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PAX East Suggestions Thread

The Smartest Man?The Smartest Man? Registered User regular
edited July 2011 in PAX Archive
Hey, just wanted to say that I had a great time at PAX, and now feel compelled to attend more in the future. I'm sure everyone is busy getting back home atm, but when you get the chance, share some brief comments about the gig to make it even better :D!

+ I enjoyes watching the Dance Central and Rock Band performances. Everyone around there seemed to have a great time.
- I feel that there could have been more done in the que area and the first floor eating area. I'm sure the space was big just for the sake of precaution, but perhaps it can be different next year.

So it goes...
The Smartest Man? on


  • MadM3rlinMadM3rlin Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Free deodorant at the door. Being a nerd does not excuse poor hygeine... YOU GUYS KNOW WHO YOU WERE!!! It shouldn't smell like a barn in random pockets on the expo floor. FFS. It's not like warm running water is in short supply in this country.

    MadM3rlin on
  • Joset305Joset305 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I also share your comments about the convention but i think the demos could have been a tad shorter to allow for shorter line times and thats it

    Joset305 on
  • SamTheCannibalSamTheCannibal Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Keep that Jenga championship stuff out of the concert area. I went in expecting to hear awesome music and I left early because i was not expecting to see jenga. *yawn*

    SamTheCannibal on
  • RayzeRayze Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Keep that Jenga championship stuff out of the concert area. I went in expecting to hear awesome music and I left early because i was not expecting to see jenga. *yawn*

    The Omegathon always happens before the Saturday night concert. Last year was Rock Band and this one was Jenga. It was in the program guide

    Rayze on
  • MaiuMaiu Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    While I am a huge fan of dance central, can we have DDR?

    Maiu on
  • KrisstaKrissta New HampshireRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    The only really true critique I have is for PAX to make a better, more accurate map! I was so confused on where the hell I was. Not to mention the place is huge, so when you're lost, it's that much more confusing.

    Krissta on
  • jthom252jthom252 Duarte, CARegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Krissta wrote: »
    The only really true critique I have is for PAX to make a better, more accurate map! I was so confused on where the hell I was. Not to mention the place is huge, so when you're lost, it's that much more confusing.

    I have to agree with this, to add to it I think that adding things like the bag check locations would help (I realize that PAX might not have a ton of control over this though).

    Beyond that I'd say that stuff like the free hotel shuttle was a real welcome surprise but I was packing extra cash for a taxi because I had no real idea about it, I'd say that broadcasting services like that would be good. I guess one other suggestion I might have would be to have a pre-show sale for things like the shirts/scarves/bags - the one convention I know of that does this is BlizzCon but its nice since store lines can get pretty long and if you're running around from panel to panel or exhibition hall you might not want to spare that extra 30 minutes.

    jthom252 on
  • FormerTwigmanFormerTwigman Registered User new member
    edited March 2011
    Just got back from my first PAX and it was even more fun than I thought was possible.

    This is only a suggestion if it happened and I wasn't aware of it.... but there should be some sort of multi-stage retro gaming tournament... perhaps an NES or SNES triathalon? (I'm thinking, Dr. Mario, Duck Hunt and... some third thing.)

    FormerTwigman on
  • aerynkellyaerynkelly nothing to see here, move along Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I had a fantastic time, I think this year was a huge improvement over last year, so great job guys!

    One thing I liked last year and missed this year was the Rock Band lounge - I know that Rock Band had a booth setup in the expo hall, but it was in the middle of everything and didn't have the same feel that the lounge had.

    I agree about the map - it was great, but difficult to orientate myself. I think if there were a few more landmarks on the map (like atm locations and shuttle/trolley locations) that would be helpful, and on the big maps posted around if you could do a "you are here" that would be great. Once I got used to the convention center layout it was easier to get around.

    Also the trolleys were great for getting to lunch locations, but if something went later into the afternoon and preferably the evening that would be great - I'd even be willing to pay a bit for it. There just weren't enough restaurant options in immediate walking distance (which we knew was a downside to this location.)

    I was glad to see the TVs broadcasting differen't panels, and the overflow room for the main theater was great!

