Maybe my expectations for Tennessee are too low, but I was pleasantly surprised by that poll.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
Yeah except people like Rush say that all the time.
Anyway, looks like the right has finally shot themselves in the libertarian foot (or bit the invisible hand that feeds them) with this anti minimum wage wharblegharble. Yeah that's going to play well.
Got my ballot yesterday and put it in the mail this morning! Voted a straight Democratic ticket, like always! Also voted the correct way on the wacky right-wing initiatives we've got in Washington state here. Now, 18 days left to get out everyone else's vote!
Is there anybody who still even thinks Obama can win in 2012? I remember people being so confident in 2008 and now everyone says hes a piece of shit. And I live a pretty blue state.
The second recession is here, and unless the economy magically picks itself up (not likely if the Bush tax cuts expire) he is done in '012.
This November will only be a taste of what's to cum.
Is there anybody who still even thinks Obama can win in 2012? I remember people being so confident in 2008 and now everyone says hes a piece of shit. And I live a pretty blue state.
The second recession is here, and unless the economy magically picks itself up (not likely if the Bush tax cuts expire) he is done in '012.
This November will only be a taste of what's to cum.
Still the most popular politician in America by a sizable margin.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
HachfaceNot the Minister Farrakhan you're thinking ofDammit, Shepard!Registered Userregular
Is there anybody who still even thinks Obama can win in 2012? I remember people being so confident in 2008 and now everyone says hes a piece of shit. And I live a pretty blue state.
The second recession is here, and unless the economy magically picks itself up (not likely if the Bush tax cuts expire) he is done in '012.
This November will only be a taste of what's to cum.
Is there anybody who still even thinks Obama can win in 2012? I remember people being so confident in 2008 and now everyone says hes a piece of shit. And I live a pretty blue state.
The second recession is here, and unless the economy magically picks itself up (not likely if the Bush tax cuts expire) he is done in '012.
This November will only be a taste of what's to cum.
You confuse me.
Anecdote yay!
IIRC Obama's approval numbers are higher than Clinton and Bush I at this point in their presidencies. I'm not sure about Bush II due to the 9/11 approval rating bump.
CommunistCow on
No, I am not really communist. Yes, it is weird that I use this name.
1. Not everyone says Obama is a piece of shit.
2. All the Bush tax cuts will not help the economy.
3. For fuck's sake, nobody can predict the outcome of the 2012 election now! Not even Nate Silver!
Is there anybody who still even thinks Obama can win in 2012? I remember people being so confident in 2008 and now everyone says hes a piece of shit. And I live a pretty blue state.
The second recession is here, and unless the economy magically picks itself up (not likely if the Bush tax cuts expire) he is done in '012.
This November will only be a taste of what's to cum.
You confuse me.
Anecdote yay!
IIRC Obama's approval numbers are higher than Clinton and Bush I at this point in their presidencies. I'm not sure about Bush II due to the 9/11 approval rating bump.
1. Not everyone says Obama is a piece of shit.
2. All the Bush tax cuts will not help the economy.
3. For fuck's sake, nobody can predict the outcome of the 2012 election now! Not even Nate Silver!
4. I predict November will taste like raspberries, rather than male ejaculate.
Is there anybody who still even thinks Obama can win in 2012? I remember people being so confident in 2008 and now everyone says hes a piece of shit. And I live a pretty blue state.
The second recession is here, and unless the economy magically picks itself up (not likely if the Bush tax cuts expire) he is done in '012.
This November will only be a taste of what's to cum.
You confuse me.
Anecdote yay!
IIRC Obama's approval numbers are higher than Clinton and Bush I at this point in their presidencies. I'm not sure about Bush II due to the 9/11 approval rating bump.
Ah thanks. It looks like I was wrong and Bush I had a higher approval rating at this point in his presidency. and Bush II definitely had a much higher approval rating due to 9/11.
CommunistCow on
No, I am not really communist. Yes, it is weird that I use this name.
Depends how confident you were in economic forecasting. Me personally, I see 9.5% unemployment, stagnation, and no one knows who owns any real estate anymore, quite possibly forcing banks to pay billions of dollars they don't have (again) to the people they committed fraud to steal from.
