Age of Ascension Introduction
This is a recruitment for a 4E campaign taking place in my homebrew point of light setting
Age of Ascension. This is a setting where I mainly have the skeletal structure of the setting established, but I will be developing the setting further along with the aid of the players. If I bring the party to a town and one of them decide to say that it is protected by a spirit, then that will become cannon. Though this would allow me to have fun with said spirit and decide what to do with it.
The Specifics
Age of Ascension will play-by-post campaign taking the player from level 1 to level 30. Characters begin at 1st level and should be created using either the online character builder or the cbloader updated offline character builder (if you still have it). Use the standard point buy system to generate ability scores and follow character creation per the builder/books. I will be selecting 5 players to play in this, and I’m not a stickler for the recommended party composition of 1 leader/ 1 controller/ 1 striker/ 1 defender/ and one misc. So feel free to make whatever character you want, and do not try to cater to whatever slot has the least applications. Finally one slot is already reserved for a friend of mine, who unless he’s changed his mind, will be playing a gnome hexblade.
Classes Allowed: Any
Source Books for Classes: Any
Themes: Any, if you choose a Dark Sun theme please reflavour it to be more setting specific
Backgrounds: General backgrounds only (no Dark Sun, no Eberron, no Forgotten Realms)
Races Allowed: Any, but be warned I have a personal prejudice against Shardminds, Githzerai, and Minotaurs. So if you’d like to play one of those races you’d better make them damn interesting.
Point Buy: 22 points
Equipment: 100 gp and one potion of healing
Character Sheets: All character sheets must be hosted at or on myth-weavers. Please post a character builder summary when making your application.
Deadline: August 31st, 2011 -- 11:59 pm eastern
Other Requirements
Finally, to be considered for this campaign, each prospective player must submit a character biography that details explain why they’re adventuring in this world.
Background: At least two paragraphs about the characters background ending with them in Malien.
Enemies & Allies: Please include one enemy and one ally that will be integrated into the campaign setting and be used as contacts or foes during this game. This will help me plan out a personal plotline to integrate into the game.
Physical Description: A few sentences that describes how your character typically looks on a day to day basis.
Picture: Please provide a picture of your character for me to create a token of your character.
Personality Traits: At least one paragraph detailing your characters personality.
Participation Requirements: I would like to have enough group participation that both the IC & OOC threads sees some activity on a daily basis, accounting for lulls during holidays
Game Mechanics
Each player must select a font color for their in character speech, but that can be decided upon after the party selection has been made.
All combat posts must end with their action economy in spoilers. For example:
Move: Shift to A3
Minor: Mark all adjacent enemies
Standard:Melee Basic Attack vs K1 25 vs AC, 10 damage
Reaction/Interrupt: Wardens Fury on anyone who attacks the wizard. (Note: If you do not have an interrupt or reaction prepared you can ignore this section. If you decided to change your mind after I perform an action you are still free to do so, so don’t worry about listing all prepared actions for every scenario.)
I have always wanted to try using
Drama Cards and will be using them for this game. Each player will start off with three copper cards and will gain more as the game progress. Since I’ve never used them before how these will be implemented will change as the game progress until we find a system we all like. For now I will be using a system where each player gains one copper card after each encounter, and silver one after every level. Each player will have a max hand of 7, and can trade in three cards of the same color for one upgraded one. I wish these could be drawn randomly so that not even I will know what cards each player will have, but since handtracker doesn’t have a system for this I will have to random them out using a random number generator.
Rule of Awesome
If there is some action that you think will be really badass for your character to do but you’re not sure if I’d allow it, feel free to ask, however the answer will almost always be
yes not only that but I’d probably reward you with a copper drama card.
That seems to be it for now, although I’m sure I’m probably missing something. I’ll keep this ad updated until it closes. Also feel free to ask any question you may have in regards to the setting or whatever’s allowed.
Our Heroes Brinna Coastwell - Halfling Monk - MMAgCh
Hohenvar - Wilden Barbarian -Gatsby
Rhogar - Dragonbron Druid - The Muffin Man
Cognast Re'louini - Half Elf Knight/Hospitalier - srboyceboat
Cassandra, Halfling Chaos Sorceress - El Skid
If I were to make a Druid with Wild Shape: T-Rex...would that make my chances to get into the campaign BETTER or WORSE?
(And before you judge me based on that, if I'm told No I'm not gonna be "That Guy" and try to be WHACKY AND CRAZY! I'll play nice!)
My only problem with it is that your wildshape is only limited to being medium sized, so you can be a very small T-Rex. As for how I feel about it, if you were a dragonborn I'd think it would be ridiculously badass, if you were any other race I'd be curious to see how you're character knows what a T-Rex, or any other type of dinosaur, looks like. So I don't have a problem with it and would like to see where you go with that concept.
Haha I was wondering if anyone would ask about wilden since they are so rarely used. Personally I love wilden, but I'm a huge fan of the fey in general and don't expect it to boost your chances of acceptance. So go with it, and since wilden are a physical manifestation of the feywild they do not have the same fluff as the rest of the fey races that are on the Obsidian Portal
"What IS that thing?"
"I dunno. My parents always said it wrecks shit with a capital T. So I'll call it...a T-Wrecks!"
No, not really. Just tagging this for interest
I hate and love you so much for that.
