
[ExaltedOOC] "Rollan rollan rollan, raaaawhiiide"



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    RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Guys, guys. The bad guy is dead! Now it's time to act! Free the prisoners, flee the scene of the crime, commit ritual suicide! It's up to you!

    Rainfall on
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    RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    What do I have to roll to free me some prisoners?

    Ringo on
    Sterica wrote: »
    I know my last visit to my grandpa on his deathbed was to find out how the whole Nazi werewolf thing turned out.
    Edcrab's Exigency RPG
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    RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    It depends entirely on how you want to go about freeing them. Kicking down the door would be a Str+Athletics roll, stabbing the door would be an attack against an inanimate object, your dicepool is easily enough to crack one open in a two-blow flurry, so don't bother rolling because this isn't the most time-sensitive situation.

    Picking the lock is obviously dex+larceny, and there's probably keys somewhere, if the warden hasn't fled the building after the royal ass-kicking you folks have delivered.

    Rainfall on
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    RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Then let's break the first one down, see what happens

    Ringo on
    Sterica wrote: »
    I know my last visit to my grandpa on his deathbed was to find out how the whole Nazi werewolf thing turned out.
    Edcrab's Exigency RPG
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    PlutoniumPlutonium Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Make a post in the IC thread about how you cleave the lock in two like a badass.

    And don't forget to grab that rope - we might be able to jump up through a hole in a ceiling ten feet up, but the prisoners won't be able to, so they're going to need to climb.

    Plutonium on
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    RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    The lock you say?

    To hell with your lock!

    Ringo on
    Sterica wrote: »
    I know my last visit to my grandpa on his deathbed was to find out how the whole Nazi werewolf thing turned out.
    Edcrab's Exigency RPG
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    RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Pluto, it's a rope belt. It's like, maybe two-three feet of rope. Not a whole lot.

    Rainfall on
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    PlutoniumPlutonium Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Alright, I think it would be smart to probably figure out our planned course of action and move on to the next dramatic scene.

    Unless there's going to be any serious hold-ups or other things we want to take care of, making a hole in a wall with a combination of firedust and weapons, including our new slayer khatars seems like a good idea. Then we can escape and figure out what we want to do with the plot hooks we've encountered.

    Plutonium on
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    RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    This is a decent plan. You've broken in, busted up the prison, now where do you escape to?

    Your destination is actually kind of important. Do you have a safe house inside the city? Are you going to book it to the Khan's encamped force a few miles outside of the Chiaroscuro walls? Are you going to ask the Guild to shelter the freed prisoners?

    Rainfall on
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    PlutoniumPlutonium Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    We do have a nice three-dot Manse within the Undercity that we could hide out in.

    It's very comfy, with rooms and workshops for everyone, lots of stained glass, and despite it being underground, through the magic of lots of mirrors and focusing lenses and crystals, from the inside it's indistinguishable from a place in the open sunlight.

    Plutonium on
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    RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Blah blah a variety of prisoners all horribly mistreated, mostly Delzhan, but a few other ethnicities. No other Dynasts aside from the woman Gyler rescued.

    They all seem relatively willing to follow their rescuers, where are you going to take them and what do you plan to do?

    Rainfall on
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    RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Dump them right in the laps of the Tri-Khan for a laugh? Force the Tri-Khan to choose sides right here and now, as they either hand the prisoners right back over to the Order, or they're taking a stand against the Realm. That's a quick 'n dirty way to potentially start our war.

    Otherwise we take them with us to the Khan's men, and slowly reintroduce the ones we trust to Chairoscuro to begin our recruiting operations. I still think the safest way to ensure the entire South goes up in flames is to draw multiple cities into war with each other, and only then cast the war as "These cities are fighting against the Realm, and these cities defend it" and we totally burn down those who are supporters of the Realm.

    I think taking any of these people to our manse would be an easy way to get it discovered by enemies. This includes the Dynast.

    Ringo on
    Sterica wrote: »
    I know my last visit to my grandpa on his deathbed was to find out how the whole Nazi werewolf thing turned out.
    Edcrab's Exigency RPG
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    RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    For manse, just some quick chatter with Pluto leads me to be giving it the following stuff:

    It's concealed. The Solar who owned the manse enjoyed his privacy. It ca

    It's a self-sustaining manse, not particularly designed to resist direct assault, but it's exceedingly comfortable to live in, and can use the resonance from the various crystal buildings in Chiaroscuro to create an acceptable tactical map of the city(although it's blurry in areas where there has been mass devastation of first-age buildings.)
    It's got a dojo, a small workshop, and a secure room for spellcasting.

