Before I launch into The Thread Proper, I'd like to thank everyone who has every participated and/or volunteered for The Triwizard Drinking Tournament and the brand new Pokecrawl. Without you guys neither of these events would happen. First off I'd like to thank ZeroHourHero and Yamara who both helped design the buttons and scorecard for this year's Pokecrawl. Then I'd like to give extra special thanks to all the Professors, Heads of Houses, Headboys/girls, and PokeAssts. Without your guidance our drunken masses would fall apart. I informally invite every Head of House, Headboy, and Headgirl from 2009 to return this year and pick the reins back up. Matter of fact, I'll just go ahead and list your names until I hear otherwise. I will send out formal invites via PM later today just to make sure. If you can't do it again this year please let me know and I will open the position up. As for everyone else, there will be some slight changes to this year's bar crawl so sit back and enjoy the show.
Facebook Event PageWhen This Happens
Thursday September 2nd, 8:30pm
What This Is
Aside from the wacky theme, The Triwizard Drinking Tournament boils down to a bar crawl/scavenger hunt. Just as everyone is welcome to join in on the theme and play the drinking games you will not be shunned for not doing so. This is an event organized so we can all go out and have fun and meet people before PAX even starts. It's always easier to make friends after that fifth shot...
What This Isn't
This isn't a kegger at the Theta Phi Delta. It also isn't Twilight themed. Scout's honor this time.
How To Participate
To sign up just make a post here with your desired house:
!Ravenclaw, or
!Hufflepuff. Also if you are bringing anyone else with you who doesn't post here please list how many so I can keep a fairly accurate count. After signing up for a house, all you need to do is show up at the appropriate time at the appropriate bar as per your house's schedule. All participants will be asked for a $1 donation that will go to Child's Play. This nets you your scorecard and house button. After all is said and done the donations will be tallied up and the house that raises the most for Child's Play will win the "Triwizard Cup". If you're unsure as to what house you want to be in, come to me anytime during the dinner or before the crawl starts and I will be happy to hold a sorting ceremony for you.
Triwizard Cup Trophy
"Standby" Wizards & Witches
"Standby" isn't a true standby as some people may think of it. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come along and drink and engage in the wizard festivities but anyone on the standby list may or may not get their own button or scorecard. There are extras but my advice is to print out your own scorecard just in case so you can keep track if you are on the standby list. Historically, most people do end up getting a button and/or scorecard anyway due to people dropping out. This is just a fair way of distributing what we do have.
Update 8/18/10: There have been enough house buttons ordered so even people on Standby will be able to get one. There will also be uncorrected scorecards available if you did not print your own out.
Gryffindor (49) Standby (52) ClosedGryffindor values courage, daring, nerve and chivalry. Its mascot is the lion, and its colours are scarlet and gold. This house corresponds roughly to the element of fire. The founder of the house is Godric Gryffindor. The house anthem is SHOTS
Head of House: Atlus Parker
Headboy: ArcticXC
Headgirl: KaitouAyashi
Aereus +2
Arde +1
cyanin +1
DStalefish +1
GalFriday +2
Ghola Duncan +1
Mr PMS +3
o55goten +1
rwmorris +3
Steel Fire
Threepio +1
Weretaco +2
ZeroHourHero +1
Angry Weasel
atomicn3rd +2
Baka Al +1
circeramone +3
Cultural Geek Girl
Daksa +2
Jediknightkarl +1
lunacite +1
Mighty Meat Sauce +1
Panic1080 +1
Pirate Hearts
shiftyninja +1
snopromise +1
The_Cyberchrist +1
The_Reflection +2
Schedule & Challenges
0830 Barca | Challenge #1: Start of Term Feast
0925 Cafe Met | Challenge #2: House Duel vs Slytherin (Divination OWL)
1020 The Crescent | Challenge #3: House Duel vs Ravenclaw (Potions OWL)
1115 The Elite | Challenge #4: House Duel vs Hufflepuff (Defense Against the Dark Arts OWL)
1210 The Chapel | Challenge #5: Care of Magical Creatures OWL
Wildcard Challenge: Attend dressed as a witch or wizard in house colors
Slytherin (53) Standby (46) ClosedLike Salazar Slytherin, its founder, Slytherin house values ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness. The book also suggests that the hunger for power is a characteristic of Slytherins. The animal representing Slytherin is the serpent, and the house colours are green and silver. Slytherin House seems to have attracted more evil wizards than any other house, including Voldemort himself and almost all of his supporters...they also like Irish drinking music.