Yes revenants are perfectly acceptable
Cool can't wait to see it.
Let me guess, your first level feat would have been vampiric heritage?
He raced up to the nearest box and ran his hands over the metal picks that were installed in place of hands, “Yes. Yes! They’re perfect!” The portly human moved to the next box and inspected the deep, clawed scoops that its arms ended in, “Just imagine these full of ore, working all day every day.” The owner wiped away a tear and turned the Gnome that had accompanied the delivery, “Now: you’re sure they have no trace of personality? They only know they job they’re here to perform, right?” The Gnome sighed, “Yes, sir, we followed your specifications exactly,” he extended his hand and looked at the mine owner expectantly.
The Gnome was paid off and the owner turned to his new workforce, “You guys cost me quite a few gold pieces, but with no lunch breaks, no sleep breaks, and no relatives trying to kill me when a tunnel collapses you’ll make my life so much easier.” One by one the owner spoke the incantation to bring the Warforged workers out of their slumber and gave them their assignment. They were split up into Tunnelers, Excavators, and the boss’s favorite model Foreman.
As the Warforged worked night and day the owner became more and more rich, and the townspeople who were now out of work more and more irate. Yeah, the mine was unsafe and plenty of townsmen were disfigured from working there, but what was the point of dad being around with all his appendages if he wasn’t able to put food on the table? The townspeople scraped together what money they could and when a band of adventurers made their way through town they put on quite a show. The party was told stories about the evil man who bought metal slaves and used them to attack the miners so that he could take it for himself, and now everyone was starving. The wizard in the group was moved to tears and immediately headed for the mine.
As an Excavator made its way out of the mineshaft to empty its scoops it was hit in the head with a bolt of chaotic magic. The light faded from its eyes and it crumpled to the ground, seemingly lifeless. The wizard frowned and flicked his wand a few times; the spell he was intending to use wasn’t supposed to do that, but that’s what you get when you use ‘chaotic magic’. He picked off the Warforged one at a time as they returned to the surface until he was satisfied that he’d gotten rid of them all.
Hours after the party left the Excavator stirred and pushed itself off the ground and looked around at the scene. The wizard’s bolt dispelled the magical spell that forced the Excavator to obey the mine owner and Foreman and it was very confused. First of all it was confused that it was confused because that had never happened before; normally his thoughts were along the lines of Scoop, Walk, Dump, Walk, Scoop but that line had been replaced with I wonder what’s on the other side of the mountain? I wish I could go see Its legs moved and he walked to the top of the mountain. As he took in the scene in front of him he saw another mountain. I wonder what’s over that mountain . This continued for quite some time and he was making his way, unbeknownst to him, towards Malien.
Enemy and Ally
I can’t think of an ally at the moment.
To all other applicants I forgot to mention that I would also like a picture of your character for me to create a token for the combat maps.
• Background:
As he lay there, the grey sky swirled and opened showing a womans face. Beautiful, perfect. He remembered that face. He remembered the twinkle in her eyes when she smiled at him, the inflection of her words, the way she held herself in the candlelight. When he couldn't remember anything else, he could remember her. She was his once.
Don't go. Not like this
The sky darkened and the next scene was of a finely dressed man, all smiles, a thinly veiled facade hiding the steel beneath, the predatory nature of the beast only showing in his eyes. Those eyes, where did he know those eyes. The sky continued to boil, images appearing faster now, flashes glimpses of a paradise long lost, spoiled by the nature of man. It showed her, at various points in her life, the man always watching, waiting.
I don't want this. I can't go through this
The sky splits and lightning strikes, each flash showing the horrors to come. The beast hiding behind a smile taking her away. Her. His wife. Taking her away ot the dark places. Taking her away to his own private hell, filled with is instruments, his various tools, leaving her to be cast aside when she could no longer take their uses.
Why?! Why show me this!
The sky showed him everything. Again. Rage filled his as he could do nothing but impotently watch her die before him. It grew into a mad fury, just as it had so many nights ago. The sky showed his insane charge at the man's manor, only coming face to face with the man after he was drubbed unconscious by his guards and trussed up to be hung.
I can't take this. I can't go through it again!
But the sky didn't care. It made him relive his death, the smell of the gallows, the creak of the ropes, the man's dark little chuckle as he fell. And then he felt it, the pain, the choking, the burning, the tightness in his throat as he suffocates to death. He struggles, he always struggles, but to no avail. Just as the life leaves him again, he wakes up.
"Trouble sleeping Adahn?" The man across the camp called to him. In the early dawns light, just a hint of a smile could be seen on his face. "Have some bad dreams perhaps? Haha, Come now. No time to dawdle. We have to get you to Malien. You aren't the only task our Queen has entrusted me with."