    Good job with lines this year...and the Enforcers rule!

    aerynkelly on
  • F1CTIONALF1CTIONAL Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    My first PAX too and man, it was, without a doubt, the best convention I've ever been to in my life. Bravo to all those who made it possible. I think you guys should definitely keep the scavenger hunt/PAX XP events going. They are awesome and if they keep happening are going to be pretty cool things to collect over multiple PAXs.


    Also agree with the map. It needs to be easier to orient.

    F1CTIONAL on
  • fe2o3fe2o3 Registered User new member
    edited March 2011
    I am a pc, console, and board gamer, but I spent all my time in the boardgame area.
    I noticed that during peak hours, most of the interesting an new games in the board game library were checked out. Also, it became difficult to hold a table during peak hours.

    Please make the boardgame area larger and have a higher number of games available.

    I had fun anyway.

    fe2o3 on
  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    edited March 2011

    that is all.

    RainbowTunnel on
  • whatatravisty22whatatravisty22 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I had a blast this year, so much fun

    My biggest disappointment from last year was having to pick which select panels you wanted to attend because of the smaller rooms and sometimes waiting close to 2 hours. This year I had nearly no problems making it to any panels I wanted to catch except for Saturday evening (I forgot once the expo closed more people would be attending panels). Overall a great improvement in being able to attend panels :)

    At Hynes I enjoyed having the beanbags between halls of the convention. This year I think I only noticed them in the hand held area, didn't go there since I don't own one. I would request maybe having more of them spread out across the convention for additional seating options. This may pose a problem with queue lines but could probably be worked out.

    The expo felt crammed and abundant with long lines. I found I tended to base which booths I would wait for on line length and forms of entertainment for the line such as displays. For space maybe increase the expo by reducing the food court or queue area. As far as lines go I anticipate you can't do much about that because of product popularity/the booth deciding how long to make the demos.

    Already looking forward to the next one

    whatatravisty22 on
  • flarghflargh Registered User new member
    edited March 2011
    I was at last year's PAX East and this was an improvement, especially given the scale increase in the number of people attending.

    The BCEC is the best place in Boston for a show of this scale, but there are a lot of problems with the venue too. It's remote to the rest of Boston, and there isn't enough in that part of South Boston to keep people around after the show's regular hours were done.

    What's more, the MCCA bleeds attendees dry for food and drink - and unlike the Hynes, there isn't a nearby mall like the Prudential Center to help cash-strapped attendees catch a break, with reasonably priced food court meals and such. For a family of five, which is how we traveled, that gets ridiculously expensive - $67 for mediocre chicken fingers ("E-Z Bake Oven food," according to my wife) and beverages for the five of us. And $7 for a slice of pizza? Insane.

    The relative absence of on-site hotels (outside of the Westin and the Seaport and I guess, marginally, the Renaissance) meant a lot of people had to commute a long way to come to the show each day.

    But really, in that respect, the BCEC is no different from the Javits in NYC, the LACC or the Moscone in San Francisco (although there are certainly more places around the Moscone to each cheaply) - these convention centers go up in blighted urban areas with the expectation that they'll help revitalize the area.

    I love the Omegathon and the Saturday night concert, but I wish those events could be staged a bit earlier. By the time JoCo wrapped up, it was like The Walking Dead leaving the venue, and a lot of people were devastated the next day - especially with the unfortunate DST change.

    flargh on
  • f0cusf0cus Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Yeah, something has to be done next year food wise. That was ridiculous. I ate at the con twice and had a miserable experience. I wonder if the BCEC would let someone like Papa John's come in as a sponsor to one of the big rooms and just cook pizza to sell at their prices.

    But yeah, the lines are getting a little ridiculous. I worry that this will one day turn into ComicCon, with 8+ hour lines for any AAA title preview. Gears 3 seemed to be the best system (10 minute games, plenty of screens, talk to the employees while IN LINE, not while playing). I played twice, and waited 10 minutes once and twenty minutes the other time.

