AriviaI Like A ChallengeEarth-1Registered Userregular
edited May 2011
Watching pugs who were not around for wrath fail repeatedly at Azjol-Nerub is simultaneously terrible and hilarious. I hope I never get UP as a random at this rate.
They are so laughably inept at this. Just wait, they will do a total 180 on the Activision Tax requirement if it means reversing the recent decline a bit.
Even then, it's still very mediocre. Real ID sucks, plain and simple. It has no options nor flexibility. I may like Johnny Chucklefuck and wish to do a heroic cross-server. But we are not "choice bros." I don't want him knowing my real name. I do not want him knowing what I'm up to on Starcraft or Diablo.
Then you have fun issues like "Shit, our only friend dumb enough to pay into Blizzard's Executive Charity Fund can't get online. WELP."
So, does the fact that the Tier 12 set bonuses are different now reflect a change following public outcry? ... or just that the old sets in the test realm patch had not been updated at the time of the test patch release?
Well, considering the disc/holy priest 4-piece bonus was just trollface.jpg and had a 0% chance of going live like that, I would suspect the first set bonuses we saw that changed were largely placeholders so that there was something there. But likely many of these things were intended to be changed in time. Some of the ones that went from "this seems interesting or decent" to "this is different and also seems interesting or decent" might have been based more on feedback/testing.
I think 4.2 patch is a long ways away as there are fundamental balance issues they are struggling with right now for clases in a pve setting.
Such as? I mean that's no different really than the state both 4.0 (and Cata itself) and 4.1 went live with.
I mean it sounds like the designers are having a hard time balancing the higher ilevel gear with abilities. The post about mastery becoming soft capped on mmo-champion is in that vein.
The justification the designers used for the pally spell increase also strikes me as odd because they talk about it in present tense, i.e. pallys are ending fights with too much mana now, as opposed to future raid content, but other changes seem to reflect accomodations for 4.2.
So, I am not sure if they would push the patch out with issues like a mastery softcap in place.
So, does the fact that the Tier 12 set bonuses are different now reflect a change following public outcry? ... or just that the old sets in the test realm patch had not been updated at the time of the test patch release?
Well, considering the disc/holy priest 4-piece bonus was just trollface.jpg and had a 0% chance of going live like that, I would suspect the first set bonuses we saw that changed were largely placeholders so that there was something there. But likely many of these things were intended to be changed in time. Some of the ones that went from "this seems interesting or decent" to "this is different and also seems interesting or decent" might have been based more on feedback/testing.
I think 4.2 patch is a long ways away as there are fundamental balance issues they are struggling with right now for clases in a pve setting.
Such as? I mean that's no different really than the state both 4.0 (and Cata itself) and 4.1 went live with.
I mean it sounds like the designers are having a hard time balancing the higher ilevel gear with abilities. The post about mastery becoming soft capped on mmo-champion is in that vein.
The justification the designers used for the pally spell increase also strikes me as odd because they talk about it in present tense, i.e. pallys are ending fights with too much mana now, as opposed to future raid content, but other changes seem to reflect accomodations for 4.2.
So, I am not sure if they would push the patch out with issues like a mastery softcap in place.
Mastery soft cap?
I was thinking about this in terms of warrior tanks when I wrote this. Pally tanks have no mastery soft cap, only a hard cap.
Edit: For clarification, a warrior tank can be unhittable because of a high enough mastery and still gain benefit from addtional mastery through crit block, once pally tanks are unhittable through mastery, it no longer grants any bonus. Warrior tanks would have a mastery hard cap at 100% crit block.
Oh, you're talking about mastery for the two shield-based tank specs? Yeah, that's not a huge issue and is something that people have been discussing since before 4.0. It's certainly not the sort of thing that would hold 4.2 back if it were otherwise ready.
Oh, you're talking about mastery for the two shield-based tank specs? Yeah, that's not a huge issue and is something that people have been discussing since before 4.0. It's certainly not the sort of thing that would hold 4.2 back if it were otherwise ready.
I was just using it as an example for some of the problems the developers might be having. If that was the sole issue, then yeah I don't think it would hold the patch back, but I bet there are other gear to talent balancing problems that could also be gumming up the works as well.
Oh, you're talking about mastery for the two shield-based tank specs? Yeah, that's not a huge issue and is something that people have been discussing since before 4.0. It's certainly not the sort of thing that would hold 4.2 back if it were otherwise ready.
I was just using it as an example for some of the problems the developers might be having. If that was the sole issue, then yeah I don't think it would hold the patch back, but I bet there are other gear to talent balancing problems that could also be gumming up the works as well.
There aren't, really. The gear upgrade we're looking at in 4.2 is fairly incremental, and it's going to be a while into 4.2 before the best geared players achieve a significant power increase from the best geared players of today. They'll have plenty of time to prod at things with hotfixes like they've been doing in the past if it turns out, say, fury warriors magically get 30% better with the new gear while everyone else gets 15% better.