• Personality Traits:
Character builder summary:
Adahn - Copy, level 1
Revenant, Warlock
Eldritch Pact Option: Infernal Pact
Eldritch Blast Option: Eldritch Blast Constitution
Choose your Race in Life: Human
Bereaved (+2 to Insight)
STR 10, CON 18, DEX 14, INT 12, WIS 8, CHA 16
STR 10, CON 16, DEX 12, INT 12, WIS 8, CHA 16
AC: 14 Fort: 14 Ref: 13 Will: 14
HP: 30 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 7
Arcana +6, Bluff +8, Insight +6, Streetwise +8
Acrobatics +2, Athletics +0, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering –1, Endurance +6, Heal –1, History +1, Intimidate +5, Nature –1, Perception –1, Religion +1, Stealth +2, Thievery +2
Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Revenant Utility: Dark Reaping
Warlock's Curse Power: Warlock's Curse
Warlock Attack 1: Eldritch Blast
Warlock Attack 1: Hellish Rebuke
Warlock Pact Boon 1: Dark One's Blessing
Warlock Attack 1: Chains of Levistus
Warlock Attack 1: Tyranny of Flame
Level 1: Sacrifice to Caiphon
Leather Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Rod Implement x1
Sickle x1
Grappling Hook
Torch x3
Oil (1 pint) x5
====== End ======
So far I'm using the standard 4E Pantheon, with the only change being that Bane is an openly worshiped god, instead of being considered "evil". I'm just using the standard pantheon for simplicity sake regarding feats. domains, etc. If you want to change something about one of those gods than go ahead, if you want to create your own god or belief system than that's fine as well. What exactly were you thinking of?
Oh was more curious about if some gods just weren't there, etc. Like how FR and Eberron have a different pantheon etc. But that answer was good enough for me
@texasheat I have no problem with you playing either a psion or monk. I can understand the psionic hate in 3.5 but they're perfectly acceptable in 4E so go nuts with whatever idea you have.
This actually reminded me of something that I might need to clarify on. You can take feats, class features, rituals,etc from other campaign sources books. So if you want to have a dragonmark then go ahead but you're going to have to explain why you have this weird glowing sigil on you. Or if you want leave it unknown and I can come up with a reason that will be revealed in game.
Also, if I forced something to move one square, does it take one square less movement? (I.e if it was gonna walk 2 spaces, can pushing it make it only walk ONE space, or will it complete its' move one step farther?)
Character builder summary.
Halfling, Monk
Monastic Tradition: Iron Soul
Background: The Path of Thirty-Seven Obstacles (+2 to Endurance)
Theme: Explorer
Str 12, Con 18, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Str 12, Con 16, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.
AC: 19 Fort: 15 Reflex: 15 Will: 12
HP: 30 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 7
Thievery +11, Stealth +9, Athletics +6, Endurance +11
Acrobatics +6, Arcana, Bluff -1, Diplomacy -1, Dungeoneering +1, Heal +1, History, Insight +1, Intimidate -1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion, Streetwise -1
Level 1: Unarmored Agility
Monk at-will 1: Crane's Wings
Monk at-will 1: Five Storms
Monk encounter 1: Swift River Floods
Monk daily 1: Masterful Spiral
Monk Unarmed Strike, Adventurer's Kit, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Thieves' Tools, Club, Potion of Healing (heroic tier), Climber's Kit, Tent, Sling, Sling Bullets (20)
Sometimes we took to the roads, but usually it was the rivers. We were Coastwells. Not the dust of the road for us but the spray of the river, Old Ostran used to say. It was a fine life, travelling the world with the clan. There were highwaymen and robbers sometimes, but Tryn and Corrin and Zanna were out there too and kept us safe. They kept us safe for many years, until that one day.
The ambush came just after dawn, and we had no warning but the scream when the first of us died. I don't know what happened to Tryn and Corrin and Zanna. When I stumbled out of my cabin, there were arrows coming from the western bank and axemen climbing onto the boats, humans all of them. They were led by a blond woman in metal armour, wielding a spear. The clan was fighting back, but it was no use. Ingolf's Pride was burning already. Nearby, I saw a man put his axe into Mirjam's belly. I couldn't think. I just screamed and charged him, lashed out with my foot. His leg snapped in two, and he tripped over Mirjam and fell. I just stared. How did I do that? I could barely throw a punch, never mind break a bone.
Then an arrow hit me in the shoulder. I stumbled forward, off the boat, into the river. I fell unconscious.
When I woke, I had washed up over a mile downstream. The arrow wound wasn't too bad after all. I tore off part of my sleeve and bound it. In the west, I could make out thin smoke rising. The boats burning, the clan...gone. Later, I crept back to make sure. The bandits had left, and I found only wreckage and bodies. It took me a long time to bury them all, but it was a job that needed doing and I was the only one left to do it. I went east when I was done, towards the coast. I didn't know where else to go. I knew I could find another job somewhere and go on doing what I'd always done, but it didn't seem right. Not anymore. There were other Coastwells around the Nation, but I couldn't stand the thought of meeting them either, of having to tell them. It was all no good.
I walked for some days. It was slow going, but I didn't mind. I like sleeping underneath the sky. One evening I came to Tidespoint, a small coastal town. I went to the Slippery Mermaid there. I had a few silvers on me and I needed a strong drink bad. They never did much to my head. Strong, bitter liquor. There was one of the big mountain people there, a goliath, who found it funny, me drinking that stuff. He bet me one gold piece that he could outdrink me. I didn't have one gold, but I agreed anyway. I didn't care by then.
Later that night, it took three men to carry him back to his small cabin outside town. I couldn't afford a room at the inn, so I climbed into the one chair there was and went to sleep as well. The next day we got to talking, Kargg and me. I told him what'd happened, how I felt. Kargg said that why you had to be tougher than the rest, that my clan hadn't been tough enough. I felt a red blaze behind my eyes again. I tried to do to him what I'd done to the bandit. He went down, but his leg wasn't broken. He laughed and said I had potential. Said I could be much more than I was, that he could show me.
