I don't know if you guys are the hand shaking types, but you might want to look into fist bumping your favorite industry icon instead of a handshake (aka, being a conduit to spread germs all over the con). After all, you don't want to be the one responsible for making Morgan Webb sick, do you?
Another step, cough/sneeze in the arm instead of in the hand... Unless you're doing a mason handshake or something, you'll probably never spread germs that way, unless it's a pandemic!!!
Wingedillidan on
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
TimeCruiserMikePast Organizer of the West Coast Train TripSan Fernando ValleyRegistered Userregular
Oh for the love of....stop being germ-a-phobes. Eat a decent diet over the course of the convention, and wash your hands regularly. Also showering should not even be given a second thought when you wake up; it should be part of your getting-ready routine. This combination of things should prevent you from getting sick. If you still get sick after this, all the Purell in the world ain't gonna help your ass from catching the virulent super bug you contracted.
I think we've beaten this issue pretty much to death.
True, but last year I came home with the black goddamned death, so I'mma play it safe this year.
Also, a little bottle of purell in your swag bag wouldn't hurt.
Yeah that's because a particularly aggressive (but not very deadly, regardless of what the media wanted folks to believe) strain of Flu was going around last year. Have we had any end-of-the-world pandemics reported in the news recently?
Oh for the love of....stop being germ-a-phobes. Eat a decent diet over the course of the convention, and wash your hands regularly. Also showering should not even be given a second thought when you wake up; it should be part of your getting-ready routine. This combination of things should prevent you from getting sick. If you still get sick after this, all the Purell in the world ain't gonna help your ass from catching the virulent super bug you contracted.
I think we've beaten this issue pretty much to death.
True, but last year I came home with the black goddamned death, so I'mma play it safe this year.
Also, a little bottle of purell in your swag bag wouldn't hurt.
Yeah that's because a particularly aggressive (but not very deadly, regardless of what the media wanted folks to believe) strain of Flu was going around last year. Have we had any end-of-the-world pandemics reported in the news recently?
Please note, Decent diet means at least ONE normal meal over the course of the day (fast food is not normal) and Coffee is not breakfast despite the claims.
Last year was my first at PAX, and I came home with nothing but swag I wasn't even conscious of being careful...just wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, shower, and don't go around licking people and you should be fine. Of course, I have a pretty heroic immune system. If you usually get sick then take some vitamins.
Unless you want PAX Flu so you can call in to work...then the licking is fine, I guess.
Even taking precautions last year (purell, eating real food, not shaking too many hands) i still got the flu that went around. I'm pretty sure it ended up being airborn so thats why me and everyone else got nailed with it. In any event this year i think im going with a respirator and a gallon of purell and hoping that keeps the sickness at bay.
I'll be effectively be cosplaying "Anti-Sickness Yahtzee"
Even taking precautions last year (purell, eating real food, not shaking too many hands) i still got the flu that went around. I'm pretty sure it ended up being airborn so thats why me and everyone else got nailed with it. In any event this year i think im going with a respirator and a gallon of purell and hoping that keeps the sickness at bay.
I'll be effectively be cosplaying "Anti-Sickness Yahtzee"
Even taking precautions last year (purell, eating real food, not shaking too many hands) i still got the flu that went around. I'm pretty sure it ended up being airborn so thats why me and everyone else got nailed with it. In any event this year i think im going with a respirator and a gallon of purell and hoping that keeps the sickness at bay.
I'll be effectively be cosplaying "Anti-Sickness Yahtzee"
Ah yes, last year was our first year at PAX . And it was mine and my husband honeymoon. He got super sick....and we raised to the doctor when the rumor went out about swine flu outbreaks. lol
It was only a sinus infection
And we are comming again this year prepared. lol
I didn't go last year, the husband and teenager went and brought back germs, nasty evil germs. I was down for a week, but they weren't H1N1 evil germs, I got that a month later at my nephews 1st birthday party. o_O
GeekyPrincess on
Cookie Brigade Prime 2011 and 2012!
Shipping cookies for Prime 2013
Just don't be the odd man out (or even, even) when the Dickwolves prowl, and you probably won't catch anything.
Also, in the event of illness, enjoy your time off work. Don't work from home like a dumb-ass. Who has 2 thumbs and worked from home like a dumb-ass with Swine Flu last year?
I am a med student, eat well, keep clean and still got the fucking swine flu. Bottom line, everyone is susceptible. Its in the air bitches, you've been warned.
Yeah it didn't matter. I am almost a compulsive handwasher and I still got the swine flu.
Needless to say I will be wearing a mask this convention.