    I love the expansion of tabletop gaming, but maybe we can see the same for smaller, independent gaming? The Boston Indie Showcase being only three titles this year made me want to cry.

    f0cus on
    XBox - Angry Cremepuff
    PSN - AngryCremepuff
  • poisonxpoisonx Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I have to agree some people you know who you are smelled very bad. A little small deodorant sample @ the door would have been nice. As my first PAX east i'd have to say well done. The lines were very long and I waited 3 hours in line to play a 20 minute demo of The Darkness 2. Can't wait for PAX EAST 2012, i'll be buying a three day pass next year.

    poisonx on
  • DeBurgoDeBurgo Registered User new member
    edited March 2011
    I had a huge writeup but then I read "brief" so I decided to cut it down as much as I could:

    -line management on panels was my biggest complaint last year, and it was improved a ton! Every enforcer that did line management is awesome.
    -this isn't really bad or good, but the allocation of space sure was kind of weird. Lots of empty space. I'm assuming/hoping it's for future expansion! I bring it up though since the expo hall felt a bit cramped, while the queue room was never even close to full, and the cafeteria at the back was often empty too.
    -this may be a tall order, but more cameras at panels! I heard people in the back of some theaters tended to leave because they couldn't see (or hear) the panelists. Some of those theaters are very long.
    -(related to above) the sound on a couple of the panels was sketchy, too.

    also, yeah, I understand this may not be under PAX's control, but, for extremely popular games there need to be shorter demos. Ten minute, 15 minute demos tops. Not 20-30 minute demos. I find long demos are actually quite intimidating/uncomfortable to play in addition to making lines longer (in fact partly BECAUSE they make lines longer).

    DeBurgo on
  • cyntheticcynthetic Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I definitely agree with food prices being too high in the convention hall. Spending $10 for my own meal is a lot, but I can't even fathom feeding a family with those prices! And the only way to get cheap food was to pay for a cab to get there (which sort of negates the whole thing)...

    Also, I'm going to be the one that says it. I'm uncomfortable with exhibitors using women (who are dressed in demeaning outfits, and have the sole purpose of "looking sexy") to attract people to their booths...aka booth babes. I didn't go to those booths at all (because I think the best way to stop it would be if no one participated in those booths--which I know isn't going to happen, but I'm at least not going to enable something I find offensive.)

    Maybe people are tired of hearing it, but since it was voted on by PAX attendees, and (based on response) prohibited, I'm thinking I'm not the only one who's thinking this.

    I know the Duke Nukem girls are "characters" and therefore "cosplaying" --and let me say, I have no problem with sexy girl cosplayers walking about the convention. You're entitled to wear what you want as an attendee, but I think it seems more just like a loop hole for the companies to get passed the rule. There's a difference between cosplaying as an attendee, and using the objectification of women to advertise your game. If PAX attendees voted that they didn't want booth babes, why would they want the same basic thing under a different term?

    I'm sorry if this is a hot topic that's going to spiral into a heated debate. I only mean to give my personal opinion of how pax could have been a better experience for myself.

    cynthetic on
  • King of KickassKing of Kickass Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    MadM3rlin wrote: »
    Free deodorant at the door. Being a nerd does not excuse poor hygeine... YOU GUYS KNOW WHO YOU WERE!!! It shouldn't smell like a barn in random pockets on the expo floor. FFS. It's not like warm running water is in short supply in this country.

    Absolutely echoing that sentiment. My experience at Protomen and Mc frontalot; earplugs were better suited for the nostrils. I brought my own spray cologne the next day.

    King of Kickass on
  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited March 2011
    Do NOT schedule next year's during the switch to DST. I beg of you.

    Sterica on
  • MadM3rlinMadM3rlin Registered User regular
    edited March 2011

    Absolutely echoing that sentiment. My experience at Protomen and Mc frontalot; earplugs were better suited for the nostrils. I brought my own spray cologne the next day.


    Who ever did lights for the show on friday night... I want to know where you live so I can kick your ass for blinding me. That is all.

    MadM3rlin on
  • NeuralLinkNeuralLink Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    MadM3rlin wrote: »
    Who ever did lights for the show on friday night... I want to know where you live so I can kick your ass for blinding me. That is all.

    This is true, those LCD panels were unreasonably bright. At least aim them up rather than at the people in front of the stage.

    NeuralLink on
  • crimsong19crimsong19 New YorkRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    All the additional space was great, but it seemed like too much at times. Additionally, there was the deal with the food prices ...

    crimsong19 on
    PAX East status: Hotel [X] Three-day passes [] Two one-day passes [X] Cookie recipes [X] Transportation [X]
  • havok978havok978 Baltimore, MdRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    Do NOT schedule next year's during the switch to DST. I beg of you.

