I haven't gotten a chance to read all the posts here but I thought to add my two cents in as well.
This was my second year at PAX. Little back story on me, I've gone to Sakuracon 5 years in a row, and Rainfurrest (the local furry convention in SeaTac in September) once, last year being my first year. I'm completely hooked on PAX. Completely. I'm not going to Sakuracon this year, because I want to save my money and go to PAX this year instead. I'll still go to Rainfurrest, just because it's an inexpensive con and I did have fun going last year. I'm debating saving up the money, flying out to PAX East, and doing that one as well. Love the convention, Love the atmosphere, Love the people, Love Everything!
That being said, there were a couple things I saw that maybe could be looked at. Again, I'm not sure if these have been said or not, but I figure the more people that bring them up, the more likely they'll be looked at? Maybe?
First I've seen a lot of complaints about Benaroya hall. How the acoustics weren't good for the bands, or certain seating wasn't well planned out. Personally, I only went to Benaroya hall twice while at PAX10. The first was for the "Draw a Comic" Panel, which was hilarious, and the second was the final round of the Omegathon (OMEGACLAW FTW!! XD) Both times, we (the group of friends and myself) were able to sit on the floor, pretty close to the stage. Off to the left both times, but we could hear just fine, and see just fine too, thanks to the large screens above the stage. We could also see the stage too, but I often would find myself looking at the screens just cause they'd have more detailed views of what was going on. The only thing I can say that sucked about it was the fact that it was about a 15 minute walk from PAX itself, a 20 minute walk from our hotel (The Crowne Plaza). But even that wasn't that bad, we just left PAX earlier then we would have liked to make sure we got to the hall with plenty of time. So not really a complaint. The organization was pretty good, and I honestly didn't have to wait in line for that long. An hour maybe, but that's not that bad. And during one of the events mentioned above (I can't remember which one it was)there was a snack's lady with a trolley that came by in case anyone was hungry or thirsty, which I thought was very sweet to do. Don't know if that's something Benaroya normally does, or if that was a PAX thing (Literally, PAX was the first time I'd ever BEEN to Benaroya hall. X3) but it was nice. So as far as Benaroya is concerned, I give it an 8 out of 10. Advice? Get there early, bring money to get snacks, or snacks yourself so you don't get hungry if you need it, and bring your DS along. It was fun Picto-chatting with people again this year (Even though I got called a FurFag when I drew something...How a Gamer Girl with a Boyfriend can be a FurFag, Idk...but whatever I don't care.) but in comparison to last year, where the chat rooms were constantly full, this year it was surprisingly bare...almost sad. Missed that.
I think the one thing I have a huge complaint about is the Vendors at PAX. Not the stuff they were showing off, cause that was awesome. But the Free Crap. The fact that I couldn't get a stupid little plastic sling bag (which they were supposedly giving away for free) anywhere, was annoying as hell. I'd get all this great swag but have nothing to put it in; last year (09') they just handed hundreds of bags out like they were free candy. This year the bags were so scarce it was like trying to find Flags in Assassin's Creed. X.X" They're there, just a pain in the ass to find. And when I did find a place giving the bags away for free I was told "Sorry, these are for Saturday Only People...Come back Tomorrow, or participate in a Day long Tournament which you have no possibility of winning, but you can waste 5 hours of your life trying" WTF?! I think the only vendor that I found that gave away the bags somewhat freely, and in a fun way, was the Dungeons and Dragons booth, where you played a Live Roleplay Encounter and if one of the party members rolled a 20, they all got bags. This was a great way to do it. I played it, it was simple, got a bag, made me happy. And the time in line was short, which was important (Waiting 20 minutes for a quick game, vs waiting 2 hours for a trailer was well worth it.). I'm sure it's not anyone here's fault or anything, it's just the biggest thing I have to complain about. Which in hindsight, isn't that big at all. :P
So Great Job. Great Convention, See you all in 2011.
I do have a suggestion though. What about instead of those plastic bags that PAX gives out with their own swag, schedules and stuff in, they use those canvas/plastic sling bags? Just handed one out to everyone who came to PAX? They're a little more sturdy then the plastic bags and last longer too. Just a thought.
Fiory on
Pax Prime Con-Goer since 2009
~*First Stop on our Honeymoon 2015? Pax Prime!*~
Times for lines and ques for panels were ridiculous. I was sad when I would walk by a line and ask what it was for and find out that it is for a panel that I wanted to go to that was a few hours away and then find out I had no chance of getting in. I don't think I should have to line up hours and hours ahead of time for a panel and miss out on so many other things. (I know this is mostly for the really popular panels but could we work something out for them please?)
And as a cosplayer I would love to have something a little special for us. We put a lot of work into our costumes and most of the time we have to find somewhere semi decent to take a picture as a group. Could we get like a background drop or something to take pictures in front of?
