other monster-raising game to come out for the Nintendo DS.
Join Ellie as she gets transported to a monster-filled world, corrupted by bullies that enslave monsters to do their bidding. The only way for Ellie to solve the problem is to befriend the monster "Chomp" and start beating the crap out of everything with her satchel. Also, she has a mega buster.
Quick Look thanks to the Giant Bomb crewScreenshots
- Metroidvania: Backtrack to your heart's delight, beating up everything in your path
- Ellie: Satchel things, then combo away
- Chomp: He likes to eat or play with everything you send to the bottom screen, and also enjoys beating things up!
- Bosses!
- Satchels!
- Monster upgrade system with levels and new abilities!
- Hopefully a more balanced difficulty than Hatsworth!
I really do want to promote this game, since I've not heard a peep from this anywhere else. It's a shame it comes out at the end of the DS life cycle, with so little fanfare. If you were a fan of Henry Hatsworth, it's worth giving this gem your support.
This is supposedly out now, but good luck tracking it down if you didn't pre-order. The Gamestop I went to didn't get any copies due to no pre-orders, which is a rant saved for another time or place. Heck, I'm still looking to pick this up where I can, but I'll still spread the word in the meantime.
Why I fear the ocean.
It's available on the GS site, and on Amazon... Best Buy lists a release date of 22Mar, though.
Biggest knocks against the game are due to its backtracking, not difficulty.
PSN: Toma84
It looks very fun...but yea, Hatsworth, for as much as i liked the game, was probably one of the most brutal games for the DS.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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And Henry Hatsworth is an absolute gem if you haven't played it... which, ah, most of the universe hasn't.
And anyone who wants to play it will absolutely enjoy the silly adventure of Henry Hatsworth...that is until they reach the sewer, which is the longest, hardest, cheapest, and most brutal level in any platformer in the history of platformers. :x
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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It's best for your sanity if you pretend the game ends at the end of World 4 and the bonus levels don't exist.
But how can you pass up crap like this?
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
"Banson's Aria" I believe. They had the soundtrack for free download online. I wonder if it still is up there on the site.
PSN: Toma84
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
This game is so much fun to play. Its like Metroid, but better (IMO of course)
My only fear is that I'll beat it before I get all the forms of Chomp... after about 4 hours I'm already 30% through the game.
Currently working at Target. Sometimes, games come in, but for whatever reason, they don't get added to a sales planner, which means they just rot in the backroom until they go clearance. I only bring this up because this is one of those games (I noticed a single copy when I was looking for something else).
The system they have for stocking games is downright retarded at times.
Short story: Amazon/WalMart purchase it is, then.
PSN: Toma84
Pokemon White Friend Code:0089 1626 3393
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
Haha yeah the same thing happened to me. I had to actually think strategy for the first time lol.
I just got to third boss and she is not easy. Look's like I'm going to need some upgrades.
There is so much backtracking in this game...
...and I just bought both of them.
Initial impressions:
- Yup, this is by the Hatsworth guys
- Yup, controls just like Hatsworth
- Using Chomp's abilities as secondary/customizable attacks is quite fun
- Loving the monster designs
- Feels like Chomp is a good extension of Ellie's fighting, instead of being just another character on screen. There's an actual incentive to use him, since Ellie doesn't gain XP.
PSN: Toma84
Oh yeah, and the forms are part of the completion percentage, for those of you who demand 100%. Wonder if there will be a New Game+ like in Hatsworth.
PSN: Toma84
Truly you are a god among men.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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Erf. Tell you what, I'll try to make it to the end if you finally give B-K: Nuts and Bolts a try. :P
But I don't want to play with's teh kiddy.
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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Unlocked all of chomps forms. Never found a wall of difficulty. No new game plus as far as I can tell. Was lots of fun.
... Drill Mister and Heal II are my favorite abilities.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
3DS FC: 4940-5450-0161
Chomp gets XP as long as he gets an attack in; he doesn't have to land the killing blow. Just make sure Chomp connects once, then go to town with Ellie.
Yeah, I just figured that out. But most of the critters still only take one shot right now so very little has changed. Plus my bracelet just got ammo.