    This. I'm sure I'm not the only one that felt like death warmed over when I woke up this morning.

    havok978 on
  • grkpektisgrkpektis Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I had a great time at PAX it was the greatest con I have ever been to. My one complaint is that sony only brought socom 4, I was hoping to play infamous 2 and move heroes. Also I have to mention how great the enforcers were


    Kirby krackle in the concert
    Masquerade (people compete by doing sketches in VG costumes)
    Cosplay contest

    grkpektis on
  • kid_nyckid_nyc Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    i agree with a lot of the points some of you made in this thread:

    1) the food was overpriced. it's something i was completely expecting, and would have been more ok with if it didn't make me ill. seriously ill. and never mind the meals, i mean, 7 bucks for a sandwich is stupid, but reasonable for a place like that, but $6 for a small bag of trail mix? $4.50 for a single nutra-grain bar? seriously? i should have brought my own food.

    2) there was a lot of empty space on the convention floor. why? it could have been used to expand the floor a little more so not everything was as tight. i didn't think walking around the booths was too bad, but it could have been better if they used every inch of that space.

    3) i found the place to be a bit confusing to navigate around at first. i agree with whoever said it would have been nice if the big poster maps had a: "you are here" star on them. someone posted on twitter that "who says nerds don't excersize? i must have walked 10 miles going back and forth between places." i agree, but i feel everything was utilized well. it's not pax's fault that the bcec is one long rectangle.

    4) everything people said in here about the enforcers being awesome and people at the convention being friendly was absolutely true. there were many times where i got lost, especially on friday, and i'd go up to an enforcer to ask for directions. all of them were really friendly and knowledgeable.
    4a) unlike some of you, i never had a problem with gamer b.o. i met a lot of really friendly people, and had fun playing numerous rounds of mario kart in lines and at the handheld lounge. my one real complaint with other attendees were the people who were using multiple beanbags for themseleves in the lounge. i watched a lot of people walk in and then leave because there wasn't anywhere to sit- all because others were hogging the beanbags (which were damn comfortable). but i think that all falls under the "don't be a dick" rule.

    oh and whoever on here said the jenga game was lame... are you for real? that $hit was intense!

    kid_nyc on
  • mando777mando777 Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    lemme just start by saying how awesome PAX was, I had a blast, it was once in a lifetime/year event for me. I just want to say a big thank you to all who helped putting together this event, including the enforcers.

    And here are some of my thoughts on the event.


    - A lot of space! I've only been to one convention before this, and I expected PAX to be completely packed of people with no place to eat/sit. I was happily surprised that I could actually sit down on a nice chair, eat and relax after walking for hours long. (gotta admit, they had very comfy chairs).

    - Events, wow they were so many events and raffle drawings, there is always something to do!

    - The staff were very friendly and I've met many awesome people. I really enjoyed the PC free play and the tournaments, nothing like relaxing on a chair and playing some COD or SC with friends after a long walk.


    - The event with Husky and Day[9] wasnt very well planned out. A lot of people got left out and couldn't make it into the theater. Should have held this event in a much larger theater so people won't leave disappointed because a lot of them went just so they can see them.

    - The main expo was really crowded, it would have been better to spread it out a bit more to the extra space. And this would also help out raffle drawings...

    - Food was overpriced but I wasn't surprised, I've never seen cheap food at big events anyway. I spent most of my money on food.

    - It's my fault, but I found out about this event really late but still got lucky and managed to get tickets through the forum.

    That's all on my mind right now. Overall, PAX was awesome, looking forward to the next one!

    mando777 on
  • TennbergTennberg Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Having been to both PAX Easts, this will include thoughts with both in mind:

    - Given the scale of PAX East this year, we now know that the BCEC was the only option. However, PAX had the entire center to themselves, yet the food areas and queue room seemed like wasted space. As others have noted, they erred on the side of caution. For 2012, use more floor space so that the exhibitor booths aren't on top of each other and there's actually a walkway.

    - As others have mentioned, get a better map for next year. Also, use a lot more floor signs saying, "ATM this way" or "Naga Theater this way".

    - Props to all you female gamers, but you know and I know that conventions like this are going to be giant sausage fests. Please convert a few of the women's restrooms into men's restrooms for the weekend.