He told me of the Path of Thirty-Seven Obstacles. Said that in everyone's life, there are thirty-seven challenges they must face, struggles they must overcome, battles they must win. That if one wishes to master them, one must grow, train, become harder than steel. That the weak will always be crushed by the strong, like my clan was. I wanted to hit him again. Kargg said that the obstacles were different for everyone, that I'd know them as I encountered them. He said he couldn't help me with that, but that he could teach me to fight. To meld body and mind into a single weapon. Past the thirty-seventh obstacle, Kargg said, lay the power to do anything one wished. I felt I needed a goal like that. I didn't want wealth or fame, but I wanted to become the best, the toughest. I wanted for what happened on that morning, when the boats burned and my kin died, to never happen again. No matter who the attackers were. I wanted to be able to stand my ground and kill them all. It was a job that needed someone to do it.
He let me stay. For many months I trained with him. I was small and quick, Kargg said, and he taught me to use that against my enemies. I was tough as old leather, he said, and he taught me to use that against my enemies too. He revealed to me how to draw on the energy of my mind, what he called psionic power, and how to make my punches and kicks stronger through it. I spent hours climbing and running and swimming each day as well. It made the work I did for the clan look easy. That was a good thing, because I had to become much tougher than I'd been then. A year later, I was coming close to beating Kargg regularly in a fair fight. He said that key was not to fight fair. I didn't like that, but I saw the truth in it.
Kargg taught me other things too. He showed me how to move more quietly than I already could. He saw that I had nimble fingers and taught me how to pick locks and pockets. Dishonest work, I said. One's obstacles are not always within easy reach, he told me, and these too are skills you must acquire if you mean to walk the Path. You must pass up no chance to improve yourself, he said. Again I saw the sense in that, though I didn't like it either at the time. I practised these things a lot. Usually I'd find a way to return what I'd taken. That was good practise, too, and it made me feel better about it.
One day, Kargg told me he could teach me no more. That I had to go. Where and what for, I asked him. A true walker of the Path finds that it leads inexorably to the Obstacles she is meant to face, he replied. For now, the city Malien in the city-state of Riddell is where you shall go, on the other side of the mountains. There is rot underneath its cloak of orderliness, but it is a place where the ambitious meet, and one who walks the Path must be the most ambitious of all. In Malien, look for someone by the name of Sindren Falsehand, and you'll find that everything else will fall into place.
I walked to the beach and sat near where the tide was coming in to think about it. Kargg probably was right. If he could or would teach me nothing more, there was no reason for me to stay in Tidespoint. I'd stayed long enough. Almost two years. Now that I thought about it, I'd been feeling restless for some time. It's not like my people to stay in one place for long, not like me. The road always calls, be it dry or wet. The road to Malien, I knew, would be long and hard. It didn't matter. If that was where the Path would take me, it was alright. I wouldn't look back.
I went back to Kargg and thanked him for everything he'd done, told him I'd be leaving the next day. He looked amused, nodded and said no more that evening. The next morning he forced a small pouch filled with gold on me. Insisted I'd take it. So I did and went to buy provisions and a kit for the journey. A new club, too, because the one I'd been practising with was as good as broken. The new one was sturdy and bound with iron rings. I thought about buying a pony as well, but decided not to. It felt right for me to walk, and I could perhaps buy one somewhere on the way if I had to. When I said farewell to Kargg, I asked if we'd meet again. Probably not, he said and smiled. It was a strange smile. It made me wish I knew what he was thinking. I looked at him, and then I bowed low and walked away.
Once I felt the dust of the road beneath my feet again, I knew I was on the right path. The path to Malien."
An enemy and an ally.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Brinna wants Natasja dead (and, ideally, the bandits she commands as well), though the halfling will claim that the woman who destroyed her clan is one of the Obstacles and so must be defeated as a matter of course, rather than admitting that it is simple vengeance for her dead kin she thirsts for.
Ally: Kargg – an aged goliath who introduced Brinna to the philosophy of the Path of Thirty-Seven Obstacles, and helped shape her into the martial fighter she is today. He never claimed to be a master of the Path, and given how loose of a philosophy it seems to be, it is entirely possible that the closest thing to a master of the Path would be someone who has overcome all of its obstacles. Brinna, at any rate, never managed to learn anything about his past, nor did Kargg ever elaborate on the reason why he chose to take the halfling under his wing, other than to help her realise her true potential, as he claimed. She never once thought to mistrust him, for reasons even she isn't clear on, but that doesn't mean Brinna does not continue to wonder just who Kargg is – and the halfling hopes to find out eventually, if only to satisfy her own, nagging curiosity.
Physical description.
Bold even by the standards of her notoriously fearless people, Brinna is always eager to tackle any challenge she deems is at all possible to overcome, especially when it comes to putting her psionically enhanced martial arts to use. This does tend to translate into foolhardiness occasionally, and when it does, it falls to her resilience and halfling's luck to weather whatever trouble she gets herself into. Likewise in keeping with her halfling nature, Brinna has been blessed with a goodly amount of curiosity – just because most talk doesn't appear to interest her very much does not mean she isn't listening, and when there is a locked door or a strangely behaving individual in the wrong place (or the right place, depending on whom you ask), she can't help but be intrigued, for better or worse.
