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The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later.



  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Well, there's no ads on the forum anyway (other than ad at top for PA stuff) but certainly on the mainsite.

    Tofystedeth on
  • syndalissyndalis Getting Classy On the WallRegistered User, Loves Apple Products, Transition Team regular
    edited April 2011
    Even if you are no longer admin, I hope you and your hats stick around to enjoy our server-busy-free, vanilla future. You put a lot of work into this stuff, and I wish you the best wherever you go.

    syndalis on
    Let's play Mario Kart or something...
  • RamiusRamius Joined: July 19, 2000 Administrator, ClubPA admin
    edited April 2011
    I've implemented a tweak to hopefully subdue the "server too busy" errors a bit. There is still a good chance this fix will not eliminate them entirely. Please report if you get any anomalous new error messages, and feel free to let me know if you feel the "server too busy" messages are improved.

    Ramius on
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I got a server is busy message just a minute ago, after the forums came back.

    Ante on
  • Goose!Goose! That's me, honey Show me the way home, honeyRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    So far so good on the server too busy messages, hopefully I'm not jinxing it.

    Goose! on
  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Definitely somewhat improved though I just got one. The error message popups seem to be a different window style. Though I only saw those while you were working on it. They may be back to normal now, unless that was in fact part of the fix.

    Tofystedeth on
  • SteevSteev What can I do for you? Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I had a "server too busy" message about a minute ago.

    Steev on
  • SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    One a couple of minutes just now from 5:24-5:25.

    SabreMau on
  • RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Just had one for under a minute

    Ringo on
  • RamiusRamius Joined: July 19, 2000 Administrator, ClubPA admin
    edited April 2011
    knowing exactly when they occur doesn't help me much since 1) it is anecdotal evidence at best and 2) I don't have any previous data to compare it to. If you have been on the forums a lot over the last 3 days and you feel you are now getting them in general LESS, that would be nice to know.

    I can tell by the server statistics that we are now distributing the load more evenly among the remaining servers so I think that SHOULD be helpful - but the degree to which it helps is probably a matter of perception - it could be anywhere between barely perceptible to quite noticeable of an improvement.

    Ramius on
  • SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Just had one trying to navigate away from this page. But yeah, it definitely helped

    Spoit on
  • RingoRingo He/Him a distinct lack of substanceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Quite noticeable improvement, Ramius.

    I've had.. 3 in the last uhhh 2 hours?

    And before I was getting one every five minutes

    Ringo on
  • Goose!Goose! That's me, honey Show me the way home, honeyRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Just got my first one(s) at 9:52 PM ET (1 minute ago).

    And another at 9:56 PM ET

    I'm assuming people told other people Ramius fixed it and now the server is getting stressed again.

    Goose! on
  • TurkeyTurkey So, Usoop. TampaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Whatever you did worked, Ramius. I've had only two errors since the update.

    Edit - Ironically I got one as I was posting this.

    Turkey on
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I've been on the forums a lot all week (quiet week at work), and it's definitely improved. From every second or third navigation not working, to once every ten or twenty. This is in roughly the same timeframe every day, so unless today is just quieter than the start of the week, you've definitely made an improvement.

    Ante on
  • RamiusRamius Joined: July 19, 2000 Administrator, ClubPA admin
    edited April 2011
    Another cost cutting measure in the interest of performance:

    I've disabled thread previews. That was the feature where you could hover your mouse over a thread title and it would show you the first 150 characters of the first post.

    Ramius on
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I've noticed it is quite a bit better, too. It was almost so bad I couldn't read a single page of a thread and click to the next without an error before. Now I'm almost back to normal.

    joshofalltrades on
  • EndEnd Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    It definitely seems a lot better, although it usually gets better later at night.

    Thread previews seems like a small price to pay.

    End on
    I wish that someway, somehow, that I could save every one of us
  • JasconiusJasconius sword criminal mad onlineRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Much better since your voodoo magic.

    Jasconius on
    this is a discord of mostly PA people interested in fighting games:

    we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
  • T. J. Nutty Nub T. J. Nutty Nub Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I dont think ive seen a busy message since the implementation

    T. J. Nutty Nub on
  • EndEnd Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Yeah, normally we'd be getting a lot more at this time of day, so there's definitely been a significant improvement.

    Edit: Actually, not sure if I've seen any today?

    Edit2: Oh there's one! Still, went about a half hour without seeing any so that's still way better.

    End on
    I wish that someway, somehow, that I could save every one of us
  • HappylilElfHappylilElf Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I've had a couple here and there but it's absolutely better than it was before the change.

    HappylilElf on
  • The Muffin ManThe Muffin Man Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I get slightly less (maybe 1 or 2 per page less) but they seem to be lasting longer, so it's a wash/net loss.

    The Muffin Man on
  • SteevSteev What can I do for you? Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I've had a few today, which has been the usual thing for me since this started. However, it doesn't seem to last as long for me.

    Steev on
  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Compared to how things were going the last week, whatever Ramius did the forum has been cruising ever since. What was it that you did, Ramius?