Head of House: redhalo +1
Headboy: PeasantDave
Headgirl: BrokenAngel +2 + zombiebot (The Twin Snakes)
acidfingers +1
AKReign +2
beta_angel +1
CaptainTapole (Muggle) +1
Dan3791 +4
Esotastic +6
Mr_Snuts +3
Oz K. Fodrotski +1
Samyel +5
strebalicious +1
Tipist +1
Winyder +1
aquaone +1
beta_angel's +2
Covet +2
diplomat_ash +1
fieldju +1
gantzgod +1
JoeBango +2
kazuo +1
notmetalenough +2
overplus +3
Pahalial +2
tyleroi +3
VonXWolfenstein +1
yanyan +2-3
Schedule & Challenges
00830 The Crescent | Challenge #1: Start of Term Feast
0925 Cafe Met | Challenge #2: House Duel vs Gryffindor (Divination OWL)
1020 Clever Dunne's | Challenge #3: House Duel vs Hufflepuff (Potions OWL)
1115 The Chapel | Challenge #4: House Duel vs Ravenclaw (Defense Against the Dark Arts OWL)
1210 Linda's | Challenge #5: Care of Magical Creatures OWL
Wildcard Challenge: Attend dressed as a witch or wizard in house colors
Ravenclaw (48) Standby (53) CLOSEDRavenclaw values intelligence, creativity, wit, and wisdom. "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure" is an oft-repeated Ravenclaw proverb. The house mascot is an eagle/raven, the house colours are blue and bronze (changed to blue and silver in the movies). The house anthem is this song right here, I guess.
Head of House: DeadlySherpa +1
Head Boy: PunkJr +1
Head Girl: Sumi
Atratyys +5
chaosisorder +3
Mogs +1
Namel3ss +1
Pythos +1
Sageheart +1
skarsol +2
SlickShughes +1
Torren +3
Andrewgeddon +1
Aydr +1
bitpart +1
delicious3.14 +1
DeVvo +2
Eladris +1
Jekht +1
Kryptara +3
Lumenadducere +1
meljammin +3
Rana +1
Rommy +3
SciFientist +1
SlickShughes' +2
Superbagman +2
tr0tsky's +1
Schedule & Challenges
0830 Linda's | Challenge #1: Start of Term Feast
0925 The Elite | Challenge #2: House Duel vs Hufflepuff (Divination OWL)
1020 The Crescent | Challenge #3: House Duel vs Gryffindor (Potions OWL)
1115 The Chapel | Challenge #4: House Duel vs Slytherin (Defense Against the Dark Arts OWL)
1210 Cafe Met | Challenge #5: Care of Magical Creatures OWL
Wildcard Challenge: Attend dressed as a witch or wizard in house colors
Hufflepuff (54) Standby (51) CLOSEDHufflepuff, founded by Helga Hufflepuff, values hard work, loyalty, tolerance, and fair play. The house mascot is the badger, and canary yellow and black are its colours and corresponds roughly to the element of earth. They like the Japanese version of SHOTS?
Head of House: tehnakki
Head Boy: Dinny
Head Girl: juju
cherin +1
emosquid +1
ikelewis +3
JonnyNero +2
ky13 +1
MetaverseNomad (Unicorn Muggle) +2
ninjowned +2
orbdep +1
stankerbell +3
Stupid +2
Venar +6
VThornheart +1
Zellpher +1
Zilpep +4
akjak +2
Blackwing B52
bozko +1
dagoa +2
Domcheezy +2
emperorsargosa +1
GlueFaceBear +4
grift +9
me2wired +1
Medic +1
Oats +1
pvt gonzo
Shenanigan +2
t2kizzle +3
TimeSyphon +1
Schedule & Challenges
0830 The Chapel | Challenge #1: Start of Term Feast
0925 The Elite | Challenge #2: House Duel vs Ravenclaw (Divination OWL)
1020 Clever Dunne's | Challenge #3: House Duel vs Slytherin (Potions OWL)
1115 The Elite | Challenge #4: House Duel vs Gryffindor (Defense Against the Dark Arts OWL)
1210 Barca | Challenge #5: Care of Magical Creatures OWL
Wildcard Challenge: Attend dressed as a witch or wizard in house colors
Tips & Tricks
Don't Be a Dick: First and foremost, don't do anything that's going to embarrass yourself or anyone else. Especially since alcohol is going to be involved you're going to want to leave your asshole pants at home. Don't make us snap your wand.