What else is in danger of capping out at 391 ilevel gear? Crit won't be. There are some haste soft caps but those are already in play in current gear. I don't think there are even any masteries that can cap anymore with the changes they've made since 4.0, besides the obvious caveat of tank masteries.
forty on
AriviaI Like A ChallengeEarth-1Registered Userregular
edited May 2011
They need to make Disarmament and Ingvar Must Die turn in in UK.
He's saying RealID's meant to be friends with people you're close enough to that them knowing your real name isn't an issue rather than a way for you to friend up with random people for cross-server/game shenanigans.
The cross-server thing works off Real ID. That is one aspect of what RealID is for.
RealID is not to be used with the random people you meet in cross server dungeons.
RealID is meant to be used with your friends. Your real friends that you physically know, and go out drinking with after work. Who already know you name and e-mail address.
The Wolfman on
"The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."
AriviaI Like A ChallengeEarth-1Registered Userregular
edited May 2011
Attention moonkin: if you don't have whatever glyphed to get rid of the knockback and proceed to fuck up all my pulls, you don't get to complain about dying after you steal all of the aggro.
Attention moonkin: if you don't have whatever glyphed to get rid of the knockback and proceed to fuck up all my pulls, you don't get to complain about dying after you steal all of the aggro.
Oh, typhoon? I've got it glyphed. See, I'm a GOOD moonkin, Arivia.
Henroid on
KlatuAussie Aussie AussieOi Oi OiRegistered Userregular
edited May 2011
Moonkins can be a pain to hold agro off anyway. Especially if they drop mushrooms and blow them up the second you pull. I usually let them die a time or two if they open up right away to see if they get the message.
If you re-read my post, it's clear that I know what Real ID is for. That is why I say it's incredibly limited. Which is why it is bad. Your list will be incredibly narrow.
It is not hard to simply have toggles for real name, cross-game/realm functionality and so forth. Players can agree how intimate they can get with their information.
To make this incredibly clear: it is possible to have multiple degrees of "friendship" in the game. Do you want to see Orcmore's real name? Do you want to see each other in all games? The game will ask Orcmore and permit it if he agrees. Functionality of new features becomes prohibitively limited when shackled by the current RealID requirement.
Sterica on
HenroidMexican kicked from Immigration ThreadCentrism is Racism :3Registered Userregular
edited May 2011
Hey, I usually shrug these Daily Blinks off, but this is fucking great:
Interesting night. All of BWD down in an hour with HHalfus. And then HMagmaw down after 2 hours on him. Had him to 1% an hour in. Fun fun.
Jubal77 on
HenroidMexican kicked from Immigration ThreadCentrism is Racism :3Registered Userregular
edited May 2011
The Warlock T12 looks pretty damn cool, I think. The downside is the back of the helmet having NOTHING, I'll concede that point, but as a set it looks pretty solid. Fire spiders. I just don't know if it's "warlock"ish necessarily.
And now, to hope to pass out within a few minutes because I've fallen dramatically ill.
I cannot go to battlenet or wow because this computer is really old. It's funny other penny arcade loads fine the computer will freak out if I go to most of the things online
Brainleech on
ElldrenIs a woman dammitceterum censeoRegistered Userregular
Watching pugs who were not around for wrath fail repeatedly at Azjol-Nerub is simultaneously terrible and hilarious. I hope I never get UP as a random at this rate.
I got UP as a random 5 times when leveling from 79 to 80.
Elldren on
fuck gendered marketing
GrobianWhat's on sale?Pliers!Registered Userregular
I cannot go to battlenet or wow because this computer is really old. It's funny other penny arcade loads fine the computer will freak out if I go to most of the things online
Blizz posted that you will be able to do cross-realm dungeon groups through RealID. So you can open a cross-realm party and just queue through LFD. It doesn't work cross-faction and also it will be part of a premium RealID package (i.e. you'll have to pay for the feature).
copy/paste from MMOchampion (where there is already a shitstorm over this)
With the continued popularity of the Dungeon Finder, many players have been asking for a way to group up with real-life friends who play on other realms to take on instances together. Today, we wanted to give you a heads up about a new feature currently in development that will allow players to invite Real ID friends of the same faction to a party regardless of the realm they play on, and then queue up for a 5-player regular or Heroic dungeon.
As this is a fairly complex service to develop, we don’t have a release date to share quite yet. It’s important to note that as with some of the other convenience- and connectivity-oriented features we offer, certain elements of the cross-realm Real ID party system will be premium-based, though only the player sending the invitations will need to have access to the premium service. We'll have more details to share with you as development progresses -- in the meantime, you may begin to see elements of the feature appear on the World of Warcraft PTR.
Grobian on
AriviaI Like A ChallengeEarth-1Registered Userregular
Watching pugs who were not around for wrath fail repeatedly at Azjol-Nerub is simultaneously terrible and hilarious. I hope I never get UP as a random at this rate.
