I wasn't entirely sure where to post this, so I decided to put it here, considering that the whole point of me doing this was for PAX.
As has been suggested for those going up to PAX, and after not having a Nintendo handheld for a long time (my last one was the Game Boy Pocket), I finally decided to get myself a DS. I opted for a DSi XL, as I decided $250 was too much to pay for what is essentially a gimmick in the 3DS (it's a neat gimmick, but not enough to make me shell out the extra money, especially with only a handful of games available).
Since the whole point of having a DS is to play games with folks you meet in line, what games would you guys recommend picking up? I've already scored
New Super Mario Bros. (love the Wii version),
Puzzle Quest 2,
Wheel of Fortune (I AM the Game Show Man, after all.

) and a used copy of
Tetris DS. I've also downloaded
Dark Void Zero.
Any other recommendations?
"Game Show Man" Joe Van Ginkel
"Game Show Man" Joe Van Ginkel
"Go get my space-battlecruiser. I wanna go blow some shizznit up."
Other good MP games are Pokemon W/B (if you like that sort of thing), and since you're the Game Show Man, I think there's a Press Your Luck game on DS as well.
Mostly I'll have my PSP out, with some Patapon 3, Gods Eater, Monster Hunter and Valkyria Chronicles 2.
Violets are blue
Bloody heck, I should've thought of Mario Kart. Been a fan of the series since all the way back on the SNES. Will definitely score that one.
Good on you for thinking of me with PYL. Unfortunately, having played the Wii version, and knowing the developer's reputation for piss-poor console adaptations, I suspect the DS version won't be any better.
"Go get my space-battlecruiser. I wanna go blow some shizznit up."
Seriously, you'll get use out of a PSP just fine, but for the global use and play and "full experience" of handheld gaming at PAX, you'll really want to show up with a DS.
Ah jeez, another Dissidia? Isn't that, like, the third one in a year?
Anyway, I'll have Peace Walker as well...though right now I seem to have lost most of my UMDs suddenly. Hahaha...
...ha HA! Found 'em!
Violets are blue
I'm not as familiar with the PSP, so I don't know of anything that has a tag mode in it (assuming any of them do). Does anyone know of any PSP games with tag mode?
Does anyone still play Mario Kart at PAX? We tried to get a game going last year in the HH lounge, and we only managed to wrangle 4 after several announcements of LFG.
Violets are blue
I second all these questions. The Wife and I are considering splitting a DS (she get's the top screen....) Seriously though, we can only afford 1 and a few games to pass back and forth.
A) is it worth it then.
C) Any other reccomendations. I seriously haven't bought a handheld since my GBavance (and color before that.)
I just picked up a DSi.
OK, not to constantly be all up in this thread. But where do I get one of those? The Wife and I are huge portal fans, and if I can sell her on an expensive "Your trusted friend in Science" coffee Mug, I'm sure I an sell her on something that looks like that.
I made it. I put the image together and had the skin made here:
There's also a skin on the bottom.
Any model but the original DS Phat should be fine. If you have GBA games you want to play, the GBA slot is only on the Phat and the DS Lite. The DSi has both a camera and a better online system than the previous models, and the DSi XL is a larger version of that, which can be good if you have larger hands (DISCLAIMER: I don't have personal experience with either DSi model, so see if you can test them before buying one). Other than that, though, they'll all play DS games well enough. The 3DS still looks to be somewhat pricey, so if you're under a budget, it might be better to give it a pass for now.
As for if it's worth it to get one, I'd ask if you think you'll continue using it after PAX. There's a ton of great games for it, both single and multi-player, but if you're busy 24/7, then it might be better to look into other things to do in line. That said, I would imagine that two people could share it well enough. Any non-original DS should be fine (the original DS Phat is kinda bulky and heavy, has crappy back lights, and is old enough that the battery is likely almost gone). Nothing specific comes to mind, recommendation-wise, other than games, but that'll depend on what kinds of games you like.
I went back and forth between a DSi and a XL and ended up with the XL and am really glad I did. A Friend who's DSi I was using to compare went and upgraded theirs to an XL shortly after because they liked it so much more. It may be bigger but don't belive the people who say you need giant hands etc to use it and it still fits in my pockets just fine as well.
hmm not sure if the 3ds has download play
Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
and twitch- twitch.tv/pink_4ssass1n
Wow! That is awesome work! I would love a skin like that on my DS, and I never like putting skins on my handhelds.
Nice job!
[ XBL: NemesisFuzz | PSN: Deefuzz ]
This is a UK company that makes skins. The link above is for DS and PSP skins. You can make your own. I have a code for you to get 20% off the price too. If you want the code, PM me and I will give it to you.
They will ship to the US
Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
and twitch- twitch.tv/pink_4ssass1n
See you at PAX Prime!
Twitter - Automaticjim
Steam - Outbreak
If you’re winning, play safe and keep the game clean and simple. If you are losing, take risks and complicate the game.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Of course will also have a massive haul of DS games and my girlfriend is bringing my DSi.
Can't wait!
Flight: [X]
Lodging: [X]
Passes: [X]
Excitement: [10/10]
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
DSi XL for the win. The 3DS is too expensive and not enough games available to be worth it, so I picked up an XL.
"Go get my space-battlecruiser. I wanna go blow some shizznit up."
Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
and twitch- twitch.tv/pink_4ssass1n
EDIT: I believe you can get Modnation racers and LBP for free as part of that whole fiasco, both good multiplayer games!
Peace Walker is amazing