    - I know reservations can be tricky, but please try to schedule it on a non-DST weekend in 2012. I was aware of it, and I know you printed it on the letter that was sent with the passes. However, I'm sure some people missed panels/contests/etc. on Sunday.

    - Work with the MCAA to allow more outside food vendors for PAX weekend so that we don't end up paying $10+ for a few disappointing chicken fingers, fries, and a soda. Being next to the Pru/Newbury St last year at the Hynes was awesome. That's the one aspect I missed.

    - If a game developer is bringing a game as a playable demo that you know is going to be popular, have them agree to bring at least 10-15 demo stations and agree to limit demo time to no more than 5-7 mins per person. Have them create a short contest like the Red Faction booth (you have 1 min to score X points, and you get something). No one wants to spend 4-6 hours in a line waiting for people playing 30 min demos.

    Some specific thoughts:

    - To the guys hosting the "How to Win at Games" panel: First, if you're going to stand, how about using some clip-on mics? No one could hear you when you were speaking several feet away from the mics on the table. Second, the first half of the panel was nice, but spending the second half showing how to win at games that many people may not play was tedious.

    - To the BRINK people: Okay, if you're going to hand out these super-cool boarding tickets, how about you actually make your event, you know, super-cool? It said the event was from 8pm-11pm, so we showed up at 7 to try and be the first 200 in line to get swag. We were around #210 or so. No swag :-( More importantly, the fact that it took you over an hour (since you started letting the first people in at 8pm) to get through the first 200 people might have gone faster had you had more people slapping on wristbands and/or allowing more than 5 people up the stairs at a time.

    Now, having worked across the street from Black Falcon Pier years ago, I knew it was going to be a dump of a venue. But seriously, if you're going to advertise your venue as an "Ark" and instead have it be in a rundown industrial building, at least put up a few posters of the ocean or maybe a printout of a pair of moose to give us the sense that we're on an ark.

    So, after we got into the venue, one of your people said, "Hey, get into this short line to sign up to play Brink!" That sounds like a cool idea! We get into line. 10 seconds later - "Sorry, no more demo play signups!" WTF?!

    But, hey, at least there will be food and refreshments like it says on this super-cool ticket, right? Oh, that must be the food line over there. I wonder what sort of food we're getting. I scout ahead. I see a giant table with cans of Coke, and a field of empty paper plates, waiting to be filled with a single slice of pizza each. What type of pizza, you ask? The type of pizza that isn't even out yet while the food line has grown to over 100 people.

    So, let's recap. Crappy venue, no play time, no food laid out when we finally got in an hour after it started, and the super-cool yet incredibly misleading ticket. We stayed for a few minutes, yanked a t-shirt from the pile at the exit, and got some real dinner.

    Thanks, BRINK!

    Tennberg on
  • cyntheticcynthetic Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Tennberg wrote: »
    - Props to all you female gamers, but you know and I know that conventions like this are going to be giant sausage fests. Please convert a few of the women's restrooms into men's restrooms for the weekend.

    lol. Now you know how we feel at everything else. :D Anytime I went to the restrooms, all I could think was, "Gosh, it's nice to finally be somewhere that doesn't have a line for the women's restroom.

    While I do agree that it would balance better if one or two would be converted, keep in mind how frustrating it would be to need to use the lou and find one, only to realize that both doors say the opposite sex.

    cynthetic on
  • ReuraReura Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I'll jump in with this:

    - Lots of space
    - Tabletop rent-a-game was great and we got to try two new games our group had never played
    - Tons of MTG events in the tabletop area
    - A good variety of exhibitors

    - Prices and variety of food available
    - Variety of panels, and capacity for them (I only had one panel I absolutely wanted to see -Geek Parenting- and it was full by the time I even got to it)
    - Shuttle down time... I only got to use the shuttles once and that was because I didn't feel like paying for another taxi to my hotel.
    - Variety of vendors. I would have loved to see some craft vendors, not just the big names.

    Reura on
  • Dr. DeezeeDr. Deezee Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    mando777 wrote: »

    - The event with Husky and Day[9] wasnt very well planned out. A lot of people got left out and couldn't make it into the theater. Should have held this event in a much larger theater so people won't leave disappointed because a lot of them went just so they can see them.

    FYI this is a related thread:

    Dr. Deezee on
  • SpiderSimianSpiderSimian Registered User regular
    edited March 2011

    - I really enjoyed the keynote, even though I went into it thinking I wouldn't. Excellent.