I got UP as a random 5 times when leveling from 79 to 80.
how did you avoid killing all the people who fail at execution on skadi
pugs are really bad right now it seems and it is disillusioning me
The only reason pugs get better at max level is that you have a larger pool of players to draw from and simply have a statistically better chance of getting non-retards. But it's still pretty fucking bad, I refuse to pug the heroicZ still, and I will pug a few normal heroics only to gear up DPS in guild. That CtA isn't worth it, like, maybe, if they put a hooker in there or something, I guess.
XArchangelX on
Eve Online is a terrible game, but I used to play, for the lulz! Steam
Only the strong can help the weak.
ElldrenIs a woman dammitceterum censeoRegistered Userregular
think of all the gogogogogogogo dps who don't want to/are too stupid to wait for harpoons etc
execution fights suck with mouthbreathers
It doesn't make the fight harder
It just makes the fight take forever when the idiot hunter grabs all the harpoons and just hoards them, or the DK decides that shooting his harpoons when the boss is at the far end of the hallway is a great plan.
Elldren on
fuck gendered marketing
Warlock82Never pet a burning dogRegistered Userregular
edited May 2011
Regarding the Cross-Realm Dungeon Finder thing - I don't know. I usually don't have a problem with Blizzard's microtransactions but this one just seems dumb. How many people actually wanted this enough that they'd pay for it? It doesn't feel like an "extra" in the same way name changing or server transfers do.
But eh, I wasn't going to use it anyways so I don't really care.
I fucking hate Earth Elementals. I know Shamans drop them for bonus DPS but they fucking taunt everything like assholes. They completely fucked up Al'Akir for me last night. I couldn't control the adds because of fucking Earth Elementals.
That's kind of cool actually.
Would be cool to group up with PA guys and gals cross server though.
Even then, it's still very mediocre. Real ID sucks, plain and simple. It has no options nor flexibility. I may like Johnny Chucklefuck and wish to do a heroic cross-server. But we are not "choice bros." I don't want him knowing my real name. I do not want him knowing what I'm up to on Starcraft or Diablo.
Then you have fun issues like "Shit, our only friend dumb enough to pay into Blizzard's Executive Charity Fund can't get online. WELP."
I think someone high up in Blizzard or Activision has been playing too many Facebook games and it's giving him ideas.
Not like it matters though.
I was thinking about this in terms of warrior tanks when I wrote this. Pally tanks have no mastery soft cap, only a hard cap.
Edit: For clarification, a warrior tank can be unhittable because of a high enough mastery and still gain benefit from addtional mastery through crit block, once pally tanks are unhittable through mastery, it no longer grants any bonus. Warrior tanks would have a mastery hard cap at 100% crit block.
I was just using it as an example for some of the problems the developers might be having. If that was the sole issue, then yeah I don't think it would hold the patch back, but I bet there are other gear to talent balancing problems that could also be gumming up the works as well.
What else is in danger of capping out at 391 ilevel gear? Crit won't be. There are some haste soft caps but those are already in play in current gear. I don't think there are even any masteries that can cap anymore with the changes they've made since 4.0, besides the obvious caveat of tank masteries.
Me, too.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
The cross-server thing works off Real ID. That is one aspect of what RealID is for.
RealID is not to be used with the random people you meet in cross server dungeons.
RealID is meant to be used with your friends. Your real friends that you physically know, and go out drinking with after work. Who already know you name and e-mail address.
Oh, typhoon? I've got it glyphed. See, I'm a GOOD moonkin, Arivia.
It is not hard to simply have toggles for real name, cross-game/realm functionality and so forth. Players can agree how intimate they can get with their information.
To make this incredibly clear: it is possible to have multiple degrees of "friendship" in the game. Do you want to see Orcmore's real name? Do you want to see each other in all games? The game will ask Orcmore and permit it if he agrees. Functionality of new features becomes prohibitively limited when shackled by the current RealID requirement.
And now, to hope to pass out within a few minutes because I've fallen dramatically ill.
I cannot go to battlenet or wow because this computer is really old. It's funny other penny arcade loads fine the computer will freak out if I go to most of the things online
I got UP as a random 5 times when leveling from 79 to 80.
Blizz posted that you will be able to do cross-realm dungeon groups through RealID. So you can open a cross-realm party and just queue through LFD. It doesn't work cross-faction and also it will be part of a premium RealID package (i.e. you'll have to pay for the feature).
copy/paste from MMOchampion (where there is already a shitstorm over this)
how did you avoid killing all the people who fail at execution on skadi
pugs are really bad right now it seems and it is disillusioning me
his blue junk kinda tickles, I guess
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Probably the whirlwind after he lands, more likely. That can still hurt, especially if you don't run from it.
no no
think of all the gogogogogogogo dps who don't want to/are too stupid to wait for harpoons etc
execution fights suck with mouthbreathers
Only the strong can help the weak.
It doesn't make the fight harder
It just makes the fight take forever when the idiot hunter grabs all the harpoons and just hoards them, or the DK decides that shooting his harpoons when the boss is at the far end of the hallway is a great plan.
But eh, I wasn't going to use it anyways so I don't really care.