    Henroid on
  • sassfactor4sassfactor4 Brooklyn, NYRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Yeah Im curious what measures worked to improve things. I was coming into say that I hadn't gotten a message all day, but ironically reading this thread I got my first one. Which is a night and day improvement from before where the forum was all but unusable.

    sassfactor4 on
  • Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Henroid wrote: »
    Compared to how things were going the last week, whatever Ramius did the forum has been cruising ever since. What was it that you did, Ramius?

    I think your sample size is somewhat limited. It's probably only 'working' when you go and do anything. I've been getting plenty of busy messages since yesterday.

    Santa Claustrophobia on
    You're muckin' with a G!

    Do not engage the Watermelons.
  • Sweeney TomSweeney Tom try The Substance it changed my lifeRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I've gotten it a few times, but not every other click like last week. So a slight improvement.

    ...I say right before I get a Server too Busy message trying to post this.

    Sweeney Tom on
  • ultimakayultimakay Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Its definitely improved for me by a noticeable amount since the tweak, but I do still see them every so often.

    ultimakay on
  • tbloxhamtbloxham Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I'd say the rate is down from...

    About 50% of the time on a click on a forum link and 95% of the time if the previous link resulted in a 'Too busy' error.


    About 25% of the time on a click on a forum link, and 80% of the time if the previous link resulted in a 'Too busy' error

    tbloxham on
    "That is cool" - Abraham Lincoln
  • RamiusRamius Joined: July 19, 2000 Administrator, ClubPA admin
    edited April 2011
    ah, this might be worth mentioning:

    When the server decides it is too busy, it basically goes to sleep for 60 seconds so things can cool down. So if you hit a link and get the "too busy" message, everyone else is getting that message at the same time and will be for up to 60 more seconds. So that is why you see it so often "if the previous link resulted in a 'too busy'". The only time that wouldn't be the case is if you happened to come in 58 or 59 seconds into a cool-down period so your next click happens just as the server is recovering.

    Ramius on
  • MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Any way to tell the forum to arbitrarily slow down and only process so many requests in a given timeframe? Requests would take longer, but 3-4 seconds per page is preferable to refreshing.

    MKR on
  • ronyaronya Arrrrrf. the ivory tower's basementRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Ramius wrote: »
    ah, this might be worth mentioning:

    When the server decides it is too busy, it basically goes to sleep for 60 seconds so things can cool down. So if you hit a link and get the "too busy" message, everyone else is getting that message at the same time and will be for up to 60 more seconds. So that is why you see it so often "if the previous link resulted in a 'too busy'". The only time that wouldn't be the case is if you happened to come in 58 or 59 seconds into a cool-down period so your next click happens just as the server is recovering.

    Ooh, good to know. This might be announcement-worthy, actually...

    ronya on
  • DoctorArchDoctorArch Curmudgeon Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Overall, it seems substantially better than before. Whereas earlier this week I would have Forum Too Busy for long and frequent spans, now they happen far less frequently, and last for a much shorter time.

    DoctorArch on
    Switch Friend Code: SW-6732-9515-9697
  • hanskeyhanskey Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Ramius - you are a genius, I've seen a huge and growing improvement since you pushed your new implementation earlier! Thanks. \m/

    hanskey on
  • YamiNoSenshiYamiNoSenshi A point called Z In the complex planeRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Better. Not great, but certainly improved. Thanks.

    YamiNoSenshi on
  • Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    DoctorArch wrote: »
    Overall, it seems substantially better than before. Whereas earlier this week I would have Forum Too Busy for long and frequent spans, now they happen far less frequently, and last for a much shorter time.

    It was basically not worth trying to forum between 11am-8pm eastern times two weeks ago.

    Now it seems that errors are mainly between 12-4 on weekdays and basically never on weekends.

    Decent enough fix for me.

    Xenogears of Bore on
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
  • ForarForar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    While I typically view/participate in the forums more heavily while at work, I have noticed an anecdotal reduction in the server being busy messages across random/assorted times. I imagine monday (with the usual work/school schedule putting people in their regular routine) will be a good test of how the fix holds up to peak times? Err... as a completely blind guess that is.

    Forar on
    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Ramius wrote: »
    ah, this might be worth mentioning:

    When the server decides it is too busy, it basically goes to sleep for 60 seconds so things can cool down. So if you hit a link and get the "too busy" message, everyone else is getting that message at the same time and will be for up to 60 more seconds. So that is why you see it so often "if the previous link resulted in a 'too busy'". The only time that wouldn't be the case is if you happened to come in 58 or 59 seconds into a cool-down period so your next click happens just as the server is recovering.

    Even computers need naptime.

    Henroid on
  • A random series of digitsA random series of digits Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I have not received a busy message in a few days.


    Today I have had several server timeouts (for lack of a better description..?) while submitting posts. Clicking "submit" causes the browser to stall, but opening a new window confirms that the post was completed. The original window will sometimes refresh directly to the "you need to wait 30 seconds between replies" page.

    This has happened from two different computers / connections (home & work).

    A random series of digits on
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