Know Your Limit: The only person who knows your alcohol tolerance is you. There's nothing worse than an overindulged drunk so don't be that guy. If someone notices that you're getting sloppy you're already past the point of no return. You should probably stop drinking when someone points out to you that you're peeing on a bar stool.
Leave No Wizard Behind: We arrive as a group and leave as a group. If someone has to be That Guy/Gal who gets so wasted that they think they're actually Dumbledore, it's the responsibility of the crawl as a whole to ensure this person makes it safely back to their hotel. Use the buddy system, handcuff yourselves to each other, whatever. No one is to vomit in a bus terminal by themselves. Not this night, at least.
Don't Let Atlus Near Karaoke: For the love of god.
Respect the Headboys/girls: Anyone designated as a headboy/girl for the crawl isn't there just to hand out stickers; they're there to make sure everyone's having a good time and that everything runs smoothly. They're there to keep everyone moving and to stop people from jumping up on the bar and dropping trou. If one asks you to stop picking bar fights with the seedy locals, it might be a good idea to do so.
HAVE FUN: This is the most important guideline of all: Have fun! We're all on vacation and we're drinking with fellow nerds so let's enjoy it. Keeping ourselves fairly reasonable for the evening will make it a good time for everyone.
Guidelines for the House Duels or Dueling Etiquette And You: A Magic Users Guide
This guide is to clarify a few rules concerning the wizard duels between houses. I know everyone has grand plans of pouring cement mixers and cowboy killers or whatever godawful concoctions people subject their bodies to down each other's throat. While this sounds good in theory, we want everyone to have fun and not worry about a first year student choking on Bloody Tampon and ruining the rest of their night. The following are a few rules to keep things fun:
All Forbidden Curses Are...Forbidden: All drinks must contain only a mix of alcohol. That means no fruit, tabasco sauce, fire, pickles, rubber bands, dirty diapers, razor blades, The Kraken, miniature civilizations, or whatever else your sick little minds come up with.
The Challenger Buys the Drink: To keep things fair and to prevent anyone from breaking their opponents bank by ordering them Dom Perignon mixed with Patron and topped off with Crystal Skull vodka.
Choose Your Partner Outside: At each bar where the duels happen we're going to have nearly 200 people trying to cram the bar. Help expedite the process by choosing a partner outside then going in together and ordering together.
How Do I Win?
There's really no winning, per se. This is pretty much a fun, drunken night out with fellow nerds. But for those of you who do manage to finish your scorecards, there will be a button celebrating the fact that you've passed your OWLs. Still not enough? That leads us to...
The Expecto Patronum Challenge
Those diligent witches and wizards who've studied diligently all year long and passed their OWLs will have the opportunity to cast their Patronus in front of their peers. Those who successfully and impressively perform this feat will receive a bonus button celebrating this feat.
I need a map!Gryffindor RouteSlytherin RouteRavenclaw RouteHufflepuff RouteDiagon Alley for the Discerningly Thrifty Witch or Wizard- Find someone who has a black graduation robe. Spice it up with some house colors and you're instantly a wizard/witch.
- Pick up a cheapish costume kit such as this one.
- Wear a bathrobe, a makeshift hat, and stick a branch in your pants (yes this has been done in the past)
- Borrow items from a Harry Potter nerd
- Rob someone
My Credentials
I'm not just crazy. I've done this before.
The First Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament (2008)The Second Annual Triwizard Tournament (2009)Pokecrawl Episode 1: The Adventure Begins (2010)How Can I Help
I'll admit, I'm bad at a lot of things. Among those things are image design and living on both coasts simultaneously. In light of this, I reach out to you the community for help in the following areas.