(but yeah, I had absolutely zero physical contact with anyone and still got the H1N1. Probably got coughed on a bunch since apparently a lot of people don't understand the concept of covering their mouths when coughing)
In all seriousness... Daily vitamins, and a little anti bacterial is alright but don't go ape because you think you will get sick. If a person is sneezing or sniffling, don't immediately think they are sick. Allergies do happen, don't be hatin on us.
Also remember... OVER anti-bacterializing is a baaaaaaaaad idea.
Also, in the event of illness, enjoy your time off work. Don't work from home like a dumb-ass. Who has 2 thumbs and worked from home like a dumb-ass with Swine Flu last year?
Could be worse. I got H1N1, and instead of staying home, I went to a medical conference, where I was part of a white paper discussion on pandemic preparedness.
(Also? I got H1N1 and I didn't even go to PAX. So there!)
MarySue on
Portland, Oregon, and sloe gin fizz. If that ain't love, then tell me what is.
Honestly, I think this had more to do with the flights home than PAX itself. Airplanes are deathtraps if anyone on board is sick... All that recycled air. I remember lots of twitter traffic about what flights were "infected."
Hubby and I were at PAX from open to close all three days, practiced basic hygiene, and didn't get sick at all. But then, we live in Alaska... Our flight home was not crowded.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited August 2010
I never get sick from PAX. I do however sometimes get sick from Montana. It gets cold up there, even just travelling through, have to remember to bring a coat.
I haven't gotten sick from pax yet.... and if your friends are as crappy as mine you'll have caught every cold in the world from them before a gajillion strangers! stinky dirty gamers! I blame casey. You dont know him persay.. but.... trust me.. Just blame him
I never get sick from PAX. I do however sometimes get sick from Montana. It gets cold up there, even just travelling through, have to remember to bring a coat.
WEll if Lewis Black is to be believed, that's why you never get sick at PAX. Because you already have a cold
You know, the Peregrine booth had hand-sanitizer as some of their swag last year, for all the good it did. So it's not like there wasn't hand-sanitizer as swag. (There was toilet paper, too, now that I think about it!)
But hey, all of us who got it last year can't get it again... Right?
actually if i made morgan webb sick that would make my day
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Always comes back up and can never hurt... or can it?
True, but last year I came home with the black goddamned death, so I'mma play it safe this year.
Also, a little bottle of purell in your swag bag wouldn't hurt.
Yeah that's because a particularly aggressive (but not very deadly, regardless of what the media wanted folks to believe) strain of Flu was going around last year. Have we had any end-of-the-world pandemics reported in the news recently?
I never finish anyth
Please note, Decent diet means at least ONE normal meal over the course of the day (fast food is not normal) and Coffee is not breakfast despite the claims.
Unless you want PAX Flu so you can call in to work...then the licking is fine, I guess.
I'm also very upset that I can't go around licking people.
Just like showering but that doesn't stop the people from being a bunch of silly geese and bring it up every year.
Nah Angel177 is right it's not breakfast till you add the Jameson.
I think we've beaten that quote to death.
I'll be effectively be cosplaying "Anti-Sickness Yahtzee"
thats not breakfast either! thats just home medicine. and fucking tasty.
I would assume this would be ok as long as you use protection!
It was only a sinus infection
And we are comming again this year prepared. lol
Shipping cookies for Prime 2013
Also, in the event of illness, enjoy your time off work. Don't work from home like a dumb-ass. Who has 2 thumbs and worked from home like a dumb-ass with Swine Flu last year?
Needless to say I will be wearing a mask this convention.
(but yeah, I had absolutely zero physical contact with anyone and still got the H1N1. Probably got coughed on a bunch since apparently a lot of people don't understand the concept of covering their mouths when coughing)
Are you my mommy?
You...you do know the normal face mask you see people wearing are actually designed to protect other people from you, not you from other people.
It's why doctors wear them, so they don't give their patients the AIDS.
I never finish anyth
In all seriousness... Daily vitamins, and a little anti bacterial is alright but don't go ape because you think you will get sick. If a person is sneezing or sniffling, don't immediately think they are sick. Allergies do happen, don't be hatin on us.
Also remember... OVER anti-bacterializing is a baaaaaaaaad idea.
Could be worse. I got H1N1, and instead of staying home, I went to a medical conference, where I was part of a white paper discussion on pandemic preparedness.
(Also? I got H1N1 and I didn't even go to PAX. So there!)
Hubby and I were at PAX from open to close all three days, practiced basic hygiene, and didn't get sick at all. But then, we live in Alaska... Our flight home was not crowded.
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
WEll if Lewis Black is to be believed, that's why you never get sick at PAX. Because you already have a cold
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
But hey, all of us who got it last year can't get it again... Right?
Be the very best. Like no one ever was. http://paxpokemonleague.net