name being on the list. Because he's a big baby.

    oxfroggy on
  • t2kizzlet2kizzle Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I know it's closed for now but when it opens !Hufflepuff myself+3 I have to be in the house I belong, the sorting hat says so!!! Also, HUFFLEPUFF!!

    t2kizzle on
    !HufflepuFF 2009 Tri-Wizard Drinking Tournament
    Team Green 2010 Pokecrawl
    XB Live Tag: t2kizz
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Woot, Hufflepuff! =)=)

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • SlickShughesSlickShughes Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I'd like to change my +1 to a +3 in Ravenclaw, if possible, but I'll wait out the reopen if need be.

    SlickShughes on
  • EskimoDaveEskimoDave Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    EskimoDave wrote: »
    Anyone know where I can purchase some Ravenclaw garb?

    Diagon Alley

    several of the items cannot be sent to Canada.

    EskimoDave on
  • tektek meh... WARegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Hey! How did !Ravenclaw go up while being closed? Yarg. Danneh and I will be on that team if it kills us (or others, hehe).

    Ravenclaw is the ONLY way to go Teeny.. Wait out the re-open or just plan on running with em.. ;)

    tek on
  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    EskimoDave wrote: »
    EskimoDave wrote: »
    Anyone know where I can purchase some Ravenclaw garb?

    Diagon Alley

    several of the items cannot be sent to Canada.

    I'd say see if you can ship them to someone in your house but I think everyone's canadian. :lol:

    Atlus Parker on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    Oh, the irony

    Moe Fwacky on

  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    EskimoDave wrote: »
    EskimoDave wrote: »
    Anyone know where I can purchase some Ravenclaw garb?

    Diagon Alley

    several of the items cannot be sent to Canada.

    I ended up ordering a tie off Amazon to a friend's place in the states and then having him mail it to me. Not the best solution, but it was all I could find (with relatively short notice :P)

    tr0tsky on
  • EskimoDaveEskimoDave Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Hopefully this place is legit.

    EskimoDave on
  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    EskimoDave wrote: »
    Hopefully this place is legit.

    I really like their robes and I was looking to get a bit classier this year...

    Atlus Parker on
  • EskimoDaveEskimoDave Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    EskimoDave wrote: »
    Hopefully this place is legit.

    I really like their robes and I was looking to get a bit classier this year...

    yeah, they looks tits, but $120 is a bit pricey for 3 guaranteed evenings of use. especially when you order a sweater and tie alongside it.

    EskimoDave on
  • IcedhopeIcedhope Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Slytherin It'll be just me.

    Icedhope on
    Look! Another ReMake!
  • Oz K. FodrotskiOz K. Fodrotski Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I, too, for !Slytherin I think.

    Thought about it for two previous years, it's about time this shit happens.

    Oz K. Fodrotski on
  • Steel FireSteel Fire Gunboat Diplomat PAI MarketingRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I'm getting a robe from a place called Garb the World, it's a ren fair type outfitter. For a lined robe it would be more expensive than $120, plain black is like $65 though. The robe material is a lot better than polyester and if you opt for a lining it's satin, hence the price jump for lined. No matter where you get something you have to figure a lined robe is effectively two robes, which is why they will be expensive... And why Atlus listed some low cost alternatives in the OP.

    Word of warning though, they state a 5 week lead time.

    Steel Fire on
  • StupidStupid Newcastle, NSWRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    EskimoDave wrote: »
    EskimoDave wrote: »
    Hopefully this place is legit.

    I really like their robes and I was looking to get a bit classier this year...

    yeah, they looks tits, but $120 is a bit pricey for 3 guaranteed evenings of use. especially when you order a sweater and tie alongside it.

    If you (or someone you know) has a sewing machine and a little skill (or is willing to learn):

    1. Take a trip to your local Goodwill(tm) or thrift shoppe and buy some used flat bedsheets; don't get the fitted sheets, they don't work well.). Those will probably run you less than $5 for a set. If you try, you might find a set that is green/red/blue/yellow. Next stop, your local drugstore for black cloth dye. Dye one sheet black, and the other one your chosen house color. For a total of about $15 you can have all the cloth you need.

    2. Click over to eBay and search for a Mcall's 3663 pattern.

    3. ????