I am not exceedingly keen on it, but I hate hunting for portraits and map tokens aren't exactly Serious Business, so I think it'll do.
I've always had it that if you had an interrupt attack that trigger on someone moving in a certain way, then it ends their movement and lets you move them however many squares your power allows. They could always use a second move action though but then they'd have no standard action.
@MMAgCh Great app, and don't worry about the portrait. I'm not expecting everyone to find a perfect physical representation for their character, hell I usually just google image search and pick the first picture I see that is the same race and gender.
@deadonthestreet Since I don't have the book I do not know how they work. I'm perfectly fine with it, but you will have to tell me how they work. Are they just new domains or something else entirely?
@dresdenphile Here is all the info on Candora, your concept would work for what I do have for there since Candora is on peaceful terms with several of the islands tribes, one of which can be the gnoll tribe you're thinking of.
Hohenvar "The Rook", Wilden Barbarian.
Character Summary:
Wilden, Barbarian
Wilden racial feature: Voyage of the Ancients
Wilden racial feature: Wrath of the Destroyer
Wilden racial feature: Pursuit of the Hunter
Build: Whirling Slayer
Background: Refugee (+2 to Intimidate)
Str 18, Con 12, Dex 14 Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Str 18, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12.
AC: 16 Fort: 16 Reflex: 14 Will: 11
HP: 27 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 6
Athletics +8, Perception +6, Endurance +5
Acrobatics +1, Arcana -1, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +1, Heal +1, History -1, Insight +1, Intimidate +3, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion -1, Streetwise +1
Level 1: Weapon Proficiency - Bastard Sword
Barbarian at-will 1: Pressing Strike
Barbarian at-will 1: Whirling Rend
Barbarian encounter 1: Whirling Frenzy
Barbarian encounter feature: Whirling Lunge
Barbarian daily 1: Thunder Hooves Rage
Adventurer's Kit, Hide Armor, Potion of Healing (heroic tier), Climber's Kit, Bastard Sword, Battleaxe
Preservation of nature is the fundamental purpose of his race, and as a Feywild native Hohenvar decided through any means necessary was he going to accomplish this. Joining a merchant ship as hired protection, he began to travel all across the Gelamen Nation. Acquiring the knowledge of trade access routes, key figures and the proper amount of bribery as well as well-placed threats, the wayward barbarian now regularly visits the city nation capitals' markets. Through various means he purchases, in some cases steals, endangered plant and wildlife. With his connections he then organises for these specimens to be shipped to and released back into their natural habitat. By using civilisation's own methods against itself, Hohenvar hopes to restore some semblance of order to the natural world, and it just so happens Malien is his next stop.
Physical Description:
It's been noticed by his associates that every now and then the Wilden will sport different coloured leaves or more jagged, thorn-like features. Only a secondary glance would confirm some sort of correlation between these minor transmutations and distinct changes in the weather.
Personality Traits:
Enemies and Allies:
Now with his amounting force at his beck and call, including a handful of his own devout, aggressive and narrow-minded men, the Lieutenant waits for any slip up, any mistake the barbarian can make within his own city or outside its borders to seize as an opportunity to finally bring his blade to the weed he felt should have been sheared long ago.
Ally: Since the very beginning of the plan Hohenvar concocted years ago, he has had one persistent contact whom he trusts enough to even call him a friend on rare occasions. Stanin Silvertongue, only the most recent in a long line of dwarven merchants and moneylenders who have operated within the nation long before even the likes of Trebor Gnivri. Stout, witty and always armed with a beaming smile that conceals the shortsword strapped behind his waist, Stanin sees himself as something akin to a manager to the idiosyncratic Wilden. Based in Therund, he regularly makes trips to and fro the various city states as part of his business. Though he admires the attitude and conviction that drive Hohenvar, he won't lie that he only became involved, and still remains so, in this scheme as it generates enough profits to keep him happy. He will lie, however, about how he was finally convinced because the barbarian held a fifth generation, priceless antique from the out stretches of En'Atta over a balcony.