Would be really cool to have a costume contest too! Nothing too big for a prize is necessary at all just a little time in the spot light to show off our hard work and maybe a little special swag bag. (unfortunately as a video game expo this would probably need to focus on those costumes having to do with gaming. Not trying to hate on the anime or anything like that but it is a convention for gaming)
One suggestion I made last year still hold true this year. I really think you should look into getting the guys that run TerrorWerks. Last year at GenCon and Origins was great fun and one of the highlights of the con for me and our crew.
Part LARP, part RPG, and part First Person shooter, it was probably the most intense event I've played in a long time. Just something about strapping on some gear, locking and loading my assault rifle, and taking out pirate scum (The theme last year was space pirates) was so very cathartic.
Anywho, I think it would make a great event that people would flock to, either at PAX East or even PAX Prime. At least it is worth checking into. Worse thing worse, is they say no.
Please put "Beefy" on the bill for concerts at some point next pax prime (2011). He has gone onstage for all of the greats at pax. Optimus Rhyme, MC Chris, and MC Frontalot for a few years now. He is a well established artist who deserves his own spot on the bill, not just for 1-2 song appearances. PLEASE consider this and make it happen! Thank you.
This is completely blowing our own horn (especially for my first post), but I'll put it here anyway.
I'm Brendan "Beej" Dery, a member of Synaptic Chaos Theatre, an improv comedy troupe with a flair for all things geeky.
We do a lot of cons in Western Canada right now, and we're interested in finding more gigs in the USA. Would anyone enjoy a good improv comedy show themed around gaming, sci-fi, fantasy, etc?
This is completely blowing our own horn (especially for my first post), but I'll put it here anyway.
I'm Brendan "Beej" Dery, a member of Synaptic Chaos Theatre, an improv comedy troupe with a flair for all things geeky.
We do a lot of cons in Western Canada right now, and we're interested in finding more gigs in the USA. Would anyone enjoy a good improv comedy show themed around gaming, sci-fi, fantasy, etc?
That would seem more of a Panel than a main theater concert. Perhaps you can turn it into a D&D thing . Panel sign-ups are like 3-4 months before the PAX you want (dont count me on that).
Waiting in Expo Lines
I don't think limiting what companies can do in the expo hall is a good idea, just force them to be honest about what they are doing. If they have a 15 minute demo that seats X number of people, they can easily calculate the time that will be spent in line, similar to how roller coasters estimate wait times. Require that they provide time estimates at some regular interval in line, and then each attendee can decide for themself if something is worth waiting 1 hour, 2 hours, etc. for.
There's been a lot of talk about lines and I think this is the best suggestion so far. It's a minor change and doesn't force companies to fit their demo in a small amount of time. If they want to have a 20 mintue demo, fine. Just let me know the wait time so that I know the line won't be moving.
Costume Contest:
I also think that this is a good idea. We already have an awesome pwnie contest. Now it's time to do it with real people.
Cronus on
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
I made an account mainly for this suggestion: Getting Slagsmalsklubben to come play at PAX would be great fun. They have a great video-game music sound. For those who don't know of them, here's an example of their sound:
Overall I thought 2010 was a big improvement over years past.
However, I don't think Benaroya Hall is appropriate for PAX concerts. Lesser acoustics or no, I think the old main theater was better because the people who wanted to get up and move could and the energy at the concerts was better for it. Also, pretty much everyone who wanted to come could and people could come and go. With PAX moving to first come, first served, I think the problem of people having to line up extremely early to get in or just not being able to get in at all is going to be worse. If you wanted to sit you could find a patch of floor in '08 or actual seats in '09. I know you guys needed to expand available space but I would rather see smaller panels expand to adjacent hotels and the concerts go back to the Expo Hall. If not, the please move them someplace much larger.
I understand the argument about Benaroya Hall, but the room that used to hail the concerts became more expo floor. I like this but unfortunately we are just expanding out too much. It is still great that the number of people want to come play!
hml151 on
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School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.
I understand the argument about Benaroya Hall, but the room that used to hail the concerts became more expo floor. I like this but unfortunately we are just expanding out too much. It is still great that the number of people want to come play!
I totally get that and I was very appreciative of the expanded expo hall space. Perhaps the old main theater can't work anymore but I do hope they find a better solution. Benaroya didn't ruin things for me at all; I got in. But I do feel sorry for the people who didn't.
VisionOfClarity thought I should post this on this thread too:
Hello and good day all,
Robert Khoo from PAX suggested I post here.