    Any suggestions/changes are of course accepted, its your manse, not mine.

    Rainfall on
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    RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Heh, my first thought was, "Where do I keep my Batmobile?"

    Does it have a stable? Actually, is it even reachable on horseback?

    Added: was there more to that third sentence, Rain?

    Ringo on
    Sterica wrote: »
    I know my last visit to my grandpa on his deathbed was to find out how the whole Nazi werewolf thing turned out.
    Edcrab's Exigency RPG
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    PlutoniumPlutonium Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I think we should use the prisoners to gain an audience with the Tri-Khan.

    I don't especially want to spark off massive wars in the South right away, or draw the Realm into it. In fact, that's pretty much the opposite of my motivation - I want to set in motion a series of events where ideally, the south basically decides of its own volition that instead of duking it out among one another for the next few centuries while the realm crumbles, it must unite under a Solar banner.

    Chiaroscuro's an exception because it's a city with no allegiances. I think that our best bet right now would be to begin destabilizing the city by turning the Guild and the Tri-Khan against one another, before mounting an assault on the city and taking it over with Tsas Khan's forces.

    This will let us establish the city as our base of power, and very few across the south will really bat an eye when they find out that a city in the hands of a barbarian tribe has fallen to another barbarian tribe - it's really the natural order of things.

    Then we can move on to other cities one by one and start taking over. I envision Chiaroscuro as being the first chapter in our story, and then we move on to different places, spreading our message and placing our plans in motion. Each area of the south could be a different "chapter," allowing us to really enjoy the fluff of each locale.

    Plutonium on
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    RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Yeah, but if we take over the city, are we really going to get an army to march for us? I thought the Tri-Khan was pretty beloved? I think it'd be easier to be pulling the Tri-Khan's strings and convince/goad them into marching to war.

    Ringo on
    Sterica wrote: »
    I know my last visit to my grandpa on his deathbed was to find out how the whole Nazi werewolf thing turned out.
    Edcrab's Exigency RPG
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    RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Unless you see some benefit to simply being rulers of the city.

    Governance by Solars! If we can somehow make that our rule seem like an appealing alternative to the Realm....

    Either way, I think our destination is either Khan's camp for more planning, or straight to the Tri-Khan for, "Fuck it, we'll do it live!"

    Ringo on
    Sterica wrote: »
    I know my last visit to my grandpa on his deathbed was to find out how the whole Nazi werewolf thing turned out.
    Edcrab's Exigency RPG
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    PlutoniumPlutonium Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    There's nothing like a campaign of linguistics charm-fueled propaganda, guerrilla warfare, and disinformation to turn a population against a popular leader.

    The Realm isn't really heavily involved in Chiaroscuro. The Order is here as religious missionaries (with very little success), and of course a lot of people don't like them, but there isn't a big military presence or threat of the Realm invading.

    Plutonium on
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    RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Well then, let's take our new network of spies and informants back to be indoctrinated in the ways of the Unconquered Sun at the Khan's camp.

    Just noticed the thread title change :^:

    Ringo on
    Sterica wrote: »
    I know my last visit to my grandpa on his deathbed was to find out how the whole Nazi werewolf thing turned out.
    Edcrab's Exigency RPG
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    PlutoniumPlutonium Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    That's a good idea! The Khan can signal some riders to pick them up, and then you can start in on really brainwashing them in how to serve their Solar master (You!). EV could probably pick up a few tips on how to act like a proper Solar as well.

    I want to figure out what is going on with the Dynast myself back at the Manse, and work up some plans.

    Also, let's not forget about that shipment of Guild and Tri-Khan prisoners. Chiaroscuro is very much a city built on trade, so we're going to need the guild. If we can offer the guild a better deal than the Tri-Khan, we could be able to gain their allegiance in a coup.

    Plutonium on
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    lodwilklodwilk Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Plutonium wrote: »
    EV could probably pick up a few tips on how to act like a proper Solar as well.