Graven Kirsner, level 1
Human, Wizard (Arcanist)
Build: Control Wizard
Arcane Implement Mastery Option: Tome of Readiness
Human Power Selection Option: Heroic Effort
Heretic (+2 to History)
Theme: Scholar
STR 10, CON 11, DEX 10, INT 20, WIS 14, CHA 8
STR 10, CON 11, DEX 10, INT 18, WIS 14, CHA 8
AC: 15 Fort: 11 Ref: 16 Will: 15
HP: 21 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 5
Arcana +10, Dungeoneering +7, History +12, Insight +7, Religion +10
Acrobatics +0, Athletics +0, Bluff –1, Diplomacy –1, Endurance +0, Heal +2, Intimidate –1, Nature +2, Perception +2, Stealth +0, Streetwise –1, Thievery +0
Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Scholar Utility: Use Vulnerability
Human Racial Power: Heroic Effort
Wizard Utility: Ghost Sound
Wizard Utility: Light
Wizard Utility: Mage Hand
Wizard Utility: Prestidigitation
Wizard Attack 1: Ray of Enfeeblement
Wizard Attack 1: Wizard's Fury
Wizard Attack 1: Magic Missile
Wizard Attack 1: Hypnotism
Wizard Attack 1: Conduit of Ice
Wizard Attack 1: Sleep
Level 1: Superior Implement Training (Unspeakable tome)
Level 1: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Linguist
Tenser's Floating Disk
Secret Page
Comprehend Language
Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) x1
Unspeakable tome x1
Adventurer's Kit
Potion of Healing (heroic tier)
====== End ======
Inside he found row after row of books and magical trinkets, but one tome seemed to call to him. It was utterly ancient, possibly the oldest item in the entire library. Its leather-bound cover was molded and bleached, and dust drifted slowly to the floor as Graven lifted it from its resting place. As he held the ancient text, his mind began to flood with words and images; past experiences that were alien to him. Graven was suddenly filled with the desire to open this one book, but could not do so; thin iron bands locked the tome closed and could not be removed physically or magically. And so Graven slid the tome into his tunic and left Shazera's home in search of a means to access the tomes unknown contents.
The following thirty five years had been hard to Graven. He had spent some time with the Cult of Vecna, hoping that the worshipers could help him further his goals. While the cult itself hadn't been much use, Graven had learned that Vecna and his precious tome may somehow be connected, however tenuously. Now more determined than ever, Graven sought other scholars and wizards such as him, people who possessed knowledge he did not. Sometimes he earned their help; other times he took what he could by force.
Now Graven feels his time is running out. He has become old and cannot continue to run around the countryside looking for the answers he so desperately seeks for much longer. He is prepared to make one final search; either he will find the secrets he hunts, or he will die trying.
Enemies and Allies:
Shazera feels it is his duty to recover the Unspeakable Tome at any cost. Graven will not relinquish his tome willingly, so the two are sworn enemies.
Ally: In his time with the Cult of Vecna, Graven met a fellow called Drom. Drom, a dwarf from the eastern mountains, had a traveling stall where he sold "magical" talismans and good-luck charms to simple townsfolk. At some point, the dwarf angered the wrong people. Graven, who found the dwarfs ability to swindle people out of their money amusing, promised to get the dwarf out of town safely in return for some unspecified favor later on. Drom agreed. Graven has lost track of the dwarf since then, but can seek him out in the future if necessary.
Drom is allied to Graven only by circumstance. Once he considers his dept repaid, their business will be concluded.
Physical Properties:
Gravens goal is to eventually open his tome, and all other volumes of forbidden knowledge; possibly even trade his knowledge to Vecna, whom Graven reveres as the Keeper of Secrets, for power.
Shamelessly stolen from the character builder. I think it looks great tho!
Rhogar, level 1
Dragonborn, Druid
Build: Guardian Druid
Primal Aspect: Primal Guardian
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Constitution
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Acid
Background: Moonstruck Hunter (+2 to Perception)
Str 11, Con 18, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10.
Str 11, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8.
AC: 17 Fort: 14 Reflex: 12 Will: 14
HP: 30 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 11
Nature +8, Perception +10, Heal +8, Athletics +4
Acrobatics, Arcana, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +3, History +2, Insight +3, Intimidate +2, Religion, Stealth, Streetwise, Thievery
Druid: Alchemist
Level 1: Bolstering Breath
Druid at-will 1: Grasping Claws
Druid at-will 1: Storm Spike
Druid at-will 1: Pounce
Druid encounter 1: Cull the Herd
Druid daily 1: Earth Roots
Ritual Book, Adventurer's Kit, Hide Armor, Spear, Potion of Healing (heroic tier)
Animal Messenger
Alchemist's Acid, Bravery Powder
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"C'mon..." he muttered, "It's almost mid-night. I've been at this too long to..."
He stopped, in awe of the beast that stood just ahead. It was a stag unlike any he had ever seen. Its' antlers were almost endless, as they curled and twisted like an intricate design. It's hide was white as snow, seeming to glow in the moonlight. But more interestingly were it's eyes: they sparkled with intelligence, as if the creature was actually thinking. Not instinctively, but literally thinking thoughts and ideas. Rhogar pounced. He hated to have to kill such a beautiful beast, but the fur alone would gain him more respect than he had ever known.
He bounded over a rock, and leapt at the beast, spear drawn back. As his foot left the stone, however, he felt his body grow immensely heavy, than far too light.
In a flash, he was in a strange world. His sight made no sense, as he looked around and saw green melding into brown, vines swirling around fires with no smoke, ice melting and reforming in an instant. It was as if he was witnessing the Planes themselves in discord, only...beautiful. Yet all so familiar. There was no chaos as one would expect from the other planes. It just seemed that what he knew as natural laws worked slightly different. The consistencies were all that gave Rhogar hope, watching trees grow up towards a green sun, and animals dart through the trees. And just as quick as he entered, he was back. No stag before him, but a bounty of fruits and nuts surrounded him. Almost as if the Stag did not want him to go hungry.
Looking over the fruit, he could see nothing wrong with them. They were normal fruits and nuts, just...bigger. With a shrug, the young Dragonborn loaded the fruit into his satchel and returned home.
Upon his return, their champion, Ghore Firelung, confronted him.