Geek Nation Tours is a tour company dedicated to the Geek in all his and her multifaceted interests. It creates holidays for Geeks by Geeks. Our tours include Geeky conventions, tournaments and tours to places of historical significance to the Geek. Our mandate is to give people the opportunity to revel in their Geekiness and to travel the globe seeking those things that they love to do. They will be joined by other like minded persons who are just as interested in the tour, so not only would they have a holiday but also the chance to develop long lasting friendships. Geek Nation Tours specializes in bringing people from all around the world to these places and events. Geek Nation Tours also makes sure each participant gets to enjoy not only the Geeky goodness of any one event but also helps them to experience the destination itself.
We are currently looking for veteran PAX participants to speak at our "Welcome Dinner" for our PAX Prime Tour...Basically we hope to give our newbie PAX goers a glimpse into PAX and to really get the most out of the convention. The theme will be "How to Get the Most Out of PAX" and we hope to have about 3 - 4 speakers (10 to 15 minutes each). This will be followed by a round table Q and A. ...Keep in mind that Geek Nation Tours participants are normally very savvy and quite enjoyable to be around. They are not only very interested in the subject matter but are also very social and intelligent. Add that fact to the basic excitement of being on the tour with like-minded people and the dinner is normally very very fun indeed.
We have a couple of things that might coax you into offering your time…If you are interested email me at headgeek@geeknationtours.com
Bring back The OneUps. Seriously. I don't know why they ever stopped getting invited.
Anamanaguchi needs to be on the bill all the time.
The Protomen were WAY too loud and vocals were non-existent. I didn't get to enjoy them like I thought I would.
JoCo needs to go back to acoustic. I saw him in 08 and 09 acoustic and it was fantastic. 2010, he went all Bob Dylan on us with the live band and electric guitar. (I know I'm catching flak for this one, but hey, I'm entitled to an opinion.)
Getting turned away for the concert even though I have a bracelet? Boo-urns.
Everything else was fantastic.
Blade Fusion on
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
The Protomen, please. It may well be a foregone conclusion and pointless to "ask" for this, but they tend to base West Coast tours off of being invited to Pax (since they need the merch sales from the con to offset the massive expense of travelling cross country). And we kinda want to see them on the West Coast again this year...
As far as other suggestions, really seconding others who've asked for the concerts to have seperate ticket sales. Last year, I and four friends from Portland were still traveling (and we left pretty early in the morning the day of the convention) and found out halfway through the trip that wristbands for the concerts had been used up within 15 minutes of registration opening. I know the wristbands are going away, which is great. But I'd also like to have some way of 'reserving' a space in the concerts since the concerts are a HUGE draw for me to even attend Prime in the first place. And I'd be willing to pay a bit extra to avoid the whole 'stand in line, wait for hours, watch other people go in first anyway' effect that happened last year.
If using Benaroya again, is there any way to take advantage of their automated ticketing system they have for their own events?
You'd have to clear the theater between each show. Way too big a hassle.
Houn on
Jenny_SpaghettiI am 3 ginger midgets in a trench coat. Calgary, CanadalandRegistered Userregular
edited February 2011
I meant to post this right after pax, and then promptly forgot about it.
My really one and only complaint was about the distribution of swag in the expo hall. In general, everyone I interacted with was great and friendly and helpful, but apparently all bets are off when there's someone between you and the swag. Despite being pretty visible in my disability (bright red crutches seem to stand out) people seemed to have NO problem shoving me out of the way at the sound of "T-shirts for the next 10 people here!" Obviously, this is nobody official's fault or anything other than temporary Wheaton's Law amnesia. That being said, it DID cause me do go home with precisely no swag and 3 weeks' worth of bruises. Frankly, if a few of the vendors were willing to put in a few things for Saturday morning supplemental swag bags for people with medical badges, I'd be perfectly happy to stay out of the expo hall for the whole rest of the weekend.
My only other suggestion would be if someone could invent some sort of time-manipulation device so that Prime 2011 could get here a little faster, that'd be great.
I had a great time at PAX last year. That being said I only had one major gripe. Yes it was about Benaroya Hall but not in the way most people had. I went to PAX 2010 for the main reason of playing a demo of Star Wars: TOR and for seeing the panel from Bioware. I showed up very early to get in line for that panel and was about the 30th person in line. My fiance and I then waited patiently for about 3 hours to see all the awesome stuff we knew Bioware was going to show happy with the thoughts that we would have great seats.
Then the line started to move and the people took us up some stairs around the mezzanine to a spot on the second floor, we (meaning all the people that waited in line for 3 hours to be at the front) all though that this was done to get more people inside and ready to go. At the time that they started letting people into the theater the people in charge of the lines directed us into a set of doors that led to balcony seats! :evil: :evil: :evil:
Needless to say the 40 or so people that got directed in there were not a happy bunch! Especially when we saw a bunch of people flooding into the main floor getting seats. When we asked about it the line directors just said that those people had special tickets to sit there. I did not let it stay at this because as I said, this was one of my main reasons for coming to PAX. Finally getting a hold of someone that could do something they apologized profusely and found 6 chairs that were directly in front of the stage on the left side for us to move to.
