Seriously, the game is less than two days old in some places and not even out for a bunch of others and people're getting careless about spoiling shit. If you want to talk about some spoilerous material, give it a good and proper label and warning of some sort above the spoiler button, like the name of the quest or the name of the location or the name of the character if the name alone isn't a gigantic-ass spoiler, and don't be using spoiler tags for stupid shit like hiding emotes and whatever.
Got framerate problems and the like?
It's already been said a bunch and supposedly the latest PC patch fixes this, but if you're using Steam to play New Vegas and have Steam Cloud running it'll fuck up your quick and autosaves, if not also your manual ones. Make sure you disable the Steam Cloud for New Vegas by right-clickin' to Properties, Updates, and de-check the Steam Cloud enabler box. If you had it running but disabled it, make sure you clear out the drive-side data by going to Steam\Userdata\(User Number)\22380 (or check which one's been updated the most recently)\saves.
Left-handed and hate the 1-0 hotkey setup? Orpheus has you covered:
If you are left handed and would like the inventory hotkeys to be Numpad 1-8 instead of 1-8, I found what to change in the Falloutprefs.ini file. They are listed under controls.
Ammo Swap=0050FFFF
Don't forget to made it Read Only after you save it or it will get over-written.
I'm still at the beginning of the game so I can't confirm the the Ammo Swap part works correctly.
Also add this in so the mouse moves at a reasonable rate in menus:
We needed a new thread to talk, and here it is. I'll get more shit in here after I get a good morning's sleep.
oh god, 2:30am already?! well time to go to sleep, i gotta work in the morning! Sadly I won't be able to play again until Sunday as I'm visiting the inlaws for the weekend
My save reads as 17 hours played and I'm a "Paragon" hehe, yay super good character. Everybody loves me! And my level 17 dude has 90 in speech so basically everybody just does what I want them to.
Also oh my god Gahmora quest? soo good, basically right out of Goodfellas.
And now I'm off to bed.
I just got to the point where:
Just out curiosity, how much further do I have in the main quest?
Very little. Probably under an hour to go.
Does anything actually happen if someone views you eating someone else?
I ate a Khan right in front of like 5 NCR dudes and nothing happened
that's probably due to factions
according to the perk description its considered a 'crime against nature'
whatever the fuck that means
Shogun Streams Vidya
And yeah they were detecting. Maybe just a glitch
edit: Actually maybe my stealth is just that good. I had ED-E next to me, and it said detected, but I figured that wouldn't come up if only companions saw you.
Yeah, they have changed the voice actors, although Yuri Lowenthal voices so many characters in this game. I liked him in .hack//G.U., but outside of that I'm starting to dislike his voice. This isn't a con against the game, though.
It's especially funny talking to one character in a building who directs you to another in the same building, and this second character has the same voice as the first. Damn you, Yuri Lowenthal!
One question though, is there someone in the first town who does weapon repairs?
I'm in Freeside.
I'm about to make the Von Trapp family wish they were never born when I'm done brutalizing them up the ass.
Followers of the Apocalypse for the mother-fucking one dimensional win. When all causes are lost, why not just take up the best one.
After a lot of struggle I managed to find the reactor and in trying to shut it down I apparently rerouted Vault control to somewhere else. Quest ended, and I seem to have doomed one group and saved another. What the hell happened?
Short, non spoiler version: WTF this doesn't make sense.
EDIT: And here comes Harvest to mess up my reply.
Wat. I labeled my spoiler.
EDIT: haha now there are two failures.
I also hear Liam O'Brien a ton in this, too.
Because religion expressed in code is always psychotic.
I am absolutely having a ball with this game. The first ten hours or so were incredibly tense with my weakly little courier tiptoeing through the desert trying not to aggro any nasty creatures. The faction system made me feel like I'd really screwed up when I realized the Powder Gangers controlled most of the road south of Goodsprings. It really captured the feel I got from the first few hours of Fallout 3 before I'd reached level 6 or so and had become death incarnate. Combat got easier once I got to the companions. Had some good times mopping up Legionaries with Boone then traded him out for faclon-punching Felicia Day. Then I reached New Vegas and the plot EXPLODED.
I kind of feel I missed out a bit with Freeside though, as I'd been a huge miser so far and already had enough cash to get on the strip. The game makes it pretty obvious that the devs wanted you to slum it out on the outskirts for a while before you actually got into the shiny side of town. Perhaps they should have made you pay 2000 caps rather than just having it. That would have definitely made me consider getting in with the Kings. Of course I will still go back and do those missions, but I'm just doing them for the hell of it now rather than out of necessity and that bothers my silly role-playing nerd sensibilities.
Oh and a quick tip for anybody else using Veronica/going melee with their main character. Mild spoilers for her mission:
Also, everyone needs to get the depth of field mod, makes the game so much prettier.
Also, is back slash just less ap costing standard melee attack?
Also has anyone tried playing "caravan" cards, it seems rather complex and annoying compared to the relative ease of blackjack, i know that casinos will eventually kick you out but is the return worth the aggrevation of learning how to play... i tried reading the rules once but it was long and boring and things were just begging to be shot.
really i had had some super low karma and cass bitched at me every time i talked to her (after adding her)
cass spoilers below
Redeem the code on the insert that came with the game. It gives you four weapon repair kits along with the other goodies. To answer your question, nobody comes to mind.
Not really Freeside is pretty terribly designed from a gameplay stand point. Way too many quests that consist of:
1. Talk to person one
2. loading screen
3. loading screen
4. loading screen
5. talk to person 2
6. loading screen
7. loading screen
8. loading screen
9. Relay person 2's response to person 1.
10. loading screen
11. loading screen
12. loading screen
13. relay person 1's response to person 2's response to person 2
I normally don't mind loading but freeside almost killed my enthuiasm for the game.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
I am 14 hours in and I think I have seen them sold once or twice Maybe the shopkeeper at crimson caravans? or the two brothers in freeside?
Next thing I know I'm hired to clear out DeathStalkers a few miles north of where I started.
FO3 endgame schtuff:
welcome to the huge dumbfest that was the ending to FO3
Shogun Streams Vidya