    Whoa whoa. What?o_O

    Rainfall: How many Exceptional Knives would you permit me to have? They have a resource cost of two, and I have resources 3 so buying them wouldn't reduce my resource value. However I don't want to just act as if I have an infinite supply of them.

    lodwilk on
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    PlutoniumPlutonium Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Just commentary on how you very recently exalted, and that that you were acting a little immaculate back there, wanting to stab the brutally tortured helpless crazy naked demon-worshiping girl :D

    No real seriousness about it.

    Plutonium on
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    lodwilklodwilk Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Ah ok, classic situation of misunderstanding "tone of voice" on a forum. Let us continue to carry on as badass Solars....after we finish looting the dead.

    lodwilk on
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    HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    how many captives have we freed?

    can we easily get them to follow us (since they're fugitives and we freed them)

    or would we need to get our Zenith to give 'em religion now

    Horseshoe on
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    RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Lod, you can have 3. As per character creation, you can have pieces of superior equipment up to your resources score.

    The captives are willing to follow you as long as you don't eat them. They were pretty abused by the Immaculates.

    You've freed the full contingent of high-security prisoners(takes about 5 minutes if you all work together) unless you want to move faster.

    Rainfall on
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    HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    okay group

    my plan would be

    - free high security prisoners

    - steal sufficient horses

    - beat it toward the desert

    - meet up with the Khan's outriders

    - escape to Khan's encampment

    - [strike]brainwash[/strike] earn trust of former prisoners and begin to plot our takeover of the South

    Horseshoe on
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    PlutoniumPlutonium Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    That's a pretty damn good plan. I agree wholeheartedly.

    Additionally, I think we could use a diversion while laying low from the events in Chiaroscuro. Maybe we can take a road trip down to the Deep South and check out this Lord of Last Hopes.

    Plutonium on
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    HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    that sounds fun

    Horseshoe on
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    PlutoniumPlutonium Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Come on guys, let's keep this train-a-rollin.

    Plutonium on
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    HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    normally i can be a sieze the reins type player who plays sieze the reins type character

    in this case literally because awesome barbarian horseman


    i wish to mend my ways

    i would really like to hear thoughts from our Zenith and Twilight fellows.

    Horseshoe on
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    PlutoniumPlutonium Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Waiting on Ringo and Lodwilk.

    Plutonium on
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    RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Ringo, Lodwilk, can you please post, or choose to abandon the game? I'd like to have things move at a decent clip, and since you're not posting, they aren't moving at all.

    Rainfall on
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    HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    please keep it up

    the revolution needs supernatural propaganda!

    Horseshoe on
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    RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'm here, I just have no idea what to do. Gonna start posting such questions in the IC thread to keep it rolling.

    Ringo on
    Sterica wrote: »
    I know my last visit to my grandpa on his deathbed was to find out how the whole Nazi werewolf thing turned out.
    Edcrab's Exigency RPG
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    PlutoniumPlutonium Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Well, you could free the rest of the prisoners and then join us as we bust out of here.

    Really we need a conclusion to this scene. Summarize your actions and indicate that you're ready to go.

    Plutonium on
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    RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'm pretty sure Rainfall skipped ahead to 'All prisoners are freed, where are you taking them?' Which, according to Shoe's list means we're onto 'acquire horses'

    Ringo on
    Sterica wrote: »
    I know my last visit to my grandpa on his deathbed was to find out how the whole Nazi werewolf thing turned out.
    Edcrab's Exigency RPG
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    lodwilklodwilk Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Sorry for my absence guys, was just unable to get any internet access yesterday.

    lodwilk on
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    RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    A lesson in things people do: The Immaculate Order isn't big on horses! Dragon-Bloods have a tendency to kill their mounts when they unleash their power, and so the Scarlet Empire in general uses few cavalry, depending on their well-armed and well-trained infantry to crush their foes.

    Horsemanship is usually reserved for messengers and those who need to travel from point to point quickly, and occasionally for a Wood-Aspect who forms a deep and lasting bond with their animal, as they have easy access to charms that protect their horse from their Anima flux.

    So what you see is basically a messenger stable. Horses for travelling messengers to exchange their own beasts with, and for running quick couriers through the streets of Chiaroscuro.

    Rainfall on
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    HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    We shall hope they make it long enough for a decent escape.

    Horseshoe on
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    HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    To shoot or not to shoot those who do not follow... a difficult decision for one who is a Barbarian Warlord and yet, also an Exalt.

    Horseshoe on
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