That was great now we weren't half a mile away from the speakers but we also could not really see very well from there. Also there were only 6 chairs! what about the other 36 people that got misdirected... nothing they had to stay in the nosebleed seats. Also if the line had been directed correctly I would have had seats that were center stage a few rows back and able to see great.
tl;dr waiting for 3 hours to get great seats was not great at all due to VERY poor line direction and staff communication. This needs to be fixed and taken care of this year at PAX!!
I'm not sure but were the front seats made for disabled/medical pass people. I was never able to get there to see anything but was informed that medical pass people had a certain section. That could have been part of the problem.
hml151 on
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School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.
Lines seemed pretty good for the Saturday concert (line-up took place directly after), where the medical passes did go in, but did not take up every available front row seat. I was one of the first people whoe waited 4+ hours for a front row, and I received possibly one of the best seats in the show (a couple to the right of the TV in the front center). Had a good time, front row people are energetic...
Lines seemed pretty good for the Saturday concert (line-up took place directly after), where the medical passes did go in, but did not take up every available front row seat. I was one of the first people whoe waited 4+ hours for a front row, and I received possibly one of the best seats in the show (a couple to the right of the TV in the front center). Had a good time, front row people are energetic...
The lines for the concerts were handled pretty well. The big problem is having to spend a good portion of your time at PAX in line for the concerts. It's pretty much a choice of wasting hours in line and see the shows or enjoy your evening Friday and miss the concerts that night.
Cronus on
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
1. Jane McGonigal is keynoting PAX East, I see. I heard her speak in Portland last night and she was great -- energetic, knowledgable, even inspiring. Find space for her at Prime, even if it's a smaller panel.
2. Benaroya, while fancy, is too far from the convention hall given that it's hard to tell what you'll find when you get there. I was pretty torqued to be turned away after joining the line, being head-counted and told I'd get in while outside, and then told by an enforcer that the venue was full after I'd already gotten inside and had been waiting for almost forty-five minutes. I told him that I and everyone else near me in line had been told we'd get in, and that a lot of people must have cut in, and he just shrugged. It made me miss the exhibit hall concerts where it was clear what you were getting when you got in line. The concerts are one of the main reasons I've loved PAX in the past, but I didn't get to see any of them this year because it just seemed like too much hassle after this experience.
3. Monitor the lines more closely for the aforementioned shenanigans. There are too many fucks not being given these days by people touting Wheaton's Law but not exemplifying it. I'm sure it's not easy to control this but when I'm in a line that snakes around the room and I see some silly goose duck under the rope to jump ahead of 300-odd people that have been waiting for almost an hour... :evil:
1.) Cosplay contest for sure.
2.) I got up early in the morning to be one of the first few in line on Saturday and got let in the same time as 3 other lines spread across the line wait area. I know it minimizes time between line waiting and PAX time but it was still frustrating.
3.) A central info screen displaying current PAX events like panels and such. Cash allowing of course.
4.) Some sort of storage room would be cool to drop off swag after the main exhibition has closed and I wanna go do things but I'm overencumbered and can't travel to where I wanna go as easily.
5.) Something for PAX veterans like, I've been since '08, I LOVE PAX, and there are people who have been going to it way before me, like a pin or shirt or something like 5 year veteran or 3 year veteran, i dunno.
1.) Cosplay contest for sure.
2.) I got up early in the morning to be one of the first few in line on Saturday and got let in the same time as 3 other lines spread across the line wait area. I know it minimizes time between line waiting and PAX time but it was still frustrating.
3.) A central info screen displaying current PAX events like panels and such. Cash allowing of course.
4.) Some sort of storage room would be cool to drop off swag after the main exhibition has closed and I wanna go do things but I'm overencumbered and can't travel to where I wanna go as easily.
5.) Something for PAX veterans like, I've been since '08, I LOVE PAX, and there are people who have been going to it way before me, like a pin or shirt or something like 5 year veteran or 3 year veteran, i dunno.
4. I don't think we have the space for coat check anymore. I know we did back in the Meydenbauer days, but that was when PAX was considerably smaller. East had one, but that was run by the folks who own the Hynes and they charged you. Doubt BCEC will have a similar setup.
5. How would you prove it?
Your memories of PAXes prior and your enjoyment thereof are all the "badge" you need. PAX doesn't need something cliquey like "PAX Veterans." All it does is puts off newcomers and says "This is for us, not for you." PAX is for everyone!
I'm excited for this to be my fifth year at PAX Prime but I don't need the badges. I have better evidence like embarrassing photos. And I enjoy each year bring newcomers to pax.
hml151 on
Max sig size: 500x80px OR 4 lines of text
School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.