    4. PROFIT!!!


    All joking aside, we did this for our robes last year (which will be re-used this year). Our +1 purchased the $120 robe from Whimsic Alley, and I have to say that our "home made" robes are actually much nicer than the commercial ones, and cost about 1/10 of the amount. Plus they are made of a nice lightweight, yet sturdy, linen (as opposed to polyester) and are easily washable. Here is an image of the three of us. Two of these robes are home-made. See if you can guess which one is the storebought one: Robes.jpg

    The ties are about $20 on eBay.

    The sweaters were another thrift shoppe find. I think we paid $10 to $15 each.

    Everyone can use a white/ivory/almond dress shirt, black slacks or skirt, and dress shoes. They work for job interviews, weddings, funerals and pretty much any "formal" occasion. Those you should go to a real department store to buy if you don't already own them.

    Stupid on

  • Mr_SnutsMr_Snuts Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    !Slytherin +3

    I flew in a tad too late for the last. This will not happen again.

    Mr_Snuts on
  • oxfroggyoxfroggy Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    It took me a lot to get munkyboy on board. He likes sleep, and wants to get up early on friday to get in line. but this just sounded like too much fun to pass up.

    oxfroggy on
  • Rogue_hunterRogue_hunter Breaks Through Brick Walls Los AngelesRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    EskimoDave wrote: »
    Hopefully this place is legit.

    They are legit, I've been to the actual store. Good quality on the sweater and tie I got. Robes were out of my price range, but the ones they had on display were amazing. They have somewhat regular sales too, not sure if any of it applies for the online sales though.

    Rogue_hunter on
    PlayStation Network: Rogue_hunter
    Steam: Rogue_hunter
    Games for Windows Live: Roguality
  • RDubbRDubb Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Count me in for !Slytherin if there's still space.

    RDubb on
  • Oz K. FodrotskiOz K. Fodrotski Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I, too, for !Slytherin I think.

    Thought about it for two previous years, it's about time this shit happens.

    +1, if possible, roommate asked to attend.

    Oz K. Fodrotski on
  • AereusAereus CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    !Gryffindor +2 please!

    Had a fucking blast at the Pokecrawl in Boston, and can hardly wait to dress up like a wizard and be drunk in the streets of Seattle. Somehow this makes it more special than all of the other times I'm drunk in the streets of Seattle. I think it's the couple hundred amazing nerds.


    If I'm not singing Don't Stop Believin' at some point during the evening, something has gone terribly wrong.

    Aereus on
    Twitter is serious business.
  • MegamaniacoMegamaniaco Madrid, Spain (again!)Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Count me in for !Gryffindor pweeze.

    Megamaniaco on
    Steam ID: Megamaniaco // LoL summoner: Corcorigan (NA), Megamaniaco (EUW) // Hearthstone: Megamaniaco.2120

    Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    WOAH! Whats this of $60-$500?!?! I might have $40 for this. I think I need a more in-depth explanation of whats going to happen.

    Shade on
  • strebaliciousstrebalicious Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    !Slytherin +1 like a mug!

    strebalicious on
  • jenellejenelle Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Aereus wrote: »
    If I'm not singing Don't Stop Believin' at some point during the evening, something has gone terribly wrong.

    I was torn between two houses before this. I'm not anymore.

    !Gryffindor ftw!

    jenelle on
  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Shade wrote: »
    WOAH! Whats this of $60-$500?!?! I might have $40 for this. I think I need a more in-depth explanation of whats going to happen.

    Have you ever been to a bar? :lol:

    All houses are now closed for the moment until I have a chance to make an update. We're right around the 50 member cap for each house so from here on out most people that signed up will get put on "Standby". All that means is you may or may not get a button/scorecard but are still fully welcome to come and participate and there may be leftovers. It just depends on actual attendance.

    Atlus Parker on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    Shade wrote: »
    WOAH! Whats this of $60-$500?!?! I might have $40 for this. I think I need a more in-depth explanation of whats going to happen.

    Step 1: Go to bar
    Step 2: Buy Drinks
    Step 3: ???
    Step 4: PROFIT!

    Seriously though, drinks in seattle at bars are 8-12 bucks each. You could get by with only $40, provided that you only have one drink at each bar.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • EladrisEladris Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I'd like to register for !Ravenclaw +1 (I guess standby for now). I was there last year and had a blast.

    Eladris on
  • ninjownedninjowned Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    !Hufflepuff me +1

    We're Late to the party! If we're going standby now, I'd like to do so for Hufflepuff.

    Really looking forward to this.

    ninjowned on
This discussion has been closed.