    - Liked how there was much more space for panels this year

    - Found the freeplay sections were INCREDIBLY well stocked and well run this year


    - The PAX map for the convention centre was horrible. I mean really REALLY horrible. Everyone in my group of 10+ people kept getting lost. Next year whoever does the map can you

    a) Please indicate on the map where actual stairs, escalators, and pedways are, so people can get their bearings... as an example, nowheere on the maps can you see where you are coming from as you leave the hotel pedway.
    b) Put up more signs for what direction the rooms are at all the major intersections... there seemed to be way less signs than last year
    c) Please include the *real* room #s (like B 123 or whatever) alongside the Wyvern / etc. descriptiions, so that people can use the built-in convention signs (which are everywhere) as a guide if needed

    - Location made it hard to go to restaurants, and food court stuff was horribly overpriced and under-quality... not much you can do there though since I imagine it's part of the event contract?

    - Didn't like the main theatre as much as last year. It seemed a lot smaller. Was thinking why not use where the "food court" was this year (which was mostly empty space) to put the big shows???? Put the stage down there! That space was so large it could have accomodated 10x the people, anyone who wanted to go to the main panels would for sure get seats.

    - I'd like to suggest moving some of the signings etc. to one of the first two days for people who have 6-8 hour drives and have to work on Monday. ... this was the second year I couldn't get my stuff signed because we had to take off... I know a lot of people are in this boat. it always seems like some of the best stuff is lined up for Sunday afternoon when a lot of people have to take off.

    SpiderSimian on
  • SpiderSimianSpiderSimian Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    cynthetic wrote: »

    lol. Now you know how we feel at everything else. :D Anytime I went to the restrooms, all I could think was, "Gosh, it's nice to finally be somewhere that doesn't have a line for the women's restroom.

    While I do agree that it would balance better if one or two would be converted, keep in mind how frustrating it would be to need to use the lou and find one, only to realize that both doors say the opposite sex.

    I agree with above. The bathrooms were not a huge issue. The longest line I ever saw was only about 5 people deep. As I am sure females would know this is NOTHING compared to most major events. I have had to wait 20 mins to use the bathroom at some concerts. Waiting for 5 guys at a urinal is nothing.

    SpiderSimian on
  • GrundlestiltskinGrundlestiltskin Behind you!Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    On Daylight Savings - Absolutely brutal for the people attending the duration of the concert. I didn't get home until about 3:30am with DST (concert finished around 3am), then had to turn around to be back at 10am for panels. Brutal.

    On Food Prices - They sucked, but I'm not really sure what people were expecting. I think people have rose-tinted glasses on regarding last year and the proximity to the Pru, but I live across the street; you're going to pay $8-$12 for a full lunch pretty much anywhere in Boston (at the chain-type places), with the possible ironic exception of Chinatown. Food quality/variety is probably the bigger issue here.
    cynthetic wrote: »
    Also, I'm going to be the one that says it. I'm uncomfortable with exhibitors using women (who are dressed in demeaning outfits, and have the sole purpose of "looking sexy") to attract people to their booths...aka booth babes. I didn't go to those booths at all (because I think the best way to stop it would be if no one participated in those booths--which I know isn't going to happen, but I'm at least not going to enable something I find offensive.)

    Maybe people are tired of hearing it, but since it was voted on by PAX attendees, and (based on response) prohibited, I'm thinking I'm not the only one who's thinking this.

    I know the Duke Nukem girls are "characters" and therefore "cosplaying" --and let me say, I have no problem with sexy girl cosplayers walking about the convention. You're entitled to wear what you want as an attendee, but I think it seems more just like a loop hole for the companies to get passed the rule. There's a difference between cosplaying as an attendee, and using the objectification of women to advertise your game. If PAX attendees voted that they didn't want booth babes, why would they want the same basic thing under a different term?

    Just wanted to comment on this briefly. First, whether or not an outfit is demeaning is, I would think, entirely up to the person wearing it; it seems like a pretty subjective evaluation. Second, even when some of the girls tending the booths weren't specifically dressed up, it was reasonably obvious why they were chosen to be there (this might just be my gamers cynicism). That just makes them more cleverly disguised booth babes, but booth babes nonetheless.