My only real complaint was the exhibit hall in the morning and having three entrances from the Queue room.
My friends & I lined up pretty early on Sunday morning in hopes of getting a decent position in line for one of the big games (we talked about seeing Portal 2 but decided to go to Duke Nukem Forever instead) and were fairly close to the front of the line but as things got closer to opening, lines started forming at the other entrances and by the time the hall opened, people rushed through the other entrances and we were way back in line.
I ended up leaving the line to go see Stepto's panel & they waited like three hours, behind people that arrived to the convention centre after us, before they finally got into the booth.
So, one entrance to the exhibit hall at the beginning of the day would be my biggest suggestion/request for this year.
The only other feedback I want to provide is Benaroya Hall. I fully support the use of Benaroya Hall again. I do wish it had been closer but otherwise, I think it was a fantastic venue and I loved attending the Saturday night concert there.
I would absolutely despise the concerts going back to how they were in prior years. After spending the entire day standing in lines and walking around the convention centre, I hated standing through the concert that I went to in 08 (not to mention, the general crowding and lack of space was horribly unpleasant). That setup made me skip the concert in 09 & would probably make me skip it again this year.
1.) Cosplay contest for sure.
2.) I got up early in the morning to be one of the first few in line on Saturday and got let in the same time as 3 other lines spread across the line wait area. I know it minimizes time between line waiting and PAX time but it was still frustrating.
3.) A central info screen displaying current PAX events like panels and such. Cash allowing of course.
4.) Some sort of storage room would be cool to drop off swag after the main exhibition has closed and I wanna go do things but I'm overencumbered and can't travel to where I wanna go as easily.
5.) Something for PAX veterans like, I've been since '08, I LOVE PAX, and there are people who have been going to it way before me, like a pin or shirt or something like 5 year veteran or 3 year veteran, i dunno.
4. I don't think we have the space for coat check anymore. I know we did back in the Meydenbauer days, but that was when PAX was considerably smaller. East had one, but that was run by the folks who own the Hynes and they charged you. Doubt BCEC will have a similar setup.
5. How would you prove it?
5. I knew I kept those badges around for easy access!
Going to throw my overall support to the Benaroya like a few others have. While the distance was a little prohibitive, it was a fair enough trade-off for being able to sit when I wanted and not have to give up my proximity to the stage. (about 6-7 rows out)
The only venue I'd really support more would be one where folks have standing room up front while those who prefer to sit have arena seating similar to Benaroya Hall's.
So what's the deal with the cell reception at PAX? Since I'm travelling over from the U.K., I was planning on grabbing a PAYG sim from somewhere with some sort of prepaid data plan. I know over here, you only have to pay between £10-20 for a network-tied sim with some form of basic WAP access.
Could I pick up something similar in the States, on AT&T or Verizon? Just looking for the most hassle-free sim-only deal, really. Don't mind slapping $20 a day on it if it means I can contact my friends / wife whilst at the convention.
I should point out that I'm not looking for something that I'm calling overseas with - that would be futile on PAYG. I have a cell contract for that which offers good rates for calls. Just not for WAP / Internet access overseas (in fact, it's astronomical).
This was my second year at PAX. Little back story on me, I've gone to Sakuracon 5 years in a row, and Rainfurrest (the local furry convention in SeaTac in September) once, last year being my first year. I'm completely hooked on PAX. Completely. I'm not going to Sakuracon this year, because I want to save my money and go to PAX this year instead. I'll still go to Rainfurrest, just because it's an inexpensive con and I did have fun going last year. I'm debating saving up the money, flying out to PAX East, and doing that one as well. Love the convention, Love the atmosphere, Love the people, Love Everything!
That being said, there were a couple things I saw that maybe could be looked at. Again, I'm not sure if these have been said or not, but I figure the more people that bring them up, the more likely they'll be looked at? Maybe?