"What are you doing back here so soon?" Ghore was massive. Almost the opposite of Rhogar.
"I-...I completed my hunt."
Ghore had to resist the urge to both laugh and backhand the runt, "It's been one day. You were supposed to be out there at least 3."
"I found something incredible!"
A lick of flame exited his nostrils, "Stop making excuses! Nothing is as incredible as the thrill of the hunt. Of course, an Acidkin like you wouldn't know much more than chaos and destruction.
Rhogar looked down, shamed by his breath weapon once again.
In his tribe, the breath weapons held great importance: Fire breath was said to signify strength, and much like the great Red Wyrms, vicious yet noble leaders; Cold breath were the scholars, intelligent and studious like the White dragons that shared their breath; Lightning breath were the shock troops (pun totally intended), quick and ruthless soldiers who struck like Blue dragons; Poison was respected for being sinister yet quick-witted, perfect spies like the vicious Green dragons...Black, however, were seen as a curse. An omen of dark times descending upon the tribe. They were treated as little more than accidents waiting to happen, Black Dragons in breath and chaotic nature. Rarely did a black breathed Dragonborn make it to adulthood, seen as far too much of a liability.
"I am not a black dragonkind though! Look, my scales are silvery-white!"
Ghore would not resist. A vicious backhand left Rhogan reeling.
"QUIET. Do not talk that way to a Red, Acidkin."
The crowd was filled with gasps, some terrified that he would mistreat a Black Dragonborn and incur wrath on them all, others fearing immediate retaliation. Almost none believing that Rhogan WASN'T a threat.
"You have never let me prove myself. If you would..."
"I said SILENCE!" Flames began to lick at his cheeks now, "You have no proven yourself PERIOD. Be glad I have no exiled you!"
Rhogan felt something wake up inside of him. Something primal. His body began to swell slightly, muscles twitching and shifting uncomfortably, but not painfully. His snout elongated, as his arms slowly pulled back, and his body lurched forward. With a trumpeting roar, the other dragonborn began to scramble.
"W-What manner of magic IS this!? I knew it! I KNEW IT!"
Rhogan pulled himself together, shifting back into his normal form. As the others grabbed spears, axes, and swords, he began to run north towards the forest, wishing only for the speed of a phase beast. Again, he felt himself fall forward as his entire body sprouted fur, ears springing up behind his head, as he took on the form of a quick, catlike beast.
"He did it again!" he heard someone cry with incredible hearing. As he ran through the forest with amazing agility. He had never felt so alive, running for his life. With just the spear on his back, the hide armor protecting him, and one "emergency" potion, he charged through the forest for hours, and eventually, days.
Exhausted, too tired to even hunt, he collapsed.
"I'm going to die out here. I can hunt like a wolf, fly like a bird, swim like a fish...but none of them seems to know the way out of this damned forest.
"That is because they have no need to leave this forest," A strange voice spoke. He sprang up, spear leveled Eladrin.
"'re an..." he fought to think of the proper word. Everyone in his tribe called them 'Pointed Ears' or 'Loon Elves.'
"I am an Eladrin, yes. But you may call me Pailias. Or Pai, if you wish."
"I am Rhogan. Rho, to friends. Why are you out here, Pai?"
"One would ask the same of you. A dragonborn is unusual in this part of the world. Moreso a Druid."
"I exile. I turned into some hideous creature. I guess that was my 'Druidic power'. They wanted to kill me; I guess because of my acid breath they just assumed I was turning into an abomination."
"Mmhmm. Sounds like quite the ordeal. May I?"
He arched a brow, "May you what?"
"Pardon. May I see the form?"
Rhogan shrugged and stood up, concentrating. It was difficult, he had done his best to block the memory out. But slowly he shifted. His arms shrank, as his legs grew powerful, tail lashing out behind him. His whole body once again tilted forward as his head thinned out.
"Ah! Most wondrous! A primordial Dragonborn!"
"Primordial dragonborn! Ancient dragonkind. Even older than than Elves, the Eladrin...maybe even some deities. Suffice to say, they are all thought to be extinct. Or, well, yourselves. Yours, if my teachings were correct, was a King amongst them. A mighty tyrannous rex...pardon my Eladrin. A tyrannous KING."
He thought for a moment and nodded "I like the sound of that." With a quick shift, he sat before the Eladrin, "But what about my druidic magic? I heard Druids can command the very nature around them."
"In due time, child. In due time. I shall teach you all I know. In the mean time, I propose we make our way towards Riddell. It is a few days walk, so we shall teach you along the way."
Enemies and Allies
Ally: Pailias, the Eladrin Druid who teaches Rhogan of his powers, cultivating the power within the boy to give him great discipline over his ancient form.
His sister, Surina, who has returned after learning the ways of the Paladins far too the north, refuses to believe her brother is evil. As another Red Dragon, she used her influence as best she could to keep the "hunting party" smaller than Ghore would hope for.
Physical Properties
Also sidenote, since I can't find a definitive answer, figure I'd give you a chance to rule...can I use Dragon's Breath in my Beast form? It's not an attack (it's a racial power), and Elven Druids can use Elven Accuracy. Is it a go or a no-go?
Gna'hrl, Gnoll Barbarian
Gna’hrl was one of two candidates chosen to be the successor to his tribe's leader. Cehral, the other candidate, was intensely jealous of Gna’hrl’s prowess in combat and his connection to the spiritual world, so he plotted to remove Gna’hrl from the Iron Wolves.