    Personal opinions of booth babes aside, it was pretty curious to see them there after specifically seeing Gabe comment on how they wouldn't allow booth babes at PAX. The difference between booth babes and cosplayers is a pretty arbitrary line, but let's call a spade a spade. The Duke Nukem Forever and the Sprint/IGN exhibits were pretty clearly toeing that line.

    Grundlestiltskin on
    3DS FC: 2079-6424-8577 | PSN: KaeruX65 | Steam: Karulytic | FFXIV: Wonder Boy
  • Mike TooleMike Toole Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Awesome stuff:

    Enforcers - They get their own thread, but can't get enough praise. Great group of people, and PAX should be commended for creating the kind of culture that fosters a group of volunteers like this.

    Overflow room - THANK YOU. Missed getting into the ballroom for the Omegathon final, and this just about (see below) saved my day. As an adjunct, I also liked the TVs in the halls showing various panels. There were plenty I wasn't quite into enough to go to, but was still happy to "peek" at via the TVs.

    Larger panel rooms - I noticed a bit fewer panels filling up - and the ones that filled up did so a bit later than last year. Good to have the larger space.

    ALL freeplay areas - Console, PC, tabletop. Logistics for these busy areas is handled like a well-oiled machine. My nephew and I rocked tons of games and never had to wait for long. Even at its peak, console freeplay had a wait time of 30-40 minutes tops.

    The "total package" - PAX East remains tons of fun in spite of crazy logistical challenges. I was occasionally frustrated by crowding and other issues, but my frustration never lasted for long because there was always something else to do.

    Not-so-awesome stuff:
    Line/space issues in expo hall - The place needs to be spread out for next year. It was hard to turn around in a lot of areas, and this was often due to teeming throngs trying to line up and play the new games. Part of the responsibility for this must be borne by the vendors, too - it's kind of unfair to set up 8 stations for a 45-minute demo (Star Wars), creating a line of suffering nerds who had to wait for 3 hours or more. I think that if a hands-on demo is going to take more than 15 minutes, the publisher should be obliged get a larger booth space - if not to install more demo stations, than to contain a larger line with stupid stuff to keep them entertained.

    "Booth babes" - Don't care about the gender politics of these marketing temps so much - they're just doing their jobs, after all - but the presence of these folks created many, many bottlenecks in the expo hall as fans repeatedly stopped in the aisles to photograph them. Also, PAX has demostrated wonderfully over the past several years that these ladies are not neessary for a successful expo hall - so why bring them back now?

    Tech issues in overflow - Omegathon final involved Ikaruga. The crowd in the ballroom got the gamescreens projected, but we didn't downstairs - we just got to watch the back of four contestants. Don't know how the ball got dropped on this, but please make sure the overflow area gets the gamescreen feed as well as the camera feed next time!

    Water - Hard to find water coolers/stations in a lot of areas. In a place that large, water service should be all over the damn place. Yes, I know it's expensive :(

    Lack of selection/diversity in programming - A lot of repeat panels from last year, it seemed like. More fan panels wouldn't be a bad thing, IMO. Also, it looked to me like all of the musical acts were the same people that were here last year. Book someone new, please?

    Mike Toole on
  • BeastGraphixBeastGraphix Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Cancel all future pax easts, re-direct founding to throw a PAX reunion convention in maydenbauer.

    BeastGraphix on
  • alongxalongx Registered User new member
    edited March 2011
    My biggest complaint about PAX East over the last two years is the Q&A session. Mike said it explicitly on stage during Sunday's Q&A - "Will you sign my shit?" is not an appropriate question for this type of panel! I think that this could be avoided entirely if there were one or two more events listed on the schedule and it was made clear what each event would be.

    For example, there should be a separate hour or half hour just for bequeathing gifts upon Jerry and Mike ("Will you take this gift" also doesn't seem like much of a question!). As much as it was mentioned during the final Q&A session, if there's a specific time and place where people can go to get their books/passes/recent PAX-themed tattoos signed, it should be on the schedule to minimize uncertainty. As it is, I understand the position of those asking for signings and such because the Q&A panels were the only times they could guarantee Jerry and Mike would be around.