First I've seen a lot of complaints about Benaroya hall. How the acoustics weren't good for the bands, or certain seating wasn't well planned out. Personally, I only went to Benaroya hall twice while at PAX10. The first was for the "Draw a Comic" Panel, which was hilarious, and the second was the final round of the Omegathon (OMEGACLAW FTW!! XD) Both times, we (the group of friends and myself) were able to sit on the floor, pretty close to the stage. Off to the left both times, but we could hear just fine, and see just fine too, thanks to the large screens above the stage. We could also see the stage too, but I often would find myself looking at the screens just cause they'd have more detailed views of what was going on. The only thing I can say that sucked about it was the fact that it was about a 15 minute walk from PAX itself, a 20 minute walk from our hotel (The Crowne Plaza). But even that wasn't that bad, we just left PAX earlier then we would have liked to make sure we got to the hall with plenty of time. So not really a complaint. The organization was pretty good, and I honestly didn't have to wait in line for that long. An hour maybe, but that's not that bad. And during one of the events mentioned above (I can't remember which one it was)there was a snack's lady with a trolley that came by in case anyone was hungry or thirsty, which I thought was very sweet to do. Don't know if that's something Benaroya normally does, or if that was a PAX thing (Literally, PAX was the first time I'd ever BEEN to Benaroya hall. X3) but it was nice. So as far as Benaroya is concerned, I give it an 8 out of 10. Advice? Get there early, bring money to get snacks, or snacks yourself so you don't get hungry if you need it, and bring your DS along. It was fun Picto-chatting with people again this year (Even though I got called a FurFag when I drew something...How a Gamer Girl with a Boyfriend can be a FurFag, Idk...but whatever I don't care.) but in comparison to last year, where the chat rooms were constantly full, this year it was surprisingly bare...almost sad. Missed that.
I think the one thing I have a huge complaint about is the Vendors at PAX. Not the stuff they were showing off, cause that was awesome. But the Free Crap. The fact that I couldn't get a stupid little plastic sling bag (which they were supposedly giving away for free) anywhere, was annoying as hell. I'd get all this great swag but have nothing to put it in; last year (09') they just handed hundreds of bags out like they were free candy. This year the bags were so scarce it was like trying to find Flags in Assassin's Creed. X.X" They're there, just a pain in the ass to find. And when I did find a place giving the bags away for free I was told "Sorry, these are for Saturday Only People...Come back Tomorrow, or participate in a Day long Tournament which you have no possibility of winning, but you can waste 5 hours of your life trying" WTF?! I think the only vendor that I found that gave away the bags somewhat freely, and in a fun way, was the Dungeons and Dragons booth, where you played a Live Roleplay Encounter and if one of the party members rolled a 20, they all got bags. This was a great way to do it. I played it, it was simple, got a bag, made me happy. And the time in line was short, which was important (Waiting 20 minutes for a quick game, vs waiting 2 hours for a trailer was well worth it.). I'm sure it's not anyone here's fault or anything, it's just the biggest thing I have to complain about. Which in hindsight, isn't that big at all. :P
So Great Job. Great Convention, See you all in 2011.
I do have a suggestion though. What about instead of those plastic bags that PAX gives out with their own swag, schedules and stuff in, they use those canvas/plastic sling bags? Just handed one out to everyone who came to PAX? They're a little more sturdy then the plastic bags and last longer too. Just a thought.
~*First Stop on our Honeymoon 2015? Pax Prime!*~
Times for lines and ques for panels were ridiculous. I was sad when I would walk by a line and ask what it was for and find out that it is for a panel that I wanted to go to that was a few hours away and then find out I had no chance of getting in. I don't think I should have to line up hours and hours ahead of time for a panel and miss out on so many other things. (I know this is mostly for the really popular panels but could we work something out for them please?)
And as a cosplayer I would love to have something a little special for us. We put a lot of work into our costumes and most of the time we have to find somewhere semi decent to take a picture as a group. Could we get like a background drop or something to take pictures in front of?
Would be really cool to have a costume contest too! Nothing too big for a prize is necessary at all just a little time in the spot light to show off our hard work and maybe a little special swag bag. (unfortunately as a video game expo this would probably need to focus on those costumes having to do with gaming. Not trying to hate on the anime or anything like that but it is a convention for gaming)
Part LARP, part RPG, and part First Person shooter, it was probably the most intense event I've played in a long time. Just something about strapping on some gear, locking and loading my assault rifle, and taking out pirate scum (The theme last year was space pirates) was so very cathartic.
Anywho, I think it would make a great event that people would flock to, either at PAX East or even PAX Prime. At least it is worth checking into. Worse thing worse, is they say no.
I'm Brendan "Beej" Dery, a member of Synaptic Chaos Theatre, an improv comedy troupe with a flair for all things geeky.
We do a lot of cons in Western Canada right now, and we're interested in finding more gigs in the USA. Would anyone enjoy a good improv comedy show themed around gaming, sci-fi, fantasy, etc?
That would seem more of a Panel than a main theater concert. Perhaps you can turn it into a D&D thing
There's been a lot of talk about lines and I think this is the best suggestion so far. It's a minor change and doesn't force companies to fit their demo in a small amount of time. If they want to have a 20 mintue demo, fine. Just let me know the wait time so that I know the line won't be moving.
Costume Contest:
I also think that this is a good idea. We already have an awesome pwnie contest. Now it's time to do it with real people.