On the eve of their 18th year, Gna’hrl and Cehral were sent out into the wilderness. The first to to return to the wilderness with a seed from a rare spirit tree was to be declared the new leader of the Iron Wolves. Cehral allied himself with a group of human mercenaries to exact revenge on the tribe for having spurned him as the new leader. Gna’hrl was subdued and captured, and the mercenaries sold him into slavery. As Cehral took over leadership of the Iron Wolves, Gna’hrl was taken to an illegal arena in the underbelly of one of the cities outside Malien’s walls, where he was to become a gladiator.
Reluctant to fight at first, he eventually began to thrive in the ring. His claws were his only weapon, but they served him well, spilling the blood of many other prisoners Since his training as a shaman was interrupted, he called on the spirit totems of his tribe's bestial protectors for aid in combat. He knew once he proved himself worthy, all of them would heed his call.
Gna’hrl has broken free of his captivity and won his freedom. Inspired by the adventurers who helped free him, he now adventures himself, seeking new horizons and new challenges to prepare himself for his eventual showdown with Cehral.
Allies: The Far-Striders are an adventuring group that helped to break up the illegal gladiatoral games and free Gna'hrl. The group was comprised of Remeht, a Deva Wizard; Hringar, a Dwarf Avenger; Aledric Brightstar, a Human Paladin, Vengra Elwork, a Drow Seeker; and Grumshi Felltaker, a Half-Orc Warlord.
Character Summary:
Gna'hrl, level 1
Gnoll, Barbarian
Feral Might Option: Whirling Slayer
Geography - Forest (+2 to Perception)
Theme: Iron Wolf Warrior
STR 18, CON 13, DEX 16, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 8
STR 18, CON 11, DEX 14, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 8
AC: 17 Fort: 16 Ref: 14 Will: 10
HP: 28 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 7
Athletics +8, Endurance +5, Perception +9
Acrobatics +2, Arcana +0, Bluff –1, Diplomacy –1, Dungeoneering +0, Heal +0, History +0, Insight +0, Intimidate +1, Nature +0, Religion +0, Stealth +2, Streetwise –1, Thievery +2
Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Iron Wolf Warrior Attack: Iron Wolf Charge
Gnoll Racial Power: Ferocious Charge
Barbarian Feature: Whirling Lunge
Barbarian Attack 1: Whirling Rend
Barbarian Attack 1: Pressing Strike
Barbarian Attack 1: Whirling Frenzy
Barbarian Attack 1: Swift Panther Rage
Level 1: Claw Fighter
Claw Fighter Claw x1
Hide Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Trail Rations
Oil (1 pint)
Potion of Healing (heroic tier)
====== End ======
Nevitash Methilium, level 1Kalashtar, Psion
Build: Telekinetic Psion
Discipline Focus: Telekinesis Focus
Level 1 ritual: Create Campsite
Level 6 ritual: Sending
Kalashar option skill: +2 nature
Background: Western Hinterlands (Feral Foundling) Nature can be trained as class skill
STR 8, CON 11, DEX 10, INT 20, WIS 14, CHA 12
STR 8, CON 11, DEX 10, INT 18, WIS 14, CHA 10
AC: 15 Fort: 10 Ref: 15 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 5
Arcana +10, History +10, Insight +9, Nature +9
Acrobatics +0, Athletics -1, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Endurance +0, Heal +2, Intimidate +1, Perception +2, Stealth +0, Streetwise +1, Thievery +0
Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Level 1 At-Will: Kinetic Trawl
Level 1 At-Will: Dimensional Scramble
Level 1 Daily: Summon Thought Servant
Level 1: Controlling Advantage
Level 1: Ritual Caster
Create Campsite
Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) x1
Adventurer's Kit
Orb Implement
====== End ======
There are many trials a young man must face, more if you are raised in the wild. Stumbling through life for a couple of years, getting nowhere. The man beings to wonder what his purpose is on this journey. Along the path one day was a young merchant from the city of Malien. A few friendly banters between them and they decide to travel together, as both know the roads can be dangerous. He slowly learns the value of a gold coin, and uses his talents to earn a few from the merchant and other travelers. After some time they arrive at the merchants home town and they part ways. Looking for information first, Nevitash heads to the one place where information is easily obtained...the tavern.
Enemies and Allies:
Ally: Ophil Ternaka. A young kalashtar of the temple-keeps of Ada. Sent from the temple-keeps of Adar to find the one in the dreams of his master. Noone knows what these dreams are about, as the master says nothing but to find the man with a scar on his left cheek, who can read thoughts. Pointed in the, hopefully, right direction, with an old ritual to keep in touch with his master, the young man sets out, looking for the man his master seeks.
Physical Properties:
Growning up in the wilds has given him great personal clerity. He knows who he is as man and does what needs to be done. The defenseless will always be his first concern, as he was in their shoes not too long ago. He has a strange hate for goblins, a story he refuses to share with anyone. The traveling merchant taught him of practical jokes. Something he has grown to love and tries, usually to fail, to perform these jokes on others.
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Just kidding....i have a picture but i can't seem to figure out how to post it...I'll email if you want. Or post if someone will explain how...