    As much as the audience still got to hear some comedic gems in response to these non-questions, I was a bit disappointed that, summing across all of the events (2.5+ hours of time), I only heard maybe 10 real questions, the answers to which were much funnier and more thoughtful. For this reason alone, I'd say the most enjoyable Penny-Arcade related event I've been a part of was their first foray on the East Cost, at a small gaming event in Secaucus, NJ, where they fielded an hour of pointed questions.

    A second, smaller point: hand sanitizer on the show floor! Also by food courts maybe? Only saw it at the Fire Pro Wrestling booth. As someone who is currently fighting off illness contracted at PAX, I couldn't help but think that sanitizing controllers between players could be a very good thing.

    Otherwise, great show. Much better than last year - new venue was not nearly as claustrophobic as the previous one, despite the huge turnout.

    alongx on
  • <Omicron-8643><Omicron-8643> Just outside DC. Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    HUGE HUGE HUGE thanks to the Enforcers running /dance Saturday night. This is what made the convention for me. Seriously, everyone who turned out to dance with us, even if only for a little bit, made the sore legs and thrashed body worth it. I stumbled upon /dance after getting out of the ArmCannon and Powerglove concert and even though I was still hurting from moshing to the Pokemon theme (amongst other things) the gleeful energy from a bunch of nerds dancing kept me going from 6 to midnight. If we can make sure that /dance lives on, I would be a happy nerd.

    Also, @Pax_lines was really on the ball with keeping up with the line times for the entire convention. However, I didn't like that @pax_official sometimes had the same information as @pax_lines but not all the time. This may just be my own personal tic, but I like having everything organized so if the two twitter feeds could be more distinct, I think they'd work better. Also, if it's possible to have a few television screen streams the twitter feeds, it would make it easier to keep track of things.

    On the more critique-y side, one thing I noticed was the increase in panel cancellations. Granted, this may just be the increase in the reliability of @pax_official during the convention so there were more reports of panels canceled but everyone in my room agreed that there were a strange number of cancellations.

    <Omicron-8643> on
  • HolyyakkerHolyyakker Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I will make a longer more comprehensive post but to comment on a few things read so far.

    Deodorant - Even if you hand it out free people won't neccessarily use it. Even if they did, multiple times a day, there is always going to be some funk.

    Food Quality/Price - Welcome to convention centers. Last year it was a bit easier to get to other places, but if you went to the Westin Lobby and asked they could recommend several places within walking distance with wonderful food. Food prices are always a bit jacked in a captive environment, so bring your own snacks. To those who got sick you are the exception, not the rule. As someone who has worked a lot of food places they were practicing (from what I could see) safe food preparation and serving techniques.

    "Booth Babes" - I come down in the middle on this issue, my friends and I debated it quite a bit last night. The general conclusion we came to was that while perhaps DNF was a bit "over the top" the entire GAME was over the top. The game demo has two girls giving him a hummer. The women working the booth were not booth babes in the same sense that E3 had "booth babes." The girls at DNF were answering questions when asked, handing out swag, and being more than just eye candy. I also agree with an earlier poster that even when girls were in less revealing outfits many booths, Vindictus for example, purposely hired attractive women to work their booth.

    Water - It is called a drinking fountain. Tap water will not kill you, we are not in Mexico.

    Hotels - There were two practically on site hotels and frequent shuttles to many more. I think my "commute" to and from the convention was 10 to 15 minutes each day, if that. Yes, the Hynes has more hotels within walking distance, but it's not like we were on an island in the middle of the ocean and with the size of the con there is no way the Hynes would have been sufficient this year.

    Not trying to crap on everyone's complaints. But I wanted to offer a counterpoint to a number of the ones that I thought either needed two sides told (booth babes) or some of the more frivalous ones (water).

    Holyyakker on
    "Beware to March of Dimes" - MacBeth
  • UnstaUnsta Fredericton, NBRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    cynthetic wrote: »
    I definitely agree with food prices being too high in the convention hall. Spending $10 for my own meal is a lot, but I can't even fathom feeding a family with those prices! And the only way to get cheap food was to pay for a cab to get there (which sort of negates the whole thing)...

    Actually there were plenty of delivery options that offered GREAT prices, free delivery and 30-45 minute service. They'll deliver to your hotel room, or even the hotel lobby if your not actually staying in the Westin. We ordered Pizza, subs, pulled pork sandwiches, etc... All at very reasonable prices.

    Unsta on
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