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
However, I don't think Benaroya Hall is appropriate for PAX concerts. Lesser acoustics or no, I think the old main theater was better because the people who wanted to get up and move could and the energy at the concerts was better for it. Also, pretty much everyone who wanted to come could and people could come and go. With PAX moving to first come, first served, I think the problem of people having to line up extremely early to get in or just not being able to get in at all is going to be worse. If you wanted to sit you could find a patch of floor in '08 or actual seats in '09. I know you guys needed to expand available space but I would rather see smaller panels expand to adjacent hotels and the concerts go back to the Expo Hall. If not, the please move them someplace much larger.
That said, it was great for panels.
I totally get that and I was very appreciative of the expanded expo hall space. Perhaps the old main theater can't work anymore but I do hope they find a better solution. Benaroya didn't ruin things for me at all; I got in. But I do feel sorry for the people who didn't.
Hello and good day all,
Robert Khoo from PAX suggested I post here.
Geek Nation Tours is a tour company dedicated to the Geek in all his and her multifaceted interests. It creates holidays for Geeks by Geeks. Our tours include Geeky conventions, tournaments and tours to places of historical significance to the Geek. Our mandate is to give people the opportunity to revel in their Geekiness and to travel the globe seeking those things that they love to do. They will be joined by other like minded persons who are just as interested in the tour, so not only would they have a holiday but also the chance to develop long lasting friendships. Geek Nation Tours specializes in bringing people from all around the world to these places and events. Geek Nation Tours also makes sure each participant gets to enjoy not only the Geeky goodness of any one event but also helps them to experience the destination itself.
Check us out at: http://www.geeknationtours.com/
We are currently looking for veteran PAX participants to speak at our "Welcome Dinner" for our PAX Prime Tour...Basically we hope to give our newbie PAX goers a glimpse into PAX and to really get the most out of the convention. The theme will be "How to Get the Most Out of PAX" and we hope to have about 3 - 4 speakers (10 to 15 minutes each). This will be followed by a round table Q and A. ...Keep in mind that Geek Nation Tours participants are normally very savvy and quite enjoyable to be around. They are not only very interested in the subject matter but are also very social and intelligent. Add that fact to the basic excitement of being on the tour with like-minded people and the dinner is normally very very fun indeed.
We have a couple of things that might coax you into offering your time…If you are interested email me at headgeek@geeknationtours.com
All the Best
Teras I. Cassidy
Anamanaguchi needs to be on the bill all the time.
The Protomen were WAY too loud and vocals were non-existent. I didn't get to enjoy them like I thought I would.
JoCo needs to go back to acoustic. I saw him in 08 and 09 acoustic and it was fantastic. 2010, he went all Bob Dylan on us with the live band and electric guitar. (I know I'm catching flak for this one, but hey, I'm entitled to an opinion.)
Getting turned away for the concert even though I have a bracelet? Boo-urns.
Everything else was fantastic.
1. Bracelet says "You'll be in the first group to get in when doors open", not "You're guaranteed a spot inside"
2. Bracelets are going away anyway
As far as other suggestions, really seconding others who've asked for the concerts to have seperate ticket sales. Last year, I and four friends from Portland were still traveling (and we left pretty early in the morning the day of the convention) and found out halfway through the trip that wristbands for the concerts had been used up within 15 minutes of registration opening. I know the wristbands are going away, which is great. But I'd also like to have some way of 'reserving' a space in the concerts since the concerts are a HUGE draw for me to even attend Prime in the first place. And I'd be willing to pay a bit extra to avoid the whole 'stand in line, wait for hours, watch other people go in first anyway' effect that happened last year.
If using Benaroya again, is there any way to take advantage of their automated ticketing system they have for their own events?
My really one and only complaint was about the distribution of swag in the expo hall. In general, everyone I interacted with was great and friendly and helpful, but apparently all bets are off when there's someone between you and the swag. Despite being pretty visible in my disability (bright red crutches seem to stand out) people seemed to have NO problem shoving me out of the way at the sound of "T-shirts for the next 10 people here!" Obviously, this is nobody official's fault or anything other than temporary Wheaton's Law amnesia. That being said, it DID cause me do go home with precisely no swag and 3 weeks' worth of bruises. Frankly, if a few of the vendors were willing to put in a few things for Saturday morning supplemental swag bags for people with medical badges, I'd be perfectly happy to stay out of the expo hall for the whole rest of the weekend.
My only other suggestion would be if someone could invent some sort of time-manipulation device so that Prime 2011 could get here a little faster, that'd be great.
Then the line started to move and the people took us up some stairs around the mezzanine to a spot on the second floor, we (meaning all the people that waited in line for 3 hours to be at the front) all though that this was done to get more people inside and ready to go. At the time that they started letting people into the theater the people in charge of the lines directed us into a set of doors that led to balcony seats! :evil: :evil: :evil:
Needless to say the 40 or so people that got directed in there were not a happy bunch! Especially when we saw a bunch of people flooding into the main floor getting seats. When we asked about it the line directors just said that those people had special tickets to sit there. I did not let it stay at this because as I said, this was one of my main reasons for coming to PAX. Finally getting a hold of someone that could do something they apologized profusely and found 6 chairs that were directly in front of the stage on the left side for us to move to.