Monetary Donations: In the interest of full disclosure I must say that with two bar crawls each year I can't really afford to fund the scorecards and buttons for both events. Because of this, the cost for the buttons and scorecards will come out of the final donation. I'm not looking for any upfront donations but if you want to help out with the cost you can always kick a couple extra bucks into the pot at the bar crawl.
And thus concludes yet another lengthy bar crawl thread. I hope to see everyone out again this year. Get your wizard hats and wands out again. Seattle won't know what hit it.
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
Hufflepuff won last year. Why would you defect?
The Sixth Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament Part 1 |
Pokecrawl Episode 4: The Power Of One!
Pokemon X: Atlus | 3539-8807-3813
Because I believe Hufflepuff won last year because of my direct presence in the house. With great power comes yada yada yada, so maybe I should spread the love.
That and because inevitably everyone I want to hang out with the night before PAX will be split up between the four houses, so I'm trying to spread around to see everyone.
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
I have others coming but they suck at casting spells. Last year one missed the entire first day of PAX recovering from casting so many spells! So I will probably have 4 or 5 others, but only me and 1 of my other friends will officially be on the team.
I'm actually bringing 13 other people with me, but not all of them will be participating. I figured 7 was a safe number. if it changes at all, I'll let you know.
Atlus, prior to making your map, give me a quick contact. I wanna chat with you about starting points in regards to the dinner.
Since you're here and and because I forgot to mention it it in the OP, I'm looking to start the bar crawl around 8:30pm. This overlaps with the end of the dinner but the first challenge will be designed in such a way to accommodate latecomers and allow people to catch up before the real fun begins.
The Sixth Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament Part 1 |
Pokecrawl Episode 4: The Power Of One!
Pokemon X: Atlus | 3539-8807-3813
I love getting a reason to wear an old Halloween outfit!
- Slytherin OotP: HoH - Twitter -Slytherin OotP
...although my participation/number of guests is dubious, since I don't know how much setup I'll be doing Thursday. I'll know by August.
I have a friend I may rope into going, but I'll let him post for himself.
Lawl, I love how I have been volun-told to be Head Girl again. Not that I am complaining, I love my house
This is THE Pre-PAX pubcrawl. You are in the right thread, my friend
the 'teh' is silent: eljay ~ * ~ twitter ~ * ~ ravelry ~ * ~ last.fm
Well then, I'll just join !Ravenclaw because I want to be with my fellow Canucks.
I never finish anyth
I declare Ravenclaw to once again be the main house for Canadians. I know the head of house/head boy have been Volun-told already, but if either of them wants to drop out of that position this year, I''ll be up for it.
We should create a super-team of Prairie Boys and Newfs/Maritimers and bury everyone.
Edit: Oh and can I switch teams?
I never finish anyth
We'll need someone to be the mascot. Can you wear a beaver costume convincingly?
I never finish anyth
Yes, join us on our quest to show Americans how to drink!
EDIT: I forgot to mention, my birthday this year falls on the day of this crawl. I am going to die.
!Hufflepuff +3 (possibly four, but they won;t be drinking, so not worth the count)
I'll just make it easier on myself
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
*Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
You're not allowed to buy our Canadian Ravenclaw flag this year. Unless you're very generous :P
And I would like to go as the Designated Walker (AKA a Muggle) once again this year. It's always good to have someone to try their best to herd folks along.
And Darling Astayonix, please make sure you either bring an extra pair of shoes or more comfy shoes to walk around in.
I'm Canadian too
Hopefully Hufflepuff and Slytherin will duel this year so I'll get to see you!! I miss you!!!!!
the 'teh' is silent: eljay ~ * ~ twitter ~ * ~ ravelry ~ * ~ last.fm
I'm planning on back-to-back champions just like the LA Lakers.
The KB Life
Hey guys, it's been a while. *waves*
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
Glad to have you back! I hope I get another chance to give you my drunken thoughts on gaming.
PAX Base Alpha?
Atlantis? Antarctica?
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
A bunch of PAXers are renting a house for the week.
Cool. It's neat how you found one to rent for the week. That stuff is usually on a monthly basis. Who else are you rooming with?
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad