Hola community!
I have never been to PAX, or any other convention, and was hoping for some advice...
I was going to buy tickets for this years PAX for my husband, as a birthday gift; he's been dying to go. However by the time it rolls around I will be 8 months preggo.
Besides the obvious, bring snacks and a water bottle, is there anything else you could think of that might help me out? I'm really anxious to go myself, but I don't want to be a drag to him.
I know most of the day will be spent on my feet, but are there places for people to sit and relax?
Thanks for your help ^.^
There were some chairs and love seats on the third floor behind the escalators. I hung out there quite a bit last year, it was pretty quiet. I'd take breaks frequently, make sure you're eating enough protein, and if you need a place to sit and can't find one - ask an enforcer!
Shipping cookies for Prime 2013
Console freeplay and tabletop are awesome places to sit if you need a rest. You can try out some new games, hang out with people, and get off your feet for a while. Other nice and pretty places to sit are in the adjacent park outside on the 4th floor (I'd stay stay from the area right outside the door however as thats the smoking area) and the area outside the little coffee place on the first floor. There are also all kinds of little nooks and cranny places if you just need a few minutes to be away from the crowds.
Pack as light as humanly possible. It's tempting to want to bring your ds, camera, netbook, snacks, etc so you are ready for anything, but doing some serious thinking about if each thing is really worth it to you, in the long run will save you some backache. Personally I'm chatty enough that I do fine even in long lines, with just my wallet, phone (with camera in it) and maybe a water bottle.
Dress in layers. Depending on the area you are in you might be chilly or sweltering, and pregnancy only makes it 10 times worse.
Wear the most comfortable shoes you can get your hands on. Even if they are those hideous leopard print ones with the green paint splorked on them from that time you redid the garage. You will be walking a LOT, and it will make the difference of you having fun or being utterly miserable by the end of the day.
At 8 months, you will likely be pretty round, and you may want to invest in one of those baby support...belt...things. I haven't used them personally as I had never even heard of them till a while ago, but I know several women that swear by them if you have to do a lot of walking around during the end months.
And congrats on the new little one!
I'm definitley looking into getting the back support belt through my OB. I'm 18 weeks atm and already have back strain. At PAX I will be 35 weeks, so actually more like 9 months.
The fold up chair might be too bulky to carry with me but the spots you guys mentioned sound great. I'll keep any eye out for them!
And the medical pass sounds like a great idea! Not to mention sure the hubby will enjoy the perks as well...
Is it all really fast pace, super busy convention... or do most people kinda meander through and take their time at each display? I understand there will be alot of walking but if it's a slower pace I'm sure I should do fine.
How many floors does this convention take place on? Elevators or escalators for attendees to use?
Again thanks for your time!
The convention utilizes the whole convention center, all six floors, and most likely other venues nearby.
PAX is definitely crowded. Especially the exhibition hall. Though I'd say there is plenty of meandering. And lots of lines.
Protip: PAX is not just the exhibition hall! The panels, freeplay areas, etc. have a much larger abundance of chairs.
I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
So if memes make great shirts,
And Pod Six is Jerks,
Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
Also comfy shoes are a must, though those were listed in the FAQ. XD
If you don't already have a World Map from previous years,
there's one here
tabletop gaming areas usually come with seating
all theatres seem to be permanently packed with people inside and/or people lining up outside
go to the expo hall super early: I got some rare swag that way last year, AND it's not as packed
I say this only half-jokingly, you should probably check out the hospitals and figure out where you would prefer to go, just in case...
Nah, do it on stage during a G&T Q&A. That's where everyone else has their major life events happen.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
What I am wondering from all of you who have done this before, is are there many places to sit? While I will not verry perggers and if this is anything like the last because I am tubby you won't be able to tell, but I do know I won't be moving as fast a usuall and will not be sleeping that well, but not nearly as bad as decemberish!
To address your specific concerns, there are lots of places to sit if you count the ground, and the sumos (which are beanbag chairs on the ground). Otherwise there's a fair number of chairs scattered around, especially near the dining areas and tabletop. While it's likely that they'll be crowded, one can usually find a spot. In any case, most folks are nice enough to offer a seat if you explain the situation.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
I too am going to be preggers at PAX but only 16 weeks and only baby #2, but it feels like my first, since my daughter will be 10 a few weeks before PAX and is pissed that she can't come and maybe meet the Tested/Giant Bomb Guys!
I am planning on ressurecting my old diaperbag/backpack because it had some nice features that i think will be handy. The 2 insulated side poscktes to hold water, and the fact that the fron opens flat and has spots for the all important stuff like Camera, extra batteries, DS, and Ipods. The big inside is roomy enough for snacks and a light shirt if I need a spare as we are staying about a mile away at a Best Western.
And then get the crowd to name the child.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
make sure when you hold it up you do it like this