I'm not confident things will be better two years from now.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
Depends how confident you were in economic forecasting. Me personally, I see 9.5% unemployment, stagnation, and no one knows who owns any real estate anymore, quite possibly forcing banks to pay billions of dollars they don't have (again) to the people they committed fraud to steal from.
I'm not confident things will be better two years from now.
Super-duper Stimulus version 2.0?
CommunistCow on
No, I am not really communist. Yes, it is weird that I use this name.
Depends how confident you were in economic forecasting. Me personally, I see 9.5% unemployment, stagnation, and no one knows who owns any real estate anymore, quite possibly forcing banks to pay billions of dollars they don't have (again) to the people they committed fraud to steal from.
I'm not confident things will be better two years from now.
Super-duper Stimulus version 2.0?
With the Congress we're about to have? Good fucking luck.
Depends how confident you were in economic forecasting. Me personally, I see 9.5% unemployment, stagnation, and no one knows who owns any real estate anymore, quite possibly forcing banks to pay billions of dollars they don't have (again) to the people they committed fraud to steal from.
I'm not confident things will be better two years from now.
Super-duper Stimulus version 2.0?
Just as a guess: 60% Democratic Congress passes too small stimulus that offsets predictable cuts by state budgets but does nothing more, ~51% Democratic Congress (I'm an optimist!) will pass... not much of anything.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
But yeah, it's pretty silly to handicap the 2012 election before the 2010 election has even happened.
Exactly. Hell, even if we were plotting out 2010 from the results of 2008, I'm sure most of us wouldn't have seen this big a wave coming.
It's extremely unclear that there's going to be much of a wave at all. People don't actually like Republicans at all, they just blame the incumbent Democrats for not having jobs.
We have half our political system riding on absolutely nothing in this country improving in order to maintain their political relevancy. Good luck making serious changes.
Lunch time at work.
Presumably the right to convert.
I'm sure we could find something similar where you replace muslim with atheist.
RRRR opposing the center being built is not the same as supporting a ban on its construction
You had your turn. It's time for the white man to break out of this oppression.
Ow, my brain
Anyway, looks like the right has finally shot themselves in the libertarian foot (or bit the invisible hand that feeds them) with this anti minimum wage wharblegharble. Yeah that's going to play well.
"Jesus Assembly of God"
What the fuck kind of stupid name for a church is that? I can't wrap my head around it. It sounds so terrible.
oughta call themselves Jesus Assembly of God Observing Friends and Family Society
though that doesn't really roll off the tongue
needs an acronym
I see what you did there.
I'm pretty sure that you did that wrong. :P
Spend some time off the internet.
They want to take on military lawyers?
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
The second recession is here, and unless the economy magically picks itself up (not likely if the Bush tax cuts expire) he is done in '012.
This November will only be a taste of what's to cum.
What the hell is this?
Most popular national politician, at any rate.
You confuse me.
Anecdote yay!
IIRC Obama's approval numbers are higher than Clinton and Bush I at this point in their presidencies. I'm not sure about Bush II due to the 9/11 approval rating bump.
2. All the Bush tax cuts will not help the economy.
3. For fuck's sake, nobody can predict the outcome of the 2012 election now! Not even Nate Silver!
And Reagan.
Lots of comparisons here.
4. I predict November will taste like raspberries, rather than male ejaculate.
Ah thanks. It looks like I was wrong and Bush I had a higher approval rating at this point in his presidency. and Bush II definitely had a much higher approval rating due to 9/11.
You mean the 730+ days before the 2012 election could contain events that could influence the outcome? What kind of crazy science experiment is this?
But yeah, it's pretty silly to handicap the 2012 election before the 2010 election has even happened.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Exactly. Hell, even if we were plotting out 2010 from the results of 2008, I'm sure most of us wouldn't have seen this big a wave coming.
I'm not confident things will be better two years from now.
Super-duper Stimulus version 2.0?
With the Congress we're about to have? Good fucking luck.
Just as a guess: 60% Democratic Congress passes too small stimulus that offsets predictable cuts by state budgets but does nothing more, ~51% Democratic Congress (I'm an optimist!) will pass... not much of anything.
It's extremely unclear that there's going to be much of a wave at all. People don't actually like Republicans at all, they just blame the incumbent Democrats for not having jobs.