That was great now we weren't half a mile away from the speakers but we also could not really see very well from there. Also there were only 6 chairs! what about the other 36 people that got misdirected... nothing they had to stay in the nosebleed seats. Also if the line had been directed correctly I would have had seats that were center stage a few rows back and able to see great.
tl;dr waiting for 3 hours to get great seats was not great at all due to VERY poor line direction and staff communication. This needs to be fixed and taken care of this year at PAX!!
PAX PRIME 2018 Status: Badges [√] Room [√] Waiting [ :x ]
PoGo Trainer Code:4505 8413 2232
The lines for the concerts were handled pretty well. The big problem is having to spend a good portion of your time at PAX in line for the concerts. It's pretty much a choice of wasting hours in line and see the shows or enjoy your evening Friday and miss the concerts that night.
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
Here, I imagine.
2. Benaroya, while fancy, is too far from the convention hall given that it's hard to tell what you'll find when you get there. I was pretty torqued to be turned away after joining the line, being head-counted and told I'd get in while outside, and then told by an enforcer that the venue was full after I'd already gotten inside and had been waiting for almost forty-five minutes. I told him that I and everyone else near me in line had been told we'd get in, and that a lot of people must have cut in, and he just shrugged. It made me miss the exhibit hall concerts where it was clear what you were getting when you got in line. The concerts are one of the main reasons I've loved PAX in the past, but I didn't get to see any of them this year because it just seemed like too much hassle after this experience.
3. Monitor the lines more closely for the aforementioned shenanigans. There are too many fucks not being given these days by people touting Wheaton's Law but not exemplifying it. I'm sure it's not easy to control this but when I'm in a line that snakes around the room and I see some silly goose duck under the rope to jump ahead of 300-odd people that have been waiting for almost an hour... :evil:
2.) I got up early in the morning to be one of the first few in line on Saturday and got let in the same time as 3 other lines spread across the line wait area. I know it minimizes time between line waiting and PAX time but it was still frustrating.
3.) A central info screen displaying current PAX events like panels and such. Cash allowing of course.
4.) Some sort of storage room would be cool to drop off swag after the main exhibition has closed and I wanna go do things but I'm overencumbered and can't travel to where I wanna go as easily.
5.) Something for PAX veterans like, I've been since '08, I LOVE PAX, and there are people who have been going to it way before me, like a pin or shirt or something like 5 year veteran or 3 year veteran, i dunno.
XBL: DJBlackMage
Youtube: p0rtugalvii
Twitter: @p0rtugalvii
4. I don't think we have the space for coat check anymore. I know we did back in the Meydenbauer days, but that was when PAX was considerably smaller. East had one, but that was run by the folks who own the Hynes and they charged you. Doubt BCEC will have a similar setup.
5. How would you prove it?
My only real complaint was the exhibit hall in the morning and having three entrances from the Queue room.
My friends & I lined up pretty early on Sunday morning in hopes of getting a decent position in line for one of the big games (we talked about seeing Portal 2 but decided to go to Duke Nukem Forever instead) and were fairly close to the front of the line but as things got closer to opening, lines started forming at the other entrances and by the time the hall opened, people rushed through the other entrances and we were way back in line.
I ended up leaving the line to go see Stepto's panel & they waited like three hours, behind people that arrived to the convention centre after us, before they finally got into the booth.
So, one entrance to the exhibit hall at the beginning of the day would be my biggest suggestion/request for this year.
The only other feedback I want to provide is Benaroya Hall. I fully support the use of Benaroya Hall again. I do wish it had been closer but otherwise, I think it was a fantastic venue and I loved attending the Saturday night concert there.
I would absolutely despise the concerts going back to how they were in prior years. After spending the entire day standing in lines and walking around the convention centre, I hated standing through the concert that I went to in 08 (not to mention, the general crowding and lack of space was horribly unpleasant). That setup made me skip the concert in 09 & would probably make me skip it again this year.
The only venue I'd really support more would be one where folks have standing room up front while those who prefer to sit have arena seating similar to Benaroya Hall's.
Could I pick up something similar in the States, on AT&T or Verizon? Just looking for the most hassle-free sim-only deal, really. Don't mind slapping $20 a day on it if it means I can contact my friends / wife whilst at the convention.
I should point out that I'm not looking for something that I'm calling overseas with - that would be futile on PAYG. I have a cell contract for that which offers good rates for calls. Just not for WAP / Internet access overseas (in fact, it's astronomical).